HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Packet February 2020Ashland Airport Commission MINUTES December 3rd, 2019 Ashland Airport Commission December 3rd, 2019 Page 1 of 2 These minutes are pending approval by this Committee CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Members Present: David Wolske (Chair), Andrew Vandenberg, Dana Greaves, Daniel Palomino, Patt Herdklotz, George Shoen, Bernard Spera (arrived late) FBO Present: Bob Skinner Members Absent: Dana Greaves Staff Present: Chance Metcalf, Shannon Burruss Guests: None 1. Public Comments- None 2. Information Items- a. Commissioners b. Public Forum-None 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES-09/03/19 Vandenberg Motions, Palomino Seconds Motion Carries, Minutes Approved. 4. Old Business A. Council Presentation Outcome- Woslke mentions that Herdklotz led the presentation for the Council. Reports indicate that it went well. Many compliments have been given regarding the contents of the presentation. Commission discusses importance of Airport Day and keeping the citizens up to date on what’s going on at the airport. B. Brim Aviation Update- Brim not present. Metcalf indicates that the City wants to make sure that the commission is heard from on Brim’s proposal, and that the City will follow the direction of the Commission, however they decide. Commission would still like to have the presentation from Brim prior to a decision being made. Metcalf also indicates that the City is willing to hold a special meeting to hear Brim’s proposal to inform the Commission. Commission discusses procedural matters in relation to new buildings and businesses on the Airport grounds. C. Action Item List a. Airport Entrance Landscaping- Metcalf states it is temporarily on hold. Money that needs to be utilized for waterline installation if new hanger goes in, as well as the wait for finalization of the Airport Maintenance Plan are the cause. b. Commission Member Vacancies- Wolske asks Commissioners if they have any recommendations. Commission discusses people they know in the area to fill the two vacancies. c. Airport Maintenance Plan- Metcalf reports that there was a meeting with the work group to discuss the plan and information contained therein. Parks was unaware of the plan as it was written. Will be submitting existing plan to supervisors for review, and in the meantime will be increasing the frequency of their visits to the airport for maintenance while they come up with alternative ideas. Metcalf has left a message for a meeting to begin the process and move forward. d. Airport Security Camera- Metcalf refers Commissioners to the estimate and plan contained in the agenda regarding the proposed security system. Metcalf recommends pushing it to the second Ashland Airport Commission MINUTES December 3rd, 2019 Ashland Airport Commission December 3rd, 2019 Page 2 of 2 These minutes are pending approval by this Committee portion of the budget, and states that it would be pertinent to send it out for bids in order to potentially lower the cost. e. Airport Mural- Spera will bring information to next meeting. 5. New Business A. Occupant Update- Skinner updates Commission on vacancy and pricing. Skinner reiterates they have had trouble getting renters for the old T-hangers because they do not have electricity. Skinner discusses monthly cost benefit vs adding electricity to hangars. Skinner believes that electricity should be prioritized in order to regain lost income from unrented T-hangars. Metcalf recommends a write up for solicitations of bids for the project if the Commission would like to pursue. Wolske asks for motion. Wolske asks to move Electricity to T-Hangars to action item list. Herdklotz makes motion recommending the City proceed with bidding process for electrifying existing T- Hangars. Vandenburg Seconds. None opposed. Motion Carries. B. Security Access- Metcalf mentions fences and gates are included in the master plan. General discussion about what is currently on the Airport grounds and recent incidences involving the public. Commission discusses signs. Wolske calls for motion to allow Skinner to make signs. In lieu of motion Metcalf suggests City get together with Skinner to make signs. Herdklotz makes motion to fix Airport sign. Palomino Seconds. None opposed. Motion Carries. C. Airport Good Neighbor Items- Skinner reports that there have been no major issues recently. Skinner discusses recent issues he’s run in to in regards to fiberoptic to the FOB. Skinner mentions a communication from a small business who is interested in the Ashland airport, further discussion will occur later in the month. D. Chamber of Commerce- Herdklotz spoke with the Council regarding a packet that could be put together from the Chamber of Commerce. She will continue to pursue. 6. FBO Reports- Skinner speaks regarding current state of the Airport and Aviation in relation to the airport. Palomino suggests an advertisement in aviation magazines to bring transient planes. NEXT MEETING DATE: January 7th, 2020 ADJOURNMENT: 10:53pm Respectfully submitted, Shannon Burruss Public Works Administration (Full Meeting Audio Available by Request)