HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes April 2021Ashland Airport Commission MINUTES April 6th, 2021 Ashland Airport Commission April 6th, 2021 Page 1 of 2 CALL TO ORDER @9:30am Roll Call: Meeting Recorded Members Present: Patricia Herdklotz, Bernard Spera, Andrew Vandenberg, Jeff Dahle, David Wolske, Jerry Campbell, Daniel Palomino, George Schoen FBO Present: Bob Skinner Members Absent: None Council Member Present: Shaun Moran Staff Present: Chance Metcalf, Kaylea Kathol, Shannon Burruss Guests: None 1. Information Items- A. Commissioners: Dahle expresses his desire to make sure the Commission goes through the budget and focuses on Airport goals as the budget process continues. B. Public Forum: None 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- 03/02/21 Spera moves to approve minutes as written, Campbell seconds All ayes, motion carries. 3. Old Business A. Airport Capital Budget Review- Kathol reviews some of the financial accounts connected to the airport with the Commission. Dahle requests that account information be brought to monthly meeting. Metcalf informs Commission that in July, after the budget is approved for the next biennium, Staff will bring the complete budget information. Metcalf states his preference for quarterly budget presentations beginning after the next biennium. B. Action Item List- a. Airport Entrance Landscaping- Kathol states the project is moving well, irrigation lines have been laid and are ready to flush, old vegetation has been removed and the project is on schedule. b. Commission Member Vacancies- Wolske ask Commission to keep an eye out for potential new Commissioners. c. Airport Maintenance Plan- Metcalf spoke with Bill Miller in Parks who stated he thought the requests for maintenance from Commission looked good, but that Administration has the final say. Metcalf also reports that Parks is going to be finishing the unfinished projects they started last year to coincide with the new entrance landscaping. d. Flight Path Trees- Metcalf reports that the survey will be done two weeks from the date of this Commission meeting, which is required for the project to proceed to solicitation for tree trimmers. e. Airport Emergency Preparedness- Dahle reports the working group was unable to meet but will get back on track in doing so soon. 4. New Business A. Airport Rates/Fees Annual Review- Dahle volunteers for the record that he is a current resident at the Airport, but that it will not influence his vote in Airport matters. Wolske states same. Vandenberg states same. Metcalf goes over new revised rates for the Airport as contained in agenda packet. Dahle Ashland Airport Commission MINUTES April 6th, 2021 Ashland Airport Commission April 6th, 2021 Page 2 of 2 asks Metcalf if the new numbers will be sufficient relative to the budget going into the future. Metcalf states based on his conversation with Scott Fleury, the referenced increases keep the Airport budget stable. Wolske suggests that such a small increase is more of a gesture than a need, and suggests the rates be held as they are, or to bump them up to a higher rate than the proposed 1.4%. Staff asks for a recommendation. Wolske recommends a motion. Herdklotz motions Commission increasing rates, rounding up to the nearest even dollar. Dahle seconds. Herklotz moves to clarify that the Airport Amenities are to be listed at 25.76 cents per square foot per month. No objections to adding the clarification. Discussion: Moran asks where the money goes, Metcalf states he’s not positive how it’s used within the budget, but that it all stays in the Airport fund. Skinner describes the FBO’s role in collecting funds. Palomino inquires as to the usage of the tiedowns and hangars currently and if it’s down or up. Skinner states that usage is down as of last year for tie-downs, hangars are mostly occupied. Metcalf clarifies that the tiedowns would not change in price as proposed. Wolske runs through numbers listed in CPI index. Herdklotz also does so, clarifying her motion. All Ayes, Motion Carries. Metcalf to make the adjustments and present to Council as voted on by Commission. B. Commission Chair & Vice Chair Election- Wolske states his understanding that the election for new Chair and Vice Chair needs to be held at the next Commission meeting. Dahle agrees with Wolske’s interpretation of meeting rules and brings up that some members of the Commission will be coming up to the end of their term and wonders if everyone present intends to stay on the Commission. Metcalf states that unless otherwise told by Commissioners, Commission members’ term automatically renews. C. Airport Good Neighbor Items- Skinner reports increased activity partially due to the good weather and potentially coming out of the COVID cycle and no recent public complaints. 5. FBO Reports- Spera inquires as to the Valley Investments lease listed on the FBO report stating it shows expired as of June 2020, Skinner mentions they have more than likely renewed their lease, but that the document was not updated. Skinner asks for Staff to let him know the exact date that the lease was renewed and insures he will then update the report. 6. Announcements- None. NEXT MEETING DATE: 05/04/21 ADJOURNMENT: 10:35am Respectfully submitted, Shannon Burruss Public Works Administration (Full Meeting Video Available by Request)