HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes February 2021Ashland Airport Commission MINUTES February 2nd, 2021 Ashland Airport Commission Feb 2nd, 2021 Page 1 of 3 CALL TO ORDER @9:39am Roll Call: Meeting Recorded Members Present: Patricia Herdklotz, Bernard Spera, Andrew Vandenberg, Jeff Dahle, David Wolske, George Schoen, Jerry Campbell FBO Present: Bob Skinner Members Absent: Daniel Palomino, George Shown Council Member Present: None Staff Present: Chance Metcalf, Kaylea Kathol, Shannon Burruss Guests: Bob Kaplan and Jim Hartman 1. Information Items- A. Commissioners: None B. Public Forum: None 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- 01.05.21 Spera moves to approve minutes, Herdklotz seconds All ayes, motion carries. 3. Old Business A. Airport Community Solar Project- Presenters- Bob Kaplan and Jim Hartman Ashland Solar Cooperative. Kaplan and Hartman deliver information as outlined in agenda packet regarding, Ashland Solar Cooperative, the Proposed Community Solar Project and the Hazard Glare Analysis of the Ashland Airport. Presenters address Commissioner questions throughout presentation. Spera asks if this project is related to the True South Solar project which had occurred recently. Kaplan explains that it is not, however, down the line when the project is ready for installers, such as True South, they work with them or another installer in the valley, but it’s currently undecided who will be handling the installation portion of the project currently. Dahle inquires as to where the funding will be coming from for the project, Kaplan explains primarily locally and expands on various resources they want to utilize. Wolske and Skinner ask if this project could support generating enough power to provide the Airport with backup power during an emergency, Hartman explains that it would more than likely be more cost effective to have diesel generators for backup power rather than relying on solar, due to the cost of purchasing solar storage batteries. Discussion about a transfer switch and other options is had. Wolske asks if this project would generate income for the Airport, Kaplan states that discussions have just begun with the City regarding the lease, so that conversation will continue. Wolske asks about Federal packages and grants and if this project has tried for those resources, Kaplan states they are looking into various financing options and grants, and they are focused on obtaining Federal grant money. Commission discusses what they would like to see in order for them to give the project their blessing. Commission discusses their overall approval. Metcalf asks Commission how they would like to move forward, Vandenberg and Dahle state they’d like to see the lease, and cost analysis. Kaplan and Hartman will come back with updated information for the Commission in the future. B. Action Item List- a. Airport Entrance Landscaping- Kathol reports that the City received one bid that was quite a bit higher than expected, the contracted landscape architect stated to Kathol that the Ashland Airport Commission MINUTES February 2nd, 2021 Ashland Airport Commission Feb 2nd, 2021 Page 2 of 3 bid presented was typical in the current market. Kathol states that the money is there to do it, but that they are waiting on the director of Public Works to approve funds be used on this project. It is not anticipated that putting the project out to bid again will yield a less expensive price. Metcalf discusses available funds and potential funds, as well as slated projects and projects in the works. Commission discusses capital monies and available funds and how they apply to projects. Commission discusses particulars of the landscaping plan as laid out in the agenda packet. Spera and Woslke express concerns over cost and scope of project. Kathol informs Commission that it is currently the end of the City’s budget biennium and funds will be replenished in July. Motion: Herdklotz moves that Commission will accept the current bid and will move forward landscaping the Airport with the current design. Campbell Seconds Discussion: Spera is unconvinced that the bid is acceptable and would like to see more bids. Dahle asks Skinner if the current plan is in line with what he would like done. Skinner states that he’d be okay with modification but does support the current plan. Campbell states his support the plan and feels that even the aesthetics of it are valuable to the City. Vote all ayes, motion carries. b. Commission Member Vacancies- Metcalf states there is still a vacancy, he was approached by someone new to the Airport who expressed some interest. c. Airport Maintenance Plan- Metcalf states the feedback hasn’t been overly positive, and Parks may not have an answer until June, but will maintain what they are currently doing. Metcalf puts the decision to the Commission for direction on whether to solicit to companies outside of the City, putting forth that outside contractors will bid much higher than the Parks department. Wolske states that he’d like to see a solicitation for bids. Staff will do so. d. Flight Path Trees- Metcalf refers to the memo contained in the packet. It is currently the City’s position to keep up with trimming and hope that later riparian projects could be piggy backed at a later date. Kathol adds that due to Jackson County and State policy requires native trees to stay in the riparian zone, and the current cotton woods are native trees. e. Airport Emergency Preparedness- Skipped for time. 4. New Business A. Airport Property Signage- Metcalf refers Commission to Packet which contains current signs. Commission discusses keeping people away from the aircraft movement areas. B. Airport Day- Wolske suggests abandon Airport day this year, and later explore other way to promote and advertise the Airport. Commission and FBO agree. C. Airport Good Neighbor Items- Skinner states there hasn’t been much going on recently. 5. FBO Reports- Attached. 6. Announcements- None. Ashland Airport Commission MINUTES February 2nd, 2021 Ashland Airport Commission Feb 2nd, 2021 Page 3 of 3 NEXT MEETING DATE: 03.02.21 ADJOURNMENT: 11:30 am Respectfully submitted, Shannon Burruss Public Works Administration (Full Meeting Video Available by Request)