HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes January 2021Ashland Airport Commission MINUTES January 5th 2021 Ashland Airport Commission Jan. 5th, 2021 Page 1 of 3 CALL TO ORDER @9:00am Roll Call: Meeting Recorded Members Present: Patricia Herdklotz, Bernard Spera, Andrew Vandenberg, Jeff Dahle, David Wolske, Daniel Palomino, George Schoen, Jerry Campbell FBO Present: Bob Skinner Members Absent: Council Member Present: Staff Present: Chance Metcalf, Kaylea Kathol, Shannon Burruss Guests: None 1. Information Items- A. Commissioners: None B. Public Forum: None 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- 12.1.20 Spera moves to approve minutes, Herdklotz seconds All ayes, motion carries. 3. Old Business A. Action Item List- a. Airport Entrance Landscaping- Kathol reports that the solicitation was released last month, there will be a mandatory pre-bid meeting and bids will be due at the end of the month. b. Commission Member Vacancies- Metcalf reports that Jerry Campbell has been officially appointed and is present today, filling one vacancy, leaving one remaining. Commission welcomes Campbell. c. Airport Maintenance Plan- Metcalf updates that the work group has met and Kathol has developed a list of wants regarding regular maintenance around the Airport and time frames, the list was sent to Administration and is in discussion with the Parks department. Metcalf states he’s optimistic about adopting a new contract through the Parks department. d. Flight Path Trees- Metcalf states there is a surveyor under contract, weather has been a factor and Metcalf states the surveyor is scheduled for March/April 2021. Once survey is complete Commission will decide which direction it wants to take regarding this project. Wolske iterates he’d like to see the current trees removed and replaced with trees that do not grow so tall and don’t require as much attention. Commission discusses reasons for the survey, including the limitations and process that must be followed in a riparian zone. Metcalf states he will ask legal for their stance, and options for areas outside of the riparian zone in relation to private and City owned property. Skinner brings up the possibility of the Fresh Water Trust helping in this project as they restore riparian areas. Kathol states that there are no current plans for the Fresh Water Trust to do any restoration of Neil or Emigrant Creek near the Airport, the reason being that they do compliance grade opportunities, and these creeks are not part of any of these current projects. Wolske wonders if they would still want to do a survey and make recommendations regarding the trees and what could be used as replacement. Skinner states they may have already done a similar survey previously. e. Airport Emergency Preparedness- Wolske requested this topic be added to the Action Ashland Airport Commission MINUTES January 5th 2021 Ashland Airport Commission Jan. 5th, 2021 Page 2 of 3 Item list in order to anticipate catastrophic events that would require the airport to continue to operate on its own resources. Wolske brings up the topic of a generator that will provide electricity to the essential functions of the Airport. Skinner is asked for his input, he states that Metcalf and Kathol have previously researched generators for the Airport. He also mentions that a project like this would require preliminary research, and wonders if it could fall into an AIG grant. Metcalf reminds Commission about the Community Solar Project he brought to the Commission last meeting which could negate the need for the Airport to install generators, he states that a presentation should be presented at the next meeting on this subject. Wolske ask for a work group to put together needs and priorities around emergency preparedness. Skinner, Campbell, Herdklotz and Dahle will start working towards gathering this information. 4. New Business A. Airport Good Neighbor Items- Palomino states that he witnesses quite a lot of people on the airport, walking around people’s planes that are parked. Skinner mentions that there have been many examples of such things, in the past rules have been made and signs have been posted to keep people out of dangerous areas. Issues are still occurring however. Dahle requests a discussion of signs and placement be added to agenda. Metcalf asks that Commission take a look at current signs and see what they’d like added vs what is there currently. Skinner states he’ll do a survey of current signs and what they say. Skinner reports that not much is going on through the FBO. There has been some correspondence with the City regarding drone operations from neighboring properties and the City is currently handling that. There has been limited operations as the FBO office is closed due to COVID-19, maintenance is still operating. AFN cable installation is in the process, once bored under the taxiway the project should be completed. A new drain extension behind the FBO is being worked on that should alleviate the water creating damage on the roadway. Palomino mentions that the work trucks are ruining the grass in the area that they are parking, Metcalf states he will check in to it promptly. Wolske asks about the new hangar, Metcalf states it is moving forward and he will bring an update as information becomes available. Commission discusses possibility of Airport Day 2021. Metcalf states that at this point it’s unlikely to happen this year due to COVID-19 but will add it as an agenda item for further discussion. 5. FBO Reports- Attached. 6. Announcements- None. NEXT MEETING DATE: 02/02/21 ADJOURNMENT: 10:30am Respectfully submitted, Ashland Airport Commission MINUTES January 5th 2021 Ashland Airport Commission Jan. 5th, 2021 Page 3 of 3 Shannon Burruss Public Works Administration (Full Meeting Video Available by Request)