HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes July 2021ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES July 6th, 2021 Ashland Airport Commission June 1st, 2021 Page 1 of 4 CALL TO ORDER: @ 9:30am Roll Call: Meeting Recorded Members Present: Andrew Vandenberg, Jeff Dahle, Jerry Campbell, George Schoen, Patricia Herdklotz, Daniel Palomino, Bernard Spera, David Wolske FBO Present: Bob Skinner Members Absent: None Council Member Present: Shaun Moran Staff Present: Chance Metcalf Guests: None 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - 06/01/21 Wolske moves to approve minutes as corrected by Herdklotz that “the Airport Emergency Plan would also be shared with other Airports”. Herdklotz seconds, All ayes, motion carries. 2. Commissioner Announcements – Herdklotz mentions that she would like to see Ashland Airport provide youth programs similar to Medford in the future. Wolske apologizes for missing last meeting. 3. Public Forum – None 4. Unfinished Business A. Airport Security – Dahle stated that this topic has been brought up due to theft on the airport premises as well as non-airport personnel/users on the airfield side of the airport. Dahle Mentions that he knows the Airport Master Plan addresses security in future projects but asks the commission if anything needs addressed now. Skinner states that he doesn’t think there has been major issues with Security but mentions that he has noticed smaller incidents such as the dumpster getting filled over the weekend. Skinner suggests if we had usable video footage of these incidents it would help. Skinner states that they are equipped with alarm systems but have no video. Palomino Sates that we should pursue this further and mentions that they have had incidents at Brim Aviation as well. Dahle agrees that we should keep this on the agenda and suggests that Commissioners review the Master Plan and come back next meeting to discuss creating a work group to move forward with this topic. Skinner asks if the City can confirm the Airport patrols with the Police Department. Metcalf states he will reach out to confirm and get back to the Commission. Wolske reiterates that gates have been brought up in the past but thinks its not an attractive solution and would like to see more effort with the electronic surveillance solution. B. Action Item List- a. Commission Member Vacancies – Spera states that he worked with Elizabeth Taylor to provide information in the July City Source to recruit for the Airport Commission. Dahle reminds the Commission that we still have one opening and to continue with public outreach. b. Airport Maintenance Plan – Metcalf mentions that he spoke with Administration and they stated they would not be able to provide a resolution to this agreement at this time or in the near future as we have had too much staff turnover as well as multiple other hurdles for the pandemic. Metcalf mentions that Administration stated that it is not just with the Airport agreement as its with all things regarding the City. Their priority is to get through the ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES July 6th, 2021 Ashland Airport Commission June 1st, 2021 Page 2 of 4 pandemic changes and bring the staff level back to maintain City infrastructure then they will come back to the agreement discussions. Metcalf states he was reassured from Parks that they will maintain the level of service they have been able to provide thus far. Skinner mentions he would like a document including a schedule to follow but states the service has been managed well thus far. Dahle states he doesn’t want it to be forgotten about and would like to revisit the agreement sooner rather than later but understands the Cities situation. Herdklotz asks if a volunteer group can assist with maintenance. Metcalf answers yes but would be required to fill out forms with the City to do so. Metcalf suggests giving Parks the opportunity and see how it goes. c. Flight Path Trees - Metcalf presents the completed survey and states that it just has basic information in it. Metcalf mentions that he was presented with old information that could help put specific tree data on our survey and suggests moving forward with it. Dahle asks if It will impact the original financial agreement with the surveyor. Metcalf states that it will but it shouldn’t be a significant increase as he already has some of the data. d. Airport Emergency Preparedness – Campbell mentions that after review and edits of the Airport Commission it would then go to the City for review. Wolske suggests naming CERT as a possible stakeholder within the document. Wolske also mentions that because the Fire Department and Police Department play a large role in the document, he would like them to review it as well. Dahle mentions that we should add the Airport Commission as an additional reviewer every twelve months. Schoen asks for clarification on who gets to decide whether the runway gets closed. Skinner wants to make sure its better defined that the Incident Command role would work in conjunction with him on the needs of the Airport. Schoen asks if the radio communication would be maintained in an emergency situation. Skinner confirms that yes, they would maintain some form of radio communication. Dahle confirms next steps are to make the recommended changes and bring back to the Airport Commission. Dahle states that after next meeting with the Commission support it would go to the City for review. e. Airport Riparian Restoration – Wolske states his intention with this is to get the City to recognize and take action with the needs of the Riparian area along the Airport Property. Palomino asks if the pedestrian bridge laying along the side of the riparian area can be removed from the property. Palomino mentions that Brim is willing to assist if need be. Metcalf asks about the background of how it was placed there. Wolske stated that it was placed there years ago with the idea they would eventually use it to go across the creek, but it has since been decided that it’s not an option. Skinner states it has been there for 28 years with nothing done. Metcalf mentions that he will investigate seeing if it can be moved and get back to the Commission. Dahle mentions that we need to make sure that the riparian area is within the purview of the Airport Commission or within the Cities. Dahle asks if this is something that should be on the action item list. Wolske responds that he has no problem with it not being on the action item list but wants it to stay in our minds and not be forgotten. Dahle asks if the Commission is interested in having an Airport Commission mission statement with values and goals. The Commission provided support and in return Dahle stated that he would start working on that and bring it back for review. ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES July 6th, 2021 Ashland Airport Commission June 1st, 2021 Page 3 of 4 5. New Business A. Airport Budget Presentation – Metcalf presents the biennium Airport budget related to material and services off the documents provided in the packet. Metcalf states that the Airport Commission does not oversee the materials and services accounts within the Airport budget but wanted to give the commission a better understanding of what items came out of these accounts. Metcalf states that staff time, utility bills, parks maintenance, surveyors, consultants, and all infrastructure maintenance are just a few bigger item examples of what comes out of these accounts. Dahle asks what the best way to find out the background of the material services account. Metcalf states that he will get back to the Commission after the meeting via email. Metcalf presented the Capital Outlay budget based on the document in the packet. B. Review Airport Capital Project List – Metcalf presented the Project list based on the document in the packet. Metcalf listed scheduled and unscheduled projects. Metcalf mentions the backup generator project listed on the project list could possibly be done in-house and will look into costs and bring it back. Skinner mentions that Grants Pass received grants for their back up generator. Metcalf asks if he had a contact. Skinner states that it is Larry Graves, and he sees him on a regular basis. Skinner states he will catch up with him and get back to Metcalf. C. Airport Commission Meeting Policy (virtual vs in-person) – Dahle reminds the Commission that no matter their decision today they will need to stay virtual at least until October due to limited staff. Wolske stated that he would like to stay virtual as it is less intrusive to his schedule. Metcalf states that when they get staff there and trained, they could elect to do a combination of both or of all one or the other as long as they were consistent as in all members virtual or all members in person. Dahle asks if that is a requirement or a preference. Metcalf responds that he is not sure and will get back to the commission following the meeting via email. Dahle asks if the commission would like to go back to in person. The Commission was not responsive to it. Dahle suggested that he would like to see the commission meet in person at least once a year. Dahle suggests bringing this back for a decision in September to give everyone some time to think on it. The commission was supportive. D. Airport: Good Neighbor Items – Skinner mentioned the Airport had one complaint about helicopter operations on the Airport. The citizen called with a concern to the amount of helicopter use towards the northwest section of the Airport. Skinner responded that he would contact the operator to see if they could move their operation to the other side of the Airport and the citizen was very responsive to the idea as was the operator. Skinner mentioned that he issued NOTAMS for the geo ex work needed for the Taxiway Rehab project. Skinner mentioned that the City was able to mow down the majority of the higher brush along the runway which has been a big improvement. Dahle mentioned that he responded to a citizen that is not happy with the new approach pattern for Medford Airport as the are flying over an area of Ashland they previously did not. Dahle stated he explained to the citizen why that is and included some approach charts for him to reference. Metcalf mentioned that Dahle’s response was outstanding and easy to follow. Skinner mentioned that he has been working with Cascade Approach for flyers to provide info to the local pilots that are now available at the FBO. 6. FBO Report – Skinner states that nothing out of the ordinary to report. Skinner states that the May figure is about the average take in per month and that it should be going up slightly in July. ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES July 6th, 2021 Ashland Airport Commission June 1st, 2021 Page 4 of 4 7. Next Meeting Agenda Items – Metcalf states that he has Airport Security and Airport mission statement and goals. Dahle confirmed and asked the commission if there was anything to add. Heard none. 8. Next Meeting Date - 08/03/21 ADJOURNMENT: @ 11:20am Respectfully submitted, Chance Metcalf Project Manager (Recording Available by Request)