HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes October 2021ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION FINAL MINUTES October 5th, 2021 Ashland Airport Commission October 5th, 2021 Page 1 of 2 CALL TO ORDER: @ 9:31am Roll Call: Meeting Recorded Members Present: Andrew Vandenberg, Jeff Dahle, Jerry Campbell, Patricia Herdklotz, Bernard Spera, David Wolske FBO Present: Bob Skinner Members Absent: George Schoen, Daniel Palomino Council Member Present: None Staff Present: Chance Metcalf, Kaylea Kathol Guests: None 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - 09/07/21 Wolske moves to approve minutes as written, Campbell seconds, All ayes, motion carries. 2. Commissioner Announcements – Dahle announced the annual Airport presentation at Council on September 19, 2021 was a success. 3. Public Forum – None 4. Unfinished Business A. Airport Security – Skinner has received another report of unauthorized water use at airport hydrant by unknown water truck. Vandenberg has put a paint seal on all 5 hydrants to see if anyone is using them but has not checked them in the past week. Dahle asks if working group who was assigned to this issue (David, Pat, Bob) has met? No. Dahle requested a report from the working group in November. Group agreed B. Airport Mission Statement & Goals – Dahle will provide those to Commission in November meeting. Wolske requests that Commission gets together to review & help craft statement. Dahle clarifies that mission/goals will be a consultative, collective effort, he just needs to get something started. C. Airport Virtual Vs In-Person Meetings - Currently, virtual until further notice by the City. Once normalcy resumes, does Commission want to keep meeting virtually or in person. Wolske likes meeting in person best but acknowledges that meeting virtually is very convenient. Votes for a hybrid. Metcalf spoke that Staff is not able to support a hybrid approach during any single meeting but could support a combination of some meetings being all in-person, and some being all-virtual. Dahle favors attendance (easier over Zoom) over in- person and recommends meeting in-person occur once every six months. Motion: Spera moves 2 in person, 10 virtual each year. In-person meetings should occur every six months. Discussion: Campbell agrees, and advocates for more flexibility. Metcalf explains that we can’t toggle back and forth every month but can be flexible on a year-to-year basis. Second: Herdklotz. Vote: motion stands unanimous. ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION FINAL MINUTES October 5th, 2021 Ashland Airport Commission October 5th, 2021 Page 2 of 2 Discussion ensued on which months to meet in-person. No determination was made during this meeting. Will look at it again in November D. Action Item List- a. Commission Member Vacancies – There are some applicants, but Metcalf is unsure of where the City is in the process. Metcalf and Dahle will reach out to Melissa Huhtala to learn when applicants may get approved. Dahle encourages continued good attendance by Commissioners. b. Airport Maintenance Plan – Metcalf has no update from APRC. Skinner says Parks are still coming out to take care of landscaping. c. Flight Path Trees - Kathol gave an update on solicitation. On-track to award by the November meeting. d. Airport Emergency Preparedness – The working group has met and has identified some minor typographical corrections in the Emergency Preparedness Plan. Skinner asked about collaboration with Police, Fire Chiefs. Dahle explained those are the next steps. Once Commission approves the Plan, PW, Admin, Fire, and Police leadership will review the Plan. An update will be given in November. Motion: Herdklotz moves to approve Plan. Campbell second, passes unanimously. 5. New Business A. Airport: Good Neighbor Items – Skinner reports no issues. 6. FBO Report – Skinner explains August was less busy than usual RE transient tie-downs. Fuel flow is up a little from last year, but not out of the norm for August. There has been a dramatic decline in gas sales in the past 5 years, probably related to aviation declines in general. 7. Next Meeting Agenda Items – Herdklotz would like to discuss the three planes on tie-downs in the “bone yard”. Skinner explains that one of the planes is very behind in tie-down fees, one is caught up but inoperable, and one was donated to Skinner Aviation for parts. Will discuss in November as “Potentially Un-airworthy Planes on Apron “Metcalf gives look-ahead update for November, which will include solar development update, capital project update, and the items discussed in the meetings, above. 8. Next Meeting Date - 11/02/21 ADJOURNMENT: @ 10:22am Respectfully submitted, Chance Metcalf Project Manager (Recording Available by Request)