HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes September 2021ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES September 7th, 2021 Ashland Airport Commission September 7th, 2021 Page 1 of 3 CALL TO ORDER: @ 9:32am Roll Call: Meeting Recorded Members Present: Andrew Vandenberg, Jeff Dahle, Jerry Campbell, Patricia Herdklotz, Bernard Spera, David Wolske FBO Present: Bob Skinner Members Absent: George Schoen, Daniel Palomino Council Member Present: Shaun Moran Staff Present: Chance Metcalf, Kaylea Kathol Guests: None 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - 07/06/21 Wolske moves to approve minutes as written. Campbell seconds, All ayes, motion carries. 2. Commissioner Announcements – Dahle states due to COVID we will be virtual until further notice. 3. Public Forum – Metcalf reminded the commission of the announcement that was emailed out. 4. Unfinished Business: A. Airport Security – Skinner discussed a concern with an unmarked truck filling up at a airport hydrant and a vehicle on the runway. Suggested higher quality cameras to catch this behavior. Metcalf recommended filing police reports – a visit from the police will likely curb this behavior. Dahle explained that the Commission has been planning to form a working group to explore security options and work toward developing some ideas they can act on. Dahle thinks cameras may be a good first step to figure out where unauthorized entrance is occurring and use the footage to determine what to do next. Dahle does not think cameras are a good solution to stopping unauthorized access, though, because they are reactive not proactive. Herdklotz suggested sending letters to neighbors to encourage contacting the police when suspicious activities are seen. Wolske talked about gates, perimeter fencing. Wolske and Herdklotz volunteered to be on the working group, in consultation with Metcalf and Skinner. B. Back-Up Generator - Metcalf thinks it can be done in-house for about $30k. Recommends not acting on until we’ve paid for tree topping in flight path and have an idea of what remains in the budget. Dahle supports putting this on hold until other priority capital projects are complete. C. Action Item List- a. Commission Member Vacancies – Two applications are in process. Moran and Dahle discussed the process for appointing commissioners. b. Airport Maintenance Plan – No updates. It’s on hold and is lower priority due to bigger budget issues. Skinner says that Parks is onsite regularly and maintenance staff is ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES September 7th, 2021 Ashland Airport Commission September 7th, 2021 Page 2 of 3 responsive to maintenance reports c. Flight Path Trees - Metcalf shared map and spreadsheet developed by Polaris. All trees have been tagged and measured for height. Each tree in the spreadsheet has been assigned a cut height that will take it 10 feet below FAA maximum. Some properties have easements, some do not. The City will have to reach out to all property owners. Wolske discussed cottonwoods and how he would like to encourage the removal. Metcalf explained that removal was not an option. Metcalf represented that this will be the most accurate, best trimming job done in years due to the good surveying and planning by Polaris. Kathol stated that her goal is to obtain bids by the beginning of November and have construction start by December. d. Airport Emergency Preparedness – Revisions to the Plan include incorporating comments received by commission. The plan now needs Commission approval, and then it will be taken to fire, police departments for review. Commission moved approval of the Plan. Plan should now be sent to Metcalf, and he will forward it to other parties for review. 5. New Business A. Airport 5-year CIP – Metcalf mentions that the 2021-2023 5-year CIP plan has been approved by FAA. FAA largely controls what we can do each year. Metcalf mentions we have to propose 2024-2026 projects based out of the master plan to the FAA for approval. Metcalf states that staff recommends Environmental in 2024, Apron Expansion design in 2025 and Apron construction in 2026 due to the active desire to build hangars along the Taxiway frontage. The commission supports staff’s recommendation. B. Airport Commission Statement - Dahle requested commissioners move this to the October meeting so its after the Airports Annual Report to Council this month. Commission supports. C. Airport Commission Goals - Dahle requested commissioners move this to the October meeting so it’s after the Airports Annual Report to Council this month. Commission supports. D. Good Neighbor Items – Billings Ranch owner wants to put an airstrip on his ranch, was practicing approaches on his property. Many neighboring residents have complained to Skinner. Skinner has reached out to the individual as it is an airspace violation given the nearby residential area. Skinner has made an FAA complaint. Dahle states that he was contacted about this as well and has pursued remedies to this and is currently staying active to find a solution. The County will ultimately need to approve and or deny the airstrip, so there will be notification to neighbors in advance of the land use hearing. ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES September 7th, 2021 Ashland Airport Commission September 7th, 2021 Page 3 of 3 6. FBO Report – Skinner states that July is the month each year that starts the new rates. Skinner mentions that the activity on the Airport has slowed the past month due to smoke. 7. Next Meeting Agenda Items – Herdklotz asked what happened with the solar proposal. Metcalf states the company has submitted a proposal and is currently on the list to be reviewed. Metcalf mentions he currently has Mission statement and goals, virtual vs in person and Airport Security coming back. 8. Next Meeting Date - 10/05/21 ADJOURNMENT: @ 10:54am Respectfully submitted, Chance Metcalf Project Manager (Recording Available by Request)