HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Packet April 2021AIRPORT COMMISSION AGENDA Virtual Zoom Meeting A p r i l 6 , 202 1 9 : 3 0 A M CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM 1.ROLL CALL – MEETING RECORDED 2.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: A.Commissioners B.Public Forum 1.Public Forum Comments to be submitted in writing by 10am April 5th, 2021 to Shannon.burruss@ashland.or.us 2.Comments on agenda items to be submitted in writing by 10am April 5th, 2021 to Shannon.burruss@ashland.or.us 3.If you are interested in watching the meeting via zoom please contact Shannon.burruss@ashland.or.us by 10am April 5th,2021. Interested parties will be sent a zoom link and admitted into the meeting on mute with no video. 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM March 2, 2021 MEETING 4.OLD BUSINESS: A.Airport Capital Budget Review B.Action Item List: a.Airport Entrance Landscaping b.Commission Member Vacancies c.Airport Maintenance Plan d.Flight Path Trees e.Airport Emergency Preparedness 5.NEW BUSINESS: A.Airport Rates/Fees Annual Review B.Commission Chair & Vice Chair Election C.Airport: Good Neighbor Items 6.FBO REPORT(S): A.Attached 7.ANNOUNCEMENTS: 8.NEXT MEETING DATE:May 4, 2021 9:30 AM Call Shannon at 541 488-5587 if you will be unable to attend! In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Administrator's office at (541) 488-6002 (TTY phone number 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title I). Ashland Airport Commission 2019 Name Title Telephone Mailing Address Email Address Term George Schoen Jeff Dahle Commission Member Commission Vice Chair 415-298-4516 775-843-0996 610 Ashland St. 348 Pearl St. George.schoen@sbcglobal.net 2023 jrdahle@gmail.com 2022 Daniel Palomino Commission Member 541-488-1964 2020 Jasmine Ave. Dpal71@gmail.com 2023 Patricia Herdklotz Commission Member 541-552-0592 384 Clinton St. revpatt@jeffnet.org 2022 Bernard Spera Commission Member 541-488-7461 260 Skycrest Dr. SpBRN3@aol.com 2021 David Wolske Commission Chair 541-482-3233 1390 Frank Hill Rd. david@davidwolske.com 2021 Jerry Campbell Commission Member 760-583-9873 124 Alida St. jerry@jlcampbell.net 2023 Open Commission Member Open Open Open.com Andrew Vandenberg Commission Member 509-703-3591 2029 Grey Eagle Dr. andrew@skinneraviation.com 2021 Shaun Moran Council Liaison None 20 E. Main Street shaun.moran@council.ashland.or.us 2021 Bob Skinner Fixed Base Operator 403 Dead Indian Memorial Rd. bob@skinneraviation.com Staff Support Scott Fleury Deputy Public Works Director 541-488-5347 20 E. Main Street scott.fleury@ashland.or.us Kaylea Kathol Project Manager 541-552-2419 20 E. Main Street kaylea.kathol@ashland.or.us Chance Metcalf Project Manager 541-552-2448 20 E. Main Street chance.metcalf@ashland.or.us Shannon Burruss Permit Technician 541-552-2428 20 E. Main Street shannon.burruss@ashland.or.us Ashland Airport Commission MINUTES March 2nd, 2021 Ashland Airport Commission March 2nd, 2021 Page 1 of 2 These minutes are pending approval by this Committee CALL TO ORDER @9:30am Roll Call: Meeting Recorded Members Present: Patricia Herdklotz, Bernard Spera, Andrew Vandenberg, Jeff Dahle, David Wolske, Jerry Campbell, Daniel Palomino, George Schoen FBO Present: Bob Skinner Members Absent: None Council Member Present: Shaun Moran Staff Present: Chance Metcalf, Shannon Burruss Guests: None 1. Information Items- A. Commissioners: Wolske interduces new Airport Liaison Council Member Shaun Moran. Moran presents information regarding himself and his relocation to Ashland. Commission and FBO introduce themselves to Moran. Vandenberg would like to address lines and markings at the Airport Ramp (See Good Neighbor). Commission discusses budget information, and requests to have the current information brought to Commission regularly, Metcalf commits to adding a quarterly report to the agenda. B. Public Forum: None 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- 02.02.21 Error in attendance and spelling of name for George Schoen corrected. Herdklotz moves to approve minutes as amended, Dahle seconds All ayes, motion carries. 3. Old Business A. FBO Fiber/WIFI Update- Metcalf updates Commission that the fiber installation portion of the project was completed a little over a month ago. WIFI should be hooked up and operational at the FBO by next meeting, which will be available to the visiting public as well as for business purposes. B. Waterline Extension Project- Metcalf updates that in order for the Airport to expand the current waterline system needs to be extended. He informs that rather than contracting out, the expansion can be done by the City’s Water Department. Plans are set for Mid May/Early June. C. Action Item List- a. Airport Entrance Landscaping- Metcalf states this is Kathol’s project, but that it is moving forward. Contract has been approved by City Legal department, the Tree Commission has approved of the project, the contractor, Overstreet Landscaping, is the in process of gathering the required documents. Staff will continue to update. b. Commission Member Vacancies- Wolske reminds everyone to keep an eye out for candidates and to encourage qualified people to apply. c. Airport Maintenance Plan- Metcalf relays Kathol’s update to Commission. Commission had previously directed to staff to inquire about private contractor costs for similar maintenance to what is currently being done by the Parks department, Kathol asked two companies, already approved to work for the City, for budgetary numbers which she anticipates to have in the next week or so. d. Flight Path Trees- Metcalf states the surveyor will start next month, once completed the project will move forward to next steps. Wolske asks if there will be any trimming of the tree Ashland Airport Commission MINUTES March 2nd, 2021 Ashland Airport Commission March 2nd, 2021 Page 2 of 2 These minutes are pending approval by this Committee this year. Metcalf states that trimming is set to occur in the Fall of 2021. e. Airport Emergency Preparedness- Dahle speaks about the progress made by working group. Campbell, Herdklotz and Dahle reached out to fifteen airports in three different states relatively the same size as the Ashland Airport. The end result being that none of them had an Emergency Preparedness plan, all places spoken to asked for a copy of Ashland’s, once completed. Herdklotz mentions inviting the Fire, Police and Hospital to do a tour on the Airport to familiarize them with the Airport property, she also suggests a protected sheet for emergency contact information that anyone can access, she also mentions the need for preventing people from accessing dangerous areas. Campbell asks what contact has previously occurred between Airport management and the mentioned facilities. Skinner explains previous contact instances with police and fire. Skinner also explains that there are access and emergency numbers posted at the FBO. Skinner explains a new NOTAM management system that he’s been training on and will be establishing soon. Work Group’s goal is make a working document that’s easy to understand and actionable regarding emergency preparedness at the airport. 4. New Business A. New Hangar Construction Project- Brought by Commission Chair Wolske who asks for a status update on the project. Metcalf responds with the current state of new hangars, two of the new hangars are already in progress towards building. Discussions are being had with Brim on the third project. B. Painting- Vandenberg mentions faded paint in multiple areas and wonders if the Street department could come have a look and give an estimate for how much it would cost to repaint. Metcalf states he will get in contact with Streets department and have them contact Vandenburg or Skinner. C. Stimulus Money- Wolske inquires if anyone is tracking the stimulus money information. He wonders if it will be able to utilize by the Airport and City. Metcalf provides some commentary but states he’s unsure as to where the third will finally be allocated once it passes. He assures that if there is money available staff will be reaching out. D. Airport Good Neighbor Items- Palomino informs Commission about a helicopter that had a laser light from the ground shined in their eyes. OSP is investigating but warns pilots coming in at night to be wary. He wonders if something can be posted on the FBO website. Skinner states there hasn’t been much activity and very little public comment. Skinner details more information about the NOTAM management program including naming and mapping the airport locations which he will be posting at the FBO. Skinner mentions changes that have occurred in the airspace above the Airport including RNP approaches, which has prompted the creation of an air safety bulletin that is currently posted at the FBO. 5. FBO Reports- Attached. 6. Announcements- None. NEXT MEETING DATE: 04.06.21 ADJOURNMENT: 11:03 am Respectfully submitted, Shannon Burruss Public Works Administration (Full Meeting Video Available by Request) Full Account Description Re v i s e d B u d g e t F Y 2 1 Ac t u a l E x p e n s e s F Y 2 1 En c u m b r a n c e s i n M u n i s Re m a i n i n g B u d g e t , Av a i l a b l e T o d a y Remaining Expenses, March 30, 2021 through June 30, 2021 (i.e. Encumbrances Not Yet in Munis) Amount Over/Under Remaining Budget Waterline Extension Pavement & Storm Drain Repair Fiber and Wifi Total Remaining Expenses, Today through June 30 Hangar Maintenance $13,870 - - $13,870 - $13,870 Grounds Care $20,000 $4,950 $3,540 $11,510 $10,000 $1,510 Infrastructure $9,258 $434 - $8,824 $3,000 $1,500 $4,500 $4,324 Professional Services $26,634 $870 $24,770 $994 - $994 Capital Outlay $85,846 $10,727 $74,104 $1,015 $40,000 $40,000 ($38,985) CARES Grant $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 TOTAL, Capital Outlay: $115,846 $10,727 $74,104 $31,015 $40,000 - - $40,000 ($8,985) Remarks: 1) There are approximately 20 expense accounts for the airport. The five accounts listed above only represent a portion of the Airport budget; these are the five accounts that are regularly utilized by Public Works staff. 2) Accounts that end in .602 or 604 are Services & Maintenance funds. These funds can only be used for maintenance and services and are generally spent with input from Skinner Aviation. These funds are not typically subject to airport commission comment. 3) Accounts that end in .704 are Capital funds. These are the major upgrades or improvements. The Airport Commission brings great value to the City by advising on the use of capital funds. 4) The project shortage in Capital Outlay of $8,985 can be covered by contingency funds (up to $10k is available). G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\AIRP\PB Airport\Rental Rates\Rental Rate 2022 ABC Policy Draft March 2021.doc Table 1 The following are revised rates for the airport. The new CPI index (All Urban Consumers) rate is 261.582 (January 2021). The CPI rate increase for this year was 1.4% RATES FOR ASHLAND AIRPORT FACILITIES July 1, 2021- JUNE 30, 2022 LEASE TYPE NEW MONTHLY RATES A CITY OWNED – RENTALS T-HANGARS WITHOUT DOORS $195.00 ($197.73) T-HANGARS WITH DOORS VINTAGE $245.00 ($248.43) T-HANGARS WITH DOORS CONTEMPORARY * $309.00 ($313.33) HELICOPTER HANGAR $245.00 ($248.43) BOX HANGAR (reversionary-stack door) 25.4¢-sq-ft/month (25.76¢) BOX HANGAR “SHELL RENTAL” (privately built City owned) 30.03¢ sq-ft/month (building footprint) (30.45¢) “Amenities” for any City owned hangar Office Space Bathroom Heat • Heat: any upgraded heat source including gas and electric • Building footprint = outside wall dimension 25.4¢ sq-ft/month (office space inside dimension) .03 sq-ft/month (building footprint) .01 sq-ft/month (building footprint) MONTHLY TIE-DOWNS** $49.00 (SMALL) $60.00 (LARGE) OVERNIGHT TIE-DOWNS** $7.00 (SMALL) $11.00 (LARGE) B GROUND LEASE - CITY OWNED HANGARS GROUND LEASE – NO MINIMUM FOOTAGE 21.2¢ sq-ft/yr C GROUND LEASE – PRIVATELY OWNED HANGARS PRIVATELY OWNED GROUND LEASE MINIMUM FOOTAGE 60' X 40' 49.7¢ sq-ft/yr G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\AIRP\PB Airport\Rental Rates\Rental Rate 2022 ABC Policy Draft March 2021.doc HANGAR RESERVATION FEES T-Hangar - Basic Fee: $100.00; and 75.00 is applied to first months rent. Ground Lease Space – $2,000.00 Non-Refundable space reservation fee. Reservation fee is valid for a period of 1 year at which time can be renewed for an additional 12 months if progress is shown towards development of a hangar onsite. SPECIALIZED AVIATION SERVICE OPERATIONS (SASO) FEE (Annual) The square footage of the hangar multiplied by 1.6, multiplied by the current B Ground Lease fee rate. A Hanger keeper will have the square footage of the hangar multiplied by 1.0, multiplied by the current B Ground Lease fee rate. MOBILE SERVICE PROVIDERS (MSP) AIRPORT USER FEE (Annual) Basic Fee: $350.00 for first two employees, plus $25.00 each additional employee for annual operators. $100.00 for Temporary MSPs (90 days maximum – not renewable). FREIGHT OPERATION Tariff Rate: $5.17 / 1,000 LBS *Additional electrical surcharge of $5.00 per month will be added to this amount. ** Large aircraft defined as a single engine turbo-prop or multi-engined aircraft with a gross certified aircraft weight of 6000 lbs or greater