HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes February 2022ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION FINAL MINUTES February 1st, 2022 Ashland Airport Commission February 1st, 2021 Page 1 of 2 CALL TO ORDER: @ 9:30am Roll Call: Meeting Recorded Members Present: Andrew Vandenberg, Jeff Dahle, Jerry Campbell, Patricia Herdklotz, Bernard Spera, David Wolske, Daniel Palomino, Russ Saunders, George Schoen FBO Present: None Members Absent: None Council Member Present: None Staff Present: Chance Metcalf, Kaylea Kathol Guests: None 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - 01/04/22 Spera moves to approve minutes as written, Vandenberg seconds, All ayes, motion carries. 2. Commissioner Announcements – None 3. Public Forum – None 4. Unfinished Business: A. Out of Service Aircrafts – Metcalf working with legal department to determine steps to remove the abandoned aircraft. The other aircraft, which is up to date on tie down fees, may be moved to a different location in the near future. A more detailed update will be available next meeting. B. Mission Statement and Goals – Wolske provided update. Packet included the Ashland Municipal Code (AMC) pre-existing description of commission’s mandate and authorization (powers and duties). Believes everything the commission is called to do (Mission) is covered in the AMC. Suggests Commission abandons mission statement since one appears to already exist. Goals are a different concept and should be advanced. Saunders commented on goals – coming up with a plan to bring in more aircraft activity linked to Ashland’s special events. Dahle lead an exercise in how to develop a goal. To formalize the process: Dahle will provide Metcalf with a questionnaire and will disburse to commissioners. Metcalf and Dahle will work together to ensure goals have a place on the agenda. C. Action Item List- a. Commission Member Vacancies – No vacancies. Commission is fully staffed. Dahle reminds commissioners whose term is almost up to submit applications to City recorder. Metcalf recommends removing Vacancies item from agenda and replacing it with Goals ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION FINAL MINUTES February 1st, 2022 Ashland Airport Commission February 1st, 2021 Page 2 of 2 b. Airport Maintenance Plan – No Action. c. Airport Security - Metcalf met with Skinner and Street Dept. Supervisor. Will be enlarging notification signs and adding signs notifying presence of surveillance on airport. Several other safety related signs. Motion lights may possibly be implemented in the future. City needs to fill a vacancy in the electric department before any work can be done on lighting d. Airport Emergency Preparedness – The Plan will be going to City Council for approval on February 15. 5. New Business: A. Annual Herbicide Application – Greenway Spray will be doing annual spraying this month. Vandenberg requested additional spraying along Dead Indian Rd. Kathol will check with Greenway to see what that may cost. MSDS reports requested by Schoen. Kathol will distribute MSDS. Discussed whether weeds along Dead Indian Rd could be removed by volunteers or Skinner employees. B. Airport: Good Neighbor Items – Palomino followed up the with Gun Club about bullets Bob Skinner and his wife had saw/heard at the airport. Gun Club cameras showed no unusual activity. C. Airport Solar Update (added) – Metcalf discussed Ashland Solar Coop’s proposal to provide lease fee vs. in-kind offer of electricity. A lease fee is more financially beneficial to Airport than an in-kind offer of power. Wolske asks if the lease will require the solar provider to power essential services on airport in case of emergency. No – the Coop has not proposed to put in a battery backup but will put in a loop wire in case we want to put in battery backup in the future. Metcalf reminds Commission that a backup generator is still something we plan to put in when budget allows. Backup generator will be added to unfinished business effort. 6. FBO Report – Skinner has nothing to add to reports. 7. Next Meeting Agenda Items – Out of Service Aircrafts and Airport Backup Generator 8. Next Meeting Date - 03/01/22 ADJOURNMENT: @ 10:28am Respectfully submitted, Chance Metcalf Project Manager (Recording Available by Request)