HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Packet October 2011 Page 1 of 6 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION October 20, 2011 Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street Minutes Attendees: Tom Burnham, Shawn Kampmann, Steve Ryan (Chair), Colin Swales, Brent Thompson, Corinne Vieville, and David Young Absent: Julia Sommer Council Liaison: David Chapman Staff Present: Mike Faught, Mary McClary Ex Officio Members: Brandon Goldman I. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m. by Chairperson Steve Ryan. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 07/21/11 08/18/11 Commissioner Burnham moved to approve the minutes of 07/21/11. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Swales. Voice Vote: All Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. Commissioner Swales moved to approve the minutes of 08/18/11. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burnham. Voice Vote: All Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. III. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: Commissioner Vieville was arriving late and asked that Action Item C. (Final Approval of a Memorial Marker Policy) be addressed last, so she could be present. IV. PUBLIC FORUM: No one present spoke to items not on the agenda. Commissioner Young believed Public Forum was an opportunity for the public to speak to the Commission regarding items not on the Agenda. Chairperson Ryan explained his conversations with the Mayor and the City Recorder, stating any member of the public could speak to any agenda item, or a different issue. The Public cannot speak during deliberations on a vote, but they can insert public comment. Commissioner Young explained his position stating Public Forum precedence was for citizens to have an opportunity to speak on items not on the agenda, possibly making their comments/issues a future agenda item. In addition, they are allowed to speak to items on the agenda during the time when the Commission is addressing that item. Chairperson Ryan remarked the Commission may decide on how to utilize Public Forum. Commissioner Thompson appreciates citizen input, would like it to remain at the top of the meeting, and also they speak to non-agenda items. Mike Faught, Public Works Director and Commission Liaison supports the citizens speaking to non-agenda items, in case staff input is required, staff would have an opportunity to obtain the needed information. Page 2 of 6 Chairperson Ryan stated the Commission would ask Public Forum to speak to non-agenda items during the Public Forum time, and speak to agenda items when they are addressed by the Commission. V. ACTION ITEMS: A. Request for Crosswalk at “A” and Fourth Street Mike Faught summarized the memo written to the Commission requesting a marked crosswalk at 4th and A Street from citizens, Mary Ann and Ken Bergman. Originally in August, 2011 the Bergmans asked the Commission for a 4-way stop at this intersection. At that time, staff recommended not to install a 4 way stop but to mark crosswalks and to address issues on concerning vision clearance and pedestrian access. Staff still maintains the amount of pedestrian traffic is unusually heavy through this intersection and supports the recommendation of a marked crosswalk. From the August 18th Transportation Commission meeting: Commissioner Swales made a motion that staff does not install a stop sign at the corner of 4th and „A‟ Street, tree trim for better vision clearance at the intersection, and not add crosswalks but rather explore creative options to improve traffic calming, pedestrian safety such as a bike corrals. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sommer. Commissioner Kampmann made a motion to amend Commissioner Swales motion that we not install a stop sign at the corner of 4th and „A‟ Street, tree trim for better vision clearance at the intersection, and defer the creative options of bike corrals until the code definition is firmly established by the Council and become a separate subject that is dealt with at a later time. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Swales. Voting on the amended main motion first. Voice Vote: All Ayes with the exception of Commissioner Heesaker. The motion passed with a majority vote. Commissioner Burnham clarified in regards to the main motion; there is already one stop sign on 4th street and he felt crosswalks are important for pedestrian safety and assistance. Voice Vote: Four (4) Commissioners in favor, Swales, Sommer, Kampmann, and Ryan. Three Commissioners (3) against, Heesacker, Vieville and Burnham. The Motion carried. The Commissioners discussed their prior conversations from the August 18th meeting, and also pros and cons of establishing a crosswalk at this intersection. Some concerns brought to attention were: a) Changing the “flavor” of A Street from a shared street. b) Legalities of making people cross in a cross walk or they could be fined. c) Responsible automobile driving d) The lack of a need for cross walk Commissioner Young made a motion to accept staff‟s recommendation to install a single crosswalk at the intersection of 4th and A Street. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Thompson. Commissioner Burnham believes there is no harm, citizens have requested this action, and Page 3 of 6 marking the crossing makes sense. Commissioner Young told the Commission about receiving favorable feedback from citizens regarding the striping of Oak St. and it provides a direct place to cross and gives them a sense of right away. Voice Vote: Four (4) Commissioners in favor, Thompson, Young, Burnham, and Vieville. Three Commissioners (2) against, Kampmann, Swales. The motion passed with a majority vote. Sherry Smile/2305 Ashland St, #281 spoke to the Commission about a jay-walking ticket she received in another state. She supports marking cross walks and believes people walk in and out without concern for the automobiles, creating stressful and dangerous situations. Commissioner Swales pointed out, once the cross walk goes into effect; it makes it illegal to cross within one block of the marked area. He stated there would no longer have free movement such as First Friday, which he felt was a disadvantage to the area. Commissioner Young believed total free flowing crossing is dangerous. Dialogue continued about the pros and cons. B. Proposed Change of Commission Meeting Day Mike spoke to the Commission regarding a memo to the Commission for a change in meeting date. James Olson has now retired and is working part time during a transition phase. The staff member that is most likely to replace his liaison to the Commission cannot attend meeting on the third Thursday of the month. Therefore we recommend the Commission change their meeting date to the fourth Thursday of each month beginning January 1, 2012. Commissioner Burnham moved to change the meeting date to the fourth Thursday of each month beginning January 1. 2012. Commissioner Kampmann seconded the motion. Voice Vote: All Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. C. Final Approval of a Memorial Marker Policy Included in the Commission packet was a copy of the proposed resolution No. 2011, establishing a Street Side Memorial Marker Program. Jim Olson made the changes that the Commission was concerned about. Mike pointed out, the markers would be limited to a two year period, the applicant would pays for the marker, and they only would be placed in residential areas with written permission of the property owner, not placed in active construction zones. In addition the City would build and install them. The Commission members went over the proposed resolution. Specifically, Section 3, c and Section 4, d were discussed. Janet Brandsen/570 Faith Ave spoke to the Commission about her son who died on Faith Ave. and was checking on the progress of the resolution. She was in support of memorial markers and would like to place one on Faith in memory of her son. Chairperson Ryan explained the process of receiving approvals from this Commission, Legal Department and City Council. Commissioner Burnham made a motion that the Commission recommends this resolution; Establishing a Streetside Memorial Marker Program to the City Council, amended by striking the last part of 3c, which starts with “and within the central business district.” Commissioner Swales seconded the motion. Mike Faught asked to amend the motion to forward this recommendation to the City Council. Commissioner Burnham amended the motion to include recommended the resolution be forwarded to the City Council. Commissioner Swales seconded the amendment. Page 4 of 6 Commissioner Kampmann pointed out that staff recommended we not post signs in the business district due to the many signs already posted and the congestion within the district. He believed they should support staff’s recommendation. Commissioner Young agreed, and added it would also be possible to place a marker at the entrance or exit of the district. The Commissioners discussed what would be the boundaries of the Business district. Voice Vote: All Ayes, except Commissioner Young. The motion passed with a majority vote. There was discussion about how Council could amend the portion of placing markers in the downtown area, rather than not passing the resolution. Chairperson Ryan explained to the citizens about what the next step would be to create this policy. After the resolution is passed, then anyone can apply for a memorial marker. Mike remarked it could take up to 2 months for this to be placed in the City Council’s agenda. Also, he informed the family present, staff would keep them informed. Commissioner Kampmann read to the family present from the resolution, Section 3b: “Memorial markers will only be installed in residential areas where the fatality occurred with the written permission of the resident whose property is abutting the right of way where the memorial is to be placed. D. Transportation Capital Improvement Plan Approval Mike explained, discussed and summarized the Transportation Capital Improvement Plan spreadsheet that was included in their packet. He explained about funded projects, unfunded projects, overlay projects, grants and how everything is organized and submitted for approval. He asked the Commission to approve the Capital Improvement Projects before he presents to the City Council. Mike discussed different dollar figures within the spreadsheet that needed to be corrected. Mike explained the difference between an overlay, overlay partial rebuild and slurry filled projects in reference to how the life of the roads are maintained with the best options. Commissioner Thompson moved to recommend the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP table) to the City Council. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burnham. Commissioner Vieville asked for clarification about the correction of funds for the TSP project. Mike recommended the Commissioner approve the recommendations on these projects and note that staff would visit that one project and make sure the numbers were correct. Commissioner Thompson accepted the addition to his motion. Commissioner Vieville made a recommendation that the cost of removing the Road Diet be added to the CIP project list. That recommendation was not seconded. Commissioner Thompson withdrawn motion, and didn’t have enough information before he made the motion. The Second was withdrawn by Commissioner Burnham. The Commissioner discussed funds and how the projects were prioritized. Councilor Chapman clarified when the Council passed the approval of the Road Diet, they recognized there was a problem with the CIP plans and authorized staff to change the priority to cover the funding. Commissioner Vieville made a recommendation that the Commission accepts the prioritization of the projects and staff will verify the spreadsheet for accuracy. The recommendation was seconded by Commissioner Thompson. Page 5 of 6 Commissioner Burnham discussed his reluctance to vote in approval of a document that has blanks to fill in. He felt his responsibility to the citizens would be to have complete knowledge of all funds before he voted in approval. The members discussed approving the projects. Commissioner Young amended the motion to reflect numbers FY14, $320,000.00 and FY15 $225,000.00 numbers is switched and that the line item for the tsp reflect the accurate amount that has already been funded. Commissioner Swales approved the amended motion. Chairperson Ryan restated the purposed main motion: To accept staff‟s recommended CIP project list to Council with accurate costs. Chairperson Ryan restated the proposed amended motion. Commissioner Young amended the motion to reflect numbers FY14, $320,000.00 and FY15 $225,000.00, be switched and that the line item for the tsp reflect the accurate amount that has already been funded. All in favor of the proposed amendment. Voice Vote: All Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. All in favor of the main motion. Voice Vote: All Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. Commissioner Kampmann is abstaining due to a possible perception of conflict of interest. VI. NON ACTION ITEMS: A. E. Main/Campus Way Crosswalk Staff applied for a grant to install a HAWK signal to improve the crosswalk on East Main St. at Campus Way. The application was not chosen, however staff was able to budget for a less costly type of crossing. Commissioner Vieville asked if an audible feature could be added to the push button that would initiate the light. Staff will look into that option. B. Transportation Commission Ordinance and Mission Review Added to Ashland municipal code, chapter 2.10 and 2.13 Mike went over several key points with the municipal codes; 2.10 (Uniform Policies and Operating Procedures for Advisory Commissions and Boards) and 2.13 (Transportation Commission) that follows the Ordinance 3003. He just pointed out key Points that they could read and review: Meetings and Attendance Election of Officers Agendas and Minutes Gifts Budget Code of Conduct Lobbying and Representing the City Rules and Regulations Deliberation Established Membership Powers and Duties, Specifically Commissioner Swales remarked about the attendance section that requires reports to the Mayor regarding accurate attendance reports and also the changes on quorums. The members discussed various aspects of the codes and their definitions. Page 6 of 6 Commissioner Thompson moved to adjourn. The members discussed the participation of the Non Voting Ex Officio Membership and their attendance in the Commission meetings. Mike calcified his role with the Commission and his final approval regarding traffic implementation regulations, traffic safety and functional activities. Things that require engineering cannot be designed by Committee and he actually, when changes any type of road design, has to signs an order. He wanted it to be clear about technical issues. Commissioner Thompson moved to adjourn. Chairperson Ryan recapped the Chamber meeting that Mike Faught and he attended, mainly about parking spaces for commercial, and reduction of lanes on Main Street. Mike felt there was tremendous open dialogue that was very productive. Commissioner Swales requested copies of the minutes from their meeting. Councilman Chapman announced he was a representative on the Rogue Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization. He stated we are allowed two voting members to represent Ashland, and there are no representatives. The public is invited to all policy making meetings and can state their opinions. Anyone interested in participation may contact Councilman Chapman, or PW Director, Mike Faught. Councilman went on to give an example of the current projects up for discussion and decisions. Mike gave an update on North Main. There is a preliminary design, and now they are negotiating right of way. They are hoping to finish the re-alignment early or late spring. He will get the Commission a copy of the design. The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 C. ACTS Oregon Grant Application D. N. Main/Hersey/Wimer Intersection re-alignment Update E. Traffic Crash Summary VII. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: set aside A. Action Summary B. TC Budget Balance: $5,000.00 C. City Source Article D. Traffic Safety Connection VIII. FUTURE AGENDA TOPICS: Bike Parking and Bike Rack Design Policy. Future Railroad Crossings Budget Requirements for FY12 IX. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: X. ADJOURN: 8:13pm Respectfully submitted by: Mary McClary, Administrative Assistant to the Electric Department