HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Minutes February 2013ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES March 21, 2013   CALL TO ORDER Chair David Young called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Siskiyou Room, 51 Winburn Way.   Commissioners Present:  Craig Anderson, Tom Burnham, Pam Hammond, Shawn Kampmann, Corinne Viéville and David Young Absent Members:  None Ex Officio Present:  Brandon Goldman Staff Present:  Mike Faught, Scott Fleury and Jodi Vizzini   ANNOUNCEMENTS The Commission recognized Corinne Viéville’s birthday. Commissioner Young emphasized the need to fill Commissioner vacancies.  He acknowledged Tom Burnham’s decision to retire from the Commission.  Commissioners and staff thanked Commissioner Burnham for his many years of dedicated service to the community.   CONSENT AGENDA A.  Approval of Minutes      1.  January 24, 2013       2.  February 28, 2013   The minutes of January 24, 2013 and February 23, 2013 were approved as presented.                                                                                                                             PUBLIC FORUM No one came forward to speak.   ACTION ITEMS A.  Hargadine-Pioneer-Fork Intersection Analysis Staff Report Scott Fleury gave a detailed report on the traffic analysis and recommendation provided by Kim Parducci, Southern Oregon Transportation Engineering, LLC, following citizen complaints. He shared Ms. Parducci was unable to attend the meeting, but had provided an analysis. The Commission reviewed aerial photos of existing sight distance, proposed bulbout treatments and stop bar relocations. Mr. Fleury stated the average daily travel at the intersection was 2,500. He added there have been three accidents since 2000, but according to neighbors there are many close calls. It was noted that a time-lapse video was provided to the Mayor, which prompted a review by the Transportation Commission.   Commissioners Questions/Comments Commissioners discussed the details and cost of implementing the recommended treatments. The lack of on-street parking for residents on Pioneer due to tourist parking was discussed. A suggestion was made to install a small traffic circle as a potential traffic calming treatment. An alternative paving treatment like the one in place at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival pedestrian crossing was suggested.  A decision was made to table the issue until Commissioners had a chance to review the citizen submitted video and when Ms. Parducci could be present to provide engineering recommendations on potential traffic calming treatments.    B.  Bike Parking and Bike Rack Design Policy Michael Piña/73 Garfield St. #1/Directed attention to his unique cargo bicycle parked in front of the building. He explained his parking challenges using standard bike racks. He provided pictures and offered ideas on alternate racks that would better accommodate this style of bike.   Staff Report Mr. Fleury gave an overview of the central business district bicycle parking summary and the bicycle parking guidelines provided in the Commissioner packet. He pointed out the approved bike rack standard for the City is the Inverted U-Rack design. He directed attention to the various rack designs and suggested looking at more options in the encroachment ordinance for specific location/uses, allowing individuals/businesses installing in the right-of- way a design style choice. He noted there are still a few businesses in the central business district without bike racks and recommended installation in those locations.  He encouraged Commissioners to suggest other locations that come to mind.   Senior Planner, Brandon Goldman stated his understanding of Ashland Municipal Code 18.92.060 bicycle parking design standards established the Inverted U-Rack as a standard city-wide design for private or public property.  He added the Transportation Commission can make recommendations for alternatives that can be adopted.  He acknowledged the bicycle parking summary inventory of downtown and noted the numerous bicycle racks on private property that would also be eligible for an alternative design.   Commissioners Questions/Comments Commissioners and staff discussed alternatives to the current bicycle parking standards. A suggestion was made to set aside a parking area for non-conventional bikes. Mr. Fleury explained the downtown sidewalk usage map. Mr. Goldman summarized the two different issues at hand; bike rack design and bike parking layout which is a standard in the land use code and would require amending Chapter 18.92. A question was asked in regards to the type of bike rack complaints received, specifically from merchants and bicyclists. A comment was made in favor of finding creative places to install bike racks instead of removing parking spaces. A comment was made that parallel bike racks are preferred to perpendicular racks which cause bikes to stick out in the sidewalk obstructing pedestrian travel. The Commission decided that no action was necessary but recommended putting a marker for bike rack design and placement as part of the comprehensive downtown parking and multi-modal circulation study.   NON-ACTION ITEMS A.  Audible Pedestrian Signals Update Mr. Fleury gave an update on the audible signal order and the installation locations which includes: Sherman/Siskiyou; Tolman/Siskiyou (all four crosswalk locations); Lithia/E. Main (crossing from the fire station to the library); and Second/Lithia (crossing Lithia).  He explained that Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) will install the signals and added a secondary purchase will be made to utilize the remaining funds prior to the June 30 grant requirement.   Commissioners Questions/Comments Comments were made in favor and in opposition of the rapid flashing beacons along Siskiyou Blvd. Staff explained that some of the “Stop Here for Pedestrians” signs will be removed to reduce the sign clutter. A question was asked about the decision to use the rapid flashing beacons. Answer: The beacons were approved during the Siskiyou Blvd. design process. A comment was made in favor of the E. Main crosswalk by Willow Wind Community Learning Center. Mr. Fleury outlined the timeline of the rapid flashing beacon installation that will be implemented by Southern Oregon University. B.  Road Diet Post Construction Analysis Mr. Fleury gave a brief overview of the current analysis results and assured the Commission that side street counts collected by Engineering and updates will be included at the following meeting when Ms. Parducci can be in attendance. He added that monthly ODOT speed and volume analysis is ongoing.  Commissioner Young shared his experience while conducting a recent pedestrian/bike count on N. Main St.   COMMISSION OPEN DISCUSSION Mr. Fleury gave a brief description of crosswalk lighting that was discussed at a prior meeting and assured the Commission he will research options and bring the subject back to a future meeting. Staff reported that results of the Bicycle Friendly Community application will be available in May. Commissioners questioned the frequency of trucks bypassing the scales on I-5, adding weight to city streets. Officer MacLennan was not present for comment. Attention was called to volunteer opportunities at the Ashland Community Bike Swap scheduled for April 27th. Commissioners and staff discussed the Commission’s position on current legislative bills and the process involved in writing letters in opposition and/or support. Commissioners asked for an update on the comprehensive downtown parking and multi-modal circulation study. Mr. Fleury clarified an application was submitted to the University of Oregon to consider the project and added he will keep the Commission apprised of the progress.  Suggestions for future topics of discussion included the need for a bypass through the downtown and solving the lack of available public transportation. Mr. Fleury provided details of the analysis being conducted on various crosswalks throughout the downtown corridor that are potentially hazardous. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A.  Oregon Active Transportation Summit Commissioners discussed whether or not to send a representative to the conference. A final decision was not made at the meeting.   B.    Action Summary Did not review.  Informational item only.   C.  Traffic Crash Summary Did not review. Informational item only.   D.  Mojie Takallou Thank You Letter Did not review.  Informational item only.   ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.