HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Minutes January 2013ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES February 28, 2013                                                                                               CALL TO ORDER Chair David Young called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main St.   Commissioners Present:  Craig Anderson, Pam Hammond, Shawn Kampmann, Corinne Viéville and David Young Absent Members:  Tom Burnham Ex Officio Present:  Steve MacLennan Staff Present:  Brenda Barker, Mike Faught, Scott Fleury and John Peterson   ANNOUNCEMENTS No announcements.                                                                                                                             PUBLIC FORUM No one came forward to speak.   ACTION ITEMS Non-action item A. SOU Student Presentation took place before the first action item. Minutes of that item can be found in the non-action item section.   A. ‘B’ Street Parking Improvements Staff Report Scott Fleury gave an overview of a 1997 diagonal parking proposal on ‘B’ Street between First and Fifth Streets as presented at a prior meeting for consideration.  Staff recommended including this information to the consultant(s) who will perform the downtown parking and multi-modal circulation study.   Commissioners Viéville /Kampmann m/s to incorporate the ‘B’ Street diagonal parking proposal into the comprehensive downtown plan study. DISCUSSION:  Commissioner Kampmann conveyed the importance of addressing parking in the entire downtown.  Commissioner Viéville emphasized the need for a comprehensive plan study and was not in favor of addressing individual streets.  Voice vote: all AYES. Motion passed.   B.  East main St. Crosswalk Signage Staff Report Mr. Fleury briefly described a concern brought to Public Works attention by a resident who was involved in a near miss of a pedestrian while crossing the midblock crosswalk during the evening at E. Main and Eight St. He described the location and other crosswalks along E. Main., some of which have poor night visibility due to vegetation growth and lack of overhead street lights. Mr. Fleury added that staff’s recommendation is to add pedestrian crossing signs to the crosswalks at Sherman, Sixth and Eighth Streets.   Commissioners Questions/Comments ▪ A suggestion was made for community-wide pedestrian education.   ▪ A comment was made about the amount of existing sign pollution in the city resulting in ineffective results.   ▪ Question:  Can street lights be installed at each crosswalk? Answer: The existing poles are offset with the crosswalks; ground based lighting would be necessary.   Commissioners Hammond/ Viéville m/s to approve the staff recommendation for pedestrian crossing signage at crosswalks located at E. Main/Sherman St.; E. Main/Sixth St.; and E. Main/Eighth St. DISCUSSION: Commissioner Hammond agreed over-signage creates complacency, but felt flashing lights in a residential area was not a good recommendation. Commissioner Viéville felt trying the signage first to see if there is an improvement would be a better option than flashing lights. Commissioner Young agreed with others on the sign pollution, but felt reflective signs may serve to alert some drivers at night. Commissioner Anderson commented he was not opposed to signage but felt consistent striping throughout the city would be an improvement.  Mr. Fleury described alternative striping and lighting for crosswalks. He agreed to research alternative lighting sources and bring results to a future meeting. By show of hands in favor of the motion:  Commissioners Anderson, Hammond, Viéville and Young, YES.  Commissioner Kampmann, NO.  Motion passed 4 – 1.   Commissioners Kampmann/ Viéville m/s to recommend staff research area lighting and reflective striping alternatives at the E. Main/Sherman St.; E. Main/Sixth St.; and E. Main/Eighth St. intersections. DISCUSSION:  Mike Faught explained the process and potential cost of removing and replacing striping.  By show of hands the motion passed 5 – 0.   C.  Fair Oaks Median Staff Report Mr. Fleury briefly outlined the need for improved alley access off of Fair Oaks Drive which was brought to staff’s attention by Ashland Police. He reviewed the staff memo and photos with the Commission as well as a report submitted by Ashland Fire. Staff was seeking recommendation(s) from the Commission to improve the alley access.  He added the difficulty of removing the median as it entails moving utilities and irrigation lines.  Officer Steve MacLennan felt the best solution would be to cut through the center of the median allowing left hand turns.   Commissioners Questions/Comments Question:  Was there was a traffic related reason as to why the median extended beyond the two alleyways? Answer:  No. It was based more on design; not traffic.   Commissioners Kampmann/ Viéville m/s to follow staff recommendations to apply curb painting; install no parking signage; install appropriate traffic signage at median; and work with Planning, Police and Fire Department staff on appropriate engineering for access improvements.  By show of hands the motion passed 5 – 0.   NON-ACTION ITEMS A.  SOU Student Presentation SOU students Gabriel Lanetsky and Cooper Langdahl urged the Transportation Commission to improve the City’s infrastructure resulting in a safer environment for cyclists which would significantly increase bike riding and address global climate change.   B.  Audible Pedestrian Signals Update Mr. Faught commended Commissioner Viéville on her tireless work on the project. Commissioner Viéville gave an update on the progress of working with Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), the Community for the Blind, and the Polara vendor on the location, cost and features of the new audible signals. Mr. Fleury explained the technical aspects of the signal functions and installation. C. Traffic Safety Workshop Mr. Fleury gave an update on the workshop that took place on February 27, 2013.   D.  Road Diet Post Construction Analysis Kim Parducci, Southern Oregon Transportation Engineering, LLC, provided an update on the current road diet traffic monitoring data collection. She explained that data collection is ongoing month to month and will be used for the overall comparison in September 2013. Mr. Faught reported on the progress of realigning the offset driveway entrance to the Stone Medical parking lot near the Maple St. intersection.   E.  Bicycle Friendly Community Application Mr. Fleury reported the Bicycle Friendly Community application was submitted February 26, 2013. He acknowledged the collective effort by staff and members of the cycling community who worked on the comprehensive application. Mr. Faught added that staff is confident with the outcome of the application and expect to hear results from the League of American Bicyclists in May 2013.   COMMISSION OPEN DISCUSSION ▪ Commissioner Young acknowledged Mike Gardiner’s resignation from the Transportation Commission and his lateral transition to the Ashland Parks & Recreation Commission thus creating a vacancy. He discussed the current Commissioner renewals and the steps necessary to reapply.     ▪ Mr. Faught provided an update on the progress of the future comprehensive downtown parking and multi-modal circulation study.   ▪ Mr. Faught praised Commissioner Young’s presentation of the Transportation System Plan to Council February 5, 2013. He added the second reading will take place on March 5, 2013.   ▪ Commissioners and staff discussed newly appointed Council liaisons.    ▪ Commissioners asked about the process involved with adding audible signals to additional intersections.  Mr. Fleury explained the process and how it is connected with the signal maintenance agreement with ODOT.   ▪ Commissioners discussed moving the next meeting date up one week to accommodate scheduled vacations and ensure a quorum.  Commissioners / Viéville Hammond m/s to reschedule the next meeting date to the third Thursday in March (March 21, 2013).  Voice vote:  all AYES.  Motion passed 5 – 0.   INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A.  Action Summary Did not review.  Informational item only.   B.  Traffic Safety Connection February Newsletter Did not review. Informational item only.   C.  Traffic Crash Summary Did not review.  Informational item only.   D.  Water St. & N. Main St. Intersection Analysis Did not review.  Informational item only.   ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.