HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Minutes November 2015Transportation Commission November 19, 2015 Page 1 of 5 AASSHHLLAANNDD TTRRAANNSSPPOORRTTAATTIIOONN CCOOMMMMIISSSSIIOONN MMIINNUUTTEESS November 19, 2015 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Joe Graf called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Mt. Ashland Room at Mountain Meadows, located at 857 Mountain Meadows Drive. Commissioners Present: Danielle Amarotico, Alan Bender, Joe Graf, Corinne Viéville, and David Young. Commissioners Absent: None Ex officio Present: Brandon Goldman, absent Staff Present: Scott Fleury, Mike Faught and Mary McClary Council Liaison: Michael Morris, absent SOU Liaison Present: None ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairperson Graf thanked Mountain Meadows for allowing the Commission to hold its meeting at their facility, and providing enough room for everyone. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes for: September 24, 2015 and October 22, 2015. Chair Joe Graf corrected the sentence under Announcements for the October 22, 2015 minutes. FROM: “Graf pointed out the agenda is going to change so the North Main cross walk item won’t be discussed tonight due to Kim Parducci not being able to attend the meeting.” TO: “Graf pointed out the agenda is going to change. The North Main cross walk item won’t be discussed tonight due to Kim Parducci not being able to attend the meeting.” The minutes were approved with stated correction. PUBLIC FORUM Set aside. NEW BUSINESS None. OLD BUSINESS N Main Crosswalk Discussion Kim Parducci, the Traffic Engineer, reported to the Commission about ODOT’s approval status with the two crosswalk project designs they had been diligently working to get started. ODOT generally liked the design of the Van Ness/N. Main crosswalk design, which consisted of a short walk- small island-short walk design. They had concerns for the truck traffic, due to the concrete island. Kim will run it by their Freight group to make sure the city had sufficient clearances for truck traffic. Generally they liked the whole design. Transportation Commission November 19, 2015 Page 2 of 5 The Nursery/N Main proposed crosswalk had more constraints and concerns from ODOT. She explained it was difficult to design due to the angle and existing driveway. ODOT would approve the design but would need to close the circular driveway closest to the proposed cross. They were also concerned with congestion created because of continual crossings and single lane traffic. ODOT would be in support of crosswalks as long as the city would design, fund and maintain them. Mike Faught asked if the city would be maintaining just the crosswalk and Scott Fleury explained the city would either have an agreement mostly likely, to just re-stripe the crosswalk. Kim recommended to go forward with the Van Ness/N. Main crosswalk design, and wait on the Nursery location. Corinne Vieville asked about plans for flashers. Kim explained the Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon (RFB) would not be recommended for Van Ness mainly because the distant was so short. The Commission entered into a discussion regarding congestion, delays, safety, Road Diet, RFB and balance between them. Chairperson Graf asked if the Commission recommendation was to go forward with Van Ness with a flasher. Mike Faught recapped the Commission would either go forward without a flasher and evaluate further, or if the Commissions felt strongly to move ahead including a flasher, then Kim would need to re- evaluate parts of the project. Kim explained they did not look at the project with a flasher and she still had reservations using a flasher on N. Main Street. The Commission felt strongly to go forward with the design including a Flasher for Van Ness/N. Main. Chairperson Graf asked about the evaluating criteria that would be used to decide the project on Nursery with a flasher, if Van Ness did not include a flasher. Kim talked about monitoring traffic on Van Ness without a flasher to discern when pedestrians cross and look at the traffic flow of disruption. If there were indications of change with the crosswalk, the Commission may want to consider not putting a flasher at the Nursery project. She felt it would be beneficial to monitor a location before utilizing both locations with flashers. The Commission discussed the pros and cons of flashers and when the projects would be able to begin. Scott Fleury realistically thought 8-12 months. Kim pointed out the project would need to go before Council and ODOT’S Freight Group. Chairperson Graf asked for consensus on moving forward with the first project including a possible flasher, and beginning the steps for the second project. David Young felt that a crosswalk was needed more further down. There was more discussion regarding the two proposed crosswalks. The Commission came to a consensus on moving forward with the Van Ness/N. Main including looking at a possible flasher at that location. Chairperson Graf moved VIII, B. Traffic Crash Summary to allow Officer MacLennan to speak next. Officer MacLennan mentioned the stop signs placed on Walker Street were creating a serious traffic problem. The stop signs on the railroad tracks, also were not working properly. He recommended a legal stop sign, so he could enforce and create safer crossing for pedestrians. He reported half of the cars stop and half do not. Scott Fleury explained about undersized stop signs were placed for automobiles. When the crossing gates do not work, there has to be a stop sign, and he believed that was the reason for their placement. He was waiting for a formal response from Corp as that area was under the jurisdiction of the Railroad. Again, Transportation Commission November 19, 2015 Page 3 of 5 Officer MacLennan requested if the RR arms were not working, legal stop signs needed to be placed and unfortunately it would interfere with the bike lane and sidewalk. Transit System Study Session The Commission reviewed the Transit portion of the Transportation System Plan (TSP). The Planning Commission, Transportation Commission, and RVTD all worked together with a consultant to create the TSP. Mike Faught summarized the TSP multi-model components and outlined the policies within consisting of housing, upgrade sidewalk facilities, street lighting, bike storage, approve pedestrian crossing opportunities, and work with RVTD to monitor and improve transit stop amenities. In addition they wanted to establish a bus pass program, extend service hours, service area, central transit hub, express bus, and encouraged RVTD to apply for a grant to be utilized in extended bus service for 3 years. Mike summarized each of the suggested programs. He referred to a Power Point presentation. (time stamp1:08:42 to 1:22:11) David Young spoke to this experience with the TSP Plan process. Alan Bender talked about the ride sharing to the airport and car sharing in general. Dominic Barth, a new member of the Commission, commented how he was looking forward to taking advantage of the existing plan and all its possibilities. Chairperson Graf asked to open Public Forum, having passed it earlier in the meeting. Janice Trieglaff/825 Boulder Creek Lane spoke to the Commission requesting a stop at Fair Oaks and North Mountain because of the difficulty to see at that intersection. Donna Steward, Mountain Meadows, spoke to the Commission regarding the area by the Coop, Oak Street and Railroad, how confusing it was to use the stop sign or where to stop. There was no marked white line. Elizabeth Pallet, 938 Mountain Meadows Circle wondered if the Commission wanted to walk the areas of concern where they were planning a cross walk? Roy Sutton, 989 Golden Aspen Place concurred with Donna’s Steward’s comments about the cross at Oak and RR and also mentioned he asked a few years ago for a stop at the corner of Fair Oaks and North Mountain. He was hoping an accident would not have to occur before a stop sign was placed. Louise Shawkat, 870 Cambridge wondered if businesses supported the bus route and turn around spot by Ashland Hills. In addition any support for general transit. Mike explained during the TSP update there was communication. When they really become specific projects, then more people/businesses get involved and interested. Roy Sutton, 989 Golden Aspen Place asked about the map and the Nevada bridge. Mike Faught clarified the full design has not been completed yet and/or the best route for the future. There was a 1.5 million grant and another million dollars in system development charges. They still need an additional 3 million dollars and have hired someone to help us lobby for more money. Donna Swanson, 863 Plum Ridge Drive, spoke regarding a rubber tire vehicle, or could they state electric vehicle? Mike explained it was a term to distinguish it from a transit route. Donna Steward, Mountain Meadows asked if they explored options for downtown parking in the huge Christian Church. Mike talked about the consultant and the identification of about 900 potential spaces Transportation Commission November 19, 2015 Page 4 of 5 available for parking. They are looking at agreements to be able to utilize that. The radius is approximately from the RR tracks to North Main. Roy Sutton, 989 Golden Aspen Place talked about the letter to the Editor and remarks concerning auto exhaust and pedestrians. He felt that was an important point for the electric vehicles. Dave Young reminded everyone that the next Downtown meeting would be held December 2nd at the Council chambers at 3:30pm. November and December meeting dates The members discussed future November and December dates for Commission meetings. Scott suggested the 3rd Thursday at the Siskiyou room/or Council chambers. Chairperson Graf asked if they needed to update the code and the website. The regularly scheduled meetings would then be the 4th Thursday of each month, except November and December would be the 3rd Thursday. All agreeded. FOLLOW UP ITEMS Mayors Brown Bag—scheduled for tomorrow, November 20th Grandview Shared Road Status—Mike met with the property owner and other people who were not happy with the guard rail. He was working on a new standard for the shared road. He wanted to come up with a design that met the cross section of 18’ and 3’ for each side for pedestrians. The next step would be a public engagement process and talk about implementation. In addition, they would begin the education process and make sure it’s a safe facility for everyone. David wondered why an unpermitted guard rail was being worked around. Dominic wondered if it became the city’s responsibility. Mike explained about the code and requirements. The ordinance states, “unless it affects future design” and that makes this something that would require a permit. Oak Knoll and Highway 66 Intersection Chairperson Graf stated the intersection was in the TSP to be realigned. Scott explained it was within ODOT jurisdiction boundary on Oak Knoll and Jackson County had the right of way jurisdiction on East Main. It is a cross boundary project. It would require looking at an engineering design and obtain a funding source to complete the project. Mike explained the TSP had two phases for this project, the first a realignment and the 2nd the roundabout. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Action Summary Traffic Crash Summary—already addressed. COMMISSION OPEN DISCUSSION Corinne Vieville asked about a trolley for SOU on First Friday and wondered about details. Dave Young talked about they hire a private trolley and Taste of Ashland does the same thing. Chairperson Graf has spoken to SOU regarding a representative and Dave Young spoke about filling the Commission vacancies. Alan believed OSF should be represented on the Commission as well. Mike would make sure the Mayor understands the concerns. He also gave the Commission the history of its members. FUTURE AGENDA TOPICS Public Outreach/Education-Oregon Impact Programs Traffic Control Resolution Update Transportation Commission November 19, 2015 Page 5 of 5 Traffic Crash Summary PD letter Car Share-Zip Car Code Enforcement Discussion—Dave asked that the code enforcement officer come to a future meeting to talk about the obstructions on sidewalks. Bridge St. Parking Prohibition ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm Next Meeting Date: December 10, 2015. Respectfully submitted, Mary McClary, Administrative Assistant for Electric, AFN and Information Technology