HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Packet March 2015[Normal Neighborhood Plan Street Network Map 0 400 800200 Feet Road Classifications neigborhood collector multi-use path local street shared street [Normal Neighborhood Plan Street Network Map 0 400 800200 Feet Road Classifications neigborhood collector multi-use path local street shared street Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Document March 2015 Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework City of Ashland | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Acknowledgements Project Team City of Ashland Brandon Goldman, Bill Molnar Oregon Department of Transportation John McDonald Parametrix Jason Franklin, Derek Chisholm, Anne Sylvester Urbsworks, Inc Marcy McInelly Joseph Readdy Architect, Inc Joseph Readdy Qamar Architecture & Town Planning Laurence Qamar Leland Consulting Group Brian Vanneman Nevue Ngan Ben Ngan, Olena Turula, Jason Hirst Transportation and Growth Management This project is funded by the Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) Program, a joint program of the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development and the Oregon Department of Transportation. This project is funded in part, by federal Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users ( ), local government, and State of Oregon funds. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the State of Oregon. ii] Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework January 2015| Transportation Growth Management Table of Contents 5. INFRASTRUCTURE 29 WATER 29 SANITARY SEWER 29 STORMWATER 29 6. SUSTAINABILITY 30 1. INTRODUCTION 1 PROJECT OBJECTIVES 1 EXISTING CONDITIONS 2 CONCEPT PLAN BACKGROUND AND CHARRETTE 3 FIVE FRAMEWORKS 4 2. HOUSING AND LAND USE 5 LAND USES 5 HOUSING TYPES 6 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 9 AFFORDABILITY 9 3. GREENWAY AND OPEN SPACE 12 NATURAL AREAS 12 4. MOBILITY 15 STREET NETWORK 15 ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION 16 STREET ALIGNMENT OPPORTUNITIES TO MAXIMIZE SOLAR ORIENTATION 17 MAIN AND CLAY STREET ACCESS POINTS 17 TRANSIT SERVICE AND TRANSIT STOPS 18 i i i Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework City of Ashland | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan List of Figures FIGURES Project Study Area 2 Wetlands and Streams 3 Charrette Illustrative Plan 4 Land Use Zones 5 Creek Drive Before and After View 6 East Main Street Before and After View 7 Cluster Dwelling Around a Center Green 8 Example Multiple-Dwelling Development (NN-03) 9 Uses Allowed Within NN-01 10 Uses Allowed Within NN-02 10 Uses Allowed Within NN-03 11 Use Table 11 Charrette Open Space Diagram 12 Open Space Network 14 Charrette Mobility Sketches 16 Street Map 17 Street Type: Normal Avenue with One-Sided Parking at Wetland 19 StreetType: Normal Avenue with Two-Sided Parking 20 StreetType Streambed Crossing 21 Street Type: Neighborhood Queuing Street with One-Sided Parking 22 Street Type: Neighborhood Street with Two-Sided Parking 23 Street Type: Neighborhood Street with Diagonal Parking 24 Street Type: Neighborhood Street with Median 25 Street Type: Shared Street 26 ‘Street Type: Rear Lane 27 Street Type: Multi-Use Path 28 Charrette Infrastructure / Stormwater Diagram 29 iv ] Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework January 2015| Transportation Growth Management Neighborhood Vision Neighborhood planning is the process by which the City works with Ashland’s residents to envision the future of the neighborhood. The eventual incorporation of the Normal Neighborhood Plan area into the City depends on careful consideration of the neighborhood’s unique identity and character and a holistic planning approach. The City envisions a neighborhood that is notable for the natural beauty of the area’s wetlands and creeks, mountain views, diversity of households, and as an area which accommodates bicycling and walking as a reliable and convenient way to move throughout the area. Local streams, wetlands, and scenic vistas contribute significantly to define the character of the Normal Neighborhood. The quality of the place is enhanced by these features and the wildlife that they attract. Connected and contiguous open spaces will remain as central features of the area’s future development as they help reflect the community of Ashland’s commitment to promote environmental quality, provide recreational opportunities, and function to incorporate nature into the daily lives of the area’s residents. The neighborhood will provide for a range of housing choices available a diversity of Ashland’s population. The neighborhood can accommodate a blend of housing types including individual residences, townhomes, apartments, moderately sized cottages, pedestrian oriented cluster housing, and mixed-use neighborhood serving businesses. Future developments should be designed to relate to, and complement, adjacent properties. Incorporating unifying elements between adjacent developments will serve to promote neighborhood cohesiveness, provide open space in a coordinated manner, and secure an efficient circulation system. Given the immediate proximity to existing schools, parks, and local business areas the neighborhood is recognized as place where children can readily walk and bike to schools through a safe, desirable family-based neighborhood. This neighborhood plan addresses long-term community goals, unifies expectations, and integrates the project area into the fabric of the City. The implementation standards for the neighborhood plan are intended to be strong enough to maintain the vision for the area, yet flexible enough to respond to changing conditions and adapt over time. Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework City of Ashland | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan [1 Introduction INTRODUCTION Thanks to the active participation of the community and significant support from City staff, this Plan will guide future development for the Normal Neighborhood . The plan emphasizes compact urban form to better accommodate an extensive range of housing types for families of all sizes and incomes. Compact urban form also makes it possible to build upon the abundance of natural features –streams, wetlands, and trees– that support the character of this unique place. By creating a system of greenways and protecting and enhancing existing natural features the plan anticipates a place that welcomes nature in. Despite the challenges to connectivity posed by existing conditions like the Central Oregon & Pacific Railroad tracks, the plan enhances access and mobility while reducing dependance on the automobile: walking and biking will be the attractive first choice for residents of all ages. Project Objectives The following project objectives were developed by the City and project partners and have been used to guide the development of this plan. ·Maximize land use efficiency by concentrating housing in a strategically located area within the City Urban Growth Boundary. ·Create a development pattern of blocks and streets that supports a balanced, multi-modal transportation system that offers a full range of choices to its occupants and that supports active transportation opportunities like walking, bicycling or using transit in those areas planned for transit service; ·Provide a range of housing choices and a variety of open space, public space, and green infrastructure improvements, in a way that preserves and enhances the area’s creeks and wetlands; ·Design a local street grid for the Project Area including connections to existing and planned street, pedestrian, and bicycle facilities beyond the project area that overcome the challenges to connectivity and better integrate the area into the Ashland transportation system; ·Provide for pedestrian and bicycle routes and facility improvements within the plan area that will provide safe access to local schools, activities, neighborhoods, and destinations; ·Apply those principles of low impact development to minimize the extent and initial cost of new infrastructure and to promote the benefits of stormwater management; ·Provide developable alternatives at planned densities that will eliminate the need for expansion of the urban growth boundary; and ·Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by implementing transportation and land use plans that encourage reductions in vehicle miles traveled. Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework January 2015| Transportation Growth Management Introduction 2 ] Existing Conditions Located within the urban growth boundary, but not within the city limits, the site is characterized by its relative isolation from the rest of the City of Ashland. The north boundary of the project study area is East Main Street and there is currently no street within the project study area that connects to East Main Street. The west boundary of the project study area is Ashland Middle School. Informal paths that cut through private property provide connection for pedestrians from the study area to the middle school, the ScienceWorks Museum, and other neighborhoods. The south boundary of the project is clearly delineated by the Siskiyou rail line operated by the Central Oregon & Pacific Railroad. An unprotected rail crossing connects Normal Avenue south to to an established residential neighborhood. The character of the Normal Avenue changes dramatically from a neighborhood street to a narrow lane with slow speeds that is shared by pedestrians, bicyclists, and cars. The east boundary of the project study area abuts the Wingspread Mobile Home Park, Creek Drive, and Clay Street. The neighborhood’s relative isolation is widely considered an asset by most residents – most of the time. The inaccessibility provides a high degree of quiet privacy, but emergency responders have had to be occasionally inventive when trains occupy the rail line and access to Normal Avenue is interrupted: residents described an incident where emergency responders had to drive their vehicle over the informal, unpaved trail from Ashland Middle School to Normal Avenue in order to reach a resident in need. The Normal Neighborhood has a mix of Comprehensive Plan designations including single-family residential and suburban residential, but is currently outside the City of Ashland city limits. Development in the plan area has historically been low density, single-dwelling rural residences on large lots – consistent with Jackson County zoning standards. The Normal Neighborhood currently represents a modest level of development with a diverse range of uses from agriculture to single-dwelling residential on large lots to religious institutions. The plan area contains 35 properties with sizes between 0.38 acres up to 9.96 acres. There are currently two existing land comprehensive plan designations that overlay the 93.3 acre site: Single-Family Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework City of Ashland | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Introduction [3 Low Density and Suburban Residential. The base density of Single-Family Low Density is 4.5 units per acre; the base density of Suburban Residential is 7.2 units per acre. The gross potential for the entire neighborhood under the current comprehensive plan is 560 dwellings. The plan area includes two creeks and three significant wetland areas. Over time, each of the streams and all of the wetlands have been subject to negative impact from development. None represents a pristine natural condition, but each are considered significant and, once restored or enhanced, capable of making a unique and significant contribution to the quality of the place. The wetlands and riparian areas were investigated in detail and have informed the design of the new Normal Neighborhood Plan, especially the greenway and open space framework. The project area constitutes the largest remaining readily-developable area of residentially designated land that is suitable for medium- to high-density development. Concept Plan Background and Charrette A central part of the development of the Normal Neighborhood Plan was a multi-day community design charrette that took place in Ashland in October 2012. Prior to the design charrette, however, the project team developed an initial Concept Plan grounded in data provided by the City of Ashland, surveys, and initial interviews with stakeholders. Researching and developing the concept plan gave the project team the opportunity critically consider the existing conditions of the site within the existing context of the city. In preparation for the Charrette, the project team investigated patterns for possible development and market conditions necessary to support development. This initial concept plan was not intended to be the preferred pattern for development but, as just one of many possible development schemes, it was used as the starting place for community discussion at an intensive multi-day planning process in Ashland. During the four-day design charrette the design team collaborated 0 100 300 500 north Creek Drive East Ma i n S t r e e t Cl a y S t r e e t No r m a l A v e n u e We t l a n d W 1 2 We t l a n d W 4 Ce m e t e r y C r e e k Cla y C r e e k We t l a n d W 9 Stream Wetland Wetland Protection Zone Wetlands & Streams Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework January 2015| Transportation Growth Management Introduction 4 ] with City staff, local property owners, their designers, and nearby residents. The Charrette concluded with a public presentation of a new draft illustrative plan for future refinement, discussion, development, and implementation. While the initial draft concept plan informed the ultimate Normal Neighborhood Plan, community input significantly guided the charrette draft plan which incorporated numerous new and specific elements to better address many local issues. Both the initial discussion plan and this final draft plan were organized by five separate conceptual frameworks intended to guide analysis and investigation of existing conditions, support research and best practices, offer City staff and the public a concrete path for engaging with the plan, and guide the development of the plan. Five Frameworks ·Housing and Land Use ·Greenway and Open Space ·Mobility ·Infrastructure ·Sustainability Charrette Illustrative Plan Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework City of Ashland | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Housing and Land UseAsland Normal Neighborhood Plan [5 HOUSING AND LAND USE The district is designed to provide an environment suitable for traditional neighborhood living, working, and recreation. The Normal Neighborhood Plan is a blueprint for promoting a variety of housing types while preserving open spaces, stream corridors, wetlands, and other significant natural features. The neighborhood will be characterized by a connected network of streets and lanes, paths and trails, with nodes of access and connection to the natural areas, wetlands, and streams that characterize this place. This network will also connect to the larger network of regional trails, paths, and streets beyond the boundaries of the neighborhood. Land UsesHousing Housing makes sense for the Normal Neighborhood because both the population and the number of households in the city are expected to continue to grow in the decades ahead. Ashland remains a very popular choice for families and retirees. The project area is connected to other residential neighborhoods with schools, retail and commercial enterprises, and parks and recreation areas. The site is close to all of Ashland’s centers of employment including downtown. Housing is supported by the site’s comprehensive plan designations and base zoning. While housing as a land use makes sense from both policy and market perspectives, it should be planned for and developed with an intent to create community. There is a market demand for a wide range of housing including single-family, attached housing such as townhomes, multi- dwelling residential, apartments, pedestrian-oriented cluster housing, senior, student, and affordable housing. Commercial | Retail A market analysis of the plan area shows that it is a weak location for retail. Traffic volumes in the area are currently low and the projections based upon the plan indicate that traffic volumes will continue to be low – even when the neighborhood is fully developed. Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework January 2015| Transportation Growth Management Housing and Land Use 6 ] The plan shows the potential for approximately 450 dwelling units and around nine hundred residents, so small scale retail and commercial space, such as a coffee shop, café, restaurant, or corner store, is possible. Such neighborhood serving businesses would be located within the limited commercial overlay area zoned NN-1-3.5-C as a component of mixed-use residential development. Office Office space is an unlikely choice for the Normal Neighborhood . Demand for new office space is low in Ashland and that demand is more likely to be met in more central locations and near existing employment hubs such as the downtown, Southern Oregon University, and the Croman Mill District. Housing Types There are four distinct residential zones within the Normal Neighborhood Plan: NN-1-5, NN-1-3.5, NN-1-3.5-C, and NN-2, . The development standards for the Normal Neighborhood Development Plan will preserve neighborhood character by providing three different zones with different residential densities and development standards. The NN-1-5,NN-1-3.5, zones are intended to preserve land and open space and provide housing opportunities for individual households through development of single-dwelling housing. The use regulations and development standards are intended to create, maintain and promote single- dwelling neighborhood character. The NN-1-3.5-C zone is also intended to primarily provide housing opportunities while allowing for limited neighborhood serving commercial uses that do not sacrifice the overall image and character of the single-dwelling neighborhood. Zone NN-2 is intended to preserve land and open space and provide housing opportunities for individual households through development of multi-dwelling housing. The use regulations and development standards are intended to create and maintain higher density residential neighborhoods. The designated openspace and conservation areas are intended to protect environmentally sensitive water resource lands and provide open space recreational opportunities for individual households throughout the Normal Neighborhood Development Plan area. City of Ashland | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Normal Plan Visualizations Creek Drive Illustration by Tom Giordano Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework City of Ashland | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Housing and Land Use [7 The Normal Neighborhood District Plan includes a distinct building type, Pedestrian-Oriented Clustered Residential Units where multiple compact dwellings are grouped around common open space and promote a scale and character that is compatible with single-family homes. Building types in the Normal Neighborhood will include: Single Dwelling Residential Units A Single Dwelling Residential Unit is a detached residential building that contains a single dwelling with self-contained living facilities on one lot. It is separated from adjacent dwellings by private open space in the form of side yards and backyards, and set back from the public street or common green by a front yard. Auto parking is provided in either a garage or on surface area on the same lot, accessible from the lane. The garage may be detached or attached to the dwelling structure. Single Dwelling Residential Units will be permitted in the NN-1-5, NN-1-3.5 and NN-1-3.5-C zoning districts. Double Dwelling Residential Units A Double Dwelling Residential Unit is a residential building that contains two dwellings, each with self-contained living facilities. In appearance, height, massing and lot placement the Double Dwelling Residential Unit is similar or identical to a Single Dwelling Residential Unit. The Double Dwelling Residential Unit is subject to all of the same setbacks, height and parking requirements as single dwellings in the surrounding base zone. Residential units may be arranged side-by-side, like rowhouses, each with its own entrance, or stacked flats with one or more shared entrances. Dwelling units may be sold as condominiums or rented as apartments. Double Dwelling Residential Units will be permitted in the NN-1-3.5, NN-1-3.5-C , and NN-2 zoning districts. Accessory Residential Units An Accessory Residential Unit is a small living unit located on the same lot as a single dwelling residential unit. The Accessory Normal Plan Visualizations East Main Street Illustration by Tom Giordano Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework January 2015| Transportation Growth Management Housing and Land Use 8 ] Normal Plan Visualizations Illustration by Tom GiordanoCluster housing around a center green. Residential Units may be located within the single-family residential structure or in a separate structure. Accessory Residential Units will be permitted in the NN-1- 5, NN-1-3.5 and NN-1-3.5-C zoning districts. Pedestrian-Oriented Clustered Residential Units Pedestrian-Oriented Residential Clusters are multiple dwellings grouped around common open space that promote a scale and character that is very compatible with single-family homes. Clustered Residential Units may be separated from one another by side yards that provide private open space or be attached to one or more units with shared walls. Dwelling units may be sold as condominiums, sold as dwellings on individual lots, or rented as apartments. Auto parking is typically provided in a shared surface lot, or lots, and is accessible from an alley or common driveway. Pedestrian-Oriented Residential Clusters will be permitted in the NN-1-3.5, NN- 1-3.5-C and NN-2 zoning districts. Attached Residential Units Attached Residential Units, or rowhouses, are single dwellings with self-contained living facilities on one lot, attached along one or both sidewalls to an adjacent dwelling unit. Private open space may take the form of front yards, backyards, or upper level terraces. The dwelling unit may be set back from the public street or common green by a front yard. Auto parking may be provided in a garage on the same lot, either detached or attached to the dwelling structure, and accessible from an alley. Attached Residential Units will be permitted in the NN-1-3.5, NN-1-3.5-C and NN-2 zoning districts. Multiple Dwelling Residential Units Multiple Dwelling Residential Units are multiple dwellings that occupy a single building or multiple buildings on a single lot. Dwellings may take the form of attached residential units (like rowhouses) or stacked flats (like apartments) or a combination of attached and stacked units. Dwelling units may be sold as condominiums or rented as apartments. Auto parking is provided in a shared surface area or areas internal to the lot. Multiple Dwelling Residential Units will be permitted in the NN-1-3.5, NN-1-3.5-C and NN-2 zoning districts zoning districts. Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework City of Ashland | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Housing and Land Use [9 Development Standards The development standards will promote desirable residential areas by addressing aesthetically pleasing environments, safety, privacy, energy conservation, and recreational opportunities. The site development standards allow for flexibility of development while maintaining compatibility with the City’s various neighborhoods. In addition, the regulations provide certainty to property owners, developers, and neighbors about the limits of what is allowed. The development standards are generally written for houses on flat, regularly shaped lots. Other situations are addressed through special regulations or exceptions. Affordability Housing in Ashland is not affordable to many of its residents. This plan and code maintain the City’s existing density bonuses and annexation requirements for the provision of affordable housing units. In addition, the land will be zoned to encourage more diversity in housing and increased intensity of development in those areas where the context and capacity for density is most appropriate. The result should be increases in housing supply, housing options, and housing affordability. The plan creates a complete neighborhood, accessible to a full range of ages and abilities. There will be units for sale or rent; small, and large; and attached and detached units. Certain elements of affordability are better addressed later in the development process. The City could later use the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Housing Trust Fund programs to incentivize affordable housing development in the study area. These funds can help build sidewalks, trails, and other features directly associated with eligible affordable housing projects. Developers and the City can also partner with local affordable homebuilders and Community Development Corporations (CDCs) to build affordable housing. These organizations should be very knowledgeable about developing and managing affordable housing that takes advantage of public and private funding sources such as CDBG, HOME Investment Partnership, Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), funding from state agencies such as the Department of Human Services (DHS), HUD sources, and others. Illustration by Tom Giordano Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework January 2015| Transportation Growth Management Housing and Land Use 10 ] Uses Allowed in NN-1-5 BASE DENSITY: 5 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE Uses Allowed in NN-1-3.5 BASE DENSITY: 10 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE Uses Allowed in NN-2 BASE DENSITY: 15 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE Zone Single Dwelling Residential Unit Accessory Dwelling Residential Unit Double Dwelling Residential Unit Clustered Residential Units Attached Residential Unit Multiple Dwelling Residential Unit NA-01 NA-02 NA-03 NA-OS Legend Permitted Conditional base density of zone must be met Use Table Zone Single Dwelling Residential Unit Accessory Dwelling Residential Unit Double Dwelling Residential Unit Clustered Residential Units Attached Residential Unit Multiple Dwelling Residential Unit NA-01 NA-02 NA-03 NA-OS Legend Permitted Conditional base density of zone must be met Use Table Use Table For detailed use table see Land Use Code (Chapter 18-3.13) Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework City of Ashland | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Greenway and Open Space 12 ] GREENWAY AND OPEN SPACE The Normal Neighborhood’s distinctive character is shaped by the presence of prominent open spaces and natural areas. The preservation of these neighborhood defining features is central to the success of the neighborhood plan as they ensure the protection of fragile ecosystems, provide passive recreational opportunities where people can connect with nature, protect scenic views considered important to the community, protect future development from flood hazards, and preserve community character and quality of life by buffering areas of development from one another. The permanent establishment of interconnected open spaces and contiguous conservation areas as proposed in the Open Space Framework is essential to promote and maintain high quality residential development which is appropriate to the distinct character of the neighborhood. The quality of the place is enhanced by the neighborhood’s streams, wetlands, and other environmentally sensitive features and the wildlife that they attract. In addition to protection of these existing natural resource areas, the Plan provides usable, connected open space for neighbors and residents of Ashland. In the context of the greenway and open space system, streams and wetlands are maintained as amenities for all area residents. The open space network will support the neighborhood’s distinctive character, promotes environmental quality, and provides opportunities for many forms of recreation including bird-watching, hiking, biking, and exploring. Protected and restored, these riparian corridors and wetlands will support native vegetation, provide habitat for wildlife, and promote environmental quality by absorbing, storing, and releasing stormwater. In order to offer all residents and visitors an opportunity to engage directly with nature, pedestrian, bicycle, and automobile circulation are accommodated beyond the edges of the stream beds and wetlands to provide visual and physical access and to increase the buffer zones between pockets of development. Natural Areas Water Resource Protection Areas (WRPA) are established by the City’s Land Use Ordinance. For locally significant wetlands, WRPAs include the wetland plus a 50 foot buffer, and for locally significant streams includes all lands 40’ from centerline of stream. Four areas on the site have significant natural resources including three Open Space Diagram Produced at Charrette Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework January 2015| Transportation Growth Management Greenway and Open Space [13 wetlands, and two creeks. These WRPAs are: ·Wetland W9, the large wetland east of Ashland Middle School; ·Wetland W12, an isolated, linear wetland; ·Cemetery Creek and its associated wetland W4, and ·Clay Creek The Middle School wetland (W9) is the largest wetland in Ashland urban growth boundary. It is an isolated wetland with no surface water connection to other water bodies. Wetland W9, the wetland, is significant to neighborhood development due to its size and proximity to the school. It provides an opportunity for a large open space area, and potential for outdoor education associated with the school and science learning center west of Walker Ave. It also provides an opportunity to create a distinct destination open space that will anchor the neighborhood at its west end. Wetland (W4) is bisected by Cemetery Creek. Cemetery Creek and this associated wetland will serve as one part of the environmental north-south framework used to guide the pattern of development in the neighborhood. This stream corridor will provide valuable habitat and habitat connectivity as well as a framework for bike and pedestrian connections within the site and beyond the neighborhood. Although the extent of Clay Creek within the project area is less than that of Cemetery Creek, it still holds the potential to be an amenity for the plan area and the city by providing connectivity. Opportunities for restoration along Clay Creek in the plan area will provide habitat, support habitat connectivity to the north and south, provide recreation opportunities and connect pedestrians and bicyclists to the regional trail system. The W12 wetland near the center of the project area is not associated with streams or ponds and may have been created –or intensively modified– by human activity. Based upon community input and guidance from City staff, the project emphasizes protection of streams and wetlands first and mitigation with restoration for those degraded areas within the WRPA protection zones to improve their utility for managing stormwater, maximize their value as habitat, and enhance their purpose as a recreational amenity for the community. Stormwater management is critical to maintaining the health and function of the existing streams and wetlands. When stormwater is not managed it flows into streams too quickly and too hot – degrading the stream as habitat Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework City of Ashland | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Greenway and Open Space 14 ] for native species and causing erosion. When stormwater is slowed and cooled by re-infiltration, stream health is restored. While streams and wetlands can function to absorb stormwater, every effort should be made to ensure that stormwater runoff is filtered and slowed before discharging into streams and wetlands. The most effective way to treat stormwater is by managing it as close to its source as possible with small, shallow facilities. Impervious surfaces should be minimized; and green streets, swales and residential surface stormwater management should be maximized. The plan proposes that the required landscape strips between sidewalk and street are designed and managed as stormwater facilities wherever practicable and curb-less street sections be encouraged for those streets that abut a wetland, stream, or natural area. In addition, the Normal Neighborhood Plan proposes that permeable paving be installed in the parking zones. Street crossings of wetlands and streams in the east-west direction have been minimized to the extent possible. Where stream crossings are necessary for street network connectivity, we recommend that the bridging of each stream bed be as “light” and narrow as practicable. In addition to the greenways associated with water resource protection, the plan includes other open space features. A number of pocket parks may be proposed which help to frame scenic vistas and provide small gateways into different portions of the plan area. These small parks may include public art or small-scale active recreational opportunities for all ages. The Normal Neighborhood Plan design for open space orients new improvements in the open space framework east-west for the purpose of creating new connections across the site that support the natural north-south grain of the existing open space. The goal is to provide habitat connectivity between all wetlands and stream corridors. Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework January 2015| Transportation Growth Management Mobility [15 MOBILITY Street Network The site has been considered as an integrated system where each framework element is intended to support every other. The placement of streets was very directly influenced by the natural function of wetlands and creeks and was designed to support the full range of intended housing choices. The vehicular circulation system proposed by the plan for the Normal Neighborhood will connect to the existing street network. The existing street network includes two functionally-classified city boulevards – Ashland Street and East Main Street. Ashland Street provides two travel lanes in each direction with signals and left turn lanes at key intersections. The Ashland Street cross-section appears to be fully built-out in most locations. East Main Street provides a single through lane in each direction and exhibits a rural character with limited access and curb- less shoulders. The eastbound lane of East Main Street should be improved as the adjacent properties along its south side increase in land use intensity. The westbound side of this street is the current Urban Growth Boundary, so no development is anticipated until such time as the lands to the north are incorporated into the UGB. The Normal Neighborhood street network was designed with the following principles in mind: ·Street connectivity through the Normal Neighborhood Plan area will reduce travel demand on the adjacent east-west boulevards: East Main Street and Ashland Street. Connections from the Normal Neighborhood will extend to the east to Clay Street by way of Creek Drive and other future street connections. ·Walkability is supported by small blocks. The City’s street standards recommend that, where possible, block lengths be a maximum of 300 to 400 feet with a maximum perimeter of 1,200 to 1,600 feet to provide good connectivity for all modes of travel. The fabric of blocks in the Normal Neighborhood Plan were designed to these standards. Although walkability is a major focus of the plan, some variations from these standards may ultimately be required in order to fully protect natural resources. All streets have been designed to keep travel speeds in the range of 20 mph by introducing elements such as planted medians, traffic circles, and subtle changes in direction at block intersections. Slow speeds and meandering street alignments will contribute to safety for everyone. The Normal Neighborhood Plan introduces a new street type into the range of Ashland streets: the “Shared Street.” A Shared Street is a very low speed street where all modes of transportation coexist in the same space. There are no individual sidewalks separated from the street surface by curbs and planted medians. There are no bicycle lanes separated from the street by painted lines. The low traffic volumes, low-speeds, and narrow cross-section make it possible for all to safely occupy the street surface by yielding to the slowest and most vulnerable present at a given moment. Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework City of Ashland | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Mobility 16 ] The use of rear lanes helps to upport a complete grid of finely-grained urban blocks. and provide access to garages and backyards. Where cottage clusters occur, alleys are critically important to their function. Elsewhere, as in those areas zoned NN-03, specific alley locations within the designated blocks is left to future development for definition, subject to the maximum block length and access management standards. There is a synergy between the design of the street network, the stormwater management system, and the design of parks and open space. Holistic thinking and a multi-disciplinary approach to street network, stormwater, infrastructure, and parks and open space will support a more attractive and desirable neighborhood, reduce infrastructure costs, and maximize land development potential. Active Transportation Active transportation is fundamental to the Normal Neighborhood urban design plan. Active transportation means using human-powered transportation as a convenient choice for many of the activities of daily living. It can also define the critical infrastructure, bike lanes and sidewalks, that communities need to promote safe connections to work, school, businesses, playgrounds and green spaces. The natural act of walking and the urban form that results from making the human scale the fundamental of design are keys to the planning and development pattern. Despite the inherent boundary conditions that limit connectivity, such as Ashland Middle School and the Central Oregon & Pacific rail line, building the transportation network on a foundation of walkability makes all modes of travel more efficient, effective, and safe. The bicycle and pedestrian circulation systems for the Normal Neighborhood will build upon the existing network consistent with adopted City plans and code. Existing facilities in the study area include: ·Sidewalks exist along the extent of Ashland Street and Tolman Creek Road, and along portions of Walker Avenue and Clay Street. East Main Street has shoulders which place pedestrians at risk as speeds are posted as 40 mph. East Main Street cannot be considered part of the pedestrian circulation network until improvements to this street include the sidewalks normally associated with urban development. ·Bicycle facilities exist along all of Ashland Street, Tolman Creek Road and Walker Avenue. The shoulders along East Main Street place bicyclists at risk as speeds are posted as 40 mph. East Main Street cannot be considered part of the bicycle circulation network until improvements to the street include the lower speeds and bicycle lanes normally associated with urban development. ·Existing multi-use trails in the vicinity include the Central Bike Path along the railroad corridor that runs immediately south of the study area. The Bear Creek Greenway runs between Ashland and Central Point, Mobility sketches produced at charrette Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework January 2015| Transportation Growth Management Mobility [17 currently terminating at the Ashland Dog Park near the Helman Street/Nevada Street intersection. Trail development and improvements are proposed for the Clay Creek corridor along the eastern boundary of the Normal Neighborhood Plan area, and the Hamilton Creek Corridor paralleling Tolman Creek Road. Both of these proposed corridors would connect to a future proposed extension of the Bear Creek Greenway that would be located north of the Normal Neighborhood Plan area. Street Alignment Opportunities to Maximize Solar Exposure The street alignment maximizes solar orientation and shading opportunities for buildings, consistent with the City’s Land Use Code. In particular, the code speaks to incorporating both passive and active solar strategies in the design and orientation of buildings and public spaces. Where the site configuration and locational constraints permit, buildings should be oriented to maximize the solar heat gain in the winter on the south side and, with the combined use of shading, minimizing solar heat gain in the summer. East Main and Clay Street Access Points The Normal Neighborhood urban design plan identifies three vehicular points of access to East Main Street. One of these occurs at the existing driveway connection serving Ashland Middle School and Ashland Gracepoint Nazarene. The two other new connections to East Main Street occur between Cemetery Creek and Clay Creek. The western-most of these is the neighborhood collector extending from the railroad crossing at Normal Avenue to East Main Street. Any additional street access points onto East Main Street or Clay Street, not shown in the Street Framework Map, would require further study and a major amendment to the Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework City of Ashland | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Mobility 18 ] plan. The Street Network Map provides for two dedicated multi-use path connections to East Main Street to further biking and walking connectivity. As East Main Street is a designated city boulevard, its access spacing for streets and driveways is 300 feet. Access spacing along Clay Street is 100 feet. However it’s appropriate that block length and perimeter standards provide the necessary guidance to the spacing of additional connections to Clay Street. Transit Service and Transit Stops Transit service is currently provided along Tolman Creek Road to the east of the Normal Neighborhood Plan area, and along Ashland Street to the south. In both instances, the walking distance between the site and existing transit route alignment is greater than the reasonable transit access walking distance of ¼ mile to a bus stop. At some point in the future, if there is sufficient density along East Main Street and/or in the general vicinity of the Normal Neighborhood Plan area, the City should engage the Rogue Valley Transit District (RVTD) in conversations about providing additional transit service. Potentially, this service could be oriented toward development of the north Southern Oregon University campus and other school facilities along Walker Avenue and include more intensely developed portions of East Main Street. At a minimum bus stops, in the area should be spaced no more than 1,000 feet apart. Shelters, seating, trash receptacles and waiting areas should conform to City and RVTD standards. Vehicular circulation through the Normal Neighborhood Plan area should not preclude the provision of direct transit service. Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework January 2015| Transportation Growth Management Mobility [19 Normal Neighborhood Collector with One-Sided Parking at Wetland Normal Neighborhood Collector is the spine of the neighborhood and connects from the south edge of the project area north to East Main Street. It is designed to discourage cut-through traffic and encourage slow speeds that will enhance safety for all modes: cars, bikes, and pedestrians. Speeds will be slow and bicycles will share the travel lanes with cars. Intersections may be necked-down with bulb- outs to improve safety for pedestrians. The design of the street network was also influenced by the natural functions of the wetlands and streams. In the center of the plan, the neighborhood collector street skirts Wetland W12. The street edge abutting this restored wetland may have street edge alternatives to allow stormwater flow to recharge this wetland. Permeable paving in the parking lanes and flow-through planters in the parkrows reduces the extent of impervious surfaces in the Normal Neighborhood and supports wetland and stream health. Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework City of Ashland | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Mobility 20 ] Normal Neighborhood Collector with Two-Sided Parking In some areas of the plan, Normal Neighborhood Collector will have parking on two-sides of the street. Speeds will be slow and bicycles will share the travel lanes with cars. Intersections may be necked-down with bulb- outs to improve safety for pedestrians. Permeable paving in the parking lanes and flow-through planters in the parkrows reduces the extent of impervious surfaces in the Normal Neighborhood and supports wetland and stream health. Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework January 2015| Transportation Growth Management Mobility [21 Streambed Crossing Where a neighborhood collector or street crosses one of the streambeds, the street section narrows to reduce initial and life-cycle costs and minimize the impact of bridge construction on the creeks. Speeds will be slow and bicycles will share the travel lanes with cars. Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework City of Ashland | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Mobility 22 ] 5 to 6 ft.7 ft.15 ft.7 to 8 ft.8 ft.7 to 8 ft.5 ft.7 to 8 ft. Neighborhood Queuing Street with One Sided Parking Neighborhood streets are designed to enhance safety for all modes: cars, bikes, and pedestrians. Speeds will be slow and cars meeting each other from opposite directions will slow and yield to one another. Bicycles will share the travel lanes with cars. Intersections may be necked-down with bulb- outs to improve safety for pedestrians. Permeable paving in the parking lanes and flow-through planters in the parkrows reduces the extent of impervious surfaces in the Normal Neighborhood and supports wetland and stream health. Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework January 2015| Transportation Growth Management Mobility [23 8 ft.10 ft.10 ft.8 ft.7 to 8 ft.5 ft.5 ft.7 to 8 ft. Neighborhood Street with Two-Sided Parking Neighborhood streets are designed to enhance safety for all modes: cars, bikes, and pedestrians. Speeds will be slow and cars meeting each other from opposite directions will slow and yield to one-another. Bicycles will share the travel lanes with cars. Intersections may be necked-down with bulb- outs to improve safety for pedestrians. Permeable paving in the parking lanes and flow-through planters in the parkrows reduces the extent of impervious surfaces in the Normal Neighborhood and supports wetland and stream health. Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework City of Ashland | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Mobility 24 ] Neighborhood Street with Diagonal Parking Streets that abut Clay Creek may be locations for an alternative to the typical Neighborhood Street where diagonal parking is accommodated and encourages residents and citizens to park nearby and visit these natural areas. Traffic volumes will be low and slow speeds will enhance safety for all modes: cars, bikes, and pedestrians. Bicycles will share the travel lanes with cars. Intersections may be necked-down with bulb-outs to improve safety for pedestrians. Permeable paving in the parking lanes and flow-through planters in the parkrows reduces the extent of impervious surfaces in the Normal Neighborhood and supports wetland and stream health. Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework January 2015| Transportation Growth Management Mobility [25 Neighborhood Street with Median One locations at the southern entrance to the Normal Neighborhood has been designed with a central median that separates the travel lanes. This median could be improved with a pedestrian walk , park row, and Bioswales to capture and treat storm water run-off. Slow speeds will enhance safety for all modes: cars, bikes, and pedestrians. Bicycles will share the travel lanes with cars. Intersections may be necked-down with bulb- outs to improve safety for pedestrians. Permeable paving in the parking lanes and flow-through planters in the parkrows reduces the extent of impervious surfaces in the Normal Neighborhood and supports wetland and stream health. Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework City of Ashland | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Mobility 26 ] 18 ft.8 ft. Shared Street Shared Streets are designed to support a park- like atmosphere where all modes of traffic share a narrow paved surface. Shared Streets are places for people and the automobile is a guest in this street where space is shared among all modes. The pace of walking dictates the speed of all traffic in a shared street. The narrow street section reduces the extent of impervious surfaces in the Normal Neighborhood and supports wetland and stream health. The proposed locations for the primary Shared Street in the Normal Neighborhood is adjacent to wetlands and stream corridors. Street edge alternatives may permit stormwater flow to re-infiltrate into the ground. Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework January 2015| Transportation Growth Management Mobility [27 2 ft.12 ft.2 ft. Alleys Alleys provide off-street access to homes, parking pads, and garages. Alleys, also known as rear lanes, are very narrow and the street section is 12-feet wide with a 2-foot green edge on either side. Speeds are very low. The narrow street section of rear lanes reduces the extent of impervious surfaces in the Normal Neighborhood and supports wetland and stream health. Alleys are curbless and permit stormwater flow from paved areas to re-infiltrate into the ground. Although the Normal Neighborhood Plan Street Framework does not indicate alley locations, it anticipated alley connections it is anticipated that alleys will provide mid-block internal access within proposed developments. Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework City of Ashland | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Mobility 28 ] 2 to 4 ft.2 to 4 ft.6 to 10 ft. Multi-Use Path Multi-use Paths are car-free and support connectivity for pedestrians and bicycles across the Normal Neighborhood . Street sections are narrow and may vary to accommodate unique demands of local conditions. Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework January 2015| Transportation Growth Management Infrastructure [29 INFRASTRUCTURE Water No City of Ashland water services extend to the project area and all existing homes in the project study area get their potable and domestic water from wells. The closest municipal water sources are the Lithia main that runs in the East Main Street alignment and an 8-inch main that runs along the full extent of Creek Drive and part of Clay Street. Sanitary Sewer No City of Ashland sanitary sewers extend to the project area; all existing homes in the project study rely on septic systems for disposing of their waste. A single 8-inch service stub connects the Temple Emek Shalom at 1800 East Main Street to the 12-inch sanitary sewer that runs in the Bear Creek Alignment. Other proximate sewer lines include 8-inch sewer lines that run in the Walker Street, Creek Drive, and Clay Street alignments. Stormwater Implementation of stormwater management in the Normal Neighborhood should emphasize low-impact development (LID) techniques focused on controlling stormwater at its source rather than moving stormwater offsite though expensive, engineered conveyance systems. The goals of low-impact development are to lower initial construction and reduce life-cycle costs while maintaining natural ecosystem functions: stormwater retention, infiltration, and release that supports stream health and ecological function. Some of the approaches that should be considered for implementation in the Normal Neighborhood Plan area include: ·Bio-swales alongside streets slow stormwater runoff, filter it, and allow it to soak into the ground. Swales improve water quality and reduce in-stream erosion by slowing the velocity of stormwater runoff before it enters the stream. They also cost less to install than curbs, storm drain inlets, and piping systems. ·Bio-retention cells, commonly known as rain gardens, are relatively small-scale, landscaped depressions with a soil mixture that absorbs and filters runoff. Bio-retention cells work well in places like the project area with poorly draining soils. ·Stormwater planters, more engineered than rain gardens, stormwater planters are designed to accept stormwater from adjacent surfaces, and infiltrate stormwater through the ground to a pipe connected to a storm sewer or, where practicable, to natural features such as the wetlands, Clay Creek or Cemetery Creek. ·Flow-through planters, within developments with higher floor area ratios, flow-through planters are a sound Infrastructure/ Stormwater Diagram Produced at Charrette Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework City of Ashland | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Infrastructure 30 ] solution. Flow-through planters do not infiltrate into the ground; they are filled with an engineered mixture of gravel and soil and planted. Flow-though planters store stormwater runoff temporarily, filter sediment and pollutants, and slow the flow of rainfall to storm sewers which can be smaller in size and less costly to engineer and build. ·Cisterns and rain barrels collect rainwater from roofs. They can provide water for garden or lawn irrigation, reducing water bills and conserving municipal water supplies. The City currently provides a rain barrel guide for homeowners and contractors. ·Green roofs are partially or completely covered with plants. Green roofs help mitigate the tendency for urban areas to have higher summer temperatures, and reduce peak stormwater flows. The vegetated cover also protects and insulates the roof, extending its life and reducing energy costs. Understanding infiltration capacity and rates for stormwater re-infiltration in the study area will be critically important to the design and engineering of future stormwater systems –conventional and low-impact alike. Preliminary data from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and a Custom Soil Resource Report for Jackson County show that the soils in the area generally drain very poorly. A detailed assessment of soils must be a part of pre-development geotechnical investigations. SUSTAINABILITY Sustainability is not a discrete element, independent of the preceding framework elements. The most successful strategies for sustainability will be to build them into each framework element of the plan. The wide range of housing types and the mix of permitted land uses is fundamentally sustainable because compact urban form encourages active transportation as a convenient first choice; a range of housing choices means that there is a home in the neighborhood for every stage of life; and protection of wetlands and restoration of the creek habitat brings nature in while it also provides lower impact –and less costly– solutions to infrastructure. The City of Ashland is committed to the development of a vibrant livable community. The design of the Normal Neighborhood Plan is consistent with the framework of the US Green Building Council LEED Neighborhood Development and the Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES). Both the LEED ND rating system established USGBC and SITES establish sets of performance standards for certifying the planning and development of neighborhoods. Their intent is to promote healthful, durable, affordable, and environmentally sound practices in building design and construction. Because no rating system for sustainable design and construction will be a prerequisite for development, it is all the more essential that the elements of sustainability are built into each of the frameworks for the Normal Neighborhood : Housing and Land Use; Greenway and Open Space; Mobility; and Infrastructure.