HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Packet September 2016Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Transportation Commission meeting is encouraged to do so. If you wish to speak, please rise and, after you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and complete address for the record. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair. AASSHHLLAANNDD TTRRAANNSSPPOORRTTAATTIIOONN CCOOMMMMIISSSSIIOONN SSeepptteemmbbeerr 2222,, 22001166 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 PM, Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main Street II. ANNOUNCEMENTS III. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes: July 28, 2016 IV. PUBLIC FORUM V. NEW BUSINESS A. None VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Vegetation Maintenance Program  Discuss status of improvements program and public outreach (20 min.) B. Grandview Shared Road  Update Commission on outcome of Council Meeting (10 min.) VII. FOLLOW UP ITEMS A. Downtown Parking and Multi Modal Circulation Study Update-Improvement Projects  Discuss Previous Meeting and Study Status/Super Sharrow B. Siskiyou Blvd. and Tolman Creek Intersection 4-way stop  Update Commission on 4-way stop project C. North Main Crosswalk Analysis/Post Road Diet Analysis  Update Commission on Crosswalk Project and Warrant Analysis for Hersey/Wimer intersection VIII. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Action Summary-Development of a Task List B. Climate Energy Action Plan Information C. Intersection Repair D. TGM Grant-TSP Update E. Bicycle Friendly Community Application F. Accident Report G. Making an Impact Newsletter (August/September) IX. COMMISSION OPEN DISCUSSION X. FUTURE AGENDA TOPICS A. TSP update process B. McCall Dr. Connection C. Glenview/Ashland Loop Shared Road D. Climate Energy and Action Plan XI. ADJOURNMENT: 8:00 PM Next Meeting Date: October 27, 2016 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Public Works Office at 488-5587 (TTY phone number 1 800 735 2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title I). Transportation Commission Contact List as of September 2016 Name Title Telephone Mailing Address Email Address Expiration of Term Dominic Barth Commissioner 617-840-5425 586 ½ C Street dofriesgowiththatshake@yahoo.com 4/30/2018 Danielle Amarotico Commissioner 541-840-3770 265 Alta Avenue Danielle@CommonBlockBrewing.com 4/30/2017 Joe Graf Commissioner 541-488-8429 1160 Fern Street jlgtrans15@gmail.com 4/30/2018 Alan Bender Commissioner 541-488-4967 145 Almond Street Alan.bender@erau.edu 4/30/2017 Corinne Vièville Commissioner 541-488-9300 805 Glendale Avenue corinne@mind.net 4/30/2019 or 541-944-9600 David Young Commissioner 541-488-4188 747 Oak Street dyoung@jeffnet.org 4/30/2018 Sue Newberry Commissioner 775-720-2400 2271 Chitwood Lane sue.j.newberry@gmail.com 4/30/2019 Non-Voting Ex Officio Membership Mike Faught Director of Public Works 541- 488-5587 20 E. Main Street faughtm@ashland.or.us Stefani Seffinger Council Liaison 541-708-3665 20 E. Main Street stefani@council.ashland.or.us Brandon Goldman Planning Department 541- 488-5305 20 E. Main Street goldmanb@ashland.or.us Steve MacLennan Police Department 541- 552-2433 20 E. Main Street maclenns@ashland.or.us Scott Hollingsworth Fire Department 541- 552-2932 20 E. Main Street hollings@ashland.or.us Janelle Wilson SOU Liaison 541-552-8328 1250 Siskiyou Blvd wilsonjan@sou.edu VACANT Ashland Schools Dan Dorrell PE ODOT 541- 774-6354 100 Antelope Rd WC 97503 Dan.w.dorrell@odot.state.or.us Edem Gómez RVTD 541-608-2411 3200 Crater Lake Av 97504 egomez@rvtd.org VACANT Ashland Parks 20 E. Main Street Jenna Stanke Jackson County Roads 541- 774-6231 200 Antelope Rd WC 97503 stankeJS@jacksoncounty.org David Wolske Airport Commission david@davidwolske.com Staff Support Scott Fleury Eng. Service Manager 541-488-5347 20 E. Main Street fleurys@ashland.or.us Karl Johnson Associate Engineer 541-552-2415 20 E. Main Street johnsonk@ashland.or.us Kyndra Irigoyen Administrative Assistant 541-552-2427 20 E. Main Street irigoyenk@ashland.or.us Transportation Commission July 28, 2016 Page 1 of 8 These minutes are pending approval by this Commission ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES July 28, 2016 CALL TO ORDER Graf called the meeting to order at 6:01pm Commissioners Present: Joe Graf, David Young, Corinne Viéville, and Sue Newberry Alan Bender and Danielle Amarotico Commissioners Absent: Dominic Barth Council Liaison Present: Stef Seffinger SOU Liaison Absent: Janelle Wilson Staff Present: Scott Fleury and Kyndra Irigoyen Staff Absent: Mike Faught ANNOUNCEMENTS None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of June 23, 2016 minutes The minutes were approved as amended. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA None. PUBLIC FORUM Martin Eldridge 1331 Ashland Mine Rd He is pleased by the response he has received from ODOT and the Transportation Commission about his questions. Coming down Ashland Mine Road, off Fox Street at N. Main. St., to make a right into Ashland is easy, but to make a left towards Talent is not easy because you have to dodge traffic, the speed limit picks up to 45 MPH. He is wondering about the median there and if there is a space for some landing, to make it a two-step process to go across the street. He has noticed people make their own space there, go across, wait, and make it a two-step process, but when they do this, the people coming to make the left hand turn on N. Main., he has seen honking and it is not a safe thing. Dan Dorrell from ODOT said they could do it, but the City has some landscaping there. Fleury said there is a design to remove the first light and the median to allow a left-hand merge pocket. ODOT has already approved it. The City did the design in-house and got approval from ODOT. At the time, we did not have it in the budget because the approval came after the budget was put together. The director does want to do this project; we just need to have the appropriate funds to do this. Eldridge said it seemed to him from the emails from Dorrell, that ODOT was going to pay for it. Fleury said he would welcome their offer if they want to do it. Andrew Kubik 1251 Munson Dr He is asking for some updates about the East Nevada Street Bridge Project. First question, at this point and time, what design alternatives are seriously being considered. He is not clear in what direction this is going. Will it be for all vehicles, bicycle and pedestrians, or what would the case be. Second question pertains to the ODOT fund exchange program. Is the City intending to apply for it? Fleury said all the design alternatives are still being considered. We will be having a meeting in the future with the neighborhood to discuss the design options. Three design options were previously shown and discussed. Another option we will bring for discussion is a bicycle, pedestrian, emergency vehicle bridge. As far as the future grant funding packages, we have not determined what will be going forward in the next grant cycle. We have already been awarded the $1.5 million in the last cycle. Transportation Commission July 28, 2016 Page 2 of 8 Kubik asked if they require specificity on the design before they do final awards on these. Fleury said no, it is a general scope of construction and engineering on the project. NEW BUSINESS Commission Training Fleury said the city attorney is here to go over operating rules, procedures, and answer any questions the commission has. He will also cover ethics of committees, quorums, and meetings to provide an overview. City Attorney Dave Lohman addressed the commission. He said he made a presentation about a year and half ago, but since then, there are about four people who have not heard this. Lohman said he will refer to the handout he gave to the commissioners. He said the Council has the ultimate authority to make decision on transportation matters, except for things that are required by state or federal law. The Transportation Commission is subject to our uniform boards and commissions rules, which is covered under the topic of conduct of meetings. He said the Transportation Commission has some special provisions that were put into the ordinance for particular reasons. One is that the Public Works director can impose “traffic implementation regulations” and “official traffic safety and functional activities”. He said it is clarified in section 2.13.040 which says that the Transportation Commission will review and forward all traffic implementation regulations to the Public Works director for final approval and implementation of official safety and functional activities. While the Transpiration Commission advises the Council directly on other issues on traffic implementation regulations the Commission is to forward its recommendations to the director of Public Works. In some cases, he is the final approver. Exactly what that means is not clear, clearly he has to comply with state and federal law and presumably this is why that was included in the ordinance in the first place so the that Council is not acknowledging that they can change state and federal laws, the director’s job is to make sure those laws are complied with. This is not to say, that the Commission and the director of Public Works might disagree on something, in affect what it says is that the Transportation Commission has an obligation, with respect to traffic safety and functional activities and implementation of traffic regulations. The Commission may want to talk to Council directly, but first you have to talk to the director of Public Works. Newberry said she assumes we are talking about things such as the manual and uniform traffic devices and AASHTO design and standards, state of Oregon, and City standards. She said she would not think this would necessarily be the same as when we are talking about the transportation system plan or other activities we might look at. Lohman said that is correct and shown by the discussion in the ordinance talks specifically about the Transportation Commission’s role in planning and reviewing long-range transportation plans, which is section 2.13.030. Newberry asked if we might disagree on something with the director it would still go to the City Council, the director could not veto it. Lohman said right, the director cannot veto it, but you always have the avenue of going to City Council. He said in terms of the flow of recommendations, if the Commission has a recommendation on traffic regulation it should go to the director first. Young asked if in general, the ambit of this is really about staying in conformity with the state and federal regulations so that if we recommend something or if the director imposes traffic regulations, this is there for the director of Public Works to keep whatever we decide aligned with or not in violation of state and federal regulations. Lohman said that states it accurately. He said another way to say it is, if the Transportation Commission were to come to the Council with a recommendation on a traffic regulation, without consulting with Public Works director first, and if the Council were to ask him, ‘can we hear this’ he said he would say no. To follow this, you have to consult with the Public Works director first. It does not mean you cannot come to Council, but you must first have the initial consultation. Newberry said for clarification, an example would be a citizen who asks for a stop sign and it does not meet the warrants. That is a political thing that the Commission might want to do, but it would need to go forward, and meet the warrants. Lohman said this is a good example. Newberry said it is not uncommon in a small community for citizens to come to political leaders and ask for something like this, so the politicians make it embroiled in the idea that they should have a stop sign, but there are nationally recognized standards that must be abided by. The intent of this is we would not just tell our neighbor they could get the stop sign, we would know enough to say we would have to make sure it meets the warrants. Bender said if something comes to the Public Works Department, are they obligated to bring it to the Commission before making a unilateral decision. Lohman said no, not by ordinance, by common sense it is. Transportation Commission July 28, 2016 Page 3 of 8 Lohman said under ‘conduct of meetings’ you obligated to take into account the rules of procedure we have in 2.04.040 which are a simplified version of Robert’s Rules of Orders. Members are required to attend 75% of the noticed meeting. The chair nor the vice chair is allowed to serve as an officer for more than three consecutive annual terms. Members of city advisory bodies shall not state the position of the City or of a City advisory body at a meeting or in correspondence with federal, state, regional, local or community organization or elected bodies unless specifically authorized to do so by the City Council and by the advisory body at duly advertised meetings. This is not to say you cannot go and speak at an advisory body or Council to express your personal views, as long as you make it clear you are not speaking as a member of the Transportation Commission. At least four members have to vote in favor of a particular item. Public meetings must be noticed at least 36 hours in advance. Currently, this is in litigation before the Supreme Court right now; the law right now is that you have to be careful about serial meetings. If four of you end up in conversations, not all together, but one on one, back and forth, that is a quorum, which is a public meeting that should have been noticed. This is true for both email and phone conversations. If you see an article you want to send out, you can send it out, but you cannot get involved in a conversation about it, that becomes a public meeting. All of your email correspondence, it is public record. Newberry said it should go through the Public Works administrative assistant, Kyndra Irigoyen. Lohman said yes, that is correct, and is safer so it is preserved as a public record. Young said so if we end up doing a back and forth, three people in an email, is that legal? Lohman said yes it is legal under public meeting laws, but it is risky. Graf said it is still part of the public record, even if it is not a quorum. Lohman said yes anything that is about the Transportation Commission is public record. Seffinger said if you are voting on something with a quorum and one person votes no, is the vote not carried through. Graf said the ordinance reads at least a majority of the quorum is necessary. So if the quorum is four, three could pass the motion. Bender said this is inconsistent with Robert’s Rules. Lohman said it is inconsistent with Robert’s Rules, but not with our rules. Newberry asked about item 14 pertaining to serial emails and if someone could vote in by email if a quorum is needed. Lohman said yes, you can have electronic attendance, but it must be set up ahead of time, not at the last minute. The Council does not allow electronic attendance for their meetings. The ordinance expresses a preference to let the chair know if you will not be able to make it to a meeting, 48 hours in advance. Social gatherings are permissible, but you have to be careful. Lohman addressed item 24. Officially appointed committees and subcommittees are public bodies themselves and subject to these rules, giving public notice, having a quorum to conduct a meeting, etc. You may appoint a committee of three to look at something, but they have to provide public notice and have a quorum. People can work around an item and bring it back to the commission, but as a Commission, you have to be careful about appointing certain people to work on something outside of the Commission. The State and City have ethics rules; in general, the State says you cannot use your public position to obtain anything of value for yourself, relatives, or clients not otherwise available for your position. At the State level, the definition of gifts that is something of economic value given to you or household members or relatives, quite a ways out, including the spouse’s in-laws. Given without cost or as forgiven debt. A benefit not extended to the general public, exceeds $50 in aggregate in the course of a calendar year, or given by a source with an economic interest. Viéville asked if we form a subcommittee does there have to be a staff assigned to it or can we have it on our own. Lohman said minutes have to be taken. Newberry asked if they could take the minutes on their own. Lohman said yes, you could take the minutes. She said staff would still have to notice it. Transportation Commission July 28, 2016 Page 4 of 8 Lohman said the City’s definition of gifts is consistent with the State’s. He said the other ethics issue to be thinking about is conflict of interest in decision-making. He said you have to take some action, by recusing yourself or making a disclosure if the Commission action might be to the financial benefit or detriment to yourself, relatives, businesses you are associated with, and the Commission is about to take an official action on. Young said if he lives on a street and there is a proposal to put in a sidewalk or put a bike lane there. Given that we are about our mission, so that if we live on a street that is in our TSP proposal to have a sidewalk, and we are voting to put the sidewalk on our street, is that considered a conflict of interest. Lohman said yes. Young said even as a personal conflict of interest. Lohman said yes and the Attorney General has a manual on this for meetings and ethics. An example is given in the manual that is similar. A street improvement in front of three houses and your house is one of them, and they say that is clearly a case of conflict of interest and the outcome would benefit you. They also say if it is for a large section of town that is benefiting a large group of people then you do not have to recuse yourself. The question that would go before the ethics committee would be, “What is large?” There is no clear definition of that. The safe thing to do is overcompensate. If it looks like it is going to improve the value of your house, the smart thing is to not participate in the discussion. Newberry said so it has to be a financial gain. If the sidewalk on Siskiyou is to be improved, it is a personal gain to me because it improves my walking, but not a financial gain to me because my house does not face the sidewalk. Lohman said that is right and the same is true if you are a board member of an entity that might benefit and you are a volunteer board member, same is true, it is not a conflict of interest. Young said that contradicts what he said in his example. The sidewalk is in front of his house, but the entire length of the street with a 100 houses on it, there is no financial gain. It meets the goals and objectives of connectivity and it happens to be on my street, is that financial? Lohman said it could be brought to the ethics commission, that this person voted and the value of house went up and did not disclose he would benefit from it, he should have recused himself. The commission would ask how many benefited from it. Graf said if there is an issue that one or two commissioners feel very strongly about and want to work on, they are free to go off and do that and then come back and request to be put on the agenda. Lohman said yes. Graf said however, if the Commission says we want to work on this and two commissioners say we would like to work on it, and we say ok, then they are a subcommittee. Lohman said that is right. Graf said as long as they go off and do it without us knowing, it is ok. Lohman said that is right. Fleury said the Transportation Commission has a specifically defined traffic subcommittee in the ordinance. The Traffic Sub-Committee is established and consists of three regular members of the Transportation Commission who shall sit concurrently on the full Commission. Sub-committee members shall be appointed by the Transportation Commission Chair on a rotating basis until all members have served. Terms are for six-month intervals and members may only sit for two consecutive terms at any one time. The Public Works director shall determine what matters warrant subcommittee involvement and meetings shall be convened on an as needed basis. The Public Works director or designee will serve as staff liaison and recorder for these meetings. He said if Graf does not appoint a subcommittee, then the two people working together then applies independently. Graf said we are trying to figure out when you have seven commissioners where most of these things are done as a whole, if we do the traffic subcommittee all that means is three people are going to have to meet more times and staff is going to have to be involved to cover the kinds of things we tend to cover in the Commission meeting. Lohman said the ordinance implies, but does not say there shall be a traffic subcommittee, it is in the purview of the Commission whether you want to have one or not. Newberry said it says the Public Works director shall determine what matters and warrant subcommittee involvement. She said if something came up that was too tedious to discuss, that we would then meet outside of that with the director’s discretion, with someone taking notes. Assuming when that particular issue was done, it would not die back; it would sit here for the director to easily enable a subcommittee when needed. Colin Swales 143 8th St. Regarding the electronic attendance at the meetings, many of the decisions that are made are political and people who could not attend a meeting wondered if they could phone in. He asked for clarification if it was a Council rule or a Commission rule, if there is an agenda item that a certain member feels very strong about and wants to have a vote Transportation Commission July 28, 2016 Page 5 of 8 on, but is unable to attend the meeting, can they request that the agenda item to be postponed until a later meeting that they can attend. Regarding ethics, many of the members of the Downtown Committee are stakeholders, and many of the discussions are about whether there will be any financial detriment by various decisions being made, he would like clarification on what the position is of stakeholders in these public meetings. Graf said the City Council appointed the Downtown Committee, it has downtown business owners. If for example they recommend fixing a sidewalk in front of a downtown business, the person would in theory have to recuse themselves. Lohman said recuse themselves or it depends on the nature of the matter. Young said the committee was appointed by the Mayor, it could be interpreted that they have a conflict of interest. Lohman said they should be making disclosures and does not think they have to recuse because it is not just three properties that are being benefited by a decision. If it is effecting the whole downtown the ethics committee would say that is benefiting everybody, but he will check it. Bender asked if electronic attendance was allowed via Skype. Lohman said he is not aware of any commission that allows electronic attendance, but it does not mean you cannot do it. He said responding to Swales’ question about postponing a meeting; he said that member can make that request and the commission can decide to postpone or not, it is not a matter of right to have it postponed. Downtown Super Sharrows Proposal Young said the Downtown Committee has been considering a preliminary design for a bike lane in the downtown by converting from a three lane two lane and deal with truck parking. This change has not been universally embraced by members of the community and there has been a lot of strong feelings towards it. He said he is proposing to abandon the consideration of that and recommend to the Downtown Committee and Council that they abandon any consideration of that, and propose to do nothing to change the parking, signalization, and any of the right of way. On N. Main where one lane turns to two lanes and the bike lane ends approaching downtown, to have an approximately six foot wide lane within the traffic lane that is a solid painted blue or green, that continues through the downtown corridor until Siskiyou Blvd. where the bike lane begins. All vehicles can use this but it confers clearly that bicycles are welcome here. He displayed pictures of the super sharrows used in other cities. Young said the basis behind this is that it is immediately an improvement where bicyclists have guidance in terms of where they should be and motorists understand with clarity that bikes are allowed to be here. He said he has floated this to several people who were imposed to the three lane to two lane, including the president of the chamber, the owner of Music Coop, some other business owners, and other members who are involved in this, and he has received support from them. He thinks it could be implemented quickly and it has been used in Portland and Eugene. Young said the Downtown Committee is not meeting in September and may be dissolved because there is a Council study session on August 1st to talk about the future. He said they may not exist as a Downtown Committee and move into the urban design phase which may take a number of years and involve a new committee. This represents implementing a huge improvement that meets our mission for connectivity for safety, modal equity, with very little cost, and no changes in the parking. Newberry said she did some research on this and there is positive feedback. Research done by The Center for Transportation Research – The University of Texas at Austin, regarding motorist behavior, motorists were more likely to change lanes when passing. Less likely to pass and less likely to encroach on the adjacent lane when passing, all of which indicate safer motorist behavior. Other things said that both the markings significantly reduced the number of sidewalk riders, the bike and chevron by 35% and the bike in a house by 25%. Amarotico said this looks exciting and wants to know how Young plans to deal with the trucks in the interim. Young recommends that trucks load and unload from the middle lane. Viéville said she likes this idea because she has a hard time knowing when the bus is coming if there is a truck parked in the right lane and she has been left because the bus does not see her. Graf said ODOT has to approve it, a traffic engineer has to design it and look at the pros and cons. Newberry moves that we recommend that the City pursue installation of sharrows with a painted strip through Transportation Commission July 28, 2016 Page 6 of 8 downtown Ashland until such time as bike lanes become feasible. Newberry said since it involves an MUTCD standard, it should be a recommendation to the Public Works director. Lohman said he would think so. It goes directly to the Council and if they ask if it complies with the ordinance about the Transportation Commission he would say no, it has not been recommended to the Public Works director and has not had a chance to review it and work with ODOT. Fleury said his thought to make this simple, you all want to see this on Main St. as an interim solution until such time. In order to get to that stage we have to do an analysis, engineering work, find out ODOT’s thoughts, and get other approvals. There is a lot that needs to occur before you can bring an implementable plan back to make a recommendation to Council to adopt that. He said he would expect that the Commission would want to see the implementable plan that is derived from the behind the scenes work. He recommends making a recommendation to the Public Works director to do the legwork to bring back and then recommend it to the City Council. Young moves that we recommend to Council and the Downtown Committee that staff undertakes the design for a super sharrow, a solid painted lane within the right traffic lane, with adequate markings for bicycles to continue downtown from the end of the bike lane on N. Main to Siskiyou Blvd. This would be in lieu of the current three to two lane proposal and is for immediate implementation until a dedicated bike lane in downtown Ashland is feasible. Lohman said the public should be able to give their input before a motion is made. Colin Swales 143 8th St He endorses this idea. The role of the Transportation Commission is to advice the City Council on transportation related issues specifically as they relate to safety, planning, funding, and advocacy for bicycles, transit, parking, pedestrian, and other modes of transportation. He agrees with Lohman that the Public Works director has to look at these things with his staff in detail as well as ODOT because it is a state highway. He thinks the role is to advise the City Council and he hopes it goes to them. He thinks it is absurd that we have one lane in a successful road diet with a bicycle lane coming into downtown, opens up into three lanes, there is certainly room for bicycle lane through downtown and is highly needed. He said he would change ‘feasible’ in the motion to ‘until a bike lane is implemented’. He said he spoke to the Downtown Commission at the last meeting and pointed out that the vehicular traffic through our downtown has fallen since 2003 by about 30%. He encourages everyone to vote on this and to get Council to agree. Michael Dawkins, 646 E. Main St He likes Newberry’s first motion. He thinks this should come to Downtown Committee to make sure it happens. He thinks that Young came back from where his position has been and it was not only his idea, it has been floated out there. He recommends that this is directed to the Downtown Committee so they can vet it, whether it goes to City Council or Publics Works, it is very important that it gets to the Downtown Committee to put pressure on Public Works to make sure it happens. Andrew Kubik 1251 Munson Dr He supports this design concept. He does not feel he is qualified to take a position on who it should go to first as a body. The Downtown Ad-hoc Committee is still in existence, he sees logic in presenting this to the committee and if they decline to deal with it, they can easily pass it on to Public Works and the Council. Young m/s Viéville Until such time as a bike lane through downtown is feasible the Transportation Commission recommends that the Public Works director bring to Council and the Downtown Committee, the Commission’s strong support for the urgent implementation of a super sharrow through downtown. All in favor and one abstention. OLD BUSINESS Vegetation Maintenance Program Fleury said Newberry has volunteered to assist and Faught is scheduling a meeting with her. She has already Transportation Commission July 28, 2016 Page 7 of 8 provided a lot of useful information and hopefully we can combine all of it and bring it back to develop a program for public outreach and implementation. Grandview Shared Road Fleury said this is going back to the Council on Tuesday night for discussion. The Council did a site tour about two weeks ago and walked the site with Public Works staff. Young asked staff to produce the records of the two cars that went over the side. Fleury said he has them and thinks there has been three accidents at this site. FOLLOW UP ITEMS Downtown Parking and Multi Modal Circulation Study Update-Improvement Projects None. North Main Crosswalk Analysis/Post Road Diet Analysis Fleury said that Kim Parducci from ODOT has started analyzing the intersection to make sure it meets warrants. She has already started the process that begins with a 12-hour count completed last Thursday. We will have a write up from her on the ability of the intersection to meet the warrants. We will bring this information back to the group to have a more formal discussion about the potential to signalize this intersection and for crosswalks. Graf asked if there is any confidence that it will meet warrants. Fleury said not all the warrants have to be met in an engineering study. There can be a discussion on the positive benefits for the roadway based on the study and discuss it with ODOT. It is better overall for the roadway to have a signal at that location, safer for pedestrians, safer for vehicles, and safer for the corridor. Graf said one of things we have to look at, is it better to have a light at Hersey and Wimer then to have one or two un-signalized crosswalks. Newberry asked if we have any information on where people are coming and going and what is the most convenient crossing point. Fleury said at Van Ness Ave., Parducci has seen many people cross here because there is a path that cuts down to that location, which is in proximity to Skidmore and the market right there. Young said there are over a 1,000 people who live on the north side of Main. The problem with N. Main is if you want to get a walk sign, you have to go way out of your way to get to the hospital, as a pedestrian it does not meet the connectivity. Hersey would be the perfect location because it is in the middle of two signalized intersections. Colin Swales 143 8th St He said when Dan Burden came to talk to about the road diet. His plan has since been lost about putting a roundabout in. Jim Olsen said a roundabout would not work there unless there was a single lane road diet there. The road diet does work. He does not think a signal is the right answer in this location. The trucks turning down Hersey have to line up in the middle to implement the left turn. He has seen them hit the curb because there is not enough turning radius. If there was a roundabout they would be in the far right lane to make the turn safer. He would like to see roundabouts implemented along the N. Main stretch. Young said pedestrian crossings have been shown to be challenging in roundabouts. Newberry said she respectfully disagrees about pedestrian safety in roundabouts. Single lane roundabouts are generally safer, offer pedestrians to cross one lane at a time, which is a short exposure. She said when she looked at the topography on Google Earth; it will require long crossings for pedestrians to get across there. It would be wise to compare the 20-year cost of a traffic signal to the cost of a roundabout. Often when you look at the 20-year cost, it costs about $3,000 a year to maintain a traffic signal, when you start amortizing out what it is going to cost over a long period of time, it makes looking at roundabout feasible. Roundabouts initial installation is more expensive than a signal, but in a town like ours that talks about how important it is to not contribute to climate change, you are much better off with a roundabout. It slows traffic without stopping it, less pollution, and having a traffic single is going to back traffic up. Viéville said roundabouts are difficult without lights because traffic does not stop, so when do you decide to go. She said she would not try crossing at a roundabout. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Action Summary Fleury said this is for the Commission and for staff, so when things disappear for a while, they are maintained in perpetuity until they are complete on the action item list. Transportation Commission July 28, 2016 Page 8 of 8 Accident Report Making and Impact Newsletter (July) COMMISSION OPEN DISCUSSION FUTURE AGENDA TOPICS TSP update process ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kyndra Irigoyen Public Works Administrative Assistant G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION\2016 Staff Memos\9-22-2016\Vegetation Maintenance-Sidewalk Clearance Con't.doc Memo Date: September 15, 2016 From: Scott A. Fleury To: Transportation Commission RE: Vegetation Maintenance-Sidewalk Clearance BACKGROUND: This is a continuation of the discussion that occurred during the June 23, 2016 meeting. John Peterson described the process for vegetation clearance realted issues associated with the municipal code. At that meeting the Commission motioned: Young m/s Viéville this commission embark on a campaign to open up existing right-of-way on all sidewalks. As part of development of a campaign Commissioner Newberry volunteered to collect data regarding other municipal programs and work with City staff to bring the information forward to the TC. Below are a list of links to various municipal programs/services: http://www.ashevillenc.gov/Departments/ITServices/OnlineServices/CitizenServiceRequ ests.aspx http://www.somervillema.gov/news/spot-issue-somerville-there-s-app http://www.a2gov.org/services/Pages/Report-a-Problem.aspx http://www.pinellascounty.org/reportanissue/ Public Works staff including the Director and Street Supervisor have not had a chance to meet formally and discuss public programs at this point. CONCLUSION: The Commission should discuss options for citizen notification of code requirements. Currently a majority of clearance issues are complaint generated. G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION\2016 Staff Memos\06 23 16\Vegetation Maintenance-Sidewalk Clearance.doc Memo Date: September 15, 2016 From: Scott A. Fleury To: Transportation Commission RE: Vegetation Maintenance-Sidewalk Clearance BACKGROUND: The Director of Public Works is excited to report that Sue Newberry has volunteered to assist the Department in researching vegetation maintenance programs and public outreach of other municipalities. Sue has vast experience with respect to public outreach on various transportation related projects. This knowledge and background will be an asset to the development of a comprehensive vegetation maintenance program for the City. Sue has already provided the Director with some great concepts and information to review. The Director expects to meet with Sue, John Peterson and appropriate staff in early August to review information and develop a schedule and plan for future discussion at the TC. CONCLUSION: No action is required by the Commission, this is informational only and a more formal discussion will occur at a future meeting. MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH SUMMARY MONTH: JULY, 2016 NO. OF ACCIDENTS: 28 DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII CITED PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR 3 15:50 Sun Mistletoe Rd 1 N N N N N Y N N Deer ran into road. Dv1 veered right to avoid deer and struck fence. 4 08:15 Mon Henry St near Liberty St 2 N N N N N Y N N Dv1 backing around a corner backed into v2. No citation. 4 12:28 Mon B St near 8th St 2 N N N Y Y Y N N unclear location, no narrative. DUII, reckless driving, refusal of breathalyzer test. 4 19:10 Mon Chestnut St at Catalina Dr 3 N N N Y Y Y Y N no narrative. Driver sideswiped 2 parked vehicles and left scene. Was cited DUII, Hit and Run x2, Crim Mischief x2 6 13:20 Wed Hwy 99N near N Main St 2 N N N N Y Y N N Dv2 pulled out from stop sign to make a left turn and struck v1. dv2 cited for failure to obey tcd. 8 16:44 Fri in front of 73 Winburn Wy 2 N N N N N N N N V2 following V1. Dv2 stopped and reversed in order to pull into a parking spot, but struck v1. Very minor damage. 10 14:35 Sun Granite St near Glenview Dr 1 N N N N Y Y N N Driver was looking behind to see if he was clear of bicycles passed to move back into lane, vehicle missed corner, crashed through a fence and tumbled into the creek. No injury, cited for Suspended driving, uninsured and careless driving. 11 08:37 Mon N Laurel St near Van Ness 2 N N N N N Y N N Distracted driver sideswiped parked vehicle. No citation, no injury. 11 09:00 Mon E Main St near S First St 2 N N N N Y Y N N Dv1 pulling trailer struck parked v2. V2 was parked over 9 1/2 feet away from curb. Parking citation issued to dv2 11 12:29 Mon Ashland St near Tolman Creek Rd 2NNPNYYNN Dv1 pulling out from parking lot struck v2 travelling in travel lane. Dv1 cited for failure to yield right of way. 11 23:00 Mon Siskiyou Blvd near Harmony Lane 1NNNNNNNN Driver making right turn from a stop swerved further right to avoid an approaching vehicle and hit ped crossing sign. MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH SUMMARY MONTH: JULY, 2016 NO. OF ACCIDENTS: 28 DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII CITED PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR 14 10:20 Thur Ashland St at Walker Av 1 Y N Y N Y N N N ped in crosswalk; Dv1 turning left struck pedestrian who was crossing legally in crosswalk. Ped transported to ACH. Dv1 cited for failure to stop and remain stopped for a pedestrian. 14 12:15 Thur N Main St at Water St 2 Y N N N N Y N N ped in crosswalk; Dv1 stopped for peds in crosswalk was rearended by dv2. 15 13:50 Fri Lithia Way at N Pioneer St 1 N Y Y N Y N N N Driver turning right ran into bicyclist travelling through in bike lane. Bicyclist injured, Dv1 warned for failure to yield to a bicyclist in a bike lane. 15 16:15 Fri Hargadine near S Pioneer St 2 N N N N N Y N Y Dv1 and Dv2 backing up in a parking lot collided. Report for information only. 16 00:37 Sat Siskiyou Blvd near Sherman St 3NNYYYYNN Dv1 crashed into v2 pushing it into and under v3. Extensive damage. Driver was arrested for DUII. 24 16:04 Sun Helman St near N Main St 2 N N N N Y Y Y N DV1 operating a Uhaul backed into a parked vehicle and left scene. Was later found and cited for hit and run. 25 14:41 Mon Parking Lot, Ashland St near Washington St 2NNNYY Y YN Driver of vehicle struck a parked vehicle in parking lot and left scene. Was found and arrested for DUII, hit and run and reckless driving. 25 15:10 Mon Ashland St near Tolman Creek Rd 2NNNNN N NN DV1 pulling out of BiMart parking lot was struck by v2 turning into the parking lot. Info exchange, no citation, no injury, minor damage. 26 23:35 Tues N Main St near Sheridan St 2 N N P N Y Y N N Dv1 came to a sudden stop to avoid hitting some deer that were being chased across street by a dog. Dv2 rearended v1. Dv2 cited for following too close. MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH SUMMARY MONTH: JULY, 2016 NO. OF ACCIDENTS: 28 DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII CITED PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR 27 09:12 Wed Hillcrest St near Vista St 2 N N N N N Y N N DV1 struck parked v2 while turning around in the street. Damage to v2, no citation. Info exchanged. 27 11:40 Wed Siskiyou Blvd at Sherman St 2 N N N N N Y N N V1 and V2 collided in intersection, both claiming to have been travelling on the green light. Info exchanged. Over $1500 damage to each vehicle. 27 14:20 Wed Union St near Siskiyou Blvd 2 N N N N N Y N N DV turning right from alley onto street sideswiped a parked vehicle. Report taken, no citation, more than $1500 damage to each vehicle. 27 19:01 Wed Siskiyou Blvd near Wightman St 2NNPNYYNN DV1 moved over into left lane without checking blind spot, struck OV2 (moped) in lane causing operator to have to lay down the moped. Possible injury. No citation. 28 08:03 Thur 6th St at C St 2 N N P N Y Y N N DV2 stopped at intersection but then continued through causing Dv1 who had the right of way to crash into side of vehicle. Possible injury. Dv2 cited for careless driving. 28 10:10 Thur Church St near Scenic Dr 2 N N N N N Y N N Dv2 backing up hill and into street backed into parked car causing damage. No citation. 28 22:27 Thur Siskiyou Blvd near E Main St 1 N N N Y Y Y N N DV operating vehicle at a high rate of speed missed corner and struck ped signal, continued on and ran into barrier wall. DV arrested for DUII. 30 00:43 Sat Parking Lot, Ashland St near Washington St 2NNUUN Y YN Parked vehicle was backed into in parking lot. Driver left scene. Under investigation. MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH SUMMARY MONTH: AUGUST, 2016 NO. OF ACCIDENTS: 16 DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ.DUII CITED PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR 3 19:47 Wed Siskiyou Blvd at Clay St 2 N N N N Y Y N N Dv1 paused in traffic, waiting to turn left, was rearended by v2. Dv2 cited for following too close. 4 15:40 Thr E Main St near California St 2 N N Y N Y Y N N Dv1 stopped for RR crossing gates was rearended by Dv2. Dv1 transported to hospital, dv2 warned for following too closely. 5 11:58 Fri Siskiyou Blvd near Walker Av 2 Y N Y N N Y N N ped in crosswalk; Dv1 stopped for ped crossing was rearended by dv2. Report only. dv1 injured. 7 14:50 Sun N Main St near Cedar Wy 2 N N N Y Y Y N N Dv1 was travelling too fast to make the corner and skidded into parked v2. Dv1 arrested for DUII and reckless driving. 7 19:30 Sun Winburn Way near Granite St 1 N Y Y N Y N N N Dv1 turned left in front of oncoming bicycle, causing bicyclist to strike passenger side of vehicle. Cyclist transported to hospital due to injuries, dv1 cited for dangerous left turn. 9 09:29 Tue Morton St near Cascade St 1 Y N P N N N N N Ped (flagger) claims that dv1 struck him with rearview mirror while backing. No probable cause found. Assist with exchange of information. 10 08:31 Wed Siskiyou Blvd near Bridge St 2 Y N P N N Y N N ped in crosswalk; Dv2 stopped for ped crossing in crosswalk. Dv1 rearended v2. Report taken. 14 16:00 Sun Siskiyou Blvd at Tolman Crk Rd 2 N N N N Y Y N N Dv2 travelling through intersection with right of way was struck by Dv1. Dv1 cited for failure to obey tcd. 17 17:25 Wed Lithia Way near Helman St 2 N N N N N Y N N Dv1 began to merge left without checking blindspot and impacted v2 in the right front quarter panel. No citation 19 09:10 Fri E Main St at Mountain Av 2 N N N N Y Y N N Dv2 failed to stop for red light and entered intersection, impacting v1 who had the right of way. Dv2 cited for failure to obey tcd. 20 14:30 Sat N Main St near Winburn Wy 2 N N N N Y Y Y N Dv2 struck parked v1 while backing out of a parking space and left without providing contact info. Dv2 arrested for hit and run. 23 16:49 Tue Ashland St at I5 NB onramp 2 Y N P N Y Y N N Dv1 stopped waiting for ped to cross in crosswalk was rearended by dv2. Dv2 cited for following too close. 23 18:21 Tue N Main St/ Plaza 2 N N N N Y Y Y N Dv1 trying to wedge between 2 parked cars, backed into the bumper of v2 with trailer hitch, hooking it and then causing it to separate from v2. Dv1 got in argument with dv2, and left the scene. Was later contacted and cited for hit and run. 24 13:18 Wed N Main St near Bush St 2 N N N N N N N N Dv1 crossed over the centerline while negotiating the curve in the road and the trailer being pulled by v1 struck the passenger side of V2. Non injury, no damage, no citation. Report only. 25 17:03 Thr Oak St near E Main St 2 N N N N Y Y N N Dv2 pulling out from a driveway failed to see v1 travelling in the right of way. v2 struck v1. Dv2 cited for failure to yield when entering roadway. 30 07:42 Tue Liberty St near Holly St 2 N N N N N Y N N Dv2 struck the rear corner of parked v1. Report taken and information exchanged. What gets you excited about this work? Traci: Something new every day. There’s always a new countermeasure, a new process - a new perspective on things. What do you feel inspired about? Traci: I like ODOT’s ‘PLUS’ approach to communications within and outside the organization; I don’t like “silos”, however, and I see that as one of my challenges in this new position, to make us all aware that we’re working toward the same goal, and don’t want to duplicate effort . . . What would you share with those looking to help make their community safer? Traci: The first thing is to get educated; don’t assume what you’ve heard is necessarily true, check the facts. There are multiple non-profit and community organizations already working on traffic safety issues in your area (car seat clinics; DUI treatment centers; distracted driving awareness, etc.); attend one of their meetings and get involved. Anything else you would like to share? Traci: This is my first time working in a DOT environment, and I am impressed with the efforts and energy that I see staff utilizing in their work. I also appreciate the partnership that ODOT has with other state agencies, as well as within their own divisions, working toward common goals. M aking I mpactan August 2016 - Volume 3, Issue 11 Making an Impact..........................................OregonImpact.org........................................................ 1 ODOT-TSD Welcomes New Highway Safety Section Manager, Traci Pearl We caught up with Traci to discuss her new position. Here is a portion of the interview. Tell us a little bit about your background. Traci: I have always worked with grants . . . Once I graduated, I got a position in a community college (Oregon City) and never looked back. . . . I started out as the “seat belt and car seat lady” for the State [of Nevada] . . . How did you get involved in Traffic Safety? Traci: Traffic Safety is my passion and has been since my days in the Nevada Office of Traffic Safety. It’s rewarding when you realize your work has made a positive difference in the community; but we also take it personally when someone dies from a car crash, like ‘there’s never enough’ to do. What are some notable programs you worked on? Traci: As the Occupant Protection Program Manager, Nevada was proud to have the highest seat belt usage rate for a secondary law state. The national ‘Click it or Ticket’ model of enforcement coupled with the state’s law enforcement group ‘Joining Forces’, were the catalysts to this success. Vehicle Fatalities Could Drop by Half About 90 people die each day from motor vehicle crashes in the U.S., resulting in the highest death rate among 19 comparison countries. While our nation has made progress in road safety, other countries reduced crash deaths even further - according to the latest report by the CDC. If the U.S. had the same motor vehicle crash death rate as Belgium—the country with the second highest death rate after the U.S.—about 12,000 fewer lives would have been lost in 2013. And if the U.S. had the same rate as Sweden—the country with the lowest crash death rate—about 24,000 fewer lives would have been lost. The researchers recommend using proven strategies to support these actions that save lives, prevent injuries, and avert crash-related costs. Making an Impact..........................................OregonImpact.org........................................................ 2 Janelle Lawrence Executive Director Contact Us Funded through a grant from ODOT Transportation Safety Division Subscribe Donate Ride “Back to School” Safely For twenty three million students nationwide, the school day begins and ends with a trip on a school bus. The greatest risk is not riding the bus, but approaching or leaving the bus. Before children go back to school or start school for the first time, it is essential that adults and children know traffic safety rules. Drivers When backing out of a driveway or leaving a garage, watch out for children walking, bicycling, or rolling to school. When driving in neighborhoods with school zones, slow down. Slow down. Watch for children walking in the street, especially if there are no sidewalks in the neighborhood. Watch for children playing and congregating near bus stops. Be alert. Children arriving late for the bus may dart into the street with out looking for traffic. Learn the “flashing signal light system” that school bus drivers use to alert motorists of pending actions: YELLOW flashing lights indicate that the bus is preparing to stop to load or unload children. Motorists should slow down and prepare to stop their vehicles. RED flashing lights and extended stop arms indicate that the bus has stopped, and that children are getting on or off. Motorists must stop their cars in both travel directions, and wait until the red lights stop flashing, the extended stop sign is withdrawn, and the bus begins moving before they can start driving again. Children Get to the bus stop at least five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. When the bus approaches, stand at least three giant steps (6 feet) away from the curb, and line up away from the street. Wait until the bus stops, the door How Do You Drive a Diverging Diamond Interchange? From ODOT’s Moving Ahead Publication The Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) makes for a different driving experience. The DDI moves traffic more safely and efficiently. Do your homework now. Learn how to drive the DDI. Watch ODOT’s project video which shows you how to drive the Fern Valley interchange at I-5 Exit 24. opens, and the driver says that it’s okay before stepping onto the bus. If you have to cross the street in front of the bus, walk on the sidewalk or along the side of the road to a point at least five giant steps (10 feet) ahead of the bus before you cross. Be sure that the bus driver can see you, and you can see the bus driver. Use the handrails to avoids falls. When exiting the bus, be careful that clothing with drawstrings, and book bags with straps don’t get caught in the handrails or doors. Never walk behind the bus. Walk at least three giant steps away from the side of the bus. If you drop something near the bus, tell the bus driver. Never try to pick it up because the driver may not be able to see you. Teach children to follow these common sense practices to make school bus transportation safer. Making an Impact..........................................OregonImpact.org........................................................ 3 Every Corner is a Crosswalk The City of Eugene Public Works Engineering Transportation Planning team recently launched a crosswalk education campaign - including a PSA - called, “Every Corner is a Crosswalk.” The purpose of the campaign is to increase driver knowledge that every corner is a crosswalk, marked or unmarked, and pedestrians have the right of way at intersections. Drivers are required to stop, it’s the law. The ad campaign includes bus, radio, television and social media. A public service video features a lineup of Eugene celebrities, including the Slug Queen, Sluggo from the Eugene Emeralds and Lily the frog from the Public Works Department. Ad placements are targeted towards adults ages 20-34. Local crash research has shown that it’s an age bracket that sees a higher number of drivers involved in serious or fatal traffic crashes with pedestrians. In November of 2015, the Eugene City Council adopted a Vision Zero Resolution that sets as official policy the Vision Zero goal that no loss of life or serious injury on Eugene’s transportation system is acceptable. Vision Zero is a data-driven approach to eliminating serious or fatal crashes. With Vision Zero in mind, staff used local data on serious injury and fatal crashes involving pedestrians to target the audience for the campaign. Eugene Police Department (EPD) did a crosswalk enforcement event in June. The following are the numbers of citations from their pedestrian operation: Fail to Yield to Pedestrian 18 Cell Phone 1 No Insurance (Proof) 2 Red light violation 1 No Op (Expired DL) 1 Misc Violations Warnings 9 All together there were 23 citations, and 13 warnings. The miscellaneous violations were a result of the other stops for failing to yield. Pedestrians crossed approximately 175 times during the 2 1/2 hour enforcement period. Topic Date Time Registration TREC Conference: International Open Streets Summit 8/18 - 8/21 8 am - 4 pm More Info TREC Event: International Open Streets Summit Public Keynote 8/20 12 pm - 2 pm More Info Transportation Safety Workshops + Conferences TREC Events UP Highway Safety Workshops OSU Kiewit Center TREC Workshops are typically held at PSU. OSU Workshop: Legal Aspects and Liability of Traffic Safety 8/31 All day More Info Traffic Safety Webpage The City of Springfield’s Development and Public Works department recently unveiled a new webpage highlighting Traffic Safety topics. On this page, residents can learn about newly installed traffic devices, such as Roundabouts, Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons and Flashing Yellow Arrows. Additional topics featured include: how residents can get involved in promoting traffic safety and safe roads within the City, as well as helpful notices on road maintenance and traffic enforcement measures. There is an informative “Q + A” section where residents can find answers to questions such as who they should contact if a street light goes out in their neighborhood. The page concludes with discussion on a few ways parents can help teach their children about traffic safety, and what ways drivers can maintain safe habits on the road. Even without an active Traffic Safety Committee in Springfield, this page is a very useful way to promote safety. Let’s give a big “Thumbs Up!” to the City of Springfield and it’s Development and Public Works Department for their inspiring efforts. ODOT Transportation Safety Conference 10/25 & 10/26 All day Register Take Child Restraint Expiration Dates Seriously Did you know each Child Safety Seats comes with an expiration date? The Manufacturers Alliance for Child Passenger Safety (MACPS) encourages adherence to expiration dates as stated by each car seat manufacturer for its car seats. Expiration timeframes are included in the instruction manual for the seat, and are based upon the manufacture date on the seat labels. A Child Passenger Safety Technician can assist you in locating this information. Expiration dates are provided for some or all of the following reasons: • Because the plastic shell and other components may degrade over time if the car seat has been improperly used or stored in an adverse environment for a prolonged period of time. • Because exposure of components to many ODOT Now Accepting Safety Belt Overtime Grant Applications Applications and instructions for Safety Belt Overtime Enforcement funding are now available online for Police Departments wishing to participate in ODOT’s highway safety grant program during the October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017 grant year. Acceptance of funding will obligate your agency to conduct overtime traffic enforcement during three two- week statewide blitz periods occurring in February, May and August 2017. Completed applications must be mailed or submitted electronically to ODOT Transportation Safety Division by September 15, 2016. The downloadable, fillable pre-application form is located under the “Click it or Ticket Enforcement” tab. For questions regarding grant requirements or grant application process, please contact Carla Levinski, Occupant Protection Program Manager at (503) 986-4199 or Carla.L.LEVINSKI@odot.state.or.us. This funding is generously provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation and administered by Oregon Department of Transportation, Transportation Safety Division. Making an Impact..........................................OregonImpact.org........................................................ 4 environmental factors including food, drinks, dirt and debris, cleaners and other contaminants may cause degradation of the seat’s effectiveness. • Because parts of the seat may be lost, installed incorrectly or damaged from potential wear and tear. • Because instructions or labels may not be available or no longer be legible. The benefits of expiration dates include: • Phasing out older seats to ensure that as many of the car seats in circulation as possible benefit from new advancements in safety and technology and incorporate the latest regulatory requirements. • Discouraging secondhand car seat use and helping to move recalled products out of circulation. More expiration date resources: • MACPS Statement • Britax Chicco Clek A B • Safety1st Evenflo mifold Date City Location Address Time 8/20 Vancouver* Peace Health* 92nd Ave Entrance 8:45 am - 2 pm* 8/20 Beaverton Park Place Center 4915 SW Griffith Dr 9 am - 12 pm 8/20 Tualatin Tualatin Police 8650 SW Tualatin Dr 9 am - 12 pm 8/20 Beaverton Kohl’s 11055 SW Canyon Rd 9 am - 11:30 am 8/25 Forest Grove Forest Grove Fire 1919 Ash St 3 pm - 5 pm 8/25 Eugene Eugene Fire 1725 W 2nd Ave 4 pm - 6 pm 8/25 Eugene Daisy C.H.A.I.N Mothering 1244 Lawrence St 10 am - 12 pm www.Child Safety Seat Resource Center.org Car Seat Check-Up Events and Fitting Stations *Peace Health Event: Registration required by 8:45 am for 9-10 am class. First come, first served. Must attend class to participate in the clinic, which is held from 10 am - 2 pm. 1 Kyndra Irigoyen From:Mike Faught Sent:Monday, August 22, 2016 9:47 AM To:Mark and Susan HILL Cc:Tami Campos; Kyndra Irigoyen; Scott Fleury Subject:RE: Glenview Drive Perfect… We will add it to the October TC meeting agenda… Michael R. Faught Public Works Director City of Ashland 51 Winburn Way Ashland, OR 97520 mike.faught@ashland.or.us 541/552-2411 541/488-6006 Fax 800/735-2900 TTY Like Public Works on Facebook for updates and information!    Like Ashland Water Conservation on Facebook for updates and information!  This email is official business of the City of Ashland, and it is subject to Oregon public records law for disclosure and retention. If you have received this message in error, please let me know. From: Mark and Susan HILL [mailto:hillfam2000@gmail.com]   Sent: Monday, August 22, 2016 9:46 AM  To: Mike Faught  Subject: Re: Glenview Drive  October works and is actually better for me. Thanks, Mark On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 9:41 AM, Mike Faught <mike.faught@ashland.or.us> wrote: Hey Mark… Those are all of the questions we will need to address through this process… I like the idea of having several people sharing their concerns with the TC so please do let them know. I do want to tell you that right after I sent you the email, Councilor Seffinger, who is the Council liaison to the TC has requested that we move the meeting to October so that she can attend (she will be on vacation during the September meeting).. So if that works for you we will plan on adding this to the October TC meeting on October 27,2016. 2 Michael R. Faught Public Works Director City of Ashland 51 Winburn Way Ashland, OR 97520 mike.faught@ashland.or.us 541/552-2411 541/488-6006 Fax 800/735-2900 TTY Like Public Works on Facebook for updates and information!   Like Ashland Water Conservation on Facebook for updates and information! This email is official business of the City of Ashland, and it is subject to Oregon public records law for disclosure and retention. If you have received this message in error, please let me know. From: Mark and Susan HILL [mailto:hillfam2000@gmail.com]   Sent: Monday, August 22, 2016 9:02 AM  To: Mike Faught  Subject: Re: Glenview Drive Wow Mike, I didn't have a clue the wheels of change were and are turning in this direction. Do you want me to gather possible other people that share in this concern to attend this meeting? One more thing. This might sound like a somewhat selfish concern, but who will be paying for these improvements? There are about 6 houses located on Glenview drive and I am sure we all signed off that if Glenview drive ever was paved (or improved?) we would pay our portion. I was also told at the time of signing off on this that because there are only a few houses that will ever be built on Glenview drive that there obviously weren't enough home owners to take on this burden. 3 Mark Hill On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 8:19 AM, Mike Faught <mike.faught@ashland.or.us> wrote: Good Morning Mark…Glenview is already designated as a shared road which means that with the appropriate improvements (likely an 18’ chip sealed drive lane with 3.5 foot refuge areas, usually gravel) on each side) that have to be approved by a Transportation Engineer, the speed can be reduced to 15 mph. As Councilor Marsh indicated in her email, the next step is to take the proposed project to the Transportation Commission (TC) for consideration… So, I plan on adding the Glenview shared road project proposal to the September 22, 2016 TC meeting. The meeting starts at 6pm and I encourage you to attend the meeting and share your rational for proposing the project… Michael R. Faught Public Works Director City of Ashland 51 Winburn Way Ashland, OR 97520 mike.faught@ashland.or.us 541/552-2411 541/488-6006 Fax 800/735-2900 TTY Like Public Works on Facebook for updates and information!   Like Ashland Water Conservation on Facebook for updates and information! This email is official business of the City of Ashland, and it is subject to Oregon public records law for disclosure and retention. If you have received this message in error, please let me know. From: Mark and Susan HILL [mailto:hillfam2000@gmail.com]   Sent: Monday, August 22, 2016 8:11 AM  To: Mike Faught  Subject: Glenview Drive 4 Hello Mike Faught, My name is Mark Hill and I live at 201 Glenview dr. Recently I emailed the City Council to express my concerns and changes that need to be made on Glenview drive related to safety and health (the dust) issues. I received this email below in blue from Pam Marsh. Can you let me know anything you know about this? Thank you, Mark Hill 201 Glenview dr. 541-261-4711 Thanks so much for your email about Glenview. I walk that road frequently, and I've observed the issues you've noted. My understanding is that the city's Transportation Commission will look at the issues around Glenview at an upcoming meeting. That's really the appropriate place to begin any discussion. Certainly, you'll want to attend that meeting and share your observations. Mike Faught, Director of Public Works, will be setting that agenda, so if you haven't already, get in touch with Mike at mike.faught@ashland.or.us to know when the meeting will be. ADDITIONAL BICYCLING RESOURCES Rides For information about rides, mountain biking trails, and road biking loops, visit: Travel Grants Pass, Cycling Trails (mountain biking and road biking) travelgrantspass.com/219/Cycling-Trails includes pdf maps with directions & elevation profiles of road loops Travel Oregon, Find A Ride & Oregon’s Top Mountain Biking Destinations rideoregonride.com/rides/mountain-biking-destinations/ashland-area Ride the Rim Car-Free Day at Crater Lake, Sept 17 & 24, 2016 ridetherim2015.com Free Bicycle Map & More grantspassoregon.gov > community > bicycling in grants pass Get a free city bicycle map at the Downtown Welcome Center, Chamber of Commerce, Municipal Building, or city website. Find family-friendly trails and rides around the city and more. Bicycle Rentals Available at BikeKraft and Don’s Bike Center City of Grants Pass 101 NW A Street Grants Pass, OR 97526 541-450-6000 travelgrantspass.com grantspassoregon.gov Printed August 22, 2016  GUIDE TO BICYCLE-FRIENDLY BUSINESSES IN GRANTS PASS Bicycle Benefits bicyclebenefits.org Purchase a helmet sticker for $5 at any participating business, put it on your helmet, and show it at participating businesses to save when you bike Grants Pass Participating Businesses: BikeKraft, 785 Rogue River Hwy., 15% Off in-stock parts and accessories Bohemian Bar & Bistro, 233 SW G St., During lunch hours Mon-Sat 11:30am-3:00pm: Buy 1 lunch entrée, receive 50% Off the 2nd lunch entrée Climate City Brewing, 509 SW G St., 15% Off Cloud Nine Boutique & Designs, 111 SE G St. Suite E, 10% Off Club Northwest, 2160 NW Vine St., $50 Off new membership enrollment fee, 10% Off pro shop merchandise, and $1 Off drinks at The Juice Co. Don’s Bike Center, 201 SW G St., 15% Off in-stock accessories Eco Tots, 131 SW G St., Free spring water fill-ups and 10% Off water bottles Frank N Stene’s Monster Growlers, 950 SW 6th St., 25% Off Gillaspie Hair Design, 220 SE 7th St., 10% Off select products The Glass Forge Gallery & Studio, 501 SW G St., 15% Off Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce, 1995 NW Vine St., 10% Off retail items Grants Pass Family YMCA, 1000 Redwood Ave., 10% Off retail merchandise Great Northwest Music, 220 SW G St., Buy 1 set of strings, Get 1 set 50% Off Griess Family Brews & Taproom, 220 SW H St., $1 Off beer, wine, and cider The Haul, 121 SW H St., 10% Off Rogue Barbers, 304 SW 6th St., 10% Off select products Rogue Cycles, 232 SW H St., Fresh water, 10% Off parts and accessories The Royal Barge Thai Cuisine, 120 SW G St., 10% Off Sandi’s Candies and Fudgery, 145 SW G St., 10% Off SpeakEasy Tap Room, 208 NW 6th St. #2, 10% Off all food purchases and $1 Off all pints of beer, except during happy hour Sunshine Natural Foods, 128 SW H St., 10% Off Uber Herbal, 103 SW 4th St., 50¢ Off tea & toast at the bar Vinyl Revolutions, 221 NW 5th St., 10% Off storewide Violet Continued, 224 SW 6th St., 10% discount on everything Bike-Friendly Businesses rideoregonride.com/resources/bike-friendly-businesses Bike-Friendly Businesses provide bike-friendly amenities and services.  Grants Pass Businesses Recognized by Travel Oregon: Don’s Bike Center, 201 SW G St. Downtown Welcome Center, 198 SW 6th St. Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce, 1995 NW Vine St. Hellgate Jetboat Excursions, 966 SW 6th St. Sunshine Natural Foods, 128 SW H St. The Glass Forge Gallery and Studio LLC, 501 SW G St. Businesses provide at least five of these amenities and services: Bicycle Cleaning Station - Bicycle Floor Pump - Bicycle Mechanic - Bicycle Parking - Bicycle Rentals - Bicycle Shuttle Service - Bicycle Tours - Bicycle Tools/Supplies for Sale - Charging complimentary plug-ins - Complimentary Bicycle Locks - Complimentary Bicycle Rentals - Complimentary Bicycle Tools/ Supplies - Complimentary Water to refill water bottles - Limited Groceries energy bars or healthy packaged ready-to-eat foods - Long-term Vehicle Parking for visitors taking multi-day bicycling trips - Public Restroom - Self-Serve Bicycle Repair Station - Shipping for guests who cannot carry purchased items - Wi-Fi Bicycle Transportation Alliance btaoregon.org/benefits BTA members – show your membership card at participating businesses to receive discounts. Grants Pass Participating Bike Shops: BikeKraft, 785 Rogue River Hwy., 10% Off parts and accessories Don’s Bike Center, 201 SW G St., 10% Off parts and accessories Bicycle Benefits bicyclebenefits.org Purchase a helmet sticker for $5 at any participating business, put it on your helmet, and show it at participating businesses to save when you bike Grants Pass Participating Businesses: BikeKraft, 785 Rogue River Hwy., 15% Off in-stock parts and accessories Bohemian Bar & Bistro, 233 SW G St., During lunch hours Mon-Sat 11:30am-3:00pm: Buy 1 lunch entrée, receive 50% Off the 2nd lunch entrée Climate City Brewing, 509 SW G St., 15% Off Cloud Nine Boutique & Designs, 111 SE G St. Suite E, 10% Off Club Northwest, 2160 NW Vine St., $50 Off new membership enrollment fee, 10% Off pro shop merchandise, and $1 Off drinks at The Juice Co. Don’s Bike Center, 201 SW G St., 15% Off in-stock accessories Eco Tots, 131 SW G St., Free spring water fill-ups and 10% Off water bottles Frank N Stene’s Monster Growlers, 950 SW 6th St., 25% Off Gillaspie Hair Design, 220 SE 7th St., 10% Off select products The Glass Forge Gallery & Studio, 501 SW G St., 15% Off Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce, 1995 NW Vine St., 10% Off retail items Grants Pass Family YMCA, 1000 Redwood Ave., 10% Off retail merchandise Great Northwest Music, 220 SW G St., Buy 1 set of strings, Get 1 set 50% Off Griess Family Brews & Taproom, 220 SW H St., $1 Off beer, wine, and cider The Haul, 121 SW H St., 10% Off Rogue Barbers, 304 SW 6th St., 10% Off select products Rogue Cycles, 232 SW H St., Fresh water, 10% Off parts and accessories The Royal Barge Thai Cuisine, 120 SW G St., 10% Off Sandi’s Candies and Fudgery, 145 SW G St., 10% Off SpeakEasy Tap Room, 208 NW 6th St. #2, 10% Off all food purchases and $1 Off all pints of beer, except during happy hour Sunshine Natural Foods, 128 SW H St., 10% Off Uber Herbal, 103 SW 4th St., 50¢ Off tea & toast at the bar Vinyl Revolutions, 221 NW 5th St., 10% Off storewide Violet Continued, 224 SW 6th St., 10% discount on everything Bike-Friendly Businesses rideoregonride.com/resources/bike-friendly-businesses Bike-Friendly Businesses provide bike-friendly amenities and services.  Grants Pass Businesses Recognized by Travel Oregon: Don’s Bike Center, 201 SW G St. Downtown Welcome Center, 198 SW 6th St. Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce, 1995 NW Vine St. Hellgate Jetboat Excursions, 966 SW 6th St. Sunshine Natural Foods, 128 SW H St. The Glass Forge Gallery and Studio LLC, 501 SW G St. Businesses provide at least five of these amenities and services: Bicycle Cleaning Station - Bicycle Floor Pump - Bicycle Mechanic - Bicycle Parking - Bicycle Rentals - Bicycle Shuttle Service - Bicycle Tours - Bicycle Tools/Supplies for Sale - Charging complimentary plug-ins - Complimentary Bicycle Locks - Complimentary Bicycle Rentals - Complimentary Bicycle Tools/ Supplies - Complimentary Water to refill water bottles - Limited Groceries energy bars or healthy packaged ready-to-eat foods - Long-term Vehicle Parking for visitors taking multi-day bicycling trips - Public Restroom - Self-Serve Bicycle Repair Station - Shipping for guests who cannot carry purchased items - Wi-Fi Bicycle Transportation Alliance btaoregon.org/benefits BTA members – show your membership card at participating businesses to receive discounts. Grants Pass Participating Bike Shops: BikeKraft, 785 Rogue River Hwy., 10% Off parts and accessories Don’s Bike Center, 201 SW G St., 10% Off parts and accessories ADDITIONAL BICYCLING RESOURCES Rides For information about rides, mountain biking trails, and road biking loops, visit: Travel Grants Pass, Cycling Trails (mountain biking and road biking) travelgrantspass.com/219/Cycling-Trails includes pdf maps with directions & elevation profiles of road loops Travel Oregon, Find A Ride & Oregon’s Top Mountain Biking Destinations rideoregonride.com/rides/mountain-biking-destinations/ashland-area Ride the Rim Car-Free Day at Crater Lake, Sept 17 & 24, 2016 ridetherim2015.com Free Bicycle Map & More grantspassoregon.gov > community > bicycling in grants pass Get a free city bicycle map at the Downtown Welcome Center, Chamber of Commerce, Municipal Building, or city website. Find family-friendly trails and rides around the city and more. Bicycle Rentals Available at BikeKraft and Don’s Bike Center City of Grants Pass 101 NW A Street Grants Pass, OR 97526 541-450-6000 travelgrantspass.com grantspassoregon.gov Printed August 22, 2016  GUIDE TO BICYCLE-FRIENDLY BUSINESSES IN GRANTS PASS