HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Minutes January 2018ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES January 25, 2018 Transportation Commission January 25, 2018 Page 1 of 4 These minutes are pending approval by this Commission CALL TO ORDER: Graf called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. Commissioners Present: Bruce Borgerson, Kat Smith, Sue Newberry, Corinne Vièville, David Young, Joe Graf Commissioners Absent: None Council Liaison Present: Mike Morris Staff Present: Scott Fleury, Taina Glick ANNOUNCEMENTS Graf announced the resignation of Dominic Barth from the commission and explained that potential commissioners should be referred to the City Recorder’s office. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes: December 21, 2017 The packet was missing pages 1 and 2 of minutes. Graf deferred approval of minutes to next meeting. PUBLIC FORUM None NEW BUSINESS South Ashland Business Park Type III Application Traffic Impact Jay Harland and Kelly Sandow, from CSA Planning and Myles Daley from Thornton Engineering presented their development proposal for the South Ashland Business Park, a 5-acre light industrial park. Their presentation is attached to these minutes. Newberry questioned if the proposal met AASHTO guidelines and sought clarification. Harland stated that the multi- use path plan is compliant and elaborated on path design options. Newberry still felt that path was non-compliant citing lack of buffer zone between curb and path. Sandow described her understanding of AASHTO guidelines regarding multi-use paths. Newberry would like to research guideline due to safety for contra-flow bicyclists. Fleury accessed guidelines online and indicated the section does not address her specific concern. Fleury consulted WSDOT guidelines online and described findings. Newberry asserted that we should not be building new facilities that don’t meet standard guidelines. Sandow responded by stating her belief that the proposed designs are both compliant and safe. Harland stated if the Transportation Commission (TC) preferred the multi-use path option with separation from the curb that space exists to accommodate that design. Young preferred the multi-use path with 2’ separation behind the curb and elaborated as to why. Harland described problems with maintenance of the 2’ separation as that area is maintained by ODOT, not City of Ashland. Harland recommended gravel for 2’ separation rather than landscaping due to ease of maintenance. Smith wanted to see original map and sought clarification about how bicycles would travel in the area. Young queried Fleury about the relationship of this development to Independent Way and elaborated on the funding of the improvements, as well as exclusion from the 2012 TSP. Smith requested a field trip with Derek Severson and CSA Planning to the area of the proposal. Fleury indicated that Planning Commission (PC) schedules field trips frequently. Borgerson stated that he visited the area a day prior to the meeting and described no bicycle/pedestrian activity but acknowledged the need to accommodate both. Smith asked if TC can be invited to a field trip. Morris indicated that the PC regularly has site visits. Graf inquired about zoning to south of the property and how many zones will be in the area stating different accommodation for bicycle/pedestrian would be necessary depending on zoning type. Fleury ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES January 25, 2018 Transportation Commission January 25, 2018 Page 2 of 4 These minutes are pending approval by this Commission interjected that the Croman property will likely be changed to allow some residential development but stressed that a railroad crossing is needed for much residential development. Newberry questioned the functional designation of the road as an avenue and does not have issue with a multi-use path as long as it meets standards. Newberry stressed the need not to do projects on a one-off basis that do not conform with the TSP. Smith wondered if project R45 from the TSP matches up with this proposal. Fleury responded by describing site plans for projects R44, R45, and R29. Borgerson inquired about the location of Independent Way. Young requested a field trip to the area of the proposal. Fleury will confer with the legal department regarding public meeting law requirements. Morris indicated that PC is required to notice any site visits. Graf advised commissioners to do individual site visits and come to next meeting with suggestions. Smith preferred the option of a site visit with staff to answer specific questions and asked Fleury if two- at-a-time visits would be possible without violating meeting law requirements. Vièville requires someone to explain what is located at the site. Fleury reiterated that he will consult the legal department. Newberry requested that staff check on the standards for a multi-use path adjacent to a roadway with a curb. City Council Presentation Graf requested input from Commissioners about content for the Council presentation which will take approximately 5 minutes. Commissioners decided on inclusion of the following topics:  Challenges faced by the TC  Iowa St walking audit  Traffic calming program development  Transit study (Fleury stated that the transit study contract will be submitted for approval that night.)  Issuance of the first residential parking permit  Community goal setting meeting  Sidewalk improvement brochure  Street painting  Super sharrows.  Enhanced markings without changing configuration downtown.  Road diet improvements and cross walks at Wimer St and Hersey St Fleury announced that increased revenue from the state is expected due to a transportation bill which allows for maintenance and improvement of infrastructure. Graf requested commissioners email additional ideas to Fleury. TASK LIST Discuss current action item list Newberry asked Fleury to discuss the interview for transit feasibility study. Fleury described the interview process announcing Nelson Nygard as the approved agency. Negotiation of final scope and fee is in process. Fleury has met with RVTD, who is currently updating their long-term master plan, about sharing findings from each other’s plans to not duplicate efforts. Newberry asked if a member of the TC would be included in the stakeholder advisory group. Fleury indicated that the whole TC is part of the advisory committee moving forward. David had offered to be a citizen liaison. RVTD will be conducting focus groups, utilizing surveys, and hospital/chamber/etc. to collect data about user habits and trends. Young inquired if the City and RVTD will be collaborating on development of master plan updates. Fleury answered in the affirmative. Young asked about sharrows. Fleury and Kim Parducci have not met with ODOT as they are working on a different issue (Tolman and Siskiyou where trucks have difficulty making the turn) and would like to take multiple topics to ODOT ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES January 25, 2018 Transportation Commission January 25, 2018 Page 3 of 4 These minutes are pending approval by this Commission at the same time. Fleury announced that rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB) are no longer permitted by ODOT due to a patent issue; however, similar devices are available for use. Vieville asked if audible signals are patented. Fleury was unsure which aspect of the device is subject to the patent. Morris questioned the design of the traffic signal on Siskiyou Blvd at Tolman Creek Rd. Fleury described the signal as an ODOT piece and the City was not involved in the design. Newberry would like a completion date for the results of the Iowa St walking audit. She believes we owe the outcome of the audit to the citizens who participated. Fleury will send a status email to the participants. Fleury informed the commissioners that Officer MacLennan pulled over a driver on Iowa St who was doing 60mph while passing a car. Newberry questioned if the driver was cited. Young stated he had not received an answer to his earlier question about the sharrows and spacing of such. Fleury indicated he and Parducci will discuss what is allowed and our proposed spacing/painting when they meet with ODOT. OLD BUSINESS Goal setting Graf expressed his disappointment that the goal setting meeting was not included in the City Source. Graf described his intent to send a letter to the Daily Tidings editor and provided a copy for commissioners to view and edit. Commissioners discussed items needed for the meeting, how the meeting will be run, and how to inform citizens of the outcome of the meeting. Young sought clarification about the role of the facilitators and context. Borgerson inquired about how to handle requests specific to an address. Fleury responded that those types of requests should be forwarded to staff. Smith asked if Graf was open to other Commissioners speaking up if he forgets anything during the introduction. Graf indicated that he would prefer to be the sole speaker during the introduction. Vièville wanted to make sure the introduction includes a definition of multi-modal. Transportation Commission Code Language Remove related from 2.13.010 A, line 2. Commissioners debated whether to include or exclude appropriate advocacy from line 3. Modify lines 3 and 4 to include the phrase to safety, planning, funding, and equity among all forms of ground transportation, including pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and motor vehicle…. Newberry moves to submit revised text to City Council for approval. Borgerson seconded motion. All ayes. Motion passed. FOLLOW UP ITEMS None- See action item list Fleury suggested to commissioners having a planner come a few times a year to apprise commissioners on coming and current projects. Young expressed his preference for hearing about projects prior to reading about them in the newspaper. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Accident Report Fleury described changes to the format of the accident report and crash summary. Discussion ensued about removal of the citation column. ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES January 25, 2018 Transportation Commission January 25, 2018 Page 4 of 4 These minutes are pending approval by this Commission COMMISSION OPEN DISCUSSION Graf reminded commissioners that he cannot continue as chair due to commission rules therefore a new chair must be selected in May. Due to resignation of Barth, a vice-chair must be selected. Smith questioned Newberry about her interest in the vacancy. Newberry indicated that she would need to consult her calendar before deciding. Smith made sure all commissioners reviewed the email forwarded by staff from a citizen named Amy describing her issues with the Oak Knoll Hwy 66 intersection. Her input was submitted for the upcoming Community Meeting. Newberry reminded Fleury of the TSP section that suggests the City review AMC Chapter 18 to establish a multi- modal/safety based development review process and wondered if it could be used as a means to improve coordination with the Planning Department. Graf reminded Commissioners that the TSP and updates are to be approved by both the Transportation Commission and Planning Commission. Fleury added that the Transit Feasibility Plan should be considered by the Planning Commission as well. ADJOURNMENT: 8:11 pm Respectfully submitted, Taina Glick Public Works Administrative Assistant