HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Minutes August 2019ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES August 22, 2019 Transportation Commission August 22, 2019 Page 1 of 3 CALL TO ORDER: Borgerson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Commissioners Present: Katharine Danner, Bruce Borgerson, Linda Peterson Adams, Joe Graf, Derrick Claypool- Barnes, Corinne Vièville, Mark Brouillard Commissioners Absent: None Council Liaison Absent: Julie Akins Staff Present: Scott Fleury, Shannon Burruss, Steve MacLennan ANNOUNCEMENTS CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes: July 18, 2019 Commissioners Danner/Graf m/s to approve minutes as amended. All ayes. Minutes approved. PUBLIC FORUM None ACCIDENT REPORT Accident Report Officer Maclennan indicated July had more accidents in 2019 than it has had historically. Of the three pedestrian incidents, the pedestrian was intoxicated in two. He was unable to locate much backstory on the cyclist incident. He noted more accidents at Ashland St and Tolman Creek Rd since timing changed at that intersection. NEW BUSINESS Bicycle Map Development audio begins at 6:10 Fleury reminded commissioners of backstory of the intent of the development of this map. City GIS staff developed the draft map including gradient, as well as existing, and planned bicycle facilities. Fleury requested input related to content prior to deciding map size. Claypool-Barnes added that a point of contention the subcommittee experienced was deciding on complexity of map. Fleury elaborated that there was disagreement of where cyclists actually ride. Claypool- Barnes spoke of including alternate routes as the main routes are along high-volume streets, decreasing cyclist safety especially for novice riders. Fleury explained that the routes are color coded based on traffic volume. Danner felt the inclusion of watershed trails was not important and decreased readability. Claypool-Barnes disagreed. Brouillard suggested the decision of whether to include mountain bike trails should be based on the final map size as inclusion of those trails on an 8.5 x 11 map makes the map unreadable. Further he suggested the commission decide on what the purpose of the map is. Claypool-Barnes felt the map should include all trails and that hammering out of these details should be done by the subcommittee. Borgerson suggested the online version of the map could include all trail data as users can expand areas. A printed copy of the map could include less information but refer users to the web version. Committee members suggested obtaining bicycle maps from other communities. Graf suggested replacement of his position on the subcommittee with someone more involved with cycling. He liked having all the trail information on the map but did not like how the trails end on the map and suggested addition of trails labelled as Ashland Watershed Bike Trails to direct users to their most relevant version of the map. Claypool-Barnes suggested a two-sided map. Brouillard does not support inclusion of bicycle shops on the map as those businesses change. Claypool-Barnes disagreed stating that it is easy to change the map. Borgerson suggested that consumers typically utilize their phones when ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES August 22, 2019 Transportation Commission August 22, 2019 Page 2 of 3 looking for specific businesses so inclusion on the map is not necessary. Peterson-Adams supported an additional subcommittee meeting and suggested Brouillard to replace Graf. Graf suggested the following changes to the map:  Path between Helman St and the Plaza appears to be developed which is incorrect  Park St from Siskiyou Blvd to the end appears level Subcommittee consists of Claypool-Barnes, Vieville, and Brouillard. OLD BUSINESS audio begins at 39:00 Transportation System Plan Scope Development Review Fleury informed Commissioners of changes made to the request for proposal (RFP) since the last meeting. Legal has approved the RFP. He estimates responses will be due mid-October and will be in contract with a consultant by the end of this year. Traffic Calming Program audio begins at 41:20 Brouillard requested clarification on the 85-percentile speed description. Graf suggested making sure the document is readable by a lay person. Commissioners debated:  Scoring metrics and whether or not to include them for phase 1 measures  Potential greater number of phase 1 measures than currently proposed  When to dispatch the radar trailer  Release of a beta-version of the traffic calming program Graf recommended to accept the draft to be redone and looked at one more time, next time, and that the criteria statement be average daily traffic, speeding, and accidents and all things being equal, take into consideration other factors but not give them points and change the speed to 2, 4, and 6 points and if 8 points are achieved, the area qualified for phase 1 treatment. Claypool-Barnes disagreed. Brouillard agreed with Graf’s proposed changes. Graf moved to accept this draft as a starting point to go forward and test with the following changes: under criteria, use first three criteria to score points, and change speed criteria to 2 points, 4 points, and 6 points for 1-5, 5-10, and greater than 10 over the speed limit, that we state when all things being equal we consider these other factors and that in order to move on a project must have at least 8 points. Peterson-Adams seconded. Borgerson asked for clarification that the motion is not removing criteria, but only scoring on daily traffic, speeding, and accidents. Graf/Peterson Adams accepted an amendment to replace the word “draft” with “pilot.” Danner supported the requirement of a minimum of 8 points to qualify. Vieville asked if the threshold is difficult to obtain. Claypool-Barnes felt the motion deprioritized important criteria. Ayes: Danner, Borgerson, Graf, Peterson Adams, Vieville, Brouillard. Nay: Claypool-Barnes. Motion passed 6 to 1. Borgerson has suggested edits he will forward to staff. Peterson Adams asked Fleury if the program will inform citizens of the complaint process and CIP projects online. Fleury elaborated on the process of moving a project to an earlier date in the CIP and amending the TSP. ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES August 22, 2019 Transportation Commission August 22, 2019 Page 3 of 3 INFORMATIONAL ITEMS RVTD and City staff have a kick off meeting scheduled for August 26 to discuss micro transit project. Fleury will discuss at the next meeting. Peterson Adams and Claypool-Barnes expressed interest in attending. Graf inquired about where sharrows ended. ODOT has a grinding project that would have removed the sharrows. After completion of the ODOT project, sharrows will be completed. FUTURE AGENDA TOPICS Traffic calming program Bicycle map development MUTCD 4-way stop sign training Crosswalk Policy ADJOURNMENT: 8:00 pm Respectfully submitted, Taina Glick Public Works Administrative Assistant