HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Minutes February 2020ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES February 20, 2020 Transportation Commission February 20, 2020 Page 1 of 4 CALL TO ORDER: Borgerson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Commissioners Present: Bruce Borgerson, Linda Peterson Adams, Katharine Danner, Joe Graf, Mark Brouillard, Derrick Claypool-Barnes Commissioners Absent: Corinne Vièville Council Liaison Absent: Julie Akins Staff Present: Paula Brown, Taina Glick ANNOUNCEMENTS Brown informed the group that she will be running the meeting in Scott Fleury’s absence. Further, she announced that she is retiring, effective May 1. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes: January 23, 2019 Commissioners Danner/Peterson Adams m/s to approve minutes as presented. All ayes. Minutes approved. ACCIDENT REPORT Officer MacLennan provided a breakdown of collisions on the accident report. He specifically mentioned the following: x several non-injury accidents during the snowstorm x a DUI collision at Mountain Ave and E Main St x unseen cyclist clipped by motorist exiting alley x Lithia Way at Third St: pedestrian was not hit, but car that stopped for pedestrian was rear-ended x Ashland St at Washington St and the I5 overpass x RVTD bus was hit but there were no injuries Brouillard inquired if accidents at Ashland St and Tolman Creek Rd had reduced. MacLennan indicated accidents were reduced, likely due to motorists becoming familiarized with signal changes. Graf inquired about accident where a parked car obscured vision and wondered if there are vision clearance issues the Commission should resolve. Officer MacLennan described the area as residential with limited parking. He indicated that Iowa St, near the high school could be an intersection to evaluate but that parking should be considered. Graf thanked Public Works staff for installation of No Parking signs at Ashland St and Elkader St. PUBLIC FORUM meeting audio begins at 07:12 Paul Rostykus Ashland, OR Spoke in frustration of encroachments onto public property occurring on Grandview Dr. Rostykus believed the encroachments pose hazards for pedestrians. He does not feel he has not gotten satisfactory answers from Public Works staff about his concerns. ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES February 20, 2020 Transportation Commission February 20, 2020 Page 2 of 4 Heulz Gutcheon Ashland, OR Gutcheon opined that Ashland has reached a tipping point. He stated that the sharrows don’t work because they give cyclists a sense of safety but requested that additional sharrows be place in the middle lane through the downtown corridor. Brent Thompson Ashland, OR Advised commission that diagonal parking on B St is being considered by the Revitalize Downtown Ashland CAC and a recommendation may be presented to the TC. He suggested evaluating the width of B St and potential impacts of both front-in and back-in parking. NEW BUSINESS A St Parking Prohibitions meeting audio starts at 19:15 Brown provided clarification that the proposed area is both sides of 2 ½ blocks on A St and 1st St between A St and B St. Staff and Commissioners discussed cost of signage and enforcement and how those expenses would be budgeted. Graf wondered if data existed showing parking utilization in the proposed area, not just anecdotal evidence. Brown will consult the parking study. Phil Emard Ashland, OR He spoke as the owner of Ashland Hardware. He stated that people utilize the parking bay in front of his A St entrance for all day parking, including converted school buses which take significant space. His staff are required to park off A St. He has an agreement with Ashland Christian Fellowship allowing staff to utilize their parking lot. He discussed retailing challenges and an advantage he has is quick in and out shopping. His business has an off-street parking lot that is frequently utilized by customers of surrounding businesses. Parking is the top complaint he receives from customers. Commissioners questioned him on: x How many customers come to his business daily x Steps to enforce parking time limits in his off-street parking lot x Locations his staff utilizes for parking Brent Thompson Ashland, OR Spoke in agreement with Phil Emard and supported 1-hour parking between 1st St and 2nd St. He believed that Oak to Pioneer St should have 2-hour parking and Pioneer to 2nd St as well as 1st St should have 1-hour parking. He believed this would allow the CoOp to move through a greater than anticipated number of shoppers. Further, he stated that the timed parking is needed to help the CoOp and hardware store flourish. Jim Thayer Ashland, OR Spoke of difficulty contractors face when parking vehicles towing trailers. He indicated that those customers typically need roughly 30 minutes of parking. There are only a couple of spots in their private parking lot that can accommodate vehicles with trailers. The parking bay provides an easy in and out access for those vehicles. Graf believed the current proposal does not include a large enough area and that the surrounding areas will experience greater traffic. ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES February 20, 2020 Transportation Commission February 20, 2020 Page 3 of 4 Brouillard inquired about what area was notified and if anyone had contacted the City in opposition to this proposal. Graf asked for clarification about residential locations within the proposed area. Borgerson responded that only 1 residence that fronts on 1st St and it has off street parking. Brouillard moved to recommend proposal as provided by the City to do 2-hour parking on A St in the corridor specified. Peterson Adams seconded. Graf expressed concern about diverting parking issue to surrounding area. Borgerson agreed but noted that, except one residence, this whole area fronts business areas and those spots are high turnover. He cited precedent that exists in larger cities. Claypool Barnes wanted to know what businesses have done for enforcement on private parking. Borgerson pointed out that signage and poles are a minimal expense and reversing this plan would be simple if no improvement is seen. Danner expressed concern about spillover to surrounding residential areas. Graf wondered about how to monitor the effect of this proposal on surrounding areas. Graf amended the motion to include a 2-year evaluation of the success of the plan. Brouillard seconded. Claypool- Barnes opined that the Co-Op is the source of the area parking problem and would like them to present data regarding what they have done with their private parking. Brouillard supports the amendment. Vote on amendment: Ayes: Brouillard, Peterson Adams, Graf, Borgerson, Claypool-Barnes, Danner. Vote on amended motion: Ayes: Brouillard, Peterson Adams, Graf, Borgerson, Danner. Nay: Claypool-Barnes Motion passes. OLD BUSINESS Transportation System Plan Update meeting audio starts at 1:18:23 Borgerson asked the group for further suggested revisions. Graf asked for clarification of approval process. Brown reminded commissioners of specific steps at the State level that must be followed. Brown asked for Chair recommendations for the TSP update TAC and CAC groups. Peterson Adams, CAC volunteer; Claypool Barnes, TAC volunteer. Brouillard asked if the term “emerging technologies” could be expanded on to provide better definition of exactly what falls under that category. Danner moved to send this proposal forward to the City Council. Graf seconded. No discussion. Ayes: Peterson Adams, Graf, Borgerson, Claypool Barnes, Danner. Nay: Brouillard Council Presentation Review meeting audio starts at 1:36 Borgerson described his presentation to City Council as having gone well. City Council asked about age friendly inclusion and offered thanks to the TC. No general objections were expressed. TASK LIST Discuss current action item list meeting audio starts at 1:37:30 Peterson Adams noted that Fleury updated the list. No questions from Commissioners. FOLLOW UP ITEMS Bike Map Subcommittee meeting audio starts at 1:38:22 Commissioners discussed continued interest in bicycle map development. Brouillard discussed interest in maps among the cyclist community and got differing reports from each group. Claypool-Barnes disagreed with the input Brouillard ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES February 20, 2020 Transportation Commission February 20, 2020 Page 4 of 4 collected. Peterson Adams asked if the Velo Club was involved in the subcommittee. A poll will be sent out to the subcommittee members to assess interest/availability for the next meeting. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Transportation Growth and Management “Revitalize Downtown Ashland” Update meeting audio starts at 1:47:00 Claypool Barnes informed commissioners of TAC discussion to restructure lanes in the downtown corridor, including potential reduction of lanes, addition of a bike lane, removal of a side of parking, and efforts to increase of parking. Brown elaborated on the need for traffic to move safely through, to create a vibrant and lively feel, and to make changes that encourage visitors. The CAC was bogged down by the issue of parking, so the group met to only discuss parking. Diagonal parking on E Main St and B St was discussed by the CAC. Claypool-Barnes informed the group that the TAC has evaluated a data model that showed minimal traffic disruption even with addition of bike lane and restructure of parking. The TAC is also discussing permanent closure of a portion of Pioneer St. Brown indicated that the CAC is not as supportive of Pioneer St closure as the TAC group was. Graf inquired how the model dealt with loading zones. Peterson Adams asked if paid parking had been considered. Brown indicated that the CAC discussed and supported the concept of paid parking. Brouillard asked about residential parking permits. Brown indicated that topic is included in the parking plan but would be considered in the future depending on complaints. Claypool-Barnes asked Brown about the status of jurisdictional exchange of Main St through downtown. Brown answered that it is still being discussed. Update will come in April. FUTURE AGENDA TOPICS Grand Terrace Annexation Bus Pass Program Crosswalk Policy ADJOURNMENT: 8:02 pm Respectfully submitted, Taina Glick Public Works Administrative Assistant