HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Packet July 2021Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Transportation Commission meeting is encouraged to do so. If you wish to speak, please rise and, after you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and complete address for the record. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair. AASSHHLLAANNDD TTRRAANNSSPPOORRTTAATTIIOONN CCOOMMMMIISSSSIIOONN JJuullyy 1155,, 22002211 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 PM, Meeting held virtually via Zoom II. ANNOUNCEMENTS III. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes: June 24, 2021 IV. PUBLIC FORUM (6:05-6:20) A. Public Forum-if you wish to speak during public forum please register with Scott.fleury@ashland.or.us by 10am July 14th. B. If you wish to provide public comment or discuss an agenda item please contact Scott.fleury@ashland.or.us by July 14th by 10am to register to participate. Written comments can also be submitted in the same time frame. C. If you are interested in watching the meeting via Zoom please utilize the following link: https://zoom.us/j/91628073338 V. CRASH REPORT (6:20-6:30) VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Oregon Department of Transportation – Intergovernmental Agreement “Ashland ADA Improvements” (6:30-6:45, action required, discuss IGA and make recommendation to Council for Approval) VII. OLD BUSINESS A. Vision Zero Program and Resolution (6:45-7:10, action required discuss final resolution and Council information) B. Transportation System Plan Scope Review (7:10-7:40, action required, discuss final scope and Council information) VIII. TASK LIST (If time allows) A. Discuss current action item list IX. FOLLOW UP ITEMS A. None X. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS (If time allows) A. Bike Rack Installations XI. COMMISSION OPEN DISCUSSION (If time allows) XII. FUTURE AGENDA TOPICS A. Residential Parking Program B. Street User Fee/Gas Tax (budget process) C. Crosswalk Policy XIII. ADJOURNMENT: 8:00 PM Next Meeting Date: August 19, 2021 Meeting In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Public Works Office at 488-5587 (TTY phone number 1 800 735 2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title I). Transportation Commission Contact List as of February 2021 Name Title Telephone Mailing Address Email Address Expiration of Term Mark Brouillard Commissioner 206-661-7085 159 Helman St mtbrouillard@msn.com 4/30/2023 Joe Graf Commissioner 541-488-8429 1160 Fern St. jlgtrans15@gmail.com 4/30/2024 Corinne Vièville Commissioner 541-488-9300 or 541-944-9600 805 Glendale Ave. corinne@mind.net 4/30/2022 Derrick Claypool-Barnes Commissioner 503-482-9271 1361 Quincy St #6F dorkforest@gmail.com 4/30/2024 Linda Peterson Adams Commissioner 541-554-1544 642 Oak St gardengriotashland@gmail.com 4/30/2022 Katharine Danner Commissioner 541-482-2302 PO Box 628 ksdashland@gmail.com 4/30/2022 Vacant Commissioner Non-Voting Ex Officio Membership Scott Fleury Director, Public Works 541-488-5587 20 E. Main Street scott.fleury@ashland.or.us Paula Hyatt Council Liaison 20 E. Main Street Paula.Hyatt@council.ashland.or.us Brandon Goldman Planning Department 541- 488-5305 20 E. Main Street goldmanb@ashland.or.us Steve MacLennan Police Department 541- 552-2433 20 E. Main Street maclenns@ashland.or.us Vacant SOU Liaison 541-552-8328 1250 Siskiyou Blvd Dan Dorrell, PE ODOT 541- 774-6354 100 Antelope Rd WC 97503 Dan.w.dorrell@odot.state.or.us Edem Gómez RVTD 541-608-2411 3200 Crater Lake Av 97504 egomez@rvtd.org Jenna Stanke ODOT 541- 774-5925 100 Antelope Rd WC 97503 Jenna.MARMON@odot.state.or.us David Wolske Airport Commission david@davidwolske.com Vacant Ashland Parks Vacant Ashland Schools Staff Support Scott Fleury Public Works Director 541-488-5587 20 E. Main Street Scott.fleury@ashland.or.us Karl Johnson Associate Engineer 541-552-2415 20 E. Main Street johnsonk@ashland.or.us ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES June 24, 2021 Transportation Commission January 21, 2021 Page 1 of 3 CALL TO ORDER: 6:02pm Commissioners Present: Mark Brouillard, Joe Graf, Corinne Vièville, Linda Peterson Adams, Katharine Danner, Bruce Borgerson, Derrick Claypool-Barnes Commissioners Not Present Council Liaison Present: None Staff Present: Scott Fleury Guests Present: None ANNOUNCEMENTS – Chair Peterson-Adams announces that ODOT will be performing pavement maintenance related work on Siskiyou Boulevard from Walker Avenue to the interstate. The work will go to July 6th and be careful of the work zones and flaggers. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes May 20, 2021 Vièville motions to approve minutes with stated corrections, Danner seconds. Commissioners approve minutes as amended. All ayes. Minutes approved. PUBLIC FORUM Chair Peterson-Adams recognizes the letter in the packet from Southern Oregon Climate Action now and also the memo and information provided by Climate Policy Commission member Gary Schaff as part of the Vision Zero program. CRASH REPORT: Officer MacLennan presents crash report. Crashes picked up in the past month. No pedestrian or bicycle crashes in the past month. There were three DUI crashes in the past month. Commissioner Vièville asks if the DUIs are alcohol or drug related. Officer MacLennan’s states that a majority of the DUIs appear to be Poly-DUI which includes both drugs and alcohol. Commissioner Danner asks if it is documented the crash was caused by cell phone use or distracted driving. Officer MacLennan states that reference isn’t on the Commissions information, but it is on the police’s crash report form and it could be included on the Commissions form. Commission discusses potential additions/subtractions to the accident report information and decides to take no action at this time. As the Commission works through development of the Vision Zero action plan, they will discuss the accident report information again and determine if changes would benefit the data collection side of the program. NEW BUSINESS A. Commission Meeting Policy- Chair Peterson-Adams details the need for the Commission to set a meeting policy with respect to either meet in-person or virtually as required by the code. Chair Peterson-Adams recommends continuing to meet virtually via Zoom due to administrative staff reductions in Public Works and until such time as there is administrative capacity to begin hosting in person meetings. Vièville would like to continue meeting virtually as it is a benefit for her. Danner would like to meet at least twice a year in person. Danner motions to continue to meet virtually until such time as there is administrative capacity and/or Commission business requires an in-person meeting with a minimum of two (2) in person meetings per year. Vièville seconds. All Ayes, Motion Carries. Old Business- ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES June 24, 2021 Transportation Commission January 21, 2021 Page 2 of 3 A. Vision Zero Program and Resolution - The Commission discusses the simplified resolution as developed by staff from the Commissions discussion at the May 20, 2021 meeting. The recital section was simplified, and the Planning Commission was added to the list of Commissions that support the Vision Zero Resolution. Chair Peterson-Adams represents concern over the fact the resolution does not contain a statement about the potential of the program to reduce GHG emissions, but this is implicit in the CEAP, in chapter 13 of the current TSP and referenced in the updated TSP scope. Chair Peterson-Adams recommends updating section three (3) of the resolution to include development of an action plan. The group discusses language adjustments to section three (3) of the resolution. Staff recommends the language be updated to state: The Ashland City Council supports efforts by the City of Ashland’s Transportation, to develop a Vision Zero Action Plan that develops and prioritizes safety improvements for people walking, bicycling, using mobility devices and driving motorized vehicles. Commission agrees this language meets their intent. The Commission also discusses simplifying the process and acting as the primary Commission moving forward. The TC will work with the other Commissions and associated stakeholders as part of the Vision Zero Action Plan development and staff can include this information in the Council staff report. Staff recommends updating the resolution and developing the outlines of the staff report that would go to Council for a final Commission discussion at the July meeting. Commission agrees this an appropriate next step. B. Transportation System Plan Scope Review – Commission discusses updated TSP scope. Staff explains the updated scope includes the addition of the Racial Justice and Social Equity Commission as a potential member of the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC), and additional meetings were included for the Transportation Commission as part of the review and adoption process. Commission recommends grammatical and functional changes to TSP scope document. Staff to incorporate changes and notate document for Kittelson to make final updates for the July meeting. Staff will also generate a draft Council report for the Commission to review at the July meeting. Staff expects a formal motion and recommendation to the Council to approve a professional services contract with Kittelson Associates for the TSP update at the July meeting. The group discusses representation for the Citizen Advisory Committee and will look to develop a list of recommendations that could be brought forward to the Mayor for consideration. C. CEAP Implementation Plan- The Commission discusses the CEAP implementation plan and associated response memo from Gary Schaff regarding the conversations that occurred at the May 20th meeting. Commissioner Graff expresses general concern about ensuring that other Commissions don’t go around the Transportation Commission when it specifically comes to Transportation related issues and projects. The Commission wants it explicit that any transportation related items from any plan or document are the purview of the Transportation Commission first and foremost. Chair Peterson-Adams informs Commission that she is confident that any items the Climate Policy or Climate outreach Commissions are working on that have a Transportation related element will come before the Transportation Commission as part a fundamental process. In general the Commission is in agreement that the policies from the CEAP plan are in alignment with many of the policies of the Transportation System Plan (2012) and they will be vetted again with the Transportation System Plan update moving forward to ensure the vision tracks with the communities expectations. The Commission would like to clarify their position with respect to comments on the ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES June 24, 2021 Transportation Commission January 21, 2021 Page 3 of 3 implementation plan and how transportation related projects/items should be handled moving forward on a Commission level basis. The Commission values working with the other Commissions to advocate for improvements that benefit the community, but also want to ensure they are in the lead or in the know when it comes to transportation related items being presented before the City Council. Staff to summarize information in an email and send to Stu Green, staff liaison to the CPC. Chair Peterson-Adams looks for support from the Commission to participate as a TC member on the Community based Ashland Climate Coalition. Vièville motions to recommend that Chair Peterson-Adams participate as a Transportation Commission member on the Ashland Climate Coalition. Danner seconds. All Ayes, Motion Carries. TASK LIST A. Discuss current action item list- No discussion FOLLOW UP ITEMS A. None INFORMATIONAL ITEMS- None COMMISSION OPEN DISCUSSION- None FUTURE AGENDA TOPICS A. Residential Parking Program B. Street User Fee/Gas Tax (budget/TSP) C. Crosswalk Policy ADJOURNMENT: @ 8:01pm Respectfully submitted, Scott Fleury PE, Public Works Director **Full Video Available by Request** June 2021 Accidents Motor Vehicle (15) Bike/Ped Involved (1) Previous 2021 Accidents Motor Vehicle (63) Bike/Ped Involved (5) Traffic AccidentsJune 2021 NO. OF ACCIDENTS: 16 Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR NR 1 8:15 Tue Tolman Creek Rd near Siskiyou Blvd 2NNNNN Y NN N Dv1 paused in traffic, waiting to make a turn, when v2 ran into the back of v1. Minor damage, no citation. NR 2 14:37 Wed N Main St at the Plaza 2 N N N N N Y N N N Dv1 crashed into the rear of v2 in the Plaza area. Information exchanged. R 5 19:37 Sat E Main St at Sherman 2 N N N N Y Y Y Y N Dv1 sideswiped v1 which was waiting at a stop sign. Dv1 cited for hit and run. NR 7 11:00 Mon Tolman Creek Rd near Grizzly Dr 2 N N N N N Y N N N Dv1 and 2 were waiting in construction traffic when dv2 began backing, and v2 backed into v1. Information exchanged. NR 9 13:54 Wed Tolman Creek Rd near Ashland St 2NNNNN Y YN N Dv2 sideswiped parked v1. Minor damage only, information exchanged. R 10 15:40 Thur N Main St near Glenn St 2 Y N N N N Y Y N N Dv1 stopped behind another veh which had stopped for a ped crossing the street, and while paused, v2 rearended v1. Information exchanged. R 12 1:43 Sat E Main St near Pioneer St 2 N N N Y Y Y Y N N Dv1 attempted to merge into the right lane. V2 was occupying the right lane, traveling about the same speed. Dv1 crashed into the side of v2, and was arrested for DUII and Reckless Driving. R 12 2:54 Sat Winburn Way near Nutley St 1 N N N N N Y N N N Dv was sleeping in vehicle in a parking spot facing the creek. Driver accidentally shifted veh out of park while sleeping, and it drifted over the curb, down an embankment and came to rest on a tree. R 12 14:10 Sat Siskiyou Blvd near Tolman Creek Rd 2NNNNN Y YN N Dv2 did not stop at the stop sign, and crashed into Dv1 who was turning left onto Tolman Creek Road. Information exchanged. MONTH: JUNE 2021 MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH SUMMARY Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR R 14 18:00 Mon Ashland St at Tolman Creek Rd 2 N N N N N Y Y N N Dv1 travelling west on Ashland St with a green light was struck by v2. Dv2 made a left turn north on Tolman Creek Road on a blinking yellow light causing the collision. R 15 20:28 Tue Morton St near Siskiyou Blvd 2 N N N U N Y Y Y N Unknown driver crashed into parked vehicle 1 and left the area. No leads. R 18 12:47 Fri Oak St near E Main St 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N Dv1 was traveling on Oak St when v2 pulled out from a parking lot and crashed into the side of v1. Dv2 cited for failure to yield. R 20 12:02 Sun Ashland St near Washington St 2 N N N N N Y Y N N Dv1 was attempting to enter the median to make a left turn when v2 tried to pass on the left. the 2 vehicles side crashed. No fault determined. R 21 11:28 Mon Clay St at Siskiyou Blvd 2 N N N Y Y N Y Y N Driver struck parked vehicle and was arrested for DUII, hit and run. R 27 19:33 Sun Highway 66 at Applegate Wy 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N Dv1 pulled out from a side street to merge onto Highway 66 and struck v2. Dv1 cited for failure to obey traffic control device. R 29 13:10 Tue E Main St near Pioneer St 2 N N N N N Y Y N N Dv1 pulled over to park, and realizing she was in a loading zone, pulled back into the travel lane, impacting v2. Information exchanged. Memo Date: July 6, 2021 From: Scott A. Fleury To: Transportation Commission RE: Oregon Department of Transportation – Intergovernmental Agreement, Americans with Disabilities Improvements (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons Installation) BACKGROUND: Before the Commission is a request to recommend approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) for Americans with Disabilities (ADA) improvements including pedestrian enhancements (RRFB) at the Van Ness Avenue intersection. ODOT will be performing numerous ADA ramp upgrades along the Highway 99 corridor as part of its legal settlement. It is typical for the City to enter into IGAs with ODOT for improvement related projects within the City limits. Inherent to this IGA is the request to reimburse ODOT for the enhanced pedestrian facilities associated with the RRFB installation at Van Ness Avenue. There has long been the need to install additional safe marked crosswalks along the North Main corridor. The Transportation Commission previously worked with the Public Works and the City’s consultant Traffic Engineer to develop and recommend additional safe crosswalk locations and associated enhancements. The recommendations developed included installing a marked crosswalk at Nursery Street and a marked crosswalk with RRFB’s at the Van Ness Avenue location. The RRFB would be audible and similar to others already installed in the community. Staff has been working with ODOT on the possibility of having additional crosswalk improvements included in their ADA program project. ODOT has agreed to include the additional improvements as part of the engineering and construction phases. ODOT has also obtain approval from the State Traffic Engineer to install the marked crosswalks at both locations and the RRFBs at the Van Ness Avenue location. ODOT would not install the crosswalks or RRFBs if the City did not agree to participate in the associated cost as these would be far outside the scope of their ADA project. As the City had defined this project in the Capital Improvement Plan and monies were appropriated in the current budget for the project staff requested ODOT update the IGA to include the estimated costs to be borne by the City. ODOT estimated the cost for the RRFB installation at $95,000, given current market conditions. This is more than the originally anticipated cost of $75,000 for the improvement that was estimated for the Capital Improvement Program and included in the 2021-2023 biennium budget. Staff believes any additional cost can be covered by the Street Fund (ending fund balance). Staff is also working with ODOT on the potential for grant funding a portion of the project through their active transportation program. As part of the IGA the request is to provide ODOT with the fully anticipated cost upfront. After the construction phase is completed budget a reconciliation will occur with either the City being provided a refund (cost savings) or additional monies (cost overrun) as required to cover the complete cost. CONCLUSION: Action required by Commission; provide a recommendation to the City Council to approve the IGA with ODOT for the ADA improvements and to cover the cost of the RRFB installation at Van Ness Street. Memo Date: July 6, 2021 From: Scott A. Fleury To: Transportation Commission RE: Vision Zero Resolution BACKGROUND: At the June 24, 2021 the Commission discussed the updated draft Vision Zero Resolution developed and recommended changes to the resolution. Staff has captured the requested changes and updated the resolution (attached). As part of the discussion the staff recommended the Commission review the resolution one final time at the July meeting along with a draft of the staff report that would go before Council requesting approval of the resolution. Staff has constructed a rough draft Council report for review and edits as necessary (attached). The Commission should also discuss and develop the process for moving the resolution through various Commission’s. This process should include development of background documentation or a “staff report” that can be provided to each Commission as part of the recommendation process. CONCLUSION: Action required: Commission should discuss the final draft resolution and Council staff report and provide comments/feedback. Once the Council staff report is finalized the item can be placed on the Council look ahead for discussion and deliberation. Memo Date: July 6, 2021 From: Scott A. Fleury To: Transportation Commission RE: Transportation System Plan Update Scope, Fee and Schedule (July2021) 2021 B ACKGROUND: The previous two (2) meetings the Commission has discussed the TSP update scope of services and has made various recommendations for improvement. The final updated TSP scope is attached for reference. At the June meeting staff requested the Commission provide a final review of the document along with the staff report that will be presented before Council for approval of a professional services contract with Kittelson Associates. The staff report is also attached for reference. Proposed Timeline: 1. May-July – Review TSP scope 2. July – Final review and recommendation to Council to award 3. August/September – Council award of professional services contract for TSP update 4. September – Project kickoff and data collection 5. September (2021) thru November 2022 – Complete all project tasks CONCLUSION: Commission should discuss the final scope and ensure it encapsulates all previous recommended changes and make a recommendation for the City Council to approve award of contract for the project. In addition, the Commission should provide any comments on the staff report that will be presented before Council regarding approval of the contract with Kittelson Associates for the TSP update. Staff will take the final contract documents to the City Council in August/September for approval. Transportation Commission Action Item List J uly 15, 2021 Action Items: 1. Capital Improvement Plan-Review and Recommendation (2020/21) • Review proposed roadway, pedestrian and bicycle network CIP projects for the 2021-2023 budget biennium • Make recommendation on priorities for 2 and 6-year CIP projects 2. TSP Update (2020-21) • Solicitation documents have been submitted and scored by project team • Scope, schedule and fee documents under review (TC December 2019/January 2020/February 2020) • Professional services contract requires Council approval • Schedule Council approval (April 7, 2020) • TSP Postponed until timing to start project is more appropriate (FY22/23) • Review Scope and Fee (May & June 2021) • Recommend approval of a contract with Kittelson Associates to City Council • August 2021 approval anticipated 3. Main St. Crosswalk truck parking (no change) • Analysis is included in the revitalize downtown Ashland plan and was recently discussed during the kickoff meeting. • The Revitalize Downtown Ashland Transportation Growth and Management grant project has begun that will assess safety and parking in the downtown core. (February 2020) No change- March 2020 • The Revitalize Downtown Ashland Project has been cancelled with the expectation to re-start the project at a more appropriate time in the future (1-2 years). 4. Siskiyou Blvd. and Tolman Creek Intersection Improvements • The Oregon Department of Transportation removed median island and restriped Tolman Creek portion of intersection to allow for better right-hand turning truck movements. • The Oregon Department of Transportation is also looking at curb ramp design changes to the intersection. (February 2020) No change-March 2020 • Reference ODOT Intersection Change Schematic Drawing (September 2020) • Forwarded TC comments to ODOT regarding review of 60% Design (September 2020) • ODOT Provided Advance Plans of intersection redesign (March 2021) 5. 20 is Plenty Subcommittee Work (November 2021 start) • Mark Brouillard is participating in the 20 mph is plenty subcommittee work with the Climate Policy Commission representatives. • Commission endorsed recommendation developed in the 20 is Plenty report discussed at the January 2021 meeting. Next steps include continued discussion of program and associated strategies for public outreach (education, engineering, enforcement, evaluation), inclusion into the TSP update, updating CIP, and holding a formal Council discussion. • 20 Is Plenty programmatic discussion to be scheduled for April 2021. • Commission recommended moving forward with the Vision Zero program and associated resolution. Options to meet the Vision Zero goal could include the 20 Is Plenty Program and other associated safety improvements (vehicular, bike & ped). The TSP update could assist at a programmatic level in meeting Vision Zero goals. 6. Railroad District Parking Limitations Review • At a future meeting TBD, discuss current parking limitations in railroad district. Misc. Contracts and Agreements No. 34713 06-12-15 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT Ashland ADA Improvements THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the STATE OF OREGON, acting by and through its Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "State;” and the City of Ashland, acting by and through its elected officials, hereinafter referred to as "Agency,” both herein referred to individually or collectively as “Party” or “Parties.” RECITALS 1. Pacific Hwy., No. 1 (I-5) and Rogue Valley Hwy., No. 63 (OR 99), are a part of the state highway system under the jurisdiction and control of the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC). Jackson Rd., Sheridan St., Coolidge St. (Glenn St.), Nursery St., Wimer St. (Hersey St.), Van Ness Ave., First St., Harmony Ln., Hillview Dr., Normal Ave., Beswick Way, Park St., Terra Ave. (Faith Ave.), Glendale Ave., Mary Jane Ave., Clay St., Blackberry Ln., Manzanita St. (Skidmore St.), Central Ave., Bush St., Church St., Granite St., N Main St. (Water St.), Oak St., Bellview Ave., Tolman Creek Rd., E. Jefferson Ave. and Jefferson Ave. are a part of the city street system under the jurisdiction and control of city. 2. By the authority granted in Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 190.110, state agencies may enter into agreements with units of local government for the performance of any or all functions and activities that a party to the agreement, its officers, or agents have the authority to perform. 3. State, by ORS 366.220 is vested with complete jurisdiction and control over the roadways of other jurisdictions taken for state highway purposes. By the authority granted by ORS 373.020, the jurisdiction extends from curb to curb, or, if there is no regular established curb, then control extends over such portion of the right of way as may be utilized by State for highway purposes. Responsibility for and jurisdiction over all other portions of a city street remains with the Agency. 4. By the authority granted in ORS 810.080 State has the authority to establish marked pedestrian crosswalks on its highway facilities. 5. By the authority granted in ORS 810.210, State is authorized to determine the character or type of traffic control devices to be used, and to place or erect them upon state highways at places where State deems necessary for the safe and expeditious control of traffic. No traffic control devices shall be erected, maintained, or operated upon any state highway by any authority other than State, except with its written approval. Traffic signal work on this Project will conform to the current State standards and specifications. 6. By the authority granted in ORS 366.425, State may accept deposits of money or an irrevocable letter of credit from any county, city, road district, person, firm, or corporation for the performance of work on any public highway within the State. Agency/State Agreement No. 34713 2 When said money or letter of credit is deposited, State shall proceed with the Project. Money so deposited shall be disbursed for the purpose for which it was deposited. 7. In order for State to ensure that curb ramps along the state highway system in Region 3 are in compliance with the current standards of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act on 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended (together, “ADA”); State intends to enter into agreements with cities throughout Region 3 that have been identified in the 2021-2024 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) as needing curb ramp improvements to bring curb ramps on or along state highways in those cities into compliance with current ADA standards. This Agreement identifies Parties’ respective responsibilities. NOW THEREFORE, the premises being in general as stated in the foregoing Recitals, it is agreed by and between the Parties hereto as follows: TERMS OF AGREEMENT 1. Under such authority, State and Agency agree that State shall design and construct ADA-compliant curb ramp improvements for the City of Ashland in the locations identified below: • OR 99 MP 17.8 @ Jackson Rd. • OR 99 MP 18.21 @ Sheridan St. • OR 99 MP 18.52 @ Coolidge St. (Glenn St.) • OR 99 MP 18.6 @ Nursery St. • OR 99 MP 18.65 @ Wimer St. (Hersey St.) • OR 99 MP 18.69 @ Van Ness Ave. • OR 99 MP 18.79 @ Manzanita St. (Skidmorre St.) • OR 99 MP 18.84 @ Central Ave. • OR 99 MP 18.93 @ Bush St. • OR 99 MP NB & SB 19.05 @ Church St. • OR 99 MP 19.08 @ Granite St. • OR 99 MP 19.11 @ N Main St. (Water St.) • OR 99 MP NB & SB 19.17 & 19.19 @ Oak St. • OR 99 MP NB & SB 19.32 & 19.46 @ First St. • OR 99 MP 21.01 @ Harmony Ln. • OR 99 MP 21.11 @ Hillview Dr. • OR 99 MP 21.16 @ Normal Ave. • OR 99 MP 21.18 @ Beswick Way • OR 99 MP 21.27 & 21.28 @ Park St. • OR 99 MP 21.35 @ Terra Ave. (Faith Ave.) • OR 99 MP 21.45 @ Glendale Ave. • OR 99 MP 21.48 @ Mary Jane Ave. • OR 99 MP 21.57 @ Clay St. • OR 99 MP 21.64 @ Blackberry Ln. Agency/State Agreement No. 34713 3 • OR 99 MP 21.76 @ Bellview Ave. • OR 99 MP 21.87 @ Tolman Creek Rd. • I-5 MP 13.86 @ E Jefferson Ave. • I-5 MP 14.15 @ Jefferson Ave. These improvements shall consist of ADA-compliant curb ramp rehabilitation, replacement, or construction as needed (“Project”). The location of the Project is approximately as shown on the sketch maps attached hereto, marked A, and by this reference made a part hereof. 2. The Project will be financed with state and federal funds available to the State as identified in the 2021-2024 STIP. The State shall be responsible for all costs for the Project except for Agency-owned utilities, artwork, irrigation and landscape on Agency-owned right of way and the pedestrian island and RRFB pedestals with flashers at Van Ness and OR9 intersection. Agency shall be responsible for the pedestrian island and RRFB pedestals with flashers at Van Ness and OR99 intersection. The estimate Agency cost for the pedestrian island and RRFB pedestals with flashers is $95,000. The Agency estimate for the pedestrian island and RRFB pedestals and flashers costs is subject to change. Agency shall be responsible for Agency-owned utilities, Artwork, irrigation and landscape on State right of way. 3. The term of this Agreement shall begin on the date all required signatures are obtained and shall terminate upon completion of the Project and final payment or ten (10) calendar years following the date all required signatures are obtained, whichever is sooner. AGENCY OBLIGATIONS 1. Agency shall upon receipt of a fully executed copy of this Agreement and upon a subsequent letter of request from State, forward to State an advance deposit or irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of $95,000.00 for the pedestrian island and RRFB pedestals with flashers at Van Ness and OR99 intersection portion of the Project, said amount being equal to the estimated total cost for the work performed by State at Agency’s request under State Obligations paragraph 1. Agency agrees to make additional deposits as needed upon request from State. Depending upon the timing of portions of the Project to which the advance deposit contributes, it may be requested by State prior to Preliminary Engineering, purchase of right of way, or approximately 4-6 weeks prior to Project bid opening. 2. Upon completion of the Project and receipt from State of an itemized statement of the actual total cost of State’s participation for the Project, Agency shall pay any amount which, when added to Agency’s advance deposit, will equal 100 percent of actual total State costs for the Project. Any portion of said advance deposit which is in excess of the State’s total costs will be refunded or released to Agency. Agency/State Agreement No. 34713 4 3. Agency shall, at its own expense, be responsible for all costs of Agency-owned utility conduits, lines, poles, mains, pipes, and all other such facilities of every kind and nature on State right of way where such relocation or reconstruction is made necessary for the plans of this Project. 4. Agency shall be responsible for 100 percent of Agency-owned utilities on State right of way as part of this Project. Agency shall require the utility company to send invoices directly to Agency. 5. Upon completion of Project, Agency shall continue with ownership of Agency-owned sidewalks and ADA ramp improvements and maintenance obligations of Agency-owned sidewalks and ADA ramp improvements. 6. Agency, by execution of Agreement, gives its consent as required by ORS 373.050(1) to any and all closure of streets that intersect the state highway, if any there be in connection with or arising out of the Project covered by the Agreement. 7. Agency, by execution of Agreement, gives its consent as required by ORS 373.030(2) and ORS 105.760 to any and all changes of grade within the Agency limits, and gives its consent as required by ORS 373.050(1) to any and all closure of streets intersection the highway, if any there be in connection with or arising out of the Project covered by the Agreement. 8. Agency grants State the right to enter onto Agency right of way for the performance of duties as set forth in this Agreement. 9. Agency certifies and represents that the individual(s) signing this Agreement has been authorized to enter into and execute this Agreement on behalf of Agency, under the direction or approval of its governing body, commission, board, officers, members or representatives, and to legally bind Agency. 10. Upon completion of this Project, Agency shall be responsible for maintaining improvements constructed as part of this Project, and all other existing features to include but not limited to all surface, sub-surface features such as storm water systems, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, easements, fences, sanitary sewer, water lines, and all other features that are within Agency right of way. In instances where City Ordinances requires property owners to maintain sidewalks, curbs and gutters along frontages that adjoin their property, those ordinances shall not relieve Agency of its obligations under this Agreement. This provision shall survive termination of this Agreement. 11. Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance: a. When the Project scope includes work on sidewalks, curb ramps, or pedestrian-activated signals or triggers an obligation to address curb ramps or pedestrian signals, the Parties shall: Agency/State Agreement No. 34713 5 i. Utilize ODOT standards to assess and ensure Project compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended (together, “ADA”), including ensuring that all sidewalks, curb ramps, and pedestrian-activated signals meet current ODOT Highway Design Manual standards; ii. Follow ODOT’s processes for design, construction, or alteration of sidewalks, curb ramps, and pedestrian-activated signals, including using the ODOT Highway Design Manual, ODOT Design Exception process, ODOT Standard Drawings, ODOT Construction Specifications, providing a temporary pedestrian accessible route plan and current ODOT Curb Ramp Inspection form; iii. At Project completion, send a completed ODOT Curb Ramp Inspection Form 734-5020 to the address on the form as well as to State’s Project Manager for each curb ramp constructed or altered as part of the Project. The completed form is the documentation required to show that each curb ramp meets ODOT standards and is ADA compliant. ODOT’s fillable Curb Ramp Inspection Form and instructions are available at the following address: https://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/Engineering/Pages/Accessibility.aspx; and b. Agency shall ensure that any portions of the Project under Agency’s maintenance jurisdiction are maintained in compliance with the ADA throughout the useful life of the Project. This includes, but is not limited to, Agency ensuring that: i. Pedestrian access is maintained as required by the ADA, ii. Any complaints received by Agency identifying sidewalk, curb ramp, or pedestrian-activated signal safety or access issues are promptly evaluated and addressed, iii. Agency, or abutting property owner, pursuant to local code provisions, performs any repair or removal of obstructions needed to maintain the facility in compliance with the ADA requirements that were in effect at the time the facility was constructed or altered, iv. Any future alteration work on Project or Project features during the useful life of the Project complies with the ADA requirements in effect at the time the future alteration work is performed, and v. Applicable permitting and regulatory actions are consistent with ADA requirements. c. Maintenance obligations in this section shall survive termination of this Agreement. 12. Agency’s Project Manager for this Project is Scott Fleury, Public Works Director, 20 East Main, Ashland, OR 97520, 541-488-5587, scott.fleury@ashland.or.us, or Agency/State Agreement No. 34713 6 assigned designee upon individual’s absence. Agency shall notify the other Party in writing of any contact information changes during the term of this Agreement. STATE OBLIGATIONS 1. State shall design and construct, rehabilitate, or replace curb as it deems necessary to comply with current ADA standards, at the locations identified in Terms of Agreement, Paragraph 1 and construct a pedestrian island and RRFB pedestals with flashers at Van Ness and OR99 intersection per Agency’s request. State shall also establish lane reductions or detours if it deems any are necessary for construction staging on this Project. 2. State shall be responsible for all costs associated with construction and installation of the Project except the pedestrian island and RRFB pedestals with flashers at Van Ness and OR99 intersection and Agency-owned utilities, artwork, irrigation and landscape on Agency-owned right of way. 3. State shall, upon execution of the agreement, forward to Agency a letter of request for an advance deposit or irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of $95,000.00 for payment of a pedestrian island and RRFB pedestals with flashers at Van Ness and OR99 intersection. Requests for additional deposits shall be accompanied by an itemized statement of expenditures and an estimated cost to complete Project. 4. Upon completion of the Project, State shall either send to Agency a bill for the amount which, when added to Agency’s advance deposit, will equal 100 percent of the total state costs for Project or State will refund to Agency any portion of said advance deposit which is in excess of the total State costs for Project. 5. 6. State certifies, at the time this Agreement is executed, that sufficient funds are available and authorized for expenditure to finance costs of this Agreement within State's current appropriation or limitation of the current biennial budget. 7. State, or its consultant, shall conduct the necessary field surveys, environmental studies, traffic investigations, preliminary engineering and design work required to produce and provide final plans, specifications and cost estimates for the highway Project; identify and obtain all required permits; perform all construction engineering, including all required materials testing and quality documentation; prepare all bid and contract documents; advertise for construction bid proposals; award all contracts; pay all contractor costs, provide technical inspection, project management services and other necessary functions for sole administration of the construction contract entered into for this Project. 8. State, or its consultant shall cause to be relocated or reconstructed, all privately or publicly owned utility conduits, lines, poles, mains, pipes, and all other such facilities of every kind and nature where such relocation or reconstruction is made necessary by the plans of the Project in order to conform the utilities and other facilities with the Agency/State Agreement No. 34713 7 plans and the ultimate requirements for the portions of the Project which may interfere with the ADA improvements. 1. State’s Project Manager for this Project is Justin Shoemaker, Construction Project Manager 2, 100 Antelope Rd., White City, OR 97503, 541-774-6376, Justin.d.shoemaker@odot.state.or.us, or assigned designee upon individual’s absence. State shall notify the other Party in writing of any contact information changes during the term of this Agreement. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. This Agreement may be terminated by either Party upon thirty (30) days' notice, in writing and delivered by certified mail or in person. 2. State may terminate this Agreement effective upon delivery of written notice to Agency, or at such later date as may be established by State, under any of the following conditions: a. If Agency fails to provide services called for by this Agreement within the time specified herein or any extension thereof. b. If Agency fails to perform any of the other provisions of this Agreement, or so fails to pursue the work as to endanger performance of this Agreement in accordance with its terms, and after receipt of written notice from State fails to correct such failures within ten (10) days or such longer period as State may authorize. c. If Agency fails to provide payment of its share of the cost of the Project. d. If State fails to receive funding, appropriations, limitations or other expenditure authority sufficient to allow State, in the exercise of its reasonable administrative discretion, to continue to make payments for performance of this Agreement. e. If federal or state laws, regulations or guidelines are modified or interpreted in such a way that either the work under this Agreement is prohibited or State is prohibited from paying for such work from the planned funding source. 3. Any termination of this Agreement shall not prejudice any rights or obligations accrued to the Parties prior to termination. 4. If any third party makes any claim or brings any action, suit or proceeding alleging a tort as now or hereafter defined in ORS 30.260 ("Third Party Claim") against State or Agency with respect to which the other Party may have liability, the notified Party must promptly notify the other Party in writing of the Third Party Claim and deliver to the other Party a copy of the claim, process, and all legal pleadings with respect to the Third Party Claim. Each Party is entitled to participate in the defense of a Third Party Agency/State Agreement No. 34713 8 Claim, and to defend a Third Party Claim with counsel of its own choosing. Receipt by a Party of the notice and copies required in this paragraph and meaningful opportunity for the Party to participate in the investigation, defense and settlement of the Third Party Claim with counsel of its own choosing are conditions precedent to that Party's liability with respect to the Third Party Claim. 5. With respect to a Third Party Claim for which State is jointly liable with Agency (or would be if joined in the Third Party Claim), State shall contribute to the amount of expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred and paid or payable by Agency in such proportion as is appropriate to reflect the relative fault of State on the one hand and of Agency on the other hand in connection with the events which resulted in such expenses, judgments, fines or settlement amounts, as well as any other relevant equitable considerations. The relative fault of State on the one hand and of Agency on the other hand shall be determined by reference to, among other things, the Parties' relative intent, knowledge, access to information and opportunity to correct or prevent the circumstances resulting in such expenses, judgments, fines or settlement amounts. State’s contribution amount in any instance is capped to the same extent it would have been capped under Oregon law, including the Oregon Tort Claims Act, ORS 30.260 to 30.300, if State had sole liability in the proceeding. 6. With respect to a Third Party Claim for which Agency is jointly liable with State (or would be if joined in the Third Party Claim), Agency shall contribute to the amount of expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred and paid or payable by State in such proportion as is appropriate to reflect the relative fault of Agency on the one hand and of State on the other hand in connection with the events which resulted in such expenses, judgments, fines or settlement amounts, as well as any other relevant equitable considerations. The relative fault of Agency on the one hand and of State on the other hand shall be determined by reference to, among other things, the Parties' relative intent, knowledge, access to information and opportunity to correct or prevent the circumstances resulting in such expenses, judgments, fines or settlement amounts. Agency's contribution amount in any instance is capped to the same extent it would have been capped under Oregon law, including the Oregon Tort Claims Act, ORS 30.260 to 30.300, if it had sole liability in the proceeding. 7. The Parties shall attempt in good faith to resolve any dispute arising out of this Agreement. In addition, the Parties may agree to utilize a jointly selected mediator or arbitrator (for non-binding arbitration) to resolve the dispute short of litigation. 8. If Agency fails to maintain facilities in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, State, at its option, may maintain the facility and bill Agency, seek an injunction to enforce the duties and obligations of this Agreement or take any other action allowed by law. 9. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts (facsimile or otherwise) all of which when taken together shall constitute one agreement binding on all Parties, Agency/State Agreement No. 34713 9 notwithstanding that all Parties are not signatories to the same counterpart. Each copy of this Agreement so executed shall constitute an original. 10. This Agreement and attached exhibits constitute the entire agreement between the Parties on the subject matter hereof. There are no understandings, agreements, or representations, oral or written, not specified herein regarding this Agreement. No waiver, consent, modification or change of terms of this Agreement shall bind either Party unless in writing and signed by both Parties and all necessary approvals have been obtained. Such waiver, consent, modification or change, if made, shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose given. The failure of State to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver by State of that or any other provision. THE PARTIES, by execution of this Agreement, hereby acknowledge that their signing representatives have read this Agreement, understand it, and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. This Project is in the 2021-2024 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), (Key #22389) that was adopted by the Oregon Transportation Commission on July 16, 2020 (or subsequently by amendment to the STIP). SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW CITY OF ASHLAND, by and through its elected officials By _______________________________ STATE OF OREGON, by and through its Department of Transportation By_______________________________ Agency/State Agreement No. 34713 10 Date _____________________________ By _______________________________ Date _____________________________ By _______________________________ Date _____________________________ LEGAL REVIEW APPROVAL (If required in Agency’s process) By _______________________________ Agency’s Counsel Date _____________________________ Agency Contact: Scott Fleury Public Works Director 20 East Main Ashland, OR 97520 541-488-5587 Scott.fleury@ashland.or.us State Contact: Justin Shoemaker Construction Project Manager 2 100 Antelope Road White City, OR 97503 541-774-6376 Justin.d.shoemaker@odot.state.or.us Delivery & Operations Division Manager Date _____________________________ APPROVAL RECOMMENDED By_______________________________ Region 3 Manager Date ____________________________ APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY By_______________________________ Assistant Attorney General Date_____________________________ Agency/State Agreement No. 34713 11 EXHIBIT A Agency/State Agreement No. 34713 12 Agency/State Agreement No. 06-12-15 Page 1 of 4 Council Business Meeting 00 00 2021 Agenda Item Vision Zero Resolution From Scott Fleury PE Linda Peterson-Adams Public Works Director Transportation Commission Chair Contact Scott.fleury@ashland.or.us 541-552-2412 SUMMARY Before the Council is a resolution establishing a Vision Zero Goal. A Vision Zero Goal for the community sets the standard that no loss of life or serious injury on a transportation system is acceptable. The City of Ashland Transportation Commission has taken the lead to discuss and develop the resolution and if approved is looking forward to beginning the development of a Vision Zero Action Plan in conjunction with working on the Transportation System Plan Update. POLICIES, PLANS & GOALS SUPPORTED Council Goals: Essential Services • Streets Value Services • Multi-Modal Transportation • All-Age Friendly Community • Downtown Parking Current Transportation System Plan: • Create a green template for other communities in the state and nation to follow • Make safety a priority for all modes • Maintain small-town character, support economic prosperity and accommodate future growth. • Create a system-wide balance for serving and facilitating pedestrian, bicycle, rail, air, transit, and vehicular traffic in terms of mobility and access within and through the City of Ashland. Department Goals: • Maintain existing infrastructure to meet regulatory requirements and minimize life-cycle costs • Deliver timely life cycle capital improvement projects • Maintain and improve infrastructure that enhances the economic vitality of the community • Evaluate all city infrastructure regarding planning management and financial resources PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION N/A BACKGROUND AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The City of Ashland Transportation Commission Mission: “Ashland has a vision - to retain our small-town character even while we grow. To achieve this vision, we must proactively plan for a transportation system that is integrated into the community and enhances Ashland’s livability, character and natural environment. The focus must be on people being able to Page 2 of 4 move easily through the City in all modes of travel. Modal equity then is more than just a phase. It is a planning concept that does not necessarily imply equal financial commitment or equal percentage use of each mode, but rather ensures that we will have the opportunity to conveniently and safely use the transportation mode of our choice, and allow us to move toward a less auto-dependent community.” To meet the mission, the Transportation Commission has worked towards developing a Vision Zero Resolution with a mind that the City of Ashland becomes a Vision Zero Community. Commission members have been working with staff and the City of Eugene (Vision Zero Community) to develop a resolution that begins the Vision Zero process, reference attachment #1. “Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all. First implemented in Sweden in the 1990s, Vision Zero has proved successful across Europe — and now it’s gaining momentum in major American cities”. Along with development of the Vision Zero Resolution the Transportation Commission has been working with staff to vet and update the Transportation System Plan scope of work developed by Kittelson Associates. The goals and objectives scope items for the TSP update include recognizing Vision Zero goals along with others developed since the 2012 TSP. Transportation System Plan Update: Goals and Objectives: The purpose of this task is to review state, regional and local planning documents relevant to a TSP update, articulate a vision for the community’s transportation priorities, define how the system should function, and form the basis for criteria to select preferred improvements. The goals in the current TSP will be updated to reflect the goals in more recent planning documents, including the Ashland Climate Energy Action Plan and the Evacuation Time Estimate Study. They will also be updated to reflect more recent initiatives, such as 20’s Plenty and Vision Zero Program goals. The goals will be used to guide the development of the TSP and ensure that all aspects of the plan help the City move toward meetings their goals of reducing Ashland’s contribution to global carbon pollution, preparing the City to be more resilient to climate change and its impacts, and ensuring Ashland continues to be an “all ages and abilities” community. If the resolution is approved by Council, the Transportation Commission will begin working on development of the Vision Zero action plan in conjunction with the TSP update. The Commission’s intent is to engage various stakeholders through development of the action plan including the City’s Planning, Climate Policy and Climate Outreach Commissions and community input. Once the draft action plan is developed the Transportation Commission and staff will schedule presentation update before Council for discussion. Vision Zero Background: A New Vision for Safety Page 3 of 4 Vision Zero starts with the ethical belief that everyone has the right to move safely in their communities, and that system designers and policy makers share the responsibility to ensure safe systems for travel. Vision Zero is a significant departure from the status quo in two major ways: 1. Vision Zero recognizes that people will sometimes make mistakes, so the road system and related policies should be designed to ensure those inevitable mistakes do not result in severe injuries or fatalities. This means that system designers and policymakers are expected to improve the roadway environment, policies (such as speed management), and other related systems to lessen the severity of crashes. 2. Vision Zero is a multidisciplinary approach, bringing together diverse and necessary stakeholders to address this complex problem. In the past, meaningful, cross-disciplinary collaboration among local traffic planners and engineers, policymakers, and public health professionals has not been the norm. Vision Zero acknowledges that many factors contribute to safe mobility -- including roadway design, speeds, behaviors, technology, and policies -- and sets clear goals to achieve the shared goal of zero fatalities and severe injuries. FISCAL IMPACTS Fiscal impacts associated with resolution approval include the staff time necessary to work with the Transportation Commission, other City Commissions, and community stakeholders to develop the action plan. Part of this work can be incorporated into the Transportation System Plan update process. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Transportation Commission and staff recommend approval of the Vision Zero Resolution ACTIONS, OPTIONS & POTENTIAL MOTIONS 1. I move to approve a resolution titled “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ASHLAND, OREGON SETTING AS OFFICIAL POLICY THE VISION ZERO GOAL THAT NO LOSS OF LIFE OR SERIOUS INJURY ON OUR TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM IS ACCEPTABLE”. 2. I move to take no action. Page 4 of 4 REFERENCES & ATTACHMENTS Attachment #1: Vision Zero Resolution 2021-XX Attachment #2: 9 Components of a Strong Vision Zero Commitment Attachment #3: Guidelines for an Effective Vision Zero Action Plan RESOLUTION NO. 2021 - XX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ASHLAND, OREGON SETTING AS OFFICIAL POLICY THE VISION ZERO GOAL THAT NO LOSS OF LIFE OR SERIOUS INJURY ON OUR TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM IS ACCEPTABLE. RECITALS: A. The life and health of the City of Ashland’s residents are our utmost priority. B. No one should die or be seriously injured on our transportation system. C. Communities of Concern face a disproportionate risk of traffic injuries and fatalities. D. Vision Zero is an approach to transportation safety that accepts no loss of life or serious injuries on the transportation system. THE CITY OF ASHLAND RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Ashland City Council sets as official policy Vision Zero’s goal of zero fatalities or serious injuries on our transportation system. SECTION 2. The Ashland City Council supports efforts by the City of Ashland and our regional partners to eliminate deaths and serious injuries on our transportation system, with an emphasis on the most vulnerable users. SECTION 3. The Ashland City Council supports efforts by the City of Ashland’s Transportation, to develop a Vision Zero Action Plan that develops and prioritizes safety improvements for people walking, bicycling, using mobility devices and driving motorized vehicles. SECTION 4. This Resolution takes effect upon signing by the Mayor. This resolution was duly PASSED and ADOPTED this day of (Month) 2021. Melissa Huhtala, City Recorder SIGNED and APPROVED this day of (Month) 2021. Reviewed as to form: Julie Akins, Mayor City Attorney Revised draft July 2021 9 Components of a Strong Vision Zero Commitment POLITICAL COMMITMENT The highest-ranking local officials (Mayor, City Council, City Manager) make an official and public commitment to a Vision Zero goal to achieve zero traffic fatalities and severe injuries among all road users (including people walking, biking, using transit, and driving) within a set timeframe. This should include passage of a local policy laying out goals, timeline, stakeholders, and a commitment to community engagement, transparency, & equitable outcomes. MULTI-DISCIPLINARY LEADERSHIP An official city Vision Zero Taskforce (or Leadership Committee) is created and charged with leading the planning effort for Vision Zero. The Taskforce should include, at a minimum, high-ranking representatives from the Office of the Mayor, Police, Transportation (or equivalent), and Public Health. Other departments to involve include Planning, Fire, Emergency Services, Public Works, District Attorney, Office of Senior Services, Disability, and the School District. ACTION PLAN Vision Zero Action Plan (or Strategy) is created within 1 year of initial commitment and is implemented with clear strategies, owners of each strategy, interim targets, timelines, & performance measures. EQUITY City stakeholders commit to both an equitable approach to Vision Zero by establishing inclusive and representative processes, as well as equitable outcomes by ensuring measurable benchmarks to provide safe transportation options for all road users in all parts of the city. COOPERATION & COLLABORATION A commitment is made to encourage meaningful cooperation and collaboration among relevant governmental agencies & community stakeholders to establish a framework for multiple stakeholders to set shared goals and focus on coordination and accountability. SYSTEMS-BASED APPROACH City leaders commit to and prioritize a systems-based approach to Vision Zero — focusing on the built environment, systems, and policies that influence behavior — as well as adopting messaging that emphasizes that these traffic losses are preventable. DATA-DRIVEN City stakeholders commit to gather, analyze, utilize, and share reliable data to understand traffic safety issues and prioritize resources based on evidence of the greatest needs and impact. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Opportunities are created to invite meaningful community engagement, such as select community representation on the Taskforce, broader community input through public meetings or workshops, online surveys, and other feedback opportunities. TRANSPARENCY The city’s process is transparent to city stakeholders and the community, including regular updates on the progress on the Action Plan and performance measures, and a yearly report (at minimum) to the local governing board (e.g., City Council). Based on the experiences of early-adopter cities in the United States, these nine components have proven to be an effective high-level framework for communities considering a Vision Zero commitment. While these are not the only factors to consider, they are critical aspects to ensure a strong and lasting commitment to Vision Zero. For more visit the Vision Zero Network at visionzeronetwork.org. Questions or ideas? Contact leah@visionzeronetwork.org. 1Action PlAn GuiDElinES Vision, Strategies, Action: Guidelines for an Effective Vision Zero Action Plan December 2017 2Action PlAn GuiDElinES WE thAnk LivableStreets Alliance and the Massachusetts Vision Zero Coalition for their partnership in writing this report. Primary authors include Kathleen Ferrier and Leah Shahum of Vision Zero Network and Louisa Gag and Stacy Thompson of LivableStreets Alliance. Graphic design by Rachel Krause of Banjo Creative. AcknoWlEDGEmEntS 3Action PlAn GuiDElinES Across the country, U.S. towns and cities are committing to Vision Zero, which, in addition to setting the goal of zero traffic deaths or severe injuries, also commits communities to a fundamental shift in how they approach traffic safety. once a community has committed to Vision Zero, it should create an Action Plan to clearly lay out action steps, timelines, and priorities and include broader community and stakeholder input. At its best, Vision Zero has the potential to galvanize a thorough and lasting shift in how we design and use our transportation systems to prioritize the preservation and quality of human life. At its worst, Vision Zero runs the risk of becoming a watered-down slogan that provides only a vague attempt toward real, life-saving change. The guidelines presented here are meant for communities that have already committed to Vision Zero, to outline key principles of the initiative, and just as importantly, to help committed communities effectively move from planning to on-the-ground implementation and institutionalization of safety priorities. WhAt DiStinGuiShES ViSion ZEro Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all. In creating a Vision Zero Action Plan, stakeholders should understand, acknowledge, and discuss how Vision Zero differs from the traditional approach to traffic safety: Any Vision Zero Action Plan must be rooted in the understanding that traffic deaths are preventable through: » The prioritization of proven safety strategies » Multi-departmental collaboration toward the shared goal of zero » A focus on data-driven decision-making » A systems-based approach Vision Zero is not just “business as usual” with a new name; its core principles must be acknowledged and built into everyday efforts. (Read our publication Moving from Vision to Action to learn more on Fundamental Principles, Policies and Practices of Vision Zero.) trADitionAl APProAch Traffic deaths are iNeViTABLe PeRFeCT human behavior Prevent CoLLiSioNS iNdiViduAL responsibility Saving lives is exPeNSiVe ViSion ZEro Traffic deaths are PReVeNTABLe Integrate huMAN FAiLiNG in approach Prevent FATAL ANd SeVeRe CRASheS SySTeMS approach Saving lives is NoT exPeNSiVe VS introDuction 4Action PlAn GuiDElinES hoW to uSE thiS GuiDE A Vision Zero Action Plan should be a living document. This guide is designed to help cities who have committed to Vision Zero build an implementation plan that is concrete and action driven, while being responsive to the context and needs of the community you are serving. This guide lays out two key components of a strong Action Plan: Foundational Elements and Actionable Strategies. These key components are underpinned by a process of continued community Engagement and attention to Equity. Below we have defined each of these components in more detail. All together this creates a guide that is a road mapfor action, as well as a tool for measuring and assessing progress towards the bottom line goal of eliminating severe injury crashes and fatalities. FounDAtionAl ElEmEntSFoundational elements are just that - foundational to the success of Vision Zero implementation. These are baseline best practices for creating any strong plan of action. ActionAblE StrAtEGiESWhile every city and town is unique, there are certain strategies that are fundamental to achieving Vision Zero. This is especially important to ensure local actions follow the Vision Zero strategy of prioritizing safe roadway design and managing speed, amongst other strategies. robuSt community EnGAGEmEnt The process of building an Action Plan is just as important as the final product. Vision Zero is based on the concept of shared responsibility for safety, and outreach and engagement to communities — especially those who are most vulnerable on the roadways — is absolutely essential for success. recommendations to underpin the success of your Vision Zero Action Plan: 1. Create a multi-stakeholder Vision Zero Task Force that includes perspectives from representatives in public health, transportation, policy makers, police, community, and advocates, among others. 2. Conduct meaningful community outreach prior to releasing the Action Plan, in order to inform its priorities. 3. Gather input from residents, particularly those in Communities of Concern—specifically low-income communities, communities of color, seniors, children, people with disabilities, and people who rely on walking, biking, and transit as their primary means of transportation—about what they see and experience on the streets. Learn about their unique context and adapt the language and approach you are using. Equity PriorityEquity is not only a desired outcome of Vision Zero, it is integral to every component of Vision Zero planning and implementation. Equitable strategies such as prioritizing safety improvements in areas that have historically been underserved, and building robust engagement strategies to reach those who are most vulnerable on the roadways and who have not typically been included in traditional city planning processes are fundamental to achieving Vision Zero. recommendations to underpin the success of your Vision Zero Action Plan: 1. Prioritize outreach and street design safety efforts in Communities of Concern, which have been traditionally underserved. 2. Utilize data to determine if people of color are disproportionately being targeted by law enforcement in your community. Make a public commitment that Vision Zero efforts will not result in racial profiling and commit to report publicly on this issue to build trust with the community. 3. Provide anti-racism and cultural competency training for all staff and departments involved in Vision Zero. Throughout this document, we have provided examples of what equitable approaches might look like as you build out the Foundational Elements and Actionable Strategies for your Action Plan. These examples should not be considered all inclusive, as we acknowledge this is an area with great room for expansion and improvement. 5Action PlAn GuiDElinES ActionAblE StrAtEGiES EVAluAtion FounDAtionAl ElEmEntS imPlEmEntAtion A good action plan is a living document and includes a dynamic, iterative process to establish and implement strategies, evaluate progress, and make corrective actions as needed, all the while engaging community and prioritizing equity. thE ViSion ZEro APProAch com m un i ty & E q uit ycommunity&E q u it y 6Action PlAn GuiDElinES 1. builD A robuSt DAtA FrAmEWork Vision Zero is a data-driven approach, and gathering, analyzing, utilizing, and sharing both formal data on injury crashes and community input to understand traffic safety priorities is fundamental to Vision Zero success. We recommend that injury crash data be collected before the Action Plan is created, focusing on fatal and serious injuries, specifically. the data should answer questions like: » Are injury crashes more likely to occur in certain locations? At certain times of day? » Are some demographics and road users over-represented in injury crashes? If so, who? Where? » What crash factors are prominent? (Examples include behaviors such as high speeds, left turns, or the lack of Complete Streets facilities for people walking/bicycling.) It is also important to consider who is involved in collecting and putting forward the data. A burgeoning best practice includes supplementing traditional injury crash data collected by police, with hospital data. This has been shown to better represent certain populations, such as low-income and communities of color, and those walking and bicycling. Including public health department professionals, policy makers, and other stakeholders in the data collection and assessment process, along with those in the transportation and police departments, can help ensure a more complete and comprehensive understanding of the data. Ultimately, analysis of Vision Zero data should lead to the development of a High Injury Network that geographically identifies locations where investments in safety are most urgent, which in turn will drive your implementation strategy. Given that all communities have limited resources, this data- driven approach will help allocate resources to those locations that need them most. Equity lEnS While data is important, it also needs context and usually does not tell the full story on its own. For example, communities that have been systematically marginalized may be less likely to report traffic crashes. Additionally, some locations feel so dangerous and unwelcoming that people avoid walking or biking there, which means they are not elevated as problem spots with high injuries, but still may deserve attention. Depending on data alone will leave gaps in your strategy and may compound inequities in already underserved communities. To gather an accurate picture, a successful and equitable data-driven approach will require both collecting data as well as a robust community engagement process that prioritizes outreach in Communities of Concern. FounDAtionAl ElEmEntS ReLeVANT exAMPLe PortlAnD’S ViSion ZEro ProGrAm overlays the city’s High Injury Network with its Communities of Concern as shown in the image below. Cities including Denver, Los Angeles, Chicago, and San Francisco use a similar methodology. 7Action PlAn GuiDElinES 2. SEt mEASurAblE GoAlS With A clEAr timElinE For imPlEmEntAtion Clear, measurable short-term and mid-term goals, combined with timelines and ownership from responsible government agencies, will create a framework that is easier to evaluate and fund, and will build buy-in, accountability, and transparency throughout the implementation process. We recommend identifying your “reach zero year” as a baseline. Many cities are using a 10 year time frame as their baseline. Your Action Plan should then include near term (2-3 year) goals along with interim goals and measures of progress (5-8 year time horizon). This will ensure that your Action Plan is more than just a 1-2 year list of priorities, but truly a long-term strategy. Each goal identified in your Action Plan should be measurable and provide answers to the following questions: » What does success look like? What are the measures of success? » Who is primarily responsible for achieving this goal and in what timeframe? » What are the conditions and limitations for success? (For example, are more staff and/or funding needed in certain areas to succeed? If so, be clear about that need.) Equity lEnS There is overwhelming evidence that communities of color are disproportionately impacted by traffic crashes. When setting goals for Vision Zero, it is important to both acknowledge these disparities, as well as set specific goals designed to close this gap, in addition to reducing the overall number of serious crashes. ReLeVANT exAMPLe EAch oF thE StrAtEGiES liStED in PhilADElPhiA’S ViSion ZEro Action PlAn includes the Lead Agency and a timeline for implementation. The timeline distinguishes between short-term (1 to 3 years) and long-term goals. 8Action PlAn GuiDElinES 3. bE AccountAblE Vision Zero is rooted in the shared responsibility among system designers and policymakers to design and operate safe systems for transportation. Clear ownership of Action Plan strategies is important to achieving success and long-term institutionalization of Vision Zero principles and outcomes. Each Action Plan strategy should identify the lead agency responsible, along with supporting/partner agencies, and budget needs. Being clear about the budget implications for each strategy will help ensure the sustainability of your Vision Zero work and identify the need for additional resources early on. This will also help to foster more cross-departmental collaboration and community partnerships to help fill those resource gaps. questions you should answer for each strategy: » Is the strategy currently funded? If not, what is the need? » Will you need to invest in training for planners, engineers, public works staff, police, or others to ensure everyone is working with the same understanding of Vision Zero implementation? » Are there other key influencers outside of the city family that will be key to this goal’s success, such as the county or state? If so, lay out an action to address this need. » Have you considered the seasonality of your Action Plan? Do annual weather patterns impact your construction schedules? Will you need to buy new equipment to ensure year-round maintenance of new facilities? Equity lEnS When you are planning annual Vision Zero funding priorities, make sure to include support for training and resources for city staff on the role structural racism has played in creating inequitable street and safety conditions in your community. It is important to ensure that municipal staff have the training, resources, and tools necessary to achieve the goals they’ve been assigned in an equitable manner. DEnVEr’S Action PlAn includes time-bound measurable goals with the responsible city departments identified. ReLeVANT exAMPLe 9Action PlAn GuiDElinES 4. EnSurE trAnSPArEncy The process of establishing baseline data, creating the Action Plan, and assessing progress towards the goal of zero must be transparent to key stakeholders and the broader community. Provide regular opportunities to measure progress, celebrate success, identify unforeseen challenges, prevent against problematic actions, and create an opportunity for course-corrections when needed. At a minimum, cities should prioritize the following actions to promote transparency: » Maintain a comprehensive, public website to share crash data and progress on Action Plan strategies, and solicit feedback on safety concerns, projects, and strategies; » Meet routinely with your Vision Zero Task Force to solicit input, review data, and provide ongoing feedback on progress and challenges; » Meet with and solicit input from residents in an ongoing dialogue about Vision Zero projects, priorities and safety concerns; and » Seek opportunities for 3rd party assessment of your progress, and report regularly (annually at a minimum) to key stakeholders, decision making bodies, and the public. Equity lEnS As part of San Francisco’s Vision Zero commitment, the city’s Traffic Commander reports quarterly to the SF Police Commission, in a public forum, on their traffic enforcement activities, providing opportunities for transparency and ensuring against problematic activities, such as racial bias in traffic stops. Created by alrigelfrom the Noun Project ReLeVANT exAMPLe SEAttlE routinely posts Vision Zero updates on its website. For example, each of the projects listed below opens to a new page with more project details and information for “What’s happening now?” The city also provides progress reports and additional project analyses to update the public. 10Action PlAn GuiDElinES PrioritiZE roADWAy DESiGn Roadway design is the most important factor that influences speed and safety. Cities should consider and plan transportation systems that make slower, safe speeds the norm to protect the most vulnerable road users, especially in areas with historic patterns of fatalities and serious injuries, which will, in turn, mean that all road users are safer. recommended Actionable Strategies: 1. Invest in capital safety treatments in high injury areas, prioritizing improvements in Communities of Concern. Along with large capital improvements, consider low-cost, near-term safety treatments, such as painted corner sidewalk extensions and paint-and-post-protected bike lanes. 2. Identify intersections, corridors, and areas through predictive analysis where severe crashes are likely to occur, based on characteristics of the built environment, to proactively target interventions and prevent future serious crashes. 3. Create a rapid response protocol and delivery timelines for safety improvements when serious crashes do occur. This includes a rapid, on-the-ground assessment of the crash scene and immediate implementation for short-term or pilot interventions. 4. Employ policies including Complete Streets and Transit First in all projects in order to increase safety for all modes, and to boost the number of trips by walking, bicycling, and transit. Overall, more people moving by these modes and fewer by private autos will boost safety. FocuS on SPEED mAnAGEmEnt In addition to roadway design, cities should employ specific strategies to reduce speed for the sake of safety. Most important is designing (or redesigning) roadways for safe, intended speeds. Proven countermeasures include lowering speed limits and the smart use of automated speed enforcement. A 2017 study by the National Transportation Safety Board recommends both greater usage of automated speed enforcement and flexibility for cities to lower speeds for the sake of safety. recommended Actionable Strategies: 1. Prioritize designing streets to reduce vehicle speed in the High Injury Network first. Most Vision Zero cities have found that a relatively small percentage of the local road network contributes to the majority of severe crashes. Reducing speed on these roads through proven design measures will bring some of the biggest benefits. 2. Lower speed limits to fit context. In communities where there is a mix of people walking, biking, driving, and taking transit, speeds are generally more appropriate in the 20-25 mph range, and particularly in areas with schools, senior centers, parks, and transit centers. 3. Institute an automated speed enforcement program, a strategy which is proving effective in encouraging safe behavior and saving lives in communities in the U.S. and around the world. This should be carefully planned to ensure that safety and equity are the priorities of the program, avoiding the pitfalls of troubling perceptions about an over focus on revenue generation. 4. Create a neighborhood traffic calming program to reduce the number and severity of crashes on residential streets. These programs can be designed to allow communities to identify their own problems and nominate themselves for projects as in Boston’s Neighborhood Slow Streets program. ActionAblE StrAtEGiES Public transportation investment is among the most cost effective ways to enhance traffic safety for a community. Public transit passengers have less than 1/10 the per-mile crash rates as automobile occupants, and transit-oriented communities have less than 1/5 the total per capita traffic fatality rates as in automobile-dependent communities. Source: American Public Transportation Association 11Action PlAn GuiDElinES utiliZE imPActFul EDucAtion StrAtEGiES While roadway design and speed management are core to Vision Zero, education can bolster the success of Vision Zero implementation. While this includes educating people about safe road behaviors, it also includes educating policy makers, decision makers, and other influencers about the importance of Vision Zero and the strategies that are proven to be most effective in order to make real change. recommended Actionable Strategies: 1. Use data and research to prioritize the most effective education/outreach strategies. This includes focusing on dangerous driving behaviors such as speeding, distracted driving, and driving under the influence, while avoiding overemphasizing attention on “distracted” pedestrians. Using this data-driven approach to proactively educate key stakeholders, including government partners and community members, about the leading causes and locations of injury crashes helps align efforts appropriately. 2. Implement or expand Safe Routes educational programming, such as Safe Routes to School, Safe Routes for Seniors, Safe Routes for People with Disabilities. These efforts should prioritize vulnerable populations and high crash areas, as well as areas targeted for increasing walking and bicycling trips. 3. Develop a Vision Zero training manual to share with key stakeholders. Training can include high-level principles, communications strategies, leading causes of injury crashes, the definition and meaning of the High Injury Network, etc. We also recommend requiring all municipal employees and contractors who drive a vehicle as part of their job to participate in Vision Zero safety trainings. 4. Require Vision Zero training for frequent drivers, such as fleet operators, taxi drivers, and large vehicle operators to meet certain safety practices. Cities can model good behavior by ensuring their own fleets, and those they contract with, require Vision Zero safety training. Equity lEnS Develop educational materials and communicate in languages that are appropriate for diverse communities. This may include multilingual flyers, pop-up information tents within the community, having information available on the city website, and working with community-based organizations who have developed relationships and trust in that community. Read our report Elevating Equity in Vision Zero Communications for more information. nEW york city: Injury crash data showed a concentration of serious crashes during late afternoon and evening hours, so the Task Force developed and implemented a multi-pronged education and enforcement seasonal campaign aimed at night safety. The city measured a 30% decrease in traffic fatalities for the time period that year compared to the same time frame during the three previous years. (Read here for more details on NYC’s research and campaign.) ReLeVANT exAMPLe 12Action PlAn GuiDElinES ReLeVANT exAMPLe EnSurE EnForcEmEnt iS EquitAblE As we emphasize Vision Zero’s safe systems approach on the front-end — particularly through street design and speed management strategies proven to encourage safe behavior — we can reduce the need to correct for individual problems on the back-end via traffic stops, ticketing, and fines. Admittedly, this requires long-term investment to shift our environment and our culture. In the meantime, we must acknowledge and address today’s pressing problems related to racial bias in traffic enforcement and, by extension, to Vision Zero enforcement activities. It is important that promoters of Vision Zero in U.S. communities recognize that officer-initiated traffic stops allow for higher-than-average levels of individual discretion and can be a slippery slope for racial bias and aggressive police action. The broader Vision Zero community has a role and responsibility in improving — not exacerbating — these problems. the most appropriate enforcement strategies will focus on providing education on the most dangerous driving behaviors and will be community supported, as well as ensure transparency into police activity. While enforcement has a role to play in traffic safety efforts, it should not be a primary strategy and should be approached thoughtfully. recommended Actionable Strategies: 1. Vision Zero Action Plans should commit to employing enforcement strategies that will not result in racial profiling. (See Portland’s example in sidebar.) Of course, a commitment is not all that is needed, but it is an important first step. 2. Focus enforcement on the most dangerous behaviors based on reliable data to ensure that this is communicated effectively to ensure public understanding. Activities such as speeding and violating pedestrian right of way are more dangerous than minor infractions such as broken taillights or overly tinted windows, so police activity should focus on the former. 3. Provide regular updates on law enforcement’s traffic stop activities. This is essential to building trust amongst the community for a productive role for enforcement. Understanding who is being stopped by police, where, and when, as well as who is ticketed, etc. will be important information to ensure accountability. 4. Support a Community Policing approach as part of Vision Zero work. The U.S. Department of Justice presents 10 Principles of Community Policing, including two that police and the community share ownership, responsibility, and accountability for the prevention of crime, and that mutual trust between the police and the community is essential for effective policing. 5. Create a diversion program to provide alternatives to traffic fines. Recognizing the disproportionate impact of traffic fines on low-income communities, we recommend developing diversion programs that offer education and positive reinforcement of safe behavior in place of overly burdensome fees. Equity lEnS When utilized properly, automated speed enforcement can reduce the number of crashes as well as severity of injuries. Though far under-used, this approach is cited as one of the most effective in influencing behavior and lowering dangerous speeds, while also de-emphasizing officer-initiated traffic stops that cause concern about racial profiling. If used inappropriately, these technologies can reinforce structural inequities. It is important to recognize that no piece of technology exists in a vacuum. Any automated speed enforcement program must be developed with input and buy-in from the most marginalized and vulnerable people in your community. Portland’s Vision Zero Action Plan includes an explicit statement that the plan will be equitable and “it will not result in racial profiling.” The diversity of participants drafting Portland’s Action Plan brought equity to the forefront throughout its development. As a result, Portland explicitly commits to develop and implement a set of actions that would not lead to disproportionately negative outcomes for communities of color and low-income communities. For more about Portland’s approach and other recommendations regarding centering equity in Vision Zero, see visonzeronetwork.org/resources/equity. 13Action PlAn GuiDElinES While elements of evaluation are included throughout this guide, we want to highlight the importance of creating a transparent and regular evaluation process for your Action Plan. Evaluation can be one of the best ways to ensure your Action Plan is a living document. How updates will be developed should be included in the Plan, as well as when progress updates will be provided to the public. lead agencies working toward Vision Zero should regularly update policymakers, other agencies, and the public. This reporting and evaluation process should include regular updates in a variety of forums such as community conversations, events, report cards, or other creative engagement strategies. recommended Actionable Strategies: 1. Highlight and celebrate accomplishments, but be real about challenges. Be transparent when you don’t achieve a goal, assess what happened, and recommend changes to the strategy to correct course. 2. Revisit the Foundational Elements every time you modify a goal or strategy. A good Action Plan is a living document that is utilized often and evolves over time. However, it is important to maintain your foundation throughout the process. 3. Utilize the Community Engagement and Equity Strategies outlined in this document to get feedback on progress from the people in your community most impacted by traffic crashes. concluSion Ultimately, there are no shortcuts or compromises in achieving the goals of Vision Zero. The metrics of success are simple: one fatality or serious injury in traffic is one too many. A strong Action Plan will be a road map for success in your Vision Zero efforts. Numerous resources available at www.visionzeronetwork.org/resources ViSion ZEro PrinciPlES Why Vision Zero Differs from the Traditional Approach to Traffic Safety Nine Components of a Strong Vision Zero Commitment Moving from Vision to Action: Fundamental Principles, Policies & Practices to Advance Vision Zero in the U.S. community EnGAGEmEnt Incorporating and budgeting for community group engagement Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, p. 18 Denver, Colorado, p. 8 Equity Vision Zero Equity Strategies for Practitioners Elevating Equity in Vision Zero Communications Health Equity Road Map for Getting to Zero Untokening 1.0 - Principles for Mobility Justice communitiES oF concErn DEFinitionS Denver, Colorado, p. 6 Los Angeles, California Portland, Oregon San Francisco, California hiGh injury nEtWork ExAmPlES Denver, Colorado, p. 8 Los Angeles, California San Francisco, California, p. 6 ProGrESS rEPortS New York City, New York Seattle, Washington Washington, D.C. EVAluAtion & rESourcES ReSouRCeS 14Action PlAn GuiDElinES A PublicAtion oF thE in PArtnErShiP With liVAblEStrEEtS AlliAncE AnD thE mASSAchuSEttS ViSion ZEro coAlition WWW.ViSionZEronEtWork.orG Page 1 of 4 Council Business Meeting TBD, 2021 Agenda Item Professional Services Contract-Transportation System Plan Update From Scott Fleury PE Public Works Director Contact Scott.fleury@ashland.or.us 541-552-2412 SUMMARY Before the Council is a professional services contract with Kittelson & Associates to perform the scope of services associated with a Transportation System Plan Update (TSP). The Transportation System Plan provides critical analysis and planning details for all elements of the transportation network; automobile; bicycle; pedestrian; transit; aviation; Development of the TSP is governed by the Transportation Planning Rule (OAR 660 Division 12) and provides a 20 year look ahead of all transportation network elements. POLICIES, PLANS & GOALS SUPPORTED Council Goals: Essential Services • Streets Value Services • Multi-Modal Transportation • All-Age Friendly Community • Downtown Parking Climate Energy Action Plan: • Coordinate with neighboring local governments to promote use of transit, carpooling, and car-sharing. C • Work with RVTD to implement climate-friendly transitMi • Establish policies to support development near transit hubs without displacing disadvantaged populations i • Evaluate feasibility of expanded local transit options. • Implement bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly actions in the Transportation System Plan and Downtown Parking Management PlanMi • Explore opportunities to convert to shared streets where appropriate to provide multimodal connectivity. • Implement a local fuel-related tax Current Transportation System Plan: • Create a green template for other communities in the state and nation to follow • Make safety a priority for all modes • Maintain small-town character, support economic prosperity and accommodate future growth. • Create a system-wide balance for serving and facilitating pedestrian, bicycle, rail, air, transit, and vehicular traffic in terms of mobility and access within and through the City of Ashland. Page 2 of 4 Department Goals: • Maintain existing infrastructure to meet regulatory requirements and minimize life-cycle costs • Deliver timely life cycle capital improvement projects • Maintain and improve infrastructure that enhances the economic vitality of the community • Evaluate all city infrastructure regarding planning management and financial resources PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION The Council has previously approved professional services contracts for TSP development. The last TSP was approved and amended into the comprehensive plan in 2013. BACKGROUND AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Public Works has recommended to Council that major master plans be updated on a 7-10 years basis to account for changes within the system. Major changes can include updates to policies (local, state, federal), regulatory requirements, technology enhancements, and land use changes. The last TSP was completed in October of 2012 and amended into the City Comprehensive Plan by Council approval in March of 2013. Transportation networks and associated technologies are rapidly changing, and appropriate transportation system planning associated with adjacent land uses is important. Public Works is recommending moving forward with a TSP update at this time as numerous changes/improvements have occurred since the last plan was adopted including adoptions of the Climate Energy Action Plan (CEAP), approval of the transportation network company ordinance, completion of the Transit Feasibility Study, statewide changes in transportation funding with the passing of HB 2017, the community focus on providing an all ages all abilities complete network, Transit Triangle overlay, and potential future annexations including the proposed Grand Terrace Development. The scope of work for the TSP update follows the requirements of the Oregon transportation planning rule along with providing a robust public input process in order to final TSP document that best fits the needs of the City of Ashland. The full scope of services is provided as exhibit C in attachment #1. The major tasks items for the TSP update include 1. Develop Public Engagement Plan 2. Goals and Objectives 3. Existing Conditions 4. Future Conditions 5. Solutions Development and Evaluation 6. Funding Program 7. Final Documentation 8. Plan Adoption Request for Proposal On September 10, 2019, a Qualifications Based Selection (QBS) Proposal for professional services for a Transportation System Plan Update (TSP) was advertised on the Oregon Procurement Information Network (ORPIN), in the Daily Journal of Commerce, the Mail Tribune, and posted on the City’s website. This solicitation document was developed internally by staff and approved by the Legal Department prior to release. A qualifications selection process entails selecting a consultant solely on their qualifications to perform the proposals scope of work. Once a consultant is selected a final scope and associated fee is developed through a negotiation process. Page 3 of 4 On October 10, 2019, the City of Ashland received just one (1) proposal to provide professional services for the development of the Ashland Transportation System Plan Update. A scoring team of Karl Johnson, Associate Engineer, Derek Severson, Senior Planner, Linda Peterson-Adams, Transportation Commissioner and Scott Fleury, Deputy Public Works Director, completed a comprehensive review of the proposal. The proposal was scored in accordance with the criteria listed in the QBS Proposal document. Scoring was conducted individually and independently by each team member. The results of the scoring are as follows: CONSULTANT TOTAL SCORE RANK Kittelson Associates 352 1 Even though the City received only one proposal document for the TSP update project, after initial scoring was completed Public Works staff decided it was best to move forward with Kittelson & Associates to the scope and fee negotiation phase. Through an iterative process of staff meetings with the consultant and Transportation Commission review of the documents, a final scope and fee was developed. The original intent was to award the professional services contract to Kittelson Associates in the spring of 2020, but that decision was delayed due to the Covid19 Pandemic and to be reassessed in the future as to a more appropriate time to begin the project. Now that things are reopening and the 2021-2023 Budget has been approved, staff and the Transportation Commission believe the time is right to begin the TSP update. The Transportation Commission has reviewed the scope at the May, June and July Commission meetings and is confident the scope meets their expectations moving forward for the TSP update. The Transportation Commission motion (July 2021): TBD FISCAL IMPACTS The proposed fee for the scope of services is $243,258.69. The project is SDC eligible and budgeted at $300,000 within the current biennium budget. Additional costs include staff soft costs associated with managing the project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the professional services contract with Kittelson Associates for the Transportation System Plan Update project. ACTIONS, OPTIONS & POTENTIAL MOTIONS 1. I move to approve to approve a professional services contract with Kittelson Associates in the amount of $243,258.69. 2. I move to amend the scope of service, [add amendment] Criteria Maximum Score Project Approach 20 Project Experience 30 Project Team Experience 30 Ability to Successfully Complete Similar Projects on Time and Within Budget 20 TOTAL 100 Points Page 4 of 4 REFERENCES & ATTACHMENTS Attachment #1: Kittelson Associates Scope of Services FILENAME: H:\24\24505 - ASHLAND TSP UPDATE\ADMIN\P\07_CONTRACT_INSURANCE_RATES\FINAL ASHLAND TSP SOW_2021-07- 06.DOCX ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PLAN - SCOPE OF WORK General Requirements Personnel, Materials, and Equipment: The consultant shall provide qualified and competent personnel and shall furnish all supplies, equipment, tools and incidentals required to accomplish the work. All materials and supplies shall be of good quality and suitable for the assigned work. Safety Equipment: The consultant shall provide and use all safety equipment including, and not limited to hard hats, safety vests and clothing as required by state and federal regulations and department policies and procedures. Professional Responsibilities: The consultant shall perform the work using the standards of care, skill and diligence normally provided by a professional in the performance of such services in respect to similar work and shall comply will all applicable codes and standards. Project Management: The consultant and the City staff will meet monthly throughout the duration of the project. The objectives of the meetings will include reviewing the scope, budget, schedule and deliverables. The consultant will organize and manage the consultant project team and coordinate with city project manager and City staff. Project management will also include coordination with all affected agencies‐including but not limited to, Jackson County, Rogue Valley Transportation District, Rogue Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization, and the Oregon Department of Transportation. Monthly Invoices and Progress Reports: The consultant shall prepare monthly invoices and progress reports including the following: ▪ Work completed during the month by work task as a percentage of completion ▪ Needs for additional information, reviews, or changes to the scope of work ▪ Scope, schedule, and budget issues and changes Specific Requirements The City of Ashland (City) is seeking professional consultant services for Project 2019‐02 Transportation System Plan (TSP) Update. The purpose of this project is to provide an update to the City’s 2013 adopted Transportation System Plan. The current plan conforms with the Transportation Planning Rule (TPR) and outlines the City’s goals and the multi‐modal network projects to meet these goals. Since adoption of the plan in 2013 numerous things have changed which require an update to the TSP. The update shall be consistent with the 2019 Oregon Department of Transportation TSP guidelines. Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 2 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon TASK 1: DEVELOP THE AGENCY PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT PLAN The purpose of this task is to develop a comprehensive public outreach program that will enable the residents of Ashland to provide a voice on how their transportation network is modified to meet their goals and expectations. The public outreach program should allow for both in-person and electronic access. 1.1 Committee Rosters City shall establish and prepare Committee Rosters for the following: 1. Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), which will provide the primary technical review and guidance for the Project and is expected to include representatives from the following: a. Community Development, Public Works, and Police and Fire Departments; b. Jackson County Roads Department; c. Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT); d. Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD); e. Rogue Valley Transit District (RVTD); f. Others as deemed appropriate or invited to participate in individual meetings when certain expertise is required or throughout the Project. 2. Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC), which will consist of community members that will inform the Project from their respective community perspectives. CAC may include representation from the following: a. City Council (ex-officio); b. Planning Commission; c. Transportation Commission; d. Climate Policy/Conservation Commission; e. Social Equity and Racial Justice Commission; f. Ashland Senior Advisory Committee; g. Ashland School District; h. Southern Oregon University; i. Chamber of Commerce/local business; j. Local community members; k. Active transportation advocates; l. Representative of the transportation disadvantaged; and m. Representatives from Title VI communities. 1.2 Kick-Off Meeting Consultant shall arrange and facilitate a Kick-Off Meeting with the Project Management Team (PMT) via conference call to review project objectives and processes. Consultant shall facilitate a discussion of dates for the Refined Project Schedule, elements of PICP, and Project Website. Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 3 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon Consultant shall hold the Kick-Off Meeting within two weeks of the Notice to Proceed. Consultant shall provide a written agenda to PMT at least three business days prior to the Kick-Off Meeting and provide a meeting summary to PMT no later than one week following the Kick-Off Meeting. 1.3 PMT Teleconferences Consultant shall arrange and facilitate up to twelve (12) teleconferences with the PMT, both as scheduled in the Refined Project Schedule and as required to address specific Project issues. The duration of each teleconference is not expected to exceed one hour. Dates and times of scheduled teleconferences will be determined at the Kick-Off Meeting and included in the Refined Project Schedule. Consultant shall arrange a standard call-in number and provide teleconference dates, times, and access information to the PMT members as needed. Consultant shall develop a written agenda for each teleconference and shall disseminate the agenda to the PMT no later than three days prior to the teleconference. Consultant shall provide a summary of action items following the meeting. 1.4 PICP Consultant shall prepare draft and Final Public Involvement and Communications Plan (PICP) with input from the City to gain input throughout the duration of Project and at key milestones. Elements of the PICP must include, but are not limited to, the following: • Public involvement goals for the Project; • Identification of key populations and stakeholder groups for the plan; • Identification of City and Consultant roles and responsibilities for public involvement; • Strategy for accomplishing inclusive public outreach, including Title VI/Environmental justice community outreach and reporting; • Description of methods used to reach various stakeholders; • Recommendations for engaging key existing committees; and • Schedule for public involvement activities that are consistent with the Refined Project Schedule. Consultant shall submit Draft PICP to PMT for review and make revisions to address comments. 1.5 Stakeholder Database and Comment Log Consultant shall develop and maintain a Stakeholder Database that will be used to inform interested parties including, but not limited to, federal, state, regional, and local authorities, environmental groups, active transportation advocates, individuals, key businesses, public services, education, and community organizations. Information must include, where available, name, affiliation, address, and email address. Consultant shall expand and update this database throughout Project to document new stakeholders and parties as they express interest. City shall forward contact information that it receives. Consultant shall log public comments, questions, and concerns received throughout the Project in the Comment Log. Consultant shall forward this log to City along with each final deliverable. Any comments received directly by City will be forwarded to Consultant for entry in comment log. Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 4 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon 1.6 Project Website Consultant shall develop and maintain a Project Website during the entire Project. Consultant shall coordinate with the PMT as needed to provide a linkage between the Project Website and City website according to City requirements. Consultant shall be responsible for all aspects of the Project Website, including development, registration, hosting, gathering and monitoring of content, and controls, as required by, and subject to approval by PMT. The Project Website must be fully functioning and accessible within two weeks after the Kick-Off Meeting and remain fully functioning and accessible for a minimum of six months following Project completion. Project Website must include, at a minimum: • Project deliverables: Tech Memos and all maps and graphics in PDF or JPG format; • Meeting information (times, locations, agendas, summaries, and materials); and • Contact information (City and Consultant project manager). Project Website must be updated before and after meetings and at the end of Tasks. The Project Website must include an interactive on-line mapping tool element that allows the public to provide input and to pinpoint issues, ideas, and comments directly on a map of the Project Area for the duration of the project. 1.7 Refined Project Schedule Consultant shall prepare a draft and revised Refined Project Schedule with the due dates for required services and deliverables and shall deliver the draft Refined Project Schedule to the PMT within two weeks after the Kick-Off Meeting for approval. To maximize efficiency, Consultant shall schedule and perform tasks concurrently where appropriate. City and Consultant may revise the services and deliverables due dates in the Refined Project Schedule throughout the duration of the project. City Deliverables 1a Committee Rosters (Subtask 1.1) 1b Kick-off Meeting (Subtask 1.2) 1c PMT Teleconferences, up to 12 (Subtask 1.3) 1d Review and comment on Task 1 deliverables Consultant Deliverables 1A Kick-Off Meeting (Subtask 1.2) 1B PMT Teleconferences, up to 12 (Subtask 1.3) 1C PICP (Subtask 1.4) 1D Stakeholder Database and Comment Log (Subtask 1.5) 1E Project Website (Subtask 1.6) 1F Refined Project Schedule (Subtask 1.7) Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 5 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon TASK 2: GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The purpose of this task is to review state, regional and local planning documents relevant to a TSP update, articulate a vision for the community’s transportation priorities, define how the system should function, and form the basis for criteria to select preferred improvements. The goals in the current TSP will be updated to reflect the goals in more recent planning documents, including the Ashland Climate Energy Action Plan and the Evacuation Time Estimate Study. They will also be updated to reflect more recent initiatives, such as 20’s Plenty and Vision Zero Program goals. The goals will be used to guide the development of the TSP and ensure that all aspects of the plan help the City move toward meetings their goals of reducing Ashland’s contribution to global carbon pollution, preparing the City to be more resilient to climate change and its impacts, and ensuring Ashland continues to be an “all ages and abilities” community. 2.1 Background Documents City shall provide the most current version of the existing City Developed plans, policies, standards, rules, regulations, and other documents pertinent to the Updated TSP in electronic format, as available. Background Documents are expected to include: Statewide • Oregon Highway Plan (1999, last amended on May 2015) • Oregon Transportation Plan (2006) • Oregon Freight Plan (2011) • Oregon Public Transportation Plan (1997) • Oregon Rail Plan (2014) • Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (2016) • Oregon Transportation Safety Action Plan (2016) (2021 Pending) • Statewide Planning Goals • State Law on Reduction in Vehicle-Carrying Capacity (Oregon Revised Statutes 366.215) • Oregon Administrative Rules (“OAR”) chapter 734 division 051 • OAR chapter 660, division 012, known as the Transportation Planning Rules • ODOT funding projections • Statewide Transportation Improvement Program • ODOT Highway Design Manual (2012) • Oregon Roadway Departure Safety Implementation Plan (2010) • Oregon Intersection Safety Implementation Plan (2012) • Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Implementation Plan (2014) • Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction, Oregon Standard Drawing and Oregon Standard Details (2015) Local • Jackson County, Comprehensive Land Use Plan Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 6 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon • Jackson County, Transportation System Plan (2017) • Rogue Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization, 2017-2042 Regional Transportation Plan • Rogue Valley Transit District, 2040 Transit Plan • Ashland Comprehensive Plan (2019) • Ashland Transportation System Plan (2013) • Ashland Capital Improvement Program (2019) • Ashland Zoning Ordinance (August 2019) • Revitalization Downtown Ashland Plan (2020) • Ashland Climate Energy Action Plan (2017) • Ashland Transit Feasibility Study (2018) • Ashland Trails Master Plan • Ashland Evacuation Time Estimate (ETE) • 20’s Plenty Initiative • Other as determined City Staff 2.2 Draft Tech Memo #1: Plans and Policy Framework Consultant shall prepare Draft Tech Memo #1, a summary and review of Background Documents to provide the baseline of existing plans, policies, standards, rules, regulations, and other applicable documents as they pertain to development of the Updated TSP. Draft Tech Memo #1 must include an audit of City’s Zoning Ordinance for compliance with the Transportation Planning Rules (OAR 660-12- 0045) and recommendations to inform future tasks. Consultant shall submit Draft Tech Memo #1 to PMT for review and comment. City shall provide a consolidated set of comments to Consultant in a comment log. 2.3 Analysis Methodology and Assumptions Memorandum Consultant shall prepare draft and revised Analysis Methodology and Assumptions Memorandum documenting methodology and assumptions for existing conditions, future conditions, and alternatives traffic analysis. The memorandum must address existing conditions (i.e. seasonal factors used, demographic categories), future conditions (i.e. volume development and post-processing methodology, transit demand), and alternative analysis (i.e. peak hour factors, analysis parameters, calibration, etc.). The memorandum must include existing and future analysis methodologies to examine transportation network in terms of access to bicycle, pedestrian, micro-mobility and transit mobility and assumptions for Level of Traffic Stress, Qualitative Multimodal Assessment, and Multimodal Level of Service. Consultant shall process the traffic count data to a common base year, following procedures and methods outlined in the ODOT Analysis Procedure Manual. Consultant shall analyze traffic count information for the peak period, apply seasonal and annual adjustment factors, as appropriate, to develop volumes for the 30th highest hour and the Average Daily Traffic volumes. Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 7 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon Operational analysis for study intersections, regardless of jurisdiction, must include: a. Volume-to-Capacity ratio b. Level-of-service c. Peak hour vehicles d. Average daily trips e. Delay f. 95th percentile queuing g. Turning movements Consultant shall use ODOT operational mobility targets for State facilities and City design standards for City facilities, clarifying required standards and targets when there is different jurisdiction on multiple legs of a single intersection. Consultant’s non- automobile transportation analysis must also include the following: a. Inventory of existing sidewalks and bicycle lanes b. General condition of existing sidewalks and bicycle facilities c. Pedestrian and Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress per the ODOT Analysis Procedure Manual d. Qualitative (multimodal) assessment for transit modes per the ODOT Analysis Procedure Manual e. A qualitative assessment of transit service and identification of underserved areas f. Gaps in intermodal connectivity Consultant’s crash inventory must include the following: a. Location; b. Crash type and characteristics; c. Severity (property damage, injury, or fatality); d. Summary review of pedestrian and bicycle crashes; including bicycle or pedestrian present; and e. Summary review of fatal and serious injury crashes. Consultant’s data for State highways must include locations of Top 5% or 10% Safety Priority Index System sites. Consultant shall calculate study intersection crash rates. Intersection crash rates must be compared to critical crash rates based on the method outlined in Part B of the Highway Safety Manual. If a critical crash rate cannot be calculated due to limited data, the published 90th percentile rates in Table 4-1 of the ODOT Analysis Procedure Manual must be used. Consultant shall calculate the segment crash rates and compare to Table II in the statewide Crash Rate Book to identify locations with more crashes than other similar facilities in Oregon. Consultant shall identify and present crash patterns and potential projects, policies, or studies at intersections that exceed the statewide crash rate performance threshold, for all areas that exceed the critical crash rate, 90th percentile rate, the Table II rate, or are a top 5% or 10% Safety Priority Index System site. Consultant shall identify Crash Modification Factors associated with each countermeasure Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 8 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon to provide an estimate of the potential change in crash frequency, based on Crash Modification Factors from the Highway Safety Manual or Federal Highway Administration’s online Crash Modification Factor Clearinghouse with a star rating of 3 or better. All Crash Modification Factors must have consistent volumes and parameters with the TSP analysis. Summary crash data, including crash rates must be documented. Documentation must consider intersections in the Project Area vicinity, if any, that were under construction at the time counts were conducted. The no-build scenarios must contain volume-to-capacity ratio, Level of Service, 95th percentile queuing, and turning movements, shown on figures. Consultant shall submit to and obtain approval of the revised Analysis Methodology and Assumptions Memorandum from TPAU, Region 3 Traffic, and PMT prior to beginning the traffic analysis in Tasks 3 and 4. 2.4 Draft Tech Memo #2: Goals, Objectives, and Evaluation Criteria Consultant shall prepare Draft Tech Memo #2 to establish the goals, objectives, and evaluation criteria for later use in setting policy and selecting preferred alternatives. Consultant shall review existing transportation policies and compare with Project Objectives to produce a set of Project Goals. Consultant shall draft policy revisions for consideration by City, TAC, and CAC consistent with the community’s goals as expressed in the Comprehensive Plan and other relevant adopted plans. Consultant shall also develop a framework for evaluating the performance of programs and projects identified in the planned modal systems in Tasks 5 and 6. This performance evaluation tool will be critical in helping City understand how to prioritize transportation investments in the years following the adoption of Updated TSP and in identifying transportation solutions for subsequent TSP Updates. Evaluation Criteria may include: • Multimodal improvements – must include measured improvement to qualitative assessment levels and Level of Traffic Stress. • Road capacity improvements – must include measured improvement to volume to capacity, Level-of-Service, queue length, and qualitative safety benefit. • System and demand management techniques – must include the use of simple factors – elasticities, comparative case study findings, and more qualitative approaches to assess the potential impacts of TDM as appropriate. • Social benefit – must include impact and benefit for disadvantaged and minority groups and impact to cost of housing and transportation. • Environmental impacts – must include improvement to greenhouse gas emissions. • Active transportation. • Access to transit. Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 9 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon • Cost. • Consistency. • Mode shift. The goals, objectives, and evaluation criteria will be refined throughout the planning process to ensure they continue to reflect those of the project team and the general public. Consultant shall submit Draft Tech Memo #2 to PMT for review and comment. City shall provide a consolidated set of comments to Consultant in a comment log. 2.5 Final Tech Memo #1 Consultant shall revise Draft Tech Memo #1, incorporating consolidated comments from PMT. 2.6 Revised Tech Memo #2 Consultant shall revise Draft Tech Memo #2, incorporating consolidated comments from PMT. City Deliverables 2a Background Documents (Subtask 2.1) 2b Review and Comments on Task 2 Deliverables Consultant Deliverables 2A Draft Tech Memo #1: Plans and Policy Framework (Subtask 2.2) 2B Analysis Methodology and Assumptions Memorandum (Subtask 2.3) 2C Draft Tech Memo #2: Goals, Objectives, and Evaluation Criteria (Subtask 2.4) 2D Final Tech Memo #1 (Subtask 2.5) 2E Revised Tech Memo #2 (Subtask 2.6) TASK 3: EXISTING CONDITIONS The purpose of this task is to develop the existing conditions inventory and determine system needs. 3.1 Draft Tech Memo #3: Existing Conditions Inventory and Analysis Consultant shall prepare Draft Tech Memo #3 using 2013 TSP and other information gathered in Task 2 to inventory and assess existing conditions in the Project Area. Draft Tech Memo #3 must include the following: i. Inventory Consultant shall update the 2013 TSP inventory of the existing transportation system and the land uses and population within the Project Area. Inventories must be presented in tabular and map format, as feasible, with a simple and concise accompanying narrative. City shall provide Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data, where available; where GIS data is not available, data will be provided in an Excel database. The most current Portland State University coordinated population estimates must be used. In Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 10 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon accordance with the TSP Guidelines Existing Conditions Inventory, Inventory must include the following elements: 1. Lands and Population Inventory Consultant shall update the inventory of available lands data to identify existing, planned, and potential land uses, and environmental constraints to development. The Lands and Population Inventory must be consistent with acknowledged comprehensive plans and based on data assembled by City that must include the following: a) Vacant and developable land b) Zoning, both current and planned c) Natural resources and environmental barriers d) Key Destinations that are likely destinations for bicyclists and pedestrians, such as schools, parks, commercial centers, and neighborhood centers e) Historic and projected population growth patterns f) Locations of the following socio-economically sensitive populations: • Minority groups (all persons who did not self-identify as white, non-Hispanic); • Low-income (persons who earned between 0 and 1.99 times the federal Poverty Level); • Elderly persons (persons 65 years of age or older in 2010); • Youth (persons 16 years of age or younger in 2010); • Non-English speakers (people who stated that they didn't speak any English at all in 2010); and • All persons 5 years or older with any type of disability, as available: sensory, physical, mental, self-care, go-outside-the-home or employment. g) Evaluate the cost of housing and transportation as a percentage of income across City’s demographic spectrum. 2. Bicycle and Pedestrian Inventory Consultant shall update inventory of bicycle and pedestrian system to provide a comprehensive portrait of multi-modal infrastructure and overall connectivity and access within the Project Area, including but not limited to the following: a) Bicycle facility types, locations, geometry, and condition; b) Pedestrian facility types, locations, geometry, and condition; c) Crosswalk locations, crosswalk treatments, and condition; d) Consistency of facilities with state and local standards; and e) Location and trip characteristics of major bicycle and pedestrian generators. 3. Roadway System Inventory Consultant shall update the inventory of existing road system characteristics to establish a baseline for comparison with future needs. Road System Inventory must include the following as available: Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 11 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon a) Facility functional classifications for state and local roads; b) Jurisdictional responsibility for state and local roads; c) Geometry for study intersections (Consultant shall assemble); d) Number and width of study intersection lanes (Consultant shall assemble); e) Signal locations (Consultant shall assemble); f) Posted speed limits; g) Pavement types and conditions; h) Street locations on the local system; i) For state, city, and local streets in downtown or business areas, on-street parking locations and utilization; j) Park and ride locations; k) Right of way widths; l) Intelligent Transportation System facilities; m) Intermodal connections and facilities; n) National, state, regional, and local freight and motor carrier routes; o) National highway system facilities; and p) Americans with Disabilities Act accessible public sidewalk impediments (such as driveway aprons, ramps, and public sidewalks). 4. Public Transportation Inventory Consultant shall update the inventory of the public transportation system including but not limited to the following: a) Existing routes, circulation, schedules, and frequency; b) Location of bus stops, stop amenities, and ridership; c) Connectivity with transit facilities, including RVTD and other agencies providing service in the Project Area; d) Identify on-demand/door-to-door transit services in the region; e) Paratransit service, including demand and accessibility; and f) ADA connectivity. 5. Rail Inventory Consultant shall update the inventory of rail system characteristics based on data Consultant collects from the railroads or the ODOT Rail Division, including but not limited to the following: a) Type of service (freight); b) Owner and operator of rail line; c) Location of rail lines and terminals; d) Proximity to the highway; e) Classification of the lines; f) Number of trains and schedule; g) Industries served and commodities handled; Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 12 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon h) Track conditions; i) Train speeds; j) Crossing locations and known issues; and k) Bicycle and pedestrian facilities at rail crossings. 6. Air Transport Inventory Consultant shall summarize the inventory of air transportation system characteristics using Ashland Airport Master Plan (adoption pending), including but not limited to the following: a) Type of service (passenger or freight, commercial or recreational); b) Volume; c) Location of airport, airport runways, and key destinations for air traffic; d) Implications for nearby land uses; e) Industries served and commodities handled; f) Runway conditions; and g) Runway Protection Zones. 7. Freight Generators Inventory Consultant shall update inventory of the major freight generators in the Project Area. Freight generators are the industrial areas, distribution centers, truck terminals and businesses that ship or receive a significant amount of freight. The Freight Generators Inventory is expected to be based on Chamber of Commerce and Oregon Employment Department data assembled by City and must include the following: a) Location of at grade crossings with other transportation modes; b) Location of above- or below-grade crossings with other transportation modes; c) General information and mapped location of major freight generators; d) Major commodities shipped or received; e) Intermodal facilities; and f) Connector roads connecting to intermodal facilities or to major freight generators. 8. Funding Inventory Consultant shall prepare a summary of current and historical transportation funding. City shall provide Consultant with currently available funding information, including the following: a) Transportation revenues received from the State; b) Local transportation revenues; and c) System Development Charges and other revenue from development. City shall provide Consultant with a history in electronic format of all existing revenue streams with a ten-year history of trends. ii. Existing System Conditions Analysis Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 13 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon Consultant shall analyze existing conditions and identify deficiencies of the transportation system based on ODOT Analysis Methodology and Assumptions Memorandum. Consultant’s analysis must include the following: 1. Traffic Counts Consultant shall conduct traffic counts at up to twenty (20) study intersections during the weekday evening (2:00 to 6:00 PM) peak period in a standardized format. The counts shall include the total number of bicycles, pedestrians, and motor vehicles that enter the intersection in 5-minute increments. The final list of study intersections will be determined following Task 1. 2. Intersection Operations Analysis Consultant shall perform traffic analysis of City’s transportation system and identify existing deficiencies. 3. Non-Automobile Transportation Analysis Consultant shall perform analysis of primary non-motorized transportation on collector and arterial roadways. Consultant’s analysis must include availability of sidewalks, bicycle facilities, transit routes and facilities, and gaps in primary routes and intermodal opportunities based on available GIS data and online mapping. 4. Crash Analysis Consultant shall obtain the most recent available five years of complete crash data from ODOT’s Crash Analysis and Reporting Unit in the Project Area. Consultant shall assemble an inventory and identify crash patterns in the history of collisions on the transportation system among all users (for example, trucks, autos, pedestrians, and bicyclists). 5. Access Management Analysis Consultant shall identify existing access management standards as defined in OAR 734-051. Consultant shall review City standards and review existing City arterials and collectors adjacent to study intersections identifying general corridor areas with driveways that are non-compliant. 6. Environmental Justice Analysis Consultant shall utilize PICP maps and text, to prepare environmental justice analysis to identify needs and to avoid undue adverse impacts when examining future projects and needs. Consultant shall submit Draft Tech Memo #3 to PMT for review and comment. Consultant shall prepare and submit revised Draft Tech Memo #3 to the TAC and CAC one week prior to TAC and CAC Meetings #1 after receiving comments from the PMT. 3.2 TAC Meeting #1 City shall arrange and Consultant shall conduct TAC Meeting #1 via conference call. The purpose of TAC Meeting #1 is to provide an orientation to the Project, outline the plan and policy context for the Project as summarized in Final Tech Memo #1, consider the draft Project goals, objectives, and evaluation criteria Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 14 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon in Revised Tech Memo #2, review the existing conditions in Draft Tech Memo #3, and provide a timeline of TAC meetings and key project milestones. The meeting is not expected to exceed 2 hours. Consultant shall prepare a written meeting schedule, written agenda, and other supporting materials for TAC Meeting #1 and meeting minutes afterwards. C3.2 TAC Meeting #1 – In-person Meeting Pending changes to COVID 19 restrictions and City policy regarding in-person meetings, TAC Meeting #1 may be held in Ashland and follow a similar format as indicated above. 3.3 CAC Meeting #1 City shall arrange and Consultant shall conduct CAC Meeting #1. The meeting will occur on the same day and in the same format as TAC Meeting #1. The purpose of CAC Meeting #1 is to provide an orientation to the Project, outline the plan and policy context for the Project as summarized in Final Tech Memo #1, consider the draft Project goals, objectives, and evaluation criteria in Revised Tech Memo #2, review the existing conditions in Draft Tech Memo #3, and provide a timeline of CAC meetings and key project milestones. The meeting is not expected to exceed 2 hours. Consultant shall prepare a written meeting schedule, written agenda, and other supporting materials for CAC Meeting #1 and meeting minutes afterwards. 3.4 Task 3 Publicity Consultant shall prepare Task 3 Publicity to provide information regarding the Project in a variety of methods to encourage public participation. Publicity must include: 1. Project Newsletter #1 Project Newsletter #1 must include a Project introduction and include logistical information on the open house and online open house, schedule, and other relevant Project information. City shall distribute Project Newsletter #1 in City’s utility bills and share on its social media accounts to promote the open house. 2. Project Flyer #1 Project Flyer #1 must include a Project introduction and include logistical information on the open house and online open house, schedule, and other relevant Project information. City shall place Project Flyer #1 at high-traffic areas to promote the open house. Consultant shall post Project Flyer #1 to the Project Website. 3. News Release News release must announce the open house. Consultant shall produce and purchase print advertising for the news release to provide notice for the open house. Consultant shall place news release in local newspapers of record. Consultant shall also provide news release to community papers, city newsletters, community calendars, or similar publications in the Project Area. City shall post news release on its social media accounts. Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 15 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon 4. Stakeholder Emails Five separate Stakeholder Emails distributed by City to recipients in the stakeholder database to include the following subject areas: • CAC Meeting #1, • Project Newsletter #1, • Announce the in-person Open House and Workshop #1, and • Online Open House #1 as well as pertinent information regarding next steps. Consultant shall submit draft Task 3 Publicity materials to PMT for review and make revisions to address comments. 3.5 Community and Small Group Briefing #1 City shall arrange and conduct Community and Small Group Briefing #1 to meet with identified stakeholders with common interests (i.e., the same geographic area, businesses, and church groups) as identified in the Task 1 PICP to update them on the Project and obtain their input on Project goals and existing conditions. Community and Small Group Briefing #1 is anticipated to be one hour in duration. City shall produce a PowerPoint for Community and Small Group Briefing #1. PMT shall review draft PowerPoint and provide comments to City prior to Community and Small Group Briefing #1. Consultant shall review PowerPoint and provide comments to City. 3.6 Open House and Workshop #1 City shall arrange and Consultant shall conduct Open House and Workshop #1 to offer input on the goals and policies of the Updated TSP and existing conditions. The open house and workshop will occur in Ashland on the same day or on the day following Community and Small Group Briefing #1 and will take up to three hours. Consultant shall prepare written handouts, display boards, and other visual media to facilitate public opportunity and provide to City in advance of meeting for review and revision. Consultant shall prepare an open house and workshop handout, sign in sheets, comment forms, and provide an open house and workshop comment summary. City shall provide location arrangements and logistics and promote the event on its social media accounts. It is assumed that Open House and Workshop #1 will occur in Ashland and be open to the public; however, pending further COVID-19 restrictions on in-person meetings, the budget for Open House and Workshop #1 will be reallocated to Online Open House #1 and the online version will be accompanied by a series of virtual live events via YouTube or Facebook. The City may also choose to host pop-up events at local community centers, grocery stores, or other locations that attract a broad cross-section of the population. 3.7 Online Open House #1 Consultant shall upload Open House and Workshop #1 materials to the Project Website and encourage the use of the interactive map to provide comments. Consultant shall prepare summary of comments received. Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 16 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon 3.8 Final Tech Memos #2 and #3 Consultant shall revise Draft Tech Memos #2 and #3 incorporating comments from TAC Meeting #1, Community and Small Group Briefing #1, Open House and Workshop #1, and Online Open House #1 within one week after Open House and Workshop #1. Consultant shall post Final Tech Memos #2 and #3 to Project Website and provide to PMT within two weeks of receiving comments. City Deliverables 3a Draft Tech Memo #3 - Inventory Documents (Subtask 3.1) 3b TAC Meeting #1 (Subtask 3.2) 3c CAC Meeting #1 (Subtask 3.3) 3d Distribution of Task 3 Publicity materials (Subtask 3.4) 3e Community and Small Group Briefing #1 (Subtask 3.5) 3f Open House and Workshop #1 (Subtask 3.6) 3g Review and Comments on Task 3 Deliverables Consultant Deliverables 3A Draft Tech Memo #3: Existing Conditions Inventory and Analysis (Subtask 3.1) 3B TAC Meeting #1 (Subtask 3.2) 3C CAC Meeting #1 (Subtask 3.3) 3D Task 3 Publicity (Subtask 3.4) 3E Comments on Community and Small Group Briefing #1 PowerPoint (Subtask 3.5) 3F Open House and Workshop #1 (Subtask 3.6) 3G Online Open House #1 (Subtask 3.7) 3H Final Tech Memos #2 and #3 (Subtask 3.8) TASK 4: FUTURE CONDITIONS The purpose of this task is to analyze future multimodal travel demand and identify gaps and deficiencies within the transportation infrastructure. Future needs shall be based on population and employment forecasts and distributions shall be consistent with the comprehensive plan with a 20‐year forecast from expected date of TSP adoption. 4.1 Draft Tech Memo #4: Future Systems Conditions Consultant shall prepare initial and revised Draft Tech Memo #4, an assessment of land use and future transportation system conditions in the Project Area under a “no-build” scenario. Consultant shall rely only on completed transportation improvements and planned transportation improvements that have an identified and committed funding source, in preparing the “no-build” scenario (for example, are in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program). Draft Tech Memo #4 must include the elements listed below: Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 17 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon 1. Population and Employment Forecasts Consultant shall summarize the future population and employment data. 2. Future No-Build Scenario Consultant shall prepare traffic analysis, qualitative multimodal assessment of transit and Bicycle and Pedestrian Level of Traffic Stress under a no-build scenario for automobile and non-automobile transportation. 3. Future Deficiencies Consultant shall identify projected future transportation system deficiencies for all transportation modes. Deficiencies include both the failure to meet measurable standards identified in Task 2 Analysis Methodology and Assumptions Memorandum, and the failure to satisfy the goals, objectives, and evaluation criteria identified in Tech Memo #2. Consultant shall clearly describe each deficiency. Consultant shall also include future needs determination based on standards and targets identified in the Oregon Transportation Plan and associated statewide modal and topic plans. Consultant shall submit Draft Tech Memo #4 to PMT for review and comment. Consultant shall prepare and submit revised Draft Tech Memo #4 to the TAC and CAC one week prior to TAC and CAC Meetings #2 after receiving comments from the PMT. City Deliverables 4a Review and Comment on Task 4 Deliverables Consultant Deliverables 4A Draft Tech Memo #4: Future Systems Conditions (Subtask 4.1) TASK 5: SOLUTIONS DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION The purpose of this task is to develop and evaluate solutions that are consistent with the vision, goals, objectives and performance measures (criteria) established in Task 2. 5.1 Draft Tech Memo #5: Alternatives Analysis Consultant shall prepare initial and revised Draft Tech Memo #5 identifying up to three alternative solution packages that address the identified deficiencies and needs. Alternatives must address the standards, goals, and objectives identified in Tech Memo 2. Consultant shall coordinate with City to solicit comments from TPAU and ODOT’s Region 3 Traffic regarding the potential of the solution packages and recommended improvements on ODOT’s facilities. Consultant shall provide an evaluation matrix for the alternative solution packages, utilizing the evaluation criteria identified in Tech Memo #2. Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 18 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon Consultant shall estimate conceptual construction and operational costs for alternative solution packages. Cost estimates must be planning-level cost estimates, based on year 2020 dollars, and referenced to appropriate escalation factors. Draft Tech Memo #5 must include the elements listed below: 1. Bicycle and Pedestrian Connectivity Consultant shall recommend connectivity, safety, access, and comfort improvements to City’s existing bicycle and pedestrian network, particularly routes that connect to schools, parks and commercial centers. Consultant shall recommend future bicycle and pedestrian network extensions within the Project Area or connecting to existing facilities in adjacent areas. Consultant shall incorporate the existing multi-use trails system and park trail system plans into the planned system. Consultant shall provide recommendations to improve connectivity to the existing multi-use trails system and identify potential future connectivity to multi-use trail system locations within and adjacent to the Project Area. 2. Identification of Auto-Related Alternatives Consultant shall prepare proposed solutions to identified deficiencies for automotive traffic. Consultant shall make a list of recommended changes to street classifications, street design standards, access spacing standards, and roadway segments and intersections with supporting rationale. 3. Transit Consultant shall recommend connectivity, frequency, and accessibility improvements to RVTDs’ existing transit routes and facilities and recommend future transit routing extensions into and beyond the Project Area. 4. Intermodal Route Connectivity Consultant shall recommend intermodal connectivity improvements between City’s existing bicycle and pedestrian networks, as well as any existing or planned transit facilities. Consultant shall recommend future bicycle, pedestrian, and transit network improvements into and beyond the Project Area in a way that supports intermodal connectivity. 5. Freight Consultant shall identify the major freight issues in the Project Area including accessibility, mobility, safety and freight passage through, into, and from City with an emphasis on intermodal connections. Consultant shall recommend freight route improvements (including rail) to the existing transportation system and future freight route improvements to accommodate future land use and transportation system changes. This task includes identifying problem areas such as access issues, roadway constraints, turning radii at intersections, vertical clearance constraints and truck loading zone issues. Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 19 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon 6. Air Consultant shall discuss recommendations developed in the Ashland Airport Master Plan (adoption pending) and the implications for land uses and transportation in Ashland. Consultant shall provide recommendations for ongoing coordination with the Airport and Oregon Department of Aviation. 7. Safe Routes To Schools Consultant shall identify potential alternative connective routes, facility enhancements, and crossing treatments that would improve student safety when walking or biking to school. Consultant shall document these identified alternatives, enhancements, and treatments in a format that can be integrated into the Updated TSP and that can also be crafted to address the needs of future “Safe Routes to Schools” programs. Consultant shall identify school siting and site design factors, as well as student transportation policies, which enhance accessibility for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users. 8. Safety Consultant shall identify study intersections or segments where countermeasures could be applied to reduce crash frequency to mitigate increases in crashes associated with increased traffic volume or future roadway projects. 9. Local Street Connectivity and Extension Plan Consultant shall prepare a list of local street alignment and connectivity improvements in several areas of the Project Area where the local street alignment influences future development of these areas, consistent with City’s local street grid pattern. Consultant shall depict future local street connections in these areas on a map and in text. 10. Emerging Transportation Technologies Consultant shall assess the range of emerging transportation technologies (ridesharing, autonomous vehicles, bike- and scooter-share programs, and the like) that are likely to be implemented in Project Area during the planning horizon. Such technologies shall be identified as discrete projects, policies, and programs, including privately owned and operated systems. 11. Funding Programs Consultant shall prepare a comprehensive list of funding options for consideration by City. Funding options section must include a summary of historic, existing, and future City transportation funding sources. Funding options must include all funding sources available to City in a matrix form, and a brief narrative explaining each option. Consultant shall prepare a future transportation funding plan based on the current and historic transportation funding information in Tech Memo #3 and consistent with Step 15 of Transportation System Planning Guidelines 2018 and ODOT directive, PB-03, Financial Feasibility in System Planning. Consultant shall obtain projected transportation funding and revenue from City. Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 20 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon 12. Development Code Amendments Consultant shall prepare a list of amendments to City’s development code to implement the audit of City’s Zoning Ordinance in Task 2 to comply with OAR 660-012-0045. 13. Transportation Demand Management Consultant shall prepare a list of transportation demand management strategies. Strategies must offer sustainable solutions to help create a multi-modal transportation environment. Consultant shall submit Draft Tech Memo #5 to PMT for review and comment. Consultant shall prepare and submit a revised version of Draft Tech Memo #5 to the TAC and CAC one week prior to TAC and CAC Meeting #2. 5.2 TAC Meeting #2 City shall arrange and Consultant shall conduct TAC Meeting #2 via conference call. The purpose of TAC Meeting #2 is to review and discuss the future baseline transportation conditions in Draft Tech Memo #4 and the alternative solution packages and their performance evaluation in Draft Tech Memo #5. The meeting is not expected to exceed 2 hours. Consultant shall prepare meeting schedule, agendas, and supporting materials for TAC Meeting #2 and meeting minutes afterwards. C5.2 TAC Meeting #2 – In-person Meeting Pending changes to COVID 19 restrictions and City policy regarding in-person meetings, TAC Meeting #2 may be held in Ashland and follow a similar format as indicated above. 5.3 CAC Meeting #2 City shall arrange and Consultant shall conduct CAC Meeting #2. The meeting will occur on the same day and in the same format as TAC Meeting #2. The purpose of CAC Meeting #2 is to review and discuss the future baseline transportation conditions in Draft Tech Memo #4 and the alternative solution packages and their performance evaluation in Draft Tech Memo #5. The meeting is not expected to exceed 2 hours. Consultant shall prepare meeting schedule, agendas, and supporting materials for CAC Meeting #2 and meeting minutes afterwards. 5.4 Task 5 Publicity Consultant shall prepare Task 4 Publicity to provide information regarding the Project in a variety of methods to encourage public participation. Publicity must include: 1. Project Newsletter #2 Project Newsletter #2 must include a Project introduction and include logistical information on the open house and online open house, schedule, and other relevant Project information. City shall distribute Project Newsletter #2 in City’s utility bills and share on its social media accounts. Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 21 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon 2. Project Flyer #2 Project Flyer #2 must include a Project introduction and include logistical information on the open house and online open house, schedule, and other relevant Project information. City shall place Flyer #2 at high-traffic areas to promote the open house. Consultant shall post Flyer #2 to the Project Website. 3. News Release News release must announce the open house. Consultant shall produce and purchase print advertising for the news release to provide notice for the open house. Consultant shall place news release in local newspapers of record. Consultant shall also provide news release to community papers, city newsletters, community calendars, or similar publications in the Project Area. City shall post news release on its social media accounts. 4. Stakeholder Emails Five separate Stakeholder Emails distributed by City to recipients in the stakeholder database to include the following subject areas: • CAC Meeting #2, • Project Newsletter #2, • Announce the in-person Open House and Workshop #2, and • Online Open House #2 as well as pertinent information regarding next steps. Consultant shall submit draft Task 5 Publicity materials to PMT for review and make revisions to address comments. 5.5 Community and Small Group Briefings #2 City shall arrange and consultant shall conduct Community and Small Group Briefing #2 to meet with identified stakeholders with common interests (i.e., the same geographic area, businesses, and church groups) as identified in the Task 1 PICP to update them on the Project and obtain their input on alternative solution packages to meet deficiencies. Community and Small Group Briefing #2 is anticipated to occur at a regularly scheduled Transportation Commission meeting and be one hour in duration. City shall produce a PowerPoint for Community and Small Group Briefing #2. Consultant shall review PowerPoint and provide comments to City. 5.6 Open House and Workshop #2 City shall arrange and Consultant shall conduct Open House and Workshop #2 to offer input on alternative packages to address deficiencies. The open house and workshop will occur in Ashland on the same day or on the day following Community and Small Group Briefing #2 and will take up to three hours. Consultant shall prepare written handouts, display boards, and other visual media to facilitate public opportunity and provide to City in advance of meeting for review and revision. Consultant shall prepare an Open House and Workshop #2 handout, sign in sheets, comment forms, and provide an open house Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 22 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon and workshop comment summary. City shall provide location arrangements and logistics and promote the event on its social media accounts. It is assumed that Open House and Workshop #2 will occur in Ashland and be open to the public; however, pending further COVID-19 restrictions on in-person meetings, the budget for Open House and Workshop #2 will be reallocated to Online Open House #2 and the online version will be accompanied by a series of virtual live events via YouTube or Facebook. The City may also choose to host pop-up events at local community centers, grocery stores, or other locations that attract a broad cross-section of the population. 5.7 Online Open House #2 Consultant shall upload Open House and Workshop #2 materials to the Project Website and encourage the use of the interactive map to provide comments. Consultant shall prepare summary of comments received. 5.8 Final Tech Memos #4 and #5 Consultant shall revise Draft Tech Memos #4 and #5 incorporating comments received from TAC Meeting #2, CAC Meeting #2, Community and Small Group Briefing #2, Open House and Workshop #2 and Online Open House #2. Consultant shall post Final Tech Memos #4 and #5 to Project Website and provide Final Tech Memos #4 and #5 to PMT within two weeks of receiving comments. City Deliverables 5a TAC Meeting #2 (Subtask 5.2) 5b CAC Meeting #2 (Subtask 5.3) 5d Task 5 Publicity (Subtask 5.4) 5e Community and Small Group Briefing #2 (Subtask 5.5) 5f Open House and Workshop #2 (Subtask 5.6) 5g Review and Comment on Task 4 Deliverables Consultant Deliverables 5A Draft Tech Memo #5: Alternatives Analysis and Funding Program (Subtask 5.1) 5B TAC Meeting #2 (Subtask 5.2) 5C CAC Meeting #2 (Subtask 5.3) 5D Task 5 Publicity (Subtask 5.4) 5E Comments on Community and Small Group Briefing #2 PowerPoint (Subtask 5.5) 5F Open House and Workshop #2 (Subtask 5.6) 5G Online Open House #2 (Subtask 5.7) 5H Final Tech Memos #4 and #5 (Subtask 5.8) Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 23 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon TASK 6: FUNDING PROGRAM The purpose of this task is to identify the preferred alternatives along with revenue streams, both existing and anticipated, that will support proposed projects and programs. 6.1 Draft Tech Memo #6: Preferred Alternatives Consultant shall prepare initial and revised Draft Tech Memo #6, identifying preferred and cost- constrained alternatives based on earlier Tech Memos, the 2013 TSP, and input received from the PMT, TAC, CAC and public. Draft Tech Memo #6 must include the elements listed below: 1. Selection of Preferred Alternatives Consultant shall identify a preferred alternative for each deficiency or need and, if different, a cost- constrained alternative taking into account the revenue forecast for each deficiency or need, consistent with Step 15 of Transportation System Planning Guidelines 2018. Identification of alternatives must include, in addition to those elements required by the Transportation Planning Rules, the following elements: a) Projects necessary to reduce transportation barriers to key development and redevelopment areas. b) Corridor improvement needs. c) Access management strategies for City, County, and State arterials and collectors. d) Identification of improvements that could be incorporated into a future “Safe Routes to Schools” plan, including school siting, site planning, and student transportation policies. e) Planning-level cost estimates referenced to an appropriate escalation factor for updates. f) A list of features needing approval (e.g., marked crosswalks on State Highways). Preferred improvements to ODOT’s facilities must be coordinated with ODOT’s Region 3 Traffic. 2. Future Transportation Funding Plan Consultant shall prepare a future transportation funding plan based on the current and historic transportation funding information in Tech Memo #3 and consistent with Step 15 of Transportation System Planning Guidelines 2018 and ODOT Directive PB-03, Financial Feasibility in System Planning. 3. Project Prioritization Tool The preferred alternatives shall be prioritized based on how well they meet the goals, objectives, and evaluation criteria developed in Task 2 as well as other criteria as identified by the PMT. Consultant shall format the prioritization tool so that it can be used by the City to reevaluate priorities over time. Consultant shall submit Draft Tech Memo #6 to PMT for review and comment. Consultant shall prepare and submit a revised version of Draft Tech Memo #6 to the TAC and CAC one week prior to TAC and CAC Meeting #3. Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 24 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon 6.2 TAC Meeting #3 City shall arrange and Consultant shall conduct TAC Meeting #3 via conference call. The purpose of TAC Meeting #3 is to discuss proposed preferred alternatives and funding plan in Draft Tech Memo #6. The meeting is not expected to exceed 2 hours. Consultant shall prepare the meeting schedule, written agendas, and supporting materials for TAC Meeting #3 and shall prepare meeting minutes afterwards. C6.2 TAC Meeting #3 – In-person Meeting Pending changes to COVID 19 restrictions and City policy regarding in-person meetings, TAC Meeting #3 may be held in Ashland and follow a similar format as indicated above. 6.3 CAC Meeting #3 City shall arrange and Consultant shall conduct CAC Meeting #3. The meeting will occur on the same day and in the same format as TAC Meeting #3. The purpose of CAC Meeting #3 is to discuss proposed preferred alternatives and funding plan in Draft Tech Memo #6. The meeting is not expected to exceed 2 hours. Consultant shall prepare the meeting schedule, written agendas, and supporting materials for CAC Meeting #3 and shall prepare meeting minutes afterwards. 6.4 Task 6 Publicity Consultant shall prepare Task 6 Publicity to provide information regarding the Project in a variety of methods to encourage public participation. Publicity must include: 4. Project Newsletter #3 Project Newsletter #3 must include a Project introduction and include logistical information on the open house and online open house, schedule, and other relevant Project information. City shall distribute Project Newsletter #3 in City’s utility bills and share on its social media accounts. 5. Project Flyer #3 Project Flyer #3 must include a Project introduction and include logistical information on the open house and online open house, schedule, and other relevant Project information. City shall place Flyer #3 at high-traffic areas to promote the open house. Consultant shall post Flyer #3 to the Project Website. 6. News Release News release must announce the open house. Consultant shall produce and purchase print advertising for the news release to provide notice for the open house. Consultant shall place news release in local newspapers of record. Consultant shall also provide news release to community papers, city newsletters, community calendars, or similar publications in the Project Area. City shall post news release on its social media accounts. 7. Stakeholder Emails Five separate Stakeholder Emails distributed by City to recipients in the stakeholder database to include the following subject areas: Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 25 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon • CAC Meeting #3, • Project Newsletter #3, • Announce the in-person Open House and Workshop #3, and • Online Open House #3 as well as pertinent information regarding next steps. Consultant shall submit draft Task 6 Publicity materials to PMT for review and make revisions to address comments. 6.5 Community and Small Group Briefings #3 City shall arrange and consultant shall conduct Community and Small Group Briefing #3 to meet with identified stakeholders with common interests (i.e. the same geographic area, businesses, church groups) as identified in the PICP to update them on the Project and obtain input on proposed preferred alternatives and funding plan. Community and Small group Briefing #3 is anticipated to be one hour in duration. City shall produce a PowerPoint for the Community and Small Group Briefing #3. Consultant shall review PowerPoint and provide comments to City. 6.6 Open House and Workshop #3 City shall arrange and Consultant shall conduct Open House and Workshop #3 to offer input on proposed preferred alternatives and funding plan. The open house and workshop will occur in Ashland on the same day or on the day following Community and Small Group Briefings #3 and will take up to three hours. Consultant shall prepare written handouts, display boards, and other visual media to facilitate public opportunity and provide to City in advance of meeting for review and revision. Consultant shall prepare an Open House and Workshop #3 handout, sign in sheets, comment forms, and provide an open house and workshop comment summary. City shall provide location arrangements and logistics and promote the event on its social media accounts. It is assumed that Open House and Workshop #3 will occur in Ashland and be open to the public; however, pending further COVID-19 restrictions on in-person meetings, the budget for Open House and Workshop #3 will be reallocated to Online Open House #3 and the online version will be accompanied by a series of virtual live events via YouTube or Facebook. The City may also choose to host pop-up events at local community centers, grocery stores, or other locations that attract a broad cross-section of the population. 6.7 Online Open House #3 Consultant shall upload Open House and Workshop #3 materials to the Project Website and encourage the use of the interactive map to provide comments. Consultant shall prepare summary of comments received. 6.8 Transportation Commission Work Session #1 City shall arrange and Consultant shall conduct Transportation Commission Work Session #1. The purpose of Transportation Commission Work Sessions #1 is to discuss proposed preferred alternatives and funding plan in Draft Tech Memo #6. Consultant shall prepare the meeting schedule, written agendas, and supporting materials and meeting summary afterwards. Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 26 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon 6.9 Joint Planning Commission and City Council Work Session #1 City shall arrange and Consultant shall conduct Joint Planning Commission and City Council Work Session #1. The purpose of Planning Commission and City Council Work Session #1 is to discuss proposed preferred alternatives and funding plan in Draft Tech Memo #6. Consultant shall prepare the meeting schedule, written agendas, and supporting materials and meeting summary afterwards. City shall prepare legally required minutes. 6.10 Final Tech Memo #6 Consultant shall revise Draft Tech Memo #6 incorporating Task 5 comments. Consultant shall post Final Tech Memo #6 to Project Website and provide to PMT within two weeks of receiving comments. City Deliverables 6a TAC Meeting #3 (Subtask 6.2) 6b CAC Meeting #3 (Subtask 6.3) 6d Task 6 Publicity (Task 6.4) 6e Community and Small Group Briefings #3 (Subtask 6.5) 6f Open House and Workshop #3 (Subtask 6.6) 6g Transportation Commission Work Session #1 (Subtask 6.8) 6h Joint Planning Commission and City Council Work Session #1 (Subtask 6.9) 6i Review and Comment on Task 6 Deliverables Consultant Deliverables 6A Draft Tech Memo #6: Preferred Alternatives (Subtask 6.1) 6B TAC Meeting #3 (Subtask 6.2) 6C CAC Meeting #3 (Subtask 6.3) 6D Task 6 Publicity (Subtask 6.4) 6E Comments on Community and Small Group Briefing #3 PowerPoint (Subtask 6.5) 6F Open House and Workshop #3 (Subtask 6.6) 6G Online Open House #3 (Subtask 6.7) 6H Transportation Commission Work Session #1 (Subtask 6.8) 6I Joint Planning Commission and City Council Work Session #1 (Subtask 6.9) 6J Final Tech Memo #6 (Subtask 6.10) TASK 7: FINAL DOCUMENTATION The purpose of this task is to compile all technical documents created into a final comprehensive document that will shape the transportation system throughout the planning period. The document should be inclusive of all modes and describe a cohesive link between them and the transportation network. Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 27 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon The City of Ashland would like the fiscally constrained plan to account for transportation network improvements that are cohesive and provide a complete benefit to all modes when and if possible. In addition, recommended improvements need to account for other planned infrastructure projects (water, storm, sewer, roadway maintenance) within the City’s adopted 20‐year capital improvement program. The final plan should document improvements that when feasible serve all modes along with the network area they benefit. 7.1 Draft Updated TSP Consultant shall prepare initial and revised Draft Updated TSP updating 2013 TSP and incorporating earlier Tech Memos #1 – #6 and the additional comments received. Draft Updated TSP must include the following: A. Maps showing each updated future network and a comprehensive map showing all networks; B. Prioritized list of multi-modal projects with planning-level cost estimates, including escalation factor estimates; C. Project summary prospectus sheets, including Project costs, location map, and cross-section; D. Funding strategy for near term fiscally constrained projects throughout the Project Area and planning horizon; and E. Access spacing standards Draft Updated TSP must summarize the following in either the report body or appendix: i. Transportation System Summary • Inventory of entire transportation system for all modes of travel. ii. Transportation Goals, Plans, and Policy Framework • Survey of state, regional, and local plans, policies, rules and regulations; identify relationships, conflicts, and discrepancies within and between these documents. • Goals and objectives supporting the community’s vision. • A discrete, actionable set of policies which capture the opportunities and strategies supporting an Updated TSP and otherwise reflect the intent of Goal 12 “to provide and encourage a safe, convenient, and economical transportation system.” iii. Existing Conditions • Analysis of existing traffic conditions for all modes of travel: volumes, Level-of-Service, turning movements, queuing, mobility, and safety for all through streets and intersections. Areas of significant queuing or traffic safety concerns. iv. Future Demand and Land Use • Existing and future land uses to estimate traffic generation in the community, as well as future through traffic. Trip distribution, including estimates of trip ends per land use type, total annual trip ends. Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 28 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon v. Safety Plan • A Safety Plan that aligns with current goals in the Oregon Transportation Safety Action Plan and identifies cost-effective opportunities to obtain programed safety funds (e.g., Highway Safety Improvement Program funding, Safe Routes to Schools) to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes through the ODOT All Roads Transportation Safety Program. This must include systemic applications which may be viable with a demonstrated benefit cost ratio (e.g., bike and pedestrian). vi. Pedestrian Plan • A Pedestrian Plan aligned with current intermodal policy goals. • Examination and analysis of existing facilities. Recommendations for improvements and design standards. Focus on safety and gaps in the pedestrian network. Special emphasis must be placed on connectivity among primary pedestrian facilities and intermodal linkages. • Comprehensive and prioritized list of improvements, including itemized planning-level cost estimates. vii. Bicycle Plan • A Bicycle Plan aligned with current intermodal policy goals. • Examination and analysis of existing facilities. Recommendations for improvements and design standards. Focus on safety and gaps in the bicycle network. • Comprehensive and prioritized list of improvements, including itemized planning-level cost estimates. viii. Transit Plan • Examination and analysis of existing facilities. Recommendations for improvements and design standards. Focus on safety, gaps in the system and intermodal linkages with the pedestrian and bicycle networks. • Comprehensive and prioritized list of improvements, including itemized planning-level cost estimates. • Analysis and recommended improvements must reflect current intermodal policy goals. ix. Motor Vehicle Plan (including Transportation System Management and Truck Freight Plan) • Proposed changes and improvements to best accommodate vehicle traffic within the existing constraints and long-term vision of City. • Focus on impacts to businesses. • Potential to add pedestrian improvements. • Comprehensive and prioritized list of improvements, including itemized planning-level cost estimates. x. Other Modes Plan (Air, Rail and Pipeline) Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 29 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon • Survey of other transportation modes. • Incorporate pertinent elements of the Ashland Airport Master Plan. xi. Funding and Implementation • Examination of historic funding sources and potential future funding sources. Consultant shall submit Draft Updated TSP to PMT in electronic format for review and comment. Consultant shall revise Draft Updated TSP based on City comments. Consultant shall prepare and submit a revision to the TAC and CAC one week prior to Joint TAC and CAC Meeting #4. 7.2 Draft Implementing Ordinances As consistent with TGM guidance documents, Consultant shall prepare initial and revised Draft Implementing Ordinances, specifically amendments to City’s Development Ordinance, necessary for implementing the Draft Updated TSP and its policies and recommendations. Amendments are expected to include: • Street-width standards with the goal of narrowing streets for safety and economy. • Right-size parking standards, looking for opportunities to decrease them. • Traffic Impact Analysis requirements, which may reference ODOT standards or requirements of other similar cities in Oregon. • State transportation planning requirements, including findings for the Transportation Planning Rules, to support adoption of Draft Updated TSP by City. Consultant shall submit revised Draft Implementing Ordinances to the PMT. Consultant shall prepare a revision based on City and APM comments and submit to the TAC and CAC one week prior to Joint TAC and CAC Meeting #4. 7.3 Draft Findings City shall prepare Draft Findings addressing local ordinance requirements to support adoption of the Draft Updated TSP by City and provide to PMT.77.4 Advertising and Media Consultant shall prepare a draft news release announcing updates on the Project, Joint TAC and CAC Meeting #4 and Draft Updated TSP for City finalization and distribution. Consultant shall produce and purchase print advertising for the news release to provide notice for the adoption hearings. Consultant shall place news release in local newspapers of record. Consultant shall also provide news release to community papers, city newsletters, community calendars or similar publications in smaller markets in the Project area. City shall post Advertisements on their social media accounts. 7.4 Advertising and Media Consultant shall prepare a draft news release announcing updates on the Project, Joint TAC and CAC Meeting #4 and Draft Updated TSP for City finalization and distribution. Consultant shall produce and purchase print advertising for the news release to provide notice for the adoption hearings. Consultant Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 30 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon shall place news release in local newspapers of record. Consultant shall also provide news release to community papers, city newsletters, community calendars or similar publications in smaller markets in the Project area. City shall post Advertisements on their social media accounts. 7.5 Stakeholder Emails Consultant shall prepare up to three stakeholder emails to the stakeholder database to provide updates on the Project, Joint TAC and CAC Meeting #4 and Draft Updated TSP. 7.6 Joint TAC and CAC Meeting #4 City shall arrange and Consultant conduct Joint TAC and CAC Meeting #4. The purpose of Joint TAC and CAC Meeting #4 is to review and discuss the Draft Updated TSP and Draft Implementing Ordinances. Consultant shall prepare a meeting schedule, a written agenda, and supporting materials and meeting minutes afterwards. C7.6 Joint TAC and CAC Meeting #4 – In-person Meeting Pending changes to COVID 19 restrictions and City policy regarding in-person meetings, Joint TAC and CAC Meeting #4 may be held in Ashland and follow a similar format as indicated above. 7.7 Adoption Draft Updated TSP, Adoption Draft Implementing Ordinances and Final Findings Consultant shall revise the Draft Updated TSP, Draft Implementing Ordinances, and Draft Findings, incorporating comments received from the PMT, TAC and CAC. 7.8 Department of Land Conservation and Development Notice City shall submit a copy of the Adoption Draft Updated TSP and Draft Implementing Ordinances to the Department of Land Conservation and Development at least 35 days prior to the first evidentiary hearing as directed by Oregon Revised Statutes 197.610 and OAR 660-018-0020. City Deliverables 7a Draft Findings (Subtask 7.3) 7b Advertising and Media (Subtask 7.4) 7c Joint TAC and CAC Meeting #4 (Subtask 7.6) 7d Department of Land Conservation and Development Notice (Subtask 7.8) 7e Review and Comment on Task 7 Deliverables Consultant Deliverables 7A Draft Updated TSP (Subtask 7.1) 7B Draft Implementing Ordinances (Subtask 7.2) 7C Advertising and Media (Subtask 7.4) 7D Stakeholder Emails (Subtask 7.5) Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 31 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon 7E Joint TAC and CAC Meeting #4 (Subtask 7.6) 7F Adoption Draft Updated TSP, Adoption Draft Implementing Ordinances and Final Findings (Subtask 7.7) 3.2.8 MAJOR TASK 8: ADOPTION PROCESS The purpose of this task is to navigate the adoption process through public hearings at the Planning Commission and City Council levels. 8.1 Transportation Commission Work Session #2 City shall arrange and conduct Transportation Commission Work Session #2 for presentation of the Adoption Draft Updated TSP, Adoption Draft Implementing Ordinances, and Final Findings. Consultant shall attend Transportation Commission Work Session #2 to present documents and answer questions. 8.2 Joint Planning Commission and City Council Work Session #2 City shall arrange and conduct Joint Planning Commission and City Council Work Session #2 for presentation of the Adoption Draft Updated TSP, Adoption Draft Implementing Ordinances, and Final Findings. Consultant shall attend Joint Planning Commission and City Council Work Session #2 to present documents and answer questions. 8.3 Transportation Commission Hearing City shall arrange and conduct the Transportation Commission Hearing for consideration of the Adoption Draft Updated TSP, Adoption Draft Implementing Ordinances, and Final Findings. Consultant shall attend hearing to present documents and answer questions. 8.4 Planning Commission Hearing City shall arrange and conduct the Planning Commission Hearing for consideration of the Adoption Draft Updated TSP, Adoption Draft Implementing Ordinances, and Final Findings. Consultant shall attend hearing to present documents and answer questions. 8.5 City Council Hearing City shall arrange and conduct City Council Hearing for consideration of Adoption Draft Updated TSP, Adoption Draft Implementing Ordinances, and Final Findings for approval and adoption. Consultant shall attend hearing to present documents and answer questions. 8.6 Final Updated TSP and Final Implementing Ordinances Consultant shall revise the Adoption Draft Updated TSP and Final Implementing Ordinances to reflect City Council actions. Consultant shall submit three bound “hard” copies and one electronic copy of the Final Updated TSP and Final Implementing Ordinances to City. City shall submit electronic copies of the adopted Final Updated TSP and Final Implementing Ordinances to the Department of Land Conservation Ashland Transportation System Plan Project #: 24505.0 July 6, 2021 Page 32 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Portland, Oregon and Development. Consultant shall submit one bound “hard” copy and one electronic copy of the Final Updated TSP and Final Implementing Ordinances to ODOT. 8.7 Public and Stakeholder Involvement and Communications Summary Report Consultant shall prepare draft and final Public and Stakeholder Involvement and Communications Summary Report to summarize the activities, their effectiveness, and lessons learned of the following: • Committee meetings • Public meetings and open houses • Community and small group briefings • Stakeholder Database • Comment Log summary and key public issues • Project Website analytics Consultant shall submit draft Public and Stakeholder Involvement and Communications Summary Report to City and APM for review and make revisions to address comments. 8.8 Title VI Report City shall prepare and submit to ODOT a report delineating Title VI activities, and documenting Project processes and outreach for all low income, race, gender, and age groups. City Deliverables 8a Transportation Commission Work Session #2 (Subtask 8.1) 8b Joint Planning Commission and City Council Work Session #2 (Subtask 8.2) 8c Transportation Commission Hearing (Subtask 8.3) 8c Planning Commission Hearing (Subtask 8.4) 8d City Council Hearing (Subtask 8.5) 8e Submit Final Updated TSP and Final Implementing Ordinances to DLCD (Subtask 8.6) 8f Title VI Report (Subtask 8.8) 8f Review and Comment on Task 8 Deliverables Consultant Deliverables 8A Transportation Commission Work Session #2 (Subtask 8.1) 8B Joint Planning Commission and City Council Work Session #2 (Subtask 8.2) 8C Transportation Commission Hearing (Subtask 8.3) 8D Planning Commission Hearing (Subtask 8.4) 8E City Council Hearing (Subtask 8.5) 8F Final Updated TSP and Final Implementing Ordinances (Subtask 8.6) 8G Public and Stakeholder Involvement and Communications Summary Report (Subtask 8.7)