HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Packet March 2021 Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Transportation Commission meeting is encouraged to do so. If you wish to speak, please rise and, after you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and complete address for the record. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair. AASSHHLLAANNDD TTRRAANNSSPPOORRTTAATTIIOONN CCOOMMMMIISSSSIIOONN MMaarrcchh 1188,, 22002211 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 PM, Meeting held virtually via Zoom II. ANNOUNCEMENTS III. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes: February 18, 2021 IV. PUBLIC FORUM (6:05-6:20) A. Public Forum-if you wish to speak during public forum please register with Shannon.burruss@ashland.or.us by 10am March 17th. B. If you wish to provide public comment or discuss an agenda item please contact Shannon.burruss@ashland.or.us by March 17th by 10am to register to participate. Written comments can also be submitted in the same time frame. C. If you are interested in watching the meeting via Zoom please utilize the following link: https://zoom.us/j/91780634005 V. ACCIDENT REPORT (6:20-6:30) VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Local Road and Street Safety for non-engineers presentation (6:30-7:45, no action required, Presentation by Mojie Takallou from Portland State University, see attached flyer). VII. OLD BUSINESS A. Capital Improvement Program (7:45-7:55, no action required, staff update from March 16, 2021 Council Meeting). VIII. TASK LIST (If time allows) A. Discuss current action item list IX. FOLLOW UP ITEMS A. Bike Map Development X. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS (If time allows) A. Normal Avenue Traffic Calming Application B. Tolman Creek Intersection Advance Plans (ODOT) XI. COMMISSION OPEN DISCUSSION (If time allows) XII. FUTURE AGENDA TOPICS A. TSP Update B. 20 Is Plenty Program C. Residential Parking Program D. Street User Fee/Gas Tax (budget process) E. Crosswalk Policy XIII. ADJOURNMENT: 8:00 PM Next Meeting Date: April 15, 2021 Meeting In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Public Works Office at 488-5587 (TTY phone number 1 800 735 2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title I). Transportation Commission Contact List as of February 2021 Name Title Telephone Mailing Address Email Address Expiration of Term Mark Brouillard Commissioner 206-661-7085 159 Helman St mtbrouillard@msn.com 4/30/2023 Joe Graf Commissioner 541-488-8429 1160 Fern St. jlgtrans15@gmail.com 4/30/2021 Corinne Vièville Commissioner 541-488-9300 or 541-944-9600 805 Glendale Ave. corinne@mind.net 4/30/2022 Derrick Claypool-Barnes Commissioner 503-482-9271 1361 Quincy St #6F dorkforest@gmail.com 4/30/2021 Linda Peterson Adams Commissioner 541-554-1544 642 Oak St gardengriotashland@gmail.com 4/30/2022 Katharine Danner Commissioner 541-482-2302 PO Box 628 ksd@mtashland.net 4/30/2022 Bruce Borgerson Commissioner 541-488-5542 209 Sleepy Hollow Dr wave@mind.net 4/30/2023 Non-Voting Ex Officio Membership Scott Fleury Director, Public Works 541-488-5587 20 E. Main Street scott.fleury@ashland.or.us Paula Hyatt Council Liaison 20 E. Main Street Paula.Hyatt@council.ashland.or.us Brandon Goldman Planning Department 541- 488-5305 20 E. Main Street goldmanb@ashland.or.us Steve MacLennan Police Department 541- 552-2433 20 E. Main Street maclenns@ashland.or.us Vacant SOU Liaison 541-552-8328 1250 Siskiyou Blvd Dan Dorrell, PE ODOT 541- 774-6354 100 Antelope Rd WC 97503 Dan.w.dorrell@odot.state.or.us Edem Gómez RVTD 541-608-2411 3200 Crater Lake Av 97504 egomez@rvtd.org Jenna Stanke ODOT 541- 774-5925 100 Antelope Rd WC 97503 Jenna.MARMON@odot.state.or.us David Wolske Airport Commission david@davidwolske.com Vacant Ashland Parks Vacant Ashland Schools Staff Support Scott Fleury Public Works Director 541-488-5347 20 E. Main Street Scott.fleury@ashland.or.us Karl Johnson Associate Engineer 541-552-2415 20 E. Main Street johnsonk@ashland.or.us Shannon Burrus Permit Technician 541-552-2428 20 E. Main Street Shannon.burrus@ashland.or.us ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES February 18th, 2021 Transportation Commission February 18th, 2021 Page 1 of 3 These minutes are pending approval by this Commission CALL TO ORDER: 6:00pm Commissioners Present: Mark Brouillard, Joe Graf, Corinne Vièville, Linda Peterson Adams, Katharine Danner, Bruce Borgerson, Derrick Claypool-Barnes Commissioners Not Present- None Council Liaison Present: Paula Hyatt Staff Present: Scott Fleury Guests Present: Paige West-RVTD ANNOUNCEMENTS – None CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes 01.21.21 Vièville asks to check the spelling of her name. Graff makes distinction on his expression of concern as written in previous minutes, wanting to clarify his intent in his statement referring to “20 is Plenty” update, Commissioner Graff’s intention of the statement was to state he was concerned that the only projected outcome of the study that can hold confidence, is accident severity will go down, the remaining goals contained in the report, he’s not confident that they will happen. (Clarification to added minutes). Graf motions to approve minutes as amended, Danner seconds. All ayes, motion carries. PUBLIC FORUM -None ACCIDENT REPORT: MacLennan reports that accidents continue to be down, he reports on accidents contained within Traffic Accident report in the Agenda Packet. He relays that three accidents contained in the report are on private property and informs Commission that the recently moved ‘Ashland’ sign was hit by a vehicle. NEW BUSINESS A. RVTD Presentation- West presents via slide show as outlined in Agenda Packet and facilitates some general questions from Commission members. West mentions that because the initial data she’s presenting was collected during COVID restrictions that it is likely flawed and would like to return in another year to present the new data. Currently the plan is to run the program into June of 2022, with one-year extensions possible until 2024. B. Bike Corral Encroachment- Fleury discusses request for the addition of a bike corral for bicycle parking adjacent to 21 Winburn Way, the request is for a space that is currently 15-minute parking. Brouillard relays that he is against the proposal due to the underutilization of current bike parking areas. Claypool-Barnes states he disagrees that current underutilization should be taken into account and that the Commission’s multimodal future goals should be considered. Vièville voices problems with adding more bike racks on narrow sidewalks as they can cause walking hazards. Borgerson states he’s hesitant to make a decision until checking with residents on whether they utilize the 15-minute space in question. He also feels that the park side of the street would be the safer option due to the corner and traffic. Fleury addresses Commission’s concerns. Graff states support for the application as presented. Brouillard states he’d rather to see a bike rack in a parking space on the Park side, near the fire hydrant. Motion: Graf motions to approve application as written, Danner seconds. ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES February 18th, 2021 Transportation Commission February 18th, 2021 Page 2 of 3 These minutes are pending approval by this Commission Discussion: Vièville asks if Fleury’s statement about investigating the possibility/need of adding another 15- minute parking space to replace the existing one, affected by the motion, will happen. It is clarified that this motion does not include that action, and simply passed the application as it is written, and to add it would need an amendment. Brouillard is concerned that passing this motion will set a precedent for other businesses with 15-minute parking spots to ask for bike racks also. Danner wonders if there has been any word from the people who use the Calle Guanajuato, there has not. Borgerson asks Fleury if it turns out that businesses miss the 15-minute spot if they can then reach out to the City and request one. Fleury states that if the motion passes and people complain that the spot is gone, he will be the first person to hear about it, then the current process will lead to the Transportation Commission to make a decision on a new 15- minute spot if requested. Six Ayes (Borgerson, Claypool-Barnes, Danner, Graf, Peterson Adams, and Vièville) One Nay. (Brouillard) Motion Carries. Old Business- A. Capital Improvement Program- Fleury presents information in staff report contained in Agenda Packet. Fleury asks for recommendations for priority projects going into the next biennium. Commission discusses various projects contained in report. Claypool-Barnes expresses opinion that due to the recent economic downturn he feels that there should be a focus on bicycle infrastructure downtown indicating that it could bring in tourists and aid the economy. Commission discusses downtown improvements in relation to the Revitalize Downtown project and whether associated projects should be included in the CIP. Downtown bicycle infrastructure to be added as future agenda item for more in-depth discussion at a late time. Motion: Graf motions to approve Fleury’s priorities as outlined, with the exception of replacing Walker with Wightman and following Fleury’s recommendations regarding bicycle projects. Danner Seconds. Six Ayes (Borgerson, Brouillard, Danner, Graf, Peterson Adams, and Vièville) One Nay. (Claypool-Barnes) Motion Carries. Motion: Graf motions approval of Figure 4, for the 2021-2022 biennium as presented by Fleury. Brouillard Seconds. Six Ayes (Borgerson, Brouillard, Danner, Graf, Peterson Adams, and Vièville) One Nay. (Claypool-Barnes) Motion Carries. ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES February 18th, 2021 Transportation Commission February 18th, 2021 Page 3 of 3 These minutes are pending approval by this Commission TASK LIST A. Discuss current action item list FOLLOW UP ITEMS A. Bike Map Development B. Council Presentation INFORMATIONAL ITEMS- None COMMISSION OPEN DISCUSSION- FUTURE AGENDA TOPICS A. Traffic Safety Presentation (Portland State University-Mojie Takallou) B. Street User Fee/Gas Tax (Budget Process) C. Crosswalk Policy ADJOURNMENT: @ 8:15pm Respectfully submitted, Shannon Burruss Permit Technician-Engineering and Public Works **Full Video Available by Request** 2/27/2021 Mayor Akins and Councilors, As you enter into the arduous and exciting process of strategic planning to help our community “retain our small-town character even as we grow” and to provide direction for adapting to the challenges produced by climate change especially related to the threat of wildfire, I would just like to impress upon you the assets you have in this community to help you accomplish goals and promote action to address these challenges. Furthering engagement of citizens can help you. We are a community full of committed individuals who,with a myriad of interests and abilities, come together as volunteers to help end food insecurity(AFP), bring educational opportunities(OLLI),tend our parks(VIP), provide housing (OHRA) advocate Ashland’s Climate and Energy Action Plan(SOCAN-ACAP), usher at the theater(OSF), to name a few. Through Ashland Municipal Code, you are supported by a legion of appointed volunteers in a number of Commissions to advise you on everything from a public art installation to the building of entire neighborhoods. We are your first line of action and should be the first engaged and supported by communication from you as well as to you. From work that I have done with the Transportation Commission, I am firmly convinced that the link from citizens to citizen Commissions(with the assiduous work of Staff) to Council Liaisons to Council and back to citizens should be strengthened. Otherwise, the work that we do as Commissioners is diminished, if not wasted. As you know, the Transportation Commission, the Climate Policy Commission and the Conservation and Climate Outreach Commission formed a Working Group which has produced a 45 page report on the Benefits of Speed Reduction. Support for the recommendations from this report have been adopted by all three commissions with additional support from other advocacy groups. It is this kind of collaboration amongst commissions that has potential for increasing communication and at the same time, put into action steps that help “retain our small-town character even as we grow”. Thank you for your time. Kind regards, Linda Peterson Adams 642 Oak Street (541)554-1544 Feb 2021 Accidents Motor Vehicle (12) Bike/Ped Involved (3) Previous 2021 Accidents Motor Vehicle (9) Bike/Ped Involved (2) Traffic AccidentsFeb 2021 NO. OF ACCIDENTS: 15 Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ.DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR Rep 1 14:51 Mon W Hersey @ Water St 1 N 2 Y N N Y Y N N Driver vehicle making a left turn from W Hersey onto Water St struck 2 power assist bicycles. Cyclists were transported to ACH for treatment. Rep 1 19:36 Mon Lithia Way near Oak St 2 N N N N Y Y N N N Dv2 attempted to merge left and struck v1. Dv2 cited for unlawful lane change and no operator's license. Rep 3 13:58 Wed E Main St at First St 1 Y N N N N Y N N N Ped safely crossed 1st and 2nd lane, then v1 in lane 3 struck pedestrian. Ped put hands on the hood of the vehicle and was pushed to the mid of the intersection and then walked off. Driver was referred to driver safety unit. Rep 3 21:00 Wed A St near Sixth St 3 N N N N N Y U N N Dv1, eastbound on A St, drifted across the road and hit the front of parked v2, and then parked v3. Unknown amount of damage, information exchanged. Rep 4 6:48 Thur Faith St near Clay St 3 N N N N Y Y Y N N DV2 driving with an icy windshield ran into the back corner of parked v1. Dv1 cited for vehicle operation with obstructed windshield. Rep 5 0:13 Fri Park St near Siskiyou Blvd 6 N N P Y Y Y Y U N various locations; driver struck and damaged 5 parked vehicles in a neighborhood. Driver was transported to ACH and also arrested. Rep 6 13:22 Sat Beach St near Glenwood Dr 1 N N N N N Y Y N N Dv1, a 36' mobile home, was attempting to go uphill and around a corner when the brakes failed and it coasted backward and onto private property striking a tree Rep 7 8:25 Sun Siskiyou Blvd 2 N N N N Y Y Y Y N DV struck a parked vehicle and left scene, was later found and admitted fault. Driver cited and released. MONTH: FEBRUARY 2021 MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH SUMMARY Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ.DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR Rep 8 12:45 Mon Ashland St near Clay St 2 N N N N N Y Y N N Dv2 began pulling into the center turn lane when dv1 rearended v2. Substantial damage to both vehicles, information exchanged. Rep 11 0:11 Thur Ashland St at Exit 14 1 N N N Y Y Y Y N N Driver drove across concrete in median, striking a traffic sign, and continued across other traffic lanes, struck a brick barrier and finally parked. Driver was arrested DUII. NR 11 17:23 Thur Wightman St 2 N N N U N N N Y N Vehicle was struck and damaged while parked, no leads. Rep 19 8:35 Fri Parking lot on Ashland St 2 N N N U U Y Y Y N Grocery store parking lot. V2 struck parked v1 and then left the area. Unclear from report if driver was found and cited. Rep 19 9:19 Fri Ashland St at Exit 14 2 N N N N N Y Y N N Dv1 in line to make a left onto the SB onramp stopped behind another vehicle. Dv2 was distracted and rearended v1. Information exchanged. Rep 21 0:52 Sun W Nevada near Willow St 4 N N N Y Y Y Y Y N Dv1 crashed into 3 parked vehicles within a block causing extensive damage. Driver cited MIP, no license, hit and run, and criminal mischief 2. Non injury. Rep 26 17:17 Fri W Nevada at Helman 1 N 1 Y N Y Y N N N Dv1 stopped at intersection, was distracted by a vehicle approaching intersection from the right (south), Dv1 proceded into intersection and struck cyclist who had entered the intersection from the north. Cyclist had minor injury, Dv1 cited ftotcd. G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION\2021 Staff Memos\March 18, 20201\Packet\5. Traffic Safety Education.doc Memo Date: March 11, 2021 From: Scott A. Fleury To: Transportation Commission RE: Traffic Safety Education BACKGROUND: Mojie Takallou from the University of Portland will provide a brief educational opportunity for the Commission. The training flyer is attached for reference. Dr. Takallou has been a faculty member at the University of Portland since 1985. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Civil Engineering from Oregon State University. He has an extensive background in Traffic Engineering, Highway Safety and Highway Design. He is a registered professional Engineer in the states of Oregon and California. For the past thirty years, Dr. Takallou has been providing technical and educational services to local agencies such as cities, counties, law enforcement agencies and Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) personnel responsible for making roadway safety decisions throughout the State of Oregon. Furthermore, his training programs offer a clear understanding of the relationship between engineering, enforcement, and education for providing maximum safety on Oregon’s roadway system. Dr. Takallou developed several highways, roads and streets training modules and developed the “Safety Handbook for Oregon’s Local Roads and Streets”. In addition, he has organized and conducted several hundred workshops with over 17,000 participants on “Improving Safety Features of Highways, Local Roads & Streets”, “Challenges, Strategies and Obligations of Law Enforcement for the 21st Century” and “ Highways, Local Roads and Street Safety for Non-Engineers”. Dr. Takallou has demonstrated expertise in the subject of Highway, Road and Street Safety. He is a very passionate person and has devoted his knowledge and expertise to reduce traffic crashes and save lives in Oregon. CONCLUSION: This is an educational opportunity for the Commission and questions/discussion is encouraged. Proper Use of Traffic Control Devices Traffic Calming Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Speed Management Topics for Review Include: Local Road and StreetSafety for Non-Engineers Presented by: Mojie Takallou, Ph.D., P.E., Department of Civil Engineering, University of Portland Sponsored by: Oregon Department of Transportation, Transportation Safety Division and U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration With the cooperation of: Ashland Public Works Department About the University Founded in 1901, the University of Portland is an independent Catholic university of 4,000 students. The University offers undergraduate and graduate programs in the arts, sciences, humanities, nursing, engineering, business and education. In its education policies, programs, and procedures, the University provides equal opportunity for all its students without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, nationality, or ethnic origin. University Website Highway Safety Website Ashland, OR - Monday, March 18, 2021 - 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. This presentation is designed for persons throughout Oregon with responsibilites related to traffic, road and street safety. The presentation focuses on the types, causes and costs of traffic crashes and the importans of Engineering, Enforcement, Education and Emergency Medical Services. Who Should Attend and Why: The presentation will be of value to elected officials, Transportation Commission members and concerned citizens. 5000 N. Willamette Blvd Portland, Oregon 97203 engineering.up.edu Special Thanks to: Mr. Scott Fleury, Public Works Director for Ashland Public Works Department, for the workshop arrangements. What Other Workshops Are Offered? For further information about other workshops offered in your area, please visit our website. G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION\2021 Staff Memos\March 18, 20201\Packet\7. Capital Improvement Program (March Update).doc Memo Date: March 11, 2021 From: Scott A. Fleury To: Transportation Commission RE: Capital Improvement Program-Roadway, Bicycle and Pedestrian Networks BACKGROUND: The Commission had numerous discussions regarding the transportation elements of the proposed Capital Improvement Program. These discussions lead to recommendations on components of the Bicycle and Pedestrian network projects. These recommendations were included in the final draft CIP document that is scheduled to be presented before Council at the March 16, 2021 Business Meeting. The CIP document was originally scheduled for the March 2nd, 2021 Business Meeting but was postponed due to lack of time for the agenda item. A link to the full CIP document can be found here: https://www.ashland.or.us/SIB/files/CIP_FINAL_with_20_year.pdf Staffs background report for the CIP: https://www.ashland.or.us/SIB/files/030221_Adoption_of_the_2021- 2040_Capital_Improvement_Program_CC.pdf CONCLUSION: No action required by the Commission; this item is a staff update on process regarding the CIP. G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION\2021 Staff Memos\March 18, 20201\Packet\8. March 18, 2021 Action Item List.doc Transportation Commission Action Item List M a r c h 18, 2021 Action Items: 1. Capital Improvement Plan-Review and Recommendation (2020/21) • Review proposed roadway, pedestrian and bicycle network CIP projects for the 2021-2023 budget biennium • Make recommendation on priorities for 2 and 6-year CIP projects 2. TSP Update (2020-21) • Solicitation documents have been submitted and scored by project team • Scope, schedule and fee documents under review (TC December 2019/January 2020/February 2020) • Professional services contract requires Council approval • Schedule Council approval (April 7, 2020) • TSP Postponed until timing to start project is more appropriate (FY22/23) 3. Main St. Crosswalk truck parking (no change) • Analysis is included in the revitalize downtown Ashland plan and was recently discussed during the kickoff meeting. • The Revitalize Downtown Ashland Transportation Growth and Management grant project has begun that will assess safety and parking in the downtown core. (February 2020) No change- March 2020 • The Revitalize Downtown Ashland Project has been cancelled with the expectation to re-start the project at a more appropriate time in the future (1-2 years). 4. Siskiyou Blvd. and Tolman Creek Intersection Improvements • The Oregon Department of Transportation removed median island and restriped Tolman Creek portion of intersection to allow for better right-hand turning truck movements. G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION\2021 Staff Memos\March 18, 20201\Packet\8. March 18, 2021 Action Item List.doc • The Oregon Department of Transportation is also looking at curb ramp design changes to the intersection. (February 2020) No change-March 2020 • Reference ODOT Intersection Change Schematic Drawing (September 2020) • Forwarded TC comments to ODOT regarding review of 60% Design (September 2020) • ODOT Provided Advance Plans of intersection redesign (March 2021) 5. 20 is Plenty Subcommittee Work (November 2021 start) • Mark Brouillard is participating in the 20 mph is plenty subcommittee work with the Climate Policy Commission representatives. • Commission endorsed recommendation developed in the 20 is Plenty report discussed at the January 2021 meeting. Next steps include continued discussion of program and associated strategies for public outreach (education, engineering, enforcement, evaluation), inclusion into the TSP update, updating CIP, and holding a formal Council discussion. • 20 Is Plenty programmatic discussion to be scheduled for April 2021. 6. Railroad District Parking Limitations Review • At a future meeting TBD, discuss current parking limitations in railroad district. G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION\2021 Staff Memos\March 18, 20201\Packet\9. Tolman Creek Intersection Improvements.doc Memo Date: March 11, 2021 From: Scott A. Fleury To: Transportation Commission RE: Tolman Creek and Siskiyou Boulevard Intersection Improvements BACKGROUND: As requested by the Commission ODOT has provided advance plans for intersection improvements at the Tolman Creek and Siskiyou Boulevard intersection. The The proposed improvements provide the following benefits: 1. ODOT would be able to add the fourth crosswalk on Siskiyou. (North side of Siskiyou) 2. There would be additional parking on Tolman Creek. 3. The stop sign in the median on Tolman Creek would be moved to the right shoulder. This stop sign has been hit over a dozen times in less than a year. 4. The new bulb-out would allow for a shorter pedestrian crossing distance/time. CONCLUSION: No action required at this time, informational only in preparation for a formal discussion.