HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Packet June 2023Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Transportation Advisory Comm itte e meeting is encouraged to do so. If you wish to speak, please rise and, after you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and complete address for the record. You will then b e a llow ed to speak. Please note the public testimony may b e lim ite d b y the Cha ir. TTRRAANNSSPPOORRTTAATTIIOONN AADDVVIISSOORRYY CCOOMMMMIITTTTEEEE JJ uu nn ee 1155,, 22002233 AGENDA I. C ALL TO ORDER: 6:00 PM, Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main Street II. ANNOUNCEMENTS III. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approva l of Ma y 28 , 2023 Minutes IV. PUBLIC FORUM (6:05 -6:20) V. NEW BUSINESS A. Crash Summary and Near Miss Data Review (6:20 -7:45, a ction re q uire d , review crash and near m iss d a ta in order to prio ritize locations/intersections/corridors for pote ntia l sa fe ty re la te d improvements). VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. None VII. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Bird Micro-m obility Presentation B. RVTD Route 17 Modifications C. North Mountain Avenue Public Meeting D. Pa rklet Pro gram Downtown Business Survey VIII. AGENDA BUILDING – Future Meetings IX. ADJ OURNMENT: 8:00 PM Next Meeting Date: J uly 20, 2023 In c o mpliance with the Am erica ns with Disa bilities Act, if you need sp e cia l a ssistance to participate in this m e e tin g , plea se em a il scott.fleury@ashland.or.us. Notifica tion 72 hours p rior to the m e e ting will e na ble the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.10 4 ADA Title 1) . ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MAY 25, 2023 Transportation Commission May 25, 2023 Page 1 of 3 CALL TO ORDER: 6:48pm TAC Members present: Mark Brouillard, Joe Graf, Corinne Vièville, Linda Peterson-Adams, Holly Christiansen Staff Present: Scott Fleury, Liz Beckerich Liaison Present: Eric Hansen Guests Present: Edem Gomez (RVTD) ANNOUNCEMENTS None INFORMATIONAL ITEMS ODOT ADA Project Update and Schedule The project is slated to be completed in Ashland by the end of June. The Granite St and Water St intersections have issues that need to be resolved. Fleury will talk to someone at ODOT to get an update on the crosswalks at Ashland Street. Other Fleury talked about the possibility of intersection cameras being installed, and possibly getting them onto Trip Check through ODOT. He has been in touch with ODOT’s IT. Brouillard stated the importance of the public being aware that the cameras are purely informational for weather and traffic conditions, not speed cameras. Fleury responded that he would talk to Dorinda Cottle about putting out the information, as well as doing a utility billing insert. Brouillard stated that he went out to the Ashland Street overpass and measured the elevation. The elevation near the overpass and near the railroad tracks is the same, so the overpass doesn’t need to be there and could be taken down in favor of extending the central bike path. Meeting called to order at 6:48pm CONSENT AGENDA Christiansen motioned to approve the minutes from last month’s meeting. Vièville seconded. All ayes. PUBLIC FORUM Michael Orendurff submitted public comment representing the group Streets for Everyone. They asked that the group imagine a future where Ashland is the premier biking destination in Oregon and everyone including tourists are able to bike wherever they want, providing a healthier lifestyle and therefore healthier population. It would also be better for the planet and the economy. Installing protected bike lanes on N Mountain Ave is the first step, as an actual physical barrier would make people feel safer. UNFINISHED BUSINESS North Mountain Rehabilitation Bike Facility Discussion ORS 810 would allow the speed limit to be lowered to 20mph if it were a residential district, but it’s technically an avenue and staff doesn’t believe it qualifies for a speed reduction. City staff is going to confirm that with Dowell and DKS Engineering who are leading the design efforts for the project. Getting rid of the on-street parking in the area above Hersey down to E Main St was discussed. Fleury stated that it can’t be done without discussion with the public and city council. Graf mentioned that the group should make every effort possible to make a bike path from where the existing bike ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MAY 25, 2023 Transportation Commission May 25, 2023 Page 2 of 3 path comes out near the bridge and where it goes down near the railroad tracks. That way, everyone could get to the downtown area without having to take Siskiyou Blvd. Peterson-Adams asked if adding the protected bike lane would delay the rehabilitation project at all, and Fleury replied no because the bidding process and construction won’t take place until next summer. Peterson-Adams said that the group will keep on trying to get the speed limit on N Mountain Ave lowered to 20mph. Brouillard mentioned that a protected bike lane could work from Siskiyou Blvd to Ivy on S Mountain Ave because there’s room, but it should start at least at Ashland St since students would be able to use it. Graf stated that street parking is dense in some spots. Brouillard suggested that the Cascade Complex be used for parking. Graf responded that there’s other plans for the Cascade area per the University President. Graf explained that the protected bike lanes being installed on N Mountain Ave is part of a larger discussion that will need to come up during planning for Safe Routes to School. Peterson-Adams stated that now that the discussion is on the table, the group can continue to think about it and talk about it when the TSP update is started. Fleury would like to have a public hearing for the residents, probably in July at the earliest, at a Transportation Committee meeting, and then immediately bring it to council. Safe Routes to School Project Identification Program Fleury stated that he requested better language/commonality of language regarding the recommendations, specifically about speed humps. There was good feedback on the walking audits, and there was feedback online as well. Fleury requested that if anyone has any feedback to send it to him and he’ll send it to Alta. Brouillard stated that during this process, traffic calming and traffic anxiety need to be discussed. Graf stated that in the comments from Streets for Everyone, they want to put protected bike lanes basically everywhere, and it would be good to know where that’s feasible since it’s going to come to the group anyway. Also, protected bike lanes and conversion of some roadways to one-way streets should be considered. Parklet Program Fleury stated that ODOT will not allow parklets to be built on Lithia Way, through downtown, or anywhere that they have jurisdiction. On streets that are the city’s jurisdiction the parklet program would be feasible. Hansen stated that the group should survey the business community and see what the Chamber of Commerce could do in terms of gathering data. Fleury stated that he outlined some next steps in coordinating with the Chamber of Commerce and getting feedback. Brouillard mentioned that he asked all the businesses in the plaza, and no one wanted the parklets in the plaza, and were not happy about the possibility. Hansen inquired about the possibility that has been brought up previously of ODOT jurisdiction in south Ashland being transferred to the city. Fleury responded that although it’s been talked about, there isn’t a financially stable funding stream that can handle the rehabilitation of the roadways in the longer term, and he wouldn’t accept jurisdiction of those roadways due to the cost until a stable funding stream is developed. ASHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MAY 25, 2023 Transportation Commission May 25, 2023 Page 3 of 3 NEW BUSINESS Bike Rack Inventory and Mapping Project Fleury asked for two volunteers from the TAC to work with the city GIS technician to walk around the downtown/railroad district area, survey existing bike rack locations, and propose new ones. This would be in an effort to have more bicycle parking. Christiansen and Brouillard volunteered. Brouillard brought up the idea of adding bicycle parking to the Pioneer/Lithia parking lot, the Second St/Enders Alley parking lot, and the Hargadine parking lot. Brouillard made a motion to extend the meeting up to 15 minutes. Vièville seconded all ayes. B Street Bike Boulevard and Corridor Analysis Fleury stated that there’s a project for B Street in the TSP. There’s a traffic calming program in that area that has yet to be implemented, and there’s been complaints about the intersection at B St and Third St. There are plans for a bike boulevard that were worked into the most recent budget. Fleury stated that a good course of action moving forward would be a full corridor analysis and looking at what improvements could made, particularly with traffic calming and traffic safety improvements. The group also discussed A Street and C Street improvements as their would be potential to shift traffic burdens to other roadways depending on the level of improvement completed on B St. The Committee supports moving forward with the corridor analysis. ADJOURNMENT: @ 8:16 Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Beckerich, Administrative Assistant **Full Video Available by Request** May 26, 2023 Rogue Valley Transportation District 3200 Crater Lake Avenue Medford, OR 97504-9075 Attention: Paige West Planning and Strategic Programs Manager Subject: Proposed Route 17 Bus Stop Near 603 Oak Street Ashland, OR Dear Ms. West: This letter is in response to your solicitation letter dated May 15, 2023 regarding the intent of Rogue Valley Transportation District (RVTD), the Ashland Transportation Commission and the City of Ashland to locate a bus stop immediately in front of the gate and sidewalk that is the principal pedestrian access to our property located at 603 Oak Street. We are in opposition to the siting based on the following conditions: 1. If curb space immediately adjacent to our property is dedicated to a bus stop, our property value would surely be negatively impacted. According to Ashland Municipal Code, we are entitled to one (1) “off street parking credit swap” for every 22” of uninterrupted curb. If curb space immediately adjacent to our property is dedicated to a bus stop, our ability to obtain development permits with the City of Ashland could be foreclosed, apparently without any compensation. We believe this siting would cause harm to the owners of 603 Oak Street. A change in land use from community on street parking to dedicated access for a bus stop impacts adjacent and surrounding property owners and residents and should not proceed without a formal public participation process. 2. Based on Ashland Municipal Code 13.04.020, as property owners we are currently liable for injury or damages occurring on the sidewalk adjacent to our property. We have no control over what RVTD would or would not do to keep pedestrian spaces in good condition. Additionally, we have no control over the safety of design of any improvements placed on our adjacent sidewalk by the proponents of this action. We believe that the proponent should provide the community with a formal design that is stamped and sealed by an Oregon-licensed Professional Engineer with demonstrated experience in traffic design. The subject bus stop siting immediately in front of our property unjustly creates uncompensated additional liability for the owners of 603 Oak Street based on increased use and congregation of persons within the sidewalk area adjacent to our property, with such planned congregation and infrastructure immediately blocking pedestrian access to our property. We strongly object to accepting additional liability in this regard. 3. Our parents and many of our visitors are aged and/or handicapped and use the curb immediately in front of our home for parking and use of the principal pedestrian access referenced above to our property. The inability to use that curb would negatively impact our guests and creates a dangerous routine situation for senior and handicapped visitors. In addition to routinely using the space for visitors, deliveries and contractor parking, we also currently use the curb for parking one of our vehicles. The subject siting would adversely impact the value and current use of our property. 4. When we purchased the property, the 45 linear feet of curb parking was of significant value to us. The proposed siting will negatively impact our property value. 5. Because of speeding on Oak Street, which is routine, and the close proximity of the houses near our driveway, it is already very dangerous to exit our driveway. We believe the subject siting is dangerous from a safety aspect to us, our visitors and other drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians on Oak Street. Again, we believe that the proponent should provide a formal public participation process and provide the community with a formal design that is stamped and sealed by an Oregon-licensed Professional Engineer with demonstrated experience in traffic design. In our email correspondence with Paige West, Paige indicated that the RVTD “will consider alternative locations.” The purpose of this letter is to outline our formal objections and to ask for an answer as to whether the proposed location in front of 603 Oak Street is still the proposed location. If the bus stop is proposed as depicted in the photograph we were provided by Paige, we intend to engage legal representation. If the 603 Oak Street siting moves forward, we believe we will experience substantial losses for which we will seek fair compensation. Marvin and Ursula Webster 603 Oak Street Ashland, OR 97520 770-401-4506 uwebster@galaxybright.com CC Ashland Transportation Commission Ashland City Council Memo Date: June 8, 2023 From: Scott A. Fleury To: Transportation Advisory Committee RE: Crash Summary and Near Miss Analysis BACKGROUND: Staff has previously discussed performing a comprehensive review of the Crash Summary and Near Miss data every six months with the Committee. The goal of this review is to categorize the crashes and near misses into a comprehensive list of crashes/near misses that potentially can be resolved through some level of engineering/construction related improvements. This summary review and data partitioning process is meant to show visual hot spots where crashes/near misses occur along the network corridors. Typical crashes that should be cataloged for future reference in development of projects include angle crashes at intersection, bike/ped crashes from turn movements, crashes because of a lack of safety improvements (signage, striping, crosswalks, etc.). Crashes that should not be included generally are those associated with distracted driving (rear end and fixed vehicle object crashes). CONCLUSION: Action required, the Committee is to review the Crash Summary and Near Miss Data and compile a comprehensive list of crashes/near misses that should be compiled into a new data base that can be used moving forward for the Transportation System Plan Update and also future grant/capital projects to improve safety along corridors and at intersections. 1. 2022 Crash Data Set (Jan. – Aug.) + Annual Summary 2. 2023 Crash Data Set (Jan. – May) 3. 2023 Near Miss Data Set (Jan. – May) NO. OF ACCIDENTS: 22 Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR R 2 12:10 Mon LITHIA WAY 2 N N Y N Y Y Y N N Vehicle stopped at red light was rearended by another vehicle. R 4 14:33 Wed ASHLAND ST 2 N N N N U Y Y N N D1 pulled away from stop sign to make a left turn and did not yield to d2 who had right of way on Ashland St. R 5 15:13 Thr E MAIN ST 2 N N N U N Y Y Y N D1, Schoolbus driver, was struck in the rear driver side by V2 who then left the area. N 5 19:17 Thr ASHLAND ST 2 N N N U N Y Y Y N Vehicle was sideswiped in intersection and other driver left the area without contact. No leads R 11 17:17 Wed ASHLAND ST 1 Y N N N N Y N N N ped in crosswalk; Ped was struck while crossing street in crosswalk. NR 11 18:20 Wed FAITH AV 1 N N N N N Y Y N N Driver struck parked vehicle. NR 12 0:30 Thr PARKING LOT 1 N N N U N Y Y Y N Semi truck driver ran into a building causing damage, and then left the area. NR 17 7:03 Tue N PIONEER 2 N N N N N Y Y N N D1 did not see vehicle 2 when entered Roadway causing damage to Vechicle 1 left side bumper and Vechicle 2 right side. R 17 5:23 Tue MALLARD ST 1 N N P Y Y Y Y Y N V1 hit a fence at 33 Mallard St unit 2 while trying to turn onto Mallard from E Main R 17 13:44 Tue FAITH AV 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N Driver struck parked vehicle. NR 18 14:25 Wed WIMER ST 1 N N N N N Y Y N N V1 Slid backward East on Wimer thorugh fence and into tree at 414 Wimer NR 20 22:05 Fri SISKIYOU BLVD 1 N N Y N N Y Y N N DV1 failed to yeild to on coming traffic. DV2 swerved and hit a tree. R 22 13:10 Sun WINBURN WAY 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N DV1 backed into V2 MONTH: JANUARY 2023 MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH SUMMARY Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR R 23 10:05 Mon ASHLAND ST 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N V1 Pulled out of parking lot and Hit V2 traveling East on Ashland St NR 23 10:29 Mon SISKIYOU BLVD 2 N N N N N Y Y N N V1 sideswiped V2 NR 24 12:00 Tue WIMER ST 2 N N P N N Y Y N N DV1 Lost control of V1 and hit V2 and house at 309 Wimer St. NR 24 16:00 Tue PINECREST TERR 1 N N N N N Y Y N N DV1 lost control of V1 and it rolled down hill. R 27 1:45 Fri SISIKYOU BLVD 1 N N P Y Y Y Y N N DUII DV1 hit a tree near S Mountain and Siskiyou R 27 1:45 Fir INDIANA ST 1 N N P Y Y Y Y Y N DUII DV1 hit COA Elec Box off the roadway. R 27 1:45 Fri MADRONE ST 2 N N P Y Y Y Y Y N DUII DV1 hit V2 on Madrone. NR 27 15:00 Fri LITHIA WAY 2 N N Y N N Y Y N N DV1 hit parked V2. R 29 22:10 Mon SISKIYOU BLVD 2 N N N N N Y Y Y N DV2 blocked V1 with V2. DV1 tired to leave and hit V2. NO. OF ACCIDENTS: 16 Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR R 2 18:25 Thr HARRISON ST 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N DV2 Hit a parked V1. NR 9 UNK Thr B ST 2 N N U U N Y Y Y N Unknown Vehicle hit V1 parked along curb. NR 13 6:00 Mon NUTLEY ST 1 N N N N N Y Y N N DV1 hit gas and not break backed into COA Transformer. R13 17:00- 12:00 Mon IOWA ST 2 N N U U N Y Y Y N Unknown Vehicle hit V1 parked along curb. R 16 UNK Thr OAK ST 2 N N U U N Y Y Y N Unknown Vehicle hit V1 parked along curb. NR 17 UNK Fri PRIVATE PARKING LOT 2 N N U U N Y Y Y N Unknown Vehicle hit V1 parked in Private Parking lot. R 18 12:50 Sat E MAIN ST 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N DV1 Crossed HWY 66 and hit V2 who had right of way in intersection. R 18 22:24 Sat E MAIN 1 Y N N N N Y N N N Ped #1 Walked into path of V2 causing V2 to colide with Ped#1. R 20 UNK Mon 95 N Main 2 N N U U N Y Y Y N V1 might have been hit but unknown vehicle at 95 N Main. R 21 4:00 Tue N 2ND ST 2 N N U U N Y Y Y N Unknown Vehicle hit V1 parked along curb. MONTH: FEBRUARY 2023 MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH SUMMARY Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR R 23 12:00 Thr N MAIN ST 2 N N U U N Y Y Y N Unknown Vehicle hit V1 parked along curb. NR 24 6:21 Fri N MAIN ST 2 N N N N N Y Y N N DV1 breaks did not work due to ice and slid into intersection. V2 hit V1 in intersection. NR 26 18:45 Sun PARKING LOT 2 N N N N N Y Y N N V1 brakes failed causing it to roll into V2 which was parked. R 27 21:32 Mon SKIDMORE ST 2 N N N N N Y Y N N V2 hit V1 parked along curb. Road was Icy. R 28 UNK Tue N PIONEER PARKING LOT 2 N N U U N N Y Y N Unknown Vehicle hit V1 parked in Parking lot. NR 28 8:13 Tue ASHLAND ST 2 N N N N N Y Y N N V1 hit V2 stopped at red light. Road was Icy. NO. OF ACCIDENTS: 12 Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR NR 1 13:11 We d N PIONEER ST 2 N N N N N Y Y N N V2 hit V1 parked along curb. R 2 11:05 Thr SISKIYOU BLVD 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N V2 stopped at crosswalk and V1 did not stop in time. R 2 11:06 Thr SISKIYOU BLVD 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N DV2 did not see V1 while trying to cross intersection. V1 hit V2 in the intersection. R 4 13:04 Sat ASHLAND ST 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N DV1 attempted to turn onto Ashland st. V1 hit the rear driver side of V2. R 9 20:28 Thr 2ND ST 1 Y N N N Y Y Y Y N DV1 faild to stop for Ped in crosswalk. V1 struck Ped. R 12 15:58 Sun E NEVADA ST 2 N N N N N Y Y N N V1 turned left from stop onto Nevada hitting V2. R1616:30Thr GARFIELD ST 2NNNNN Y Y N N V2 trailer sideswiped V1 who was parked on the curb. R 18 1:46 Sat WIMER ST 2 N N N Y Y Y Y Y N V2 backed into V2 parked along curb. R 20 13:10 Thr ASHLAND ST 2 N N Y N N Y Y N N DV1 thought V2 was going to turn and turned out infront of V1. NR 27 10:59 Mon 5TH ST 2 N N N N N Y Y N N V1 hit V2 while driving in the roadway. MONTH: MARCH 2023 MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH SUMMARY Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR R 28 17:22 Tue CLAY ST 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N V1 hit V2 when changing lanes. NR 31 14:35 Fri E MAIN 2 N N N N N Y Y N N V1 faild to yeild to V2 when turing onto E Main NO. OF ACCIDENTS: 12 Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR R 7 13:24 Fri SISKIYOU BLVD 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N DV2 did not leave enough space when stopping at red light and hit V1 R 7 13:08 Fri TAKELMA WY 2 N N N Y Y Y Y N N V1 hit parked V2 while parked in the road. NR 8 16:00 Sat E MAIN ST 2 N N P N N Y Y N N DV1 hit V2 and the traffic light. R 8 16:00 Sat WATER ST 2 N N N N N Y Y N N V1 hit parked V2 while parked in the road. R1016:03Mon 7TH ST 2NNNNN Y Y YN V1 hit parked V2 (boat and trialer) while parked in the road. NR 13 15:46 Thr A ST 2 N N N N N Y Y N N DV1 failed to yeild to V2 when turing onto A st. V1 hit V2. R1512:19Sat A ST 1NNNNN Y Y NN V1 brakes Failed as driver went around curve. Hit Building, sign, and Boulders. NR 19 20:45 Thr E MAIN ST 2 N N N N N Y Y N N V2 hit parked V1 while parked in the road. R2216:45Sat 3RD ST 2NNNNN Y Y NN DV1 Failed to yeild to V2 when crossing the intersection. V1 hit V2. NR 23 9:17 Sun 2ND ST 2 N N N N N Y Y N N V1 hit parked V2 while parking in the road. MONTH: APRIL 2023 MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH SUMMARY Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR NR 24 18:37 Mon N PIONEER ST 2 N N N N N Y Y N N V1 hit parked V2 while parking in the road. NR 24 23:40 Mon MORTON ST 2 N N N N N Y Y N N V1 hit V2 parked along curb. NO. OF ACCIDENTS: 20 Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV.BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR R 1 16:28 Mon B ST 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N V1 began a U-turn from parking spot and Struck V2 R 7 2:35 Sun CALLE GUANAJUATO 1 N N U U N Y Y Y N Unk Tesla turned down Callle Guanajuato and struck barrier. Driver left the area. Over $2500 damage. R 9 20:48 Tue ASHLAND ST 2 N N Y N Y Y Y N N DV1 failed to yield to while turning onto 15 on-ramp. V2 hit V1 R 11 8:50 Thr ASHLAND ST 2 N N Y N N Y Y N N DV1 failed to yeild to oncoming traffic. V2 hit V1. NR 11 10:30 Thr ELKADER ST 2 N N N N N Y Y N N DV1 was attempint to park and hit V2. R 11 13:00 Thr N 1ST ST 2 N N N N N Y Y N N V2 faild to stop in time and hit V1. R 14 0:15 Sun E HERSEY ST 2 N N N N N Y Y N N DV2 failed to yield while entering roadway. V1 hit V2. R 15 16:36 Mon SEVENTH ST 1 N N N N N Y Y N Y Driver of City dump truck backed into parked vehicle. Info exchanged. R 17 14:52 We d E MAIN ST 1 N Y N N N Y Y N N Outside city limits. Driver turned left from Clay onto E Main and struck cyclist in the bike lane. NR 18 21:33 Thr ASHLAND ST 1 N Y N N N Y Y N N Driver turning right struck cyclist in the bike lane. Both parties said they had a green light and officer was unable to determine fault. R 18 11:30 Thr SISKIYOU BLVD 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N ped in crosswalk; dv2 stopped for ped in crosswalk and was rearended by v1. Dv1 cited for folloiwng too closely. R 18 17:29 Thr S MOUNTAIN AV 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N Driver southbound at intersection rearended by another driver. R 19 6:30 Fri E HERSEY ST 1 N N Y N Y Y Y N N DV1 hit parked vehicle. MONTH: MAY 2023 MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH SUMMARY Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV.BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR R 21 15:40 Sun WINBURN WY 1 N N N N Y Y Y N N Driver backed into parked vehicle. R 22 15:50 Mon ORCHARD ST 1 N N N N Y Y Y N N Driver hit a parked vehicle. R 23 13:32 Tue S MOUNTAIN AV 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N Driver exiting parking lot side crashed into another vehicle and cited for failure to yield. R 24 11:02 We d WIGHTMAN ST 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N Vehicle was impacted by another in intersection. NR 28 UNK Sun WILL DODGE WY 1 N N N U N N Y N N Driver, asleep at the wheel, backed into a fence. Report made for insurance purposes. R 30 4:09 Tue N MAIN ST 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N Driver rearended another vehicle. R 30 14:43 Tue W NEVADA ST 1 N N N N N Y Y N N Tarp on a haul truck flipped up and snagged a power line, pulling a power pole down which damaged a fence. NEAR MISS CRASH SUMMARY Time and date incident occurred: Location details:I was a... The other party was a... Other - Nature of Incident: Contributing factors: Additional information about contributing factors: This was a... Describe any unreported injury, fall or crash that occurred: 1/5/2023 1:43 Walker and east main by scienceworks Driving Motorist Passing speeding on a school zone during school hours Excessive_speed No police presence to encourage school zone speed limit Near miss 1/5/2023 17:25 The intersections of Phelps and Patterson and Carol and Patterson have no stop signs and are the sites of daily near misses for plenty of people. Those of us who live in the neighborhood understand that you slow down before approaching these intersections, both as a rule of thumb and Oregon law. But there are regular occurrences of people speeding through them without any idea that cross traffic also has no stop sign. My child was in the car with my dear friend who was taking him to school for me, and she was very nearly t-boned by a delivery truck—neither of them realized the other didn’t have a stop sign. There are children, pets, numerous daily walkers, and bicyclists in this area who are in danger of being hit. As the areas around us become more developed, it is far past time for these once quiet side streets to have stop signs installed at intersections. Driving Motorist other No stop signs at 4-way intersections throughout the neighborhood.Near miss 1/3/2023 17:07 C street and 7th street that yield sign people just blow right thru. Most of those yield signs on C street actually Driving Motorist other Either comfortable drivers who are used to blowing thru the yield sign, or not seeing it Near miss 1/8/2023 5:33 both, WB E. Main, other car turning left (S) on Sherman. Driving Pedestrian Low_visibility_clothing, No_street_lighting Many people wear dark clothing and walk in the street at night.Near miss 12/15/2022 20:07 The location is were Toleman Creek Road meets East Main. The problem is that cars stopped at the stop sign on Toleman that are turning left on East Main continually misjudge cars heading east on East Main. They either leave the stop sign too early or they assume that cars on East Main are going to turn right Toleman. i have had multiple near misses. I have had to come to a full stop going East on East Main multiple times because of these drivers. This is a constant and recuring problem. I have have probably encountered 10 near misses and had to slow down to allow the offending driver turning left on East Main to get in their lane on to East Main to avoid a collusion at least 20 times and probably more. Driving Motorist Drivers turning left from Tolman to East Main do not yield right or way on East Main and leave stop sign too soon. This happens daily. other . Near miss . 1/2/2023 23:30 Driving Motorist Maybe rumble strips like we have at SOU right before the cross walks.Near miss None - but a "T-bone" accident is sure to happen. It's also a bit tough for traffic coming down Tolman to see traffic coming from the right (due to parked cars). 12/24/2022 20:41 I was crossing the street by Zoe's Ice cream and the cars in the first 2 lanes came to a stop as I stepped off the curb, as I got closer to the Hotel side of there crosswalk, the vehicle traveling in there third lane of traffic was going to blow right through until at the last second they saw me. Walking Motorcyclist Obstructed_view I get that it's difficult for people to see the people win the crosswalks when they are 3 lanes wide. Is there some way to embed lights IN the crosswalk, that are activated by the pedestrian? Similar to what we have at SOU, but not a ugly and maybe even more effective. These lights would aim towards the oncoming traffic and FLASH Near miss 1/10/2023 0:30 I was headed east down Oak St. away from Lithia Way and in the direction of the railroad tracks. As I approached the intersection with B St. (where I had right-of-way and no stop sign, whereas B street has stop signs), a truck arrived at the intersection coming up B street from the Water St. direction. The driver paused at the intersection without looking at me (I had on lights although it was not yet dark) and then accelerated into the intersection just as I crossed through. The driver saw me at the last second and braked hard to miss me. Running Motorist Obstructed_view,Low_v isibility_clothing Possibly low-visibility clothing. I was wearing all black although, as I said, was wearing bright lights. Near miss 1/2/2023 22:51 Five-way intersection of Morton, Euclid, and Pennsylvania. I was headed north (downhill) on Morton and the other party was headed northeast down Euclid. There is only a Yield sign for Euclid. The other party did not yield. Driving Motorist Did not yield. Obstructed_view,Exces sive_speed Suggest Yield be changed to a Stop sign for traffic going downhill on Euclid.Near miss 1/30/2023 21:09 I was Westbound on East Main turning right at the fire station. They were coming to the light at E Main across Lithia way which is a No Turn light. They turned left almost broadsiding my car. This happens regularly at that intersection. Driving Motorcyclist other Near miss 2/10/2023 1:10 I was walking down Pinecrest Terrace at intersection with Walker ave facing traffic (left side). Motorist was coming up Walker ave, turning up to right toward Pinecrest Terrace. Walking Motorist Driver rounding corner near edge of street where there is no sidewalk. Obstructed_view,other Near miss 3/2/2023 18:05 This was at the central Bike path on Mountain ave. I was riding along the path when I observed a bicyclist blow through the intersection not acknowledging the stop sign on the path, and the motorist who was traveling North had to slam on their brakes to miss them. They honked, and the cyclist continues on. Biking Motorist other Near miss 3/7/2023 2:50 Heading northbound on foot down the Central bike path across from science works. Ashland Police department cruiser without emergency lights on was speeding southbound on pathway. Walking Motorist Please cruiser speeding down bike path with no emergency lights on. Excessive_speed,Obstr ucted_view,other Near miss 3/21/2023 18:31 Waiting for the signal at Helman and North Main When the light turns I always wait to be sure no one is running through a yellow light. I had the green for a couple of seconds when a car sped by on North Main. Sure was happy I always wait for the intersection to clear. Driving Motorist Near miss 1/12/2023 1:00 I was exiting my apartment complex, Villard Street. And turning Left onto Clay St.Driving Motorist Obstructed_view Cars park too close to the corner of the street and you can’t see if there is cars coming when making a left turn onto Clay, from Villard. Near miss None. 3/22/2023 Head out of oak knoll drive turning left onto hwy 66, Ashland St. Driving Motorist People are driving to fast on 66 and there is a blind corner coming out of Oak Knoll dr. Obstructed_view,Exces sive_speed Near miss 3/14/2023 18:33 I was heading South / The other party was headed West Driving Motorist Failure to Yield right of way other I guess people coming along Quincy assume very little traffic on California, but, I don't think that's the case. This should be a Stop sign. Near miss 3/27/2023 1:06 Tolman creek road and Siskiyou I live on Bellview and I want to say numerous times I say numerous times motorist blow through the stop sign headed north Over the years this has been a concern and have reported it but never any follow up I saw this and decided to report again People coming down Siskiyou off freeway from the south need more warning I guess There is a school there for goodness sake I have to say as I sit there at stop sign I can see the ones that aren’t going to stop This morning it was a woman Ca plates lighting her cigarette Driving Motorist other Near miss 2/16/2023 19:16 I was headed beside Rogue Coffee Roasters on 8th street approaching the first intersection with C street, when a black subaru ran through his stop sign, turned up across the intersection and came so close to my car that he hit the side mirror. I stopped, he stopped, flipped me off, and took off fast again. The windows were tinted so I couldn't see clearly. I was shocked and was paused there for a few moments to recover. Driving Motorcyclist Excessive_speed Near miss 3/25/2023 23:00 Walking on Grandview. Either up or down, the speed is well over 30 MPH. It's a narrow road. There are more people. I've had my life flash in front of me. I've asked the neighbors to name the guard rail after me, because I'm going to get killed. I've reported to police. I've seen them once, and cheered. We need speed bumps, I think. Thanks for reading. Walking Motorist Obstructed_view,Exces sive_speed,No_marked _crosswalk Mainly the speed, coming around a corner, and the ditch trail empties onto the street. The new cars are hard to hear. Near miss 3/28/2023 19:25 6th and E. Main Crosswalk, one car stopped for me and I started to cross. the car in the other direction didn’t stop and almost hit me. Walking Motorcyclist Broad daylight. Near miss 4/5/2023 19:35 I was heading West on A st. toward Oak, the other driver failed to yield coming out of the driveway of Get n' Gear / Blackstone Frames Driving Motorcyclist Obstructed_view Likely thought it was clear but was blocked by cars parked on A. Street.Near miss 4/7/2023 19:15 Intersection of 3rd and B street other Motorist Near miss involving three vehicles in the intersection Excessive_speed,Obstr ucted_view Near miss 4/7/2023 20:10 I was traveling South on Oak st and the motorist was traveling south on Oak st.Running Motorist driver overtook me while in a double yellow. other Near miss 4/6/2023 22:40 Both Parties traveling east on East Main St. Driving Motorist Overtaking in a double yellow and speeding in a schoolzone. Excessive_speed,other Near miss 4/3/2023 18:08 White late model 4Runner was heading south on 3rd Street, blew through stop sign on B Street. Blue ‘90’s model Accord traveling west on B Street had to slam on brakes in order to not broadside 4Runner. There was no collision only the skreach of brakes. Walking Motorist other Apparently forerunner did not want to stop at stop sign or assumed the vehicle on B street had a stop sign and would be stopping. Near miss 4/5/2023 23:22 Intersection of Hersey and Helman. I was on Helman heading South. Motorist was on Hersey, heading East.Running Motorist Obstructed_view The traffic stop line on Helman heading South is set too far back. The bushes on that corner obstruct the view for users on Hersey heading East. Near miss 4/11/2023 21:40 Corner of B and 3rd Ashland Oregon other Motorist Near miss Obstructed_view,Exces sive_speed Near miss 4/16/2023 3:22 I was walking my dog and was in the middle of a crosswalk downtown at the corner of Water and Siskiyou. The car was going on the one way south into downtown. We were walking from Mix side of street across toward Taj restaurant. Walking Motorist One lane of traffic stopped at crosswalk. Other driver sped up toward us and stopped in time to avoid hitting us other There were a lot of people walking around. Near miss none. fast reflexes 4/1/2023 17:53 Commenting on numerous occasions when bicyclists fly through the bike path stop sign and across the road without regard to traffic. Has occurred especially on North Mountain and Walker. There should be a way to stop the bikes physically as many riders don't seem to care. Perhaps all bike path - street crossings should have a automobile stop sign. Driving Cyclist Bicyclists don't stop at intersections Near miss 4/1/2023 17:58 Traveling from the Ashland Library on the alley behind the library, to Union Street Driving Motorist Large boats and trucks parked in areas that block alley and view of street; unable to enter street safely Obstructed_view Near miss 4/7/2023 16:59 Need speed bumps/humps the entire stretch of Walker to Pinecrest terr/Peachy Rd. All the people living above off walker treat it like the a speedway. I can’t tell you the number of near misses people have backing out of their driveways or the amount of near misses I see with cars/white jeeps that nearly hit pedestrians and children walking home from school. It’s ridiculous how fast people drive on the south end of walker!! I’m tired of it. Walking Motorist Speeding 75mph Excessive_speed Need speed bumps/humps the entire stretch of Walker to Pinecrest terr/Peachy Rd. All the people living above off walker treat it like the a speedway. I can’t tell you the number of near misses people have backing out of their driveways or the amount of near misses I see with cars/white jeeps that nearly hit pedestrians and children walking home from school. It’s ridiculous how fast people drive on the south end of walker!! I’m tired of it. Near miss Loss Of Life and Property damage 3/4/2023 20:35 The intersection at Tolman Creek and East Main is a nightmare. People turning left onto E Main have a hard time seeing cars coming from the right over the overpass that's being worked on. I've had dozens of near misses there and my car was hit by another in 2014 when they pulled out in front of me. Driving Motorist Near miss 4/17/2023 15:00 I was heading East on the North side of Main, attempting to cross the street at the crosswalk at Wightman and the vehicle was also heading East. Walking Motorist Excessive_speed Near miss 4/19/2023 23:00 I was heading west on Munson Dr and the vehicle was heading East on Munson Dr towards Fordyce. Walking Motorist Excessive speed Excessive_speed,other Near miss 4/21/2023 21:30 Heading uphill on Nutley, crossing Granite. Driving Motorist Obstructed_view Near miss 12/16/2022 5:00 Southbound on Main, making a left turn onto Hersey. Other party in unlit crosswalk crossing Hersey, also southbound.Driving Pedestrian No_street_lighting,Low _visibility_clothing Traffic on Main St. at the intersection is often heavy, requiring a rapid turn inbetween oncoming vehicles to enter Hersey. There is no traffic light there, and there are often close calls just trying to enter Main St. traffic from Hersey, or turning onto Hersey from Main even under the best of lighting and weather conditions. Near miss 4/21/2023 18:15 I was walking with my dog, South down Grandview at the curve where the ill-advised guard rail has been installed. A car traveling north up the hill at a higher than posted speed of 15mph coming right towards me didn't immediately see me and had to swerve to avoid us. If another car had been coming from the opposite direction there could have been an accident. Many people walk on this stretch of Grandview to get to the ditch trail. This happens more often than it should. It's only a matter of time.... Walking Motorist Excessive_speed No place wide enough for pedestrians to walk since the guardrail had been installed. Put in speed bumps or widen the street. Near miss 4/23/2023 18:11 Intersection of B and 3rd Ashland Or. other Motorist Near miss collision in the intersection of B and 3rd Obstructed_view This incident happened when the streets are lined with parked cars from church goers attending services at The Story church on the corner of B and 2nd st. Near miss 4/24/2023 21:29 Blue car traveling north entered the intersection of 3rd and B as a white car was traveling on B st headed east. other Motorist Near miss collision In intersection Obstructed_view,Exces sive_speed Near miss 4/25/2023 19:40 I was a pedestrian crossing North Main Street at Church Street on the SE side of the intersection just barely into the far lane from Church Street when a sedan turned left from the stop sign on the short section of Church Street (between North Main Street and Lithia Way) and missed hitting me by a foot or two. In my experience this is not an infrequent occurrence. Walking Motorcyclist No_marked_crosswalk What is with the all the new construction at curb cuts? I understand that some of this is an ODOT requirement regarding disabled access. My concern is the curbed areas filled with cemented-in rocks which I think are a major trip/hazard. Near miss None Potential injury for a car turning into a pedestrian in a crosswalk (marked or unmarked) is major trauma or death. 10/6/2022 0:30 We were driving on Tolman Creek Road coming down from Toothpick trail. We were coming to an intersection with Siskiyou Blvd. The other vehicle was driving on Siskiyou Blvd coming from I-5 direction and was coming to the same intersection. Driving Motorist Excessive_speed I think people coming from the I-5 direction don't realize there is stop sign there, especially since the speed was 45 mph not far from the intersection. Maybe traffic light at that intersection or some type of blinking lights would help.a Near miss None 5/2/2023 14:06 The stop sign at Tolman and Siskiyou is regularly run as people approach town from the freeway. Our household alone has seen this happen at least 15 times. Fortunately no one has been hurt. But clearly this is very dangerous especially right next to Bellevue School. Walking Motorist Excessive_speed This intersection, at a minimum, needs a blinking red light.Near miss 5/1/2023 23:30 I was biking down N. Mountain approaching the railroad tracks when a cyclist heading south on the bike path at high speed entered the intersection without slowing or stopping (cyclists on the path have a stop sign). I hit my brakes hard enough to go into a sideways skid and narrowly missed him, swerving inadvertently out into the vehicle lane (fortunately no cars at the time). In my opinion this intersection is poorly designed. I regularly use this intersection on my bike, in my car, and as a pedestrian (running). Users of the bike/ped path have a stop sign but often don't stop. For many, it may not be clear what they should do. Pedestrians have right of way at the intersection but cyclists do not. Vehicle drivers mostly seem to defer to pedestrians and cyclists crossing here, but this often means that vehicle traffic stops ON the railroad tracks. It seems like it would be good to introduce more guidance for bike/ped path users (zig-zags or a gate that forces them to slow). Running Cyclist Obstructed_view,Exces sive_speed,other Near miss 5/2/2023 19:14 In the Ashland Shopping Center a bicyclist rolled out of the parking lot in front of Ashland Electric Bikes/Wendy’s. The bicyclists pulled out of the parking lot and crossed over the bicycle lane into the traffic lane in front of an SUV. The SUV slammed on their brakes and honked the horn at the cyclist. SUV slid all the way over in their lane was less than 2 feet away from hitting the cyclist. Had they not gotten over they would have collided. Walking Cyclist Cyclist pulled out in front of traffic Near miss 5/4/2023 1:00 The traffic light at Ashland and Walker Streets is very poorly timed. The light for Walker turns greens at almost the same time that Ashland goes red. There is little or no yellow time for Ashland traffic to stop. Often one or even two cars continue on Ashland crossing Walker after the light for Walker traffic is fully green. I have seen several near misses at this intersection over the last few years. Driving Motorist This is a recurring incident. It is a badly timed traffic light.other Near miss 2/28/2023 20:25 I regularly see near misses where the bike path crosses North Mountain Ave (I don't have a specific date to record for these), particularly when I am driving up the hill because there is no stop sign for motorists near where the bike path crosses when coming from that direction. These involve bikers who don't stop before crossing N. Mountain. Cars do not have a stop sign and the visibility to who is coming down the bike path, particularly if they are moving quickly, is poor. I have had to slam on the brakes a few times when bikers run the stop sign, and have learned to drive very slowly when approaching the path because I don't know what bikers will do, but other motorists unfamiliar with the area would not know to do this. Maybe a more prominent stop sign on the bike path and/or an additional sign that cross traffic/motor vehicle traffic does not stop would help. Driving Cyclist Near miss 5/8/2023 14:58 Corner of Mountain and E. Main Walking Motorist Excessive_speed,other Near miss 5/16/2023 14:26 Person driving on Faith Ave clipped a parked vehicle damaging both his and the parked vehicle.other Motorist Unreported crash 5/16/2023 14:35 Heading up the hill towards the coop. Offending truck was moving in the same direction. Running Motorist illegal overtake other Near miss 5/16/2023 14:20 Traveling up the hill Biking Motorist Nothing Near miss 5/17/2023 15:34 I was headed west bound on A Street in the eastbound traffic lane. The other party was a groundsperson operating a gas powered leaf blower. Biking Pedestrian Leaf bower blew dust straight into my face causing me to reflexively shut my eyes while traveling Educate grounds people, don’t use gas leaf blowers Near miss 5/11/2023 21:00 Crossing Hersey St on Oak St heading South Walking Motorist Obstructed_view Near miss 5/19/2023 18:12 While stopped for a pedestrian at First and Lithia (heading north), a pair of mountain bike riders almost hit the man in the marked cross walk (he had to hurry up to avoid being hit). The bikers did not stop at the clearly marked stop here for pedestrian signs, and swerved to avoid the man, who was then hurrying. Skateboar ding/Scoo tering Cyclist Riders were too busy talking to care about the rest of the stopped traffic. Seemed like it was an announce that someone was in the cross walk. other Talking to each other and not paying attention to their surroundings. Near miss 5/22/2023 15:50 I was walking in the crosswalk Crossing Lithia Way from Oak St in the crosswalk heading toward Lithia Park.Walking Motorist Two lanes of traffic stopped as I was crossing in the cross walk. Stepping off the curb to cross the street at Lithia Way and Oak Street Excessive_speed Drive had no intentions to stop for me. I was very lucky to have escape injury. I didn't report this near miss, only because I had no prior knowledge a report of this type could be filed. Near miss no injury, just a scare of a lifetime. 4/27/2023 23:15 Happened 3 times, all at approximately a bit after 4pm on a weekday and all at 2nd and E. Main, Ashland OR where a motorcycle turns left while I am crossing 2nd. The motorcycle was just inches away from hitting me, especially the first time. May be the same person (who had a helmet on) and may not know the rule to wait for pedestrians. Walking Motorcyclist Near miss 5/25/2023 20:02 Driver ran red light at Laurel and North Main (going North) as I was pull out onto North Main from Central (again going North). Driver running red light almost rear-ended then became very aggressive. They then tried to me in the turn lane but couldn't due to new median at Van Ness and North Main. They then tried to pass on the inside by Maple only to be thwarted by a bicyclist in the marked bike lane. Driver followed so closely that I could see in rearview or sideview mirrors. Kept honking their horn and such. Made for a pleasant experience when traveling the posted speed limit. Driving Motorist Lack of care for rules Excessive_speed,other Entitlement Near miss 5/23/2023 19:00 Coming out of Ace Hardware parking lot. The other car was coming down A Street from 1st. This is a rough corner on any busy day. This time, as I was leaving the parking lot, a truck turned into the parking lot and then backed up and turned around. As I thought he was simply turning into the parking lot, I started to drive out. His turn around made me wait. Now, I was in the middle of the road. I had to back up or go. As I made the decision to go - a car halfway down the block (going about 30 mph - fast for this area), started honking at me and speeding up. He almost hit me. What really amazed me was that the driver was so rude. Not like Ashland. But it made me think, how many times, it has been difficult to see around parked cars coming out of the Ace Parking lot. Driving Motorist other Near miss 5/1/2023 1:15 On Ashland Street heading E at intersection of Pacific Highway 5 If you get stuck in the right lane of Ashland Street before crossing the bridge, you end up on I5 and have to go for miles before there is a turn around. It is not dangerous (unless in the winter during a snow storm), but it is unnecessary and annoying. I didn't really think about reporting it until a group of friends were talking about it and we all realized that we had done this at least once since we lived in Ashland and it seems that it could be a simple fix. If we residents do this, what about tourists? Is is not a waste of time and gas if nothing else? Driving other Just very easy to accidentally get in the right lane and enter the southbound ramp to I5, then cannot turn around for miles other Near miss none 5/30/2023 20:46 Crossing my bike at the Siskiyou and Tolman 4-way intersection from the NE corner l started walking my bike across Siskiyou heading west. I let a motorist make the right hand turn prior to entering road. As I started across the motorist immediately behind the one I let pass also made the turn without stopping. I was 2 to 3 steps away from having my front tire run over. Running Motorist No_marked_crosswalk That intersection has been under construction for more than a year, but getting the crosswalk painted shouldn't take this long. Near miss 6/1/2023 3:59 Headed south on Van Ness from Laurel. Driver heading north on Van Ness crossed over the road into traffic Driving Motorist Giving benefit of doubt, maybe sun was in eyes. Sun is the only thing I can think of being a reasonable reason for driving on wrong side of road. Near miss 6/3/2023 20:30 On Saturday, a concerning incident took place near Flagship Inn involving an individual riding an E-bike and three individuals, including my girlfriends and me, who were walking our three dogs. The E-bike rider failed to stop at a flashing crosswalk, resulting in a near-miss with our group. However, the rider lost control and collided with a rose bush and a sign in close proximity to Flagship Inn. It is with concern that we report this incident, as the safety of pedestrians and their pets should always be a top priority for all road users. We strongly urge E-bike riders s to exercise caution, adhere to traffic signals, and respect the right-of-way of pedestrians and their animals when navigating through crosswalks. Fortunately, although the E-bike rider crashed into the rose bush and sign, no serious injuries were sustained by either party involved. However, incidents like these serve as a reminder of the potential dangers associated with negligent or reckless behavior on the roads. Walking Vehicle Driver other Near miss 6/5/2023 20:10 I was traveling east on E Main St near 7th St. Driver of tow truck from Star Towing turned east from the north side of E Main St. Driver of tow truck made a wide turn and crossed over into cycling lane, narrowly missing me, in part because I applied the brakes. Driver of tow truck did not stop. Running Motorist Near miss 6/2/2023 14:37 Top of walker, on the corner of peachy. Toyota highlighlander was traveling south, up Walker extremely fast. Walking Motorist Excessive_speed Motorists often drive on the opposite side of the road to avoid tree roots which have created big bumps. Near miss YEARLY STATS: 2022 2022 2021 2021 2020 2020 2019 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Total accidents:169 182 157 231 115 134 "Reportable"125 125 137 137 124 124 186 186 175 171 171 160 127 115 134 non-Reportable 44 45 33 45 none none Total accidents by month:All Reportable All Reportable All Reportable All Reportable AlReportableAlReportableAl ReportableAlReportableAlReportable Jan 17 13 11 7 29 20 17 15 15 13 12 9 5 310 Feb 12 8 16 15 15 15 16 14 13 12 9 12 8 12 9 Mar 15 9 8 5 7 6 17 14 14 6 18 14 10 813 Apr 14 12 16 9 10 7 26 21 13 16 9 17 11 88 May 20 13 19 13 6 6 16 16 19 14 8 17 13 11 12 Jun 16 14 19 14 8 5 19 16 17 11 12 17 10 813 Jul 11 8 20 16 10 4 25 20 9 13 25 14 6 11 15 Aug 19 14 11 6 17 12 16 13 13 13 14 9 16 96 Sep 7 7 13 9 13 13 11 7171319101417 16 Oct 11 7 25 21 18 15 30 23 19 26 20 14 9 12 10 Nov 13 9 11 10 13 13 22 15 13 18 13 13 12 711 Dec 14 11 13 12 11 8 16 12 13 16 12 14 13 911 DUII 16 16 21 20 8 8 23 23 23 18 15 17 9 17 18 Ped involved (+skateboard)21 18 11 10 14 13 20 18 19 10 13 8 12 411 Ped Crossing in crosswalk 13 13 7 6 12 12 16 14 18 15 16 18 10 817 Bike involved 3 2 7 6 11 8 6 658769710 Injury to driver 14 13 35 33 24 24 36 33 16 15 18 17 20 19 22 Injury to bike/ped 8 8 12 12 17 14 14 14 10 8 12 10 14 713 Fatality 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0000111 Hit and Run 29 19 32 16 23 16 32 26 27 21 18 25 13 16 29 Day of the Week: Mon 34 26 40 25 24 19 40 28 16 24 22 30 18 19 11 Tues 25 19 28 20 27 18 37 32 36 31 25 19 17 21 21 Wed 32 23 23 16 21 15 49 39 29 24 21 21 19 20 24 Thurs 20 15 27 22 34 30 35 28 16 33 30 25 26 16 20 Fri 21 14 23 17 20 14 25 20 36 26 32 34 27 20 24 Sat 19 15 22 20 17 15 28 23 27 18 25 19 11 920 Sun 18 13 19 17 14 13 17 16 15 15 16 12 9 10 14 Traffic AccidentsJanuary 2022 Jan 2022 Accidents Bike/Ped Involved (3) Map Date: 3/7/2022 https://gis.ashland.or.us/accident/ Jan 2022 Accidents Motor Vehicle (14) Traffic AccidentsJanuary 2022 REVISEDREVISED https://gis.ashland.or.us/accident/Map Date: 6/6/2022 NO. OF ACCIDENTS: 17 Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR Rep 3 08:13 Mon Beach St near Glenwood Dr 1 NNNNN Y UNN Dv1 heading uphill in icy conditions stared to slide backwards. Driver escaped vehicle and it slid backwards down the hill, striking a fence and coming to rest against a tree. Info exchanged. Rep 3 17:22 Mon Siskiyou Blvd near Park St 2 NNNNY Y Y NN Dv2 stopped in traffic lane to make a left turn. Dv1 crashed into the rear of v2. Dv1 cited for following too closly/accident. Rep 4 15:28 Tue E Main St near Sherman St 3 Y N P N N Y Y N N Dv1 outbound stopped for ped crossing, dv2 stopped behind v1, Dv3 did not see the vehicles stopped and crashed into the rear of v2, pushing it into v1. Possible minor injuries to dv1 and dv2. Rep 5 8:09 Wed Campus Way at E Main St 1 2 N Y N N Y N N N Crossing guard was in street and allowed ped to enter into the path of the vehicle. The driver did not see crossing guard or ped and drove on the foot of the ped. Ped transported to ACH. No citation. Rep 10 13:31 Mon Normal Av near Fremont 2 NNNNN Y Y NN Dv2 backed out of driveway, striking v1 that was passing by. No injury. Rep 12 18:58 Wed Ashland St near Clover Lane 1 NNNNY Y U YN Driver attemped a burn out, lost control of vehicle and struck and damaged a tree. Driver cited for careless driving. NR 17 5:50 Mon California St near Quincy 2 NNUUN Y N YN Vehicle was struck while parked. No suspects nor leads, damage estimated less than $1000. Rep 17 16:54 Mon Wimer St near Prim 1 NNNNY Y Y NN Driver pulled over to the side of the road to jump out and close tailgate, and the vehicle rolled backwards and damaged a private water system. Driver cited for being suspended and no insurance. MONTH: JANUARY 2022 MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH SUMMARY Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR NR 19 6:27 Wed Ashland St near Washington 1 Y NNNN Y NNN Dv1 inbound on Ashland Street struck ped who was crossing street at an angle, not in a marked or unmarked crosswalk. No injury. No damage, no injury, no citation. Rep 19 9:25 Wed N Mountain Av near B St 2 N N P N N Y Y N N Dv1 was NB, stopped at intersection. Dv2 failed to stop and rearended v1. Both drivers expressed possible injuries, no citation, damage over $5000. NR 20 13:24 Thr N 3rd near B St 2 NNNNN Y NNY While parking, Dv2 rearended parked V1, a city vehicle. Minor damage, information exchanged. Rep 23 16:42 Sun Ashland St 2 N N N Y Y Y Y Y N Dv1 backed into parked v2 and left the area. Dv1 was found and cited for DUII, Hit and Run, no insurance, suspended license. NR 23 23:59 Sun University Way near Siskiyou Blvd 1NNUUN N U YN Driver struck and damaged handrail on university property and left the area. No leads. Rep 24 12:03 Mon Henry St near Beach St 2 NNNNN Y Y NN Dv1 backed out of driveway and struck parked v2. Information exchanged. Rep 24 13:54 Mon E Main St near Clay St 2 N N Y N Y Y Y N N Dv1 was stopped in lane, waiting to make a left turn. Dv2 failed to stop and rearended v1. Dv1 transported to hospital. Dv2 cited for following too closely. Rep 27 20:33 Thr Siskiyou Blvd at Indiana St 2 NNNNY Y NNN Dv1 was stopped at red light. Dv2 rearended v1. Dv2 cited for driving while suspended, following too closely, driving uninsured, expired registration. Rep 29 10:53 Sat N Main St near Grant St 2 NNNNN Y Y NN Dv1 was in the turn lane waiting to make a turn when Dv2 backed out of a driveway and crashed into v1. Information exchanged. Traffic AccidentsFebruary 2022 REVISEDREVISED Feb 2022 Accidents Bike/Ped Involved (0) Previous 2022 Accidents Bike/Ped Involved (3) Map Date: 6/6/2022 https://gis.ashland.or.us/accident/ Feb 2022 Accidents Motor Vehicle (12) Previous 2022 Accidents Traffic Crashes (14) Traffic AccidentsFebruary 2022 REVISEDREVISED https://gis.ashland.or.us/accident/Map Date: 6/6/2022 NO. OF ACCIDENTS: 11 Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ.DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR NR 2 17:14 Wed N Main St near Helman 2 N N N N N Y N N N Dv1 was stopped at stoplight when dv2 rearended v1. Drivers exchanged info, no further action. NR 12 15:06 Sat Ashland St (parking lot)2 N N N U N N N Y N V1 was sideswiped while parked in a private parking lot. No leads nor suspects. R 13 14:29 Sun Seventh St near B St 3 N N N N N Y Y N N Dv1 was northbound on 7th approaching B St. V2 was parked SB on the east side of street. Dv2 pulled out and v1 and v2 collided, and v2 also struck parked v3. R 14 15:30 Mon Lithia Way near Pioneer St 2 N N N N Y Y N Y N Dv1 struck parked v2 while attempting to park and then left the area. Dv1 was located and cited for hit and run. R 14 17:43 Mon Siskiyou Blvd near Ashland St 1 N N P N Y Y Y N N Dv1 reported swerving to avoid hitting a cat, and vehicle hit tree in the median. Dv1 cited for no insurance and careless driving. R 15 12:10 Tue N Main St at Grant St 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N Dv1 slowed to allow a vehicle to the front to exit the street, and v2 rearended v1. Dv2 cited for following too closely. R 21 16:54 Mon Ashland St (parking lot)2 N N N N Y Y Y N N Driver ran into parked vehicle. Driver mixed up the brake and gas pedals. Driver cited for failure to carry car insurance. R 22 6:13 Tue N Main St near Jackson Rd 1 N N N N N Y Y N N Driver of vehicle swerved to miss a deer that was crossing the road, and vehicle slipped in icy conditions. Veh hit light pole, sheering it off. Vehicle totaled. R 22 11:58 Tue Siskiyou Blvd at Union St 2 N N N N N Y Y N N Dv2 foot stuck between gas and brake pedals, and was unable to stop. Dv2 swerved around a vehicle at the stop sign and ran into the rear quarter of v1. No injuries, report taken. NR 25 UNK Fri Ventura Circle near Park St 2 N N N U N N N Y N Vehicle was struck while parked, no leads. MONTH: FEBRUARY, 2022 MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH SUMMARY Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ.DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR NR 26 22:16 Sat S First St at Enders Alley 2 N N N N Y Y N N N Dv1 was backing out of a parking spot, drifted downhill and ran into parked v2. Dv1 cited for driving while suspended and obstruction of vehicle windows. Traffic AccidentsMarch 2022 REVISEDREVISED March 2022 Accidents Bike/Ped Involved (1) Previous 2022 Accidents Bike/Ped Involved (3) Map Date: 6/6/2022 https://gis.ashland.or.us/accident/ Mar 2022 Accidents Motor Vehicle (13) Previous 2022 Accidents Motor Vehicle Crashes (26) Traffic AccidentsMarch 2022 REVISEDREVISED https://gis.ashland.or.us/accident/Map Date: 6/6/2022 NO. OF ACCIDENTS: 14 Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR Rep 1 12:42 Tue A Street near N 2nd St 2 N N N N N Y Y N N V1 was parked on the side of the street. Dv2 attempted to park in front of v1 but sideswiped v1 with the rear passenger side. Info exchanged. Rep 1 13:38 Tue Siskiyou Blvd at Indiana St 2 N N N N N Y Y N Y Dv2 stopped at intersection was rearended by v1. Information exchanged. Rep 10 10:37 Thur Ashland St at Exit 14 NB off- ramp 1NPPNN Y Y NN Vehicle (semi truck and trailer) flipped when turning right onto Ashland St off the off ramp. Suspected minor injury, vehicle totalled. Rep 11 9:53 Fri E Main St 1 N N N Y U Y Y N N Dv2 was travelling too fast for conditions, swerved to miss another vehicle making a turn, lost control and ran into a power pole. Report shows DUII, but no citation info recorded. NR 11 20:30 Fri Winburn Way near Nutley St 2 N N N N N Y U N N Dv1 backed out of a parking space and struck parked v2 directly to the rear. No citation, no injury, amount of damage not reported. Rep 16 16:00 Wed Ray Lane at Ashland St 1 Y N P N N Y N N N Driver struck pedestrian when attempting to make a right turn. Officer assisted with exchange of information. Possilble injury. NR 19 7:03 Sat Ashland St near Walker Av 1 N N N N N Y U N N Private driveway off Walker. Driver ran over a jersey barrier when attempting to make a turn. Rep 20 14:38 Sun Scenic Dr near Maple St 2 N N N N N Y Y N N Dv1 turning from Maple onto Scenic took too wide of a turn and ran into v2. NR 20 16:51 Sun E Main St 2 N N N U N N N Y N Dv1 travelling east on E Main St was struck by v2, which then left the area. No leads. MONTH: MARCH, 2022 MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH SUMMARY Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR Rep 21 6:39 Mon Bellview Dr near Siskiyou Bl 2 N N N N N Y Y N N Dv1 sideswiped parked v2. Information exchanged. Damage over $5000 (over $2500 each) NR 21 18:31 Mon A Street near N 1st St 2 N N N N N Y N N N Dv1 struck parked v2. Minor damage, info exchanged. NR 22 23:15 Tue Beach St near Henry St 2 N N N N N N N N N Dv2 struck parked v1. Info privately exchanged, but later it was found that driver was not insured. Civil matter. Rep 26 15:24 Sat Ashland St 2 N N N N Y Y Y Y N private parking lot on Ashland St. Dv2 backed into parked v1 and left the area. Witness 1 reported info. Dv2 was found and cited for hit and run, no insurance, driving while suspended. NR 29 10:23 Tue B St near 5th St 2 N N N N N Y N N Y Dv1 in a City of Ashland vehicle struck the rearview mirror while driving west on B Street. Information exchanged. Traffic AccidentsApril 2022 April 2022 Accidents Bike/Ped Involved (1) Previous 2022 Accidents Bike/Ped Involved (4) Map Date: 6/6/2022 https://gis.ashland.or.us/accident/ April 2022 Accidents Motor Vehicle (13) Previous 2022 Accidents Motor Vehicle Crashes (39) Traffic AccidentsApril 2022 https://gis.ashland.or.us/accident/Map Date: 6/6/2022 NO. OF ACCIDENTS: 14 Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR R 6 13:16 Wed Morse Av near Siskiyou Blvd 3 N N N N Y Y Y N N Dv1 crashed into parked v2 and v3. Information exchanged. R 6 13:43 Wed E Main St near California St 2 Y N N N Y Y Y N N V1 was rearended by dv2 while v1 was stopped in a line of traffic waiting for a ped to cross the street. Dv2 cited for following too close and driving while suspended. R 9 12:01 Sat Siskiyou Blvd at E Main St 1 N N N Y Y Y Y N N Driver was speeding and failed to negotiate the turn, jumped the curb and crashed into the tree in the median breaking it off at base. Driver arrested for DUII. R 11 19:45 Mon Winburn Way at N Main St 1 N N N Y Y Y Y Y N Dv1 crashed into a street sign on N Main St/Helman, damaged a tree, traveled thru the Plaza, crashed into a street light and came to rest in Lithia Park. Driver arrested for DUII. reckless driving, reckless endangering. hit & run. R 14 19:15 Thr Parking lot off Ashland St 3 N N N U N Y Y Y N Dv1 crashed into the rear passenger side of v2, pushing it into v3, and then left the area. No leads. Substantial damage to both vehicles. NR 17 18:19 Sun Clear Creek Dr at Oak St 2 N N N N N Y N N N Dv1 was stopped at a stop sign. Dv2 made a turn onto street and crashed into the front of v1. Dv2 at fault, no citation, info exchanged. R 19 11:10 Tue Lithia Way at Oak St 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N Dv1 made a right turn onto Lithia Way without stopping at the stop sign, and crashed into v2 which was traveling in the right lane. Dv1 cited for failure to obey traffic control device. MONTH: APRIL, 2022 MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH SUMMARY Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR R 20 21:13 Wed Woodland Dr near Indiana St 1 N N N N N Y Y N N Brakes failed on vehicle, and vehicle crashed into yard and landscaping. R 20 23:21 Wed Oak St near Lithia Way 2 N N N Y Y Y Y N N Dv1 had just turned from Lithia Way onto Oak St and crashed into the rear of parked v2. Dv1 cited for DUII and reckless driving, and was taken by AFR. R 21 0:54 Thur Siskiyou Blvd near Park St 2 N N P Y Y Y Y N N Dv2 turned onto Siskiyou Blvd and was rearended by dv1 who was traveling at a very high rate of speed. Collision caused both vehicles to roll over. Dv2 cited for DUII and reckless driving. NR 21 11:47 Thur E Main St near Oak St 2 N N N N N Y N N N Dv1 backed into parked v2 causing minor damage. Info exchanged. R 23 2:02 Sat Indiana St near Siskiyou Blvd 1 N N P Y Y Y Y N N Driver failed to turn right onto Siskiyou at the Ashland/Siskiyou intersection and continued straight though SOU landscaping, across Indiana St, and crashed into the Art building. Cited DUII/Reckless Driving. R 23 16:45 Sat Lithia Way at Oak St 2 N N N N N Y Y N N Northbound dv1 struck westbound V2 in intersection. Information exchanged. R 30 20:49 Sat Oak St near B St 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N Dv2 stopped on Oak St waiting for another vehicle to complete a turn when v1 ran into the back of v2. Dv1 cited for following too closely. Traffic AccidentsMay 2022 May 2022 Accidents Bike/Ped Involved (2) Previous 2022 Accidents Bike/Ped Involved (5) Map Date: 6/6/2022 https://gis.ashland.or.us/accident/ May 2022 Accidents Motor Vehicle (15) Previous 2022 Accidents Motor Vehicle Crashes (52) Traffic AccidentsMay 2022 https://gis.ashland.or.us/accident/Map Date: 6/6/2022 NO. OF ACCIDENTS: 17 Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR R 1 19:30 Sun Nursery St near N Main St 2 N N N N N Y Y N N V2 sideswiped parked v1. Information exchanged. R 2 8:12 Mon N Main St at Maple St 2 N N P N N Y Y N N Dv2 was stopped in the turn lane when v1 struck the back of v2. Information exchanged. R 3 8:20 Tue N Main St near Grant St 2 N N N N Y Y N N N Dv1 was stopped in a line of traffic. Dv2 rearended v1. Dv2 cited for following too closely and no insurance. NR 3 12:10 Tue Garfield St near Quincy 2 N N N N N Y N N Y Dv1 in a city vehicle backed into parked v2. Minor damage, info exchanged. R 4 6:50 Wed Ashland St near Washington St 2 N N N U Y Y Y Y N Dv2 backed into a parked vehicle and left the area. Driver was found and arrested for failure to perform duties of a driver and for driving uninsured. R 4 10:46 Wed N Mountain Av at Fair Oaks Av 2 N N N N N Y Y N N Dv1 failed to stop at new stop sign and crashed into v2 which was in the intersection making a left turn. Information exchanged. NR 5 14:19 Thur Fourth St near B St 2 N N N N N Y N N N Dv1 was backing out a parking space, and backed into v2 which was driving past in a travel lane. Information exchanged. R 7 10:32 Sat Tolman Creek Rd 2 N N N U N Y Y Y N V2 was struck while parked, no leads. NR 7 11:48 Sat N Main St at Lithia Way turn 2 N N N N N Y N N N Dv1 merged into left traffic lane from Lithia Way, lightly tapping v2 which was driving by. Very minor damage. Info exchanged MONTH: MAY, 2022 MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH SUMMARY Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR R 9 11:30 Mon N Main St near Maple St 3 N N P U N Y Y N Y Southbound N Main St: Dv3 illegally passed v1 in the intersection and then attempted to pass v2 (City vehicle) but rearended v2 instead. Dv1 transported to hospital. No further Information. NR 11 16:11 Wed Van Ness Av at N Laurel St 1 SK N N N N Y N N N Driver began making a left turn onto N Laurel St when skateboarder passed in front of vehicle. Dv struck skateboarder. Skateboarder at fault, non injury. R 12 21:37 Thur N Second St near E Main St 4 N N N Y Y Y Y N N Dv2 was stopped at red light. Dv1 rearended v2, and then while attempting to parallel park backing up, backed into parked v3, pushing it into v4. Dv2 cited DUII and reckless driving. R 15 19:20 Sun Ashland St, parking lot 1 Y N Y N Y Y N N N Dv1 struck pedestrian in parking lot. Ped transported to RRMC with injuries. Dv1 cited for careless driving. NR 16 11:57 Mon Siskiyou Blvd at Indiana St 2 N N N N N Y N N N Dv2 was following v1, and ran into the rear of v1. Information exchanged. R 16 15:01 Mon N Main St 1 N N N N N Y Y N N Driver hit curb in the median, causing damage to vehicle. NR 23 14:26 Mon Third St near Lithia Wy 2 N N N N N Y N N N Dv1 waiting at stop sign for traffic to clear. Dv2 rearended v1. Information exchanged. NR 24 16:39 Tue Lithia Wy 2 N N N N N Y N N N Dv1 attempted to reverse into a parallel parking space on the side of street and rearended v2. Information exchanged. Traffic AccidentsJune 2022 June 2022 Accidents Bike/Ped Involved (0) Previous 2022 Accidents Bike/Ped Involved (7) Map Date: 7/13/2022 https://gis.ashland.or.us/accident/ June 2022 Accidents Motor Vehicle (12) Previous 2022 Accidents Motor Vehicle Crashes (70) Traffic AccidentsJune 2022 https://gis.ashland.or.us/accident/Map Date: 7/13/2022 NO. OF ACCIDENTS: 12 Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR Rep 1 13:30 Wed E Main St at Gresham 2 N N N N Y Y N N N Driver ran into another vehicle that was stopped at a stoplight. Rep 3 16:29 Fri Water St near B St 2 N N N Y Y Y N N Y Driver backed into parked police car. NR 5 10:35 Sun Oak St at Lithia Way 2 N N N N N Y N N Y Driver reversed into police motorcycle. Rep 5 15:40 Sun Private parking lot near Walker Av 2NNNNY Y NY N Driver backed into parked car while leaving parking space. Rep 8 14:43 Wed Siskiyou Blvd near Harmony Ln 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N One vehicle ran into the back of another at a stoplight. Rep 11 23:18 Sat Lithia Way near 3rd St 2 N N N Y Y Y Y N N Driver crashed into parked vehicle. NR 13 10:49 Mon Scenic Dr at Coolidge St 2 N N N N N Y N N N Driver pulled out from a parked position striking another vehicle that was passing by. MONTH: JUNE, 2022 MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH SUMMARY Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ. DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR Rep 16 23:23 Thur Siskiyou Blvd near S Mountain 1 N N N Y Y Y Y N N Driver knocked over ped signal post at Walker and Siskiyou, continued down Siskiyou and ran into a tree. Rep 17 13:10 Fri E Main St near Oak St 1 N N Y N N Y Y N N Driver failed to stop at intersection and ran across median into a parked vehicle. Rep 20 21:34 Mon Clay St at Villard 3 N N N Y Y Y Y N N Driver crashed into parked vehicle, pushing it into another. Rep 21 12:31 Tue Lithia Way near N 1st St 1 N N U U N Y Y Y N Driver crashed into parked vehicle and left the area, no leads. Rep 25 17:45 Sat Private parking lot near Skidmore St 2NNNNY N NY N Driver struck parked vehicle in business parking lot. NO. OF ACCIDENTS: 11 Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ.DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR Rep 3 17:09 Sun Lithia Way near 2nd St 2 Y N N N N Y Y N N Driver stopped suddenly for pedestrians crossing and was rearended. Rep 5 12:14 Tue Garfield St near Siskiyou 1 N N N N N N N N N Driver stepped on gas instead of brake and crashed into building. NR 13 12:04 Wed Siskiyou Blvd at Sherman St 2 N N N N N Y N N N Driver stopped at stop light was rearended. Rep 15 15:28 Fri N Main St near Maple St 2 N N Y N Y Y Y N N Driver stopped in traffic at red light was rearended by another vehicle. NR 15 18:38 Fri alley off Helman St 2 N N N N N Y N N N Driver backing out of alley was struck by a vehicle traveling on the street. Rep 18 13:14 Mon A St at Oak St 2 N N N N N Y Y N N Driver turning onto A Street was struck by vehicle pulling out from A Street. Rep 19 12:52 Tue N Main St near Winburn 2 N N N N N Y Y N N Dv2 backed from parking space into travel lane, crashing into other vehicle which was passing by. NR 21 16:44 Thur Clover Lane at Ashland St 2 N N N N N Y N N N Driver waiting for traffic to clear in order to enter roadway was rearended. Rep 22 20:15 Fri N Main St at Granite St 2 Y N N N N Y Y N N Driver was waiting for peds to cross street before turning when rearended. Rep 24 14:05 Sun E Main St at Garfield St 2 N N N N N Y Y N N Driver was eastbound on E Main St when crashed into by a driver pulling on E Main from Garfield St. Rep 29 11:42 Fri E Main St at N 2nd St 2 N N N N N Y Y N N Driver of parked vehicle opened door into occupied travel, striking a passing vehicle. MONTH: JULY, 2022 MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH SUMMARY Traffic AccidentsAug 2022 Aug 2022 Accidents Bike/Ped Involved (3) Skateboard (1) Previous 2022 Accidents Bike/Ped Involved (10) Map Date: 9/23/2022 https://gis.ashland.or.us/accident/ Aug 2022 Accidents Motor Vehicle (14) Previous 2022 Accidents Motor Vehicle Crashes (94) Traffic AccidentsAug 2022 https://gis.ashland.or.us/accident/Map Date: 9/23/2022 NO. OF ACCIDENTS: 18 Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ.DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR Rep 2 16:19 Tue N Main St 2 N N N N N Y Y N N Vehicle was rearended in traffic. Rep 3 17:34 Wed N 2nd St at E Main St 2 N N N N N Y N N N Driver pulling out from parking struck another in travel lane attempting to make a right turn into alley. NR 8 UNK Mon Winburn Way 2 N N N U N N N Y N Vehicle was damaged while parked. NR 9 14:03 Tue N Main St at Church St 1 N N N N N Y N Y N Skateboarder going fast crossed in front of vechicle that intended to go straight across to Church St. Veh impacted person, who jumped up and left the area. Rep 10 18:54 Wed Scenic at Wimer 1 N N P Y Y Y Y N N Driver ran a stop sign and veered into a power pole. Rep 13 UNK Sat Oak St near B St 2 N N N U N N Y Y N Vehicle was sideswiped while parked. Rep 15 19:00 Mon E Main St near Oak St 2 N N N U N Y Y Y N Vehicle was sideswiped while parked. NR 15 UNK Mon High St at Granite St 2 N N N U N N N Y N Vehicle was sideswiped while parked. Rep 21 12:14 Sun Crestview Dr near Hillview Dr 2 N N N N N Y Y N N Driver backed out of driveway and impacted parked vehicle. Rep 21 13:51 Sun Wightman St 3 N N N N N Y Y N N Distracted driver ran into 2 parked vehicles. Rep 22 19:34 Mon Ashland St at Tolman Creek Rd 2 N N N U N Y Y Y N Rearend crash in intersection, hit and run, no leads. MONTH: AUGUST, 2022 MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH SUMMARY Rep DATE TIME DAY LOCATION NO. VEH PED INV. BIKE INV.INJ.DUII Cited Police On Site PROP DAM. HIT/ RUN CITY VEH.CAUSE - DRIVER ERROR Rep 23 15:33 Tue N Main St at the Plaza 2 Y N N N N Y Y N N Driver was stopped waiting for peds to cross when other vehicle backed out of a parking stall and impacting first vehicle. Rep 24 12:41 Wed E Main St at N First St 2 Y N N N N Y N N N Ped suddenly stepped into crosswalk, and dv2 stopped quickly. Dv1 rearended v2. Rep 25 9:30 Thr E Main St near Water St 1 Y N Y N N Y N N N Driver struck ped in crosswalk causing minor injuries. Rep 27 11:30 Sat S 1st St near Hargadine St 2 N N N N Y Y Y Y N Driver backed into parked vehicle and left the area. NR 28 9:35 Sun W Nevada St at Almeda Dr 2 N N N N N Y N N N Rider of electric scooter ran into vehicle within intersection. Rep 29 7:55 Mon N Main St at W Hersey St 2 N N N N Y Y Y N N Driver pulled out from Hersey to make a left turn and impacted northbound driver. NR 31 10:30 Wed N Main St near Nursery St 2 N N P N N Y N N N Driver was rearended in stop and go traffic. Rogue Valley Transportation District From the Desk of Paige West, Senior Planner 3200 Crater Lake Avenue • Medford, Oregon 97504-9075 Phone (541) 608-2429 • Fax (541) 773-2877 Visit our website at: www.rvtd.org Date: 6/2/2023 To: Scott Fleury, City of Ashland Public Works Director From: Paige West, RVTD Planning and Strategic Programs Manager RE: Route 17 Crosstown Modifications and Update RVTD is very excited about the new service coming to Ashland on June 26, 2023. Since the presentation given to the TC and CC, RVTD has worked further with the neighborhoods served by this route along with major destinations to make final revisions. As with any new service, the initial route alignment presented to the public is subject to change after further examination. There are three main changes to the Route 17 that we believe will still provide great service to the community and allow for expansion. 1. RVTD has taken further consideration into the Helman/Nevada/Oak Streets loop and has decided this area will likely not generate enough ridership to be viable compared to other areas. Additionally, the streets are very narrow for a 30-foot vehicle and the residents have commented it will take away from the character of the ‘quiet neighborhood’. Before making our decision, we examined the Ashland Connector data drawing from over 14,000 trips and found there was in fact very little ridership along these streets except near Hersey St, where service will still be available. Therefore, (and due to another modification further explained below) the Route 17 will not serve Helman, Nevada or Oak Streets. RVTD will continue to monitor demand in this area however and would like to consider the option for a ‘deviated fixed-route’ in the future whereby the route could be requested to deviate to this area on request but not be served regularly each hour. 2. RVTD has taken further consideration into the Abbott Ave. section and has decided this street poses risk for an incident due to the narrow street width (especially on the east side) and the bustling nature of this street. Residents also have commented that a 30-foot vehicle regularly traveling through this neighborhood is not practical given other conflicting uses and obstacles on this constrained roadway. Therefore, RVTD will use E. Main St. for the connection between Tolman Creek Rd. and Clay St. as this was a secondary alternative we considered in the beginning. The curve near the interchange is a concern and we will work with the County to install a warning sign for oncoming drivers to be aware of a bus entering the roadway. 3. The Ashland Emergency Food Bank contacted RVTD early in the stages of our public notice. The Director asked if the AEFB might be served with this route. Due to the changes occurring with the Helman/Nevada/Oak streets we believe this will be possible and still maintain the one-hour schedule. Had we decided to keep the Helman/Nevada/Oak loop, we knew we would be unable to add this area and maintain a one-hour schedule. The AEFB is also nearby several employers, hotels and destinations that would make this route more viable for Ashland residents and employees. The addition will occur at a later date once RVTD has completed further route and schedule analysis. For now, the route will dwell at Albertson’s for approximately 7 minutes longer to reserve this time for the AEFB addition. The results from changes 1 & 2 are depicted in the map below. Route 17 will begin on Monday June 26th at 9:00am. Service will be available Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00am-4:00pm. We hope to extend the hours and add Saturdays in coming months. RVTD staff have greatly appreciated your team’s staff time coordinating with us on bus stop installation, permits, hardware and signage and making contact with key community members and organizations. We could not have done this successfully without the full support of the City of Ashland and the partnership between our agencies. Please let me know if you have any further questions or information we need to consider at this time.