HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-04-26 City Hall PACKETAgenda ad hoc City Hall Advisory Committee April 26, 2017 Siskiyou Room, 51 Winburn Way 1:30 p.m. 1. Welcome and Introductions (Interim City Administrator John Karns) 2. Review: Purpose of Committee 3. Meeting schedule: 1:30 – 3:30 every other Wednesday (approximately 9 meetings before September) 4. City Hall Location Options Overview (Project Manager Kaylea Kathol) 5. Q&A about location options overview 6. Discussion: how does the committee want to proceed? (committee) 7. Proposed Next Steps a. Tour of City Hall, Community Development b. Tour of Police Station, Civic Center c. Tour Lithia/Pioneer site, Elks parking lot site d. Meeting schedule: Every other Wednesday (approximately 9 meetings before September) 8. Public Input Future Agenda Items 1) Background on City Hall Deed Restriction 2) GO Bond impact on property taxes over 20 years. 3) Police Station Phase 2 Purpose of Committee The purpose of this committee is to: • Identify the best option for improving/replacing City Hall (meets the work space needs through 2031 and provides reasonable degree of seismic safety for employees) • Determine the amount needed for the identified option • Determine whether or not the City should seek voter approval of a General Election Bond (or series of bonds) to fund the identified option and phase 2 of the Police Station • If a GO Bond is recommended which election date is recommended • If a GO Bond is not recommended identify options funding sources • Provide a recommendation to the Council and the committee’s rational for the recommendation by early September Summary of City Hall Replacement Alternatives Preliminary Options Explored Seismic retrofit Rebuild on- site, in kind Are these the best options for the long term? Are they even the best for the present? What do we really need? What other options are available? Hire an ARCHITECT! Space Needs Analysis Existing Space (ft2) Projected Need (ft2) City Hall 7,745 11,808 Community Development 9,630 12,544 TOTAL 17,375 24,352 •What is a space needs analysis? •Why was it part of the feasibility study? •What are the parameters? Q: How do we get to 24,400 ft2? A: Site Evaluation! Sites Evaluated (Feasibility Study) Consolidate at City Hall Right Size at City Hall + ComDev Consolidate at ComDev New at Pioneer Parking Lot Sites Evaluated (Supplemental) New at Civic Center New at Elks’ Parking LotNew at Railroad Property Altogether Now… 1.Seismic Retrofit 2.In-Kind Rebuild 3.Right-Size Rebuild + ComDev 4.Expand ComDev + Consolidate 5.New @ Pioneer Parking 6.New @ Civic Center 7.New @ Elks’ Parking 8.New @ Railroad Property Cost Estimates •Estimates in this graph are in 2021 dollars (todays’ estimates have been escalated 5.5% per year) •Hard costs •Soft costs •Moving/rental space •Contractor’s contingency •Prevailing wage •Photovoltaic systemThese need professional cost estimates! Alternative Pr o v i d e s C i t y ' s s p a c e n e e d s Pr o v i d e s c e n t r a l i z e d s e r v i c e s Pr o v i d e s o f f - s t r e e t p a r k i n g ( f r e e s u p pu b l i c s t a l l s ) Po t e n t i a l t o i n c r e a s e i n p u b l i c p a r k i n g Re t a i n s p l a z a p r e s e n c e Pr e s e r v e s h i s t o r i c f a ç a d e El i m i n a t e s t e m p o r a r y s t a f f r e l o c a t i o n s Ab o v e H o s l e r D a m i n u n d a t i o n z o n e LE E D p o t e n t i a l n o t l i m i t e d b y e x i s t i n g in f r a s t r u c t u r e Co n s t r u c t i o n w i l l n o t i m p a c t d o w n t o w n to u r i s m o r t r a f f i c f l o w 20 2 1 E s t i m a t e d C o s t (1) Seismic Retrofit $ 6.5 M (2) In-Kind Rebuild $ 4.4 M (3) ComDev: Expand & Consolidate $ 9.5 M (4) Right-Size City Hall + ComDev $ 8.5 M (5) Right-Size/Stucco City Hall + ComDev $ 9.7 M (6) New @ Pioneer Parking & 50 UG Stalls $ 16.1 M (7) New @ Pioneer Parking & 100 UG Stalls $ 19.6 M (8) New @ Civic Center & Consolidate $ 12.9 M (9) New @ Civic Center + ComDev $ 11 M (10) New @ Elks' & Consolidate $ 11.1 M (11) New @ Elks' + ComDev $ 9.2 M (12) New @ Railroad & Consolidate $ 11.1 M (13) New @ Railroad + Com Dev $ 9.2 M To THE CITY O ASELPi D i y 0Z DEED from J6hn Re7man wife to the corporation of the Town of Ashlsnd THISINMNTURE Made the 20thday of August AD1884between JAHelman and Mary Helman his wife the parties of the first part therein and the cor poration of the Town of AshlandJackson County0regon the party of the second part thereinWITNESSETHWhereas the parties of the first part are desirous that the following described premises shall be and remain the property of the people of the Town of Adhland to be enjoyed and used in common b7 the people of said town as a public Square of Plaza and aso for the erection of a Town Hall and Jail therein now this Indenture witnesseth That the said parties of the first part for the purpose of carrying out and securing the objects aforesaid and in consideration of the sure of One dollar to them paid Both by these presents bargain sell convey and quit claim unto the corporation of the Town of Ashland Jackson County Oregon the following describedi land pro vides that the said following described land be used by the said corporation of the Town of Ashland for the purposesaforesaid arcl in case of the perver sion of the lmd herein described from the purposes aforesaid by said corpor ation of said Town of Ashland or by any person or persons claiming under them it is hereby eypressly stipulated that the land hereinafter described shall revert to and again become vested in the parties of the first part as though these presents had never been made towit All that piece or parcel of land situated in the Town of Ashland Jackson County State of Oregon and known on the official maps of said Town as the Plaza and bounded bl 3locks One Two and three and the Ashland Flouring Ililllot To Have and to hold the said premises upon the conditions aforesaid with the appurtenances unto the said corporation of the Town of Ashland forever IN WIMMSS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 20th day of August AD1884 John R HelmanDoneinpresenceof11n2yJHelman LJFarlowByADHelmanL SEJePeattTheirattorneyinfact SS COUNTY OF JACK30119 Before the undersigned a county Judge in and for said Count77 appeared the within named John R Helman and 1 ary J Helman his wife by their attorneY in fact the within named Jahn RHelman and llary J Helman his wife by their attorney in fact the within named ADHelman to me mown to be the individual described in and who execut 1 n ed the within conveyance for and oh behalf of the said Jahn R Heiman and Mary J Heiman his wife and acknowledged that he exeeuted the s arse 7ITITES my hand this 20th day of A ist AD1884 E De Peat County Judge Filed and recordeded August 21st 1884 N H Parker County Clerk H11 E D Fondray Deputy STATE OF OREGONs SS County of Jackson IFred IColvighereby certify that I am the County Recorder of Jackson CountyOregon and that as such I am the custodian of the DeedsMortgageMining and Miscellaneous Records of said County that the annexed instrument of writing is a true and correct copy of the DeedRecorded Volume 40 Page 481 of Deed Records of said County and that the same has been read and compared by me IN TESTIMONY WHMOFI have hereunto set my hand and official seal this the 9thday of August AD19130 County Recorder B y Malm The sketch elow is made solely for the purpose 01asstIsinIoratingsaidpremisesandtheCompanyZSWNWL44SEC9T39SRIEWMilityforvariationensionsncatinascertainedbifanyindim survey39Ii9BBAKSONCOUNTYTITLEDIVISION1100cTLEINSURANCECORPORATION10 1900 Q r Y f 1800 lOT 98Lk ti z I00 ii 2000 i 1400 l F II00 i yr 900 r CV 744 P A T 1 SHAKESFEAREAIv 10004 1 THEATER j 0 901 0 CID M1y ry 0800 LITHIA 8 400 i c t PARK CITY Y So 4900 cwU LIJ 5400 I l p 3 4600 ssoo Jj i7 6317 T SJ1AA51004400 i 14 O S sue o S 1 i6j000 1041004300 Ifis Copy of deed includinz ity Hell is the best I can do with the handrittanoriginalNothingtoworryaboutasIseeitCityfallappearstohavebeenbuiltontheenlargedportionofthePlaza 3riggs Deed from JOHN R hELiAN AND WIFE TO THE CORPORATION OF THE TOM OF ASHLAND This Indenture made this 20th day of August 1834 be taeen J R Helman and2ryHelmanhisiifethePartiesofthefirstpartandthecorporationof the Ton of Ashland Jackson County Oregon the Party of the Second Partthereinl1ITNIE33ETH Vhereas the Parties of the First Part are desirous that the following described rremises shall be and remain the property of the People ofthe Town of Ashland to have and to enjoy and used in common by the People of said Takm as a Public Square or Plaza and also for the erection of a Town Hall and Jail therein Now this Indenture Witnesseth That the Parties of the First Part for the purpose of carrying outt and the securing the ob jcts aforsaid and in considerption of the sum of One Dollar to them paid doh by 1ese nreGe q do brgain sell convev and quitclaim unto the Coroortion of the Tbg of Ashland Jackson County CLegon the following described sreea lard yrovided that the said follorng described land be used by the said corporation of the Town of Ashland for the purposes aforesaid and in case of the possession of the lard herein described From the purposes afnrsaid i by said corporation of said Tom of Ashland or by an person or persons elaining under them it is hereb e77Tessly s tioulatd that the land hereinafter described shall revert to and main become vested in the carries of the First Part as though these presents had never been made towit all that piece and parcel If land situated in the Town of Ashland Jackson County State of Oregon and Knoin on the of fiial maps of said ToVm as the I U and bounded by Blocks 01a T10 AN EE and the Flouring 2111 Lot TO HAVE AM TC POLD the said plE ses upon i e conditions aforesaid T7ili1 Ue an L enances itto the said Corrortion of the Torn of Ashland forever I WI 1 S3 THEREOF we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 20th day of August AD 1884 Done in Presence of J00N R ELIi4N MAY vy hEL EI N E J Farlow E Ddpeatt By A D HEiIM Thr AtLorey in Fact Ackno71edFe t before E DePeatt County Judee or Jackson County Filed and roc or ed in Volume 11 ge r8l Jac son County Oreon Deed Records on A ugus 21st 1SB Nctce tht te deed covers more land than included in the city hall You may have to di5 oit Some old mas to fug nders a1 t s deed j T E1 NiJ 7 a ell uometKrsrtLaa13GiYlliytxist w 7 131 C ll i Gl J i i S X55 eti a KW K F