HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-03-08 Historic MIN ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes March 8, 2000 CALL TO ORDER At 7:36 p.m., Chairperson Jim Lewis called the meeting to order at the Community Center. Members present were Terry Skibby, Jim Lewis, Dale Shostrom, Joan Steele and Gary Foll. Also present were Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Members Vava Bailey, Keith Chambers and Kay Maser were unable to attend the meeting. Curt Anderson resigned so the Commission is one member short at this time. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Steele pointed out on page 2 of the February 2, 2000 minutes in the fifth paragraph, the last line should read… (i.e. a window) … rather than (i.e. and window). She then moved to approve the minutes as corrected. The motion was unanimously passed. DISCUSSION OF CEMETERY PROJECT Historian Kay Atwood informed the Commission that in the last four months she had been retained by the Public Works Department (which just recently took over the cemetery maintenance) to prepare a preservation plan for Ashland’s three historic cemeteries. This plan will become the guidelines for City employees and the public to use in order to steer them in the right direction. It will include an assessment of what is presently in the cemeteries, an assessment of the needs of preservation and restoration in the cemeteries, and recommendation of treatment. It will also include sections of the Municipal Code pertaining to the cemeteries, the National Register nominations, deeds and other pertinent information. The assessment of improvements contains the grounds, trees, types of vegetation to plant, irrigation, and the care of the monuments and headstones. The plan also deals with vandalism. From 1885 until now, there have been no guidelines of any kind. She said there would also be small handouts for each individual cemetery. Atwood related some cities have cemetery commissions that deal with any proposed changes, signage, etc. She is going to recommend the Historic Commission serve in this capacity. Although this should not happen often, she wanted to alert the members of this. Public Works wants guidelines that will enhance the historic cemeteries and Atwood would like to get the preservation plan adopted as the official guidelines. When she has completed the plan, she will present it to the Commission. PUBLIC HEARINGS Planning Action 2000-022 Conditional Use Permit Under the Viaduct/Water Street Ashland Grower’s Market Knox explained this application is for the expansion of the Grower’s Market, which takes place every Tuesday from the first Tuesday in April through the first Tuesday in November. Approval of this expansion would close Water Street from East Main to “B” Street. The proposed closure also includes the Beaver Slide. The Grower’s Market Board is asking to close these sections from 6:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Although this proposal has nothing to do with historic preservation, Knox said it is in the Historic District; therefore, the Commission may also comment. The Council has heard this proposal and had favorable remarks. Skibby asked how the proposal compares to what is already approved. Knox said the vendors are only set up on one side of the street because vehicles are currently allowed to drive through on Water Street. Lewis commented both parking lots will still be usable and Skibby added the impact would be positive. Janet Bierbower, Market Manager, stated the Board has proposed these closures because the market is growing and vendors have been placed on a waiting list. The parking lot on the east side of Water Street will not be used, however as in the past, a portion of the west side parking lot will be utilized. If this proposal is allowed, a fire lane will need to be maintained. She noted the Board is willing to look at other options also, and had talked about using the large parking lot at Ashland Christian Fellowship. They would like to try the present proposal as a first option, however she has recently found out there is major opposition to it. Foll asked if the booths would be in the street and Bierbower responded they would be on both sides. The middle of the street will be open to pedestrians. Steele commented the market is a valuable asset to the City. When asked about the market customers, Bierbower informed the Commission a survey was conducted last year and it was found 85% drove and 15% walked. Steele moved to make a favorable recommendation to the Planning Commission on the proposal as it is. Skibby seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of February follow: 311 North Main Street Doug Irvine Addendum 933 East Main Street Jerry Quast Demolition of Shed 933 East Main Street Jerry Quast Garage 99 Central Avenue Ashland Community Health Center Re-roof 122 Church Street Tim Sargent Demolition of Rear Addition 25 North Main Street Sandler/Bemis Tenant Improvement 166 North Main Street A.E. Vincent Change Garage Door/Addition 78 Third Street John Williams/N. Keeley Garage 40 North Main Street Bug-A-Boo Sign 525 “A” Street Davis & Cline Gallery Sign 27 Third Street 1,2, Buckle My Shoe Sign OLD BUSINESS Review Board Following is the March schedule for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: th March 9 Skibby and Lewis th March 16 Skibby, Chambers and Steele rd March 23 Skibby, Foll and Shostrom th March 30 Skibby, Steele and Foll Project Assignments for Planning Actions PA# 96-086 685 “A” Street Lewis PA# 97-018 661 “B” Street Lewis PA# 98-039 Holly Street Steele and Lewis PA# 98-045 122 Church Street Bailey PA# 98-047 Between 548 & 628 North Main Street Foll PA# 99-020 525 “A” Street Lewis PA# 99-062 Van Ness Avenue Foll PA# 99-102 141 Lithia Way Shostrom PA# 99-108 340 Oak Street Shostrom National Historic Preservation Week The Commission decided on the following events during National Historic Preservation Week: walking tours of the Skidmore Academy District, Ashland Cemetery and the Downtown area. Presentation of awards will be at the Old Ashland Armory. Southern Oregon Historical Society will provide refreshments. NEW BUSINESS Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 8, 2000 2 Preliminary Library Review Assistant City Administrator Greg Scoles introduced SERA architects Peter Meijer and John Echlin, consultant George Kramer and Ashland librarian Bob Wilson, who were at the meeting to present the plans for the expansion of the library and preservation of the Carnegie library building. Meijer stated that overall, SERA’s approach has been to design a compatible structure that picks up components off the Carnegie building. Its approach to the Carnegie building is to preserve and restore it. He noted this has been a complex site with many variants. The design phase for the new building has now been completed and they have received approval from the library board. When asked by Shostrom to clarify what had been completed, Meijer answered they will be going through the detail design and they are now asking for Historic Commission feedback. The project is one-third completed. Next month this project should go before the Planning Commission. Echlin walked the Commission through the general design concept, noting the design for the new building is much in the Greek manner. Rather than overshadow or wrap the new building around the Carnegie Building, the architects deferred to it. Both buildings will stand independently. They each have a different relationship to Siskiyou Boulevard. He said it is important to see the Carnegie Building as a special landmark and they kept this in mind. The horizontal line of the new building echoes the Carnegie; it does not mimic it. The masonry walls will be a stucco material, however, the texture has not been chosen yet, nor has the color. They are investigating the original color of the Carnegie. The roof will be zinc. The original tile on the Carnegie has been located. Windows will be clear transparent glass with unpainted natural wood mullion bars. Shostrom asked about the size of the mullions and Echlin responded they would probably be 3” wide. Skibby commented in reality, the roof material would not be visible from Siskiyou Boulevard. Echlin noted a 3 in 12 gabled hipped roof was settled upon for the new building, again echoing the Carnegie, which has a 4 in 12 pitch hipped roof. On the alley side of the new building, the design has been scaled down and it takes on more of a residential character. There is a cantilever on top with a bank of windows on all sides. Shiplap horizontal zinc siding will be used. The cantilever will hide the mechanical towers. Echlin also noted the rear wall of the Carnegie would be restored. Skibby asked about the Carnegie entrance. Echlin replied the existing entrance would be a fire exit only. He also declared the Carnegie would be a family library. Echlin and Meijer noted the Carnegie fire exit would be entirely reversible. The new building will have two main entrances – one off Siskiyou Boulevard and one off the rear. Echlin added the library has also applied for grant money to improve and renovate the Chapman-Mickelson statue. Lewis asked if the plans had been submitted to the State Historic Preservation Office. Preservation consultant George Kramer answered the City will submit them soon, as it is part of the approval process. Shostrom commented the design and shape of the building fit very well and he likes the cornice and the zinc; however, he wondered if historically, it would be going too far to side the entire back with the zinc material. Echlin stated only one story will be visible. Shostrom then questioned the depth of the wing walls on the upper elevation and Echlin agreed they seem a little deep and stated they will probably make the window wells shallower. The bays will remain. Shostrom also commented the building seems a little top heavy. Historically, buildings have more base. He wondered if the base could be brought up 30” or so. Echlin said he could also see this and will take a look at the ground level. Knox commented the plans have come a long way in the last year and that in the future, both buildings will stand on their own. Kramer asked the Commission if the plans are moving in the right direction. Foll stated he feels all the changes have been for the best, from the stairwells to the landscaping. The Commission agreed. Skibby asked if any windows would be changed on the Carnegie Building with the restoration. Meijer said some of the glass will be replaced, but basically, the wood is in good condition. In the restoration of the windows, the new glass will be insulated. Meijer also noted the shelving on the main floor of the Carnegie will be recreated. The Commission thanked the men for their presentation. Second Annual Open House The second annual open house to honor all City volunteers will be held on April 13 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. All members are encouraged to attend. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 8, 2000 3 Oregon Shakespeare Theater Building Meeting Knox reminded the Commission there will be a meeting with OSF representatives and architects for the new theater on March 13 at 1:00 in the festival conference room. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:53 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 8, 2000 4