HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-01-05 Historic PACKET HISTORIC COMMISSIONELECTRONICMEETING AGENDA January 5, 20226PM I.6:00PM -REGULAR MEETING –CALL TO ORDER II.APPROVAL OF MINUTES Historic Commission electronic meeting ofDecember8, 2021 III.PUBLIC FORUM IV.COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT Councilor Moran V.PLANNINGACTION REVIEW VI.DISCUSSION ITEMS Marking Ashland PlacesUpdate-Jennifer Longshore Community Center Seated member quorum discussion Historic Preservation Week –PastForward th o Historic Preservation Awards scheduled for Tues, May 17@12:30 Pioneer Hall hasbeen reserved(with indoor or outdoor option) VII.ADJOURNMENT ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION ELECTRONIC MEETING DRAFT Meeting Minutes December 8, 2021 Community Development/Engineering Services Building –Electronic Meeting CALL TO ORDER: Hovenkamp called the zoom meeting to order at6:00pm. Commissioners Present:Council Liaison: ShostromShaun Moran WhitfordStaff Present: Von ChamierMaria Harris; Planning Dept. EmeryDerek Severson; Planning Dept SkibbyRegan Trapp; Permit Technician II Hovenkamp Swink Commissioners Absent:ALL PRESENT APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Shostrom/Whitford m/sto approve minutesforSeptember 8,2021.Voice vote. ALL AYES.Motion passed. PUBLIC FORUM: There was no one wishing to speak. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: Councilor Moran gave Council Liaison report. Items discussed were: The firstreading of the annexation code amendments was presented to Council. The Community Center will move forward with the Ad-Hoc Committee’s proposalapproved by the Council. Hovenkamp read aloud the procedures for Public Hearings. PLANNING ACTION REVIEW PLANNING ACTION: PA-T1-2021-00164 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 101 A Street OWNER:Blue Marble/Jordan Willing APPLICANT: Chris Brown, Arkitek: Design &Architecture DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Design Review approval to permit a remodel and an 8,159 square foot addition to the building at 101 A Street. Proposed improvements includere-roofing; constructing a new rooftop addition and solar array andreplacing rooftop mechanical equipment; installing new exterior stairs, exterior windows, awnings and a dormer; constructing interior second floor space; installing a parking area gate to regulate access; and adding new plaza space with seating. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:Employment; ZONING: E-1 with Historic, Residential and Detail Site Review Overlays;MAP:39 1E 09BA;TAX LOT: 14600 & 14900 There was noconflict of interest or ex-parte contact indicated by the Commission. Seversongave the staff report for PA-T1-2021-00164. Hovenkamp opened the public hearing to the applicants. Applicant’s present: Christopher Brown, Arkitek Ian White, Arkitek Paul Turner, Arkitek Chris Brown introduced himself and his team. He announcedthat this project is an adaptive re-use of a building that is a landmark feature of the railroad district in Ashland and will revitalize the A’ Street Corridor. Ian White gave a summary on the history of the site and the project. Paul Turner stated thatthis would be a modern addition to offset the historical qualities of the buildingand that it was important to keep the setback from all sides of the building on the rooftop addition. They wanted to work with the vision of what is already there and staywithinthe existing material palette. The team’s goal is to strip out the finishes fromwhat Plexis added and returnthe historical character of the building. Emery& Shostromlike the original proposaland agreed that, visually from south to north,it becomes more massive as compared to the original proposal.Emery acknowledgedthat although it’s more massive it is a good use of the space. The Commission thankedthe applicantsfor their detailed plans. Hovenkamp closed the public hearing to the applicants. Emery/Shostromm/s to approvePA-T1-2021-00164 with recommendation. Voice vote. ALL AYES. Motion passed. Commission Recommendation: The Historic Commission commends the applicant on the design and effort to remodel and repurpose a significant historic structure. The Commission also commends the applicant for the excellent application materials, as well as the presentation of the perspectives, elevations and site plans at the Commission meeting. The presentation and materials assisted greatly in understanding the proposed changes to the building exterior and third story addition. The Historic Commission recommends reducing the plate height from ten to eight feet in height to minimize the visual impact of the mass and scale of the third-story addition from a variety of views from a pedestrian’s perspective on A Street –see applicable design standards (below). Historic District Design Standards 3.Scale. Recommended: Height, width, and massing of new buildings conform to historic buildings in the immediate vicinity. Avoid: Height, width, or massing of new buildings that is out of scale with historic buildings in the vicinity. 4.Massing. Recommended: Small, varied masses consistent with historic buildings in the immediate vicinity. Avoid: Single, monolithic forms that are not relieved by variations in massing. Large Scale Projects, 1.Orientation and Scale. a.Developments shall divide large building masses into heights and sizes that relate to human scale by incorporating changes in building masses or direction, sheltering roofs, a distinct pattern of divisions on surfaces, windows, trees, and small scale lighting. DISCUSSION ITEMS Membership and attendance: Harris emphasized that there are 2 vacancies on theCommissionthathave not been filled for over a year. Staff suggests supporting an amendment to reduce the Commission to7 seated members. This would be a council decision with the ordinance to be drafted by Staff. The Commissionasked staff to investigate the following: o Having a “seated member quorum” (Like Tree Commission) o Reduce design review to 2x a month (with only 2 people) Shostrom made a motion–Further discussion ensued as to what the motion should be. Shostrom/Swink m/s to direct staff to research keeping Commission seats at 9 but use the “seated member quorum.” ALL AYES. Motion passed. Community Center discussion: The Commission discussed in detail Shostrom’s letterthat was read aloud to Council back in September. Councilor Moran summarizedthe Ad-Hoc Committee’s decisionandwhat the next steps will be. The Commission conveyedthat they would like to identify their role in this important matter, and formally address Council in the near future.They decided that they would studyall the information from the November Packet and come together to discuss this topic atthe next meeting in January. ADJOURNMENT Next meeting is scheduled forJanuary 5, 2022at 6:00pmvia Zoom. There being no other items to discuss, the meeting adjournedat8:14pm Respectfully submitted by Regan Trapp, Permit Technician II Memo DATE:1/05/2022 TO:HistoricCommission FROM:Brandon Goldman, Senior Planner RE:Commission Membershipand Quorum Requirements The City of Ashland has 14standing Commissions thatregularly meet to review and advice on projects and policies that relate to their areas of expertise. There are numerous additionalcommittees, boards, and ad hoc groups that convene to address specific City related business of the course of the year. Advisory Commissions and boards are established consistentwith Chapter 2.10,Uniform Policies and operating procedures for Advisory Commissions and Boards, of the Ashland Municipal Code. This code aims to provide require uniform rules, policies and operating procedures to assure maximum productivity and fairness for members and the public.Chapter 2.10provides standardized rulesfor all City Commissions relating to operations including but not limited to public meeting law, ethics, appointments, meeting attendance, and quorum requirements. In addition to Chapter 2.10, each Commission is governed by a separate subsection of Ch. 2.10 which will outline the powers and duties of the specific Commission,as well as provide for membership qualification and number. The Historic Commission has requested information regarding the established membership of other City Commissions,and specifically in relation to the membership number of each commission. Themakeupof the Historic Commission’s membershipis set forth in Chapter 2.24,Historic Commission, of the Ashland Municipal Code.Any change to this section, including revisions to the number of members orquorum limits,would requireanordinance amendingthe Municipal Codebe approved by the City Council.A recommendation from the Historic Commission regarding any such membership revisionswould be presented totheCity Manager for inclusion on a future Council agenda for consideration. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Background City Commission Membership and Vacancies–current as of December 2021. CommissionMembership numberCurrently Quorum Appointed Requirement Members Airport985 Climate Policy965 Conservation975 Forest Lands764 Historic975 Housing and Human 995 Services Municipal Audit 433 Parks and Recreation553 (elected) Planning 764 Public Arts 754 Social Equity and 9-11106 Racial Justice(1/2 seated plus 1) Tree5-743 (1/2 seated plus 1) Transportation774 Wildfire Safety975 Tree Commission Membership and QuorumRequirements. In July of 2008 the Ashland City Council approved an ordinance amending the Ashland Municipal Code (AMC)to revise the number of Tree Commission members and the definition of a quorum for this commission. At the time the Tree Commission had experienced severalcanceled meetings in the prior year(s)due to a lack of members and the corresponding inability to achieve a quorum in the event appointed commissioners were absent,and/or appointments to available seats had remained unfilled. Creating an allowance for the commission to reduce the number of Commissioners from sevento five allowed a quorum to be met when only threemembers were present. This reduction enabled the Commission to regularly achieve a quorum and thus satisfy their responsibility to hold meetingsto review planning actions and tree removal permit applications. The flexibility to appoint up to seven (7)members was retained in the AMC, however recruitment and appointment of additional Tree Commission members has continued to remaindifficult. As of December 2021, there are presently four currently appointed members on the Tree Commission, with three open vacancies. Therefore, three of the four currently seated members must be present to satisfy the quorum requirements and conduct a public meeting. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us AMC 2.25.010Established Membership The Tree Commission is established and shall consist of no less than five members normore than seven voting members. There shall also be three nonvoting ex officio members consisting of a member of the City Council, a representative of the Community Development Department and a representative of the Parks and Recreation Department.(Ord. 3003, amended, 02/18/2010; Ord. 2962, amended, 07/15/2008) AMC 2.25.030Quorum Rules and Meetings Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, a quorum shall be defined as one-half the number of sitting Commissioners, plus one, but in no case less than three.(Ord. 3003, amended, 02/18/2010; Ord. 2962, amended, 07/15/2008) Social Equity and Racial Justice CommissionMembership and QuorumRequirements The Ashland Social Equity and Racial Justice Commission was established inMay of 2021. This Commission was established to allow as few asnine (9) voting members, and as many as eleven (11). As of December 2021,there are presently ten (10) appointed members. The quorum requirement is established as more than ½ the appointed members, and no less than five (5). With 10 appointed members the quorum requirement is six members. AMC 2.20.010Establishment–Membership B.The Social Equity and Racial Justice Commission shall consist of no fewer than nine (9) and no more than eleven (11) voting members. All voting members shall reside within the corporate limits of the City of Ashland. AMC 2.20.020 Meetings and Rules A.Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, a quorum of the Social Equity and Racial Justice Commission shall consist of more than one-half (½) of the total number of its current Council-confirmed voting members, but in no case fewer than five (5). DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us