HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-06 Historic PACKET HISTORIC COMMISSIONELECTRONICMEETING AGENDA JANUARY 6, 2021 6PM I.6:00PM -REGULAR MEETING –CALL TO ORDER II.APPROVAL OF MINUTES Historic Commission electronic meeting of September 2, 2020. III.PUBLIC FORUM IV.COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT V.PLANNING ACTION REVIEW PLANNING ACTION:PA-T1-2020-000136 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 201 S. Mountain Ave(Ashland HighSchool) APPLICANT/OWNER: Christopher Brown, Arkitek/ Ashland School District 5 DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Design Review to allow the construction of a new 2,539square footsingle-story classroomaddition to the Ashland High School Science Building, and a 1,249 square footaddition to the Humanities Building which includes an elevator and restrooms. The project also includes seismic retrofitting of existing structures, installation of emergency power generators, and safety enhancements including the enclosure of exterior hallwayswith a polycarbonate cladding. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:Single Family Residential; ZONING: R-2;MAP: 39 1E 09DA;TAX LOTS: 100 VI.NEW ITEMS Historic Preservation Awards –May 2021 VII.DISCUSSION ITEMS VIII.COMMISSION ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA IX.OLD BUSINESS X.ADJOURNMENT ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION DRAFT Meeting Minutes September 2,2020 Community Development/Engineering Services Building –Electronic Meeting CALL TO ORDER: Shostromcalled the electronic meeting to order at6:02pm. Commissioners Present:CouncilLiaison: SkibbyRich Rosenthal WhitfordStaff Present: EmeryBrandon Goldman; Planning Dept. Von ChamierRegan Trapp; Secretary Swink Giordano Shostrom Commissioners Absent:Babin Hovenkamp APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Whitford/Von Chamier m/sto approve minutesfor March 4, 2020.Voice vote. ALL AYES. Motion passed. PUBLIC FORUM: There was no one wishing to speak. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: Councilor Rosenthal gave report to the Commission. Items discussed were: City of Ashland hired a new Finance Director, Melanie Purcell who will start in Nov 2020. Council postponed the hiring process for City Manager until early part of 2021. Council approved 2 union contracts for IBEW. PLANNING ACTION REVIEW: PLANNING ACTION: PA-T1-2020-00122 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 240-244 Van Ness Ave OWNER/APPLICANT:Rogue Planning and Development Services/ Eric and Rebecca Laursen DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Design Review approval for the property located at 240 Van Ness Ave. The proposal involves conversion of the existing accessory structure located at the rear of the property, behind primary home, into a dwelling. The conversion of the existing 1950 sq.ft. structure into a dwelling unit would bring the total number of residential units on the property up to two units. As the structure exists currently, and only interior modifications are proposed to convert it into a residential unit, the site improvements associated with the proposal are limited to the addition of a rooftop deck and landscaping.COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low-Density, Multi- Family Residential; ZONING:R-3;MAP: 39 1E 05 DA;TAX LOT: 1700. There was no conflict of interest or ex-parte contact indicated by the Commission. Goldmangave the staff report for PA-T1-2020-00122. Shostrom opened the public hearing. Amy Gunter, applicant’s representative was present and emphasized that this project would not include exterior changes. Shostrom closed the public hearing and opened to the Commission for comments. Whitford/Swink m/sto approve PA-T1-2020-00122with recommendations. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Recommendations for PA-T1-2020-00122 Street trees from the “recommended street tree guide”shall be plantedas recommendedby staff. Commission is favorable of retainingthegravel driveway as a historically compatible surface. NEW ITEMS: Electronicmeeting protocols during COVID –This memo was given to the Commission in their packets and there was no further discussion during the meeting. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Thesale of the bungalow at 114 Granite was discussed. Goldman explained the history on this project and what will be coming up in the near future with the pre-application for a minor land partition. The Commission asked about Historic Preservation awards and Review Board. Theywould like to bemore involved in the review process as soon as possible. REVIEW BOARD: Postponed until further notice. PROJECT ASSIGNMENTS FOR PLANNING ACTIONS: Will update when more information is given. ADJOURNMENT: Next meeting is scheduled October 7, 2020 at 6:00pmvia Zoom. There being no other items to discuss, the meeting adjournedat 6:45pm Respectfully submitted by Regan Trapp Planning Department, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 1-800-735-2900 541-488-5305 Fax: 541-552-2050 www.ashland.or.us NOTICE OF APPLICATION PLANNING ACTION:PA-T1-2020-000136 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 201 S. Mountain Ave (Ashland High School) APPLICANT/OWNER: Christopher Brown, Arkitek/ Ashland School District 5 DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Design Review to allow the construction of a new 2,539 square foot single- story classroom addition to the Ashland High School Science Building, and a 1,249 square foot addition to the Humanities Building which includes an elevator and restrooms.The project also includes seismic retrofitting of existing structures, installation of emergency power generators, and safety enhancements including the enclosure of exterior hallways with a polycarbonate cladding. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:Single Family Residential; ZONING: R-2; MAP: 39 1E 09DA;TAX LOTS: 100 NOTE:The Ashland Historic Commission will review this Planning Action at an electronic public hearing on Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at 6:00PM. See page 2 of this notice for information about participating in the electronic public hearing. NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION:December 29, 2020 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN COMMENTS:January 12, 2021 OVER G:\\comm-dev\\planning\\Planning Actions\\PAs by Street\\M\\Mountain, South\\MountainS_201_Ashland High\\PA-T1-2020-00136\\Noticing\\SMountain_201_PA-T1-2020-00136_NOC.docx HistoricCommission Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Historic Commissionwill hold an electronic public hearing on the above described planning action on the meetingdate and time shown on Page 1. If you would like to watch and listen to the Historic Commissionmeeting virtually, but not participate in any discussion, you can use the Zoom link posted on the City of Ashland calendar website https://www.ashland.or.us/calendar.asp. with Anyone wishing to submit written comments can do so by sending an e-mail to PC-public-testimony@ashland.or.us the subject line “Advisory Commission Hearing Testimony” by 10:00 a.m. on Monday, January 4, 2021. If the applicant wishes to provide a rebuttal to the testimony, they can submit the rebuttal via e-mail to PC-public- testimony@ashland.or.uswith the subject line “Advisory CommissionHearing Testimony” by 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 5, 2021.Written testimony received by these deadlines will be available for Historic Commissionersto review before the hearing and will be included in the meeting minutes. Oral testimony will be taken during the electronic public hearing. If you wish to provide oral testimony during the electronic meeting, send an email toPC-public-testimony@ashland.or.us by 10:00 a.m. on Monday, January 4, 2021. In order to provide testimony at the public hearing, please provide the following information:1) make the subject line of the email “Advisory Commission TestimonyRequest”, 2) include your name, 3) specify the date and commission meeting you wish to testify at, 4) specifythe agenda item you wish to speak to,5)specify if you will be participatingby computer or telephone, and 6) the name you will use if participating by computer or the telephone number you will use if participating by telephone. In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Administrator’s office at 541-488-6002 (TTY phone number 1-800-735-2900). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting. (28 CFR 35.102.-35.104 ADA Title I). The Ashland Planning Division Staff has received a complete application for the property noted on Page 1 of this notice. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, application materials are provided online and comments will beaccepted by email. Alternativearrangements for reviewing the application or submitting comments can be made by contacting (541) 488-5305 or planning@ashland.or.us. A copy of the application, including all documents, evidence and applicable criteria are available online at “What’s .Copies of application materialswill be provided Happening in my City” at https://gis.ashland.or.us/developmentproposals/ at reasonable cost, if requested. Under extenuating circumstances, application materials may be requested to be reviewed in-person at the Ashland Community Development & Engineering Services Building, 51 Winburn Way, via a pre-arranged planning@ashland.or.us. appointment by calling (541) 488-5305 or emailing orto the City of Any affected property owner or resident has a right to submit written comments to planning@ashland.or.us Ashland Planning Division, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520 prior to 4:30 p.m. on the deadline date shown on Page 1. Ashland Planning Division Staff determine if a Land Use application is complete within 30 days of submittal.Upon determination of completeness, a notice is sent to surrounding properties within 200 feet of the property submitting application which allows for a 14-day comment period. After the comment period and not more than 45 days from the application being deemed complete, the Planning Division Staff shall make a final decision on the application. A notice of decision ismailed to the same properties within 5 days of decision. An appeal to the Planning Commission of the Planning Division Staff’s decision must be made in writing to the Ashland Planning Division within 12 days from the date of the mailing of final decision.(AMC The ordinance criteria applicable to this application are attached to this notice.Oregon law states that failure to raise an objection concerning this application, by letter, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue, precludes your right of appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) on that issue. Failure to specify which ordinance criterion the objection is based on also precludes your right of appeal to LUBAon that criterion. Failure of the applicant to raise constitutional or other issues relating to proposed conditions of approval with sufficient specificity to allow this Department to respond to the issue precludes an action for damages in circuit court. If you have questions or comments concerning this request, please feel free to contact Brandon Goldmanat Brandon.goldman@ashland.or.usor 541-488-5305. G:\\comm-dev\\planning\\Planning Actions\\PAs by Street\\M\\Mountain, South\\MountainS_201_Ashland High\\PA-T1-2020-00136\\Noticing\\SMountain_201_PA-T1-2020-00136_NOC.docx SITE DESIGN AND USE STANDARDS The following criteria shall be used to approve or deny an application: A.Underlying Zone:The proposal complies with all of the applicable provisions of the underlying zone (part 18.2), including but not limited to:building and yard setbacks, lot area and dimensions, density and floor area, lot coverage, building height, building orientation, architecture, and other applicable standards. B. Overlay Zones:The proposal complies with applicable overlay zone requirements (part 18.3). C. Site Development and Design Standards:The proposal complies with the applicable Site Development and DesignStandards of part 18.4, except as provided by subsection E, below. D. City Facilities:The proposal complies with the applicable standards in section 18.4.6 Public Facilities and that adequate capacity of City facilities for water, sewer, electricity, urban storm drainage, paved access to and throughout the property and adequate transportation can and will be provided to the subject property. E.Exception to the Site Development and Design Standards:The approval authority may approve exceptions to the Site Development and Design Standards of part 18.4 if the circumstances in either subsection 1 or 2, below, are found to exist. 1.There is a demonstrable difficulty meeting the specific requirements of the Site Development and Design Standards due to a unique or unusual aspect of an existing structure or the proposed use of a site; and approval of the exception will not substantially negatively impact adjacent properties; and approval of the exception is consistent with the stated purpose of the Site Development and Design; and the exception requested is the minimum which would alleviate the difficulty.; or 2.There is no demonstrable difficulty in meeting the specific requirements, but granting the exception will result in a design that equally or better achieves the stated purpose of the Site Development and Design Standards. G:\\comm-dev\\planning\\Planning Actions\\PAs by Street\\M\\Mountain, South\\MountainS_201_Ashland High\\PA-T1-2020-00136\\Noticing\\SMountain_201_PA-T1-2020-00136_NOC.docx AshlandHighSchool Science&HumanitiesBuildingsModernizationProject 201SMountainAve.Ashland,OR97520 SiteDesignReviewApplicationNarrative December21,2020 426astreet,ashlandor97520(541)5919988arkitek@arkitek.uswww.arkitek.us AshlandHighSchoolScience&HumanitiesBuildingsModernization TypeISiteDesignReview 12.21.2020 SITEDESIGNREVIEW:ASHLANDHIGHSCHOOL I. ProjectInformation Date:12/21/2020 SubjectSite:201SMountainAvenue Ashland,OR97520 Map&TaxLot#:391E09DA100 Zoning:R2SingleFamily(ResidentialUse/Zone) PropertyOwner:AshlandSchoolDistrictNo.5 TotalAcreage:12.05acres(524,898SF) II. ProjectScope Theanticipateddevelopmentlocatedat201SMountainAve,proposedbytheAshlandSchoolDistrict,includes renovationsandadditionstoboththeScienceandHumanitiesBuildings.Thepurposeoftheprojectistoimprove safetyandinclusivityforallAHSstudentsandstaff,andtoalleviateovercrowdingofscienceclassroomsbydeveloping asinglenewclassroomaddition.TheHumanitiesBuildingscopeisfocusedonseismicupgrades,anelevator/restroom addition,existingrestroomrenovations,andcladdingatexteriorelevatedhallwaysforsafety.TheScience/Library Buildingscopeisfocusedonscienceprogrammodernization,asinglestoryclassroomaddition,security,and accessibilityimprovements.Inadditiontothearchitecturalscope,ADAaccessibilityimprovementswillbe implementedonsitetoconnectthebuildingswithaccessibleroutes,includingminorparkinglotadjustments. PolycarbonatecladdingisproposedforuseontheprojectatboththeupperHumanitiesexteriorwalkwaysandthe westernexteriorhallwayentranceoftheSciencebuilding.Thismaterialisatranslucentlightweightglazingthat allowsfordaylightingincorridorspaceswheresecurityandweatherprotectionisaconcern.Theproposeddesign doesnotintendtoutilizeanybrightorneoncolorsthatcouldpotentiallycausesignageorilluminationissues.Lighting withinthecorridorspaceswillreceiveanenergyupgradewithcontrolsthatwillautomaticallydimthelightsafter hours,improvingneighborhoodimpacts. Theproposedschoolimprovementswillnotcreateanynewusesoractivitiesonsite,willnotincreasethenumberof thesite. users,andwillnotintensifyorexpandthecurrentusesandactivitiesof III. AttachmentsΑEvidenceofRecord ExhibitASiteTopographicSurvey ExhibitBArchitecturalSitePlan,FloorPlans,&Elevations ExhibitCCivilPlans ExhibitDLandscapePlans ExhibitEElectricalPlans TypeISiteDesignReviewAshlandHighSchool ExhibitFLightFixtures ExhibitGTreeRemovalNarrative IV. SiteDescription ThesiteisoccupiedbyboththeAshlandSchoolDistrictOfficesandtheAshlandHighSchool.AshlandHighSchool consistsof10majorschoolbuildingsandseveraloutbuildings.Therearefivemajorvehicularaccesspointstothesite fromSMountainAve,SiskiyouBoulevard,andMorseStreet.Bicyclesandpedestriansareabletoaccessthesitefrom allsidesastherearenoperimeterfencesorobstacles.Onsitevehicularparkingislocatedinthreelotsalongthe southernpropertyboundary,andinthecenterofthesitenorthoftheautoshop.ADAparkingislocatedinallfour lots.Thereareseverallocationsforbicycleparkingonsiteadjacenttothemajorschoolbuildings.Thereisextensive, wellestablishedlandscapingthroughoutthe12.05acresite,includingshadetreesadjacenttoparkingareasandopen space. Additionalsitefeaturesincludeafootballstadium,atrack&playingfield,acentralquad,andvariousconnecting pathways.Thesiteisgentlyslopingdownfromsouthtonorthresultinginsomeexistingretainingwalls.Thereareno othernoteworthygeologicfeatures.Undergroundwater,sewer,stormsewer,naturalgas,andelectricitycurrently supplythesiteandAshlandHighSchool. SubjectParcel:!ƭƭĻƭƚƩ͸ƭMap391E09DACityofAshlandzoningmap(R2) V. FindingsofFact: SITEDESIGNREVIEW WrittenFindings A.2.Newnonresidentialstructuresoradditionsinany Theproposeddesignincludesa2,539squarefootscience zone,includingpublicbuildings,schools,churches,and classroomadditionanda1,249squarefootelevatorand similarpublicandquasipublicusesinresidentialzones.restroomaddition. 3 TypeISiteDesignReviewAshlandHighSchool A.UnderlyingZone.Theproposalcomplieswithallofthe ThesubjectpropertyiszonedSingleFamilyResidential(R applicableprovisionsoftheunderlyingzone(part18.2),2).Publicschoolsarepermittedwithinthiszone.Referto theattachedExhibitBforsetbacks,buildingheights,and includingbutnotlimitedto:buildingandyardsetbacks, lotareaanddimensions,densityandfloorarea,lot separation. coverage,buildingheight,buildingorientation, ThebuildingandsitedesigncomplieswithallunderlyingR architecture,andotherapplicablestandards. 2zonestandards.RefertotheattachedExhibitsB,C,andD andthefollowingnarrativefordesigndetails. Theapproximateoverallsitecoverageiscurrently31.6% buildings,43.1%landscaping,and25.3%impervious surfacingsuchasdriveways,parkingareas,andthetrack. Theproposedoverallsitecoveragewillbe31.7%buildings, 42.8%landscaping,and25.5%impervioussurfacing. B.OverlayZones.Theproposalcomplieswithapplicable Theproposalcomplieswithallapplicableoverlayingzone overlayzonerequirements(part18.3).requirements.Anarrowportionofthesubjectsiteoverlaps thehistoricdowntowndistrictoverlayzonealongSiskiyou Boulevard.SeeExhibitBattachedandwrittenfindings belowforapplicabilityofAMCsection18.4.2.050Historic DistrictDevelopment. C.SiteDevelopmentandDesignStandards.Theproposal Thesitewasoriginallydevelopedinthe1960sandthe complieswiththeapplicableSiteDevelopmentandDesign existingconditionscomplywithmostof,butnotallofthe Standardsofpart18.4,exceptasprovidedbysubsection applicableSiteDevelopmentandDesignStandards.The E,below.proposeddesignincreasescompliancewithstandards pertainingtoparking,accessibility,andbicycleparking withintheareasofprojectscope. D.CityFacilities.Theproposalcomplieswiththe TheattachedExhibitCprovidesCivilplansdemonstrating applicablestandardsinsection18.4.6PublicFacilities,adequatefacilitiesforstormdrainage,publicutilities,and andthatadequatecapacityofCityfacilitiesforwater,access.SeeC4.0GradingandDrainagePlanandC5.0 sewer,electricity,urbanstormdrainage,pavedaccessto OverallSiteUtilityPlan. andthroughouttheproperty,andadequate transportationcanandwillbeprovidedtothesubject property. B.SiteDesignReviewInformation.Inadditiontothe Thisapplicationcontainsallrequiredinformationwithin generalinformationrequiredforSiteDesignReview,the thisapplicationnarrativeandtheattachedExhibitslistedin applicantshallprovidethefollowinginformation.sectionͷLLL͵!ƷƷğĭŷƒĻƓƷƭ͵ͷ 4 TypeISiteDesignReviewAshlandHighSchool BUILDINGPLACEMENT,ORIENTATION,ANDDESIGN WrittenFindings 1.OrientationandScale Theproposeddevelopmentexpandsthecurrentcampusby approximately1.8%.Duetothelimitednatureofthe development,improvementstoexistingbuilding orientationandscalewillnotbefeasible.Thedesignwill howeverapplythiscodesectiontoallproposedwork. Thefollowinghasbeenobservedonsite: a.Buildingsshallhavetheirprimaryorientationtoward Existingbuildingsonsitehavebeenorientedtowardthe thestreetandnotaparkingarea.Automobilecirculation streetwheneverpossible.Theproposedbuildingadditions oroffstreetparkingisnotallowedbetweenthebuilding supportthiscodesection.Existingautocirculation&off andthestreet.Parkingareasshallbelocatedbehind streetparkingisnotlocatedbetweenbuildingsandthe buildings,ortooneside.SeeFigure18.4.2.040.B.1.street,parkingislocatedtowardthelesserorderofthe streets.Nochangestoautocirculationareproposed.See theattachedExhibitBfordetails. b.Abuildingfaçadeormultiplebuildingfacadesshall Existingbuildingfacadesoccupythemajorityofthe occupyalargemajorityofaƦƩƚƆĻĭƷ͸ƭstreetfrontagea ƦƩƚƆĻĭƷ͸ƭstreetfrontageonMountainandSiskiyou,the illustratedinFigure18.4.2.040.B,andavoidsitedesign higherorderstreets.Theproposedbuildingadditions thatincorporatesextensivegapsbetweenbuilding supportthiscodesection,andtheproposedlandscape frontagescreatedthroughacombinationofdriveway improvementssupportthiscodesection.Seetheattached aprons,parkingareas,orvehicleaisles.Thiscanbe ExhibitsBandDfordetails. addressedby,butnotlimitedto,positioningthewider sideofthebuildingratherthanthenarrowsideofthe buildingtowardthestreet.Inthecaseofacornerlot, thisstandardappliestobothstreetfrontages.Spaces betweenbuildingsshallconsistoflandscapingandhard durablesurfacematerialstohighlightpedestrianareas. c.Buildingentrancesshallbeorientedtowardthestreet TheAshlandHighSchoolcampusisaccessfromseveral andshallbeaccessedfromapublicsidewalk.The pointsofentry.TheadminentranceonSMountainAveis entranceshallbedesignedtobeclearlyvisible,theprimaryentranceforvisitors,whichisaccessibleviaa functional,andshallbeopentothepublicduringall publicsidewalk.Notallofthetenexistingbuildingsonsite businesshours.SeeFigure18.4.2.040.B.1.areaccessiblefrompublicsidewalk.Theproposedproject willimproveaccessibilitytotheHumanitiesBuilding, EnglishBuilding,andScience/LibraryBuildingthroughthe installationofnewramps.Allnewaccessiblerouteswill incorporateADAparkingsignageandwayfindingsignage perthiscodesection.SeetheattachedExhibitsB,andC. d.Buildingentrancesshallbelocatedwithin20feetof Nonewbuildingsareincludedintheproposed thepublicrightofwaytowhichtheyarerequiredtobe developmentplans. oriented.Exceptionsmaybegrantedfortopographic Existingbuildingentrancesarelocatedwithin20ftofthe constraints,lotconfiguration,designswhereagreater ROWwheneverpossible,respondingtotheexistingcampus setbackresultsinanimprovedaccessorforsiteswith lotconfiguration.SeetheattachedExhibitBfordetails. multiplebuildings,suchasshoppingcenters,whereother buildingsmeetthisstandard. 5 TypeISiteDesignReviewAshlandHighSchool BUILDINGPLACEMENT,ORIENTATION,ANDDESIGN WrittenFindings e.Whereabuildingislocatedonacornerlot,its Nonewbuildingsareincludedintheproposed entranceshallbeorientedtowardthehigherorderstreet developmentplans. ortothelotcornerattheintersectionofthestreets.The buildingshallbelocatedasclosetotheintersection corneraspracticable. f.Publicsidewalksshallbeprovidedadjacenttoapublic Publicsidewalksarepresentatallstreetfrontages. streetalongthestreetfrontage. 2Streetscape.Onestreettreechosenfromthestreettree Thecurrentstreettreesareincompliancewiththiscode listshallbeplacedforeach30feetoffrontageforthat section.Norightofwayimprovementsareproposed. portionofthedevelopmentfrontingthestreetpursuantto subsection18.4.4.030.E. 3.a.Landscapeareasatleasttenfeetinwidthshallbuffer Theproposedprojectcomplieswiththiscriterion. buildingsadjacenttostreets,exceptthebufferisnot requiredintheDetailSiteReview,HistoricDistrict,and PedestrianPlaceoverlays. Recycle/Refuseareasarelocatedbehindthegymnasium 3b.Landscapingandrecycle/refusedisposalareasshallbe andbehindtheautoshop.Duetothelimitednatureofthe providedpursuanttochapter18.4.4. proposeddevelopment,thesedumpstersandtheir enclosuresareoutsideoftheprojectscope. Includedintheproposeddevelopmentaretwoemergency generatorstoservethesciencebuildingandthehumanities building.Thesewillbescreenedaccordingtocodesection attachedExhibitBandDfordetailsconcerningscreening structuresandlandscaping. 5.NoiseandGlare.Artificiallightingshallmeetthe Theproposeddesignwillreducetheamountofartificial requirementsofsection18.4.4.050.CompliancewithAMC lightingandglarecurrentlypresentonsiteduetothe 9.08.170.candAMC9.08.175relatedtonoiseisrequired.implementationofenergyupgradestoparkinglotlighting andexteriormountedlighting.Theproposedsitelighting designwillbringtheprojectuptocurrentCityStandards. SeetheattachedExhibitEandFfordetails.Theproposed designdoesnotintendtoutilizeanybrightorneoncolors thatcouldpotentiallycausesignageorilluminationissues. Lightingwithintheexteriorcorridorspaceswillreceivean energyupgradewithcontrolsthatwillautomaticallydim thelightsafterhours,improvingneighborhoodimpacts. Theproposeddesignwillnotchangeorincreasethe amountofnoiseonsiteandcomplieswiththiscriterion. 6 TypeISiteDesignReviewAshlandHighSchool BUILDINGPLACEMENT,ORIENTATION,ANDDESIGN WrittenFindings 6.ExpansionofExistingSitesandBuildings.Forsitesthat Theproposeddevelopmentexpandsthecurrentcampusby donotconformtothestandardsofsection18.4.2.040 approximately1.88%.SeetheattachedExhibitsAandB. (i.e.,nonconformingdevelopments),anequalpercentage Severalproposedimprovementstononconformities ofthesitemustbemadetocomplywiththestandardsof includingbicycleparking,vehicularparking,anddrought thissectionasthepercentageofbuildingexpansion. tolerantlandscaping/irrigationareproposedamountingto animpactof2.8%ofthesite.SeetheattachedExhibitB,C, D,andE. CityofAshlandOverylayZones:HistoricDistrict&HillsideLands WrittenFindings A2.Applicability.TheCityofAshlandhasadopted TheAshlandHighSchoolpropertyoverlapstheHistoric ordinancestoassurethatalldevelopmentintheHistoric DistrictOverlayalongitssouthernpropertyline.The Districtoverlayremainscompatiblewiththeexisting buildingsthatfallwithinthisoverlayzonearetheDistrict integrityoftheHistoricDistrict.OfficeBuilding(noworkproposed),theEnglishBuilding (plumbingupgradesproposed),andtheScience/Library b.IfadevelopmentrequiresaTypeI,II,orIIIreview Building(interiorrenovationsandclassroomaddition procedure(e.g.,SiteDesignReview,ConditionalUsePermit)proposed). andinvolvesnewconstruction,orrestorationand rehabilitation,oranyusegreaterthanasinglefamilyuse,Theproposedscienceclassroomadditionwillbereviewed theauthorityexistsinthelawfortheStaffAdvisorandthe bythehistoriccommissiontoensurethatitsdesignis PlanningCommissiontorequiremodificationsinthedesign compatiblewiththeintegrityoftheHistoricDistrict.The tomatchthesestandards.InthiscasetheHistoric proposeddesignconsiderstheheight,scale,massing,and CommissionadvisesboththeapplicantandtheStaff formoftheoriginalsciencebuildingstructure.Theaddition AdvisororotherCitydecisionmaker.fitswithintheexistingperimeterofthestructurewherea 7 TypeISiteDesignReviewAshlandHighSchool WrittenFindings coveredoutdoorcorridorcurrentlyexists.Visually,there willbelittlechangefromtheexistingbuildingprofile.See theattachedbuildingelevationsfordetails. Photostakenfromtheedgeofthehistoricdistrictoverlay zonelookingintotheHighSchoolsiteareincludedbelow forreference. ViewoftheScienceBuildingfromSiskiyouBlvd 18.4.3PARKING,ACCESS,ANDCIRCULATION WrittenFindings Thecombinationofallclassroomsonsiteisfifty(50) ParkingSpaces.classroomsandtheschoolenrollmentis1,006.Fiftytimes 1.5equalsseventyfive(75),and1,006dividedbyten(10) HighSchools:1.5spacesperclassroom,plus1spaceper10 equals100.6,or101.Thereforetherequiredparkingtotalis studentstheschoolisdesignedtoaccommodate;orthe 176spaces. requirementsforpublicassemblyarea,whicheverisgreater TheƭźƷĻ͸ƭpublicassemblyareais3590SFandrequires47 Offstreetparkingshallbeprovidedpursuanttooneofthe spaces,whichisalessernumberthank176. followingthreemethodsandshallincluderequired Theproposeddesignimprovestheparkinglotlayoutfor DisabledPersonParking. accessibility,andprovidesadditionalADAvanaccessible parkingstalls,resultinginalossofthreetotalparking spaces.Theparkingcountprovidedbelowincludesthe adjacentstudentparkinglotacrossMountainAvenue.See theattachedExhibitBandCfordetails. PublicMinReq.ExistingProposed assemblySpaces:spaces:Spaces: 47176209206 8 TypeISiteDesignReviewAshlandHighSchool 18.4.3PARKING,ACCESS,ANDCIRCULATION WrittenFindings Thedesignforbicycleparkingwillutilizeallexistingspaces providedoncampus.Somerackswillberelocateddueto F.PrimaryandSecondarySchools.Elementary,Junior theproposeddevelopmenttoanexistingcoveredoutdoor High,Middle,andHighSchoolsshallprovideonesheltered spacebetweenMountainAvenueandthecentralquad. bicycleparkingspaceforeveryfivestudents. Twoadditionalspaceswillbeprovidedinthenewlocation. SeetheattachedExhibitBfordetails. StudentEnrollmentExistingShelteredSpaces: 1006140Bikes;48Skateboards I.3.Allrequiredexteriorbicycleparkingshallbelocated Theproposeddesigncomplieswiththiscriterion.Seethe onsiteandwithin50feetofaregularlyusedbuilding attachedExhibitsBandC. entranceandnotfartherfromtheentrancethanthe closestmotorvehicleparkingspace.Bicycleparkingshall havedirectaccesstoboththepublicrightofwayandto themainentranceoftheprincipaluse.Forfacilitieswith multiplebuildings,buildingentrancesorparkinglots(such asacollege),exteriorbicycleparkingshallbelocatedin areasofgreatestuseandconvenienceforbicyclists. Theproposeddesignwillprovidesomeimprovementsto theexistingparkinglotspertainingtoaccessibilityandway B.ParkingAreaDesign.Requiredparkingareasshallbe finding.SeetheattachedExhibitCfordetails.Duetothe designedinaccordancewiththefollowingstandardsand limitednatureofthedevelopment,additional dimensionsasillustratedin18.4.3.080.B.Seealso, improvementswillnotbefeasible. accessibleparkingspacerequirementsinsection subsection18.4.4.030.F. 18.4.4LANDSCAPING,LIGHTING,ANDSCREENING WrittenFindings Therearenonewparkinglotsincludedintheproposed FLandscaping.ParkingLotLandscapingandScreening.projectscope.Duetothelimitednatureofthe Parkinglotlandscaping,includingareasofvehicle development,improvementstoexistinglandscapingwill maneuvering,parking,andloading,shallmeetthe notbefeasible.Thedesignwillhoweverapplythiscode followingrequirements.Singlefamilydwellingsand sectiontoallproposedworkaroundparkinglotupgrades. accessoryresidentialunitsareexemptfromthe SeetheattachedExhibitsCandDfordetails. requirementsofsubsection18.4.4.030.F.2,below. 1.a.Parkinglotlandscapingshallconsistofa minimumofsevenpercentofthetotalparkingarea plusaratioofonetreeforeachsevenparkingspaces tocreateacanopyeffect. 2.a.ScreeningAbuttingPropertyLines.Afivefoot landscapedstripshallscreenparkingabuttinga 9 TypeISiteDesignReviewAshlandHighSchool 18.4.4LANDSCAPING,LIGHTING,ANDSCREENING WrittenFindings propertyline.Whereabufferbetweenzonesisrequired, thescreeningshallbeincorporatedintotherequired bufferstrip,andwillnotbeanadditionalrequirement. 2.c.ScreeningatRequiredYards. i.Parkingabuttingarequiredlandscapedfrontyardor exterioryardshallincorporateasightobstructinghedge screenintotherequiredlandscapedyard. G.OtherScreeningRequirements.Screeningisrequiredfor Therearetwoemergencygeneratorsproposedtoservice refuseandrecyclecontainers,outdoorstorageareas,theHumanitiesBuildingandtheScience/LibraryBuilding. loadingandservicecorridors,mechanicalequipment,and Thesewillbescreenedaccordingtothiscodesection.See theCitymayrequirescreeningothersituations,pursuant theattachedExhibitBandDfordetailsconcerning withtherequirementsofthisordinance.screeningstructuresandlandscaping. 4.MechanicalEquipment.Mechanicalequipment Additionally,roofmountedmechanicalunitswillbeplaced shallbescreenedbyplacementoffeaturesatleast onbothbuildings,andwillbescreenedaccordingtothis equalinheighttotheequipmenttolimitviewfrom section.SeetheattachedExhibitBfortheplacement,size, publicrightsofway,exceptalleys,andadjacent andarchitecturalcharacterofmechanicalscreening residentiallyzonedproperty.Mechanicalequipment elements. meetingtherequirementsofthissectionsatisfythe screeningrequirementsin18.5.2.020.C.4. WrittenFindings A.TreeProtectionPlan.Atreeprotectionplanshallbe Atreeprotectionplanhasbeenpreparedbyalicensed approvedbytheStaffAdvisorconcurrentwithapplications landscapearchitectfortheproposeddevelopmentareas. forTypeI,TypeII,andTypeIIIplanningactions.Iftree SeetheattachedExhibitDfordetails. removalisproposed,aTreeRemovalPermitpursuantto Adetailedinventoryofallexistingtreesandlargeshrubson chapter18.5.7mayberequired. sitewasconductedbyalicensedlandscapearchitectandis includedintheattachedExhibitDandG.Bycityordinance,ͷ{źŭƓźŅźĭğƓƷƩĻĻƭ͸requireaTreeRemoval Permitbeforeremovalcanoccur.Theproposedproject willnotresultintheremovalofanySignificantTrees,and thereforeatreeremovalpermitwillnotberequired. 10 1 of 1 Page A: EXHIBIT EXHIBIT B: Page 1 of 11 EXHIBIT B: Page 2 of 11 EXHIBIT B: Page 3 of 11 EXHIBIT B: Page 4 of 11 EXHIBIT B: Page 5 of 11 EXHIBIT B: Page 6 of 11 EXHIBIT B: Page 7 of 11 EXHIBIT B: Page 8 of 11 EXHIBIT B: Page 9 of 11 EXHIBIT B: Page 10 of 11 EXHIBIT B: Page 11 of 11 EXHIBIT C: Page 1 of 5 EXHIBIT C: Page 2 of 5 EXHIBIT C: Page 3 of 5 EXHIBIT C: Page 4 of 5 EXHIBIT C: Page 5 of 5 EXHIBIT D: Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT D: Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT E: Page 1 of 7 EXHIBIT E: Page 2 of 7 EXHIBIT E: Page 3 of 7 EXHIBIT E: Page 4 of 7 EXHIBIT E: Page 5 of 7 EXHIBIT E: Page 6 of 7 EXHIBIT E: Page 7 of 7 BUY AMERICAN ACT OF 2009 COMPLIANT Submitted by:Date: Type:Project: Ordering Info: High Performance 4" Aperture (HP-4) Wall Mount and Arm Mount High Performance 4" Aperture Wall Mount family Indirect/DirectDirectDirect includes Indirect/Direct, Direct, Indirect, and Wall Wash Arm Mount luminaires. HP-4 delivers excellent performance using an advanced optical design and mid-power LEDs to achieve 90% of initial light output at 100,000+ hours. This product is enrolled in the International Wall Wash Arm Mount Indirect Living Future Institute (ILFI) Declare 2.0 Program Red List Approved and Declared status. Note: see page 6 for all aesthetic options CROSS SECTIONS Indirect/DirectDirect Indirect/DirectDirectDirectIndirectRegressedRegressed (standard)(standard)(standard) (standard)(standard)Regress (standard)(standard) ALSO AVAILABLE IN Wall Wash Arm Mount 1# 11#, 17#, or 23# 1-15/16# 5# 12#, 18#, or 24# Arm Length Kicker PendantRecessedSurface Mount (standard) (D, ID, I)(R)(SM) s z u ! C t f v t e u o J Gjof ! 21 21 !!UVOF¯ HFOFSBUJPO!2 Zfbs Zfbs MFE!Xbssbouz Protected by one or more US Patents: 8915613; D702,391; D702,390; D700,732 Page 1 EXHIBIT F: Page 1 of 8 BUY AMERICAN ACT OF 2009 COMPLIANT Submitted by:Date: Type:Project: Ordering Info: Clear Form High Performance 4" Aperture (HP-4) Wall Mount and Arm Mount BODY TYPEOUTPUT and LED TYPE SeriesLuminaireUplight Output Downlight Output PlatformLuminaire DistributionTotal Length of Run NameTypeID & I OnlyID & D Only 1 HP - High 4WM - Wall Mount D - Direct S - Standard S - Standard 4' Performance __________________ WM RG - Wall Mount WW-D - Wall Wash Direct B - Boosted Standard B - Boosted Standard 1 Regressed ID - Indirect/Direct H - High H - High Minimum 2( section length. AM - Arm Mount Increments accurate to I - Indirect V - Very High V - Very High (Wall Wash only) 1/16# (±1/32"), standard. TL - Tailored:________lm/ft*TL - Tailored:________lm/ft* 12' maximum section length. * Specify lm/ft of outputs between Standard (S) and Very High (V). Consult factory for tailored lumen output outside of this range. MECHANICAL/OPTICAL OPTIONSELECTRICAL OPTIONS LED CRI/CCTUplight Optics ID & I OnlyDownlight Optics ID & D OnlyVoltage 1 830 - 80 CRI, 3000K TG - Top Glow (standard)F - Flush (standard) 96LG - 96 Low Gloss White 120 - 120 Voltage 1 835 - 80 CRI, 3500K BG - Bottom Glow SSA - Semi-Specular 277 - 277 Voltage F - Flush 1 840 - 80 CRI, 4000K ASY-L - Asymmetric Left Optic DL - 1" Drop Down Lens Aluminum for Wall 347 - 347 Voltage 1, 2 Wash only 930 - 90 CRI, 3000K ASY-R - Asymmetric Right Optic RG-D 1, 2 935 - 90 CRI, 3500K RG-WCB ASYTG-L - Asymmetric Left Optic 1, 2 940 - 90 CRI, 4000Kwith Top Glow RG-LHE - Hollowed Ellipse Louver 1, 2 8TW - 80 CRI, Tunable White ASYTG-R - Asymmetric Right Optic RG-LHC - Hex Louver 9TW - 90 CRI, Tunable White K - Kicker for Wall Wash only (standard) with Top Glow FO - Fully Open for Wall Wash only ELECTRICAL OPTIONSMOUNTING OPTIONS 3 Circuiting Driver Selection Mounting Method 7 SC - Single Circuit* 0-10V Driver Options DMX Driver Options MB - Mounting Bracket One single circuit in a run 58 FC-10% - 0-10V 10% (standard)FIN-DMX - Finelite DMX 1% ,Xyrefpi \[lmxi 1 AM12 - 12# 4 6 DC - Dual Circuit* 58 JmriXyri Gsrxvspw Srp}- FC-1% - 0-10V 1%AM18 - 18# Independent control of up 58 ELD-DMX - EldoLED POWERdrive, 0.1% OSR-10% - Osram OTi, 0-10V 10%AM24 - 24# and down separately in an 5 ELD-DMX-TW - EldoLED POWERdrive, 0.1% OSR-1% - Osram OTi, 0-10V 1% ,Xyrefpi \[lmxi- MC - Multi-Circuit* ELD-10V-0% - EldoLED SOLOdrive, 0-10V 0.1% More than one switch leg Lutron Driver Options 5 OSR-10V-TW - Osram OTi, 0-10V 10% ,Xyrefpi \[lmxi- or zone. Factory shop LUT-ES1 - Lutron, Ecosystem 1% DALI Driver Options drawings required LUT-ES5 - Lutron, Ecosystem 5% FC-DALI-1% - DALI 1% LUT-2W - Lutron, 2-wire (120V only) 1% OSR-DALI-1% - Osram Dexal, 1% * Battery, Night Light, and LUT-TW - Lutron T-Series, EcoSystem 0.1% ELD-DALI-0% - EldoLED SOLOdrive, 0.1% Emergency to Generator circuits ,Xyrefpi \[lmxi- are in addition to the normal ELD-DALI-TW - EldoLED DUALdrive LightShape, 0.1% luminaire circuit(s) ,Xyrefpi \[lmxi- See Page 3 for additional driver options and details OTHER OPTIONS Special Options Emergency Style Integrated Sensor Endcap StyleFinish (Optional)(Optional) (Optional) 1 FE - Flat Endcap (standard) SW - Signal White FAC CHO - Factory Choice Battery Back-up OBO - Occupancy RLA - Red List Approved 91 (standard) DE - 1" Drop Endcap EM/GEN - Emergency to Generator OBD - Daylight RLD - Declared 11 10 1, 12 FB - Finelite Black OE - Open Endcap NL - Night Light OBE - Enlighted 11 SA - Satin Aluminum BSL722 - Bodine Battery Back up REE - Remote 11 13 #### - RAL Color Code BSL310LP - Bodine Battery Back up Enlighted ____________ GTD - Generator Transfer Device 1 813 Not available for Wall Wash Arm Mount only Enlighted for Wall Wash fixtures. Enlighted Control Unit & 2 9 Regressed only 1" Drop Down Lens downlight onlySensor Cable installed for Remote mounting sensor 310 Contact factory for switching options Available with Hollowed Ellipse Louver (LHE) only 411 Indirect/Direct only 20 business days lead time for color 512 Add DTO to gain "Dim to Off" functionality (FC-10% - DTO) Enlighted components installed by Finelite, 6 B & V outputs onlyprovided by others 7 Wall Mount only Protected by one or more US Patents: 8915613; D702,391; D702,390; D700,732 Page 2 EXHIBIT F: Page 2 of 8 BUY AMERICAN ACT OF 2009 COMPLIANT Submitted by:Date: Type:Project: Ordering Info: High Performance 4" Aperture (HP-4) Wall Mount and Arm Mount SUPPLEMENTARY DRIVER PAGE 0-10V Driver Options FC-10%Factory Choice, 0-10V 10% Dimming (Linear) FC-10%-DTO (Linear) FC-1%Factory Choice, 0-10V 1% Dimming (Linear) FC-1%-DTO (Linear) ELD-10V-0%EldoLED SOLOdrive, 0-10V 0.1% Dimming (Linear) ELD-10V-1%EldoLED ECOdrive, 0-10V 1% Dimming (Linear) OSR-10V-TW Osram OTi, 0-10V 10% Dimming, Xyrefpi \[lmxi (Linear) OSR-10V-TW-DTO Xyrefpi \[lmxi (Linear) OSR-10%Osram OTi, 0-10V 10% Dimming (Linear) OSR-10%-DTO (Linear) OSR-1%Osram OTi, 0-10V 1% Dimming (Linear) OSR-1%-DTO (Linear) DALI Driver Options FC-DALI-1%Factory Choice, DALI 1% Dimming (Logarithmic) OSR-DALI-1%Osram Dexal, DALI 1% Dimming (Logarithmic) ELD-DALI-0%EldoLED SOLOdrive, DALI 0.1% Dimming (Logarithmic) ELD-DALI-1%EldoLED ECOdrive, DALI 1% Dimming (Logarithmic) ELD-DALI-TW EldoLED DUALdrive Light Shape, DALI 0.1% Dimming, Xyrefpi \[lmxi (Logarithmic Dimming, Linear CCT Control) DMX Driver Options FIN-DMX Finelite, DMX 1% Dimming, Xyrefpi \[lmxi - FineTUNE Controls Only (Linear) ELD-DMX EldoLED POWERdrive, DMX 0.1% Dimming (8 Bit, 1CH) (Linear) ELD-DMX-16 EldoLED POWERdrive, DMX 0.1% Dimming (16 Bit, 2CH) (Linear) ELD-DMX-TW EldoLED POWERdrive, DMX 0.1% Dimming, Xyrefpi \[lmxi (8 Bit, 2CH - CH1 Warm / CH2 Cool) (Linear) ELD-DMX-TW16 EldoLED POWERdrive, DMX 0.1% Dimming, Xyrefpi \[lmxi (16 Bit, 4CH - CH1, 2 Warm / CH3, 4 Cool) (Linear) Lutron Driver Options LUT-ES1 Lutron, Ecosystem 1% Dimming LUT-ES5 Lutron, Ecosystem 5% Dimming LUT-2W Lutron, 2-wire (120V only) 1% Dimming LUT-TW Lutron T-Series, EcoSystem 0.1% Dimming, Xyrefpi \[lmxi Protected by one or more US Patents: 8915613; D702,391; D702,390; D700,732 Page 3 EXHIBIT F: Page 3 of 8 BUY AMERICAN ACT OF 2009 COMPLIANT Submitted by:Date: Type:Project: Ordering Info: High Performance 4" Aperture (HP-4) Wall Mount and Arm Mount SPECIFICATIONS LUMEN MAINTENANCE: 90% of initial light output (L90) at 100,000+ BODY TYPE CONSTRUCTION: Precision-cut 6061-T6 extruded aluminum body. Internal joiner system, plug-together wiring, standard. REFLECTORS: Wall Mount: Die-formed 20-gauge cold-rolled steel LENGTHS: Any length, 2' minimum, in increments down to 1/16" Arm Mount: The standard Semi-Specular Aluminum (SSA) Kicker (K) (±1/32#). 12' maximum section length. Hollowed Ellipse Louver (LHE), Hex Louver (LHCWCB) are available can be easily removed for open distribution (FO). in 1' increments. 1 ELECTRICAL FEATURES MITERED CORNERS: Illuminated corners of greater than 60° and STATIC WHITE FEED: Standard with one 18-gauge/5-conductor single-circuit feed controlling uplight and downlight together (power # 2 and dimming). Specify dual feeds for independent control of uplight or Wall Wash. Corners not available with Wall Wash and downlight. 14- gauge feed used when luminaire current exceeds (WW-D), Hollowed Ellipse Louver (LHE) or Hex Louver (LHC). Contact 5 amps. factory for tailored lighting options. TUNABLE WHITE FEED: Standard with one 18-gauge/5-conductor single-circuit feed. 14-gauge feed used when luminaire current OUTPUT AND LED TYPE exceeds 5 amps. DMX and power feed at same location (standard). LIGHT OUTPUT: Four lumen packages available, Standard (S), DMX feeds cannot be cut or spliced. DMX feeds should be ordered Boosted Standard (B), High (H), and Very High (V). For lengths 3' and packages and dual controls. For Tailored Outputs outside of range STATIC WHITE DRIVER: Replaceable 120V, 277V, and 347V from Standard (S) to Very High (V), consult factory. Light engines are Constant Current Reduction dimming driver standard. Can be wired replaceable. dimming or non-dimming. 0-10V dimming controls with a range of 10%- 100% standard. Dimming to 1% available. Separate dimming for MECHANICAL/OPTICAL OPTIONS 4 uplight and downlight available. Driver is fully accessible from below UPLIGHT OPTION: the ceiling. - Power Factor: - Total Harmonic Distortion (THD): <20% uniform, continuous illumination Optional: Flush frost white snap-in - Expected driver lifetime: 100,000 hours ASY-L distributes light to the left, ASY-R distributed light to the right of the luminaire. Consult factory LUTRON DRIVER OPTIONS: for more tailored lumen outputs. - LUTES1 (Hi-lume 1% EcoSystem with Soft-On, Fade-to-Black 5 dimming (LDE1 series)) DOWNLIGHT OPTION: - LUTES5 (5-Series 5% EcoSystem (LDE5 Series)) - LUT2W (Hi-lume 1% 2-wire, 120V forward phase dimming (LTEA series)). uniform, continuous illumination. Available with Flush (F), Bottom Glow 6 (BG), 1" Drop Down Lens (DLWCB), 6 6 TUNABLE WHITE DRIVER: Replaceable LED driver. Driver is Hollowed Ellipse Louver (LHE), Hex Louver (LHC), and Regressed accessible from below the ceiling. 120V, 277V, and 347V. RG - Power factor: - Total Harmonic Distortion (THD): <20% to continue the luminous aesthetic. Consult factory for more tailored - Dimming Range: 100%-10% lumen outputs. - Expected driver lifetime.: 100,000 hours - FineTune DMX is 1% 1 Not available with Wall Wash 2 Indirect/Direct and Direct only 3 4 Wall Mount Indirect/Direct, Wall Mount Regressed Indirect/Direct, and Wall Mount Indirect only Continued 5 Wall Mount Indirect/Direct, Wall Mount Regressed Indirect/Direct, Wall Mount Direct, and Wall Mount Regressed Direct only 6 Protected by one or more US Patents: 8915613; D702,391; D702,390; D700,732 Wall Mount Regressed Indirect/Direct & Wall Mount Regressed Direct only Page 4 EXHIBIT F: Page 4 of 8 BUY AMERICAN ACT OF 2009 COMPLIANT Submitted by:Date: Type:Project: Ordering Info: High Performance 4" Aperture (HP-4) Wall Mount and Arm Mount SPECIFICATIONS LUTRON TUNABLE WHITE DRIVER OPTION: LUT-TW (1% 8 T-Series 2-Channel Digital Tunable White (PSQ Series)).TUNABLE WHITE ELECTRICAL OPTIONS: - TW Driver Options 0-10V: EM/GEN, GTD or Battery Back up - FineTune DMX: EM/GEN or Battery Back up MOUNTING OPTIONS - DMX: Battery Back up HANGING HARDWARE: Wall Mount: Luminaire hangs securely from - DALI: EM/GEN, GTD or Battery Back up mounting brackets fastened directly to the wall for easy installation. - LUTRON: EM/GEN, GTD or Battery Back up behind the luminaire. Arm Mount: bracket mounts directly to wall INTEGRATED SENSORS: Integrated PIR (Passive Infrared) j-box, extends luminaire 12", 18", or 24" from wall. Other lengths occupancy or daylight sensors available with Flush and Bottom Glow available. Consult factory. Enlighted Sensor tech sheets for more info. TUNABLE WHITE DMX HANGING HARDWARE: For grid ceiling ettpmgexmsrw xli hyep KvmhFs|­ qsyrxmrk mw wyttpmih ,wxerhevh-2 FINISHES: Finelite Signal White (SW) powder coat, Finelite Black (RAL For hard ceiling applications the ceiling mounting box is supplied 9 9 FB), and Satin Aluminum (SA) are (standard). DMX feeds cannot be cut or spliced. DMX feeds should be 9 standard. Optional Adder: 185 RAL colors are available. are 5' (standard), 12', and 30'. LABELS: Luminaire and electrical components are ETL-listed conforming to UL 1598 in the U.S.A. and CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 250.0 TUNABLE WHITE DMX INTERCONNECTION CABLES: Luminaires in Canada. In accordance with NEC Code 410.130 (G), this luminaire are pre-wired with plug-and-play interconnection cables to support contains an internal driver disconnect. UL 924 and UL 2108 - PoE easy plug-together joining of luminaire runs. If a non-FineTune DMX Location. Finelite products use electronic components that are RoHS compliant, and the mechanical components of the luminaire have OTHER OPTIONS ENDCAPS: Flat diecast aluminum endcaps (FE) add 1/4# to each 7 per RoHS Directive 2015/863. Consult factory for tailored lighting end of luminaire. 1" Drop Down Lens Endcap (DE) options. element to continue luminance of drop lens. Open Endcap (OE) is for tyxxmrk liepxlmiv tvshygxw sr }syv tvsnigxw2 Wmqtp} ehh Ó RLA use with the Hollowed Ellipse Louver (LHE ,Vih Pmwx Ettvszih- sv Ó RLD (Declared Label) to your part louver. number. EMERGENCY STYLE: Optional emergency to generator/inverter 10 WEIGHT: wiring, internal generator transfer switch, nightlight wiring, step- (luminaire only) battery available. DLC QUALIFIED: - Indirect/Direct: Backup batteries deliver 1854 lumens. www.designlights.org/search 8' minimum luminaire length. 2' illuminated (downlight standard). - Direct: Backup batteries deliver 1854 lumens. WARRANTY: 10-year performance-based warranty on all standard 8' minimum luminaire length. 2' illuminated. components. Optional accessories such as emergency battery packs - Indirect: backup batteries deliver 2057 lumens. are covered by their individual manufacturer warranties. 8' minimum luminaire length. 2' illuminated. - Wall Wash: backup batteries deliver 2000 lumens. 8' minimum luminaire length. 2' illuminated. 7 Available in Indirect/Direct Regressed & Direct Regressed only 8 9 20 business days lead time for color 10 Protected by one or more US Patents: 8915613; D702,391; D702,390; D700,732 Page 5 Excludes Battery Back up and Generator Transfer Device weight EXHIBIT F: Page 5 of 8 BUY AMERICAN ACT OF 2009 COMPLIANT Submitted by:Date: Type:Project: Ordering Info: High Performance 4" Aperture (HP-4) Wall Mount and Arm Mount AESTHETIC OPTIONS FF)BG)1# Drop Down Lens (DL) 1 RG-D)Kicker (K) - Wall Wash Arm Mount only (RG-WCB) 1 1 Hex Louver(RG-LHC)Hollowed Ellipse Louver(RG-LHE) ASYMMETRIC OPTIONS Use this tool to understand how to specify Asymmetric for your project. The diagrams below show a linear run from power feed to ender. Specify, ASY-L distributes light to the left or ASY-R distributed light to the right. Asymmetric Left Optic (ASY-L)Asymmetric Right Optic (ASY-R) EnderEnder ID #2ID #2 ID #1ID #1 StarterStarter 1 Not available with Wall Wash Protected by one or more US Patents: 8915613; D702,391; D702,390; D700,732 Page 6 EXHIBIT F: Page 6 of 8 BUY AMERICAN ACT OF 2009 COMPLIANT Submitted by:Date: Type:Project: Ordering Info: High Performance 4" Aperture (HP-4) Wall Mount and Arm Mount WALL WASH ARM MOUNT - Run Lengths & Mounting Location Examples Tailored Lengths Available Down To 1/16" (±1/32") 24# Endcap Information 2' The Flat Endcap adds 1/4" per endcap to the 6#6# section length. 48# 4' Endcap 6#6# 96# 1/4# 8' 6#6# 144# 12'* 6#6# 96#96# 16' 6#6#6#6# ¨ A Fvegoix Psgexmsr * = 12' Maximum spacing for two Arm Mount supports Protected by one or more US Patents: 8915613; D702,391; D702,390; D700,732 Page 7 EXHIBIT F: Page 7 of 8 BUY AMERICAN ACT OF 2009 COMPLIANT Submitted by:Date: Type:Project: Ordering Info: High Performance 4" Aperture (HP-4) Wall Mount and Arm Mount Direct Photometry - Direct Photometry - 0.0 22.5 45.0 67.5 90.0 FLUX 0 1436 1436 1436 1436 1436 HP4-WM-D-4'-V-835 5 1428 1428 1427 1427 1427 135 15 1363 1353 1358 1357 1350 382 Downlight: Downlight: 25 1236 1221 1226 1219 1212 563 35 1060 1047 1048 1037 1030 653 45 859 849 848 836 831 652 55 647 639 637 628 623 568 65 434 432 431 425 424 425 75 236 236 237 235 236 250 85 67 68 69 70 69 77 90 0 0 0 0 0 100 lm/W Total luminaire output: 3705 lumens (926 lm/ft) 37 watts (9.3 W/ft) Peak Candela Value: 1436 @ 0º CRI: 80 / CCT: 3500K ITL LM79 Report 85124 Complete LM79 LED Photometry Sample Lumen Adjustment Calculation Lumen Adjustment Factors 80 CRI Total Light Output, 3500K, 80 CRI (Lumens) - 4' LuminaireTotal Light Output, 3500K, 80 CRI (Lumens) - 4' Luminaire 1112 3000K 0.985 S B H V 3500K 1.000 15171907288237052882 4000K 1.032 Light Output, 3500K, 80 CRI (Lumens Per Foot)Light Output, 3500K, 80 CRI (Lumens Per Foot) Lumen Adjustment Factors 90 CRI 1112 S B H V 3000K 0.746 379477720926720 0.760 3500K 4000K 0.789 Power, 3500K (Watts Per Foot)Power, 3500K (Watts Per Foot) H 1112 S B H V Lumen Adjustment Factor: Total Light Output: Total Light Output per Foot: watts/foot: 7.1 W/ft. 1112 S B H V lm 105107102100 568 ft. = = 80 lm/W W 7.1 ft. S - Standard Output, B - Boosted Standard Output, H - High Output, V - Very High Output 1 V 2 Protected by one or more US Patents: 8915613; D702,391; D702,390; D700,732 Page 11 Based on ITL report: 85124 EXHIBIT F: Page 8 of 8 December 21, 2020 City of Ashland Tree Commission 20 East Main Street Ashland, OR 97520 Re: Tree Removal Narrative Ashland High School Modernization Project Dear Ashland Planning Staff and Tree Commission Members: Efforts were made in the planning and design process of the Ashland High School Modernization Project to accommodate and retain existing trees. The project site includes numerous trees across campus. Only a small portion of those are in locations that are affected by proposed construction. Proposed site improvements are geared primarily towards improving accessibility with new walkways, ramps, and stairs, and raising the existing ͷ sunken plaza͸ to be level with surrounding grades. Eleven (11) trees and large shrubs were determined to be in close proximity to proposed construction and potentially affected by construction, and of those, five (5) are proposed for removal. Of those proposed for removal, two (2) multi-trunk shrub species (both in poor condition), a Portuguese Laurel and a Torulosa Juniper, have a combined diameter at breast height (dbh) of 12 ͼ or greater. Three (3) trees with a dbh less than ЊЋͼ ĬǒƷ ŭƩĻğƷĻƩ ƷŷğƓ Џͼ will also be removed as a part of the project. Λ{ĻĻ ƩĻĻ wĻƒƚǝğƌ {ǒƒƒğƩǤ ĬĻƌƚǞ͵Μ Removal of these trees and large shrubs will not have a significant negative impact on erosion, soil stability, flow of surface waters, protection of adjacent trees, or existing windbreaks. Additionally, the removal of these trees and large shrubs will not have a significant negative impact on the tree densities, sizes, canopies, and species diversity within 200 feet of the subject property. One or more trees are planned to be planted in the new landscape as mitigation for each tree greater than 6 inches in diameter that is removed. The Site Design Review Preliminary Planting Plan identifies new trees to be planted as part of the project. TREE REMOVAL SUMMARY: Shrubs ЊЋͼ ķĬŷ ğƓķ ƌ arger - 2 ƩĻĻƭ ѡЊЋͼ ķĬŷ ğƓķ Ѣ Џͼ ķĬŷ - 3 Total: 5 Tree #1: 14 ͼ wĻķ Pine. Retain. Tree #2: 10 ͼ Birch tree. This tree is within the construction zone, and will be removed. Tree #3: 14 ͼ Maple. Retain. Tree #4: 30 ͼ wĻķ ağƦƌĻ. Retain. EXHIBIT G: Page 1 of 2 Tree RemovalNarrative Ashland High School Modernization Project December 21, 2020 Tree #5: 13 ͼ Mulberry. Retain. Tree #6: 18 ͼ t ine tree. Retain. Tree #7 (Shrub): Multi-trunk 5 ͼ, 6 ͼ, 7 ͼ Portuguese Laurel shrub. This shrub is within the construction zone, and will be removed. Tree #8: 6 ͼ Golden Rain Tree. Retain. Tree #9: 8 ͼ Dogwood. This tree is within the construction zone, and will be removed. Tree #10: 10 ͼ Dogwood. This tree is within the construction zone, and will be removed. Tree #11 (Shrub): Multi-trunk 8 ͼ, 9 ͼ, 10 ͼ Torulosa Juniper shrub. This shrub is within the construction zone, and will be removed. The proposed project will include new trees selected for hardiness, beauty, and longevity, and coordinated with the overall project design. Respectfully, Alan Pardee Covey Pardee Landscape Architects Covey Pardee Landscape Architects Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT G: Page 2 of 2 2018 / 30 / 4 doc . b e hip_W s ber m e M n o i s is mm Co c i or t His \\ s t e k c a P \\ n io s is mm o C oric t His \\ ail s ee dress t t i M -d mm omgiordanoarch@gmail.com piper@terrainarch.comrevbev549@gmail.comcm_ellen@yahoo.com EAshobro@jeffnet.orgkswink@mind.netskwhippet@ashlandhome.netterryskibby@gmail.comtbill@ashlandhome.netMaria.harris@ashland.or.usregan.trapp@ashland.or.us Co & N ions s s i O I mm Co \\ S v de - mm o 233 c \\ : 20452 G -- t ork s WPhone552552 OMMIS Li C hip RIC s O T me o HPhone HIS Member D N A L H shlandshland AA S A ofof dress nning Dept.nning Dept. yy ailing d tt aa MA CiPlCiPl 21222122232322 tion 0000000 a 222222220212021 --------- 303030303030303030 --------- TermExpir444444444 ’s r y ord b f ink r on w hit e SV Skib W y r mmissioneairmanami min. Staff ohh d Maria Harris CNameDale ShostromCKeithSamTerTom GiordanoBill EmeryPiper CBeverly HovenkampEllen BabinNo one assignedCouncil LiaisonPlanning StaffRegan TrappA