HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-11-07 Historic PACKET HISTORIC COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA November 7, 2018 at 6:00 P.M. I. REGULAR MEETING - CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 p.m. SISKIYOU ROOM in the Community Development/Engineering Services Building, located at 51 Winburn Way II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Historic Commission regular meeting of October 3, 2018 III. PUBLIC FORUM: Business from the audience not included on the agenda. (Total time allowed for Public Forum is 15 minutes. Speakers are limited to 5 minutes or less, depending on the number of individuals wishing to speak.) IV. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: Rich Rosenthal V. PLANNING ACTION REVIEW: PLANNING ACTION: PA-T1-2018-00029 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 130 Bush St APPLICANT: Rogue Planning & Development OWNER: David E. Kelly & Terri McMahon Trust DESCRIPTION: A request for a Site Design Review to convert and expand an existing accessory structure into a 486 square foot Accessory Residential Unit at the rear of the property at 130 Bush St. The proposed expansion will meet required setbacks for the zone. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single Family Residential; ZONING: R-1- TAX LOT: 1500. VI. NEW ITEMS: Review board schedule. Project assignments for planning actions. VII. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Historic Markers Project update Final Identification of Historic Sites in Railroad District Scheduling for a joint committee. VIII. COMMISSION ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA: IX. OLD BUSINESS: X. ADJOURNMENT: ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION DRAFT Meeting Minutes October 3, 2018 Community Development/Engineering Services Building 51 Winburn Way Siskiyou Room CALL TO ORDER: Shostrom called the meeting to order at 6:03pm in the Siskiyou Room at the Community Development and Engineering Offices located at 51 Winburn Way, Ashland OR 97520. Commissioners Present: Council Liaison: Shostrom Rich Rosenthal Whitford Emery Staff Present: Skibby Fotini Kaufman; Planning Dept. Giordano Regan Trapp; Secretary Swink Von Chamier Babin Hovenkamp Commissioners Absent: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Whitford motioned to approve minutes for September 5, 2018. Giordano seconded. Voice vote. ALL AYES. Motion passed. PUBLIC FORUM: There was no one in the audience wishing to speak. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: Rosenthal gave the Council Liaison report. Items discussed were: Council is looking at the disposal of the gas station on Hardesty property at 1291 Oak Street. place an invitation to bid on removal of the building from that site. Council moved to approve the sale of city owned open space park located at 380 Clay Street and purchase of land for a future park located at 0 East Main (taxlot 2504). Council voted to recommend denial of a liquor license to the Vinyl Club. PLANNING ACTION REVIEW: PLANNING ACTION: PA-T1-2018-00023 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 75 Lithia Way APPLICANT/OWNER: Rogue Planning & Development Services/Greg Bailey Enterprises II LLC, DESCRIPTION: A request for Conditional Use and Site Design Review Permit approval to allow the construction of a 16½-foot tall, 378 square foot metal carport structure over an outdoor automotive repair bay with vehicle lift on the east side of the existing automotive repair business at 75 Lithia Way. The existing auto repair business is a non-conforming use and modification requires Conditional Use Permit approval. The proposed structure replaces a previous metal canopy that was removed to facilitate the recent removal of underground fuel tanks; the fueling station use was discontinued with the removal of the tanks. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial; ZONING: C-1; : 39 1E 09BB; TAX LOT: 11900 There was no conflict of interest or ex-parte contact indicated by the Commission. Kaufman gave the staff report for PA-T1-2018-00023. Shostrom opened the public hearing to the applicants. 33 N. Central #213, Medford, OR 97501, addressed the Commission regarding this application. Ms. Gunter gave a history on the placement of the structure. The service station is still in business and is a very, busy and convenient station to the area. This site is re-developable and that is why they want a temporary structure so that they may take it down if the lot is ever sold. Landscape screening is proposed to break up the massing in the front and no structural alterations have been proposed on this project. The applicant is looking for a reasonable and low-cost suggestion for screening. Shostrom closed the public hearing and opened to the Commission for comments. After a brief discussion the Commission rendered their decision. Shostrom motioned to approve PA-T1-2018-00023 with below recommendations. Skibby seconded. Voice vote; All AYES. Motion passed. Paint structure dark brown/grey in color in conformance with Each of the two gravel beds on Lithia Way should be planted with 1 ½ caliper street tree. Plantings and street tree in asphalt bed on Pioneer. Landscape plan is to be submitted with building permit. With the suggestion of: Blocking access from Lithia Way with a planter that extends from both corners of the property. boston ivy to mitigate the volume and brightness of building in conformance with Note: Hedge plants in planter are limited to 42-inches in height and must comply with Vision Clearance regulations NEW ITEMS: Review board schedule. Project assignments for planning actions. DISCUSSION ITEMS: There were no items to discuss. COMMISSION ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA: was discussed. The development plan of Hanks Auto Repair was discussed. OLD BUSINESS: There were no items to discuss. Review Board Schedule th October 4 Terry, Keith, Ellen th October 11 Terry, Piper, Ellen th October 18 Terry, Tom, Bill th October 25 Terry, Sam, Bill st November 1 Terry, Beverly, Dale th November 8 Terry, Keith, Beverly Project Assignments for Planning Actions PA-2016-00847 252 B Street Work has started Whitford PA-2016-02095 563 Rock St Work has started Whitford PA-2017-00235 114 Granite Work has started Shostrom PA-2017-00200 165 Water No building permit ALL PA-2017-01294 128 Central Work has started Emery & Swink PA-2017-01417 228 B Street No building permit Whitford PA-2017-01310 971 Siskiyou Blvd - Work has started Shostrom PA- 2017-02005 533 Fairview(aka 100 Union) Work has started Emery PA- 2017-01256 267 Meade/302 Harrison Work has started Shostrom PA-2017-02351/ 00026 549 E. Main Plans in review Swink & Emery PA-2018-00156 208 Harrison Permit issued Von Chamier PA-2018-00531 426 B Street Permit issued Von Chamier PA-T1-2018-00015 70 N. Third Street Permit issued Swink PA-T1-2018-00023 75 Lithia Way Von Chamier & Babin ANNOUNCEMENTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Next meeting is scheduled November 7, 2018 at 6:00pm There being no other items to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 7:14pm Respectfully submitted by Regan Trapp PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION / HISTORIC COMMISSION JOINT COMMITTEE MEETING October 17, 2018 MINUTES PAC Commissioners Present:Staff Present: Sandra FriendFotini Kaufman, Assistant Planner Allison Renwick Stanley Smith Andy Stallman HC Commissioners Present: Piper Von Chamier Keith Swink Bill Emery I.INTRODUCTIONS II.APPROVAL OF MINUTES-None Business from the audience not included on the agenda. III.PUBLIC FORUM PROJECT UPDATES IV. DISCUSSION V. Review of Historic Marker Masterplan–Allison Review project description/ modify as needed need to finalize “The Project” & “Project Intent” so RFP work can commence need to decide & describe how closely the hub should relate to the spokes (info & visually) Spokes should focus more on historic significance/ HUB on contemporary sculpture? RFQ versus RFP: plaques probably an RFP … sculptures TBD Discussion of project goals Collaboration with commissions very positive –need to set good examplefor others Need to get this on the fast track so RFP’s can go outand take advantage of funds available Need to then get competitive pricing fromAndrews/ LaFevre &local artists Start with 4 plaques (sites TBD) before Hub to take advantage of budget cycle Are there other options besides plaques? (bike rack, bench) need to consider other options besides QR codes Discussion of Funding Victoria Law (Ashland Recycled Furniture) was receptive to funding plaque idea Ray Kistler should be approached on same topic(B St./ Water St.) PAC matching funds with HC on portions of the .3% TOT for spokes Hub sculptures to come from PAC funding& not dependent on budget cycle Need to identify cost per plaque and budget for 4 plaques initially ($1.5 –$2.5K?) Budget cycle ends 6/30/19 so we need to spend allotment prior or we lose it Year 2 would be handled differently –submit into the budget proposal Possibility of an ArtAuction for funding? Grants? Short term assignments for all (before next meeting) We need a project name visit all spoke sites/ get a feel for what could go there and how/ historic content Long term jobs needing assignment: Site design (Piper?) Gather historic info on sites (Terry?) Research property sites –what can legally be installed Talk withspoke site property owners & Public Works with ideas Research Sculpture costs (e.g. Fire Station 2 sculpture was $15K) Web site development Research grant writing and other ways to finance Once RFP complete –take it to local artists (Andy?) Determine “who” will install spoke pieces Set regular meeting times–bi-weekly suggested Next meeting Weds. 10/31/18 9:00 am VI.ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION / HISTORIC COMMISSION JOINT COMMITTEE MEETING October 31, 2018 MINUTES PAC Commissioners Present: Staff Present: Allison Renwick Fotini Kaufman, Assistant Planner Stanley Smith Andy Stallman HC Commissioners Present: Beverly Hovenkamp Terry Skibby I.CALL TO ORDER: 9:00 AM, Lithia Room, 51 Winburn Way II. INTRODUCTIONS Designate minute-taker for meetings III. PUBLIC FORUM Business from the audience not included on the agenda. IV.DISCUSSION Project name ideas Marking Ashland Places (MAP) Plaza as primary hub Map to spokes? History on a stick? Web site developed to present history walks RF ID Chip active/passive? Stanley will research tech RR hub site possibilities Relationship of hub to spokes Same or separate designers for markers? Plaques by same studio/artist in each district for continuity? HC take responsibility for the historic theme of plaques PAC take responsibility for art Both commissions weigh in on elements RFP v. RFQ Budget HC needs to put in budget request for markers Need to Include installation costs 11-15K set aside for HC designation RR district: sites and their marker types plaques should be conceptualized before artist works on the sculpture so they can include historical elements into the theme and included in the RFP Consider public sidewalks primarily (avoiding property issues) Sites selected: Haskins Old Depot Site stnd Chinatown (A St. between 1 & 2) Twin Plunges Cemetery V. ASSIGNMENTS Need to research other cities and costs Installation estimates Other studios/foundries? VI. ADJOURNMENT Planning Department, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520 541-488-5305 Fax: 541-552-2050 www.ashland.or.us TTY: 1-800-735-2900 NOTICE OF APPLICATION PLANNING ACTION: PA-T1-2018-00029 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 130 Bush St APPLICANT: Rogue Planning & Development OWNER: David E. Kelly & Terri McMahon Trust DESCRIPTION: A request for a Site Design Review to convert and expand an existing accessory structure into a 486 square foot Accessory Residential Unit at the rear of the property at 130 Bush St. The proposed expansion will meet required setbacks for the zone. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single Family Residential; ZONING: R-1-7.5; 39 1E 08AA; TAX LOT: 1500. NOTE: The Ashland Historic Commission will also review this Planning Action on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at 6:00 PM in the Community Development and Engineering Services building (Siskiyou Room), located at 51 Winburn Way. NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: October 29, 2018 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN COMMENTS: November 12, 2018 The Ashland Planning Division Staff has received a complete application for the property noted above. Any affected property owner or resident has a right to submit written comments to the City of Ashland Planning Division, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520 prior to 4:30 p.m. on the deadline date shown above. Ashland Planning Division Staff determine if a Land Use application is complete within 30 days of submittal. Upon determination of completeness, a notice is sent to surrounding properties within 200 feet of the property submitting application which allows for a 14 day comment period. After the comment period and not more than 45 days from the application being deemed complete, the Planning Division Staff shall make a final decision on the application. A notice of decision is mailed to the same properties iting to the Ashland Planning Division within 12 days from the date of the mailing of final decision. (AMC The ordinance criteria applicable to this application are attached to this notice. Oregon law states that failure to raise an objection concerning this application, by letter, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue, precludes your right of appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) on that issue. Failure to specify which ordinance criterion the objection is based on also precludes your right of appeal to LUBA on that criterion. Failure of the applicant to raise constitutional or other issues relating to proposed conditions of approval with sufficient specificity to allow this Department to respond to the issue precludes an action for damages in circuit court. A copy of the application, all documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant and applicable criteria are available for inspection at no cost and will be provided at reasonable cost, if requested. All materials are available at the Ashland Planning Division, Community Development & Engineering Services Building, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520. If you have questions or comments concerning this request, please feel free to contact the Ashland Planning Division at 541-488-5305. G:\\comm-dev\\planning\\Planning Actions\\Noticing Folder\\Mailed Notices & Signs\\2018\\PA-T1-2018-00029.docx SITE DESIGN AND USE STANDARDS The following criteria shall be used to approve or deny an application: A. Underlying Zone: The proposal complies with all of the applicable provisions of the underlying zone (part 18.2), including but not limited to: building and yard setbacks, lot area and dimensions, density and floor area, lot coverage, building height, building orientation, architecture, and other applicable standards. B. Overlay Zones: The proposal complies with applicable overlay zone requirements (part 18.3). C. Site Development and Design Standards: The proposal complies with the applicable Site Development and Design Standards of part 18.4, except as provided by subsection E, below. D. City Facilities: The proposal complies with the applicable standards in section 18.4.6 Public Facilities and that adequate capacity of City facilities for water, sewer, electricity, urban storm drainage, paved access to and throughout the property and adequate transportation can and will be provided to the subject property. E. Exception to the Site Development and Design Standards. The approval authority may approve exceptions to the Site Development and Design Standards of part 18.4 if the circumstances in either subsection 1 or 2, below, are found to exist. 1. There is a demonstrable difficulty meeting the specific requirements of the Site Development and Design Standards due to a unique or unusual aspect of an existing structure or the proposed use of a site; and approval of the exception will not substantially negatively impact adjacent properties; and approval of the exception is consistent with the stated purpose of the Site Development and Design; and the exception requested is the minimum which would alleviate the difficulty.; or 2. There is no demonstrable difficulty in meeting the specific requirements, but granting the exception will result in a design that equally or better achieves the stated purpose of the Site Development and Design Standards. ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNITS Accessory residential units are subject to Site Design Review under chapter 18.5.2, except as exempted in subsection, below. A. Exemptions. Accessory residential units are permitted outright with an approved building permit, and are allowed without a Site Design Review under chapter 18.5.2 provided that the accessory residential unit meets all of the following requirements. 1. The accessory residential unit is located in the R-1, R-1-3.5, RR, NN and NM zones. Accessory residential units in the R-2 and R-3 zones require Site Design Review under chapter 18.5.2 and are not permitted outright under this subsection. 2. The accessory residential unit meets all of the requirements of the applicable zone in subsections, C, E and F, below, except as otherwise exempted in subsection 3. The size of the accessory residential unit is less than 500 square feet of gross habitable floor area (GHFA). 4. The accessory residential unit is attached to the primary residence or within an existing primary residence. Accessory residential units located in the Historic District overlay and including exterior building changes that require a building permit, and accessory residential units located in detached structures (i.e., not attached to the primary residence) require Site Design Review under chapter 18.5.2 and are not permitted outright under this subsection. 5The property must have two off-street parking spaces, except that parking spaces, turn-arounds, and driveways are exempt from the requirements in subsections 1 and 2 of and paving requirements in subsection 6. Additional off-street parking is not required for the accessory residential unit if on-street parking is permitted within 200 feet of the property. Alternatively, one off-street parking space may be provided on the property in conformance with the off-street parking provisions for accessory residential units in section B. R-1 Zone. Accessory residential units in the R-1 zone shall meet the following requirements. 1. One accessory residential unit is allowed per lot, and the maximum number of dwelling units shall not exceed two per lot. 2. Accessory residential units are not subject to the density or minimum lot area requirements of the zone. 3. The maximum gross habitable floor area (GHFA) of the accessory residential unit shall not exceed 50 percent of the GHFA of the primary residence on the lot, and shall not exceed 1,000 square feet GHFA. 4. The proposal shall conform to the overall maximum lot coverage and setback requirements of the underlying zone. 5. Additional parking shall be provided in conformance with the off-street parking provisions for single-family dwellings in section, except that parking spaces, turn-arounds, and driveways are exempt from the requirements in subsections 1 and 2 of and paving requirements in subsection C. RR Zone. In addition to the standards in subsection, accessory residential units in the RR zone shall meet the following requirements. 1. No on-street parking credits shall be allowed for accessory residential units. 2. If located in the Wildfire zone, the accessory residential unit shall have a residential sprinkler system installed. D. R-2 and R-3 Zones. Accessory residential units in the R-2 and R-3 zones shall meet the standards in subsection, except that the maximum gross habitable floor area (GHFA) of the accessory residential structure shall not exceed 50 percent of the GHFA of the primary residence on the lot, and shall not exceed 500 square feet GHFA. E. NN Zones. Accessory residential units in the Normal Neighborhood District under chapter 18.3.4 shall meet the standards in subsection F. NM Zones. Accessory residential units in the North Mountain Neighborhood NM zones under chapter 18.3.5 shall meet the standards in subsection, except that the maximum gross habitable floor area (GHFA) of the accessory residential unit must not exceed 750 square feet GHFA and that second story accessory residential units constructed above a detached accessory building must not exceed 500 square feet GHFA. G:\\comm-dev\\planning\\Planning Actions\\Noticing Folder\\Mailed Notices & Signs\\2018\\PA-T1-2018-00029.docx PROJECT ASSIGNMENTS FOR PLANNING ACTIONS November 2018 PA-2016-00847 252 B Street Work has started Whitford PA-2016-02095 563 Rock St Work has started Whitford PA-2017-00235 114 Granite Work has started Shostrom PA-2017-00200 165 Water No building permit ALL PA-2017-01294 128 Central Work has started Emery & Swink PA-2017-01417 228 B Street No building permit Whitford PA-2017-01310 971 Siskiyou Blvd - Work has started Shostrom PA- 2017-02005 533 Fairview(aka 100 Union) Work has started Emery PA- 2017-01256 267 Meade/302 Harrison Work has started Shostrom PA-2017-02351/ 00026 549 E. Main Plans in review Swink & Emery PA-2018-00156 208 Harrison Permit issued Von Chamier PA-2018-00531 426 B Street Permit issued Von Chamier PA-T1-2018-00015 70 N. Third Street Permit issued Swink PA-T1-2018-00023 75 Lithia Way Von Chamier & Babin November 2018 Ashland Historic Review Board Schedule Meet at 3:00pm, Lithia Room* November 8th Terry, Keith, Beverly November 15th Terry November 21st (Weds of Thanksgiving week) Terry November 29th Terry December 6th Terry *Call 541-488-5305 to verify there are items on the agenda to review 2018 / 30 / 4 doc . b e hip_W s com om . ber c m e M n om o i s c is cape .and.or.us mail.l etd.or.us t d.or.us s mm n g enn n Co . c i a e l or t ash et His m \\ s @ t n e o k ashla ash c . irnland a P mind.n net.org \\ a n f @ 321@ms io cil man s @p y is f ef n j b mm enc o C k @ @mind. shlandh oric k o t @ a skib ellen@yahoo.com His \\ inhippet ail s y ini.kau ee dress r h@cou t t t ww i M mgiordanoarch@ m_ -dc sk evbev549@gmail.com o mm c EAshobrkstertbill@piperrriForegan.trap Co & N ions s s i O I mm Co \\ S v de - mm o 044233 c \\ : 22 G -- t ork s WPhone 552552 OMMIS Li C hip RIC s O T me o HPhone HIS Member D N A L shland H A S of A nning Dept. y dress t a ailing d MA CiPl 99 211211202019 tion 0000000 a 222222220212021 --------- 303030303030303030 --------- TermExpir444444444 r hal son yt i n ord b f e ink r on w hit e Kaufman SV Skib W y r ini nning Dept. mmissioneairmanamiuncil Lia min. Staff t a ohho d CNameDale ShostromCKeithSamTerTom GiordanoBill EmeryPiper CBeverly HovenkampEllen BabinRich RosCFoPlRegan TrappA