HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-06-03 Historic PACKET HISTORIC COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA June 3,2015 at 6:00 P.M. I.REGULAR MEETING -CALL TO ORDER:6:00 p.m. –SISKIYOU ROOM in the Community Development/Engineering Services Building, located at 51 Winburn Way II.APPROVAL OF MINUTES:Historic Commission regular meeting of May 6, 2015 III.PUBLIC FORUM: Business from the audience not included on the agenda. (Total time allowed for Public Forum is 15 minutes. Speakers are limited to 5 minutes or less, depending on the number of individuals wishing to speak.) IV.COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: Carol Voisin V.PLANNING ACTION REVIEW: PLANNING ACTION: PA-2015-00680 SUBJECT PROPERTY:237 N. First St. OWNER:Ashland Food Cooperative APPLICANT:KenCairn Landscape Architecture (agent for owner) DESCRIPTION:A request for Site Review approval to reconfigure the landscape and patio areas along A Street to provide more water-efficient landscaping, improve the employee break area, and provide secure employee bicycle parking for the Ashland Community Food Store located at 237 N First Street. The application includes requests for a Tree Removal Permit to remove two trees. (The property is located within the Ashland Railroad Addition Historic Districtand the Detail Site Review Zone, and because of the building size is also subject to additional standards for large scale projects.) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:Employment;ZONING: E-1;ASSESSOR’S MAP: 39 1E 09BA; TAX LOT: 13401 PLANNING ACTION: PA-2015-00878 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 35 S. Pioneer St. OWNER:City of Ashland APPLICANT:Oregon Shakespeare Festival DESCRIPTION:A request for Site Review approval to allow exterior modifications to the Oregon Shakespeare Fesitval’s Bowmer Theater for the property located at 35 S. Pioneer St. These modifications are associated with adding an elevator to the Bowmer Theater building as part of broader accessibility improvements and will involve an approximately 202 square foot addition to the theater building. The application also includes arequest for a Tree Removal Permit to removea16-inch diameter mapletree.COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:Commercial Downtown;ZONING: C-1-D;ASSESSOR’S MAP: 39 1E 09;TAX LOT: 100 PLANNING ACTION:PA-2015-00821 SUBJECT PROPERTY:315 High Street OWNER/APPLICANT:Kenneth & Sara Pearson DESCRIPTION:A request for Site Review approval to convert the existing 922 square foot guest house with attached garage into an Accessory Residential Unit. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:Single Family Residential; ZONING: R-1-7.5;ASSESSOR’S MAP: 39 1E 05DD TAX LOT:7300; VI.OLD BUSINESS: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone number is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title1). VII.NEW ITEMS: A.Review Board schedule. B.Project Assignments for planning actions. C. Historic Preservation Weekwrap up VIII.DISCUSSION ITEMS: A.Butler-Perozzi Fountain-Commissioner Skibby IX.COMMISSION ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA: X.ADJOURNMENT: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone number is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title1). ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Meeting Minutes May 6, 2015 Community Development/Engineering Services Building –51 Winburn Way –Siskiyou Room REGULAR MEETING -CALL TO ORDER6:02p.m.–SISKIYOU ROOM in the Community Development/Engineering Services Building, located at 51 Winburn Way Historic Commissioners Present:Mr. Skibby, Mr. Shostrom,Mr. Whitford, Mr. Giordano, Ms. Kencairn, Mr. Ladygo, Mr. Emery, Ms. Renwick Commission Members Absent:Mr. Swink(E) Council Liaison:Carol Voisin Staff Present:Staff Liaison: Amy Gunter, Clerk: Regan Trapp APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr.Whitford approved minutes from April 8, 2015 and Ms. Kencairn seconded. Ms. Renwick abstained.Noone opposed. PUBLIC FORUM: Huelz Gutchin,2253 Hwy 99, Ashland, OR 97520, addressed the Commission.Mr. Gutchin spoke about climate control and the city’sneed to encourage the use of solar panels in all neighborhoods. Ms.VictoriaLaw statedthat she has 5 large photos of historic Ashland that need a home. She would love for them to bedisplayedin a city building. Most of the photos areof the railroad district. Ms. Gunter statedthat there is a process to donate the photos and she will look into this and get back to Ms. Law. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: Ms. Voisin gave the Council Liason report. She reported on the Iron Mike statue and that Mr. Swink and Ms. Gunter gave the Historic Commission annual report. She stated that utilities will be increased by 7% and a surcharge on water for AFR will also be addedto the utility bill. The council approved an increase in parking tickets but there will still be some decision makingon this as the parkingordinance has not been enforced in the past. Ms Voisin explained that interviews are now happeningforthe Chief of Police position. PLANNING ACTION REVIEW: PLANNING ACTION: PA-2015-00541 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 345 Lithia Way APPLICANT: Kistler, Small, & White Architects for Double R Products OWNER: Hays Oil DESCRIPTION: A request for a modification of a previously approved Site Review approval (PA-2014-01226) to convert the Lithia Way Texaco located at 345 Lithia Way into a retail and restaurant establishment. The proposal is to addan outdoor seating area adjacent to the building on the south façade adjacent to Lithia Way and a modification to the proposed exterior finishes. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial;ZONING: C-1;ASSESSOR’S MAP: 39 1E 09BD;TAX LOTS: 1801 Ms. Gunter gave the staff report on PA-2015-00541. Mr. Skibby opened the public hearing. Matt Small from Kistler, Small&White Architects, addressed the Commission. He discussed that theywould like to maintain the existing structure and integrity ofthe building but also create onethat would be inviting and attractive to customers. The structure itself will not change with the exception of some paint. He presented the Commission with tile samples for the front of the building. He spoke about thefact that the tile was a wayto add complexity and color and would draw people to the entrance. Mr. Small called attention to the sizes of the wood components of the building and said that it creates a simple design to the structure. Mr. Skibby opened to comments from the Commission. There was much discussion about the tile design and the sizing of thehorizontalwood slats on the building. After much discussion, the Commission recommended that the applicant utilize one of the tiledesigns that were presented and consider a smaller scale of horizontal wood slats. Ms. Renwick motioned to approve PA-2015-00541 as presented. Mr.Ladygo seconded. No one opposed. PLANNING ACTION: PA-2015-00542 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 231 Gresham OWNER/APPLICANT: Ben Bryan DESCRIPTION: A request for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a one-unit Travelers Accommodation with the property owner residing on-site for the property located at 231 Gresham. The proposed accommodation unit will be locatedwithin the existing residence. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:Low-Density Multi-family; ZONING: R-2;ASSESSOR’S MAP: 39 1E 09CA TAX LOT: 7200; Ms. Gunter gave the staff report on PA-2015-00542. Mr. Skibbyopened the public hearing. Ben Bryan,owner of 231 Gresham, Ashland, OR 97520, addressed the Commission. He emphasized that he loves the historic houses of Ashland and would like to share this home with people coming to visit the area. Mr. Skibby opened to the commission for comments. Ms. Ladygo motioned to approve PA-2014-00542. Mr. Whitford seconded. No one opposed OLD BUSINESS: Iron Mike isnow being called “Pioneer Mike”. He is being cast in bronze.Ms. Gunter spokeabout possible grant money for Pioneer Mike but would need to be applied for by someone from the Commission as it’s a lengthy process that she just doesn’t have time to do. She is hoping someone will step up to do this. Councilwoman Marsh would like to plan a large block party when the statue is unveiled. This is something that will happen within the next year. Ms. Renwick suggested that it tie in with Historic Preservationweek for next year. NEW ITEMS: A.Review Board schedule. B.Project Assignments for planning actions. C.Historic Preservation Week: Ms. Gunter statedthe CLG consultant, Matt Davis will be here on Wednesday May 20, 2015. She will book a room from 11:30-1for a lunch study session and then the awards ceremony willfollow. A professional’s meeting concluding the awards ceremony will also take placewith property owners in the historic district being invited. Ms. Gunter reported on the addition of 315 High to the award recipient list. Ms. Gunter will do the write up for this award. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Ms. Kencairn gavean in depth report on the 3 proposed areas of downtown beautification and what the plans are for these areas. Revamped landscaping, pedestrian areas, designated walkways, and the use of wall rockto fix some of the problem areas around the City of Ashlandare part of the proposal.Ms. Kencairnexplained that the commission will see more in depth plans when they become available. COMMISSION ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA: Ms. Gunter will ask Mr. Fluery in Public works about the painted asphalt at Pioneer Hall. Ms. Gunter also reported on the work being done at 685 E. Main. Review Board Schedule th May 7Terry, Sam, Keith th May 14Terry, Tom, Bill May 21stTerry,Kerry, Dale th May 28Terry, Allison, Sam th June 4Terry, Kerry, Andrew Project Assignments for Planning Actions PA-2014-01956Lithia&FirstAll PA-2014-00725469AllisonSwink PA-2014-00710/711143/135NutleySwink &Whitford PA-2014-01283172SkidmoreShostrom PA-2014-0025130S.First StWhitford BD-2013-00813374HargadineSwink PA-2013-01421270N.First St.Renwick PA-2013-01828310Oak St. (Thompson)Shostrom PA-2014-02206485AStreetRenwick PA-2015-00178156VanNess AveKencairn PA-2015-00374160LithiaWayEmery PA-2015-00541345LithiaWayGiordano& Renwick PA-2015-0049337N.MainSkibby ANNOUNCEMENTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Next meeting is scheduled for June 3,2015,6:00pm. There being no other items to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 7:40pm Respectfully submitted by Regan Trapp Planning Department, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520 541-488-5305 Fax: 541-552-2050 www.ashland.or.us TTY: 1-800-735-2900 NOTICE OF APPLICATION PLANNING ACTION: 2015-00680 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 237 N First Street OWNER: Ashland Food Cooperative APPLICANT: KenCairn Landscape Architecture (agent for owner) DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Review approval to reconfigure the landscape and patio areas along A Street to provide more water-efficient landscaping, improve the employee break area, and provide secure employee bicycle parking for the Ashland Community Food Store located at 237 N First Street. The application includes requests for a Tree Removal Permit to remove two trees. (The property is located within the Ashland Railroad Addition Historic District and the Detail Site Review Zone, and because of the building size is also subject to additional standards for large scale projects.) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Employment; ZONING: E- NOTE: The Ashland Historic Commission will also review this Planning Action on Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at 6:00 PM in the Community Development and Engineering Services building (Siskiyou Room), located at 51 Winburn Way. NOTE: The Ashland Tree Commission will also review this Planning Action on Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 6:00 PM in the Civic Center Council Chambers located at 1175 East Main Street. NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: May 21, 2015 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN COMMENTS: June 4, 2015 The Ashland Planning Division Staff has received a complete application for the property noted above. Any affected property owner or resident has a right to submit written comments to the City of Ashland Planning Division, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520 prior to 4:30 p.m. on the deadline date shown above. Ashland Planning Division Staff determine if a Land Use application is complete within 30 days of submittal. Upon determination of completeness, a notice is sent to surrounding properties within 200 feet of the property submitting application which allows for a 14 day comment period. After the comment period and not more than 45 days from the application being deemed complete, the Planning Division Staff shall make a final decision on the application. A notice of decision is mailed to the same properties within 5 days of decision. An appeal to the Planning Commission of the Planning g of final decision. (AMC 18.108.040) The ordinance criteria applicable to this application are attached to this notice. Oregon law states that failure to raise an objection concerning this application, by letter, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue, precludes your right of appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) on that issue. Failure to specify which ordinance criterion the objection is based on also precludes your right of appeal to LUBA on that criterion. Failure of the applicant to raise constitutional or other issues relating to proposed conditions of approval with sufficient specificity to allow this Department to respond to the issue precludes an action for damages in circuit court. A copy of the application, all documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant and applicable criteria are available for inspection at no cost and will be provided at reasonable cost, if requested. All materials are available at the Ashland Planning Division, Community Development & Engineering Services Building, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520. If you have questions or comments concerning this request, please feel free to contact the Ashland Planning Division at 541-488-5305. G:\\comm-dev\\Commissions & Committees\\Historic Commission\\Packets\\2015_packets\\2015-6-3\\237 N. First\\PA-2015-00680.docx SITE DESIGN AND USE STANDARDS Approval Criteria The following criteria shall be used to approve or deny an application: A. Underlying Zone: The proposal complies with all of the applicable provisions of the underlying zone (part 18.2), including but not limited to: building and yard setbacks, lot area and dimensions, density and floor area, lot coverage, building height, building orientation, architecture, and other applicable standards. B. Overlay Zones: The proposal complies with applicable overlay zone requirements (part 18.3). C. Site Development and Design Standards: The proposal complies with the applicable Site Development and Design Standards of part 18.4, except as provided by subsection E, below. D. City Facilities: The proposal complies with the applicable standards in section 18.4.6 Public Facilities and that adequate capacity of City facilities for water, sewer, electricity, urban storm drainage, paved access to and throughout the property and adequate transportation can and will be provided to the subject property. E. Exception to the Site Development and Design Standards. The approval authority may approve exceptions to the Site Development and Design Standards of part 18.4 if the circumstances in either subsection 1 or 2, below, are found to exist. 1. There is a demonstrable difficulty meeting the specific requirements of the Site Development and Design Standards due to a unique or unusual aspect of an existing structure or the proposed use of a site; and approval of the exception will not substantially negatively impact adjacent properties; and approval of the exception is consistent with the stated purpose of the Site Development and Design; and the exception requested is the minimum which would alleviate the difficulty.; or 2. There is no demonstrable difficulty in meeting the specific requirements, but granting the exception will result in a design that equally or better achieves the stated purpose of the Site Development and Design Standards. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT FROM THE UNIFIED LAND USE ORDINANCE Criteria for Issuance of Tree Removal Permit B. Tree Removal Permit. 1. Hazard Tree. A Hazard Tree Removal Permit shall be granted if the approval authority finds that the application meets all of the following criteria, or can be made to conform through the imposition of conditions. a. The applicant must demonstrate that the condition or location of the tree presents a clear public safety hazard (i.e., likely to fall and injure persons or property) or a foreseeable danger of property damage to an existing structure or facility, and such hazard or danger cannot reasonably be alleviated by treatment, relocation, or pruning. See definition of hazard tree in part 18.6. b. The City may require the applicant to mitigate for the removal of each hazard tree pursuant to section Such mitigation requirements shall be a condition of approval of the permit. 2. Tree That is Not a Hazard. A Tree Removal Permit for a tree that is not a hazard shall be granted if the approval authority finds that the application meets all of the following criteria, or can be made to conform through the imposition of conditions. 1. The tree is proposed for removal in order to permit the application to be consistent with other applicable Land Use Ordinance requirements and standards, including but not limited to applicable Site Development and Design Standards in part 18.4 and Physical and Environmental Constraints in part 18.10. 2. Removal of the tree will not have a significant negative impact on erosion, soil stability, flow of surface waters, protection of adjacent trees, or existing windbreaks. 3. Removal of the tree will not have a significant negative impact on the tree densities, sizes, canopies, and species diversity within 200 feet of the subject property. The City shall grant an exception to this criterion when alternatives to the tree removal have been considered and no reasonable alternative exists to allow the property to be used as permitted in the zone. 4. Nothing in this section shall require that the residential density to be reduced below the permitted density allowed by the zone. In making this determination, the City may consider alternative site plans or placement of structures of alternate landscaping designs that would lessen the impact on trees, so long as the alternatives continue to comply with the other provisions of this ordinance. 5. The City shall require the applicant to mitigate for the removal of each tree granted approval pursuant to section Such mitigation requirements shall be a condition of approval of the permit. G:\\comm-dev\\Commissions & Committees\\Historic Commission\\Packets\\2015_packets\\2015-6-3\\237 N. First\\PA-2015-00680.docx Planning Department, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520 www.ashland.or.usTTY: 1-800-735-2900 541-488-5305 Fax: 541-552-2050 NOTICE OF APPLICATION PLANNING ACTION:PA-2015-00878 SUBJECT PROPERTY:35S. Pioneer St. OWNER:City of Ashland APPLICANT:Oregon Shakespeare Festival DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Review approval to allow exterior modificationsto the Oregon Shakespeare Festival’s BowmerTheater for the property located at 35 S. Pioneer St. These modifications are associated with adding an elevator to the Bowmer Theater building as part of broader accessibility improvements and will involve an approximately 202 square foot addition to the theater building. The application also includes a request for a Tree Removal Permit to remove a 16-inch diameter maple tree. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial Downtown; ZONING:C-1- D; ASSESSOR’S MAP:39 1E 09; TAX LOT:100. NOTE:The Ashland Historic Commission will also review this Planning Action on Wednesday,June 3, 2015 at 6:00 PMin the Community Development and Engineering Services building (Siskiyou Room), located at 51 Winburn Way. NOTE:The Ashland Tree Commission will also review this Planning Action on Thursday, June 4, 2015at 6:00 PM in the Civic Center Council Chambers located at 1175 East Main Street. NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION:May 27, 2015 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN COMMENTS:June 10, 2015 The Ashland Planning Division Staff has received a complete application for the property noted above. Any affected property owner or resident has a right to submit written comments to the City of Ashland Planning Division, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520 prior to 4:30 p.m. on the deadline date shown above. Ashland Planning Division Staff determine if a Land Use application is complete within 30 days of submittal. Upon determination of completeness, a notice is sent to surrounding properties within 200 feet of the property submitting application which allows for a 14 day comment period. After the comment period and not more than 45 days from the application being deemed complete, the Planning Division Staff shall make a final decision on the application. A notice of decision is mailed to the same properties within 5 days of decision. An appeal to the Planning Commission of the Planning Division Staff’s decision must be made in writing to the Ashland Planning Division within 12 days from the date of the mailing of final decision. (AMC 18.108.040) The ordinance criteria applicable to this application are attached to this notice. Oregon law states that failure to raise an objection concerning this application, by letter, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue, precludes your right of appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) on that issue. Failure to specify which ordinance criterion the objection is based on also precludes your right of appeal to LUBA onthat criterion. Failure of the applicant to raise constitutional or other issues relating to proposed conditions of approval with sufficient specificity to allow this Department to respond to the issue precludes an action for damages in circuit court. A copy of the application, all documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant and applicable criteria are available for inspection at no cost and will be provided at reasonable cost, if requested. All materials are available at the Ashland Planning Division, Community Development & Engineering Services Building, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520. If you have questions or comments concerning this request, please feel free to contact the Ashland Planning Division at 541-488-5305. C:\\Users\\trappr\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Temporary Internet Files\\Content.Outlook\\OWZHTE0I\\PA-2015-00878.docx SITE DESIGN AND USE STANDARDS Approval Criteria The following criteria shall be used to approve or deny an application: A.Underlying Zone: The proposal complies with all of the applicable provisions of the underlying zone (part 18.2), including but not limited to: building and yard setbacks, lot area and dimensions, density and floor area, lot coverage, building height, building orientation, architecture, and other applicable standards. B. Overlay Zones: The proposal complies with applicable overlay zone requirements (part 18.3). C. Site Development and Design Standards: The proposal complies with the applicable Site Development and Design Standards of part 18.4, except as provided by subsection E, below. D. City Facilities: The proposal complies with the applicablestandards in section 18.4.6 Public Facilities and that adequate capacity of City facilities for water, sewer, electricity, urban storm drainage, paved access to and throughout the property and adequate transportation can and will be provided to the subject property. E.Exception to the Site Development and Design Standards.The approval authority may approve exceptions to the Site Development and Design Standards of part 18.4 if the circumstances in either subsection 1 or 2, below, are found to exist. 1.There is a demonstrable difficulty meeting the specific requirements of the Site Development and Design Standards due to a unique or unusual aspect of an existing structure or the proposed use of a site; and approval of the exception will not substantially negatively impact adjacent properties; and approval of the exception is consistent with the stated purpose of the Site Development and Design; and the exception requested is the minimum which would alleviate the difficulty.; or 2.There is no demonstrable difficulty in meeting the specific requirements, but granting the exception will result in a design that equally or better achieves the stated purpose of the Site Development and Design Standards. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT for Issuance of Tree Removal Permit B.Tree Removal Permit. 1.Hazard Tree.A Hazard Tree Removal Permit shall be granted if the approval authority finds that the application meets all of the following criteria, or can be made to conform through the imposition of conditions. a.The applicant must demonstrate that the condition or location of the tree presents a clear public safety hazard (i.e., likelyto fall and injure persons or property) or a foreseeable danger of property damage to an existing structure or facility, and such hazard or danger cannot reasonably be alleviated by treatment, relocation, or pruning. See definition of hazard tree in part 18.6. b.The City may require the applicant to mitigate for the removal of each hazard tree pursuant to section Such mitigation requirements shall be a condition of approval of the permit. 2.Tree That is Not a Hazard. A Tree Removal Permit for a tree that is not a hazard shall be granted if the approval authority finds that the application meets all of the following criteria, or can be made to conform through the imposition of conditions. 1.The tree is proposed for removal in order to permit the application to be consistent with other applicable Land Use Ordinance requirements and standards, including but not limited to applicable Site Development and Design Standards in part 18.4 and Physical and Environmental Constraints in part 18.10. 2.Removal of the tree will not have a significant negative impact on erosion, soil stability, flow of surface waters, protection of adjacent trees, or existing windbreaks. 3.Removal of the tree will not have a significant negative impact on the tree densities, sizes, canopies, and species diversitywithin 200 feet of the subject property. The City shall grant an exception to this criterion when alternatives to the tree removal have been considered and no reasonable alternative exists to allow the property to be used as permitted in the zone. 4.Nothing in this section shall require that the residential density to be reduced below the permitted density allowed by the zone. In making this determination, the City may consider alternative site plans or placement of structures of alternate landscaping designs that would lessen the impact on trees, so long as the alternatives continue to comply with the other provisions of this ordinance. 5.The City shall require the applicant to mitigate for the removal of each tree granted approval pursuant to section Such mitigation requirements shall be acondition of approval of the permit. C:\\Users\\trappr\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Temporary Internet Files\\Content.Outlook\\OWZHTE0I\\PA-2015-00878.docx Planning Department, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520 www.ashland.or.usTTY: 1-800-735-2900 541-488-5305 Fax: 541-552-2050 NOTICE OF APPLICATION PLANNING ACTION:2015-00821 SUBJECT PROPERTY:315 High Street OWNER/APPLICANT:Kenneth and Sara Pearson DESCRIPTION:A request for Site Review approval to convert the existing 922 square foot guest house with attached garage into an Accessory Residential Unit. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:Single FamilyResidential;ZONING: R-1-7.5;ASSESSOR’S MAP: 39 1E 05DDTAX LOT:7300. NOTE:The Ashland Historic Commission will also review this Planning Action on Wednesday,June 3,2015 at6:00 PMin the Community Development and Engineering Services building (Siskiyou Room), located at 51 Winburn Way. NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION:May 20, 2015 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN COMMENTS:June 3, 2015 The Ashland Planning Division Staff has received a complete application for the property noted above. Any affected property owner or resident has a right to submit written comments to the City of Ashland Planning Division, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520 prior to 4:30 p.m. on the deadline date shown above. Ashland Planning Division Staff determine if a Land Use application is complete within 30 days of submittal. Upon determination of completeness, a notice is sent to surrounding properties within 200 feet of the property submitting application which allows for a 14 day comment period. After the comment period and not more than 45 days from the application being deemed complete, the Planning Division Staff shall make afinal decision on the application. A notice of decision is mailed to the same properties within 5 days of decision. An appeal to the Planning Commission of the Planning Division Staff’s decision must be made in writing to the Ashland Planning Division within 12 days from the date of the mailing of final decision. (AMC 18.108.040) The ordinance criteria applicable to this application are attached to this notice. Oregon law states that failure to raise an objection concerning this application, by letter, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue, precludesyour right of appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) on that issue. Failure to specify which ordinance criterion the objection is based on also precludes your right of appeal to LUBA on that criterion. Failure of the applicant to raise constitutional or other issues relating to proposed conditions of approval with sufficient specificity to allow this Department to respond tothe issue precludes an action for damages in circuit court. A copy of the application, all documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant and applicable criteria are available for inspection at no cost and will be provided at reasonable cost, if requested. All materials are available at the Ashland Planning Division, Community Development & Engineering Services Building, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520. If you have questions or comments concerning this request, please feel free to contact the Ashland Planning Division at 541-488-5305. G:\\comm-dev\\Commissions & Committees\\Historic Commission\\Packets\\2015_packets\\2015-6-3\\315 High\\PA-2015-00821.docx SITE DESIGN AND USE STANDARDS Approval Criteria The following criteria shall be used to approve or deny an application: A.Underlying Zone:The proposal complies with all of the applicable provisions of the underlying zone (part 18.2), including but not limited to: building and yard setbacks, lot area and dimensions, density and floor area, lot coverage, building height, building orientation, architecture, and other applicable standards. B. Overlay Zones: The proposal complies with applicable overlay zone requirements (part 18.3). C. Site Development and Design Standards: The proposal complies with the applicable Site Development and Design Standards of part 18.4, except as provided by subsection E, below. D. City Facilities: The proposal complies with the applicable standards in section 18.4.6 Public Facilities and that adequate capacity of City facilities for water, sewer, electricity, urban storm drainage, paved access to and throughout the property and adequate transportation can and will be provided to the subject property. E.Exception to the Site Development and Design Standards.The approval authority may approve exceptions to the Site Development and Design Standards of part 18.4 if the circumstances in either subsection 1 or 2, below, are found to exist. 1.There is a demonstrable difficulty meeting the specific requirements of the Site Development and Design Standards due to a unique or unusual aspect of an existing structure or the proposed use of a site; and approval of the exception will not substantially negatively impact adjacent properties; and approval of the exception is consistent with the stated purpose of the Site Development and Design; and the exception requested is the minimum which would alleviate the difficulty.; or 2.There is no demonstrable difficulty in meeting the specific requirements, but granting the exception will result in a design that equally or better achieves the stated purpose of the SiteDevelopment and Design Standards. G:\\comm-dev\\Commissions & Committees\\Historic Commission\\Packets\\2015_packets\\2015-6-3\\315 High\\PA-2015-00821.docx PROJECT ASSIGNMENTS FOR PLANNING ACTIONS PA-2014-01956Lithia&FirstAll PA-2014-00725469AllisonSwink PA-2014-00710/711143/135NutleySwink &Whitford PA-2014-01283172SkidmoreShostrom PA-2014-0025130S.First StWhitford BD-2013-00813374HargadineSwink PA-2013-01421270N.First St.Renwick PA-2013-01828310Oak St. (Thompson)Shostrom PA-2014-02206485AStreetRenwick PA-2015-00178156VanNess AveKencairn PA-2015-00374160LithiaWayEmery PA-2015-00541345LithiaWayGiordano& Renwick PA-2015-0049337N.MainSkibby June2015 Ashland Historic Review Board Schedule Meet at 3:00pm, Lithia Room* June 4thTerry, Kerry, Andrew June 11th June 18th June 25th July 2nd *Call 541-488-5305 to verify there are items on the agenda to review