HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-02-24 Housing & Human Services PACKET Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission Regular Meeting Agenda February 24,2022:4:00–6:00pm Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://zoom.us/j/99777925502?pwd=MXVvZ0d5V2Q2aVZ0UCsrcm05UnNZQT09 1.(4:00)Approval of Minutes (5 min) January 27, 2022 2.(4:05)Educational Presentation: Zone Captains Program(20min) Kathy Kali, Housing Commissioner 3.(4:25)Educational Presentation: Continuum of Care Board Overview(20min) Vicky Armstrong, CoC Coordinator 4.(4:45)Manufactured Home Policy Workgroup Report(20min) Rich Rohde, Housing Commissioner 5.(5:05)Housing Production StrategyUpdate(15min) Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist 6.(5:20)Housing Production Strategy Subcommittee Member Selection(10min) Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist 7. (5:30)Liaison Reports (20min) Liaison Reports Council(Gina Duquenne)Staff (Linda Reid) SOU Liaison (Reese Rosenburg)General Announcements/Local Housing SOU program report (Chris Mahan) Updates 8.(5:50)Upcoming Agenda Items, Events,and Meetings Next Housing Commission Regular Meeting February24, 2022 9.(4:30)Adjournment In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission DraftMinutes January 27, 2022 Call to Order Commission Co-ChairLinda Reppond calledtheZoom meetingtoorderat4:02pm. Commissioners Council Liaison Rich RohdeGina Duquenne Echo Fields Leda Shapiro AbsentSOU Liaison Linda ReppondReese Rosenburg Joy Fate Absent Kathy KaliStaff Present: Heidi ParkerLinda Reid, Housing Program Specialist Chris MahanLiz Hamilton, Permit Technician Jackie Bachman Approvalof Minutes CommissionersJackie Bachman /Echo Fields m/s to approve the minutes ofNovember 18, 2021.Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed Public Forum-None CDBG and AHTFGrants ScheduleUpdate Linda Reid gives a brief overview of this schedule. Severe Weather Shelter Debrief rd Linda Reid update:Emergencyshelter openedfrom December 13–20 and again December 23 –January3 for inclementweather. Thelowest amount of people housedwas 12and the maximum was 35 people. Ittook8- 10volunteerseach day.The largest issue was the amount of donations left that needed to be removed when the shelter closed. Echo Fields update: need more organization on volunteers.Need policy and agendafor pets. Rich Rohdeupdated that 116 people died in Oregon dueto this weather event and Ashland had 0. Severe Weather Shelter Recommendations Finalization Linda Reid,presents the Policy recommendationsthat HHSC wants to present to the City council. Commissioners discuss what temperaturenumbers should be usedas a threshold for Emergency shelter to be opened. CommissionersJackie Bachman /Rich Rohdem/s to approve theSevere Climate Event PolicyRecommendationswith changes discussed in this meetingJanuary 27, 2022. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed Strategic Goal Review and Discussion 2022 Goals for Housing and Human Services Commission Emergency Shelter, o Move the Severe Weather Shelter recommendations/resolution forward to adoption o Establish a location for emergency shelter, o Establish a coordinator for the shelter-dedicated funding o Build Cooperation and systems of communication at both the executive and operational levels. Workforce Housing: o Ask Brandon to educate the Commission on the UBG expansion process o Promotecapacitybuilding and encourage new workforce housing partnerships o Work with SOU on potential housing opportunities on identified surplus properties o Increase capacity for more mobile home parks o Barrier Removal/to promote infill housing and group housing options Food Resources: (lower priority) o Address the need for a commercial kitchen in Ashland The Commission discusses what items to add to goal setting for 2022. Linda Reid summarizesthe additions as: Under Work Force Housing,Environmentalchallenges, changing from Natural Gas to Electric,exploring incentivesand looking at the environmental impacton housing such as thru a Triple Bottom line review, and finally looking at the impact of water resourcesof new developments.Moving the HPS process thru to council Under a new heading doing a better job of PR around the work that the city and commissionare working on and what has been accomplished.CDBG and AHTF allocations. Listening andtabling sessions around rent burden events CommissionersEcho Fields /Chris Mahanm/s to accept the Prioritiesand Goals of the Housingand Human ServicesCommission asdiscussed in this meeting January 27, 2022. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed Committee to Protect Ashland’s Mobile Home Parks Letter ReviewandDiscussion Cynthia Dettman out lined who is on this committee and what challengesmobile homeowners face. Work Group of Rich Rohde andKathy Kali to work withCommittee to Protect Ashland’s Mobile Home parks. Liaison Reports Council / Gina Duquenne–Asurvey by Ashlandregarding the general fundand how to spendfundswill be going out soon. SOULiaison/ Reese Rosenburg–Gives feedback that collage age students struggle to findaffordable and availablerentable units. Disproportionalamount of retirement age in Ashland.College age not accountedfor in many housing surveys. Would likethe SOU Farm food to be used for shelters. Incentivizing SOU volunteerswith practicumand other things other than cash. SOU Program Report / Chris Mahan–reports new SOU President Rick Bailey. Staff Liaison / Linda Reid–this week is the point in time count of the homelessfor HUD requirements. Echo Fields reports on Rent Burdenevent from Medford.Content very similarto what Ashland does. UpcomingRegular Meetingfor Housing Commission February 24, 2022 Adjournment:adjourned the meeting at6:10p.m. Respectfullysubmitted by Liz Hamilton Memo DATE: 02/24/2022 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: Educational Presentation-Zone Captains Housing Commissioner Kathy Kali, will present information about the work of the Zone Captains Non- Profit organization. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Memo DATE: 02/24/2022 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: Educational Presentation-Jackson County Continuum of Care Jackson County Continuum of Care Coordinator, Vicky Armstrong, will present information about the work of the Jackson County Continuum of Care. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Memo DATE: 02/24/2022 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: Manufactured Home Policy Workgroup Report Rich Rohde, Commission Co-Chair and Kathy Kali, Housing Commissioner, will provide a report on the work that the Manufactured Home Policy Workgroup has undertaken since last month. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Memo DATE: 02/24/2022 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: Housing Production Strategy Update Ashland HPS Summary of Meetings and Key Deliverables by Task Tasks Task Purpose External Meetings Key Deliverables 1: Project Revised work plan Confirm scope & Kickoff objectives, gather information Jan 2022 2: AC 1: Summary of housing Advise on engagement Characterize housing Contextualized need Contextualized housing need and anti-displacement Housing Need Presentation to PC needs memo considerations Feb-May 2022 (March 22, 2022) HHSC Anti-displacement members are encouraged analysis memo to attend 3: Strategies AC meeting 2: gaps in 3 memos that Compile existing Mar-Aug 2022 actions and potential summarize summary of strategies to fill the gaps existing/potential previous plans measures AC meeting 3 (if needed): Identify policy gaps potential strategies to fill Summary of developer Identify potential the gaps in actions and interviews strategies for HPS, building refinement of strategies from prior work AC meeting 4: Draft of the Develop criteria for selected strategies evaluation 1 HHSC presentation Run strategies through 1 PC work session evaluation filter 8 interviews w/ developers or service providers 4: Draft/Final AC 5: Review HPS report Draft HPS report Compile and vet full HPS report 1 HHSC presentation Final HPS report report July 2022- 1 PC work session Nov 2023 1 CC presentation 1 Open House 5: Adoption 1 PC presentation Final HPS report Adopt the strategy Nov-April 2023 1 CC presentation DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us The primary role of the H&HSC will be to facilitate public engagement activities. scope of work for those activities are detailed below. Outreach and Engagement Consultant will help develop a public engagement plan in consultation with the City and Committee for Citizen Involvement, which is the Ashland Planning Commission. The public engagement plan will ensure early input is provided by advisory City commissions including the Housing and Human Services Commission, Planning Commission, and an ad-hoc advisory group (the Advisory Committee) created for this project. Additionally, housing providers, housing advocates, and housing consumers will have opportunities to participate in the development of the HPS through hosted events (virtual or in-person), online engagement, and public outreach as determined by the Committee for Citizen Involvement. This engagement will prioritize underrepresented communities within the City, including renters, low-income households, Hispanic/Latinx residents, other racial and ethnic minorities and immigrant or refugee communities, veterans, people with disabilities, seniors, agricultural workers, and formerly and currently homeless people. The engagement efforts will build from the Housing and Human Services public engagement efforts and maybe coordinated with annual community Housing Forum, provided for under HB4006 for severely rent burdened communities such as Ashland. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, engagement will seek to prioritize outreach to underrepresented groups to the extent reasonably and safely possible at this time within the limited engagement timeframe and resources of this project and will emphasize outreach through agencies or non-profit groups that represent or work with under- represented communities. While there will be a good faith effort around outreach generally, and particularly to under-served communities, it is understood that the current situation (with the COVID-19 pandemic) presents unique barriers to engagement. In addition, outreach and engagement discussions are likely to occur via videoconference, teleconference, or telephone calls, rather than in-person. One form of outreach will be compiling stories of people with unmet housing need in the City. These stories will be integrated into the HPS report, to illustrate the types of housing needs in the City, and, to the extent possible, connect these unmet housing needs with strategies included in the HPS. City staff and members of city committees (most notably the Housing and Human Services Committee) will compile these stories and provide written summaries and possibly pictures of people. The Consultant will include the stories in the HPS report. Consultant will help plan for the engagement, including helping to define the questions and topics for the outreach and methods to solicit input. City staff will connect Consultant with existing networks for engagement and facilitate discussion and engagement. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Memo DATE: 02/24/2022 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: Housing Production Strategy Update The Housing and Human Services Commission will select two representatives to serve on the Housing Production Strategy Workgroup. The selected commissioners will serve as liaisons between the work group and the Housing and Human Services Commission and serve as the point people in the public engagement and outreach efforts. The work that will be undertaken will be somewhat technical in nature. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us