HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-09-22 Housing & Human Services PACKET Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission Regular Meeting Agenda September 22, 2022: 4:00 6:00pm Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://zoom.us/j/99832969443?pwd=ZVBDNllhL0t5WDVKb2VCZmlWd1FFdz09 1. (4:00) Approval of Minutes (5 min) July 28, 2022 2. (4:05) Public Forum (5 min) 3. (4:10) Overview of HPS questionnaire Results (15 min) 4. (4:25) Housing Production Strategy Discussion and Recommendation (40 min) Brandon Goldman, Planning Manager 5. (5:05) CDBG CAPER Review and Recommendation (20 min) Linda Reid-Housing Program Specialist 6. (5:25) Cooling Shelter Debrief (20 min) Echo Fields and Rich Rohde 7. (5:45) Liaison Reports (10 min) Liaison Reports Council (Gina Duquenne) Staff (Linda Reid) SOU Liaison (Reese Rosenburg) General Announcements/Local Housing SOU program report (Chris Mahan) Updates 8. (6:00) Upcoming Agenda Items, Events, and Meetings Next Housing Commission Regular Meeting October 27, 2022 9. (6:00) Adjournment In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-9200), or by email at planning@ashland.or.us. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission Draft Minutes July 28, 2022 Call to Order Commission Chair Linda Reppond called the Zoom meeting to order at 4:00pm . Commissioners Council Liaison Rich Rohde Gina Duquenne Echo Fields / Vice-Chair #3 vacant SOU Liaison Linda Reppond / Chair Reese Rosenburg- Absent Joy Fate Kathy Kali Staff Present: Heidi ParkerLinda Reid, Housing Program Specialist Chris MahanLiz Hamilton, Permit Technician #9 vacant Approval of Minutes Commissioners Heidi Parker / Rich Rohde m/s to approve the minutes of June 23, 2022. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed Heide Parker asks for 2 months leave of absence from commission for family health reasons. All Commissioners agree. Echo Fields asked to add these (3) items to agenda today: emergency shelter, closing of Pallet Shelter, and Memo from City Manager. Public Forum - None Housing Production Strategy Update Beth Goodman, EcoNorthWest, reminds commission on timeline and goes over the updated Median Family Income and Housing Cost Burden in Ashland. Strategies were discussed and Commission decides they need more time to look at the strategies that need to be in the HPS document. Rent Burden Meeting Plan Discussion Linda Reid-Housing Program Specialist helps commission put together list of groups and people to invite to meeting. Commission discussed how to get the word out and how the event agenda. See here for presentation:Ashland Housing Strategies to Discuss Additional Agenda Items: Closing of East Main Pallet Shelter. Joy Fate gave a brief rundown of closing the Pallet Shelter. Pallets are now in storage by the city. City Council has asked to meet with Rogue Retreat to talk about the quick exit. City Manager Memo regarding City Commissions Housing and Human Services Commission will become a Sitting Advisory Committee and will still meet each month Emergency Weather Shelter Housing & Human Service Commission are helping with the Extreme Heat Shelter at the Ashland Jackson County Library. A few members discuss frustration with City Manager and City Council about implication efforts. Liaison Reports None this week Next Housing Commission Regular Meeting Severe Rent Burden Meeting August 25, 2022 Adjournment: adjourned the meeting at 6:05p.m. Respectfully submitted by Liz Hamilton Memo DATE: 09/22/2022 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: Overview of HPS Questionnaire Results Attached are the results of the online Housing Production Strategy Questionnaire results for the commissions consideration. These results do not include the paper questionnaire results as those will need to be input by hand into a separate spreadsheet. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Btimboe!Ipvtjoh!Qspevdujpo!Tusbufhz Tfqufncfs!27-!3133-!22;31!BN Dpoufout j/Tvnnbsz!pg!sftqpotft3 2!}!xxx/pqfoupxoibmm/dpn023192 Dsfbufe!xjui!PqfoHpw!}!Tfqufncfs!27-!3133-!22;31!BN Btimboe!Ipvtjoh!Qspevdujpo!Tusbufhz Uif!Djuz!jt!xpsljoh!po!b!Btimboe!Ipvtjoh!Qspevdujpo!Tusbufhz!up!jodsfbtf!BtimboeÖt!sbohf!pg!ipvtjoh!pqujpot!gps ipvtfipmet!bu!bmm!jodpnf!mfwfmt/!!Bt!qbsu!pg!uijt!qspdftt-!uif!Djuz!jt!joufsftufe!jo!ifbsjoh!gspn!Btimboe(t!sftjefout!tp uibu!npsf!fggfdujwf!boe!xjefmz!bddfqufe!tpmvujpot!dbo!cf!dsfbufe/ Tvnnbsz!Pg!Sftqpotft Bt!pg!Tfqufncfs!27-!3133-!22;31!BN-!uijt!gpsvnUpqjd!Tubsu ibe; Buufoefft;372Bvhvtu!35-!3133-!!4;39!QN Sftqpotft;295 Ipvst!pg!Qvcmjd!Dpnnfou;:/3 RVFTUJPO!2 Jo!xijdi!uzqf!pg!ipvtjoh!ep!zpv!dvssfoumz!mjwf@ &Dpvou Bqbsunfou32/:&51 Evqfy4/4&7 Upxoipnf9/3&26 Tjohmf!Gbnjmz!Ipnf65/7&211 Dpoepnjojvn1/6&2 Nbovgbduvsfe!ps!Npcjmf!Ipnf!Qbsl7/7&23 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It's cheaper to maintain affordable housing stock than to create new affordable housing. In addition, these parks allow low-income people to own a home. Because this housing is in high demand, these homes continue to appreciate rather than depreciate in value, allowing low-income families to build wealth. This benefit is particularly positive for working adults and Latinx families. _______________________________________________________ It is time to get creative, like smaller houses, without scrunching. _______________________________________________________ mobile home parks provide good low-income housing _______________________________________________________ Some of these questions were definite 'no' answers but we had to pick either no opinion or little or no difference. For instance, question 1 re density is a 'no.' Expanding the city's urban growth is a 'no,' Freeing up land for parking spaces (we don't understand this one) Promote building larger apt. buildings is a 'no', Selling surplus land sounds like a loaded question, respectfully. _______________________________________________________ House the people!! _______________________________________________________ We need to explore every option available to increase the number of workforce and affordable units, including expanding our footprint, increasing height, reducing parking, easing lot coverage requirements, and focusing on HOUSING as the goal, not parking, not solar, not tree protection, not greenspaces. _______________________________________________________ Contrary to predictions of growth in past strategic plans, Ashland's population has been essentially stable over the last 10 years. Why do we think this is so and how should it factor into conversations about building more dwellings of any type? _______________________________________________________ I really support the ideas of relaxing height and density requirements. There are ways to create more affordable housing with taller buildings while also preserving the small-town charm of the city. _______________________________________________________ We need to make land trust housing available in perpetuity from every parcel of land in the city, not just new lands that are brought in from outside city. _______________________________________________________ This town could be really amazing, but it’s become a weird, gentrified, money/property grab. I really like it here. We want to stay, but everyone is being driven out. Can anyone moving here from out of state be charged a fee? Can people buying from out of state only be allowed to purchase one property that they have to live in. Then after three years they can purchase only one more for passive income, but not until then? There have to be creative solutions. Also, if we build up for more density, then we are going to have to think about how the added traffic will be for a wildfire evacuation. That is just good planning. We have to extend the boundaries and build out. A little bit more up, but definitely out. Yes to energy efficient homes. Yes to community. Let’s do this, Ashland! _______________________________________________________ Gentrification is the issue, that coupled with high priced property managers, allow out of state investors to dictate unreasonable rent. _______________________________________________________ My favorites are expanding the building and maintenance of manufactured housing parks - it seems like creating a new one, maybe on the Croman Mill site, would be a way to get a bunch of affordable homes quickly - and also taller buildings in the downtown area with commercial on the bottom and residences above. I am opposed to reducing parking space requirements because that just causes parking crowding on city streets; it does not actually reduce people's need for a car, it just annoys the neighbors. I would support a permanent campground for people who want to live in RVs, with a shower hall. I support the pallet shelter with a cooking hall and shower hall. I support bringing more land into the UGB only if the feedback from builders says that would help provide affordable housing. _______________________________________________________ The shouldn't just be if it would make a difference but if it is a good idea. Some of the ideas above would be harmful but no option for that. _______________________________________________________ Large "affordable" subsidized housing developments are a bad idea. People do better when they have connections across socioeconomic lines and mixed income communities promote this. _______________________________________________________ My suggestion is to expand the UGB and create a new mixed use walkable neighborhood with its own parks and business area. _______________________________________________________ The median income needs to be reassessed. Someone who makes what used to be a good wage with benefits still struggles to pay the typical rent in Ashland. I make $56k this year and pay $1615 for a two bedroom apartment. I’ve lived in the same home for 15yrs and can’t qualify for a home loan but my landlord can continue to increase the rent. I’m trapped. My gainful employment is in Ashland and I need to live near the job to make it to work. _______________________________________________________ There aren’t jobs for young people so that is more important than housing—why encourage if there is no way to make a living _______________________________________________________ I appreciate having my opinion solicited, yet feel like I'm providing opinions based on little background information. For example, the demographic profile of Ashland is of interest and would have made an excellent accompaniment to his poll. If half the people have housing cost challenges and a huge proportion of us are old and retired, where is all that money that is locking up all the housing in Ashland? Given the high desirability of living in Ashland from a political point of view, I think something as drastic as the redistribution of wealth might make a difference in the housing market…Or perhaps a few more seasons of horrible smoke and fire… Or perhaps more peculiar behavior by the Mayor and City Council driving people away. Money talks, yet we aren't listening…I'm one of those fools who thinks life ought to be fair, but Ashland is striving to take us way too far that way in all ways at once...Get the financial and water houses in order, and then start thinking about saving the world. _______________________________________________________ This survey is ridiculous. I’m not a land use or policy expert. That’s what you’re supposed to do! _______________________________________________________ Rather than expand boundaries, let's allow taller buildings _______________________________________________________ What exactly, if anything have our city planners, who get paid an exorbitant amount of money and benefits, been doing for past 30 years? _______________________________________________________ I don't believe expanding the UGB is an effective strategy in providing affordable housing. Let's work to use the current housing opportunities in our "urban footprint". _______________________________________________________ “Inclusionary zoning” is so easily avoidable if developers build under 20 units, which is easy in a town this small with not a lot of space for large developments. The number of dwelling units should be lowered, or be 20% of the development, which would allow for a larger percentage of affordable housing units. We need regulations put on companies like CPM and Pacific Properties who are extremely exploitative to renters. _______________________________________________________ The financial challenge to creat affordable, safe, energy efficient, and carbon neutral housing is too large for the city to achieve through taxes or regulation but, instead, must be met with State and Federal funding. This problem isn’t unique to Ashland. To solve it will require regional, statewide, and national legislation/funding. _______________________________________________________ Many of the above listed strategies will (or should) be reflected in the city’s designation of Climate Friendly Areas (a new requirement of the Oregon Land Conservation and Development). The Housing Commission’s involvement in this undertaking and the city’s update of its Transportation System Plan is critical to change the status quo. Together these planning efforts can transform Ashland and make it more affordable (by making owning a car a choice not a requirement to live in Ashland) and increase housing choices. _______________________________________________________ Some of the listed items are already in place in Ashland ,i.e. parking for normal need not maximum possible need, the encouragement of mixed uses, and the accessory dwelling unit ordinance. Nationally we are addicted to population growth. That growth fuels price increases in desirable cities and neighborhoods. _______________________________________________________ Time is of the essence. It is preferable to adopt solutions that put more housing stock in the market through the most direct means. For example using city-owned land to construct housing would seem a more direct and speedier solution than selling the land and using the proceeds to support housing strategies. _______________________________________________________ Instead of subsidizing developers for affordable housing; A basic, small house, under 1000 sq. ft. should not have property tax. Or use a sliding scale for property tax. Less monster homes would be built and this would promote smaller homes so more people could afford them. _______________________________________________________ Increase property tax on a house only when it is sold, so that a homeowner could manage to live in their home despite rising property values. Convert the abandoned, slum dwellings owned by SOU on Henry st. and Walker Ave. to decent, affordable housing. _______________________________________________________ I do not pretend to have any answers for this complex issue. _______________________________________________________ This is NOT a good survey! It's not that these will 'make little difference'. It's that I disagree! You left no way to disagree! NO WAY should there be more crowded lots, smaller plots etc. Build up (~4 stories) in places where it doesn't obstruct any existing homes. _______________________________________________________ Apartments should be constructed with concrete (or similar) for soundproofing. Should have large windows, openings to the outside (porch), ideally more than one window direction, NOT STACKED one on top of the other like prison cells. EV charging for each apartment is a must - can be as simple as access to an outlet. Each apartment should have views, or a garden. It should be a place any reasonable person would be happy to call a forever home, not a place of last resort. _______________________________________________________ Higher density housing and multiple use zoning are necessary for addressing housing crisis. Taxing new construction can end up raising the cost of that housing. Mobile home parks can be affordable, but mobile homes tend to decrease in value overtime. Home ownership has historically been one of the main paths out of poverty, but mobile homes don’t provide that for the residence, instead mainly enriching the owner of the park. _______________________________________________________ The city should stay out this area and let the free market determine the cost of housing. People can live outside the city boundaries and commute. What percentage of highly paid city workers choose to live outside Ashland? 70% plus or minus. They want the most value for their money just like everyone else. _______________________________________________________ Do not sell public land. _______________________________________________________ Instead of subsidizing developers for affordable housing, a basic, small house, under 1000 sq. ft. should not have property tax. Or use a sliding scale for property tax. Less monster homes would be built and this would promote smaller homes so more people could afford them. _______________________________________________________ Increase property tax on a house only when it is sold, so that a homeowner could manage to live in their home despite rising property values. Convert the abandoned, slum dwellings owned by SOU on Henry st. and Walker Ave. to decent, affordable housing. _______________________________________________________ The question about building 3-5 story apt. buildings - I fear losing some of what makes Ashland so lovely if this is done, and I fear unscrupulous developers putting up 'quick and dirty' buildings. "Affordable" and "Cheap" are not the same thing. I think other solutions are better choices Also-I'm not so familiar with the parking space regulations, but it's already true that there are WAY more cars parked in neighborhoods on the street than ever. And downtown it can get pretty bad as well. I think the city can make better use of land it already owns for affordable housing. _______________________________________________________ Also need to address lack of labor to build, and having a pipeline of apprenticeships, support for builders who can apprentice in the trades. It’s hard to control prices for inputs, but labor is a big factor in the speed at which new housing can be created, and lack of skilled labor is slowing down building even when funding, zoning, etc is ideal _______________________________________________________ Ashland caters to eye candy. Parks are great. Services for families are better. Come here and retire! they said. Senior programs? Why is the only after-school program the YMCA. Bring back the Grove it was BUILT WITH COMMUNITY AND FAMILY IN MIND. NOT EFFING OFFICES FOR AP&R ______________________________________________________ I guess I'm left wondering how much our city can really grow - thinking of water resources and our schools. Also, it's painful when I see a house being sold to an investor and then put on the market as a rental with a higher price. Rent is on par or perhaps higher in town than a mortgage payment? _______________________________________________________ I believe one of the most necessary actions to be taken is to limit the reach of the vacation rental industry; between Airbnb and it's offshoots devouring available real estate with Cerberusean fervor, the upcoming generation is poised to enter a housing market in which their chance of ownership is in the negative. The generation behind my own will be relegated to perpetually "sharing" their resources to pay another's mortgage with no recourse available but to abandon ship and search out of state for greener pastures, that is, if they are even able to take such an option. If we lose the young, who will run the services that Ashland relies on for its Tourism sector? If that fades what does Ashland exist for, other than a pit stop on I-5 toward more interesting places? A limit on the, as of yet, unrestrained avarice of the Vacation Rental industry is long overdue. And anyone who opposes this type of measure should be asked to share with the public how many of these types of properties they control themselves, in my humble opinion. WHERE is the water going to come from to support all this new housing???!!!!!! Hello? DROUGHT!!!!!!!!! ______________________________________________________ Please limit or very heavily tax vacation rentals - as nice as they are for visitors, they take so many units off the market for people who actually live here. PLEASE explore a vacancy tax - I know of properties right downtown that have sat vacant for years (even decades) and it is maddening, especially after the fire when so many people need housing. Also, please define "affordable" when labeling housing that way - in recent developments, "affordable" has meant homes or condos that sell for $350k+, and who exactly is that affordable to? Not many people actually employed in Ashland. _______________________________________________________ The housing crisis in Ashland threatens our community's future. As someone with ties to Ashland for many years, I know how much this city means to so many of us. The answers I have heard so far too often tinker around the edges rather than addressing the structural issues that got us here in the first place. I would love to see long-term solutions to these issues rather than piecemeal approaches with little proven track record of success. _______________________________________________________ To City Staff (especially in the Building Dept & Planning Dept): keep up the hard work. We appreciate you and respect the way you've served our community. This survey structure is not balanced. You also need a choice for opposing each idea. This survey is not weighted correctly and is going to give you misleading answers. _______________________________________________________ "Affordable" needs to be defined. Many times "affordable" is for middle income limits @ 150,000- 120,000. Lower income folks end up getting locked out for many reasons (less financial agility, fewer resources or access.) "Affordability" should be tiered to include multiple income levels. _______________________________________________________ See Karen Chapple's "missing middle" housing research As usual, the options in the survey don’t always express the choices a respondent might make. The questions about housing access difficulty did not apply to me, a homeowner educated on this topic, as they were all in the first person. This does not allow a person like myself to express an opinion about what they might view as the relevant issues. _______________________________________________________ The problem is not lack of land but owners who want to sell or develop. It is also a lack of people who want to be landlords. Subsidizing the sale of property to developers such as the Housing Authority is probably your best shot. Also, we are a small town and while there are wealthy among us, there is a limit to how much a small town can provide in a nation with a significant housing problem. On the multiple choice questions you need to have an option for saying "I disagree and think this would be a bad idea." _______________________________________________________ This organization is doing great work for how to address the housing problem in the PNW https://www.sightline.org/research/housing-urbanism/ There is a lot of space in Ashland that is underutilized and used for storing automobiles which could instead be used to house people that work and pay taxes. Much of the city is also zone R1 which is the most expensive type of housing and it is difficult to infill with current regulations (solar and parking ordinances). Development needs to be coupled with smart planning and affordability incentives/requirements for developers. _______________________________________________________ If we limit parking/build more densely, which seems like a good idea, then let's also make sure that our town is truly walkable and bike-able and perhaps increase options for public transit. _______________________________________________________ I'm renting and feel lucky to have found a place with enough space for my family and a bit of yard. But my rent is almost half my family's monthly income, which does not allow us to save much. We'd love to save for a down payment for a house but feel kind of trapped. _______________________________________________________ Maintain existing qualities. _______________________________________________________ Thank you for doing this. There's a huge issue with housing in Ashland between the shortage and exorbitant rent amounts, even for people who work in Ashland like my partner and I. I'm hoping we can see some real change here in the future, not just for people like me, but for our unhoused population, and for everyone else in this town that's been struggling with housing. _______________________________________________________ There should be another option for the above: "Not in favor of this strategy". For example, I am against the Construction Excise Taxes option but any of the four answers doesn't represent my sentiment. In fact, by answering that question, I would imply I am in favor of it. _______________________________________________________ I had to make adjustments to my life to be able to eventually buy in Ashland. Noone offered me a hand to purchase here, I made personal sacrifices to make a dream come true. _______________________________________________________ I am strongly against using city funds for housing when the city departments are being asked to reduce budgets by 10% across the board. These cuts hurt not only city services but also the citizens as well. Residents would enjoy better served by expanding urban growth boundaries and allowing natural market generated growth. _______________________________________________________ I yhink several of these “strategic actions” would definitely make a difference, but a negative difference, not a positive one. That really should have been an option among the responses.And just as is the case for positive differences, there should been response option for “significant” differences and “some” differences. This is really a fundamental error that reveals clearly just how amateurish this survey is, or maybe how the survey designers incorporated their own prejudices in the survey, and that’s really a shame. _______________________________________________________ It's a pickle! How to thoughtfully grow and expand so that more, and a more diverse population, can feel welcomed and afford to live here. I appreciate the efforts to have this conversation. I support density over sprawl. _______________________________________________________ I really think there needs to be more oversight of property managers and potentially exploitative housing practices by individuals renting apartments/houses. I think it should be harder for people to ban pets from renters. _______________________________________________________ We need to create enough housing that can be rented or purchased at rates affordable to folks who work here. Making it possible for workers and their families to live here is essential to keeping our community healthy. And it's better for the environment if people can walk or bike to work and school. We need to provide housing for our unhoused residents. _______________________________________________________ I question the absence of allowing survey participants the option to vote AGAINST ideas we think are regressive. I support LOANS to landowners to weatherize and improve energy efficiency of existing rentals but not grants. Your survey prevented us from voting on those types of distictions. Similarly, I’d support some strategies to shelter unhoused people but not to create housing for people with “varied” income. Please accept that this survey can ONLY be a GROSS snapshot of participants’ thinking on these issues. _______________________________________________________ Some of these ideas take us in the wrong direction but could solicit knee-jerk support by people who don’t know or understand the complexities, tradeoffs, and unanticipated outcomes of strategies. _______________________________________________________ This was done without information about what these strategies might be expected to produce, or about what budgetary limits and outside funding there might be. Some of these strategies were attempted in the 1990s and early 2000 and didnt produce the results we needed. Relying on the benevolence of builders made them richer without giving residents the benefits of the tradeoffs. _______________________________________________________ increasing the debt burden on developers in fees or taxes will not spur development. _______________________________________________________ I live near SOU and notice there are MULTIPLE homes sitting completely empty and becoming run down. These are on the Henry St and N Mountain Ave intersection. Given that rents are so high, it's very frustrating to see this going on for so many years not Require private developers to include a percentage of affordable housing units in projects that would contain more than 20 dwelling units, referred to as “Inclusionary zoning”. This is already an ordinance that states 10% for developments of 10 units or greater must be affordable housing. When a development is split into multiple lots, they can bypass this. _______________________________________________________ Stop building and start preserving what’s in Ashland. We don’t want to live in an overcrowded city. People can move elsewhere if the can’t afford to live here and/or commute like the rest of the world. Spend money on better, environmentally-friendly transportation options. Don’t just cram more people in less space.That’s an awful plan. People who want to promote that and want to live like that can move to larger cities. _______________________________________________________ Any options that lead with equitable and humanitarian values are the options that represent myself, and a large majority of my economically diverse age/peer group here in Ashland. _______________________________________________________ There’s barely any parking in Ashland as is, please don’t take it away. Also if something could be done to keep these rude rental companies in check that they can’t gouge people with their absurd requirements that people can’t meet that would be great. I wish I could live in Ashland, especially with the price of gas these days, but if the rental market continues to be how it was last fall when I was looking, I’m going to have to stay in Phoenix and keep commuting. _______________________________________________________ Ashland prides and promotes itself on being inclusive and embracing diversity, when in reality it does not. There are the elitist "above the boulevard folks", the across the track's neighborhoods, the separate world of the railroad district and the lower income southeast side. _______________________________________________________ Giving tax cuts and subsidies to private developers has shown time and time again that these strategies do not function well. There will always be underlaying problems when we put money into the hands of private companies who prioritize profit. Bidding wars to obtain the cheapest offers come with poor and low quality attention. Such contracts are often prioritized with lesser importance, as well as leading to more delays, and more spending, leading to projects going over budget, ultimately leading to more tax money being misused and having the people front of the cost. _______________________________________________________ We need to prioritize a social program that allows the city to own and control more affordable housing directly, Land Trusts/Land Banks with transparency, especially as the vacation homes displace a lot of individuals looking for affordable housing. Cutting out the middle person (private landlords) we can insure that housing is not only obtainable but accessible. We can also ensure that mutual funds are neither misplaced nor mismanaged. Having a transparent system is a step in the right direction to take hold of the our current housing crisis that plagues our valley. By the city obtaining ownership and control of housing we can move forward into making housing more affordable, and potentially use the eventual profits from such programs to invest more into the community in areas of need. _______________________________________________________ Some of these would ostensibly help, but if you tax too much it ultimately ends up driving up prices. Again. _______________________________________________________ Please do not diminish Ashland's parklands in favor of housing projects. _______________________________________________________ My previous home town used city funds to purchase a large tract of land for a low price and then sold it off at cost in parcels to developers to build affordable, high quality housing, and it was a great success. Also, the number of people who own "holiday homes" in Ashland that they only use a few weeks a year is problematic from both a housing and an overall economic perspective. Those homes are empty rather than having families living in them and spending their money in their community. Also, by driving people out of the downtown core you are necessitating that more people drive to downtown, making the already ridiculous parking situation that much worse. _______________________________________________________ Survey is flawed. Not enough choices. How about a "no" answer? Vermont has two tax structures. Standard property tax for full time residents and a much, much higher tax for part time - vacation home residents. Ashland is full of empty homes that should be taxed at a high rate that can go into affordable housing. Anything you do to upgrade rentals needs to be tied to renters security so the rent does not go up or the renter evicted so landowner can charge more money. Address the rampant avarice in rentals and house sales. _______________________________________________________ Drive out predatory rental management companies. Create a review board that will take in complaints. Reduce the number of credit application fees that can be required. _______________________________________________________ Eliminating the parking requirements would be great. Remove barriers to providing smaller housing and more alternative housing such as converted garages, attic apartments, etc. _______________________________________________________ I feel that allowing for more structures on properties would help with some level of intention. Especially allowing for Yurts and other forms of housing. Being aware of how increases in taxes affect owners and what they can charge tenants. _______________________________________________________ Supporting Home owners who are offering affordable housing in this area. I find that many home owners are nervous rentaing ( and prefer vacation rentals), because laws can protect tenants ( even if they are not paying for months) and they can't get them to leave ( and still have to cover mortgage costs). So I am wondering if there can be support for owners as well in some form. Acknowledging that all increases in property taxes impact owners and what they have to cover. Some way to take the rising value of property in the area and, how that affects taxes which affect owner and what they need to charge to cover their costs. Also how do we welcome animals. _______________________________________________________ Create/prioritize low income housing that prioritizes ownership (like the work CASA of Oregon and Coalicion Fortaleza are doing in Phoenix) _______________________________________________________ Higher density housing with parking garage underneath the building (too many vehicles parked on streets) _______________________________________________________ We really need to discourage vacation rentals and dwelling being left unused. Our middle class can’t find housing in this competition because it’s sitting empty, this makes competition for affordable housing saturated and our workers end up being displaced. Right now we have successful business owners and bartenders alike fighting for housing and there ARE homes available. Constructing affordable housing will always improve the situation when funded and executed properly, but both parts need to be addressed. We should discourage these vacation home type purchases and constructions at least until we have our housing problem under control if that’s 5 years/20 years. We should also work to bring current rentals back up to safety standards and make sure the rent reflects the property in some capacity. _______________________________________________________ Predatory landlords and development practices are the single largest barrier to housing at this time in Ashland. Its a literal plantation. _______________________________________________________ Please don't take 50 years to fix this; construction should have started years ago - but also, thank you for your efforts. _______________________________________________________ While greater density will create more housing, this also needs to consider resource issues such as a water budget. The watershed is finite, and climate destabilization means counting on past trends is not reliable. There may be a finite number of people this land can sustain. _______________________________________________________ A land trust is an amazing idea, especially for affordable homeownership. The main thing with all of this is that you cannot rely on the free market to maintain affordability. Rents in all desirable locations just go higher and higher. There has to be mandated affordability built in somehow (in multiple ways, ideally). Thank you for working on this, it's so important. My mom and I already pay half our income in rent, and it goes up every year. She's retired on a small fixed income and I work part time because she has Alzheimer's and I am her caregiver. Not sure how long this will be sustainable for us, or if I'll be able to stay in the area after she needs to go into a home, even though I love it here. _______________________________________________________ Memo DATE: September 22, 2022 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: Ashland Housing Production Strategy Update The City of Ashland is in the process of developing a Housing Production Strategy (HPS) to identify and prioritize a variety of strategies and actions for accommodating needed housing within our community. This effort is supported by a grant from the State Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) with consultant services provided by ECONorthwest. At the end of this year- long planning effort, the final Housing Production Strategy report will identify a set of specific actions the city will undertake over an 8-year period to promote the development needed housing. Such actions may include land use ordinance amendments, zoning changes, financial incentives, and other actions Completion of a Housing Production Strategy, following adoption of a Housing Capacity Analysis, is a new requirement adopted by the Oregon Legislature through passage of House Bill 2003 in 2019. comprehensive a four-step process to support a variety of housing options. Step 1: Buildable Lands Inventory, an inventory of the amount of vacant and partially vacant land within the City and Urban Growth Boundary that can accommodate new housing development. Completed December 2019 Step 2: Housing Capacity Analysis, a report examining projected housing needs over the next 20 years in consideration of household demographics, housing costs, and expected population growth. Completed May 2021. Step 3: Housing Production Strategy, (2022-2023) Step 4: Adoption and Implementation of the identified strategies over an 8 year period (2023- 2031). The final HPS input from staff, and feedback gathered through public outreach and engagement: A description of the strategy; Identified housing need being fulfilled (tenure and income) and analysis of the income and demographic populations that will receive benefit and/or burden from the strategy, including low-income communities, communities of color, and other communities that have been discriminated against, according to fair housing laws; Approximate magnitude of impact, including (where possible/applicable) an estimate of Page 2 of 3 the number of housing units that may be created, and the time frame over which the strategy is expected to impact needed housing; Timeline for adoption and implementation of the strategy; Actions necessary for the local government and other stakeholders to take in order to implement the strategy; and Opportunities, constraints, or negative externalities associated with adoption of the strategy. To begin evaluation of the variety of Actions the City could consider for inclusion in the HPS, the City assembled an Ad-Hoc Housing Production Strategy Advisory Committee. The Housing and Human Services Commission is represented on this committee by Commissioners Rich Rohde and Echo Fields. This committee has presently met to review available strategies and will provide recommendation on which strategies should be included in the final draft of the HPS. The timeline graphic below shows where the project is currently in the development process as well as projecting the future public meetings: Included in the packet materials for discussion at this study session you will find two documents. The first document is entitled Contextualizing Housing Needs in Ashland, prepared by ECONorthwest, which provides a description of the local housing needs that the Housing Production Strategy is intended to address, existing housing policies Ashland has already implemented, and key housing market and demographic data affecting housing affordability. The second document is a July 1, 2022 Memorandum entitled Housing Strategies (Actions) for Further Discussion that was presented to th the HPS Advisory Committee on July 11. This document lists the strategies under consideration for inclusion in the HPS, and provides a general assessment of their potential impact. As the list of DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Page 3 of 3 strategies to be included in the draft HPS are further limited, greater detail will be developed including implementation steps and an implementation timeline. Attachments Contextualizing Housing Needs in Ashland Housing Strategies (Actions) for Further Discussion Online Archive of meetings: www.ashland.or.us/hps DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us DATE: March 28, 2022 TO: City of Ashland FROM: ECONorthwest, Beth Goodman and Nicole Underwood SUBJECT:Contextualizing Housing Needs in Ashland The Ashland Housing Capacity Analysis (HCA) describes the housing needs of current and future residents of Ashland based on some demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, such as age and income. It does not provide detailed data about housing needs for other demographic characteristics, such as race, ethnicity, people with a disability, or people experiencing homelessness. This memorandum provides additional information about the housing needs by income, age, race, ethnicity, disability and for people experiencing homelessness. It uses standard sources of information from the U.S. Census. It adds information from other sources, such as Oregon’s Housing and Community Services Department, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, Costar, and the City of Ashland. This memorandum presents a description of the housing needs that the Housing Production Strategy is intended to address, as well as existing policies to address Ashland’s housing needs. Stakeholder Engagement Since 2017, the City of Ashland has undertaken several strategic planning document updates and policy changes which required public engagement processes and community input. Housing Element Update – From 2017 to 2019 the City undertook an update of the Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan. This process included a community forum and an online questionnaire as well as several public hearings. 5-Year Consolidated Plan – In 2020, the City updated the 5-year Consolidated Plan for the use of Community Development Block Grant funds. This included an online questionnaire, individual stakeholder interviews and three public hearings. Annual Rent Burden Public Forums – Since 2018 the City has been holding annual rent burden public forums in accordance with HB 4006. Housing Capacity Analysis – From 2020-2021 the City worked with a consultant to complete an updated Housing Capacity Analysis which involved a subcommittee comprised of Ashland citizens, developers, land use professionals, and other community stakeholders, as well as several public hearings. Middle Housing Code Update – In 2021, the City developed new code language to establish a middle housing code in accordance with HB2001. This process took place between 2020-2021 and included several public hearings and a Development Round Table meeting. ECONorthwest | Portland | Seattle | Los Angeles | Eugene | Bend | Boise | econw.com 1 Affordable Housing Program resolution and ordinance review and update – Lastly, the City undertook a review and update of the resolution and ordinance that governs the City of Ashland Affordable Housing Program. This process included targeted public meetings with homeowners and affordable and private market housing developers as well as several public hearings before the Housing and Human Services Commission, the Planning Commission, and the City Council. Summary of Public Feedback Themes from Recent Community Engagement Activities (The bulleted items below include issues regularly raised by members of the public regarding needed housing and suggested policies and actions the City could explore to assist in the production of needed housing.) Increase density, rezone land to ensure more multi-family zoned land/higher density zoned land, promote infill over sprawl, but only where appropriate (not in historic districts or next to existing single-family neighborhoods). City Planning policies should allow for more flexibility in housing type and design. More innovative alternative housing types should be allowed such as container houses, tiny houses, micro cottages. Similarly, more diversity of development and household types should be allowed, co-ops, co-housing, tiny house villages, mixed use/commercial/residential, multi-generational households/seniors renting rooms in their homes to students, and Single Room Occupancy/boarding house type households. Need larger houses/units to attract families with children, but also need smaller units for the existing population of seniors and students. Need for more affordable housing for both rental and ownership. This is a highly prioritized need. Cost and availability of housing are consistently identified as problem areas and are prioritized for policy solutions/city support. The City should support alignment with the Ashland Climate and Energy Action Plan (CEAP) policies. Parks, outdoor recreation, and preservation of and access to natural areas are a high priority for the Ashland community. Eco-friendly/green housing developments, less reliance on cars, more alternative transportation friendly developments are highly prioritized. City should reduce parking requirements, plan for more innovative, alternative transportation options. Cost of public infrastructure is a barrier to development. City processes can be a barrier to development. The City needs to provide more information/resources to help the public learn about City incentives and processes for housing development/ARU’s/annexations. ECONorthwest 2 Housing Needs Addressed by the Housing Production Strategy The housing market produces some types of housing without need for public intervention, such as development of single-family detached housing. The HPS focuses on ensuring that housing is produced for housing that may require public intervention, to ensure future housing production. This section describes the housing needs that are the focus of the HPS: development of income-restricted and middle-income affordable housing and housing to meet the special needs of specific groups. For the most part, information about Ashland’s housing needs are based on analysis from the Ashland’s Housing Capacity Analysis report (May 2021), as well as on additional analysis of unmet housing needs for underserved groups (based on analysis in Appendix A). The Housing Production Strategy is intended develop policies and actions that address Ashland’s housing needs. Throughout this report, we discuss housing affordability based on Median Family Income (MFI) that are defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Services (HUD) for Jackson County for a family of four people in 2021. The terms used to describe housing affordability by income group are: Extremely Low Income: Less than 30% MFI or $21,900 or less for a family of four and can 1 or less afford monthly housing costs of $550 Very-Low Income: 30% to 50% of MFI or $21,900 to $36,600 for a family of four and can afford monthly housing costs of $550 to $920 Low Income: 50% to 80% of MFI or $36,600 to $58,500 for a family of four and can afford monthly housing costs of $920 to $1,460 Middle Income: 80% to 120% of MFI or $58,500 to $87,700 for a family of four and can afford monthly housing costs of $1,460 to $2,190 High Income: 120% of MFI or more $87,700 or more for a family of four and can afford monthly housing costs of $2,190 or more. Financially attainable housing costs for households across the income spectrum in Jackson County are identified in Exhibit 1. For example, a household earning median family income in 2 Jackson County (about $73,100 per year) can afford a monthly rent of about $1,830 or a home 3 themselves. roughly valued between $256,000 and $292,000 without cost burdening 1 These estimates of affordable housing costs assume that the household spends no more than 30% of their gross income on housing costs, a standard set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Services to measure housing affordability. 2 Note that Median Family Income for the region is different than Median Household Income (MHI) for Ashland (see Exhibit 15). MFI is determined by HUD for each metropolitan area and non-metropolitan county. It is adjusted by family size – in that, 100% MFI is adjusted for a family of four. 3 A household is considered cost burdened if they spends more than 30% of their gross income on housing costs, a standard set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Services to measure housing affordability. ECONorthwest 3 In Ashland, the median home sales price for November 2021-January Fewer than one-quarter of 2022 was $549,900. A household would need to earn $140,000 (192% of Ashland’s households have income sufficient to MFI for a family of four) to afford the median sales price of a home in afford housing sales prices Ashland, shown in Exhibit 36 in the appendix. in Ashland. About one- thirds of Ashland households are unable to Rent costs also pose a barrier to finding affordable housing for many afford the average asking households. A household would need to earn about $62,000 (85% of MFI rent in Ashland without cost burden. for a family of four) to afford average asking rent for a 2-bedroom unit ($1,550 per month) shown in Error! Reference source not found. in the appendix. Many residents in Ashland have incomes low enough that they cannot afford market-rate rents. The reason for this is that the local housing market cannot produce income-restricted, subsidized affordable housing (housing affordable at 60% or less of MFI) at sufficient levels – and because it cannot often produce low income/workforce housing (housing affordable at 60% to 80% of MFI) without subsidy, many households in Ashland are cost burdened. A household is defined as cost burdened if their housing costs exceed 30% of their gross income. Exhibit 1. Financially Attainable Housing, by Median Family Income (MFI) for Jackson County (Medford-Ashland MSA) ($73,100), Ashland, 2021 Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Jackson County, 2021. Oregon Employment Department. ECONorthwest 4 Exhibit 2 shows that 36% of Ashland’s households had incomes less than 50% of Median Family Income (MFI) ($36,600) and cannot afford a two-bedroom apartment at Jackson County’s Fair Market Rent (FMR) of $1,195 in 2022. Exhibit 2 Share of Households by Median Family Income (MFI) for Jackson County ($73,100), for a household of four, Ashland, 2021 Source: Analysis by ECONorthwest; U.S. Department of HUD, Jackson County, 2021. U.S. Census Bureau, 2015-2019 ACS Table 19001. The actual income thresholds vary in MFI based on household size. For example, a household of one person with an income of 80% of MFI has an income of $40,940 compared to the income for a household of four ($58,480) or a household of six people ($67,855). The housing needs for a single person are also different than those of a household of four people or six people. Throughout this document, we use the income for a household of four to illustrate housing needs but MFI varies by household size, as does the size and other characteristics of housing need. ECONorthwest 5 Exhibit 3 Median Family Income and housing affordability by Household size, Jackson County (Medford-Ashland MSA), 2021 Source: Analysis by ECONorthwest; U.S. Department of HUD, JacksonCounty, 2021. ECONorthwest 6 The housing needs in Exhibit 4 are the basis for the policies and actions presented in Chapter 3. Exhibit 4. Ashland’s Housing Needs that are Addressed in the HPS Description of Need Ashland’s Housing Need New housing to The HCA projects growth of 858 new dwelling units in Ashland between 2021 accommodate and 2041. population growth Housing Need by Income Existing households Extremely Low Income(< 30% MFI): 2,044 households (21%of households) with income under Very-Low Income (30-50% MFI): 1,528 households (15% of households) 4 120% MFI Low Income (50-80% MFI): 1,467 households (15% of households) Middle-income (80-120% MFI): 1,655 households (17% of households) 6 Newhouseholds with Extremely Low Income: 180 households (21% of new households) income under 120% 129 households (15% of new households) Very-Low Income: 5 MFI 129 households (15% of new households) Low Income: Middle-income: 146 households (17% of new households) Housing Needs for At a minimum, Ashland has housing need for: Extremely-Low (< 309 new households earning less than 50% of MFI 30% MFI) and Very- Ashland also has 3,572 existing households earning less than 50% Low Income (30-50% of MFI MFI) Households These households can afford rents (including basic utility costs) of not more than $920 per month. A household would need to earn $62,000 to afford asking rents for a two-bedroom unit of about $1,550 (about 85% of MFI for a family of four). These households cannot afford this rent. Meeting the housing needs of these households will require a combination of preserving existing income-restricted affordable housing and development of new income-restricted affordable housing. Development of income-restricted affordable housing typically requires extensive subsidy, with funding from state and federal sources, in addition to any support from the city and other partners. 4 The HPS does not anticipate building new units for all existing households in Ashland that have problems affording housing costs. But the HPS does propose actions to stabilize the housing costs of existing lower income households and may result in development of housing that is more affordable to these households, enabling them to stay in Ashland. Information about lower income households and cost burden for existing households illustrates the existing housing need in Ashland. 5 This assumes that future residents of Ashland have an income distribution that is the same as existing residents. Given the fact that incomes have grown at a relatively slow pace over the last two decades in comparison to housing costs (especially home sales prices) this seems like a conservative assumption about the future affordability of housing. 6 The Ashland HCA document used MFI from 2020 and this document uses 2021 MFI. As a result the number of new households are slightly different by MFI category in Exhibit 4 than in Exhibit 69 in the Ashland HCA. The differences are minor and are based on growth of 858 new households, as forecast in the Ashland HCA. ECONorthwest 7 Housing Needs for At a minimum, Ashland has housing need for: Low Income (50-80% 129 new households earning between 50% and 80% of MFI MFI) Households Ashland also has 1,467 existing households earning between 50% and 80% of MFI These households can afford rents (including basic utility costs) of between $920 and $1,460 per month. A household would need to earn $62,000 to afford asking rents for a two-bedroom unit of about $1,550 (about 85% of MFI for a family of four). These households cannot afford this rent. Meeting the housing needs of these households will require a combination of preserving existing “naturally occurring affordable housing” and development of new income-restricted affordable housing in this price range. While these households can afford the average asking rent, some households in this income range may need rent assistance, such as a Housing Choice Voucher. Development of new housing affordable in this price range generally requires some subsidy or public support, such as tax exemptions, government funding (typically federal, state, or county, with some level of local contribution being critical) reduced systems development charges, low- interest loans, philanthropic contributions, or other financial support. Funding for rental housing affordable at 60% to 80% of MFI is scarce. Homeownership opportunities for this income range will likely be related to housing developed by nonprofit organizations, possibly with some subsidy, such as through a community land trust. Housing Needs for At a minimum, Ashland has housing need for: Middle Income (80- 146 new households earning between 80% and 120% of MFI 120% MFI) Ashland also has 1,655 existing households earning between 80% Households and 120% of MFI These households can afford rents (including basic utility costs) of between $1,460 to $2,190 per month. These households can afford rents higher than the asking rents for a two-bedroom unit of about $1,550. However, households in this range cannot afford the median home sales price in Ashland of $549,000. Some households with income in the higher part of this range are likely to live in rental housing and some may be homeowners, especially people who have owned their home for years. Households with incomes in this income range are likely need assistance in attaining homeownership. Meeting the housing needs of these households will be a combination of development of rental housing (without subsidy from local or state government) and lower cost housing for homeownership. Some homeownership opportunities for this income range will likely be related to housing developed by nonprofit organizations, possible with some subsidy, such as land banking or a community land trust. ECONorthwest 8 Housing Need of Specific Populations Housing Needs of POC are more likely to rent their homes and to live in multifamily housing People of Color (POC) (except Asian) than the overall average in Ashland. POC in general are cost burdened more frequently than the average household. However, in Ashland the difference in cost burden rates for POC is smaller than in many of Oregon’s communities. Part of the reason for this may be the small population of POC in 7 Ashland. About 7% of Ashland’s population identified as non-Hispanic Black, Asian, two or more races, or another race. About 7% of Ashland’s population identified as Latino (any race). Meeting the housing needs of these households will require addressing the affordability issues, discussed above, as well as ensuring that people of color have access to housing without discrimination. This will require increasing awareness of Fair Housing rules for property owners and managers, tenants, City decision makers, and City staff. It will also require careful decision making to change policies that have created barriers to access housing by people of color. Housing Need of Disabilities include those that are visible, such as ambulatory or vision People with disabilities, and those that are not readily apparent, such as self-care, Disabilities independent living, or cognitive disabilities. Other conditions may require special accommodations, such as disabling diseases or mental health conditions. The Census reports that about 10% of Ashland’s population have one or more disability, such as ambulatory, vision, hearing, cognitive, self-care, or independent living disabilities. Meeting the housing needs of these households will require addressing the affordability issues, discussed above, as well as ensuring that people with disabilities have access to housing that addresses their disability and that they have access to housing without discrimination. This will require increasing awareness of Fair Housing rules for property owners and managers, tenants, City decision makers, and City staff. It will also require approaches that encourage development of housing with specialized design standards to accommodate special needs. Housing Need of The number of people experiencing homelessness in Ashland is not clearly People Experiencing known. In part, this number is not known because people experiencing Homelessness homelessness may move between neighboring cities. There are approximately 831 people experiencing homelessness in Jackson 125 students in the Ashland School District County in 2021. In addition, experienced homelessness. Meeting the housing needs of people experiencing homelessness ranges from emergency assistance (including rent and utility assistance), permanent supportive housing (including supportive housing with services), and improved access to an affordable unit (as discussed above). 7 People of Color includes Black, Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders, and people of another or multiple races. These categories were combined due to limited data availability. ECONorthwest 9 Existing Policies to Address Ashland’s Housing Needs This section lists existing measures that Ashland’s has implemented to support housing development and presents preliminary draft measures (or policies or strategies) that may be included in the HPS. The City of Ashland has the following housing measures (or policies or strategies) currently in place to address Ashland housing needs. Zoning Action/StrategyDescription Allow Middle Housing Ashland allows Duplexes and Accessory Residential Units wherever a single-family types (Duplexes, dwelling unit is permitted per the requirements of HB2001. Code amendments were Cottage housing, enacted in June 2021. Townhomes, Row Ashland adopted cottage housing ordinance in November 2017 which allows cottage Houses, and Tri- and housing developments within single family zones. Following adoption Ashland has Quad-Plexes) in low approved a number of cottage housing developments. density zones Allow Middle Housing Ashland’s cottage housing ordinance allows cottage housing developments in the R- types in medium 1-5 and R-1-7.5 zones on lots that are greater than 1.5 times the minimum lot size density zones for the zone. Cottage Housing developments can be between 3 to 12 units depending on lot size. Tri- and Quad-Plexes Townhomes, Row Houses, Stacked Townhouses are permissible in Ashland’s Medium Density zone (R-2), and Townhomes are further permitted in the R-1-3.5 zone or other residential zones (R-1-5, R-1-7.5, R-1-10) through planned unit developments. Allow Stacked Stacked townhomes, condominiums, garden apartments and larger-scale Townhouses, Garden apartments are permitted in R-2 and R-3 zones. However due to small lot sizes of Apartments, and vacant/partially vacant properties available in these zones, larger scale apartments larger-scale are not often achievable given existing lot sizes, height limitations, and density Apartments in high allowances. density zones Allow Live-Work Live-work housing and mixed-development would be a permitted use within housing or Mixed-use commercial zones although not specifically listed in the allowable use table for either housing in commercial or residential zones. Home Occupations are special permitted in all commercial zones zoning designations except for industrial (M-1). Current Action(s): A private developer is presently working on a legislative proposal to amend the Croman Mill Masterplan which would include live-work housing and mixed-use development. The amended masterplan is intended to focus on providing more flexibility in providing both residential and commercial uses than does the existing zoning. Allow small or “tiny” Small, or tiny, units that are built on a foundation are permitted in Ashland and have homes been developed as ARUs. Tiny homes on wheels would have to be located in an RV park, and there are thus limited opportunities for their placement in Ashland. Current Action: As an emergency provision in response to the Almeda fire, RVs, campers, and trailers can be located on residential properties in Ashland as temporary shelter provided, they are connected to sanitation and utilities. The declaration of emergency remains in effect, and this allowance will end upon the declaration no longer being in effect. ECONorthwest 10 Allow Small Planned Unit Developments in all SFR and MFR zones will allow for small lots (up to Residential Lots zero lot line and no minimum lot size) at allowable Densities for the zone. Additionally, cottage housing developments in SFR zones (R-1-5 & R-1-7.5) allow lots smaller than the minimum lot size for the zone in conjunction with common open space. Ashland’s R-1-3.5 zone has a minimum lot size of 3,500 SF. Current Action: Middle Housing legislation (State) will allow expedited land divisions of middle housing (Duplexes) to enable independent lots smaller than the minimum lot sizes within the zone (July 2022) Mandate Maximum Ashland does not have a maximum lot size or minimum density requirement in Lot Sizes Single Family Residential zones, although market development typically maximizes the number of units provided. In cases where lot sizes are proposed that exceed the minimum lot size it is often in response to physical or environmental constraints that limit the buildable portion of a site (e.g. steep slopes, floodplains, wetlands and riparian areas) Mandate Minimum Minimum Density requirements (80% base density) are in place in multifamily Residential Densities residential zones (R-2 and R-3) on lots large enough to accommodate 3 or more units. Minimum densities and are required of any residential annexation equal to 90% Base Density exclusive of environmentally constrained lands. Increase Allowable Ashland recently removed the maximum residential densities within the Transit Residential Densities Triangle Overlay area (Ashland Street, portions of Siskiyou Blvd, and Tolman Creek Road). A form-based approach is used where limitations on height, lot coverage, and setback requirements create the 3D envelope in which units can be developed. This allows for many smaller units within the same space when compared to a base density approach which can produce fewer, large apartments or condominiums. Current Action: Draft Ordinance removing maximum residential densities in E-1, C-1 and C-1-D zones for mixed-use development has been reviewed and recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. The City Council is expected to review the draft ordinance in May-June 2022 Allow Clustered Ashland permits Planned Unit Developments in SFR and MFR zones which allows Residential clustering of units and transfer of density from naturally constrained areas to the Development developable portion of the site. Re-designate or Rezoning land in Ashland is not a common practice. The City has implemented a rezone land for number of master planning Efforts (Normal Neighborhood, North Mountain Plan, housing Croman Mill District) which have identified lands to be developed as multifamily or mixed-use development. Individual property owners have requested and received rezoning of their properties to multifamily zones for specific development proposals. However, there has not been an effort to examine vacant low density and employment properties within the City Limits as candidates for a comprehensive plan and zone change to increase the supply of multifamily zoned properties. Current Action(s): A Draft Ordinance which would allow an increased allowance for ground floor residential in employment zoned lands (E-1, C-1) for mixed-use development has been reviewed and recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. The City Council is expected to review the draft ordinance in May-June 2022. A private developer is presently working on a legislative proposal to amend the Croman Mill Masterplan which would include rezoning the district to allow for a variety of housing types on lands currently zoned for commercial, employment, and industrial uses. Transit Triangle Implements recommendations of an infill strategy to promote more housing within Overlay an area surrounding the bus route in the southeastern part of Ashland that circulates ECONorthwest 11 (Ordinances 3166, on Ashland St., Tolman Creek Rd., and Siskiyou Blvd. The approved Ordinance 3167,3168) creates a Zoning Overlay, known as the Transit Triangle, that allows for a reduced amount of required commercial or employment uses from 65% to 35% of the ground (adopted: December floor in mixed-use buildings, a reduced parking requirement for small units, 2020) elimination of housing density maximums, and a requirement to provide rental housing in exchange for utilizing the optional Transit Triangle Overlay provisions. Middle Housing Ordinance Amendments to the duplex and accessory residential unit (ARU) Ordinance standards to meet the requirements of new state laws and administrative rules th amendments included in House Bill (HB) 2001 from the 80 Oregon Legislative Assembly, 2019 Regular Legislative Session. The primary changes to the land use code for duplexes (Ordinance 3199) are that duplexes are permitted in all residential zones including the single-family (adopted 6/2021) zones, are required to have two on-site parking spaces, and the approval process requires a building permit prior to construction or conversion of an existing structure. The primary changes to the land use code for ARUs are that ARUs do not require on- site parking spaces and the approval process requires a building permit prior to construction or conversion of an existing structure Cottage Housing The Cottage Housing Ordinance adopted allows cottage housing in single family Standards (Ordinance residential zones (R-1-5, R-1-7.5, and NN-1-5 ) and established the following 3147)provisions: A minimum of 3, and a maximum of 12, cottages can be provided in a (adopted 11/2017) cottage housing development depending on lot size. Cottages shall be no larger than 1000sq.ft., and at least 75% of the cottages shall be less than 800sq.ft. The parking requirements for cottage housing units was reduced to be as follows: Units less than 800 sq. ft. - 1 space/unit; Units greater than 800 square feet and less than 1000 square feet -1.5 spaces/unit. Reduce Regulatory Impediments Action/Strategy Description Reduced Parking Ashland provides parking reductions for small units city-wide (one space per unit for Requirements units 500 SF or less). Within the Transit Triangle Overlay parking requirements are reduced to one space per unit for units 800 SF or less. Cottages of 800 SF or less within approved cottage housing developments require one space per unit. Many parking credits may be allocated to projects including: Off-street parking credit (1 for 1) for each on-street space along the property’s frontage; joint use and mixed-use development credits (sharing the same space between a commercial use and residential use when demonstrated their time of use is not in conflict); off-site shared parking; transit facilities credit; Transportation Demand Management plan implementation. Reduce Street Width Ashland has long implemented a “Narrow Street” standard through the Street Standards Standards and Transportation System Plan. The narrow street and interconnected grid pattern promoted by Ashland’s Street Standards both reduces development costs associated with new streets in subdivisions and retains developable land are for new housing. ECONorthwest 12 Encourage Mixed use projects are permitted and encouraged in Ashland Commercial, and multifamily Employment zoned. residential Current Action(s): There is currently a draft ordinance under consideration that would development in increase the percentage of the ground floor that could be used as residential, as well commercial zones as elimination of residential density caps in such mixed -use projects. Ordinance review expected in May 2022 in consideration of an economic study being undertaken by ECONorthwest for the Ashland Chamber of Commerce. Remove barriers to Ashland allows Accessory Residential Units (ARU or ADU) as an accessory use to Development of single-family homes throughout the City with only Building Permit approval. Ashland Accessory Dwelling further provides reduced SDCs for small units of less than 500 SF. Units (ADUs) in single- No additional parking is required for ARUs in Ashland, and there has never been any family zones owner-occupied requirement for the development of an ARU within the City. Affordable Housing Provides a clear and predicable methodology for calculating maximum rent and Standards (Ordinance purchase prices for covered affordable housing units; incentivizing affordable 3195)housing production through removing barriers to coordination between non-profit and for-profit housing developers; achieving a mixture of unit types commensurate (adopted 2020) with community housing needs; and improving administrative efficiency and effectiveness of the affordable housing program. Financial Incentives Action/Strategy Description Reduced / Waived Programs that reduce various development fees as an incentive to induce qualifying Building Permit fee, types of development or building features. Ashland waives or defers 100% of System Planning fees, or Development Charges including Parks, Transportation, Water, Sewer and Storm SDCs Water SDCs for qualified affordable housing units targeted to households earning 80% AMI or less and meeting the rent or sale requirements of the Ashland Housing Program. Ashland waives Community Development Fees, and Engineering Services fees for voluntarily provided affordable housing units that remain affordable for 60 years. Affordable ownership units that leave the program after 30 years, but less than 60 years, must repay a prorated amount of SDCs, Community Development Fees, and Engineering Services Fees that were deferred. Scaling SDCs to Unit Cities often charge a set SDC per dwelling unit, charging the same SDCs for large Size single-family detached units as for small single-family detached units or accessory dwelling units. Ashland’s SDC methodology charges 50% of the calculated per unit SDC amount for units less than 500sq.ft., and 75% of the calculated per unit SDC amount for units between 500 and 800sq.ft. Thus, smaller units pay proportionately less SDCs for Transportation, Parks, and Sewer and Water compared to full size units due to their potential for smaller household sizes and commensurate impacts. Storm Water SDCs are based on lot coverage and thus, smaller units have lower Storm Water Provide Density Ashland has four density bonuses, one of which is for development of affordable Bonuses to housing at higher densities and another for energy-efficient housing. Developers Affordable housing projects meeting eligibility requirements (including rental or ownership housing affordable to households at 80% or less of AMI for a min. of 30 years) receive a density bonus of two units for each affordable unit provided, up to a max. of a 35% increase in density. ECONorthwest 13 The max. density bonus inclusive of other bonuses (open space, conservation) can be 60% over the base density within the zone. Ashland’s Cottage Housing Development ordinance effectively provides a doubling of the allowable density in the zone for provision of the small cottage housing units. Ashland classifies small units, of 500 SF or less, as only 75% of a unit for the purposes of density calculations. A greater number of small units can be developed within existing density allowances without employing a density bonus. SDC Deferral Establishes the terms of affordability and recapture provisions for deferred fees and Resolution charges for qualified affordable ownership units and affordable rental units that (Resolution 2020-24) remain in the affordable housing program for at least 30 years. (adopted 2020) Vertical Housing Tax A Vertical Housing Development Zone has been established for designated Credit Commercially zoned properties within the Transit Triangle to promote the development of mixed-use projects that incorporate multiple floors of housing. (adopted 12/2020) SDC Financing Ashland amended the SDC collection of charge provisions in 2019 within the Credits Ashland Municipal Code (4.20.090). These amendments allow SDCs to be paid over a 10-year period in semi-annual installments. A one-year installment loan shall not be subject to an annual interest rate provided all charges are paid prior to the City’s issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, time of sale, or withing one year of when the charge was imposed, whichever comes first. For installments that exceed one year, repayment interest on the unpaid balance at annual rate of six percent (6%) is assessed for a five-year installment loan or seven percent (7%) for a 10-year installment loan. Financial resources Action/Strategy Description CDBGAshland is a direct Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) entitlement community and receives HUD allocations of approx. $175,000/year. The 5-year Consolidated Plan for use of CDBG funds prioritizes capital restricted CDBG funds toward affordable housing and shelter and 15% of the award is typically provided to service providers benefiting extremely low-income individuals. General Fund Grants Ashland’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund is part of the General Fund and is used to or Loans support the development of affordable housing. The City has not issued a bond to generate revenue for affordable housing Transient Lodging Tax Ashland collects Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT), and applies them toward tourism (TLT) related activities, economic development grants, and social service grants annually in accordance to the restricted/unrestricted use parameters. Fees or Other Ashland has an Affordable Housing Trust Fund, and the City Council has dedicated Dedicated Revenue Marijuana Tax revenue (up to $100,000 annually) to support the AHTF through the annual budgeting process. Local Improvement Ashland has utilized LIDs for specific public improvement projects within the City, District (LID) which has enabled a group of property owners to share the cost of a project or infrastructural improvement on a pro-rata basis, where the City contributes the majority of the costs of public improvements. ECONorthwest 14 Reimbursement Ashland’s municipal code (13.30.0150) was amended in 2010 to enable a District developer to request the City establish a Reimbursement District to collect public improvement costs that exceed those attributable to service the property owned by the applicant. Examples of excess costs include (but are not limited to): Full-street improvements instead of half street improvements; Off-site sidewalks; Connection of street sections for continuity; Extension of water lines; and Extension of sewer lines To date, no Reimbursement District has been requested or formed. Tax Exemption and Abatement Action/Strategy Description Vertical Housing Tax On December 15, 2020, Ashland passed a Vertical Housing Tax Credit and Abatement (Locally designated Commercially zoned properties within the Transit Triangle overlay area as Enabled and an eligible Vertical Housing Development Zone. Managed) Land, Acquisition, Lease, and Partnerships Action/Strategy Description Land Trusts A land trust is typically a nonprofit organization that owns land and sells or leases the housing on the land to income-qualified buyers. There are 49 units within Ashland that are operated under the land Trust model. The Ashland Community Land Trust operated in Ashland from 2000 until 2015 when the non-profit organization formally dissolved. And transferred their 18 affordable land trusted housing units to ACCESS Inc. Rogue Valley Community Development Corporation developed 31 units under the land trust model which were transferred to NeighborWorks Umpqua for administration. Public Land Ashland has dedicated surplus City property for the development of affordable housing or Disposition sold surplus City property and directed the proceeds into the Ashland Housing Trust Fund to support affordable housing development. Current Action: The City of Ashland is presently evaluating the disposition of surplus property, as well offering the air rights above a city owned parking lot to develop needed housing. Affordable and workforce housing providers will be extended the opportunity to respond to any Request for Proposals or purchase/sale solicitation efforts. Parcel Parcel assembly involves the city’s ability to purchase lands for the purpose of land Assembly aggregation or site assembly The City has experience acquiring property for the future development of affordable housing, having acquired 10 acres on Clay Street in cooperation with the Housing Authority of Jackson County. Over the last decade this property provided a location for 120 units of affordable housing. The City typically relies on affordable housing partners to identify property for a proposed development and has provided financial assistance (CDBG or Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) to assist in acquisition. Most recently the City helped purchase a parcel using AHTF for Columbia Care to develop a 30-unit affordable housing project ECONorthwest 15 Requirements Action/Strategy Description Preserving Existing Ashland has an ordinance that regulates conversion of apartments into Housing Supply condominiums, providing for preservation of multi-family rentals and providing for longer notice periods prior to tenant displacement and relocation assistance can be required. Ashland’s demolition ordinance does regulate demolitions of housing, requiring replacement dwellings be provide as part of the demolition proposal. Further, the demolition of a house (over 45 years old) must demonstrate it is not financially viable to retain the structure versus replacement, thus promoting renovation as opposed to removal. Inclusionary ZoningAshland requires a percentage of affordable housing (25% of the base density exclusive of unbuildable areas) as part of residential annexations, as well as for zone changes that increase residential density by 4 units or more: https://ashland.municipal.codes/LandUse/ Ashland has not implemented an inclusionary zoning ordinance for residential developments within the City Limits for proposed structures containing 20 units or more under the State’s 2020 inclusionary zoning legislation. Condominium An Ordinance establishing that conversion of existing rental units into for-purchase Conversion units (Condominium Conversions) requires that half of the units in an existing Ordinance apartment complex are to be retained as rentals upon conversion in the event any relief from current land use requirements is requested. In the event the applicant chooses to convert all the apartments in a complex into for purchase housing, the ordinance establishes a requirement that 25% of the total number of units be designated as affordable ownership housing. Other Action/Strategy Description Comprehensive Plan In 2019 the City of Ashland rewrote the entirety of the Housing Element of the Housing Element Comprehensive Plan. The Housing Element sets forth general goals and policies (adopted 2019) which provide guidance for Ashland’s growth and development over time. The adopted Housing Element includes Goals and Policies under four main categories: Diversity of Housing Types Production and Preservation of Affordable Housing Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Data, Inventories, Projections and Permitting Tenant Rights An Ordinance establishing Chapter 10.115 of the AMC which provides for Tenant (Ordinance 2939) Rights and relocation benefits for residents facing displacement due to condominium conversions. ECONorthwest 16 Appendix A: Contextualizing Ashland’s Housing Needs This appendix provides information to contextualize Ashland’s housing needs. It provides an understanding of the issues before solutions are proposed. This appendix draws its information and findings from other planning efforts, described in the main report. Where appropriate, this appendix also draws on information gathered through the City of Ashland’s past engagement efforts with housing producers and consumers, including underrepresented communities. As a part of providing context to better understand Ashland’s housing needs, this appendix presents information about housing in Ashland for race, ethnicity, age, disability status, and other characteristics of the community to understand disproportionate housing impacts on different groups. Demographic and Socio-Economic Characteristics Affecting Ashland’s Housing Needs This section describes unmet housing needs for people in Ashland by age, race and ethnicity, disability, household size and composition, and household income. Data Used in this Analysis Throughout this analysis data is used from multiple well-recognized and reliable data sources. One of the key sources for housing and household data is the U.S. Census. This report primarily 8 uses data from two Census sources: The Decennial Census, which is completed every ten years and is a survey of all households in the U.S. The Decennial Census is considered the best available data for information such as demographics (e.g., number of people, age distribution, or ethnic or racial composition), household characteristics (e.g., household size and composition), and housing occupancy characteristics. As of 2020, the Decennial Census does not collect more detailed household information, such as income, housing costs, housing characteristics, and other important household information. The American Community Survey (ACS), which is completed every year and is a sample of households in the U.S. The ACS collects detailed information about households, including demographics (e.g., number of people, age distribution, ethnic or racial composition, country of origin, language spoken at home, and educational 8 It is worth commenting on the methods used for the American Community Survey. The American Community Survey (ACS) is a national survey that uses continuous measurement methods. It uses a sample of about 3.54 million households to produce annually updated estimates for the same small areas (census tracts and block groups) formerly surveyed via the decennial census long-form sample. It is also important to keep in mind that all ACS data are estimates that are subject to sample variability. This variability is referred to as “sampling error” and is expressed as a band or “margin of error” (MOE) around the estimate. This report uses Census and ACS data because, despite the inherent methodological limits, they represent the most thorough and accurate data available to assess housing needs. We consider these limitations in making interpretations of the data and have strived not to draw conclusions beyond the quality of the data. ECONorthwest 17 attainment), household characteristics (e.g., household size and composition), housing characteristics (e.g., type of housing unit, year unit built, or number of bedrooms), housing costs (e.g., rent, mortgage, utility, and insurance), housing value, income, and other characteristics. This report primarily uses data from the 2014-2018 and 2015-2019 ACS for Ashland and 9 Where information is available and relevant, we report information from the comparison areas. 10 2000 and 2010 Decennial Census. Among other data points noted throughout this analysis, this report also includes data from Oregon’s Housing and Community Services Department, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, Costar, and other sources. Age of People in Ashland Population growth is the primary driver of growth in housing. Between 2000 and 2021, Ashland’s population grew by 2,032 people (10%) with most of the growth occurring between 2010 and 2021 where Ashland’s population grew by 1,476 new residents. Between 2000 and 11 2021, Ashland grew at a slower rate than Jackson County. Growth in Ashland’s senior population, as well as other age cohorts, will continue to shape the city’s housing needs. Seniors account for 31% of Ashland’s existing population and Jackson 12 County expects to have more than 18,458 more people over 60 years old by 2040 than in 2020. Growth in the number of seniors will result in demand for housing types specific to seniors, such as small and easy-to-maintain dwellings, assisted living facilities, or age-restricted developments. Senior households will make a variety of housing choices, including remaining in their homes as long as they are able, downsizing to smaller single-family homes (detached and attached) or multifamily units, moving in with family, or moving into group housing (such as assisted living facilities or nursing homes), as their health declines. 9 Five-year 2020 ACS data was not available when this report was compiled. 10 The 2020 Census was completed at the end of 2020. However, extenuating circumstances brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic has led to some challenges with the data. The Census Bureau is undergoing a post-enumeration survey to understand the accuracy of the 2020 Census which was not complete as of February 2022. The 2020 Decennial Census data is more limited than usual as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 11 Certified Population Estimates July 1, 2021, prepared by the Population Research Center at Portland State University. 12 Final Population Forecast for Jackson County, prepared by the Population Research Center at Portland State University, June 20, 2017. ECONorthwest 18 50% of Ashland’s Exhibit 5. Population Distribution by Age, Ashland, Jackson County, residents were between and Oregon, 2014-2018 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2014-2018 ACS, Table B01001. the ages of 20 and 59 years. Ashland had a larger share of people over the age of 60 than the county and state and a smaller share of residents under the age of 20. About 55% of Ashland’s Exhibit 6. Population by Age and Sex, Ashland, 2015–2019 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2014–2018 ACS, Table B01001. population is female and 45% is male. Females account for a larger share of population among each age group, with the largest different for people 60 years and older. ECONorthwest 19 Between 2000 and Exhibit 7. Population Growth by Age, Ashland, 2000, 2014–2018 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Decennial Census Table P012 and 2014–2018 2018, the population ACS, Table B01001. aged 60 and older grew B01001. the most. In this time, those aged 60 years and older grew by 2,909 people (from 3,509 people in 2000 to 6,499 people in 2018). Race and Ethnicity 13 Understanding the race and ethnicity characteristics in Ashland is important for understanding housing needs because people of color often face discrimination when looking for housing. About 3,000 people Exhibit 8. Population by Race/Ethnicity, Ashland, 2015-2019 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2015-2019 ACS, Table B03002. identify as a race or ethnicity other than White, non-Hispanic in Ashland. Nearly 1,500 people identify as Latino. Not shown in the exhibit are the 18,065 people identifying as White, non- Hispanic in Ashland. 13 The U.S. Census Bureau considers race and ethnicity as two distinct concepts. Latino is an ethnicity and not a race, meaning individuals who identify as Latino may be of any race. ECONorthwest 20 Residents who identify as Exhibit 9. Population Distribution by Race and Ethnicity, Ashland, Latino (of any race) 2015-2019 Source: 2015-2019 ACS, Table B03002. account for 7% of Ashland’s population. The largest racial group in Ashland besides White, non-Hispanic are Two or More Races accounting for 3% of Ashland’s population. Not shown in the exhibit, is about 86% of Ashland’s population and 81% of the Jackson County’s population identifying as White, non-Hispanic. The share of Ashland’s Exhibit 10. Change in Population by Race and Ethnicity as a Percent households that identified of the Total Population, Ashland, 2010 and 2015–2019 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Decennial Census Table P005001, 2015–2019 as Latino (of any race) ACS Table B03002. increased from 1,028 people in 2010 to 1,494 people in 2018, consistent with regional trends. ECONorthwest 21 People with a Disability People with one or more disabilities have special housing needs because they may need housing that is physically accessible, housing that meets the needs of people with cognitive disability, or housing with specialized services. About 10% of Ashland’s population has one or more disabilities (about 2,100 people). Exhibit 11. Persons Living with a Disability by Type and as a Percent of Total Population, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, 2014-2018 Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2014-2018 ACS, Table S1810. ECONorthwest 22 Household Size and Composition Housing need varies by household size and composition. The housing needs of a single-person household are different than those of a multi-generational family. On average, Ashland’s households are smaller than Jackson County’s and Oregon’s. Ashland’s average Exhibit 12. Average Household Size, Ashland, Jackson County, household size was smaller Oregon, 2014-2018 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2014-2018 ACS 5-year estimate, Table B25010. than Jackson County’s and Oregon’s. 2.06 Persons 2.41 Persons 2.51 Persons Ashland Jackson County Oregon Ashland had a larger share Exhibit 13. Household Size, Ashland, Jackson County, and Oregon, of one-person households 2014-2018 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2014-2018 ACS 5-year estimate, Table B25010. compared to the County and State. ECONorthwest 23 Ashland has a larger share Exhibit 14. Household Composition, Ashland, Jackson County, and of households with adults Oregon, 2015-2019 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2015-2019 ACS 5-year estimate, Table DP02. only that live alone or with others (non-couples) than Jackson County and Oregon. About 19% of Ashland’s households have children, compared with 25% of Jackson County households and 25% of Oregon households. ECONorthwest 24 Household Income Income is one of the key determinants in housing choice and households’ ability to afford housing. Income for residents living in Ashland was slightly lower than the Jackson County median household income and the state’s median household income. Median household income or median earning data is available for many groups of people, as shown in the exhibits below, but is not available by sex at the city level. Median earnings is available by sex for the U.S. as a whole. On average, median earnings for males is $52,989, 14 compared with $43,215 for femails, $9,774 less than males’ incomes on average. Ashland’s median Exhibit 15. Median Household Income, Ashland, Jackson County, household income Oregon, Comparison Cities, 2015-2019 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2015-2019 ACS 5-year estimate, Table B25119. ($56,315) was similar to the county’s, but about $6,500 less than the state’s median household income (MHI). 14 U.S. Census Bureau, 2019 ACS 1-year estimate, Table S2002. ECONorthwest 25 45% of all households in Exhibit 16. Household Income Distribution, Ashland, Jackson Ashland earned less than County, Oregon, 2015-2019 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2015-2019 ACS 5-year estimate, Table B19001. $50,000, compared to 47% of Jackson County households, and 40% of Oregon households. Ashland has more households earning $75,000+ compared to Jackson County. Median household income Exhibit 17. Median Household Income by Household Size, Ashland, in Ashland tends to Jackson County, 2015-2019 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2015-2019 ACS 5-year estimate, Table B19019 increase with household Note: Exhibit 17 displays median household income for households in Ashland, with size and peaks with 5- Jackson Countyinformation providing additional context. Data for 6- and 7-person person households. households was not available at the City level. ECONorthwest 26 Median household income Exhibit 18. Median Household Income by Age, Ashland, Jackson in Ashland increases with County, 2015-2019 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2015-2019 ACS 5-year estimate, Table B19049 age and peaks with for households 45 to 64 years old. Forty-four percent of Exhibit 19. Household Income Distribution for Householders Aged households with a head of 65 Years and Older, Ashland, 2015-2019 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2015-2019 ACS 5-year estimate, Table B19037. householder aged 65 or older earned less than $50,000 per year. ECONorthwest 27 Latino and some other Exhibit 20. Median Household Income by Race and Ethnicity forthe race alone households had Head of Household, Ashland, 2015-2019 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2015-2019 ACS 5-year estimate, Table S1901. incomes below the City’s Note: Black/African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, and two or median. more races were not included for Ashland due to high margins of error. Black bars denote the potential upper and lower bound of the estimate using the margin of error reported by the Census. ECONorthwest 28 Exhibit 21 to Exhibit 23 compare household income for POC households with White non- Hispanic households to show disparities in come levels. The income levels shown in these graphs are the same used through out this report: Extremely Low Income: Less than 30% MFI Very-Low Income: 30% to 50% of MFI Low Income: 50% to 80% of MFI Middle Income: 80% to 120% of MFI High Income: 120% of MFI or more Households headed by a Exhibit 21. Household Income by Income Grouping POC, White non- person of color were more Hispanic, and All Households, Ashland, 2014-2018 Source: CHAS, Table 2. likely to be low income Note: POC category includes Hispanic. than the average household in Ashland. About 48% of households headed by a person of color had an income below 80% median family income compared to 37% of households with a head of household who identifies as White. ECONorthwest 29 Over 50% of all renter Exhibit 22. Renter Income by Income Grouping for POC, White non- households make below Hispanic, and All Households, Ashland, 2014-2018 Source: CHAS, Table 2. 80% MFI (have low, very Note: POC category includes Hispanic. low, or extremely low income). Sixty-two percent of POC renter households are low income compared to 54% of White households. Nearly 70% of POC Exhibit 23. Comparison by Tenure and Income POC, White non- households are renters Hispanic, and All Households, Ashland, 2014-2018 Source: CHAS, Table 2. compared to 44% of White Note: POC category includes Hispanic. households. Over 40% of POC households that rent are low income. ECONorthwest 30 Housing Market Conditions and Trends An analysis of housing market conditions and trends in Ashland provides insight into the functioning of the local housing market. The housing types used in this analysis are consistent with needed housing types as defined in ORS 197.303: Single-family detached includes single-family detached units, manufactured homes on lots and in mobile home parks, and accessory dwelling units. Single-family attached is all structures with a common wall where each dwelling unit occupies a separate lot, such as row houses or townhouses. Multifamily is all attached structures (e.g., duplexes, tri-plexes, quad-plexes, and structures with five or more units) other than single-family detached units, manufactured units, or single-family attached units. This analysis groups multifamily units into two sub-categories: (1) duplexes, triplexes, and quadplexes and (2) multifamily units in buildings with five or more units per structure. Existing Housing Stock According to the 2014-2018 American Community Survey (ACS) from the U.S. Census, Ashland had 10,705 dwelling units, an increase of 1,634 dwelling units from 2000. Most new units built were single-family units. About 66% of Ashland’s Exhibit 24. Housing Mix, Ashland, Jackson County, and Oregon, housing stock was single-2014-2018 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2014-2018 ACS Table B25024. family detached housing. Ashland had a larger share of multifamily housing than Jackson County. ECONorthwest 31 Exhibit 25 shows the types of dwelling units by race and ethnicity in Ashland. It shows that households that identified as Asian Alone were most likely to live in single-family detached housing (78%). Households that identified as Black/African American Alone or Some other Race Alone were most likely to live in multifamily housing. Of any race, about 41% of the households that identified as Latino lived in single-family detached housing. Exhibit 25 includes an indication of margin of error (the “whisker” lines shown in the graph). The number of people of color in Ashland is relatively small. Exhibit 8 shows that groups like Black or American Indian include a small number of people living in Ashland. Exhibit 25 shows a high margin of error in the data for these groups, with either a long “whisker” line or an asterisk (*) to indicate that the margin of error exceeds 50% (indicating high uncertainty about the data). The take-away point from Exhibit 25 is that some people of color (not including Asians) are more likely to live in multifamily housing than the Ashland average in Exhibit 24, which shows that 14% of households live in multifamily housing. Exhibit 25 shows that some people of color (not including Asians) are more likely to live in multifamily housing than the Ashland average (14%). While this exhibit reflects the types of housing these groups currently live in and/or what they can currently afford to live in, it may not reflect their housing preferences. Exhibit 25. Occupied Housing Structure by Race and Ethnicity, Ashland, 2014-2018 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2014-2018 ACS Table B25032 A-I. Note: Margin of errors marked with an asterisk (*) indicate the value exceeds 50%. ECONorthwest 32 Housing Tenure Housing tenure describes whether a dwelling is owner- or renter-occupied. In the 2014-2018 period, about 54% of Ashland’s housing stock was owner occupied and 46% was renter occupied. Ashland’s homeownership rate increased by two percentage points since 2000. Ashland had a lower Exhibit 26. Tenure, Occupied Units, Ashland, Jackson County, and homeownership rate than Oregon, 2014-2018 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2014-2018 ACS 5-Year Estimates, Table B24003. Jackson County and Oregon. The majority of Exhibit 27. Housing Units by Type and Tenure, Ashland, 2014-2018 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2014-2018 ACS Table B25032. homeowners (88%) lived in single-family detached housing. In comparison, less than half of Ashland’s renters (40%) lived in single-family detached housing; over half lived in some form of multifamily housing (51%). ECONorthwest 33 Ashland’s homeownership Exhibit 28. Housing Tenure by Age of the Head of Household, rate increased with the age Ashland, 2015-2019 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2015-2019 ACS Table B25007. of the household. In Ashland, about 75% of householders sixty years of age or older owned their homes. Households of color are Exhibit 29. Tenure by Raceand by Ethnicity, Ashland,2014-2018 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2014-2018 ACS Table B25003A-I. Black bars denote more likely to rent their the potential upper and lower bound of the estimate using the margin of error housing than White reported by the Census. Margin of errors marked with an asterisk (*) indicate the households. value exceeds 50%. ECONorthwest 34 Rent-Restrictedand Emergency Housing There are 10 government-assisted housing developments in Ashland with a total of 267 dwelling units. Over three quarters of the 267 dwelling units (79%) are units with one- or two- bedrooms. About 26 of Ashland’s rent-restricted dwelling units (10%) were larger units with three- or four-bedrooms. Ashland had approximately 10,705 dwelling units in the 2014-2018 period. Rent-restricted units accounted for about 2.5% of Ashland’s total housing stock. In addition, the following government-assisted housing developments are under development or recently completed in Ashland: Snowberry Brook 2, which has 60 units of affordable housing Rogue Ridge, which has 30 units of affordable housing These new developments increase the affordable housing in Ashland by 90 units, bringing the total to 357 units of affordable housing in Ashland. Exhibit 30. Government-Assisted Housing, Ashland, 2019 Source: Oregon Health and Human Services, Affordable Housing Inventory in Oregon. ECONorthwest 35 People experiencing homelessness in Ashland have access to 198 emergency shelter beds (84 of which are voucher/seasonal/overflow beds), 272 transitional shelter beds, and 538 permanently supportive housing beds. Exhibit 31. Facilities and Housing Targeted to Households Experiencing Homelessness in Ashland, 2020 Source: Ashland’s 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan. ECONorthwest 36 Manufactured Homes Manufactured homes provide a source of affordable housing in Ashland. They provide a form of homeownership that can be made available to low- and moderate-income households. Cities are required to plan for manufactured homes—both on lots and in parks (ORS 197.475-492). Ashland has five manufactured home parks within its UGB. Within these parks, there are a total of 255 spaces (of which 21 spaces were vacant as of November 2020). Exhibit 11. Inventory of Mobile/Manufactured Home Parks, Ashland UGB, 2020 Source: Oregon Manufactured Dwelling Park Directory. ECONorthwest 37 PeopleExperiencing Homelessness According to HUD’s 2021 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR), across the United States, the number of people experiencing sheltered homelessness has been decreasing since 15 2015, but the drop between 2020 and 2021 was steeper than in recent years. It is likely that some of this decline is due to COVID-related precautions that resulted in fewer beds available (due to the need to have more space between beds). Other factors include people being unwilling to use shelter beds due to health risks as well as eviction moratoria and stimulus payments which may have prevented people from needing emergency shelter. Pandemic-related disruptions to unsheltered homelessness counts made it difficult to determine if this population is increasing or decreasing in communities. Many communities chose not to conduct unsheltered PIT counts due to the risk of increasing COVID-19 transmission. While the communities that conducted unsheltered counts seem to indicate that this population did not increase, trends on unsheltered homelessness are known for only half of communities. The Oregon Statewide Homelessness Estimates 2021 report from the Oregon Housing and Community Services presented two counts in their report – estimated and reported counts. The estimated counts were developed to address concerns that data limitations imposed by the 16 COVID-19 pandemic resulted in an undercount.This report uses the estimated count. The following exhibits provide more localized estimates of homelessness in Ashland’s region. Jackson County’s Point-in-Exhibit 32. Number of Persons Homeless, Jackson County, Point- Time Homeless count in-Time Count, 2015, 2019, and 2020 Source: Oregon Housing and Community Services. increased by 31% from 2017 to 2021. 633 Persons 712 Persons 831 Persons 20172019 2021 15 The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (2021). The 2021 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress. Office of Community Planning and Development. 16 The reported count for sheltered homelessness is what was collected/reported while the estimated count is the largest sheltered count reported during 2019-2021 in Josephine County. For unsheltered, the 2021 PIT count is not available for all counties, so the report modeled it by adding the predicted 2019-2021 change, determined through analysis of past trends and other homelessness data, to the 2019 PIT count. ECONorthwest 38 In 2021, an estimated 831 Exhibit 33. Point-in-Time Homelessness Estimates, Ashland, people experienced Jackson County CoC, 2017-2021 Source: Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) data. homelessness in Jackson Note: OHCS reported two counts in 2021 – estimated and reported counts. This report uses County, the majority of the estimated counts. which were unsheltered. Oregon Housing and Community Services presented two counts in 2021 – estimated and reported counts. The estimated counts were developed to address concerns that data limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in an undercount. This report uses the estimated count. About 10% of people experiencing homelessness in Jackson County are in Ashland. From the 2018-19 school Exhibit 34. Students Homeless by Living Situation, Ashland School year to the 2019-20 school District, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 Source: McKinney Vento, Homeless Student Data. year, student homelessness decreased from 135 students to 125 students, a decrease of 10 students. Of the 125 students in 2019-20 experiencing homelessness, 24 were unaccompanied. ECONorthwest 39 Based on the Oregon’s Exhibit 35. Estimate of Future Housing Need for People Regional Housing Capacity Experiencing Homelessness, Ashland, 2020 to 2040 Source: From the Report Implementing a Regional Housing Capacity Analysis Methodology in Analysis, Ashland will need Oregon: Approach, Results, and Initial Recommendations by ECONorthwest, August 2020. about 310 housing units to accommodate people 310 Dwelling Units16Dwelling Units experiencing homelessness in the 2020-2040 period. New Units Needed for People Annual Average Experiencing Homelessness (2020- 2040) Housing Affordability Considerations This section describes changes in sales prices, rents, and housing affordability in Ashland and a comparison of geographies. Both housing sale prices and rents have increased steadily in Ashland and the greater region over the last several years. Housing Sale Prices Ashland’s median home Exhibit 36. Median Home Sale Price, Ashland and Comparison sales price was higher than Cities, November 2021 – January 2022 Source: Southern Oregon Multiple Listing Service. most other Southern Oregon submarkets. ECONorthwest 40 The median price of a home Exhibit 37. Median Sales Price, Ashland, and Comparison Cities, in Ashland increased 33% 2018 through 2022 Source: Southern Oregon Multiple Listing Service. from $415,000 in the November 2018 to $550,000 in November 2021. Increases in other comparable cities over the same period ranged from $80,000 (Northwest Medford) to $146,000 (Phoenix). ECONorthwest 41 Rental Costs The median gross rent in Ashland was $1,085 in the 2015-2019 period, up from $582 in 2000. However, additional research shows that asking rents for currently available rental properties in Ashland in December 2020 were $1,145 to $1,560 for a 2-bedroom unit and $1,595 to $1,995 17 for a 3-bedroom unit. According to the 2015-2019 Exhibit 38. Median Gross Rent, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, ACS, the median rent in and Comparison Cities, 2015-2019 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2015-2019 ACS 5-year estimate, Table B25064. Ashland was similar to the median rent in Jackson County as a whole. Research for the HCA about asking rents currently available rental properties in Ashland in December 2020 were $1,145 to $1,560 for a 2-bedroom unit and $1,595 to $1,995 for a 3-bedroom unit. Housing Cost Burden Financially attainable housing costs for households across the income spectrum in Jackson County are identified in Exhibit 39. For example, a household earning median family income in 18 Jackson County (about $73,100 per year)can afford a monthly rent of about $1,830 or a home roughly valued between $256,000 and $292,000 without cost burdening themselves. In Ashland, a household would need to earn $137,000 to $157,000 (187% to 215% of MFI for a family of four) to afford the median sales price of a home in Ashland. A household would need to earn about $62,000 (85% of MFI for a family of four) to afford the median gross rent ($1,550). 17 CMP Real Estate Services, Inc., December 2020. 18 Note that Median Family Income for the region is different than Median Household Income (MHI) for Ashland (see Exhibit 15). MFI is determined by HUD for each metropolitan area and non-metropolitan county. It is adjusted by family size – in that, 100% MFI is adjusted for a family of four. MHI is a more general term. MHI includes the income of the householder and all other individuals 15 years old and over in the household, whether they are related to the householder or not. ECONorthwest 42 Exhibit 39. Financially Attainable Housing, by Median Family Income (MFI) for Jackson County ($73,100), Ashland, 2021 Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Jackson County, 2021. Oregon Employment Department. Because the local housing market cannot produce income-restricted, subsidized affordable housing at sufficient levels – and because it cannot often produce middle income/workforce housing without subsidy, many households in Ashland are cost burdened (as Exhibit 40 through Exhibit 45 show). A household is defined as cost burdened if their housing costs exceed 30% of their gross income. A household that spends 50% or more of their gross income on housing costs is said to be severely cost burdened. ECONorthwest 43 Overall, about 46% of all Exhibit 40. Housing Cost Burden, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon households in Ashland were and Other Comparison Cities, 2014-2018 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2014-2018 ACS Tables B25091 and B25070. cost burdened. Ashland had a higher share of cost burdened households compared to Jackson County and the state. From 2000 to the 2014-Exhibit 41. Change in Housing Cost Burden, Ashland, 2000 to 2018 period, the number of 2014- 2018 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Decennial Census, Tables H069 and H094 and cost-burdened and severely 2014-2018 ACS Tables B25091 and B25070. cost-burdened households increased slightly. ECONorthwest 44 Renters were much more Exhibit 42. Housing Cost Burden by Tenure, Ashland, 2014-2018 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2014-2018 ACS Tables B25091 and B25070. likely to be cost burdened than homeowners in Ashland. About 63% of Ashland’s renters were cost burdened or severely cost burdened, compared to 31% of homeowners. About 35% of Ashland’s renters were severely cost burdened, meaning they paid 50% or more of their gross income on housing costs. Most households earning Exhibit 43. Cost Burdened Renter Households, by Household less than $50k are cost Income, Ashland, 2015-2019 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2015-2019 ACS Table B25074. burdened. ECONorthwest 45 The difference in rates of Exhibit 44. Cost Burdened for POC, White non-Hispanic, and All cost burden for POC is Households, Ashland, 2014-2018 Source: CHAS Table 9. smaller than in many of Oregon’s communities. Part of the reason for this may be the small population of POC in Ashland. The difference in rates of Exhibit 45. Cost Burdened by Tenure for POC, White non-Hispanic, cost burden for POC, both and All Households, Ashland, 2014-2018 Source: CHAS Table 9. as renters and owners, is smaller than in many of Oregon’s communities. Part of the reason for this may be the small population of POC in Ashland. ECONorthwest 46 Exhibit 46 to Exhibit 47 show cost burden in Oregon for renter households for seniors, people of 19 color, and people with disabilities.This information is not readily available for a city with a population as small as Ashland, which is why we present statewide information. These exhibits show that these groups experience cost burden at higher rates than the overall statewide average. Renters 65 years of age and Exhibit 46. Cost Burdened Renter Households, for People 65 Years older were of Age and Older, Oregon, 2018 Source: S. Census, 2018 ACS 1-year PUMS Estimates. From the Report Implementing a disproportionately rent Regional Housing Needs Analysis Methodology in Oregon: Approach, Results, and Initial burdened compared to the Recommendations by ECONorthwest, August 2020. state average. About 60% of renters aged 65 years and older were rent burdened, compared with the statewide average of 48% of renters. 19 From the report Implementing a Regional Housing Needs Analysis Methodology in Oregon, prepared for Oregon Housing and Community Services by ECONorthwest, March 2021. ECONorthwest 47 Renters with a disability in Exhibit 47. Cost Burdened Renter Households, for People with Oregon were Disabilities, Oregon, 2018 Source: S. Census, 2018 ACS 1-year PUMS Estimates. From the Report Implementing a disproportionately cost Regional Housing Needs Analysis Methodology in Oregon: Approach, Results, and Initial burdened. Recommendations by ECONorthwest, August 2020. ECONorthwest 48 Key Terms in the HPS This appendix presents applicable key terms used in Ashland’s Contextualizing Housing Needs report. Per the Department of Land Conservation and Development, the following key terms will be incorporated into the Definitions section of OAR 660-008 (if they are not already): Consumers of Needed Housing: any person who inhabits or is anticipated to inhabit Needed Housing, as described in the definition of “Needed Housing” in ORS 197.303. Housing Production Strategy Report: the report cities must adopt within one year of their deadline to complete an updated Housing Capacity Analysis, pursuant to OAR 660-008-0050. Housing Production Strategy: a specific tool, action, policy, or measure a city will implement to meet the housing needs described in an adopted Housing Capacity Analysis. A Housing Production Strategy is one component of a Housing Production Strategy Report. Needed Housing: housing types determined to meet the need shown for housing within an urban growth boundary at particular price ranges and rent levels, including (but not limited to) renter and owner-occupied attached and detached single-family housing, multifamily housing, and manufactured homes. Producers of Needed Housing: developers, builders, service providers, or other persons or entities providing materials and funding needed to build housing. Producers of Needed Housing may include non-profit organizations or public entities. Unmet Housing Needed: occurs when housing need determined pursuant to subsection(3)(b) is greater than the housing capacity (i.e., buildable, residential land is insufficient to accommodate demand for housing). ECONorthwest 49 DATE: July 1, 2022 TO: Ashland Housing Production Strategy Advisory Committee CC: Brandon Goldman, Linda Reid FROM: Beth Goodman and Kaitlin La Bonte SUBJECT:Housing Strategies (Actions) for Further Discussion Ashland is in the process of developing a Housing Production Strategy (HPS) to address the City’s unmet housing needs. The Advisory Committee (AC) are providing input on development of the HPS. Through this project, we have held the following Committee meetings: April 4 the AC met to discuss unmet housing needs in Ashland, which defined the issues that will be addressed in the HPS. May 16 the AC met to discuss the actions that could and should be included in the HPS to address the unmet housing needs in Ashland. This memorandum will provide the basis for continued discussion of the strategies at the July 11, 2022 meeting with the AC, focusing on the following questions: Are the actions included in this memorandum the appropriate actions to address unmet housing need in Ashland? Are we missing any actions that should be included in the HPS? Should we remove any of the actions from the list to include in the HPS? Are there actions that we need to do additional research or refinement on to better fit them to address Ashland unmet housing needs? Beyond the July AC meeting, we will meet with the AC two more times to: (1) review a draft of the selected strategies, and (2) review the full draft HPS. This project discusses housing affordability. It focuses on support for housing development of two types of affordable housing: (1) housing affordable to very low-income and extremely low- income households and (2) housing affordable to low-income and middle-income households. The following describes these households, based on information from the HUD and the U.S. Census’ American Community Survey. Very low-income and extremely low-income households are those who have an 1 income of 50% or less of Jackson County Median Family Income (MFI) for a household of four which is an annual household income of $36,600. Development of housing affordable to households at this income level is generally accomplished through 1 Median Family Income is determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. In 2021, Jackson County’s MFI was $73,100 for a family of four. ECONorthwest | Portland | Seattle | Los Angeles | Eugene | Bend | Boise | econw.com 1 development of government-subsidized income-restricted housing. These households can afford monthly housing costs of $920 or less. Low-income households are those who have income of 50% to 80% of Jackson County’s MFI for a household of four or income between $36,600 to $58,500. The private housing market may develop housing affordable to households in this group, especially for the higher income households in the group. These households can afford monthly housing costs of $920 to $1,460. Middle-income households are those who have income of 80% to 120% of Jackson County’s MFI for a household of four or income between $58,500to $87,700. The private housing market may develop housing affordable to households in this group, especially for the higher income households in the group. These households can afford monthly housing costs of $1,460 to $2,190. This memorandum presents additional information about the actions discussed at the April 16 meeting and begins to evaluate them for inclusion in the HPS. The memorandum is separated into two sections: Actions Under Consideration for Inclusion in the HPS Preliminary evaluation of each action ECONorthwest 2 Actions Under Considerationfor Inclusion in the HPS The following actions are under consideration for inclusion in the HPS. This section presents some information about each action. If selected for inclusion in the HPS additional information will be included for each action. In Action A, we show all of the information that will be included in the HPS, with placeholders for information we will fill in later. A.Participate in or establish a land bank. Rationale Land control is critical because costs make affordable housing development difficult or financially infeasible. Land banks support low- and moderate-income affordable housing development by reducing or eliminating land cost from development, increasing a nonprofits’ capacity to build affordable housing Description Through land banking, the City can provide a pipeline of land for future development and control the type of development that may occur on that land. The City could pursue land banking in five ways: Designate city-owned land as surplus and contribute that land to the land bank, eventually conveying that land to affordable housing developers for development of housing at agreed- on level of affordability, such as housing affordable below 60% of MFI. Purchase properties for the purpose of building affordable housing and convey that land to affordable housing developers for development of housing at agreed-on level of affordability. Accept land which is dedicated to the City to satisfy affordable housing requirements associated with annexations, zone changes, or other inclusionary housing standards. Accept properties which are either donated to the City for the express purpose of providing for the development of affordable housing. Provide funds to support land banking done by another organization, with the purpose of building affordable housing in the future. City Role The City could have multiple roles for land banking, including: Partner-led project with a nonprofit developer or land trust in which City contributes funds or land to the project. City can contribute land to support the affordable housing development. City-led affordable housing development project with city-owned land banking. City can provide funds or land and help with parcel assembly. The City may participate in multiple projects over time that involve different types of land banking strategy. The City’s role may vary on different projects, such as contributing city-owned surplus land for development, assisting with land purchase and assembly, providing funding to support land purchase, or partnering in an affordable housing development project that includes land banking as well as other strategies. Partners and their Role Partner 1. To be filled in later Partner 2. To be filled in later Anticipated Impacts To be filled in later ECONorthwest 1 Magnitude of New Income Housing Tenure Populations Served Units Produced Households with incomes below 80% of MFI Renter or Owner Moderate to Large May include projects for households with income below 120% of MFI Potential Risks To be filled in later Implementation Steps To be filled in later Implementation Timeline To be filled in later Timeframe of Impact Implementation to Commence Timeline for Adoption Funding or Revenue Implications To be filled in later ECONorthwest 2 B. Participate in a land trust. Rationale Land trusts support affordable housing development by reducing or eliminating land cost from development. Land trusts hold land in perpetuity and sell or lease the housing on the land at below- market rate prices. Land trusts most frequently provide opportunities for homeownership that remain affordable over the long-term. There are currently 49 units within Ashland that are operated under the land trust model. Beginning in 2000 the Ashland Community Land Trust developed 18 land trusted affordable housing units, which are currently administered by ACCESS Inc. Ashland Community Land Trust has since dissolved. Rogue Valley Community Development Corporation developed 31 units under the land trust model which were transferred to NeighborWorks Umpqua for administration. Description The City may participate in a community land trust that is operated by an existing entity, often a nonprofit organization. The City’s role in a community land trust could be as a partner, possibly assisting the trust with land acquisition through land banking (Action A) or through providing funding to support housing development. A land trust is typically managed by a nonprofit organization that owns land and sells/leases the housing on the land to income-qualified buyers. Because the land is not included in the housing price for tenants/buyers, land trusts can achieve below-market pricing. Land trusts are most commonly used as a method for supporting affordable home ownership goals. The City’s role would be one of supporting and partnering with the nonprofit that runs the land trust. City Role Partner with and contribute funds or land to an existing non-profit land trust or participate in the formation of a new non-profit land trust if one does not exist with sufficient capacity to serve Ashland. C. Host educational events with the Housing and Human Services Commission or other organizations Rationale Education around housing issues is important to preventing and addressing housing discrimination, ensuring rights are protected, and connecting residents with housing resources. Description The City can work with the Housing and Human Services Commission or other organizations to host educational events. Trainings could focus on topics such as fair housing and housing discrimination, foreclosure, eviction, tenant and landlord rights, or other information needs as they arise. Fair Housing education events could be held for residents, property owners, property managers, realtors, lenders and others involved with real estate transactions. City Role The City can work with the Housing and Human Services Commission or organizations to identify information needs and training ideas. The City could also contract with trainers or area experts to provide trainings and host educational events. ECONorthwest 3 D. Develop an equitable housing plan Rationale The City’s 2020-2024 Fair Housing Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice Update for the City of Ashland identified impediments to fair housing such as: limited community awareness about fair housing protections and resources, instances of discrimination in housing transactions, and a lack of affordable housing. An equitable housing plan could address the issues identified in this report by outlining initial steps, action plans with goals and methods to measure progress to achieve more equitable housing and continuously examine ways to make improvements to the housing system to achieve equity. Description An equitable housing plan could implement strategies from the Fair Housing Analysis of Impediments Report, including: Offering education and training to City Staff, Elected and Appointed Officials, and the community. Reviewing City policies for disparate impact and biased language. The adoption of a tool to ensure inclusivity in decision making process regarding City grant funding. The action described in the third bullet above, adoption of a tool to ensure inclusivity in decision 2 making, could be tied to a broader City effort to adopt a Social and Environmental Equity matrix. For housing, this matrix could help guide City decisions around grants, funding for housing, and other city policies focusing on developing and preserving housing. The City could also include questions in the matrix to help assess potential impacts from other City decisions around housing and displacement risk. City Role Develop and adopt an equitable housing plan and implement projects. E. Broaden definition of dwelling unit Rationale To achieve the mix of housing types needed to meet Ashland’s 20-year housing needs, the City will need to implement policies that allow a wider variety of housing types, including smaller housing and housing produced with innovative processes or building materials (e.g., housing from containers, tiny homes on wheels, and other innovative housing types), as well as more mixed-use housing. Broadening the definition of dwelling units would broaden the types of units allowed in residential districts and would allow for greater flexibility of housing type. Additionally, the City has heard some feedback from the public that there are barriers to alternative housing types, as well as confusion over what is allowed and where the barriers are (e.g., where the barrier stems from city code or state building code). Clarifying requirements for alternative building types could help address this issue. 2 The Housing and Human Services Commission has considered developing a social and environmental equity matrix, similar to Eugene’s triple bottom line, to help evaluate grant funding decisions. Eugene’s Triple Bottom line is a framework in that helps the City assess the environmental, equity and economic impacts, benefits and trade-offs of decisions. ECONorthwest 4 Description The City could broaden the definition of dwelling unit to include other types of units such as shared housing and co-housing, single-room occupancies, distinguish between RVs (tiny homes on wheels) and tiny homes on foundations (which are already allowed), and other dwelling units. The definition of dwelling unit could include tiny houses, cargo container housing, 3-D printed housing, or alternative building methods. The City could also amend the zoning code to clearly state whether these non-traditional housing types are allowed. Another part of the issue is State building code requirements, such as requirements for adapting cargo containers to housing standards, which may pose barriers to alternative housing types or increase costs for development. The City could publish information addressing frequently asked questions about barriers to alternative building types and clarify where barriers are out of the City’s control. City Role Draft amendments to the land use ordinance and work with Ashland’s Planning Commission and City Council to adopt the revised standards and definitions. F. Disallow SFD in High Density R-3 Zone Rationale Efficient use of Ashland’s residential land is key to ensuring that Ashland has adequate opportunities to grow from 2021 to 2041 and beyond. The City’s Housing Capacity Analysis shows that Ashland has sufficient land within the UGB to accommodate growth over the 2021-2041 period but has very limited capacity (and nearly a deficit of land) for housing in the High-Density Residential zone. Disallowing single-family detached housing in the High Density Residential Plan Designation (R-3 zone) would preserve this zone for higher-density housing. Description The City can evaluate changes to Ashland’s zoning code to disallow single-family detached housing in the High Density Residential Plan Designation (R-3 zone). Such a change would not include very small existing lots, where single-family detached housing is all that is buildable. City Role The City would amend the zoning code to remove single-family detached housing from the allowed uses in the R-3 zone. G. Maintain quality and support development of a new manufactured home park Rationale Preserve and support development of new manufacturing housing parks because they play a significant role in providing naturally occurring affordable housing. Description Preservation of manufactured home parks can be accomplished through a range of approaches, such as resident owned cooperatives or non-profit ownership. Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) has regularly received lottery bonds or general funds from the Oregon Legislature to preserve manufactured home parks through these approaches. Ashland could work with owners of ECONorthwest 5 manufactured home parks, especially those where redevelopment is being considered, to identify opportunities to preserve manufactured home parks through these approaches. City Role To support development of new manufactured home parks: Allow Manufactured Housing Developments in residential zones where it is not currently allowed such R1, CM, and NN. Allow Manufactured Housing Developments without requiring a subdivision. To support preservation of existing manufactured home parks: Partner with nonprofits, the housing authority, and manufactured home park owners to support preservation efforts. Offer financial support where possible. Evaluate creating a MFG home park zone where no other housing types are allowed. This zone might be applied to existing manufactured home parks to preserve existing parks. H. Increase development capacity of MFR dwellings through changes to the Land Use Ordinance Rationale Amending the Land Use Ordinance to allow for a wider range of development will help ensure there are development opportunities for needed housing types. Zoning changes that could remove barriers to the development of multifamily housing include increased density, increased allowable height, and reduced parking requirements. Prior analysis shows that two to three times as many units per acre as allowed under the current density standards can potentially fit on a typical site with limited 3 changes to other development standards. Higher densities are especially important for small infill sites where efficiency is at a premium. Allowing more housing on a given infill site helps the City meet its housing needs with less land. Description The City could evaluate several amendments to the land use ordinance: Increasing the maximum allowed densities in the Multi-Family Residential (R-2), High Density Residential (R-3), and parts of the Normal Neighborhood and Croman Mill District designations. Increasing allowed height in the R-2 and R-3 multi-family residential zones, outside of , and up to 50 feet. Increasing lot coverage allowances slightly in the R-2 and R-3 zones to support the other code amendments City Role Draft amendments to the land use ordinance and work with Ashland’s Planning Commission and City Council to adopt the revised standards. 3 ECONorthwest, Ashland Housing Strategy Implementation Plan, June 2019. ECONorthwest 6 I. Implement the Multiple Unit Property Tax Exemption (MUPTE) to support multifamily or affordable housing Rationale The Multiple Unit Property Tax Exemption (MUPTE) program is flexible and eligibility criteria can be set locally, allowing the City to target the program to meet its needs. It offers an incentivize for preservation and development of housing for low- to moderate-income households. It can offer an incentive for mixed-income housing, providing a way to leverage private, market-rate development to expand affordable housing. Description MUPTE allows cities to offer a partial property tax exemption (limited to the value of the housing, not the land) for multifamily development that meets specific locally established criteria, such as having an affordability agreement with a public agency. The terms of the affordability agreement can be set by the City—there are no specific income / affordability requirements in the state statute that enables the program. The City could explore using MUPTE in two possible ways: To incentivize mixed income development through inclusion of below-market units (units affordable below 80% of MFI) in otherwise market-rate developments. To incentivize owners of existing low-cost market rate housing to rehabilitate properties without displacing existing tenants or escalating rents. What does the exemption apply to? It applies to rental housing that is affordable at incomes at or below 120 percent, often in a mixed-income multifamily building. The exemption applies only to improvement value of the housing. How long does it apply? The property tax exemption can be granted for up to 10 years, except that for low-income housing, exemption can be extended for as long as the housing is subject to the public assistance contract. What taxing districts would participate? The property tax exemption only applies to city property taxes (which account for about 27% of property taxes in Ashland) unless the City gets affirmative support from at least 51% of overlapping taxing districts for the exemption to apply to their tax collections. What are the administrative requirements?To implement the exemption, the City would take the following steps: Determine desired eligibility criteria (percentage of affordable or workforce housing or other public benefits, where the program applies, etc.). Seek agreement from taxing districts representing 51% or more of the combined levying authority on the property to include all the taxing jurisdictions in the abatement. If the City is unable to get agreement from other taxing districts, the abatement will only apply to the City’s portion of property taxes. Establish annual reporting and administration procedures. City Role Implement the exemption and execute on annual reporting and administration procedures. ECONorthwest 7 J. Preserve and Improve existing low-cost, unregulated, rental housing Rationale Keeping low-cost unregulated housing both habitable and affordable reduces the need for subsidized new construction. Rental housing that is affordable to low- and moderate-income households and not subject to affordability restrictions is typically older, privately-owned housing. This type of housing may have deferred maintenance issues due to a lack of resources to make improvements and pay for repairs (and, in some cases, owner neglect). Description The City can work with property owners of low-cost unregulated rental housing to support needed repairs without displacing tenants. This could include: Offer low-interest loans and/or grants to property owners for repairs and major rehabilitation, providing they do not displace residents. Evaluate reducing regulatory requirements and permitting challenges for owners seeking to improve older, rental housing. Provide information/technical assistance to smaller property owners regarding state and local resources to support weatherization and healthy housing. Use the Multiple Unit Property Tax Exemption to support rehabilitation. Seek funding to support removal of lead hazards. This could include: o Federal funding through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD’s) Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Home program. o Apply for grant funds through the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH). City Role The City could evaluate programs, technical assistance opportunities, regulatory changes, and other options to support property improvements. K. Work with partners to support development of additional permanent supportive housing Rationale Permanent supportive housing is income-restricted housing that includes services with a goal of ending chronic homelessness. This type of housing is typically built with state funding, with a nonprofit or housing authority taking lead on such development. The City’s role is as a partner to support its development. Working with nonprofits is key to meeting Ashland’s need for housing and supportive services for people who need ongoing services over the long term. Description The City can work with partners, such as the housing authority or nonprofit developers, to support development of housing for households with very low incomes (or no income) that includes services necessary to help a person transition from homelessness into housing. This type of housing is typically multifamily and often funded through state and federal sources. The city can support these types of housing through facilitating the planning process, contributions of land (connected to the land banking action), direct project funding support, grant assistance, reduced fees for affordable housing (such as system development charges), funding off-site infrastructure, or other types of resources or support development for these housing types. ECONorthwest 8 City Role The City would work with service providers to identify and utilize funding and development assistance opportunities. L. Explore the potential of Inclusionary Zoning Rationale Inclusionary zoning policies tie development approval to, or provide regulatory incentives for, the provision of low- and moderate-income housing as part of a proposed development. Ashland has not implemented an inclusionary zoning ordinance for residential developments within the City Limits for proposed structures containing 20 units or more under the State’s inclusionary zoning legislation. Description Mandatory inclusionary zoning requires developers to provide a certain percentage of low-income housing. State law allows cities and counties to adopt inclusionary zoning programs under the following requirements: The affordable housing requirements can only apply to multifamily housing with 20 or more units. Adopted requirements cannot require more than 20 percent of units be affordable. Requirements must allow eligible developers to pay a fee-in-lieu of building affordable units on-site. The program must be paired with incentives (e.g., SDC or fee waivers/reductions, property tax exemptions, or other financial incentives) This strategy is development driven and has the potential to curtail development overall, if developers look to other cities without these requirements. The price of low-income housing is passed on to purchasers of market-rate housing. City Role Evaluate inclusionary zoning strategies and consider suitability for Ashland development context. Draft amendments to the land use ordinance and work with Ashland’s Planning Commission and City Council to adopt the revised standards. M. Evaluate opportunities to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions during housing development Rationale The City of Ashland adopted its Climate and Energy Action Plan (CEAP) in March of 2017 “to reduce its emissions and improve its resilience to future impacts of climate change on its environment, infrastructure, and people. Housing that is developed with energy-efficient processes, uses energy- efficient materials, and operates in an energy efficient way over time can help the City meet its CEAP goals and can lower-long term energy costs. Description The City can incorporate elements of the CEAP into housing developments, including increased energy efficiency, solar access, electrical vehicle parking and charging opportunities, reduction of fossil fuels dependency, and increased resilience to natural hazards resulting from a changing ECONorthwest 9 climate (such as the risk of wildfire). The City could offer incentives for sustainable building certification for new buildings or require sustainable building practices for new developments. The City might also consider removing impediments to alternative building practices or building materials. City Role The City can evaluate opportunities to incorporate elements of the CEAP into housing developments. The City could also evaluate sustainable building practices, including certifications, to determine whether the City should offer incentives for certification or require certification of new buildings as sustainable. Funding Sources N.Establish a Construction Excise Tax Rationale Construction Excise Tax (CET) is one of few options to generate additional locally-controlled funding for affordable housing. A CET is intended to provide funding to support development of affordable housing. The funds from the CET are required by State law to be spent on developer incentives, supporting affordable housing programs, and homeownership programs. Ashland does not collect a Construction Excise Tax for affordable housing as allowed by SB 1533. Description CET is a tax assessed on construction permits issued by local cities and counties. The tax is assessed as a percent of the value of the improvements for which a permit is sought unless the project is exempted from the tax. The City could use CET revenue funds to support the development or re-development of affordable housing. Affordable housing itself is typically exempt from a CET, and as such this tax on new construction does not impact regulated affordable housing development. In 2016, the Oregon Legislature passed Senate Bill 1533 which permits cities to adopt a construction excise tax (CET) on the value of new construction projects to raise funds for affordable housing projects. CETs may be residential only, commercial only, or residential and commercial. If the City were to adopt a CET, the tax would be up to 1% of the permit value on residential construction and an uncapped rate on commercial and industrial construction. The allowed uses for CET funding are defined by the state statute. The City may retain 4% of funds to cover administrative costs. The funds remaining must be allocated as follows, if the City uses a residential CET: 50% must be used for developer incentives (e.g. fee and SDC waivers, tax abatements, etc.) 35% may be used flexibly for affordable housing programs, as defined by the jurisdiction. 15% flows to Oregon Housing and Community Services for homeowner programs. If the City implements a CET on commercial or industrial uses, 50% of the funds must be used for allowed developer incentives and the remaining 50% are unrestricted. The rate may exceed 1% if levied on commercial or industrial uses. City Role Develop and implement the plans for using CET funds for affordable housing development. ECONorthwest 10 O. Evaluate using Urban Renewal Rationale Urban renewal provides a flexible funding tool that can support many of the key strategies identified in the Housing Production Strategy. Urban renewal funds can be used to support development of off- site infrastructure necessary to support new housing development. In addition, urban renewal funds could be used to support rehabilitation of existing housing in poor condition, possibly with future requirements that it remain affordable at an income level like 80% or less of MFI. Description Ashland does not have an Urban Renewal District for Tax Increment Financing. Urban renewal can be used to support to support development of affordable housing, most likely in commercial areas. The City could use Urban Renewal to support development of infrastructure necessary to support housing development. The City could coordinate Capital Improvements Program and Transportation System Plan infrastructure investments in areas identified for multi-family, mixed-use and transit- oriented housing developments. The City will need to decide how to use the funding. The best use of funding may be in coordination with other actions in the HPS, such as with land banking and support of development of income- restricted housing. City Role Evaluate the potential to use Urban Renewal to support infrastructure and affordable housing, including developing a set aside share of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) revenue to support infrastructure development necessary for new housing. The City would need to develop and implement an Urban Renewal Plan and select projects to fund through Urban Renewal. P. Identify additional funds to support the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Rationale Identifying additional funding sources for Ashland’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund would support the development of affordable housing. Affordable housing trust funds are public sector tools used to provide direct financial resources to the development of affordable housing for low income households Description The Ashland Affordable Housing Trust Fund was formed in 2008 with the goal of encouraging the creation of housing for homeownership or rent at a cost that will enable low and moderate income families to afford quality housing while paying no more than thirty per cent of gross household income on housing. To be successful in this goal a dedicated and sustainable source of revenue is needed for the AHTF. One option is a General Obligation (GO) Bond, which could provide a stable, dedicated revenue source to fund infrastructure to support affordable housing, land acquisition, property acquisition, and direct project subsidies through increased property tax rates. GO bonds are issued for a specific dollar amount and paid for over the period of the bond through increased property taxes. Because they are legally limited to use for capital investments and require a public vote to enact, these bonds are typically used for major infrastructure investments (such as roadway improvements that benefit all, or nearly all, of a city’s residents). However, GO bonds can be used for land acquisition or affordable housing development if the city’s residents agree to fund them. Bonds cannot be used for supportive services or for operations. GO bonds are not subject to Measure 5 and 50 rate limits. ECONorthwest 11 They can be structured to provide revenue in increments over time, rather than in one large up-front amount. Other funding sources could also be considered such as the transient occupancy tax, continuing the use of Marijuana tax funds, or providing one time contributions to the fund through sale of surplus city property. City Role The City would develop a funding plan, conduct polling/engagement, develop ballot initiative, implement projects (if successful). The City could also evaluate opportunity for use of other funding sources. ECONorthwest 12 Preliminary evaluation of each action The proposed evaluation criteria, summarized below fall into five categories: impact, income- level served, feasibility, administrative complexity, flexibility. Income Level Served The HPS is intended to result in development and preservation of housing affordable at all income levels. We discuss affordability Median Family Income (MFI) that is defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Services (HUD) for Jackson County for a family of four people. A household of four people earning 100% of MFI (about $73,100) could afford monthly housing costs of $1,828. The income and affordable monthly costs vary by household size. For example, a household of one person with an income of 100% MFI has income of $51,170 and can afford monthly housing costs of $1,279. A household of six people at 100% of MFI has income of $84,796 and can afford monthly housing costs of $2,120. We define income levels based on MFI for a household of four people, as follows: Extremely Low and Low IncomeMiddle Income High Income Low Income Extremely Low Income: Low Income: 50% to Middle Income: 80% to High Income: 120% of Less than 30% MFI or 80% of MFI or $36,600 120% of MFI or MFI or more $87,700 $21,900 or less for a to $58,500 for a $58,500 to $87,700 or more for a household of four household of four for a household of four household of four Very-Low Income: 30% to 50% of MFI or $21,900 to $36,600 for a family of four 36% of Ashland 15% of Ashland 17% of Ashland 32% of Ashland householdshouseholds households households Can afford $920 or Can afford $920 to Can afford $1,460 to Can afford$2,190 or less in monthly housing $1,460 in monthly $2,190 in monthly more in monthly costs.housing costs.housing costs.housing costs. ECONorthwest 1 Impact for Housing Development For many of the actions described below, we give an approximate scale of impact. The purpose of the scale of impact is to provide some context for whether the policy tool generally results in a little or a lot of change in the housing market. The scale of impact depends on conditions in the City, such as other the City’s other existing (or newly implemented) housing policies, the land supply, and housing market conditions. We define the scale of impact as follows: SmallModerate Large Will not directly result in Could directly result in Could directly result in development of new housing or development of new housing. development of new housing. it may result in development of a small amount of new housing. May not improve housing May improve housing affordability in and of itself. affordability in and of itself. May not improve housing affordability in and of itself. May be necessary but not May still need to work with other sufficient to increase housing policies to increase housing May be necessary but not affordability. affordability. sufficient to increase housing affordability. ~1-3% of needed housing~3% to 5% of needed housing ~5% to 10% (or more) of 4 9 to 26 new dwelling units 26 to 43 new dwelling units needed housing 43to 90new dwelling units Administrative Complexity Administrative complexity for implementation considers how much staff time and resources (financial or otherwise) are required to implement the action? Is it difficult or costly to administer once it is in place? For funding sources, the easier it is to administer the tax or fee, the more net revenue will be available for housing production or preservation. For other actions, this criterion assesses the costs to establish and maintain tool implementation. We define administrative complexity, as follows: Low Medium High Requires some staff time to Requires more staff time to Requires significant staff time to develop the action and requires develop the action and requires develop the action and/or some on-going staff time to more on-going staff time to significant on-going staff time to implement the action. implement the action. implement the action. May require review by the Will require review by the Will require review by the Planning Commission. May Planning Commission. Will Planning Commission. Will require acceptance or adoption require acceptance or adoption require acceptance or adoption by City Council. by City Council. by City Council. Has relatively small funding or Has relatively moderate funding Has relatively larger funding or revenue impacts. or revenue impacts. revenue impacts. 4 Ashland’s Housing Capacity Analysis projects that the City will grow by 858 new dwelling units between 2021 and 2041. ECONorthwest 2 Feasibility Feasibility assesses the acceptability of the action for stakeholders. It considers expected political acceptability for elected officials and the public at large likely to support or have concerns about the action. If the action is dependent on the action of another organizational entity, the action is likely to be less feasible than if the City controlled all aspects of tool implementation. We define feasibility, as follows: More FeasibleModerately Feasible Less Feasible Likely to have little resistance Likely to have moderate Likely to have significant from stakeholder groups, the resistance from stakeholder resistance from stakeholder public at large, and/or elected groups, the public at large, groups, the public at large, officials. and/or elected officials. and/or elected officials. The action may require little or The action may require one-time The action may require no coordination with another or on-going coordination with significant coordination with organizational entity to another organizational entity to another organizational entity to implement or use. implement or use. implement or use in an on-going basis. Flexibility Flexibility assesses whether the action can be flexibly used to achieve multiple outcomes? Does it have legal limitations or other barriers that limit its utility for achieving goals of supporting housing development, increasing housing stability or other HPS goals? This category considers limitations on the types of projects that can be implemented with a given action. Given development market cycles, a funding source especially may be less useful to the City if its use is limited to certain types of projects. We define feasibility, as follows: More FlexibleModerately Flexibility Less Flexible The action can be used to The action can be used flexibly The action can be used in achieve multiple outcomes, has for multiple outcomes but there specific situations, to achieve few barriers on its use, or may be some barriers on its use. specific outcomes with little supports multiple goals in the It can be used in somewhat flexibility in its use. HPS. It can be used in many specific situations. situations. ECONorthwest 3 1 y t i l i b i x LessLessLessLess MoreMoreMoreMore e l F ModerateModerateModerateModerate Moderate y t i l i to Less partner b i s Less a MoreMoreMoreMore e ModerateModerateModerateModerate F nonprofit Depends on fundingDepends on fundingDepends on funding Depends on having a ModerateModerate to LessModerate to LessModerate to Less y t i x n i e l m p d LowLowLowLowLow Low HighHigh m A o MediumMediumMediumMediumMedium C t n r e o f m t p c ModerateModerateModerate o a l p e Small Small SmallSmallSmall to Moderate v m Moderate Ie D Moderate to largeModerate to large Small to Small to SmallSmall to Small to Moderate - %I y % F t 0 iXXXXXXXXX 0 l 2 i M 8 1 b a d d e r s - o I s f % % fF e XXXXXXXXXXXX 0 r A0 M d8 f 5 d o A l e v I % e F 0 XXXXXXXXXXXXX L 5 M < cost, - Zone 3 - emissions e m GHG a Services N n o i t c A bank. s n o orthwest i Evaluate participating in or establishing a land Evaluate opportunities to participate in a land trust.Host educational events with the Housing and Human CommissionDevelop an equitable housing planBroaden definition of dwelling unitDisallow SFD in High Density RMaintain quality and support development of a new manufactured home parkIncrease development capacity of MFR dwellingsImplement the Multiple Unit Property Tax Exemption (MUPTE) to support multifamily or affordable housingPreserve and improve existing lowunregulated, rental housingWork with partners to support development of additional permanent supportive housingExplore the potential of Inclusionary Zoning Evaluate opportunities to improve energy efficiency and reduce during housing development t c A ECON 2 y t i l i b i MoreMoreMore x e l F y t to to i l i b i Less s LessLess a ModerateModerate e F y t i x n i e l m HighHigh p d Medium m A o C t n r e o f m t p c o a l p e v m Ie D Moderate to largeModerate to largeModerate to large - %I XX y % F t 0 i 0 l 2 i M 8 1 b a d d e r s - o I s XXX f % % fF e 0 r A0 M d8 f 5 d o A l e v I % XXX e F 0 L 5 M < e m a N n o i t c s A e c Housing Trust Fund r u o S g n i d orthwest Establish a Construction Excise TaxEvaluate using Urban Renewal or other financing toolsIdentify additional funds to support the Affordable n u F ECON Use of the Actions in Initiatives Many of the actions and funding tools discussed in this memorandum can be used to meet housing needs at different income levels. This section describes how groupings of actions, into initiatives, are necessary to work together to meet Ashland housing needs. These initiatives will be refined based on discussion at the July 11, 2022 Housing Advisory Committee Sub-Committee meeting. The draft initiatives are: Encourage development of low- and moderate-income affordable rental housing. This initiative seeks to increase the housing options for unregulated rental households earning between 60% and 120% of MFI ($43,900 to $87,700). Increase opportunities for affordable homeownership. This initiative seeks to increase the housing options for homeownership for households earning less 120% of MFI (less than $87,700). Encourage development of income-restricted affordable housing units. There are limited options available in Ashland that are affordable to households with income of less than 60% of MFI ($43,900). This initiative supports development of housing affordable in this income group. Preserve existing of low- and moderate-income affordable housing. This initiative seeks to increase the housing options for rental households earning less than 120% of MFI (less than $87,700). ECONorthwest 3 1 - w e o g l m n f o i o c s n u g i - o n i e h t t s a e i l r x eb e a d e od r v r m o f e f d s a n e r a P t s t n i e d n e u m t p c g i o r n l i t e s s v eu r e o - d h e e e m l g o e b a c r a m n u id a r o f o c N o f n f e Ea v i t a i t i r n I p o i f h se s l e r e i b s e t ia a n d en w r r u o co t f r e n f I o a m p o p h o l t a - n t e e n t e a m r r p e e o l l d b g e o v a n i m e d s r d d u o f n o e f a gh a - a r e w u o m l o o c f c no n E i Secondary Focus of the initiative cost, - Zone 3 low - development e emissions during m a N GHG n o i t of the initiative c s A e c r u o S . Housing Initiatives and the Potential Actions g 1 s n i n educational events with the Housing d o orthwest i n t Primary Focus c u A Evaluate participating in or establishing a land bank.Evaluate opportunities to participate in a land trust.Host and Human Services CommissionDevelop an equitable housing planBroaden definition of dwelling unitDisallow SFD in High Density RMaintain quality and support of a new manufactured home parkIncrease development capacity of MFR dwellingsImplement the Multiple Unit Property Tax Exemption (MUPTE) to support multifamily or affordable housingPreserve and improve existing unregulated, rental housingExplore the potential of Inclusionary Zoning Work with partners to support development of additional permanent supportive housingEvaluate opportunities to improve energy efficiency and reduce housing development F Exhibit ECON 2 - w e o g l m n f o i o c s n u g i - o n i e h t t s a e i l r x eb e a d e od r v r m o f e f d s a n e r a P t s t n i e d n e u m t p c g i o r n l i t e s s v eu r e o - d h e e e m l g o e b a c r a m n u id a r o f o c N o f n f e Ea v i t a i t i r n I p o i f h se s l e r e i b s e t ia a n d en w r r u o co t f r e n f I o a m p o p h o l t a - n t e e n t e a m r r p e e o l l d b g e o v a n i m e d s r d d u o f n o e f a gh a - a r e w u o m l o o c f c no n E i e support the m a N n o i t c A orthwest Establish a Construction Excise TaxEvaluate using Urban Renewal Identify additional funds to Affordable Housing Trust Fund ECON Appendix A: Existing Policies to Address AshlandHousing Needs This appendix lists existing strategies that Ashland has implemented to support housing development. It was included in the Contextualizing Housing Needs memorandum from March 28, 2022. It is included here as a reminder of the actions that Ashland has taken in the past to address unmet housing needs. The City of Ashland has the following housing measures (or policies or strategies) currently in place to address Ashland housing needs. Zoning Action/Strategy Description Allow Middle Housing Ashland allows Duplexes and Accessory Residential Units wherever a single-family types (Duplexes, dwelling unit is permitted per the requirements of HB2001. Code amendments were Cottage housing, enacted in June 2021. Townhomes, Row Ashland adopted cottage housing ordinance in November 2017 which allows cottage Houses, and Tri- and housing developments within single family zones. Following adoption Ashland has Quad-Plexes) in low approved a number of cottage housing developments. density zones Allow Middle Housing Ashland’s cottage housing ordinance allows cottage housing developments in the R- types in medium 1-5 and R-1-7.5 zones on lots that are greater than 1.5 times the minimum lot size density zones for the zone. Cottage Housing developments can be between 3 to 12 units depending on lot size. Tri- and Quad-Plexes Townhomes, Row Houses, Stacked Townhouses are permissible in Ashland’s Medium Density zone (R-2), and Townhomes are further permitted in the R-1-3.5 zone or other residential zones (R-1-5, R-1-7.5, R-1-10) through planned unit developments. Allow Stacked Stacked townhomes, condominiums, garden apartments and larger-scale Townhouses, Garden apartments are permitted in R-2 and R-3 zones. However due to small lot sizes of Apartments, and vacant/partially vacant properties available in these zones, larger scale apartments larger-scale are not often achievable given existing lot sizes, height limitations, and density Apartments in high allowances. density zones Allow Live-Work Live-work housing and mixed-development would be a permitted use within housing or Mixed-use commercial zones although not specifically listed in the allowable use table for either housing in commercial or residential zones. Home Occupations are special permitted in all commercial zones zoning designations except for industrial (M-1). Current Action(s): A private developer is presently working on a legislative proposal to amend the Croman Mill Masterplan which would include live-work housing and mixed-use development. The amended masterplan, as presently being developed, is intended to focus on providing more flexibility in providing both residential and commercial uses than does the existing zoning. Allow small or “tiny” Small, or tiny, units that are built on a foundation are permitted in Ashland and have homes been developed as Accessory Residential Units. Tiny homes on wheels would have to be located in an RV park, and there are thus limited opportunities for their placement in Ashland. ECONorthwest 1 Allow Small Planned Unit Developments in all SFR and MFR zones will allow for small lots (up to Residential Lots zero lot line and no minimum lot size) at allowable Densities for the zone. Additionally, cottage housing developments in SFR zones (R-1-5 & R-1-7.5) allow lots smaller than the minimum lot size for the zone in conjunction with common open space. Ashland’s R-1-3.5 zone has a minimum lot size of 3,500 SF. Current Action: Middle Housing legislation (State) will allow expedited land divisions of middle housing (Duplexes) to enable independent lots smaller than the minimum lot sizes within the zone (July 2022) Mandate Maximum Ashland does not have a maximum lot size or minimum density requirement in Lot Sizes Single Family Residential zones, although market development typically maximizes the number of units provided. In cases where lot sizes are proposed that exceed the minimum lot size it is often in response to physical or environmental constraints that limit the buildable portion of a site (e.g. steep slopes, floodplains, wetlands and riparian areas) Mandate Minimum Minimum Density requirements (80% base density) are in place in multifamily Residential Densities residential zones (R-2 and R-3) on lots large enough to accommodate 3 or more units. Minimum densities and are required of any residential annexation equal to 90% Base Density exclusive of environmentally constrained lands. Increase Allowable Ashland recently removed the maximum residential densities within the Transit Residential Densities Triangle Overlay area (Ashland Street, portions of Siskiyou Blvd, and Tolman Creek Road). A form-based approach is used where limitations on height, lot coverage, and setback requirements create the 3D envelope in which units can be developed. This allows for many smaller units within the same space when compared to a base density approach which can produce fewer, large apartments or condominiums. Current Action: Draft Ordinance removing maximum residential densities in E-1, C-1 and C-1-D zones for mixed-use development has been reviewed and recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. The City Council is expected to review revisions to the draft ordinance this year, Allow Clustered Ashland permits Planned Unit Developments in SFR and MFR zones which allows Residential clustering of units and transfer of density from naturally constrained areas to the Development developable portion of the site. Re-designate or Rezoning land in Ashland is not a common practice. The City has implemented a rezone land for number of master planning efforts (Normal Neighborhood, North Mountain Plan, housing Croman Mill District) which have identified lands to be developed as multifamily or mixed-use development. Individual property owners have requested and received rezoning of their properties to multifamily zones for specific development proposals. However, there has not been an effort to examine vacant low density and employment properties within the City Limits as candidates for a comprehensive plan and zone change to increase the supply of multifamily zoned properties. Current Action(s):A Draft Ordinance which would allow an increased allowance for ground floor residential in employment zoned lands (E-1, C-1) for mixed-use development has been reviewed and recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. The City Council is expected to review the draft ordinance this year. A private developer is presently working on a legislative proposal to amend the Croman Mill Masterplan which would include rezoning the district to allow for a variety of housing types on lands currently zoned for commercial, employment, and industrial uses. Transit Triangle Implements recommendations of an infill strategy to promote more housing within Overlay an area surrounding the bus route in the southeastern part of Ashland that circulates on Ashland St., Tolman Creek Rd., and Siskiyou Blvd. The approved Ordinance ECONorthwest 2 (Ordinances 3166, creates a Zoning Overlay, known as the Transit Triangle, that allows for a reduced 3167,3168) amount of required commercial or employment uses from 65% to 35% of the ground floor in mixed-use buildings, a reduced parking requirement for small units, (adopted: December elimination of housing density maximums, and a requirement to provide rental 2020) housing in exchange for utilizing the optional Transit Triangle Overlay provisions. Middle Housing Ordinance Amendments to the duplex and accessory residential unit (ARU) Ordinance standards to meet the requirements of new state laws and administrative rules th amendments included in House Bill (HB) 2001 from the 80Oregon Legislative Assembly, 2019 Regular Legislative Session. The primary changes to the land use code for duplexes (Ordinance 3199) are that duplexes are permitted in all residential zones including the single-family (adopted 6/2021) zones, are required to have two on-site parking spaces, and the approval process requires a building permit prior to construction or conversion of an existing structure. The primary changes to the land use code for ARUs are that ARUs do not require on- site parking spaces and the approval process requires a building permit prior to construction or conversion of an existing structure Cottage Housing The Cottage Housing Ordinance adopted allows cottage housing in single family Standards (Ordinance residential zones (R-1-5, R-1-7.5, and NN-1-5 ) and established the following 3147)provisions: A minimum of 3, and a maximum of 12, cottages can be provided in a (adopted 11/2017) cottage housing development depending on lot size. Cottages shall be no larger than 1000sq.ft., and at least 75% of the cottages shall be less than 800sq.ft. The parking requirements for cottage housing units was reduced to be as follows: Units less than 800 sq. ft. - 1 space/unit; Units greater than 800 square feet and less than 1000 square feet -1.5 spaces/unit. Reduce Regulatory Impediments Action/Strategy Description Reduced Parking Ashland provides parking reductions for small units city-wide (one space per unit for Requirements units 500 SF or less). Within the Transit Triangle Overlay parking requirements are reduced to one space per unit for units 800 SF or less. Cottages of 800 SF or less within approved cottage housing developments require one space per unit. Many parking credits may be allocated to projects including: Off-street parking credit (1 for 1) for each on-street space along the property’s frontage; joint use and mixed-use development credits (sharing the same space between a commercial use and residential use when demonstrated their time of use is not in conflict); off-site shared parking; transit facilities credit; Transportation Demand Management plan implementation. Reduce Street Width Ashland has long implemented a “Narrow Street” standard through the Street Standards Standards and Transportation System Plan. The narrow street and interconnected grid pattern promoted by Ashland’s Street Standards both reduces development costs associated with new streets in subdivisions and retains developable land are for new housing. ECONorthwest 3 Encourage Mixed use projects are permitted and encouraged in Ashland Commercial, and multifamily Employment zoned. residential Current Action(s): There is currently a draft ordinance under consideration that would development in increase the percentage of the ground floor that could be used as residential, as well commercial zones as elimination of residential density caps in such mixed -use projects. Ordinance review expected in May 2022 in consideration of an economic study being undertaken by ECONorthwest for the Ashland Chamber of Commerce. Remove barriers to Ashland allows Accessory Residential Units (ARU or ADU) as an accessory use to Development of single-family homes throughout the City with only Building Permit approval. Ashland Accessory Dwelling further provides reduced SDCs for small units of less than 500 SF. Units (ADUs) in single- No additional parking is required for ARUs in Ashland, and there has never been any family zones owner-occupied requirement for the development of an ARU within the City. Affordable Housing Provides a clear and predicable methodology for calculating maximum rent and Standards (Ordinance purchase prices for covered affordable housing units; incentivizing affordable 3195)housing production through removing barriers to coordination between non-profit and for-profit housing developers; achieving a mixture of unit types commensurate (adopted 2020) with community housing needs; and improving administrative efficiency and effectiveness of the affordable housing program. Financial Incentives Action/Strategy Description Reduced / Waived Programs that reduce various development fees as an incentive to induce qualifying Building Permit fee, types of development or building features. Ashland waives or defers 100% of System Planning fees, or Development Charges including Parks, Transportation, Water, Sewer and Storm SDCs Water SDCs for qualified affordable housing units targeted to households earning 80% AMI or less and meeting the rent or sale requirements of the Ashland Housing Program. Ashland waives Community Development Fees, and Engineering Services fees for voluntarily provided affordable housing units that remain affordable for 60 years. Affordable ownership units that leave the program after 30 years, but less than 60 years, must repay a prorated amount of SDCs, Community Development Fees, and Engineering Services Fees that were deferred. Scaling SDCs to Unit Cities often charge a set SDC per dwelling unit, charging the same SDCs for large Size single-family detached units as for small single-family detached units or accessory dwelling units. Ashland’s SDC methodology charges 50% of the calculated per unit SDC amount for units less than 500sq.ft., and 75% of the calculated per unit SDC amount for units between 500 and 800sq.ft. Thus, smaller units pay proportionately less SDCs for Transportation, Parks, and Sewer and Water compared to full size units due to their potential for smaller household sizes and commensurate impacts. Storm Water SDCs are based on lot coverage and thus, smaller units have lower Storm Water Provide Density Ashland has four density bonuses, one of which is for development of affordable Bonuses to housing at higher densities and another for energy-efficient housing. Developers Affordable housing projects meeting eligibility requirements (including rental or ownership housing affordable to households at 80% or less of AMI for a min. of 30 years) receive a density bonus of two units for each affordable unit provided, up to a max. of a 35% increase in density. ECONorthwest 4 The max. density bonus inclusive of other bonuses (open space, conservation) can be 60% over the base density within the zone. Ashland’s Cottage Housing Development ordinance effectively provides a doubling of the allowable density in the zone for provision of the small cottage housing units. Ashland classifies small units, of 500 SF or less, as only 75% of a unit for the purposes of density calculations. A greater number of small units can be developed within existing density allowances without employing a density bonus. SDC Deferral Establishes the terms of affordability and recapture provisions for deferred fees and Resolution charges for qualified affordable ownership units and affordable rental units that (Resolution 2020-24) remain in the affordable housing program for at least 30 years. (adopted 2020) Vertical Housing Tax A Vertical Housing Development Zone has been established for designated Credit Commercially zoned properties within the Transit Triangle to promote the development of mixed-use projects that incorporate multiple floors of housing. (adopted 12/2020) SDC Financing Ashland amended the SDC collection of charge provisions in 2019 within the Credits Ashland Municipal Code (4.20.090). These amendments allow SDCs to be paid over a 10-year period in semi-annual installments. A one-year installment loan shall not be subject to an annual interest rate provided all charges are paid prior to the City’s issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, time of sale, or withing one year of when the charge was imposed, whichever comes first. For installments that exceed one year, repayment interest on the unpaid balance at annual rate of six percent (6%) is assessed for a five-year installment loan or seven percent (7%) for a 10-year installment loan. Financial resources Action/Strategy Description CDBGAshland is a direct Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) entitlement community and receives HUD allocations of approx. $175,000/year. The 5-year Consolidated Plan for use of CDBG funds prioritizes capital restricted CDBG funds toward affordable housing and shelter and 15% of the award is typically provided to service providers benefiting extremely low-income individuals. General Fund Grants Ashland’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund is part of the General Fund and is used to or Loans support the development of affordable housing. The City has not issued a bond to generate revenue for affordable housing Transient Lodging Tax Ashland collects Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT), and applies them toward tourism (TLT) related activities, economic development grants, and social service grants annually in accordance to the restricted/unrestricted use parameters. Fees or Other Ashland has an Affordable Housing Trust Fund, and the City Council has dedicated Dedicated Revenue Marijuana Tax revenue (up to $100,000 annually) to support the AHTF through the annual budgeting process. Local Improvement Ashland has utilized LIDs for specific public improvement projects within the City, District (LID) which has enabled a group of property owners to share the cost of a project or infrastructural improvement on a pro-rata basis, where the City contributes the majority of the costs of public improvements. ECONorthwest 5 Reimbursement Ashland’s municipal code (13.30.0150) was amended in 2010 to enable a District developer to request the City establish a Reimbursement District to collect public improvement costs that exceed those attributable to service the property owned by the applicant. Examples of excess costs include (but are not limited to): Full-street improvements instead of half street improvements; Off-site sidewalks; Connection of street sections for continuity; Extension of water lines; and Extension of sewer lines To date, no Reimbursement District has been requested or formed. Tax Exemption and Abatement Action/Strategy Description Vertical Housing Tax On December 15, 2020, Ashland passed a Vertical Housing Tax Credit and Abatement (Locally designated Commercially zoned properties within the Transit Triangle overlay area as Enabled and an eligible Vertical Housing Development Zone. Managed) Affordable Housing All affordable housing projects in Ashland presently receive a tax exemption. Tax Exemption/ Affordable ownership units are eligible a tax reduction to correlate with the City's Reduction maximum sale price allowed under the units resale restriction covenant. The County Assessor works with the City annually to determine the values accordingly. Land, Acquisition, Lease, and Partnerships Action/Strategy Description Land Trusts A land trust is typically a nonprofit organization that owns land and sells or leases the housing on the land to income-qualified buyers. There are 49 units within Ashland that are operated under the land Trust model. The Ashland Community Land Trust operated in Ashland from 2000 until 2015 when the non-profit organization formally dissolved. And transferred their 18 affordable land trusted housing units to ACCESS Inc. Rogue Valley Community Development Corporation developed 31 units under the land trust model which were transferred to NeighborWorks Umpqua for administration. Public Land Ashland has dedicated surplus City property for the development of affordable housing or Disposition sold surplus City property and directed the proceeds into the Ashland Housing Trust Fund to support affordable housing development. Current Action: The City of Ashland is presently evaluating the disposition of surplus property, as well offering the air rights above a city owned parking lot to develop needed housing. Affordable and workforce housing providers will be extended the opportunity to respond to any Request for Proposals or purchase/sale solicitation efforts. Parcel Parcel assembly involves the city’s ability to purchase lands for the purpose of land Assembly aggregation or site assembly The City has experience acquiring property for the future development of affordable housing, having acquired 10 acres on Clay Street in cooperation with the Housing Authority of Jackson County. Over the last decade this property provided a location for 120 units of affordable housing. The City typically relies on affordable housing partners to identify property for a proposed development and has provided financial assistance (CDBG or Affordable Housing Trust ECONorthwest 6 Fund (AHTF) to assist in acquisition. Most recently the City helped purchase a parcel using AHTF for Columbia Care to develop a 30-unit affordable housing project Requirements Action/Strategy Description Preserving Existing Ashland has an ordinance that regulates conversion of apartments into Housing Supply condominiums, providing for preservation of multi-family rentals and providing for longer notice periods prior to tenant displacement and relocation assistance can be required. Ashland’s demolition ordinance does regulate demolitions of housing, requiring replacement dwellings be provide as part of the demolition proposal. Further, the demolition of a house (over 45 years old) must demonstrate it is not financially viable to retain the structure versus replacement, thus promoting renovation as opposed to removal. Inclusionary ZoningAshland requires a percentage of affordable housing (25% of the base density exclusive of unbuildable areas) as part of residential annexations, as well as for zone changes that increase residential density by 4 units or more: https://ashland.municipal.codes/LandUse/ Ashland has not implemented an inclusionary zoning ordinance for residential developments within the City Limits for proposed structures containing 20 units or more under the State’s 2020 inclusionary zoning legislation. Condominium An Ordinance establishing that conversion of existing rental units into for-purchase Conversion units (Condominium Conversions) requires that half of the units in an existing Ordinance apartment complex are to be retained as rentals upon conversion in the event any relief from current land use requirements is requested. In the event the applicant chooses to convert all the apartments in a complex into for purchase housing, the ordinance establishes a requirement that 25% of the total number of units be designated as affordable ownership housing. Other Action/Strategy Description Comprehensive Plan In 2019 the City of Ashland rewrote the entirety of the Housing Element of the Housing Element Comprehensive Plan. The Housing Element sets forth general goals and policies (adopted 2019) which provide guidance for Ashland’s growth and development over time. The adopted Housing Element includes Goals and Policies under four main categories: Diversity of Housing Types Production and Preservation of Affordable Housing Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Data, Inventories, Projections and Permitting Tenant Rights An Ordinance establishing Chapter 10.115 of the AMC which provides for Tenant (Ordinance 2939) Rights and relocation benefits for residents facing displacement due to condominium conversions. ECONorthwest 7 Memo DATE: 09/22/2022 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: 2021 CAPER Overview The City of Ashland is an entitlement city under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban CDBG Program. The City of Ashland receives approximately $175,000 each year from HUD to apply toward housing and community development projects that benefit low- and moderate-income persons in Ashland. The Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) summarizes the individual project status (physical and financial) of those improvements funded with CDBG funds for the Program year 2021. The CAPER reports the accomplishments generated by the activities funded in Program Year 2021 and how those activities allow the City to make progress in meeting the outcomes and goals identified in the 2020-2024 Consolidated plan. This report must be completed and submitted to HUD as a part of the requirements the City must meet to continue to receive CDBG funding. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Office of Community Planning and Development DATE:09-16-22 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development TIME:13:53 Integrated Disbursement and Information System PAGE:1 PR26 - CDBG Financial Summary Report Program Year 2021 ASHLAND , OR Metrics GranteeASHLAND , OR Program Year2,021.00 PART I: SUMMARY OF CDBG RESOURCES 01 UNEXPENDED CDBG FUNDS AT END OF PREVIOUS PROGRAM YEAR0.00 02 ENTITLEMENT GRANT191,583.00 03 SURPLUS URBAN RENEWAL0.00 04 SECTION 108 GUARANTEED LOAN FUNDS0.00 05 CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM INCOME0.00 05a CURRENT YEAR SECTION 108 PROGRAM INCOME (FOR SI TYPE)0.00 06 FUNDS RETURNED TO THE LINE-OF-CREDIT0.00 06a FUNDS RETURNED TO THE LOCAL CDBG ACCOUNT0.00 07 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL AVAILABLE0.00 08 TOTAL AVAILABLE (SUM, LINES 01-07)191,583.00 PART II: SUMMARY OF CDBG EXPENDITURES 09 DISBURSEMENTS OTHER THAN SECTION 108 REPAYMENTS AND PLANNING/ADMINISTRATION262,921.97 10 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL AMOUNT SUBJECT TO LOW/MOD BENEFIT0.00 11 AMOUNT SUBJECT TO LOW/MOD BENEFIT (LINE 09 + LINE 10)262,921.97 12 DISBURSED IN IDIS FOR PLANNING/ADMINISTRATION47,593.70 13 DISBURSED IN IDIS FOR SECTION 108 REPAYMENTS0.00 14 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL EXPENDITURES0.00 15 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (SUM, LINES 11-14)310,515.67 16 UNEXPENDED BALANCE (LINE 08 - LINE 15)(118,932.67) PART III: LOWMOD BENEFIT THIS REPORTING PERIOD 17 EXPENDED FOR LOW/MOD HOUSING IN SPECIAL AREAS0.00 18 EXPENDED FOR LOW/MOD MULTI-UNIT HOUSING0.00 19 DISBURSED FOR OTHER LOW/MOD ACTIVITIES258,660.37 20 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL LOW/MOD CREDIT0.00 21 TOTAL LOW/MOD CREDIT (SUM, LINES 17-20)258,660.37 22 PERCENT LOW/MOD CREDIT (LINE 21/LINE 11)98.38% LOW/MOD BENEFIT FOR MULTI-YEAR CERTIFICATIONS 23 PROGRAM YEARS(PY) COVERED IN CERTIFICATIONPY: PY: PY: 24 CUMULATIVE NET EXPENDITURES SUBJECT TO LOW/MOD BENEFIT CALCULATION0.00 25 CUMULATIVE EXPENDITURES BENEFITING LOW/MOD PERSONS0.00 26 PERCENT BENEFIT TO LOW/MOD PERSONS (LINE 25/LINE 24)0.00% PART IV: PUBLIC SERVICE (PS) CAP CALCULATIONS 27 DISBURSED IN IDIS FOR PUBLIC SERVICES14,708.77 28 PS UNLIQUIDATED OBLIGATIONS AT END OF CURRENT PROGRAM YEAR0.00 29 PS UNLIQUIDATED OBLIGATIONS AT END OF PREVIOUS PROGRAM YEAR0.00 30 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL PS OBLIGATIONS0.00 31 TOTAL PS OBLIGATIONS (LINE 27 + LINE 28 - LINE 29 + LINE 30)14,708.77 32 ENTITLEMENT GRANT191,583.00 33 PRIOR YEAR PROGRAM INCOME0.00 34 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL SUBJECT TO PS CAP0.00 35 TOTAL SUBJECT TO PS CAP (SUM, LINES 32-34)191,583.00 36 PERCENT FUNDS OBLIGATED FOR PS ACTIVITIES (LINE 31/LINE 35)7.68% PART V: PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION (PA) CAP 37 DISBURSED IN IDIS FOR PLANNING/ADMINISTRATION47,593.70 38 PA UNLIQUIDATED OBLIGATIONS AT END OF CURRENT PROGRAM YEAR0.00 39 PA UNLIQUIDATED OBLIGATIONS AT END OF PREVIOUS PROGRAM YEAR0.00 40 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL PA OBLIGATIONS0.00 41 TOTAL PA OBLIGATIONS (LINE 37 + LINE 38 - LINE 39 +LINE 40)47,593.70 42 ENTITLEMENT GRANT191,583.00 43 CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM INCOME0.00 44 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL SUBJECT TO PA CAP0.00 45 TOTAL SUBJECT TO PA CAP (SUM, LINES 42-44)191,583.00 46 PERCENT FUNDS OBLIGATED FOR PA ACTIVITIES (LINE 41/LINE 45)24.84% Office of Community Planning and Development DATE:09-16-22 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development TIME:13:53 Integrated Disbursement and Information System PAGE:2 PR26 - CDBG Financial Summary Report Program Year 2021 ASHLAND , OR LINE 17 DETAIL: ACTIVITIES TO CONSIDER IN DETERMINING THE AMOUNT TO ENTER ON LINE 17 Report returned no data. LINE 18 DETAIL: ACTIVITIES TO CONSIDER IN DETERMINING THE AMOUNT TO ENTER ON LINE 18 Report returned no data. LINE 19 DETAIL: ACTIVITIES INCLUDED IN THE COMPUTATION OF LINE 19 PlanIDISIDISVoucherMatrixNational Activity Name YearProjectActivityNumberCodeObjectiveDrawn Amount 202111556539629OHRA Project Turnkey Remodel03CLMC$108,918.95 202111556581773OHRA Project Turnkey Remodel03CLMC$103,277.24 202111556605280OHRA Project Turnkey Remodel03CLMC$31,755.41 03CMatrix Code 03C $243,951.60 202121576586319Maslow Project-School Based Services05DLMC$14,708.77 05DMatrix Code 05D $14,708.77 Total $258,660.37 LINE 27 DETAIL: ACTIVITIES INCLUDED IN THE COMPUTATION OF LINE 27 Activity to prevent, PlanIDISIDISVoucher prepare for,Fund MatrixNational Grant Number Activity Name and respondType YearProjectActivityNumberCodeObjective to CoronavirusDrawn Amount NoB21MC410008EN $14,708.77 202121576586319Maslow Project-School Based Services05DLMC 05DMatrix Code 05D $14,708.77 NoActivity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus $14,708.77 Total $14,708.77 LINE 37 DETAIL: ACTIVITIES INCLUDED IN THE COMPUTATION OF LINE 37 PlanIDISIDISVoucherMatrixNational Activity Name YearProjectActivityNumberCodeObjective Drawn Amount $9,277.70 202041456518373Program Administration21A $38,316.00 202131596629254Program Administration21A 21AMatrix Code 21A $47,593.70 Total $47,593.70 Office of Community Planning and Development DATE:09-16-22 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development TIME:13:52 Integrated Disbursement and Information System PAGE:1 PR26 - CDBG-CV Financial Summary Report ASHLAND , OR Metrics New Grantee (CV)ASHLAND , OR PART I: SUMMARY OF CDBG-CV RESOURCES 01 CDBG-CV GRANT293,820.00 02 FUNDS RETURNED TO THE LINE-OF-CREDIT0.00 03 FUNDS RETURNED TO THE LOCAL CDBG ACCOUNT0.00 04 TOTAL AVAILABLE (SUM, LINES 01-03)293,820.00 PART II: SUMMARY OF CDBG-CV EXPENDITURES 05 DISBURSEMENTS OTHER THAN SECTION 108 REPAYMENTS AND PLANNING/ADMINISTRATION197,721.48 06 DISBURSED IN IDIS FOR PLANNING/ADMINISTRATION53,964.62 07 DISBURSED IN IDIS FOR SECTION 108 REPAYMENTS0.00 08 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (SUM, LINES 05 - 07)251,686.10 09 UNEXPENDED BALANCE (LINE 04 - LINE8 )42,133.90 PART III: LOWMOD BENEFIT FOR THE CDBG-CV GRANT 10 EXPENDED FOR LOW/MOD HOUSING IN SPECIAL AREAS0.00 11 EXPENDED FOR LOW/MOD MULTI-UNIT HOUSING0.00 12 DISBURSED FOR OTHER LOW/MOD ACTIVITIES197,721.48 13 TOTAL LOW/MOD CREDIT (SUM, LINES 10 - 12)197,721.48 14 AMOUNT SUBJECT TO LOW/MOD BENEFIT (LINE 05)197,721.48 15 PERCENT LOW/MOD CREDIT (LINE 13/LINE 14)100.00% PART IV: PUBLIC SERVICE (PS) CALCULATIONS 16 DISBURSED IN IDIS FOR PUBLIC SERVICES156,812.79 17 CDBG-CV GRANT293,820.00 18 PERCENT OF FUNDS DISBURSED FOR PS ACTIVITIES (LINE 16/LINE 17)53.37% PART V: PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION (PA) CAP 19 DISBURSED IN IDIS FOR PLANNING/ADMINISTRATION53,964.62 20 CDBG-CV GRANT293,820.00 21 PERCENT OF FUNDS DISBURSED FOR PA ACTIVITIES (LINE 19/LINE 20)18.37% Office of Community Planning and Development DATE:09-16-22 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development TIME:13:52 Integrated Disbursement and Information System PAGE:2 PR26 - CDBG-CV Financial Summary Report ASHLAND , OR LINE 10 DETAIL: ACTIVITIES TO CONSIDER IN DETERMINING THE AMOUNT TO ENTER ON LINE 10 Report returned no data. LINE 11 DETAIL: ACTIVITIES TO CONSIDER IN DETERMINING THE AMOUNT TO ENTER ON LINE 11 Report returned no data. LINE 12 DETAIL: ACTIVITIES INCLUDED IN THE COMPUTATION OF LINE 12 IDISVoucherMatrixNational Plan YearIDIS ProjectActivity Name ActivityNumberCodeObjectiveDrawn Amount 201961426396535CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation05ZLMC$9,746.78 111486415518CDBG-CV-Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation 205ZLMC$18,000.00 6419858CDBG-CV-Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation 205ZLMC$8,000.00 6431509CDBG-CV-Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation 205ZLMC$6,000.00 161586588521Peace House Rogue Retreat Meals-CDBG-CV05ZLMC$8,820.00 6593466Peace House Rogue Retreat Meals-CDBG-CV05ZLMC$13,230.00 6607459Peace House Rogue Retreat Meals-CDBG-CV05ZLMC$11,760.00 6616731Peace House Rogue Retreat Meals-CDBG-CV05ZLMC$13,230.00 202081476415279CDBG-CV OHRA Shower Program 205ZLMC$6,153.33 6424432CDBG-CV OHRA Shower Program 205ZLMC$3,567.14 6433708CDBG-CV OHRA Shower Program 205ZLMC$2,708.09 6456605CDBG-CV OHRA Shower Program 205ZLMC$5,597.45 121546520022CDBG-CV OHRA Winter Shelter Program03CLMC$40,908.69 131566560317OHRA-Emergency Rent Assistance Program05ZLMC$50,000.00 Total $197,721.48 LINE 16 DETAIL: ACTIVITIES INCLUDED IN THE COMPUTATION OF LINE 16 IDISVoucherMatrixNational Plan YearIDIS ProjectActivity Name ActivityNumberCodeObjectiveDrawn Amount 201961426396535CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation05ZLMC$9,746.78 111486415518CDBG-CV-Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation 205ZLMC$18,000.00 6419858CDBG-CV-Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation 205ZLMC$8,000.00 6431509CDBG-CV-Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation 205ZLMC$6,000.00 161586588521Peace House Rogue Retreat Meals-CDBG-CV05ZLMC$8,820.00 6593466Peace House Rogue Retreat Meals-CDBG-CV05ZLMC$13,230.00 6607459Peace House Rogue Retreat Meals-CDBG-CV05ZLMC$11,760.00 6616731Peace House Rogue Retreat Meals-CDBG-CV05ZLMC$13,230.00 202081476415279CDBG-CV OHRA Shower Program 205ZLMC$6,153.33 6424432CDBG-CV OHRA Shower Program 205ZLMC$3,567.14 6433708CDBG-CV OHRA Shower Program 205ZLMC$2,708.09 6456605CDBG-CV OHRA Shower Program 205ZLMC$5,597.45 131566560317OHRA-Emergency Rent Assistance Program05ZLMC$50,000.00 Total $156,812.79 LINE 19 DETAIL: ACTIVITIES INCLUDED IN THE COMPUTATION OF LINE 19 IDISVoucherMatrixNational Plan YearIDIS ProjectActivity Name ActivityNumberCodeObjectiveDrawn Amount 201981446394688CDBG-CV Admin21A$4,524.75 6395257CDBG-CV Admin21A$9,121.28 6467248CDBG-CV Admin21A$7,168.97 2020111536518393CDBG-CV Program Administration21A$21,676.84 6672715CDBG-CV Program Administration21A$11,472.78 Total $53,964.62 $0.00 $2,952.79$2,952.79 16-Sep-202213:551 1 of 37 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person National Objective: Total $0.00$0.00$0.00 000000000000 Hispanic Total 000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year Hispanic $2,952.79$2,952.79 Renter General Program Administration (21A) Total Funded Amount Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner Total Grant No Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B07MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 2007 Pre-2015 Grant Year 03/06/2009 Fund Type ENTotal 20080001 - CDBG ADMINISTRATION 200879 - CDBG PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION 2008Completed 9/8/2021 7:31:55 PM20 E Main St Ashland, OR 97520-1814 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:GENERAL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION-funding returned to HUD as a finding of 2008 Monitoring that found the City was not tracking staffing costs correctly. Remaining balance of funding reprogrammed. FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 16-Sep-202213:552 2 of 37 0 Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 ASHLAND 0 Person 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 0 Renter 0 Owner Total:Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND No data returned for this view. This might be because the applied filter excludes all data. $27,771.19$27,771.19 16-Sep-202213:553 LMH3 of 37 0000000000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 0000000000000 National Objective: Total 0000000000000 $4,261.60$4,261.60 Hispanic Total 9000000000009 Total Drawn In Program Year 0000000000000 Hispanic $50,000.00$50,000.00 0000000000000 Renter Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityRehab; Single-Unit Residential (14A) Total Funded Amount 0000000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 9000000000009 Total Grant No Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B18MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 2018 Grant Year 02/20/2019 Fund Type ENTotal 20180005 - AFR Housing Safety Program135 - AFR Housing Safety ProgramOpen20 E Main St Ashland, OR 97520-1814 Housing Units : 10 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Health and safety repairs to homes occupied by seniors and peoples with disabilities to prevent falls and provide a safe environment.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 16-Sep-202213:554 4 of 37 # Benefitting Date: Time: Page: Page: 9 0 00000 ASHLAND 9 Person 90009 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total 100.0% CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 00000 Renter 90009 Owner 100.0% Accomplishment NarrativeHomeowners that are seniors or are disabled who have received health and safety repairs and upgrades to safely remain in their homes. Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2018 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $20,815.00$20,815.00 16-Sep-202213:555 5 of 37 0 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 0 National Objective: Total $0.00$0.00 0000000000000 Hispanic Total 00000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0 Hispanic $20,815.00$20,815.00 0 Renter General Program Administration (21A) Total Funded Amount 0 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0 Total Grant Yes Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B20MW410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 2020 Grant Year 07/15/2020 Fund Type ENTotal 20190008 - CDBG-CV Admin144 - CDBG-CV AdminCompleted 8/23/2022 12:00:00 AM , White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total:Female-headed Households: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:General Program administration of Cares act funding.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 16-Sep-202213:556 6 of 37 Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 ASHLAND Person 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 0 Renter 0 Owner Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND No data returned for this view. This might be because the applied filter excludes all data. $35,385.00$35,385.00 16-Sep-202213:557 7 of 37 0 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 0 National Objective: Total 0000000000000 $9,277.70$9,277.70 Hispanic Total 00000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0 Hispanic $35,385.00$35,385.00 0 Renter General Program Administration (21A) Total Funded Amount 0 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0 Total Grant No Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B20MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 2020 Grant Year 09/22/2020 Fund Type ENTotal 20200004 - Program Administration145 - Program AdministrationCompleted 9/17/2021 12:00:00 AM , White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total:Female-headed Households: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:General Program AdministrationFinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 16-Sep-202213:558 8 of 37 Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 ASHLAND Person 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 0 Renter 0 Owner Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND No data returned for this view. This might be because the applied filter excludes all data. $3,241.07$3,241.07 16-Sep-202213:559 LMC9 of 37 000000000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 00000000000 1,000 National Objective: Total $0.00$0.00 000000000000 Hispanic Total 000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 000000000000 Hispanic $3,241.07$3,241.07 000000000000 Renter Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityFood Banks (05W) Total Funded Amount 000000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 000000000000 Total Grant No Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B16MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 2016 Grant Year 09/22/2020 Fund Type ENTotal 20200003 - Ashland Food Angels Remodel 2146 - Ashland Food Angels Remodel 2Completed 4/8/2022 12:00:00 AM472 Walker Ave Ashland, OR 97520-2324 People (General) : 500 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Remodel and upgrade of perishable food sorting and storage facility. Work to include the replacement of roof, the and the addition of two windows, and the installation of stairs to access a storage area above the main sorting area.FinancingPropo sed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 16-Sep-202213:5510 10 of 37 # Benefitting 0 Date: Time: Page: Page: 1,000 0 00 0 00 0 000 ASHLAND 00 1,0001,000 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativeAshland Food Angels picks up, sorts, and redistributes fresh food items to a variety of programs serving low income populations. The programsinclude, the Ashland Food Bank, Ashland Non-congregate meal program, Ashland Head Start, and the Jackson County Fuel Committee. Thefood that Ashland Food Angels redistributes is provided to several entities serving predominantly low-income and homeless populations, thebeneficiary data is only reflective of the number served by the Ashland Food Bank, as that entity is the primary beneficiary of the fresh foods thatAshland Food Angels provides, and the other beneficiaries from the other entities would be much more difficult to quantify as some of them donot track the outcomes of food distribution. Total:Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2020 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $18,026.01$18,026.01 16-Sep-202213:5511 LMC11 of 37 00000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 0000000 397 National Objective: Total $0.00$0.00 00000000 Hispanic Total 00000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 00000000 Hispanic $18,026.01$18,026.01 00000000 Renter Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityOther Public Services Not Listed in05A-05Y, 03T (05Z) Total Funded Amount 00000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 00000000 Total Grant Yes Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B20MW410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 2020 Grant Year 09/23/2020 Fund Type ENTotal 20200008 - CDBG-CV OHRA Shower Program 2147 - CDBG-CV OHRA Shower Program 2Completed 9/17/2021 12:00:00 AM175 N Main St Ashland, OR 97520-1729 People (General) : 960 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:OHRA will operate its Laundry and Shower Trailer for six months beginning July 14, 2020.As part of the operation, OHRA will provide two staff people to sign individuals up for showers, monitor compliance with social distancing and provide navigation services to showertrailer patrons.OHRA will provide another staff person for towel laundering and will contract with a professional cleaning service to clean the shower portion of the Laundry and Shower Trailer duringand after operations. The trailer will operate two days per week for four hours a day for a period of six months in the parking lot of the First United Methodist Church, 175 North Main Street.Operations will begin on July 14, 2020 and will run through the week of January 4, 2021. The shower trailer is expected to provide 20-25 showers to homeless individuals each day of operation.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 16-Sep-202213:5512 12 of 37 # Benefitting 00000 Date: Time: Page: Page: 0000 397 00000 000000 00000 000000 00000 000 ASHLAND 000000 397397 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativeShowers provided to homeless populations for the seven month period between July and January. American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total:Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2020 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $32,000.00$32,000.00 16-Sep-202213:5513 LMC13 of 37 0000000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 000000000 125 National Objective: Total $0.00$0.00 0000000000 Hispanic Total 0000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0000000000 Hispanic $32,000.00$32,000.00 0000000000 Renter Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityOther Public Services Not Listed in05A-05Y, 03T (05Z) Total Funded Amount 0000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0000000000 Total Grant Yes Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B20MW410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 2020 Grant Year 09/23/2020 Fund Type ENTotal 20190011 - CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation 2148 - CDBG-CV-Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation 2Completed 1/18/2022 12:00:00 AM543 S Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520-3241 People (General) : 125 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Meal preparation and delivery program providing prepackaged meals to be distributed to homeless and low-income populations to continue to provide food assistance while promotingand maintaining COVID-19 safety precautions and abiding by E.O.20-12 regarding non-congregate programs and social distancing. The Meal Preparation and delivery Program will provide 125 meals a day for 4 days out of the week, (for a total of 500 meals per week) from July 1st 2020 through October 31st 2020(16 weeks).FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 16-Sep-202213:5514 14 of 37 # Benefitting 000 Date: Time: Page: Page: 00 125 000 0000 000 0000 000 000 ASHLAND 0000 125125 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativeCDBG-CV funding has been provided to Peacehouse to assist that organization in preparing and packaging hot meals to be delivered tohomeless and at-risk low-income individuals. Peacehouse provides 125 packaged hot meals each day for four days out of each week. Thesepackaged meals take the place of previously offered congregate meals for homeless and low income individuals. Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total:Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2020 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $0.00 $25,080.00$25,080.00 16-Sep-202213:5515 LMC15 of 37 Date: Time: Page: Page: Drawn Thru Program Year National Objective: $0.00$0.00$0.00 Drawn In Program Year $25,080.00$25,080.00 Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityHomeless Facilities (not operatingcosts) (03C) Funded Amount Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: ASHLAND Grant Yes Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B14MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 2014 Pre-2015 Grant Year 11/30/2020 Fund Type ENTotal 20200009 - Pallet Shelter Pilot Project149 - Pallet Shelter Pilot ProjectCompleted 9/17/2021 12:00:00 AM87 Fourth St Ashland, OR 97520-2149 Public Facilities : 9 CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:City staff has been coordinating with local and regional providers of homeless services on the issue of Emergency Cold Weather Shelter solutions. Due to the restrictions placed on congregate sheltering, the City has been looking for options to provide shelter during inclement weather events that will be safe for both shelterparticipants and volunteers, while also alleviating the need to scramble to locate a space large enough to provide shelter while maintaining social distancing. One option, which many communities throughout the state are utilizing, is the purchase and use of pallet shelters. These shelters are relatively inexpensive, and include heat and electricity. They have the capacity to provide shelter for up to 4 individuals (thought the City would not recommend more than 2 individuals in a shelter unless they are a family unit comprised ofmore than two individuals). The shelters also have a locking door to promote some measure of safety and security for the occupants. The City is proposing the purchase of a few of these shelters (3 to be exact) to help provide additional capacity for shorter term shelter that is Covid safe. The City is proposing that these shelters be placed in the parking lot of the Unitarian church, which is the church that initiated the overnight parking program. The pallet shelters would take the place of the three parking spots that the overnight parking program was already been approved to host. Through the overnight parking program, the Unitarian church established a registration process with Options for Helping Residents of Ashland, and identified priority populations forplacement in the limited spaces. These systems, which are already in place, will continue to be utilized for the Pallet Shelter Pilot project. Lastly the Unitarian Church has an existing agreement that participants sign upon entering the program which will be adapted to suit the pallet shelter pilot project as needed. The Unitarian Church has already gone through the City administrative approval process for hosting overnight guests in their parking lot and is eager to be the first to host the palletshelters. The Church has a porta-potty in place to serve the overnight guests. The City is also in communication with several of the emergency cold weather shelter volunteers regarding a system for checking in on the program participants at the usual lights outtime and again in the morning.FinancingProposed Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND 16-Sep-202213:5516 16 of 37 # Benefitting 0000000000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Person 7000000000007 Total 0000000000000 Hispanic Total 00000000000000 Total 0000000000000 Hispanic 00000000000000 Renter Total 0000000000000 Hispanic 70007 ASHLAND Owner 00000000000000 Person 100.0% Total 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativeHomeless individuals provided temporary non-congregate shelter. White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total:Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2020 Actual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $52,000.00$52,000.00 16-Sep-202213:5517 LMC17 of 37 0000000000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 00000000000 National Objective: 11,00011,000 Total $0.00$0.00 0000000000000 Hispanic Total 0000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0000000000000 Hispanic $52,000.00$52,000.00 0000000000000 Renter Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityOther Public Services Not Listed in05A-05Y, 03T (05Z) Total Funded Amount 0000000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0000000000000 Total Grant Yes Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B20MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 2020 Grant Year 01/05/2021 Fund Type ENTotal 20190014 - CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation #3151 - CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation #3Completed 1/18/2022 12:00:00 AM543 S Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520-3241 People (General) : 125 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Preparation and distribution of meals for homeless populations.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 16-Sep-202213:5518 18 of 37 # Benefitting Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 0 000 ASHLAND 0 11,00011,000 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativeTotal meals provided over the grant period. It is expected that meals have been provided to the some of the same people over the course of the22 week period. Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2020 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $13,288.43$13,288.43 16-Sep-202213:5519 LMC19 of 37 00000000000 3838 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 5000000000 8215 102 National Objective: Total $0.00$0.00 0000000000000 Hispanic Total 0000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0000000000000 Hispanic $13,288.43$13,288.43 0000000000000 Renter Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityYouth Services (05D) Total Funded Amount 0000000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0000000000000 Total Grant No Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B20MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 2020 Grant Year 01/22/2021 Fund Type ENTotal 20200002 - Maslow Project152 - School Based ServicesCompleted 8/27/2021 12:00:00 AM885 Siskiyou Blvd Ashland, OR 97520-2143 People (General) : 99 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Case management and supports for homeless and at-risk children and families enrolled in the Ashland school district.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 16-Sep-202213:5520 20 of 37 # Benefitting Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 0 000 ASHLAND 0 102102 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativeMaslow Project worked with 102 students who were homeless and at risk of homelessness during the 2020 school year. Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2020 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $21,676.84$21,676.84 16-Sep-202213:5521 21 of 37 0 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 0 National Objective: Total 0000000000000 $21,676.84$21,676.84 Hispanic Total 00000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0 Hispanic $33,149.62$33,149.62 0 Renter General Program Administration (21A) Total Funded Amount 0 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0 Total Grant Yes Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B20MW410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 2020 Grant Year 07/15/2021 Fund Type ENTotal 20200011 - CDBG-CV Program Administration153 - CDBG-CV Program AdministrationCompleted 8/29/2022 12:00:00 AM , White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total:Female-headed Households: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:General Program Administration of CARES Act Coronavirus related CDBG funding.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 16-Sep-202213:5522 22 of 37 Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 ASHLAND Person 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 0 Renter 0 Owner Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND No data returned for this view. This might be because the applied filter excludes all data. $40,908.69$40,908.69 16-Sep-202213:5523 LMC23 of 37 3000000000003 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 31300000200 4352 National Objective: Total 0000000000000 $40,908.69$40,908.69 Hispanic Total 0000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0000000000000 Hispanic $40,908.69$40,908.69 0000000000000 Renter Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityHomeless Facilities (not operatingcosts) (03C) Total Funded Amount 0000000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0000000000000 Total Grant Yes Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B20MW410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 2020 Grant Year 07/19/2021 Fund Type ENTotal 20200012 - OHRA-Winter Shelter Program154 - CDBG-CV OHRA Winter Shelter ProgramCompleted 8/29/2022 12:00:00 AM1615 Clark Ave Ashland, OR 97520-3406 Public Facilities : 1 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Funding provided for staffing to open and run a Covid safe emergency winter shelter program.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 16-Sep-202213:5524 24 of 37 # Benefitting Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 0 000 ASHLAND 5252 0 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativeOHRA operated a Covid safe winter shelter from November 2020 through March 2021. Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2020 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $0.00 $287.03 $1,774.15 $51,943.59$39,223.25$53,770.95$96,952.63 16-Sep-202213:5525 LMC25 of 37 $243,951.60 0000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 000000 National Objective: Total $0.00 $287.03 0000000 $1,774.15 $51,943.59$39,223.25$53,770.95$96,952.63 $243,951.60 Hispanic Total 0000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0000000 $287.03 Hispanic $1,774.15 $51,943.59$39,223.25$53,770.95 $123,171.03$270,170.00 0000000 Renter Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityHomeless Facilities (not operatingcosts) (03C) Total Funded Amount 0000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0000000 Total Grant No Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B14MC410008B16MC410008B17MC410008B18MC410008B19MC410008B21MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 201420162017201820192021 Pre-2015 Grant Year 09/08/2021 Fund Type ENTotal 20210001 - OHRA-Project Turnkey Remodel155 - OHRA Project Turnkey RemodelOpen2350 Ashland St Ashland, OR 97520-1408 Public Facilities : 1 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Architectural and engineering services and materials and labor to remodel a former hotel into a homeless shelter and resource center with office space. The grant funds will also pay for the installation of a fire suppression system and other construction activities which will be subject to Davis Bacon wage rates.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 16-Sep-202213:5526 26 of 37 000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: 000000 000000 0000000 000000 0000000 000000 00000 ASHLAND 0000000 Person 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total:Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND No data returned for this view. This might be because the applied filter excludes all data. $50,000.00$50,000.00 16-Sep-202213:5527 LMC27 of 37 0000000000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 40820000000 1,3181,332 National Objective: Total 0000000000000 $50,000.00$50,000.00 Hispanic Total 0000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0000000000000 Hispanic $50,000.00$50,000.00 0000000000000 Renter Provide decent affordable housingSustainabilityOther Public Services Not Listed in05A-05Y, 03T (05Z) Total Funded Amount 0000000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0000000000000 Total Grant Yes Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B20MW410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 2020 Grant Year 10/29/2021 Fund Type ENTotal 20200013 - OHRA-Emergency Rent Assistance Program156 - OHRA-Emergency Rent Assistance ProgramCompleted 8/29/2022 12:00:00 AM2350 Ashland St Ashland, OR 97520-1408 People (General) : 25 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Staffing Costs in conjunction with a State funded rent relief program to provide Emergency Rent assistance to households impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 16-Sep-202213:5528 28 of 37 # Benefitting Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 0 0 ASHLAND 48 0 693591 1,332 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment Narrativeprovided rental assistance and case management services for people at risk of losing housing, or who have lost housing due to the pandemicand the wildfires. Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2020 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $14,708.77$14,708.77 16-Sep-202213:5529 LMC29 of 37 00000000000 4040 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 0282000000 17 158187 National Objective: Total 0000000000000 $14,708.77$14,708.77 Hispanic Total 0000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0000000000000 Hispanic $25,000.00$25,000.00 0000000000000 Renter Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityYouth Services (05D) Total Funded Amount 0000000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0000000000000 Total Grant No Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B21MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 2021 Grant Year 01/18/2022 Fund Type ENTotal 20210002 - Maslow Project-School Based Services157 - Maslow Project-School Based ServicesOpen500 Monroe St Medford, OR 97501-3522 People (General) : 99 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Case management for homeless and at-risk school aged children and families.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 16-Sep-202213:5530 30 of 37 # Benefitting Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 0 000 ASHLAND 0 187187 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativeNumber of homeless youth served through the Ashland School Based program Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2021 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $47,040.00$47,040.00 16-Sep-202213:5531 LMC31 of 37 0000000000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 3323100000 15 147174 National Objective: Total 0000000000000 $47,040.00$47,040.00 Hispanic Total 0000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0000000000000 Hispanic $47,040.00$47,040.00 0000000000000 Renter Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityOther Public Services Not Listed in05A-05Y, 03T (05Z) Total Funded Amount 0000000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0000000000000 Total Grant Yes Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B20MW410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 2020 Grant Year 01/24/2022 Fund Type ENTotal 20190016 - Peace House Rogue Retreat Meals-CDBG-CV158 - Peace House Rogue Retreat Meals-CDBG-CVCompleted 8/31/2022 12:00:00 AM2082 E Main St Ashland, OR 97520-8702 People (General) : 80 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:The provision of meals at the emergency shelter which provides Covid safe non-congregate sheltering for homeless populations.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 16-Sep-202213:5532 32 of 37 # Benefitting Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 0 100 ASHLAND 0 173174 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativeProvided meals for homeless residents of the Ashland Community Shelter four days a week from December through the end of March. Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2021 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $38,316.00$38,316.00 16-Sep-202213:5533 33 of 37 0 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 0 National Objective: Total 0000000000000 $38,316.00$38,316.00 Hispanic Total 00000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0 Hispanic $38,316.00$38,316.00 0 Renter General Program Administration (21A) Total Funded Amount 0 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0 Total Grant No Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B21MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 2021 Grant Year 05/04/2022 Fund Type ENTotal 20210003 - Program Administration159 - Program AdministrationCompleted 8/29/2022 12:00:00 AM , White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total:Female-headed Households: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:General Program AdministrationFinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 16-Sep-202213:5534 34 of 37 Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 ASHLAND Person 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 0 Renter 0 Owner Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND No data returned for this view. This might be because the applied filter excludes all data. $0.00$0.00 16-Sep-202213:5535 LMC35 of 37 00000000000 3030 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 3427000000 20 206242 National Objective: Total $0.00$0.00 0000000000000 Hispanic Total 0000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0000000000000 Hispanic $40,674.00$40,674.00 0000000000000 Renter Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityOther Public Services Not Listed in05A-05Y, 03T (05Z) Total Funded Amount 0000000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0000000000000 Total Grant Yes Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B20MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 2020 Grant Year 06/29/2022 Fund Type ENTotal 20190017 - Rogue Retreat-Ashland Community Shelter160 - Rogue Retreat-Ashland Community ShelterCompleted 8/30/2022 12:00:00 AM2082 E Main St Ashland, OR 97520-8702 People (General) : 50 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Covid related non-congregate emergency shelter for homeless populationsFinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 16-Sep-202213:5536 36 of 37 # Benefitting Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 0 100 ASHLAND 0 241242 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment Narrativeprovided shelter to homeless individuals and family. Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2019 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND 16-Sep-202213:5537 37 of 37 Date: Time: Page: Page: ASHLAND $798,046.61$687,161.39$470,141.20 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2021 Total Funded Amount:Total Drawn Thru Program Year:Total Drawn In Program Year: PR03 - ASHLAND U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ANDDATE: 9/16/2022 URBAN DEVELOPMENTTIME: 1:57:23 PM OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING ANDPAGE: 1/5 DEVELOPMENT PR06 - Summary of Consolidated Plan Projects for Report Year IDIS PlanIDIS Project Title and DescriptionProgramMetricsProject YearProject Estimate 20211OHRA-Project Turnkey RemodelAssist in the conversion of an existing hotelCDBG$270,170.00 to be used as an emergency shelter and the new home of the resource center to serve homeless and at-risk populations in obtaining and maintaining housing, and also will provide case management and resources to remove barriers to employment and housing. 2Maslow Project-School Based ServicesCase management for homeless and at-riskCDBG$25,000.00 school aged children and families. 3Program AdministrationGeneral Program AdministrationCDBG$38,316.00 4OHRA-Project Turnkey RemodelArchitectural and engineering services andCDBG$270,170.00 materials and labor to remodel a former hotel into a homeless shelter and resource center with office space. The grant funds will also pay for the installation of a fire suppression system and other construction activities which will be subject to Davis Bacon wage rates. 5Program AdministrationGeneral Administration of the CDBG programCDBG$38,316.00 1/5 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ANDDATE: 9/16/2022 URBAN DEVELOPMENTTIME: 1:57:23 PM OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING ANDPAGE: 2/5 DEVELOPMENT PR06 - Summary of Consolidated Plan Projects for Report Year IDIS PlanIDIS Project Title and DescriptionProgramMetricsCommited YearProject Amount 20211OHRA-Project Turnkey RemodelAssist in the conversion of an existing hotelCDBG$270,170.00 to be used as an emergency shelter and the new home of the resource center to serve homeless and at-risk populations in obtaining and maintaining housing, and also will provide case management and resources to remove barriers to employment and housing. 2Maslow Project-School Based ServicesCase management for homeless and at-riskCDBG$25,000.00 school aged children and families. 3Program AdministrationGeneral Program AdministrationCDBG$38,316.00 4OHRA-Project Turnkey RemodelArchitectural and engineering services andCDBG$0.00 materials and labor to remodel a former hotel into a homeless shelter and resource center with office space. The grant funds will also pay for the installation of a fire suppression system and other construction activities which will be subject to Davis Bacon wage rates. 5Program AdministrationGeneral Administration of the CDBG programCDBG$0.00 2/5 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ANDDATE: 9/16/2022 URBAN DEVELOPMENTTIME: 1:57:23 PM OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING ANDPAGE: 3/5 DEVELOPMENT PR06 - Summary of Consolidated Plan Projects for Report Year IDIS Amount Drawn PlanIDIS Project Title and DescriptionProgramMetricsThru Report YearProject Year 20211OHRA-Project Turnkey RemodelAssist in the conversion of an existing hotelCDBG$243,951.60 to be used as an emergency shelter and the new home of the resource center to serve homeless and at-risk populations in obtaining and maintaining housing, and also will provide case management and resources to remove barriers to employment and housing. 2Maslow Project-School Based ServicesCase management for homeless and at-riskCDBG$14,708.77 school aged children and families. 3Program AdministrationGeneral Program AdministrationCDBG$38,316.00 4OHRA-Project Turnkey RemodelArchitectural and engineering services andCDBG$0.00 materials and labor to remodel a former hotel into a homeless shelter and resource center with office space. The grant funds will also pay for the installation of a fire suppression system and other construction activities which will be subject to Davis Bacon wage rates. 5Program AdministrationGeneral Administration of the CDBG programCDBG$0.00 3/5 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ANDDATE: 9/16/2022 URBAN DEVELOPMENTTIME: 1:57:23 PM OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING ANDPAGE: 4/5 DEVELOPMENT PR06 - Summary of Consolidated Plan Projects for Report Year IDIS Amount PlanIDIS Project Title and DescriptionProgramMetricsAvailable to YearProject Draw 20211OHRA-Project Turnkey RemodelAssist in the conversion of an existing hotelCDBG$26,218.40 to be used as an emergency shelter and the new home of the resource center to serve homeless and at-risk populations in obtaining and maintaining housing, and also will provide case management and resources to remove barriers to employment and housing. 2Maslow Project-School Based ServicesCase management for homeless and at-riskCDBG$10,291.23 school aged children and families. 3Program AdministrationGeneral Program AdministrationCDBG$0.00 4OHRA-Project Turnkey RemodelArchitectural and engineering services andCDBG$0.00 materials and labor to remodel a former hotel into a homeless shelter and resource center with office space. The grant funds will also pay for the installation of a fire suppression system and other construction activities which will be subject to Davis Bacon wage rates. 5Program AdministrationGeneral Administration of the CDBG programCDBG$0.00 4/5 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ANDDATE: 9/16/2022 URBAN DEVELOPMENTTIME: 1:57:23 PM OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING ANDPAGE: 5/5 DEVELOPMENT PR06 - Summary of Consolidated Plan Projects for Report Year IDIS Amount PlanIDIS Project Title and DescriptionProgramMetricsDrawn in YearProject Report Year 20211OHRA-Project Turnkey RemodelAssist in the conversion of an existing hotelCDBG$243,951.60 to be used as an emergency shelter and the new home of the resource center to serve homeless and at-risk populations in obtaining and maintaining housing, and also will provide case management and resources to remove barriers to employment and housing. 2Maslow Project-School Based ServicesCase management for homeless and at-riskCDBG$14,708.77 school aged children and families. 3Program AdministrationGeneral Program AdministrationCDBG$38,316.00 4OHRA-Project Turnkey RemodelArchitectural and engineering services andCDBG$0.00 materials and labor to remodel a former hotel into a homeless shelter and resource center with office space. The grant funds will also pay for the installation of a fire suppression system and other construction activities which will be subject to Davis Bacon wage rates. 5Program AdministrationGeneral Administration of the CDBG programCDBG$0.00 5/5 Memo DATE: 09/22/2022 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: Cooling Shelter Debrief Housing and Human Services Commission Vice Chair, Echo Fields, and Commissioner Rich Rohde, will provide a debrief of their experiences and feedback from Cooling shelters this summer. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us