HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-04-22 Housing & Human Services PACKET Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission Regular Meeting Agenda April22,2021:4:00–6:00pm Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://zoom.us/j/92112252903?pwd=MForTEkwdk14cHl5UXp6TUpwN2JTdz09 1.(4:00)Approval of Minutes (5 min) March25, 2021 2.(4:05)Public Forum (5 min) 3.(4:10)Code Amendments for Duplexes and Accessory Residential Units(20min) Maria Harris,Planning Manager 4.(4:35)New Commissioner Introduction(10 min) 5.(4:45)Racial Justice Discussion(10min) Rich Rohde, Commission Co-Chair 6.(4:55)Goal Refining Discussion(20min) Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist 7.(5:15)Commission Position Appointments and Discussion (10 min) 8.(5:25) Social Service Grant Program Update and HHSC Mission Discussion(15min) 9.(5:40) Liaison Reports (15min) Liaison Reports Council(Gina Duquenne)Staff (Linda Reid) SOU Liaison (Unfilled)General Announcements/Local Housing SOU program report (Chris Mahon) Updates 10.(5:55)Upcoming Eventsand Meetings and Agenda Item Suggestions Next Housing Commission Regular Meeting May27, 2021 11.(6:00)Adjournment Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission Draft Minutes March 25, 2021 Call to Order Commissioner Linda Reppond called the Zoom meeting to order at 4:00 pm Commissioners Present: Council Liaison Rich Rohde Gina DuQuenne Echo Fields (Vacant) SOU Liaison Linda Reppond None appointed at this time (Vacant) Staff Present: Tom Gunderson Heidi Parker Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist Chris Mahan Liz Hamilton, Permit Technician Jackie Bachman Brandon Goldman, Senior Planner Commissioners Not In Attendance: Approval of Minutes Commissioners Rich Rohde / Jackie Bachman m/s to approve the minutes of February 25, 2021. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed Public Forum None Housing Capacity Analysis Discussion Beth Goodman, EcoNorthwest, gave powerpoint on Land Sufficiency and Housing Production Strategy for the th next 8 years. June 15 is deadline for the EcoNorthwest to complete the HCA project and have a solid strategy goal. The Commission discussed aging population growth. Brandon explained how the city could work with a land bank idea for future affordable housing. Commission discussed Urban renewal. CDBG Applicant Presentations Jackie Bachman made declaration serves on OHRA board, has no financial gain in any decisions made and has no conflict of interest in joining in discussions regarding the applications for CDBG. Mary Ferrell / Maslow Project gave presentation for Grant application. Cass Sinclair / OHRA gave presentation for Grant application. No questions from Commissioners CDBG Application Review and Recommendation Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist provided an overview about what monies are available to grant this year. Commissioners Echo Fields / Heidi Parker move / second to approve the applications of Maslow Project for Case Work services in the amount of $25,000.00 and OHRA for renovations of the Super 8 motel to headquarters and shelter in the amount of $270,170.00 Vote: Rich Rohde yes Echo Fields Yes Tom Gunderson yes Heidi Parker yes Chris Mahan Yes Jackie Bachman yes Linda Reppond - Yes Liaison Reports and General Announcements Council Gina DuQuenne wants to work on getting builders to come to Ashland, SOU Chris Mahan. No report Staff Linda Reid. Talked about SOU students working with Pallet shelter occupants and how to facilitate more volunteers for the Pallet shelter pilot project. Reid also announced that the City received an Emergency Shelter grant from Oregon Housing and Community Services for $300,000.00 to partner with Rogue Retreat for an Urban Campground Rich Rohde Reported that the Cahoots program is growing by leaps and bound. The county now has a group of organizations that is meeting once a month to try and facility that program here in the Rogue Valley. Upcoming Events and Meetings Next Housing Commission Regular Meeting April 22, 2021 Adjournment: Linda Reppond adjourned the meeting at 6:11p.m. Respectfully submitted by Liz Hamilton Memo DATE:April 22, 2021 TO:Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission FROM:Maria Harris,Planning Manager RE:Code amendments to meet state requirementsfor duplexesand accessory residential units Summary This is an informationaland discussion item to updatethe Housing and Human Services Commission on the proposed land use code amendments to meet new State rules regarding duplexes and accessory residential units (ARUs).The draft code amendments,meeting materials and reference materials are available on the project web page at www.ashland.or.us/duplexcode. Background In the 2019 legislative session, the Oregon State Legislature passed House Bill (HB)2001which requires “medium” cities such as Ashland to amend local zoning codes to allow duplexes on residentially zoned lots that allow the development of detached single-family homes.A medium city is defined as with a population between10,000 and 25,000 and outside the Portland Metro boundary. The 2020 population estimate for Ashland from Portland State University is 21,105. HB 2001 also includes a provision that prohibits jurisdictions from requiring off-street parking and owner-occupancy requirements for ARUs. HB 2001 requires medium cities to develop and adopt standards in compliance with the state requirements by June 30, 2021. HB 2001 became effective on August 8, 2019. A year later, the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) adopted Chapter 660 Division 46 Middle Housing in Medium and Large Cities.The administrative rules became effective on August 7, 2020 and outline requirementsfor medium cities for the land use review process and development standards for duplexes. HB 2001 says that cities may regulate the siting and design of duplexes as long as the regulations do not, individually or cumulatively, deter the development of duplexes through unreasonable cost and delay. The administrative rules clarify that siting and design standards that create unreasonable cost and delay include any standards applied to duplex development that are more restrictive than those applicable to detached single-family dwellings in the same zone. In Ashland, detached single-family homes are a permitted use and in most cases simply require a building permit. The exceptions are planning approvals required for exceeding the maximum permitted house size (MPFA) in the historic districts, exceptions for the solar setback, variances to dimensional, parking and access requirements, tree removal permits, and permits for construction in natural hazard Page 2of 3 and resource areas such as hillside lands (25 percent slope and greater), floodplains, riparian areas and wetlands. Summary of Draft Code Amendments The primarychangesto theCity of Ashlandland use codeincluded inthe draft code amendmentsare described below. Section 2: AMC Allowed Uses (page 5 of 73)–Duplexes become permitted with special use standards in in all of the residential zones. As a result, asecond unit is permitted on any residentially zoned lot where a detached single-family residence is allowed,as requiredby state law. Section 3: AMC Accessory Residential Unit (page 13 of 73)–ARUs are no longer required to obtain a separate planning application and approval, and instead can be constructed by obtaining a building permit. Section 5: AMC Duplex (page 20 of 73) –The duplex standards are revised to address the requirements in state law. Section 17: AMC Parking Ratios(page 48 of 73)–The parking requirements are amended to delete the parking requirements for ARUs and to add a parking requirementof two spaces for a duplex. State law prohibits local jurisdictions from requiring the installation of parking spaces on a property that adds an ARU, and specifies that the maximum that can be required for a duplex is two parking spacesperlot. Section 23: AMC Definitions(page 71 of 73)–The definition of a duplex is revised to two units on one lot in any configuration, in either attached or detachedstructures. The proposeddefinition of aduplex in the draft code amendments is from the State of Oregon Model Code for Medium Citiesand is “two units on one lot in any configuration including either in attached or detached structures.” Cities have the option under state law of defining a duplex as two attached dwelling units on one lot, or as two units on a lot in any configuration (i.e., attached and detachedstructures). If Ashland were to use the definition of a duplex that is more limited, two attached units on one lot, the code in the current form would require a planning application and approval for a detached second unit. However, by state law, the City cannot require a separate planning application and approval process for a“duplex”but instead must allow the construction of a duplex by obtaining a building permit alone.The end result of defining a duplex as two attached units would be that two attached units on one lot would in most cases be allowedby obtaining a building permit. Incontrast, two detached units on one lot would require first a planning application and approval, and then if the project was approved, a building permit for construction ofthe second detached unit. Staff believes the flexibility to define a duplex as twounits on one lot in any configuration (i.e., attached or detached structures) hasseveral advantages that aredescribed below. As a result, staffhas recommended to the Planning Commission that Ashland adopt the more flexible definition of a duplex. Creates equity in the approval process by having one process, timeline and permit costs that address all permits for two units on a lotwhether there is one building or two buildings on the property.A planning application and approvaladds time and application costs for the property owner. In addition, the required public noticing process for a planning application and the DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTTel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main StreetFax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Page 3of 3 possibility of a public hearing request by a neighbor will deter some property owners from pursuing detached units.A planning application process can also create neighborhood expectations that don’t align with state requirement for clear and objective standards for needed housing. Provides more design flexibility to tailor the unit configuration to best suit an individual property. Common design issues are tree preservation, creating or preserving yard space and physical constraints such as steep slopes and riparian areas.If a planning approval process is retained for detached units but not for attached units, it maycreate a disincentive and discourage a better design using a detached structure. Different processes may also result in unusual attached designs to avoid the added planning process and additional fees. Removes barriers to housing production of rental units and therefore, addresses adopted housing policy and housing needs analysis to address low vacancy rates, variety of housing types and housing costs. Enhances customer service and efficiency in administration of the land usecode. One approval process for two units on one lot whether there is one building or two buildings will require less staff time than having to explain two different processes, timelines and related fees. Next Steps The tentative schedule includes: 1) a roundtable meeting with the local development community to review the draft amendments in April 2021, 2) advisory commission meetings in April 2021, 3) a review of a final draft of the duplex code amendments at the April 27, 2021 Planning Commission study session, and 3) a public hearing and recommendation at the Planning Commission on May 11, 2021. HB 2001 requires medium cities such as Ashland to develop and adopt standards in compliance with the state requirements by June 30, 2021. The duplex code amendments are scheduled for a study session at the City Council on May 17, 2021, a public hearing and first reading at the City Council on June 1, 2021, and second reading on June 15, 2021. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTTel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main StreetFax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Housing and Human Services Commission Memo TITLE:New Commissioner Introductions DEPT:Community Development DATE:April 22, 2021 SUBMITTED BY:Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist th At the regular Council meeting on April 6, Leda Shapiro was appointed to the Housing and Human Services Commission. This is an opportunity for the Commissioners to introduce themselves to Leda and for Leda to introduce herself to the Commissioners. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel:541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Housing and Human Services Commission Memo TITLE:Racial Justice Discussion DEPT:Community Development DATE:April 22, 2021 SUBMITTED BY:Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist The Commission asked that the racial justice discussion from February be continued at the regular meeting in April. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Housing and Human Services Commission Memo TITLE:Goal Refining Discussion DEPT:Community Development DATE:April 22, 2021 SUBMITTED BY:Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist This discussion is a continuation of the initial goal refining and prioritization discussion which took place at the regular meeting in February when a motion was approved to “to accept goals outlined with notion to refine them at a future meeting”. 2021Goals for Housing and Human Services Commission Alternative Sheltersolutions:to include, o RV parking support, o emergency shelter, o pallet shelters,and o campgrounds. Mental Health: o Cahoots Model, o Implementation of Measure 110. Workforce Housing: o Study expanding the Urban Growth Boundary (pros/cons/political ramifications) o Explore collaborations with Phoenix Talent to look at regional coordination around building/development DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us o Ask Brandon to educate the Commission on the UBG expansion process o Explore workforce housing partnerships Food Resources: (lower priority) o Focuson food distribution, rather than food resources o Quarterly report on food support system that serves Ashland Work with Energy Action Plan: o Focus on energy efficiency measures and climate impact in development projects o Focus on economic benefits to low income households. Vocational Programs Fair Housing: (lower priority) DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Housing and Human Services Commission Memo TITLE:Commission Position Appointments and Discussion DEPT:Community Development DATE:April 22, 2021 SUBMITTED BY:Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist In April the Commission makes new appointments for commission positions of Chair and Vice Chair. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Housingand Human Services Commission Memo TITLE:Social Service Grant Updateand Potential Mission ImpactDiscussion DEPT:Community Development DATE:April 22, 2021 SUBMITTED BY:Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist Below is an updated timelinefor issuance of the Social Service Grant Process. MONTHSS Grant RFP Issued-first week of January Late May-Early June Proposals Due Late June-Early July H&HSC App. Review and Recommendation July22, 2021 Final Award determination-City Council August-TBD Contracts Executed August-TBD The issuance of the RFP for the SS grant funds is being delayed so that the RFP can reflect the availability of grant funds based on the outcome of the City budget adoption process. More information about the budget process can be found on the City of Ashland website: 2021-23 Budget Process ResourcesThe City Manager’s recommended budgetcan be found by selecting the link. The purpose, mission and powers and duties of the Housing and Human Services Commission can be found in the section 2.19of the Ashland Municipal Code.