HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-09-23 Housing & Human Services PACKET Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission Regular Meeting Agenda September 23, 2021: 4:00 6:00pm Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://zoom.us/j/91469406640?pwd=QWVuTTZBQjlsQWNmSGthdVY4aE5xUT09 1. (4:00) Approval of Minutes (5 min) August 26, 2021 2. (4:05) Public Forum (5 min) 3. (4:10) Housing Now Housing Proposal Presentation (20 min) Eric Navickas 4. (4:30) Sou Properties Presentation (20 min) Greg Perkins and Susan Dysseguard 5. (4:50) Proud Ground Community Land Trust Presentation (20 min) Diane Linn and Yesika Arevalo 6. (5:10) Habitat for Humanity Rogue Valley Presentation (20 min) Denise James 7. (5:30) Severe Climate Event Policy Workgroup Overview and Discussion (10 min) Rich Rohde and Echo Fields 8. (5:40) CDBG-Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report Public Hearing - Review and Approval (10 Min) Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist 9. (Liaison Reports (10 min) Liaison Reports Council (Gina Duquenne) Staff (Linda Reid) SOU Liaison (Unfilled) General Announcements/Local Housing SOU program report (Chris Mahan) Updates 10. (6:00) Upcoming Events and Meetings and Agenda Item Suggestions 11. (6:00) Adjournment Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission DraftMinutes August 26, 2021 Call to Order Commission Co-ChairLinda Reppond calledtheZoom meetingtoorderat4:00pm. Commissioners Present:Council Liaison Rich RohdeGina Duquenne Echo Fields Leda Shapiro SOU Liaison Linda ReppondNone appointed at this time (Vacant) (Vacant)Staff Present: Heidi ParkerLinda Reid, Housing Program Specialist Chris MahanLiz Hamilton, Permit Technician Jackie Bachman Commissioners Not In Attendance: Approvalof Minutes CommissionersHeidi Parker/Jackie Bachmanm/s to approve the minutesas amended ofJuly 22, 2021.Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed Public Forum-None Social Service Grant Presentations 1.)Community works –Kim Caplan Dunn House presentation–No questions from Commissioners Sexual AssaultVictim Services presentation Questions from Commissioners: Heidi Parker, is there overlap with Jackson County SART? Kim, no we provide advocacyand supplies after exam. Rich Rohde, have you noticed an increase since COVID and Fires?Kim, yes the severity of violence has increased,not allowed in hospitals to comfort survivors, and housing options for victims 2.)Ashland Food Angels–Pamela Joygives basic presentation Questions from Commissioners: Linda Reppond, what are the requested fund for? Pamela, basic upkeep for vehicles and building. ChrisMahan,have you utilized SOU Students for volunteers?Pamela,have tried but find older people more reliable. Echo Fields, will this grant be your total budget? Pamela, yes basically. 3.)Community Volunteer Network (RSVP CallA Ride) –Kristin Milligan presentation Questions from Commissioners: Heidi Parker, canyou clarifynegative income in financial statement under Net Asset Deficit without donor restrictions?Kristin,not enough donations last year. Chris Mahan, have you utilized SOU students? Kristin, we have a fewinternships but the program is designed for Senior Volunteers helping Seniors in need. 4.)Center Non-Profit LegalServices –Debra Lee presentation. Questions from Commissioners: Jackie Bachman,Are there retired Attorneys volunteering? Debra, work with State and Jackson County Bar Associations foradditional Pro Bono services. Echo, where services shut off after fire? Debra, no office was closed to the public due to COVID butstill providing services. 5.)Jackson County SART , Nurse Examiner Program –SusanMoenpresentation Questions from Commissioners: Jackie Bachman, If you are not fully funded by Ashland how will you fund this program? Susan,this program is our core program and other programs will be cut before this program. Chris Mahan, have you noticedan increase in cases since COVID? Susan, yes there has been an increase. Heidi Parker, past financials were larger with school prevention programs, are those programs still happening? Susan, yes they are being offered by Zoom now. 6.)La Clinica Mobile Health Clinic –Ed Smith-Burns presentation Questions from Commissioners: Jackie Bachman, what percentage of clients are Spanish speaking and need translation? Ed, about 20% and wehave bi-lingual staff. Jackie, how many were served in Ashland last year? Ed, last years breakdown not very accurate but typically it is about 500 people. Rich Rohde, with COVID is it a guarantee for Mobile unit at the new OHRA shelter? Ed, yes they currently have a 1 year agreement with option for longer. Echo Fields, do you provide dental on MobileUnit? Ed, the unit has the capacity but with COVID they cannot offer Dental atthis time. Chris Mahan, if Ashland was to fund your full request would you stay in Ashland? Ed, yes we would try to expand number of days. 7.)OHRA–DaveStoebel presentation Questions from Commissioners: Chris Mahan, are degreesorlicenses required fornavigatorsand do you have SOU internships?Dave, degrees and licenses not required, accept all people with skills however since COVID no non-staff members. Gina Duquenne, you have 4 navigators now, will you be able to increase navigators if fully funded? Dave, our request is to cover currentbudget, no expansion planned. Echo Fields, are youpaying a living wage with benefits to staff? Dave, yes. 8.)Peace House –Elizabeth Hallet presentation. Questions from Commissioners: Chris Mahan, what will you do if Ashland cannot fully fund you? Elizabeth, find other donors or cut back services. Jackie Bachman, when you leave the Methodist Church where will you be located? Elizabeth, information not being releasedas of yet. 9.)St Vincent de Paul –John Engelhardt presentation Rich Rohde wanted to make a statement that he appreciatedthe flexibilityin their allocationsfor whatever need is out there. 10.)Food & Friends Meals on Wheels –Kristi Welburn presentation No questions fromCommissioners Discussion and Allocation Recommendation Conflict of interest statements: Jackie Bachman–Serves on OHRA board and has no financial gain from any grant given to OHRA and can be fair and impartial for allocation of grant money. Linda Reid–Serveson La Clinica boardandhas no financialgain from any grant givento La Clinica and has no vote in the allocationof grant money. Linda Reppond–has a contract with Community Works but not in the area where any grant money would be allocated and can be fair and impartialfor allocation of grant money Commission discusses how to allocate monies tothe applicants. CommissionersJackie Bachman/ Chris Mahanm/s to recommendthe following allocationof funds agreed uponby the Housing and Human Services Commission. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed Ashland Food Angels$12,083.00 Community Works Inc. (Dunn House)$11,333.00 Community Works Inc. (Sexual Assault Victim Services)$2,333.00 Community Volunteer Network RSVP of Jackson County$ 2,000.00 Center for Nonprofit Legal Services, Inc.$ 5,000.00 Jackson County SART$ 6,000.00 La Clinica$ 7,750.00 Options For Helping Residents of Ashland$30,000.00 Peace House$26,000.00 St. Vincent Du Paul$24,500.00 Rogue Valley Council of Governments (Meals on Wheels)$ 8,000.00 Liaison Reports Council –Gina Duquenne. Willbepresentingthisallocation of funds to the City Council on September 21, 2021 SOU –Chris Mahan.Has scheduled a meeting with SOU staff and Habitat for Humanity to talk about excess SOU properties and thepossibilityof developing those properties Staff –Linda Reid. Update on Urban pallet housing. Rogue Retreat is looking for people to staff property24/7. Seetheir website for details. General Announcement–Echo Fields.Acting as liaisonto Jackson County Long Term Recovery Group for Housing and Human Services Commission. Agenda Item for September –Linda Reppond City Council has tasked the Housing and HumanServices Commission with making policy for inclement weather emergency shelters. Rich and Echo agree to work on policy and bring to commission in September. UpcomingMeetingfor Housing Commission RegularMeetingSeptember 23,2021 Adjournment:adjourned the meeting at6:15p.m. Respectfullysubmitted by Liz Hamilton Memo DATE: 09/23/2021 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: Housing Now Presentation Housing Now will provide the Housing and Human Services Commission with a presentation on a proposed housing activity for review and feedback. As part of the information provided to the Commission for review, the Housing Now group also submitted the introduction below. Respected members of the Housing and Human Services Commission, Thank you for your community service, commitment to our city, and the desire to address housing and equity issues. We are a group of citizens who have been working to promote housing solutions in our community. Most recently, we have been focusing on the airspace above the Hargadine Parking Garage as a potential site for workforce housing development. We are consulting with a local developer for guidance and professional experience, however, the process is very preliminary. Also included are photos of a conceptual model that are only intended to generate conversation, this design is also very preliminary. We have attached a summary of our proposal that we will be presenting to the City Council in Oct. with several requests. Mostly we are working to initiate a conversation about the potential of this site along with the very real need for the council to take action to address our housing shortages. We have met with all of the councilors and appear to have support for the project in this conceptual stage. We are coming to the Housing Commission to apprise you of our efforts and solicit feedback. As we state in the attached summary to the City Council, the garage was designed with the intent of building up, the proposal was originally considered in 2003 but never realized, and the property is already owned by the city which significantly reduces costs. Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to presenting our proposal and hearing your valuable advice and feedback. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Ibshbejof!Qbsljoh!Hbsbhf!Ipvtjoh!Qspqptb m! ! Btimboe!Ipvtjoh!Opx! 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The webinar featured the recommendations made by a task force Schott convened to examine all contiguous SOU properties and identify the highest and best use of these assets. The task force reviewed a number of properties on the outskirts of campus some of which are vacant and/or need significant renovation and others that house small university or affiliate programs. worked through the options for each parcel. As with any significant decision that ultimately may impact the university and the City of Ashland, we welcome an opportunity to share the findings and tt. The university intends to engage many external stakeholders (city planners, community groups, and other interested parties) to help determine the most appropriate path forward. The SOU Governing Board of Trustees is the ultimate authority on any final decisions that may be made. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Memo DATE: 09/23/2021 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: Proud Ground presentation Diane Linn and Yesika Arevalo will provide education and information on the land trust model to the Housing and Human Services Commission. Background Proud Ground is a non-profit land trust organization based in Portland Oregon. Founded in 1999, Proud Ground provides permanently affordable homeownership opportunities. Proud Ground is one of the largest Community Land Trusts in the country. Proud Ground is a membership-based organization, which gives homeowners and donors voting rights on organizational decisions. This ensures that the community members served by Proud Ground are part of the decision making that drives their mission- based work. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Memo DATE: 09/23/2021 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: Habitat for Humanity presentation Denise James, Executive Director of Rogue Valley Habitat for Humanity will provide education and information on Habitat for Humanity Program model to the Housing and Human Services Commission. Background Rogue Valley Habitat is a nonprofit organization working in collaboration with those in need and our community to build or renovate simple, decent affordable homes. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Memo DATE: 09/23/2021 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: Severe Climate Event Policy Discussion th At a regular meeting held on August 7, the City Council approved a motion to request that the Housing and Human Services Commission develop a proposal for addressing the need for shelter options during extreme weather events. The Council motion is as follows: Council requests the Housing and Human Services Commission work with local partners, as well as the staff and council liaisons to the commission, to identify the options available to comprehensively address the extreme weather needs of Ashland residents, including extreme cold, extreme heat, and dangerous levels of wildfire smoke. The Council further requests that the Housing and Human Services Commission develop a proposal for Council consideration regarding how the Ashland Community can best address these needs and the specific role the City will have in that process. The two-members of the Severe Climate Event Policy Recommendation Workgroup met to discuss and forward recommendations for the Commission to review and discuss and work to come up with recommendations for the Council. The policy will set parameters for extreme temperatures both hot and cold and during extreme weather events, and for instances of bad air quality. One suggestion is to use thresholds related to public health, to health and wellbeing. The policy will identify a coordinator for the shelter location. The policy should outline a plan for calling, staffing and identifying a location for a shelter, as well as plan for implementation of the shelter. It is recommended that there be group meetings of stakeholder groups to discuss and make recommendations regarding the policy. A severe climate shelter team should be identified and included in the plan. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us The plan should coordinate a group of people inside and outside of the City to work together to implement the shelter. Each shelter should have a scheduled debrief under an action/reflection model. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Appendix 3: Recommended elements of heatwave plans Internationally, a wide RANGE OF ACTIVITIES HAVE BEEN USED IN HEATWAVE PLANNING AND OPERATIONS. T HESE activities can range from the passive (media statements and warnings) to the active (direct daily contact and assessment of vulnerable groups). Heatwave plans should include preparatory elements that are conducted before the summer season, actions that are implemented during heatwaves, and measures that can be developed over the longer term. Overwhelmingly, protective measures for vulnerable groups should be considered the priority of all heatwave plans. This includes identifying vulnerable populations, raising awareness of the health effects of heatwaves, encouraging protective behaviors during heatwaves, providing regular contact and supportive services to people during heatwaves, and establishing community measures that can help reduce exposure to heat. Below is a list of possible elements or actions that can be used in heatwave planning: Heat- Actively promote awareness of heatwaves as a health issue to council, health and social facilitate and promote education, information and awareness programs and materials. rvice providers of vulnerable population groups of impending heatwaves, the Promote the location of cool areas, cooling centers Provide heatwave and heat-related illness information to general practitioners and chemists for distributi -on-call to the community for health information during gencies about actions and responsibilities procedures and practices after each summer season and update heatwave plan public places during heatwaves that are air-conditioned, such as libraries or movie centers in air-conditioned council buildings, or use mobile and blinds to delay internal temperature rise. parking in shaded areas for the elderly and buildings to raise awareness. Care of vulne populations to develop and implement heatwave plans to reduce the risk to their sponsor the elderly to have personal alarm systems. 38 Heatwave Planning Guide al council staff and staff of other organizations population groups to recognize the signs of heat- fluids to vulnerable people through existing service practitioners and hospitals should consider adjusting dosages or changing certain Clinics, hospitals and pharmacies holding prescription medication or vaccines should be prepared to maintain and monitor their cold chain or arrange suitable storage telephone vulnerable population groups to check on their health and safety during formalize Partner with Community Health Centre and Nursing Mothers Group to maintain a information. Long- the framework for opening a Severe Event shelter for the past few months. Please keep in mind the City does not provide direct social services, instead the City relies on those in our community who have the tools and the expertise to staff the shelter. This includes a vast team of volunteers. 1. City staff will look ahead at the forecasted weather and determine if the forecasted temperatures meet the criteria of Administrative Regulation No. 708. The City must take into consideration that the service provider community has asked for 24--up. 2. City staff will make a recommendation to the City Manager and the City Manager may declare a Severe Event. If he/she does, move to #3. 3. City Staff communicates with the Chair of the Homeless Task Force that: A Severe Event has been declared. The Medford Senior Center can be opened and can act as a Severe Event shelter. Again, the City provides the space but does not provide direct social services. Instead the City depends on our local service providers and volunteers to support a Severe Event shelter. If you would like volunteer please email Christine Quitt, Chair of the Homeless Task Force, at christinequitthtf@gmail.com. Medford Incident Response Guide (IRG): Severe Weather Shelter Activation Mission Objectives Prepare/Monitor o Pre-authorize and inspect shelter locations o Share information/expectations with Stakeholders per AR 708 o Monitor weather conditions Identify o Communicate warning that a Severe Event may be declared (48 hours prior is preferred) o Estimate needs (# of beds, population type, etc.) Declare (Severe Weather Event) o Communicate shelter locations and resources (media, provider network, 211info, etc.) o Continue to Monitor weather event and shelter needs o Communicate anticipated end of Severe Event o Declare and Communicate end to the Severe Event o Conduct After Action Review (AAR) Implement identified improvement strategies Implementation Emergency Management Coordinator will notify City Manager of approaching weather event City Manager or designee will communicate potential need to community stakeholders Confirm available resources/shelters (# of beds, hours of operations, population type, etc.) Notify Mayor & City Council Consider declaring a Severe Weather Event based on AR 708 criteria Cold 25° or less; 32° or less with additional factors that increase risk of cold exposure Heat 102° or more; 80° or more with additional factors that increase risk of heat exposure Air Quality Monitor Weather Event - Emergency Management Coordinator City Manager or designee declares Severe Weather Event City Manager or designee notifies: Department Heads Mayor/City Council Communications & Marketing Manager and/or Emergency Management Coordinator notifies: Media Channels Livability Team Severe Event Shelter Team Continuum of Care Coordinator All Employees Consider opening EOC if needed Monitor Event and Shelter Needs (duration, available bed space, etc.) Deputy Fire Marshals will confirm operating shelters have documented approval to operate Deputy Fire Marshals conduct inspections of shelters post opening Communication Updates to internal/external stakeholders Declare end of Severe Event Communicate end of Severe Event to internal/external stakeholders Conduct After Action Report (AAR) INCIDENT OBJECTIVES (ICS 202) SEVERE WEATHER SHELTER ACTIVATION 1.Incident Name: 2. Operational Period: Date From: Date To: SEVERE WEATHER EVENT Time From: Time To: DECLATATION 3.Objective(s): Prepare/Monitor o Pre-authorize and inspect shelter locations o Share information/expectations with Stakeholders per AR 708 o Monitor weather conditions Identify o Communicate warning that a Severe Event may be declared (48 hours prior is preferred) o Estimate needs (# of beds, population type, etc.) Declare (Severe Weather Event) o Communicate shelter locations and resources (media, provider network, 211info, etc.) o Continue to Monitor weather event and shelter needs o Communicate anticipated end of Severe Event o Declare and Communicate end to the Severe Event o Conduct After Action Review (AAR) Implement identified improvement strategies 4.Operational Period Command Emphasis: Be Safe/Maintain Situational Awareness Anticipate and be prepare to meet future needs (more bed space, more shelter locations, food, etc.) General Situational Awareness Weather conditions may change rapidly and dramatically Anticipate needs during next operational period (24 hrs., 48 hrs., 72 hrs.) o Increase number of shelter locations o Transportation needs Monitor Life/Safety issues at shelters (occupancy load, means of egress, smoke alarms, etc.) Provide communication updates to internal and external stakeholders Coordinate with shelters to document event (hours of operations, number of patrons, meals, etc.) 5.Site Safety Plan Required Yes No Approved Site Safety Plan(s) Located at: Pre-Approved Shelter Locations Set Free Christian Fellowship Chad McComas 541-499-0880 1032 West Main chad@rogueretreat.com St. Tom Sramek Jr 140 North Oakdale Rector@stmarkss-medford.org First Presbyterian Church Murray Richmond 85 South Holly Street Richmond@firstpresmedford.org 6.Weather Forecast for Operational Period Obtain weather updates from National Weather Service https://www.weather.gov/mfr/ 7.Prepared by: Name: Position/Title: Signature: 8.Approved by: Name: Position/Title: Signature: Severe Weather Shelter Activation A RESOLUTION OF THE JACKSON COUNTY DEMOCRATS Support for Local Jackson county Policies to Address Extreme Weather Events Whereas, Extreme weather is the leading cause of weather related deaths in the United States. Groups typically ident The elderly and children People on certain medications and/ or with preexisting conditions that make them sensitive to heat. Outdoor works and those exercising or doing strenuous activities People without reliable source of cooling, heating and /or water People not acclimated to expected heat. Whereas, People living in unsheltered conditions are at increased risk for heat related illness including heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke Whereas, Heat-related deaths and illness are preventable, yet annually many people succumb to extreme heat. Climate change is making the heat more extreme in our region. The June heat in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia killed hundreds of people and was a wake-up call. It was virtually impossible without human-caused climate change, a scientific analysis found. Climate change is making the heat more extreme in the region Whereas, Yearly forest fires in southern Oregon have brought many days of extremely unhealthy air quality that are extreme health hazards for all who are not able to find indoor shelter. These are existing conditions that result in a need for local emergency declaration. NOW, THEREFORE, THE JACKSON COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. We urge local cities and Jackson County to adopt extreme weather policies that will authorize declaration of extreme weather emergencies based on objective condition and initiate emergency weather shelters with the following objectives: Objectives Prepare/Monitor o Pre-authorize and inspect shelter locations o Share information/expectations with Stakeholders per AR 708 o Monitor weather conditions Identify o Communicate warning that a Severe Event may be declared (48 hours prior is preferred) o Estimate needs (# of beds, population type, etc.) Declare (Severe Weather Event) o Communicate shelter locations and resources (media, provider network, 211info, etc.) o Continue to Monitor weather event and shelter needs o Communicate anticipated end of Severe Event o Declare and Communicate end to the Severe Event o Conduct After Action Review (AAR) Implement identified improvement strategies Implementation Emergency Management Coordinator will notify City Manager/County Emergency Administrator of approaching weather event communicate potential need to community stakeholders Confirm available resources/shelters (# of beds, hours of operations, population type, etc.) Notify Mayor, City Council, Jackson County Commission Consider declaring a Severe Weather Event based on AR 708 criteria Cold 25° or less; 32° or less with additional factors that increase risk of cold exposure Heat 102° or more; 80° or more with additional factors that increase risk of heat exposure Air Quality Monitor Weather Event - Emergency Management Coordinator City Manager or designee declares Severe Weather Event City Manager or designee notifies: Department Heads Mayor/City Council/County Commission Communications & Marketing Manager and/or Emergency Management Coordinator notifies: Media Channels Livability Team Severe Event Shelter Team Continuum of Care Coordinator All Employees Consider opening EOC if needed Monitor Event and Shelter Needs (duration, available bed space, etc.) Deputy Fire Marshals will confirm operating shelters have documented approval to operate Deputy Fire Marshals conduct inspections of shelters post opening Communication Updates to internal/external stakeholders Declare end of Severe Event Communicate end of Severe Event to internal/external stakeholders Conduct After Action Report (AAR) Memo DATE: 09/23/2021 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: 2020 CAPER Overview The City of Ashland is an entitlement city under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban CDBG Program. The City of Ashland receives approximately $175,000 each year from HUD to apply toward housing and community development projects that benefit low- and moderate-income persons in Ashland. The Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) summarizes the individual project status (physical and financial) of those improvements funded with CDBG funds for the Program year 2020. The CAPER reports the accomplishments generated by the activities funded in Program Year 2020 and how those activities allow the City to make progress in meeting the outcomes and goals identified in the 2020-2024 Consolidated plan. This report must be completed and submitted to HUD as a part of the requirements the City must meet to continue to receive CDBG funding. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us $0.00 $2,952.79$2,952.79 20-Sep-202113:511 1 of 37 0 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 0 National Objective: Total $0.00$0.00$0.00 0000000000000 Hispanic Total 0000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0 Hispanic $2,952.79$2,952.79 0 Renter General Program Administration (21A) Total Funded Amount 0 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0 Total Grant No Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B07MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 2007 Pre-2015 Grant Year 03/06/2009 Fund Type ENTotal 20080001 - CDBG ADMINISTRATION 200879 - CDBG PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION 2008Completed 9/8/2021 7:31:55 PM20 E Main St Ashland, OR 97520-1814 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:GENERAL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION-funding returned to HUD as a finding of 2008 Monitoring that found the City was not tracking staffing costs correctly. Remaining balance of funding reprogrammed. FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 20-Sep-202113:512 2 of 37 Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 0 ASHLAND Person 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 0 Renter 0 Owner Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND No data returned for this view. This might be because the applied filter excludes all data. $16,457.00$16,457.00 20-Sep-202113:513 LMC3 of 37 1000000000001 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 00200000000 1113 National Objective: Total $0.00$0.00 0000000000000 Hispanic Total 0000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0000000000000 Hispanic $16,457.00$16,457.00 0000000000000 Renter Provide decent affordable housingAvailability/accessibilitySubsistence Payment (05Q) Total Funded Amount 0000000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0000000000000 Total Grant No Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B18MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 2018 Grant Year 02/11/2019 Fund Type ENTotal 20180001 - St. Vincent De Paul Home Visitation Program131 - St. Vincent De Paul Home Visitation ProgramCompleted 8/5/2020 1:25:30 PM987 Hillview Dr Ashland, OR 97520-3521 People (General) : 36 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Rent and security deposit assistance for low-income households and homeless householdsFinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 20-Sep-202113:514 4 of 37 # Benefitting Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 0 100 ASHLAND 1213 0 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativeSt. Vincent De Paul served a total of 13 families with rent and security deposit assistance between July 2018 and March of 2019. Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2018 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $23,509.59$23,509.59 20-Sep-202113:515 LMH5 of 37 0000000000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 0000000000000 National Objective: Total $0.00$0.00 0000000000000 Hispanic Total 9000000000009 Total Drawn In Program Year 0000000000000 Hispanic $50,000.00$50,000.00 0000000000000 Renter Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityRehab; Single-Unit Residential (14A) Total Funded Amount 0000000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 9000000000009 Total Grant No Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B18MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 2018 Grant Year 02/20/2019 Fund Type ENTotal 20180005 - AFR Housing Safety Program135 - AFR Housing Safety ProgramOpen20 E Main St Ashland, OR 97520-1814 Housing Units : 10 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Health and safety repairs to homes occupied by seniors and peoples with disabilities to prevent falls and provide a safe environment.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 20-Sep-202113:516 6 of 37 # Benefitting Date: Time: Page: Page: 9 0 00000 ASHLAND 9 Person 90009 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total 100.0% CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 00000 Renter 90009 Owner 100.0% Accomplishment NarrativeHomeowners that are seniors or are disabled who have received health and safety repairs and upgrades to safely remain in their homes. Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2018 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $35,712.00$35,712.00 20-Sep-202113:517 7 of 37 0 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 0 National Objective: Total $0.00$0.00 0000000000000 Hispanic Total 00000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0 Hispanic $35,712.00$35,712.00 0 Renter General Program Administration (21A) Total Funded Amount 0 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0 Total Grant No Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B19MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 2019 Grant Year 06/30/2020 Fund Type ENTotal 20190002 - Program Administration137 - Program AdministrationCompleted 4/12/2021 12:00:00 AM , White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total:Female-headed Households: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:General Program Administration.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 20-Sep-202113:518 8 of 37 Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 ASHLAND Person 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 0 Renter 0 Owner Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND No data returned for this view. This might be because the applied filter excludes all data. $0.00 $3,237.15 $14,762.85$18,000.00 20-Sep-202113:519 LMC9 of 37 000000000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 0000000000 100 1,315 National Objective: Total $0.00$0.00 000000000000 $3,237.15$3,237.15 Hispanic Total 000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 000000000000 Hispanic $3,237.15 $14,762.85$18,000.00 000000000000 Renter Create suitable living environmentsSustainabilityOther Public Improvements Not Listedin 03A-03S (03Z) Total Funded Amount 000000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 000000000000 Total Grant No Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B14MC410008B19MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 20142019 Pre-2015 Grant Year 10/29/2019 Fund Type ENTotal 20190001 - Ashland Food Angels Remodel138 - Ashland Food Angels RemodelCompleted 2/25/2021 12:00:00 AM472 Walker Ave Ashland, OR 97520-2324 People (General) : 500 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:needed repairs and energy efficiency upgrades to a food gleaning program storing and sorting facility.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 20-Sep-202113:5110 10 of 37 # Benefitting 0 Date: Time: Page: Page: 1,415 0 00 0 00 0 00 ASHLAND 00 100 1,3151,415 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativeAshland Food Angels is a food gleaning project that collects perishable food from grociery stores and restaurants and redistributes the food toseveral entities to be distributed to low income and homeless populations. Ashland Food Angels provides perishable food to the Ashland FoodBank, Uncle Food's Diner and Tasty Tuesday, a free meal meal offered weekly which is paired with resources and medical, dental and mentalhealth services. Ashland Food Angels also provides food weekly to the Ashland branch of Head Start to be distributed to low income familiesenrolled in their programs. Food is provided to the Ashland Peace Meal which offers a free hot meal three days out of the week, the patrons ofthis meal are primarily homeless, as well as produce to a citizen who makes smoothies and passes them out to homeless individuals on thestreet. Lastly, Ashland Food Angels provides lunches two days a week to the volunteers at the Jackson County Fuel Committee, whichprovides free fire wood to low income, senior and disabled households. Total:Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2019 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $15,463.00$15,463.00 20-Sep-202113:5111 LMC11 of 37 0000000000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 00000000000 2626 National Objective: Total $0.00$0.00 0000000000000 Hispanic Total 0000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0000000000000 Hispanic $15,463.00$15,463.00 0000000000000 Renter Provide decent affordable housingAvailability/accessibilitySubsistence Payment (05Q) Total Funded Amount 0000000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0000000000000 Total Grant No Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B19MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 2019 Grant Year 10/29/2019 Fund Type ENTotal 20190003 - OHRA-Housing Program139 - St. Vincent De Paul Home Visitation ProgramCompleted 9/2/2020 11:18:47 AM987 Hillview Dr Ashland, OR 97520-3521 People (General) : 11 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Rent and Security Deposit Assistance for low income households.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 20-Sep-202113:5112 12 of 37 # Benefitting Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 0 800 ASHLAND 1826 0 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativeThe total number of people helped with the 2019-2020 CDBG grant funding is 26, that includes 20 adults and 6 children. Their incomes wereextremely low (18) and very low (8). Of the 26 people helped 6 were homeless. SVDP paid 14 deposits for a total of $13,994 and two rents for$1,469. Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2019 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $10,850.00$10,850.00 20-Sep-202113:5113 LMC13 of 37 00000000000 1414 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 1021000000 9617 117 National Objective: Total $0.00$0.00 0000000000000 Hispanic Total 0000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0000000000000 Hispanic $10,850.00$10,850.00 0000000000000 Renter Create economic opportunitiesAvailability/accessibilityYouth Services (05D) Total Funded Amount 0000000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0000000000000 Total Grant No Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B19MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 2019 Grant Year 10/29/2019 Fund Type ENTotal 20190004 - Maslow Project140 - Maslow ProjectCompleted 2/25/2021 12:00:00 AM20 E Main St Ashland, OR 97520-1814 People (General) : 99 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Case Management for homeless and at risk families and children enrolled in the Ashland school district.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 20-Sep-202113:5114 14 of 37 # Benefitting Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 0 000 ASHLAND 0 117117 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativeCase management for homeless and at risk youth currently enrolled in the Ashland School District. Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2019 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $3,808.33 20-Sep-202113:5115 LMC15 of 37 $100,000.00$103,808.33 00000000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 0000000000 57 National Objective: Total $0.00 00000000000 $3,808.33$3,808.33 Hispanic Total 00000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 00000000000 Hispanic $3,808.33 $100,000.00$103,808.33 00000000000 Renter Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityOther Public Services Not Listed in05A-05Y, 03T (05Z) Total Funded Amount 00000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 00000000000 Total Grant Yes Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B18MC410008B19MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 20182019 Grant Year 04/21/2020 Fund Type ENTotal 20190005 - OHRA-Temporary Housing and Meal Delivery Program141 - OHRA-Temporary Housing and Meal Delivery ProgramCompleted 6/1/2021 12:00:00 AM20 E Main St Ashland, OR 97520-1814 People (General) : 40 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Funding to provide temporary housing for identified vulnerable unhoused individuals during the quarantine period with case management to move to a more permanent housing solution. Meal deliveries to designated locations throughout town provided to individuals in temporary housing and other unhousedat risk households while community meals are cancelled dueto Executive Order 20-12FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 20-Sep-202113:5116 16 of 37 # Benefitting 00 Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 57 00 000 00 000 00 000 ASHLAND 5757 000 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativeOHRA is providing temporary emergency non-congregate shelter for homeless populations who meet the CDC guidelines for vulnerable toCOVID-19 infection. OHRA is also delivering prepared meals to five different scattered site locations and to those in temporary non-congregateshelter to promote social distancing while providing basic food resources to homeless populations. Hispanic:Total:Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2020 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $9,746.78 $10,958.00$20,704.78 20-Sep-202113:5117 LMC17 of 37 0000000000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 00000000000 3,0403,040 National Objective: Total $360.00 0000000000000 $9,746.78 $10,106.78 Hispanic Total 0000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0000000000000 Hispanic $9,746.78 $10,958.00$20,704.78 0000000000000 Renter Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityOther Public Services Not Listed in05A-05Y, 03T (05Z) Total Funded Amount 0000000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0000000000000 Total Grant Yes Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B17MC410008B20MW410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 20172020 Grant Year 06/22/2020 Fund Type ENTotal 20190006 - CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation 2 and 3142 - CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal PreparationCompleted 6/1/2021 12:00:00 AM543 S Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520-3241 People (General) : 100 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Meal preparation to provided to homeless and low income population at scattered sites.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 20-Sep-202113:5118 18 of 37 # Benefitting Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 0 000 ASHLAND 0 3,0403,040 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativePeace House is preparing meals for distribution for homeless populations four days a week from beginning on March 24 and ending on May18th. The City has approved the extension of the contract through June 30th. Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2020 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $6,446.72$6,446.72 20-Sep-202113:5119 LMCMC19 of 37 0000000000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 00000000000 300300 National Objective: Total 0000000000000 $6,446.72$6,446.72 Hispanic Total 0000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0000000000000 Hispanic $6,446.72$6,446.72 0000000000000 Renter Create economic opportunitiesSustainabilityMicro-Enterprise Assistance (18C) Total Funded Amount 0000000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0000000000000 Total Grant Yes Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B18MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 2018 Grant Year 06/26/2020 Fund Type ENTotal 20180010 - CDBG-CV OHRA Shower Program143 - CDBG-CV OHRA Shower ProgramCompleted 6/1/2021 12:00:00 AM611 Siskiyou Blvd Ste 4 Ashland, OR 97520-2151 Businesses : 1 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Micro-enterprise grant assistance to minority owned, owner operator cleaning services to provide COVID-19 cleaning protocal of the shower trailer that offers showers to homelesshouseholds.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 20-Sep-202113:5120 20 of 37 # Benefitting Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 0 000 ASHLAND 0 300300 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativeMicro-enterprise grant assistance to minority owned, owner operator cleaning services to provide COVID-19 cleaning protocol of the showertrailer that offers showers to homeless households. The Shower trailer operated from May 2020-July 2020 and provided showers toapproximately 300 homeless individuals in that time period. Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2019 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $20,815.00$20,815.00 20-Sep-202113:5121 21 of 37 0 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 0 National Objective: Total 0000000000000 $20,815.00$20,815.00 Hispanic Total 00000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0 Hispanic $20,815.00$20,815.00 0 Renter General Program Administration (21A) Total Funded Amount 0 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0 Total Grant Yes Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B20MW410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 2020 Grant Year 07/15/2020 Fund Type ENTotal 20190008 - CDBG-CV Admin144 - CDBG-CV AdminOpen , White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total:Female-headed Households: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:General Program administration of Cares act funding.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 20-Sep-202113:5122 22 of 37 Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 ASHLAND Person 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 0 Renter 0 Owner Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND No data returned for this view. This might be because the applied filter excludes all data. $26,107.30$26,107.30 20-Sep-202113:5123 23 of 37 0 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 0 National Objective: Total 0000000000000 $26,107.30$26,107.30 Hispanic Total 00000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0 Hispanic $35,385.00$35,385.00 0 Renter General Program Administration (21A) Total Funded Amount 0 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0 Total Grant No Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B20MW410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 2020 Grant Year 09/22/2020 Fund Type ENTotal 20200004 - Program Administration145 - Program AdministrationCompleted 9/17/2021 12:00:00 AM , White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total:Female-headed Households: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:General Program AdministrationFinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 20-Sep-202113:5124 24 of 37 Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 ASHLAND Person 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 0 Renter 0 Owner Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND No data returned for this view. This might be because the applied filter excludes all data. $3,241.07$3,241.07 20-Sep-202113:5125 LMC25 of 37 0000000000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 000000000000 National Objective: Total 0000000000000 $3,241.07$3,241.07 Hispanic Total 0000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0000000000000 Hispanic $5,525.00$5,525.00 0000000000000 Renter Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityFood Banks (05W) Total Funded Amount 0000000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0000000000000 Total Grant No Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B16MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 2016 Grant Year 09/22/2020 Fund Type ENTotal 20200003 - Ashland Food Angels Remodel 2146 - Ashland Food Angels Remodel 2Open472 Walker Ave Ashland, OR 97520-2324 People (General) : 500 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Remodel and upgrade of perishable food sorting and storage facility. Work to include the replacement of roof, the and the addition of two windows, and the installation of stairs to access a storage area above the main sorting area.FinancingPropo sed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 20-Sep-202113:5126 26 of 37 Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 0 00000 ASHLAND 0 Person 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND No data returned for this view. This might be because the applied filter excludes all data. $18,026.01$18,026.01 20-Sep-202113:5127 LMC27 of 37 000000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 00000000 397 National Objective: Total 000000000 $18,026.01$18,026.01 Hispanic Total 000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 000000000 Hispanic $18,026.01$18,026.01 000000000 Renter Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityOther Public Services Not Listed in05A-05Y, 03T (05Z) Total Funded Amount 000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 000000000 Total Grant Yes Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B20MW410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 2020 Grant Year 09/23/2020 Fund Type ENTotal 20200008 - CDBG-CV OHRA Shower Program 2147 - CDBG-CV OHRA Shower Program 2Completed 9/17/2021 12:00:00 AM175 N Main St Ashland, OR 97520-1729 People (General) : 960 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:OHRA will operate its Laundry and Shower Trailer for six months beginning July 14, 2020.As part of the operation, OHRA will provide two staff people to sign individuals up for showers, monitor compliance with social distancing and provide navigation services to showertrailer patrons.OHRA will provide another staff person for towel laundering and will contract with a professional cleaning service to clean the shower portion of the Laundry and Shower Trailer duringand after operations. The trailer will operate two days per week for four hours a day for a period of six months in the parking lot of the First United Methodist Church, 175 North Main Street.Operations will begin on July 14, 2020 and will run through the week of January 4, 2021. The shower trailer is expected to provide 20-25 showers to homeless individuals each day of operation.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 20-Sep-202113:5128 28 of 37 # Benefitting 0000 Date: Time: Page: Page: 000 397 0000 00000 0000 00000 0000 000 ASHLAND 00000 397397 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativeShowers provided to homeless populations for the seven month period between July and January. Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total:Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2020 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $32,000.00$32,000.00 20-Sep-202113:5129 LMC29 of 37 00000000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 0000000000 125 National Objective: Total 00000000000 $32,000.00$32,000.00 Hispanic Total 00000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 00000000000 Hispanic $32,000.00$32,000.00 00000000000 Renter Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityOther Public Services Not Listed in05A-05Y, 03T (05Z) Total Funded Amount 00000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 00000000000 Total Grant Yes Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B20MW410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 2020 Grant Year 09/23/2020 Fund Type ENTotal 20190011 - CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation 2148 - CDBG-CV-Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation 2Open543 S Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520-3241 People (General) : 125 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Meal preparation and delivery program providing prepackaged meals to be distributed to homeless and low-income populations to continue to provide food assistance while promotingand maintaining COVID-19 safety precautions and abiding by E.O.20-12 regarding non-congregate programs and social distancing. The Meal Preparation and delivery Program will provide 125 meals a day for 4 days out of the week, (for a total of 500 meals per week) from July 1st 2020 through October 31st 2020(16 weeks).FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 20-Sep-202113:5130 30 of 37 # Benefitting 00 Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 125 00 000 00 000 00 000 ASHLAND 000 125125 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativeCDBG-CV funding has been provided to Peacehouse to assist that organization in preparing and packaging hot meals to be delivered tohomeless and at-risk low-income individuals. Peacehouse provides 125 packaged hot meals each day for four days out of each week. Thesepackaged meals take the place of previously offered congregate meals for homeless and low income individuals. Hispanic:Total:Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2020 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $0.00 $25,080.00$25,080.00 20-Sep-202113:5131 LMC31 of 37 Date: Time: Page: Page: Drawn Thru Program Year National Objective: $0.00 $25,080.00$25,080.00 Drawn In Program Year $25,080.00$25,080.00 Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityHomeless Facilities (not operatingcosts) (03C) Funded Amount Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: ASHLAND Grant Yes Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B14MC410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 2014 Pre-2015 Grant Year 11/30/2020 Fund Type ENTotal 20200009 - Pallet Shelter Pilot Project149 - Pallet Shelter Pilot ProjectCompleted 9/17/2021 12:00:00 AM87 Fourth St Ashland, OR 97520-2149 Public Facilities : 9 CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:City staff has been coordinating with local and regional providers of homeless services on the issue of Emergency Cold Weather Shelter solutions. Due to the restrictions placed on congregate sheltering, the City has been looking for options to provide shelter during inclement weather events that will be safe for both shelterparticipants and volunteers, while also alleviating the need to scramble to locate a space large enough to provide shelter while maintaining social distancing. One option, which many communities throughout the state are utilizing, is the purchase and use of pallet shelters. These shelters are relatively inexpensive, and include heat and electricity. They have the capacity to provide shelter for up to 4 individuals (thought the City would not recommend more than 2 individuals in a shelter unless they are a family unit comprised ofmore than two individuals). The shelters also have a locking door to promote some measure of safety and security for the occupants. The City is proposing the purchase of a few of these shelters (3 to be exact) to help provide additional capacity for shorter term shelter that is Covid safe. The City is proposing that these shelters be placed in the parking lot of the Unitarian church, which is the church that initiated the overnight parking program. The pallet shelters would take the place of the three parking spots that the overnight parking program was already been approved to host. Through the overnight parking program, the Unitarian church established a registration process with Options for Helping Residents of Ashland, and identified priority populations forplacement in the limited spaces. These systems, which are already in place, will continue to be utilized for the Pallet Shelter Pilot project. Lastly the Unitarian Church has an existing agreement that participants sign upon entering the program which will be adapted to suit the pallet shelter pilot project as needed. The Unitarian Church has already gone through the City administrative approval process for hosting overnight guests in their parking lot and is eager to be the first to host the palletshelters. The Church has a porta-potty in place to serve the overnight guests. The City is also in communication with several of the emergency cold weather shelter volunteers regarding a system for checking in on the program participants at the usual lights outtime and again in the morning.FinancingProposed Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND 20-Sep-202113:5132 32 of 37 # Benefitting 0000000000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Person 7000000000007 Total 0000000000000 Hispanic Total 00000000000000 Total 0000000000000 Hispanic 00000000000000 Renter Total 0000000000000 Hispanic 70007 ASHLAND Owner 00000000000000 Person 100.0% Total 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativeHomeless individuals provided temporary non-congregate shelter. White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total:Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2020 Actual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $52,000.00$52,000.00 20-Sep-202113:5133 LMC33 of 37 0000000000000 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 00000000000 National Objective: 11,00011,000 Total 0000000000000 $52,000.00$52,000.00 Hispanic Total 0000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0000000000000 Hispanic $52,000.00$52,000.00 0000000000000 Renter Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityOther Public Services Not Listed in05A-05Y, 03T (05Z) Total Funded Amount 0000000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0000000000000 Total Grant Yes Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B20MW410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 2020 Grant Year 01/05/2021 Fund Type ENTotal 20190014 - CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation #3151 - CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation #3Open543 S Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520-3241 People (General) : 125 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Preparation and distribution of meals for homeless populations.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 20-Sep-202113:5134 34 of 37 # Benefitting Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 0 000 ASHLAND 0 11,00011,000 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativeTotal meals provided over the grant period. It is expected that meals have been provided to the some of the same people over the course of the22 week period. Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2020 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND $13,288.43$13,288.43 20-Sep-202113:5135 LMC35 of 37 00000000000 3838 Date: Time: Page: Page: Hispanic Drawn Thru Program Year Person 5000000000 8215 102 National Objective: Total 0000000000000 $13,288.43$13,288.43 Hispanic Total 0000000000000 Total Drawn In Program Year 0000000000000 Hispanic $13,288.43$13,288.43 0000000000000 Renter Create suitable living environmentsAvailability/accessibilityYouth Services (05D) Total Funded Amount 0000000000000 Objective:Outcome:Matrix Code: Hispanic ASHLAND Owner 0000000000000 Total Grant No Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System B20MW410008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 2020 Grant Year 01/22/2021 Fund Type ENTotal 20200002 - Maslow Project152 - School Based ServicesCompleted 8/27/2021 12:00:00 AM885 Siskiyou Blvd Ashland, OR 97520-2143 People (General) : 99 White:Black/African American:Asian:American Indian/Alaskan Native:Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:American Indian/Alaskan Native & White:Asian White:Black/African American & White:American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American:Other multi-racial:Asian/Pacific Islander:Hispanic:Total: CDBGTotal PGM Year:Project:IDIS Activity:Status:Location:Activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus:Initial Funding Date:Description:Case management and supports for homeless and at-risk children and families enrolled in the Ashland school district.FinancingProposed AccomplishmentsActual AccomplishmentsNumber assisted:PR03 - ASHLAND 20-Sep-202113:5136 36 of 37 # Benefitting Date: Time: Page: Page: 0 0 000 ASHLAND 0 102102 Person 100.0% 00000 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Total CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 00000 Renter 00000 Owner Accomplishment NarrativeMaslow Project worked with 102 students who were homeless and at risk of homelessness during the 2020 school year. Female-headed Households:Income Category:Extremely LowLow ModModerateNon Low ModerateTotalPercent Low/Mod Years2020 Annual Accomplishments PR03 - ASHLAND 20-Sep-202113:5137 37 of 37 Date: Time: Page: Page: ASHLAND $482,514.06$339,517.64$214,156.79 Office of Community Planning and Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR) for Program Year 2020 Total Funded Amount:Total Drawn Thru Program Year:Total Drawn In Program Year: PR03 - ASHLAND Office of Community Planning and Development DATE:09-17-21 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development TIME:12:28 Integrated Disbursement and Information System PAGE:1 PR26 - CDBG Financial Summary Report Program Year 2020 ASHLAND , OR Metrics GranteeASHLAND , OR Program Year2,020.00 PART I: SUMMARY OF CDBG RESOURCES 01 UNEXPENDED CDBG FUNDS AT END OF PREVIOUS PROGRAM YEAR0.00 02 ENTITLEMENT GRANT176,899.00 03 SURPLUS URBAN RENEWAL0.00 04 SECTION 108 GUARANTEED LOAN FUNDS0.00 05 CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM INCOME0.00 05a CURRENT YEAR SECTION 108 PROGRAM INCOME (FOR SI TYPE)0.00 06 FUNDS RETURNED TO THE LINE-OF-CREDIT0.00 06a FUNDS RETURNED TO THE LOCAL CDBG ACCOUNT0.00 07 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL AVAILABLE0.00 08 TOTAL AVAILABLE (SUM, LINES 01-07)176,899.00 PART II: SUMMARY OF CDBG EXPENDITURES 09 DISBURSEMENTS OTHER THAN SECTION 108 REPAYMENTS AND PLANNING/ADMINISTRATION107,461.70 10 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL AMOUNT SUBJECT TO LOW/MOD BENEFIT0.00 11 AMOUNT SUBJECT TO LOW/MOD BENEFIT (LINE 09 + LINE 10)107,461.70 12 DISBURSED IN IDIS FOR PLANNING/ADMINISTRATION26,107.30 13 DISBURSED IN IDIS FOR SECTION 108 REPAYMENTS0.00 14 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL EXPENDITURES0.00 15 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (SUM, LINES 11-14)133,569.00 16 UNEXPENDED BALANCE (LINE 08 - LINE 15)43,330.00 PART III: LOWMOD BENEFIT THIS REPORTING PERIOD 17 EXPENDED FOR LOW/MOD HOUSING IN SPECIAL AREAS0.00 18 EXPENDED FOR LOW/MOD MULTI-UNIT HOUSING0.00 19 DISBURSED FOR OTHER LOW/MOD ACTIVITIES107,461.70 20 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL LOW/MOD CREDIT0.00 21 TOTAL LOW/MOD CREDIT (SUM, LINES 17-20)107,461.70 22 PERCENT LOW/MOD CREDIT (LINE 21/LINE 11)100.00% LOW/MOD BENEFIT FOR MULTI-YEAR CERTIFICATIONS 23 PROGRAM YEARS(PY) COVERED IN CERTIFICATIONPY: PY: PY: 24 CUMULATIVE NET EXPENDITURES SUBJECT TO LOW/MOD BENEFIT CALCULATION0.00 25 CUMULATIVE EXPENDITURES BENEFITING LOW/MOD PERSONS0.00 26 PERCENT BENEFIT TO LOW/MOD PERSONS (LINE 25/LINE 24)0.00% PART IV: PUBLIC SERVICE (PS) CAP CALCULATIONS 27 DISBURSED IN IDIS FOR PUBLIC SERVICES72,697.83 28 PS UNLIQUIDATED OBLIGATIONS AT END OF CURRENT PROGRAM YEAR0.00 29 PS UNLIQUIDATED OBLIGATIONS AT END OF PREVIOUS PROGRAM YEAR0.00 30 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL PS OBLIGATIONS0.00 31 TOTAL PS OBLIGATIONS (LINE 27 + LINE 28 - LINE 29 + LINE 30)72,697.83 32 ENTITLEMENT GRANT176,899.00 33 PRIOR YEAR PROGRAM INCOME0.00 34 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL SUBJECT TO PS CAP0.00 35 TOTAL SUBJECT TO PS CAP (SUM, LINES 32-34)176,899.00 36 PERCENT FUNDS OBLIGATED FOR PS ACTIVITIES (LINE 31/LINE 35)41.10% PART V: PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION (PA) CAP 37 DISBURSED IN IDIS FOR PLANNING/ADMINISTRATION26,107.30 38 PA UNLIQUIDATED OBLIGATIONS AT END OF CURRENT PROGRAM YEAR0.00 39 PA UNLIQUIDATED OBLIGATIONS AT END OF PREVIOUS PROGRAM YEAR0.00 40 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL PA OBLIGATIONS0.00 41 TOTAL PA OBLIGATIONS (LINE 37 + LINE 38 - LINE 39 +LINE 40)26,107.30 42 ENTITLEMENT GRANT176,899.00 43 CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM INCOME0.00 44 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL SUBJECT TO PA CAP0.00 45 TOTAL SUBJECT TO PA CAP (SUM, LINES 42-44)176,899.00 46 PERCENT FUNDS OBLIGATED FOR PA ACTIVITIES (LINE 41/LINE 45)14.76% Office of Community Planning and Development DATE:09-17-21 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development TIME:12:28 Integrated Disbursement and Information System PAGE:2 PR26 - CDBG Financial Summary Report Program Year 2020 ASHLAND , OR LINE 17 DETAIL: ACTIVITIES TO CONSIDER IN DETERMINING THE AMOUNT TO ENTER ON LINE 17 Report returned no data. LINE 18 DETAIL: ACTIVITIES TO CONSIDER IN DETERMINING THE AMOUNT TO ENTER ON LINE 18 Report returned no data. LINE 19 DETAIL: ACTIVITIES INCLUDED IN THE COMPUTATION OF LINE 19 PlanIDISIDISVoucherMatrixNational Activity Name YearProjectActivityNumberCodeObjectiveDrawn Amount 202091496435797Pallet Shelter Pilot Project03CLMC$12,540.00 202091496440551Pallet Shelter Pilot Project03CLMC$12,540.00 03CMatrix Code 03C $25,080.00 201911386394681Ashland Food Angels Remodel03ZLMC$1,738.22 201911386414867Ashland Food Angels Remodel03ZLMC$1,498.93 03ZMatrix Code 03Z $3,237.15 202021526452930School Based Services05DLMC$3,981.18 202021526495637School Based Services05DLMC$5,285.53 202021526503481School Based Services05DLMC$4,021.72 05DMatrix Code 05D $13,288.43 202031466414874Ashland Food Angels Remodel 205WLMC$2,841.07 202031466434690Ashland Food Angels Remodel 205WLMC$400.00 05WMatrix Code 05W $3,241.07 201951416396550OHRA-Temporary Housing and Meal Delivery Program05ZLMC$3,808.33 201961426396535CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation05ZLMC$360.00 2019141516446956CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation #305ZLMC$19,000.00 2019141516458806CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation #305ZLMC$9,500.00 2019141516474186CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation #305ZLMC$11,875.00 2019141516480157CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation #305ZLMC$11,625.00 05ZMatrix Code 05Z $56,168.33 2018101436389915CDBG-CV OHRA Shower Program18CLMCMC$6,446.72 18CMatrix Code 18C $6,446.72 Total $107,461.70 LINE 27 DETAIL: ACTIVITIES INCLUDED IN THE COMPUTATION OF LINE 27 Activity to prevent, PlanIDISIDISVoucher prepare for,Fund MatrixNational Grant Number Activity Name and respondType YearProjectActivityNumberCodeObjective to CoronavirusDrawn Amount NoB20MC410008EN $3,981.18 202021526452930School Based Services05DLMC NoB20MC410008EN $5,285.53 202021526495637School Based Services05DLMC NoB20MC410008EN $4,021.72 202021526503481School Based Services05DLMC 05DMatrix Code 05D $13,288.43 NoB16MC410008EN $2,841.07 202031466414874Ashland Food Angels Remodel 205WLMC NoB16MC410008EN $400.00 202031466434690Ashland Food Angels Remodel 205WLMC 05WMatrix Code 05W $3,241.07 YesB18MC410008EN $3,808.33 201951416396550OHRA-Temporary Housing and Meal Delivery Program05ZLMC YesB17MC410008EN $360.00 201961426396535CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation05ZLMC YesB20MC410008EN $19,000.00 2019141516446956CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation #305ZLMC YesB20MC410008EN $9,500.00 2019141516458806CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation #305ZLMC YesB20MC410008EN $11,875.00 2019141516474186CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation #305ZLMC YesB20MC410008EN $11,625.00 2019141516480157CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation #305ZLMC 05ZMatrix Code 05Z $56,168.33 NoActivity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus $16,529.50 YesActivity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus $56,168.33 Total $72,697.83 LINE 37 DETAIL: ACTIVITIES INCLUDED IN THE COMPUTATION OF LINE 37 PlanIDISIDISVoucherMatrixNational Activity Name Drawn Amount YearProjectActivityNumberCodeObjective $26,107.30 202041456467164Program Administration21A 21AMatrix Code 21A $26,107.30 Total $26,107.30 PAGE: 1/18 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:53:39 PM DescriptionGENERAL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION-funding returned to HUD as a finding of 2008Monitoring that found the City was not trackingstaffing costs correctly. Remaining balance of funding reprogrammed. Rent and security deposit assistance for low-income households and homeless householdsHealth and safety repairs to homes occupied byseniors and peoples with disabilities to preventfalls and provide a safe environment.Micro-enterprise grant assistance to minorityowned, owner operator cleaning services toprovide COVID-19 cleaning protocal of theshower trailer that offers showers to homelesshouseholds.needed repairs and energy efficiency upgrades toa food gleaning program storing and sortingfacility.General Program Administration.Rent and Security Deposit Assistance for lowincome households.Case Management for homeless and at riskfamilies and children enrolled in the Ashlandschool district.Funding to provide temporary housing foridentified vulnerable unhoused individuals duringthe quarantine period with case management tomove to a more permanent housing solution. Meal deliveries to designated locationsthroughout town provided to individuals intemporary housing and other unhousedat riskhouseholds while community meals are cancelleddue to Executive Order 20-12Meal preparation to provided to homeless andlow income population at scattered sites.General Program administration of Cares actfunding. Address20 E Main St Ashland, OR 97520-1814987 Hillview Dr Ashland, OR 97520-352120 E Main St Ashland, OR 97520-1814611 Siskiyou Blvd Ste 4 Ashland, OR97520-2151472 Walker Ave Ashland, OR 97520-2324 ,987 Hillview Dr Ashland, OR 97520-352120 E Main St Ashland, OR 97520-181420 E Main St Ashland, OR 97520-1814543 S Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520-3241 , 1/18 DEVELOPMENT PR03- BOSMAC (original) Activity NameCDBG PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION 2008St. Vincent De Paul Home Visitation ProgramAFR Housing Safety ProgramCDBG-CV OHRA Shower ProgramAshland Food Angels RemodelProgram AdministrationSt. Vincent De Paul Home Visitation ProgramMaslow ProjectOHRA-Temporary Housing and Meal Delivery ProgramCDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal PreparationCDBG-CV Admin U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Activity to prevent, preparefor, and respond toCoronavirusNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoYesYesYes IDISActivity#79131135143138137139140141142144 Project NameCDBG ADMINISTRATION 2008St. Vincent De Paul Home Visitation ProgramAFR Housing Safety ProgramCDBG-CV OHRA Shower ProgramAshland Food Angels RemodelProgram AdministrationOHRA-Housing ProgramMaslow ProjectOHRA-Temporary Housing and Meal Delivery ProgramCDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation 2and 3CDBG-CV Admin PID00010001000500100001000200030004000500060008 IDIS Year20082018201820182019201920192019201920192019 Renter-NonLM00000000000 PAGE: 2/18 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:53:39 PM Renter-LowMod00000000000 Renter-Low00000000000 Renter-XLow00000000000 Owner-PCTLM00000000000 Owner-Total00900000000 Owner-NonLM00000000000 Owner-LowMod00000000000 Owner-Low00000000000 Owner-XLow00900000000 2/18 TotalRace013930014150261175730400 DEVELOPMENT ActualByYear013930014150261175730400 PR03- BOSMAC (original) ReportYear02018201820192019020192019202020200 AccompType0011008010010101010 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN Balance0.000.0026,490.410. OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Draw InAmount0.000.000.006,446.723,,808.3310,106.7820,815.00 Draw ThruAmount2,952.7916,457.0023,509.596,446.7218,000.0035,712.0015,463.0010,850.00103,808.3320,704.7820,815.00 Funded2,952.7916,457.0050,000.006,446.7218,000.0035,712.0015,463.0010,850.00103,808.3320,704.7820,815.00 Fund Dt3/6/20092/11/20192/20/20196/26/202010/29/20196/30/202010/29/201910/29/20194/21/20206/22/20207/15/2020 Outcomes01133011110 Objectives02131023110 StatusCCOCCCCCCCO MTX21A05Q14A18C03Z21A05Q05D05Z05Z21A PctLM00000000000 IDIS NatObj0LMCLMHLMCMCLMC0LMCLMCLMCLMC0 PAGE: 3/18 FemHsHldRenter00000000000 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:53:39 PM FemHsHldOwner00900000000 Persons-PCT-LM01011011110 Persons-Total013030014150261175730400 Persons-NonLM00000000000 Persons-Mod00000000000 Persons-Low0100100080000 Persons-XLow012030013150181175730400 Owner+Renter-PCTLM00000000000 3/18 DEVELOPMENT PR03- BOSMAC (original) Owner+Renter-Total00000000000 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Owner+Renter-NonLM00000000000 Owner+Renter-LowMod00000000000 Owner+Renter-Low00000000000 Owner+Renter-XLow00900000000 Renter-PCTLM00000000000 IDIS Renter-Total00000000000 AiAnWOwner00000000000 PAGE: 4/18 NHPIHPersons00000000000 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:53:39 PM NHPIHRenter00000000000 NHPIHOwner00000000000 NHPIPersons00000001000 NHPIRenter00000000000 NHPIOwner00000000000 AiAnHPersons00000000000 AiAnHRenter00000000000 AiAnHOwner00000000000 AiAnPersons02000002000 AiAnRenter00000000000 AiAnOwner00000000000 AsianHPersons00000000000 AsianHRenter00000000000 AsianHOwner00000000000 4/18 AsianPersons00000000000 DEVELOPMENT AsianRenter00000000000 PR03- BOSMAC (original) AsianOwner00000000000 BlackHPersons00000000000 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN BlackHRenter00000000000 OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BlackHOwner00000000000 BlackPersons00000001000 BlackRenter00000000000 BlackOwner00000000000 WhiteHPersons010000014000 WhiteHRenter00000000000 WhiteHOwner00000000000 WhitePersons01103001315026965730400 WhiteRenter00000000000 WhiteOwner00900000000 IDIS Fem HsHldOwner+Renter00900000000 OtherMRHRenter00000000000 PAGE: 5/18 OtherMRHOwner00000000000 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:53:39 PM OtherMRPersons00001000017000 OtherMRRenter00000000000 OtherMROwner00000000000 AiAnBlkHPersons00000000000 AiAnBlkHRenter00000000000 AiAnBlkHOwner00000000000 AiAnBlkPersons00000000000 AiAnBlkRenter00000000000 AiAnBlkOwner00000000000 BlackWHPersons00000000000 BlackWHRenter00000000000 5/18 BlackWHOwner00000000000 DEVELOPMENT BlackWPersons00000000000 PR03- BOSMAC (original) BlackWRenter00000000000 BlackWOwner00000000000 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN AsianWHPersons00000000000 OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT AsianWHRenter00000000000 AsianWHOwner00000000000 AsianWPersons00000000000 AsianWRenter00000000000 AsianWOwner00000000000 AiAnWHPersons00000000000 AiAnWHRenter00000000000 AiAnWHOwner00000000000 AiAnWPersons00000000000 IDIS AiAnWRenter00000000000 PAGE: 6/18 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:53:39 PM Accomplishment Narrative0(PY18): St. Vincent De Paul served a total of 13 families withrent and security deposit assistance between July 2018 andMarch of 2019.(PY18): Homeowners that are seniors or are disabled whohave received health and safety repairs and upgrades to safelyremain in their homes.(PY19): Micro-enterprise grant assistance to minority owned,owner operator cleaning services to provide COVID-19cleaning protocol of the shower trailer that offers showers tohomeless households. The Shower trailer operated from May2020-July 2020 and provided showers to approximately 300homeless individuals in that time period.(PY19): Ashland Food Angels is a food gleaning project thatcollects perishable food from grociery stores and restaurantsand redistributes the food to several entities to be distributed tolow income and homeless populations. Ashland Food Angelsprovides perishable food to the Ashland Food Bank, UncleFood's Diner and Tasty Tuesday, a free meal meal offeredweekly which is paired with resources and medical, dental andmental health services. Ashland Food Angels also providesfood weekly to the Ashland branch of Head Start to bedistributed to low income families enrolled in their programs.Food is provided to the Ashland Peace Meal which offers a freehot meal three days out of the week, the patrons of this mealare primarily homeless, as well as produce to a citizen whomakes smoothies and passes them out to homeless individualson the street. Lastly, Ashland Food Angels provides lunchestwo days a week to the volunteers at the Jackson County FuelCommittee, which provides free fire wood to low income, seniorand disabled households.0(PY19) : The total number of people helped with the 2019-2020CDBG grant funding is 26, that includes 20 adults and 6children. Their incomes were extremely low (18) and very low(8). Of the 26 people helped 6 were homeless. SVDP paid 14deposits for a total of $13,994 and two rents for $1,469.(PY19): Case management for homeless and at risk youthcurrently enrolled in the Ashland School District.(PY20): OHRA is providing temporary emergency non-congregate shelter for homeless populations who meet theCDC guidelines for vulnerable to COVID-19 infection. OHRA isalso delivering prepared meals to five different scattered sitelocations and to those in temporary non-congregate shelter topromote social distancing while providing basic food resourcesto homeless populations.(PY20): Peace House is preparing meals for distribution forhomeless populations four days a week from beginning onMarch 24 and ending on May 18th. The City has approved theextension of the contract through June 30th.0 TotalH010000014000 Total013930014150261175730400 6/18 DEVELOPMENT HispanicHPersons00000000000 PR03- BOSMAC (original) HispanicHRenter00000000000 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN HispanicHOwner00000000000 OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT HispanicPersons00000000000 HispanicRenter00000000000 HispanicOwner00000000000 AsianPIHPersons00000000000 AsianPIHRenter00000000000 AsianPIHOwner00000000000 AsianPIPersons00000000000 AsianPIRenter00000000000 AsianPIOwner00000000000 IDIS OtherMRHPersons00000000000 PAGE: 7/18 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:53:39 PM DescriptionMeal preparation and delivery program providingprepackaged meals to be distributed to homelessand low-income populations to continue toprovide food assistance while promoting andmaintaining COVID-19 safety precautions andabiding by E.O.20-12 regarding non-congregate programs andsocial distancing. The Meal Preparation and delivery Program willprovide 125 meals a day for 4 days out of theweek, (for a total of 500 meals per week) fromJuly 1st 2020 through October 31st 2020 (16weeks).Preparation and distribution of meals forhomeless populations.Case management and supports for homelessand at-risk children and families enrolled in theAshland school district.Remodel and upgrade of perishable food sortingand storage facility. Work to include the replacement of roof, the andthe addition of two windows, and the installationof stairs to access a storage area above the mainsorting area.General Program AdministrationOHRA will operate its Laundry and ShowerTrailer for six months beginning July 14, 2020.As part of the operation, OHRA will provide twostaff people to sign individuals up for showers,monitor compliance with social distancing andprovide navigation services to shower trailerpatrons.OHRA will provide another staff person for towellaundering and will contract with a professionalcleaning service to clean the shower portion ofthe Laundry and Shower Trailer during and afteroperations. The trailer will operate two days per week forfour hours a day for a period of six months in theparking lot of the First United Methodist Church,175 North Main Street.Operations will begin on July 14, 2020 and willrun through the week of January 4, 2021. The shower trailer is expected to provide 20-25showers to homeless individuals each day ofoperation. Address543 S Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520-3241543 S Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520-3241885 Siskiyou Blvd Ashland, OR 97520-2143472 Walker Ave Ashland, OR 97520-2324 ,175 N Main St Ashland, OR 97520-1729 7/18 DEVELOPMENT PR03- BOSMAC (original) Activity NameCDBG-CV-Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation 2CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation #3School Based ServicesAshland Food Angels Remodel 2Program AdministrationCDBG-CV OHRA Shower Program 2 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Activity to prevent, preparefor, and respond toCoronavirusYesYesNoNoNoYes IDISActivity#148151152146145147 Project NameCDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation 2CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation #3Maslow ProjectAshland Food Angels Remodel 2Program AdministrationCDBG-CV OHRA Shower Program 2 PID001100140002000300040008 IDIS Year201920192020202020202020 Renter-NonLM000000 PAGE: 8/18 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:53:39 PM Renter-LowMod000000 Renter-Low000000 Renter-XLow000000 Owner-PCTLM000000 Owner-Total000000 Owner-NonLM000000 Owner-LowMod000000 Owner-Low000000 Owner-XLow000000 8/18 TotalRace1251100010200397 DEVELOPMENT ActualByYear1251100010200397 PR03- BOSMAC (original) ReportYear202020202020002020 AccompType01010101001 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN Balance0.000.000.002,283.939,277.700.00 OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Draw InAmount32,000.0052,000.0013,288.433,241.0726,107.3018,026.01 Draw ThruAmount32,000.0052,000.0013,288.433,241.0726,107.3018,026.01 Funded32,000.0052,000.0013,288.435,525.0035,385.0018,026.01 Fund Dt9/23/20201/5/20211/22/20219/22/20209/22/20209/23/2020 Outcomes111101 Objectives111101 StatusOOCOCC MTX05Z05Z05D05W21A05Z PctLM000000 IDIS NatObjLMCLMCLMCLMC0LMC PAGE: 9/18 FemHsHldRenter000000 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:53:39 PM FemHsHldOwner000000 Persons-PCT-LM111001 Persons-Total1251100010200397 Persons-NonLM000000 Persons-Mod000000 Persons-Low000000 Persons-XLow1251100010200397 Owner+Renter-PCTLM000000 9/18 DEVELOPMENT PR03- BOSMAC (original) Owner+Renter-Total000000 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Owner+Renter-NonLM000000 Owner+Renter-LowMod000000 Owner+Renter-Low000000 Owner+Renter-XLow000000 Renter-PCTLM000000 IDIS Renter-Total000000 AiAnWOwner000000 PAGE: 10/18 NHPIHPersons000000 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:53:39 PM NHPIHRenter000000 NHPIHOwner000000 NHPIPersons000000 NHPIRenter000000 NHPIOwner000000 AiAnHPersons000000 AiAnHRenter000000 AiAnHOwner000000 AiAnPersons000000 AiAnRenter000000 AiAnOwner000000 AsianHPersons000000 AsianHRenter000000 AsianHOwner000000 10/18 AsianPersons000000 DEVELOPMENT AsianRenter000000 PR03- BOSMAC (original) AsianOwner000000 BlackHPersons000000 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN BlackHRenter000000 OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BlackHOwner000000 BlackPersons005000 BlackRenter000000 BlackOwner000000 WhiteHPersons0038000 WhiteHRenter000000 WhiteHOwner000000 WhitePersons125110008200397 WhiteRenter000000 WhiteOwner000000 IDIS Fem HsHldOwner+Renter000000 OtherMRHRenter000000 PAGE: 11/18 OtherMRHOwner000000 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:53:39 PM OtherMRPersons0015000 OtherMRRenter000000 OtherMROwner000000 AiAnBlkHPersons000000 AiAnBlkHRenter000000 AiAnBlkHOwner000000 AiAnBlkPersons000000 AiAnBlkRenter000000 AiAnBlkOwner000000 BlackWHPersons000000 BlackWHRenter000000 11/18 BlackWHOwner000000 DEVELOPMENT BlackWPersons000000 PR03- BOSMAC (original) BlackWRenter000000 BlackWOwner000000 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN AsianWHPersons000000 OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT AsianWHRenter000000 AsianWHOwner000000 AsianWPersons000000 AsianWRenter000000 AsianWOwner000000 AiAnWHPersons000000 AiAnWHRenter000000 AiAnWHOwner000000 AiAnWPersons000000 IDIS AiAnWRenter000000 PAGE: 12/18 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:53:39 PM Accomplishment Narrative(PY20): CDBG-CV funding has been provided to Peacehouseto assist that organization in preparing and packaging hotmeals to be delivered to homeless and at-risk low-incomeindividuals. Peacehouse provides 125 packaged hot mealseach day for four days out of each week. These packagedmeals take the place of previously offered congregate mealsfor homeless and low income individuals.(PY20): Total meals provided over the grant period. It isexpected that meals have been provided to the some of thesame people over the course of the 22 week period.(PY20): Maslow Project worked with 102 students who werehomeless and at risk of homelessness during the 2020 schoolyear.00(PY20): Showers provided to homeless populations for theseven month period between July and January. TotalH0038000 Total1251100010200397 12/18 DEVELOPMENT HispanicHPersons000000 PR03- BOSMAC (original) HispanicHRenter000000 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN HispanicHOwner000000 OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT HispanicPersons000000 HispanicRenter000000 HispanicOwner000000 AsianPIHPersons000000 AsianPIHRenter000000 AsianPIHOwner000000 AsianPIPersons000000 AsianPIRenter000000 AsianPIOwner000000 IDIS OtherMRHPersons000000 PAGE: 13/18 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:53:39 PM DescriptionCity staff has been coordinating with local andregional providers of homeless services on theissue of Emergency Cold Weather Sheltersolutions. Due to the restrictions placed on congregatesheltering, the City has been looking for optionsto provide shelter during inclement weatherevents that will be safe for both shelterparticipants and volunteers, while also alleviatingthe need to scramble to locate a space largeenough to provide shelter while maintainingsocial distancing. One option, which many communities throughoutthe state are utilizing, is the purchase and use ofpallet shelters. These shelters are relatively inexpensive, andinclude heat and electricity. They have the capacity to provide shelter for upto 4 individuals (thought the City would notrecommend more than 2 individuals in a shelterunless they are a family unit comprised of morethan two individuals). The shelters also have a locking door to promotesome measure of safety and security for theoccupants. The City is proposing the purchase of a few ofthese shelters (3 to be exact) to help provideadditional capacity for shorter term shelter that isCovid safe. The City is proposing that these shelters beplaced in the parking lot of the Unitarian church,which is the church that initiated the overnightparking program. The pallet shelters would take the place of thethree parking spots that the overnight parkingprogram was already been approved to host. Through the overnight parking program, theUnitarian church established a registrationprocess with Options for Helping Residents ofAshland, and identified priority populations forplacement in the limited spaces. These systems, which are already in place, willcontinue to be utilized for the Pallet Shelter Pilotproject. Lastly the Unitarian Church has an existingagreement that participants sign upon enteringthe program which will be adapted to suit thepallet shelter pilot project as needed. The Unitarian Church has already gone throughthe City administrative approval process forhosting overnight guests in their parking lot and iseager to be the first to host the pallet shelters. The Church has a porta-potty in place to servethe overnight guests. The City is also in communication with several ofthe emergency cold weather shelter volunteersregarding a system for checking in on theprogram participants at the usual lights out timeand again in the morning. Address87 Fourth St Ashland, OR 97520-2149 13/18 DEVELOPMENT PR03- BOSMAC (original) Activity NamePallet Shelter Pilot Project U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Activity to prevent, preparefor, and respond toCoronavirusYes IDISActivity#149 Project NamePallet Shelter Pilot Project PID0009 IDIS Year2020 Renter-NonLM0 PAGE: 14/18 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:53:39 PM Renter-LowMod0 Renter-Low0 Renter-XLow0 Owner-PCTLM0 Owner-Total0 Owner-NonLM0 Owner-LowMod0 Owner-Low0 Owner-XLow0 TotalRace7 14/18 DEVELOPMENT ActualByYear7 PR03- BOSMAC (original) ReportYear2020 AccompType11 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN Balance0.00 OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Draw InAmount25,080.00 Draw ThruAmount25,080.00 Funded25,080.00 Fund Dt11/30/2020 Outcomes1 Objectives1 StatusC MTX03C PctLM0 IDIS NatObjLMC PAGE: 15/18 FemHsHldRenter0 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:53:39 PM FemHsHldOwner0 Persons-PCT-LM1 Persons-Total7 Persons-NonLM0 Persons-Mod0 Persons-Low0 Persons-XLow7 Owner+Renter-PCTLM0 15/18 DEVELOPMENT PR03- BOSMAC (original) Owner+Renter-Total0 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Owner+Renter-NonLM0 Owner+Renter-LowMod0 Owner+Renter-Low0 Owner+Renter-XLow0 Renter-PCTLM0 IDIS Renter-Total0 AiAnWOwner0 PAGE: 16/18 NHPIHPersons0 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:53:39 PM NHPIHRenter0 NHPIHOwner0 NHPIPersons0 NHPIRenter0 NHPIOwner0 AiAnHPersons0 AiAnHRenter0 AiAnHOwner0 AiAnPersons0 AiAnRenter0 AiAnOwner0 AsianHPersons0 AsianHRenter0 AsianHOwner0 16/18 AsianPersons0 DEVELOPMENT AsianRenter0 PR03- BOSMAC (original) AsianOwner0 BlackHPersons0 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN BlackHRenter0 OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BlackHOwner0 BlackPersons0 BlackRenter0 BlackOwner0 WhiteHPersons0 WhiteHRenter0 WhiteHOwner0 WhitePersons7 WhiteRenter0 WhiteOwner0 IDIS Fem HsHldOwner+Renter0 OtherMRHRenter0 PAGE: 17/18 OtherMRHOwner0 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:53:39 PM OtherMRPersons0 OtherMRRenter0 OtherMROwner0 AiAnBlkHPersons0 AiAnBlkHRenter0 AiAnBlkHOwner0 AiAnBlkPersons0 AiAnBlkRenter0 AiAnBlkOwner0 BlackWHPersons0 BlackWHRenter0 17/18 BlackWHOwner0 DEVELOPMENT BlackWPersons0 PR03- BOSMAC (original) BlackWRenter0 BlackWOwner0 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN AsianWHPersons0 OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT AsianWHRenter0 AsianWHOwner0 AsianWPersons0 AsianWRenter0 AsianWOwner0 AiAnWHPersons0 AiAnWHRenter0 AiAnWHOwner0 AiAnWPersons0 IDIS AiAnWRenter0 PAGE: 18/18 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:53:39 PM Accomplishment Narrative(PY20): Homeless individuals provided temporary non-congregate shelter. TotalH0 Total7 18/18 DEVELOPMENT HispanicHPersons0 PR03- BOSMAC (original) HispanicHRenter0 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN HispanicHOwner0 OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT HispanicPersons0 HispanicRenter0 HispanicOwner0 AsianPIHPersons0 AsianPIHRenter0 AsianPIHOwner0 AsianPIPersons0 AsianPIRenter0 AsianPIOwner0 IDIS OtherMRHPersons0 9/22/20209/23/20201/5/20219/23/20206/22/202010/29/20191/22/202110/29/2019 Fund Dt PAGE: 1/4 11111111 Outcomes DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:55:03 PM 11111312 Objectives OCOOCCCC Status 05W05Z05Z05Z05Z05D05D05Q MTX 00000000 PctLM LMCLMCLMCLMCLMCLMCLMCLMC NatObj Remodel and upgrade of perishable food sortingand storage facility. Work to include the replacement of roof, theand the addition of two windows, and theinstallation of stairs to access a storage areaabove the main sorting area.OHRA will operate its Laundry and ShowerTrailer for six months beginning July 14, 2020.As part of the operation, OHRA will providetwo staff people to sign individuals up forshowers, monitor compliance with socialdistancing and provide navigation services toshower trailer patrons.OHRA will provide another staff person fortowel laundering and will contract with aprofessional cleaning service to clean the showerportion of the Laundry and Shower Trailerduring and after operations. The trailer will operate two days per week forfour hours a day for a period of six months inthe parking lot of the First United MethodistChurch, 175 North Main Street.Operations will begin on July 14, 2020 and willrun through the week of January 4, 2021. The shower trailer is expected to provide 20-25showers to homeless individuals each day ofoperation.Preparation and distribution of meals forhomeless populations.Meal preparation and delivery programproviding prepackaged meals to be distributed tohomeless and low-income populations tocontinue to provide food assistance whilepromoting and maintaining COVID-19 safetyprecautions and abiding by E.O.20-12 regarding non-congregate programs andsocial distancing. The Meal Preparation and delivery Programwill provide 125 meals a day for 4 days out ofthe week, (for a total of 500 meals per week)from July 1st 2020 through October 31st 2020(16 weeks).Meal preparation to provided to homeless andlow income population at scattered sites.Case Management for homeless and at riskfamilies and children enrolled in the Ashlandschool district.Case management and supports for homelessand at-risk children and families enrolled in theAshland school district.Rent and Security Deposit Assistance for lowincome households. Description 472 Walker Ave Ashland, OR 97520-2324175 N Main St Ashland, OR 97520-1729543 S Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520-3241543 S Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520-3241543 S Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520-324120 E Main St Ashland, OR 97520-1814885 Siskiyou Blvd Ashland, OR 97520-2143987 Hillview Dr Ashland, OR 97520-3521 Address 1/4 DEVELOPMENT PR03c-Public Service Activities U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Ashland Food Angels Remodel 2CDBG-CV OHRA Shower Program 2CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation #3CDBG-CV-Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation 2CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal PreparationMaslow ProjectSchool Based ServicesSt. Vincent De Paul Home Visitation Program Activity Name NoYesYesYesYesNoNoNo Activity to prevent, preparefor, and respond toCoronavirus 146147151148142140152139 IDISActivity# Ashland Food Angels Remodel 2CDBG-CV OHRA Shower Program 2CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation #3CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation 2CDBG-CV-PS_Peace House COVID-19 Meal Preparation 2and 3Maslow ProjectOHRA-Housing Program Project Name IDIS 2020 RptProgramYear PAGE: 2/4 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:55:03 PM 2/4 DEVELOPMENT 500960125125100999911 PropUnits PR03c-Public Service Activities 00000000 ActualUnits 0000014380 TotalH U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 0(PY20): Showers provided to homelesspopulations for the seven month periodbetween July and January.(PY20): Total meals provided over the grantperiod. It is expected that meals have beenprovided to the some of the same peopleover the course of the 22 week period.(PY20): CDBG-CV funding has beenprovided to Peacehouse to assist thatorganization in preparing and packaging hotmeals to be delivered to homeless and at-risklow-income individuals. Peacehouseprovides 125 packaged hot meals each dayfor four days out of each week. Thesepackaged meals take the place of previouslyoffered congregate meals for homeless andlow income individuals.(PY20): Peace House is preparing meals fordistribution for homeless populations fourdays a week from beginning on March 24and ending on May 18th. The City hasapproved the extension of the contractthrough June 30th.(PY19): Case management for homeless andat risk youth currently enrolled in theAshland School District.(PY20): Maslow Project worked with 102students who were homeless and at risk ofhomelessness during the 2020 school year.(PY19): The total number of people helpedwith the 2019-2020 CDBG grant funding is26, that includes 20 adults and 6 children.Their incomes were extremely low (18) andvery low (8). Of the 26 people helped 6were homeless. SVDP paid 14 deposits for atotal of $13,994 and two rents for $1,469. 900000000799734900000000800012900000000823614900000000800128900000000779470900000000746829900000000827203900000000746825 Accomplishment Narrative 039711000125304011710226 TotalRace 0101010101010101 AccompType $2,283.93$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00 Balance $3,241.07$18,026.01$52,000.00$32,000.00$10,106.78$0.00$13,288.43$0.00 Draw InAmount $3,241.07$18,026.01$52,000.00$32,000.00$20,704.78$10,850.00$13,288.43$15,463.00 Draw ThruAmount IDIS $5,525.00$18,026.01$52,000.00$32,000.00$20,704.78$10,850.00$13,288.43$15,463.00 Funded 4/21/20202/11/2019 Fund Dt PAGE: 3/4 11 Outcomes DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:55:03 PM 12 Objectives CC Status 05Z05Q MTX 00 PctLM LMCLMC NatObj Funding to provide temporary housing foridentified vulnerable unhoused individualsduring the quarantine period with casemanagement to move to a more permanenthousing solution. Meal deliveries to designated locationsthroughout town provided to individuals intemporary housing and other unhousedat riskhouseholds while community meals arecancelled due to Executive Order 20-12Rent and security deposit assistance for low-income households and homeless households Description 20 E Main St Ashland, OR 97520-1814987 Hillview Dr Ashland, OR 97520-3521 Address 3/4 DEVELOPMENT PR03c-Public Service Activities U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OHRA-Temporary Housing and Meal Delivery ProgramSt. Vincent De Paul Home Visitation Program Activity Name YesNo Activity to prevent, preparefor, and respond toCoronavirus 141131 IDISActivity# OHRA-Temporary Housing and Meal Delivery ProgramSt. Vincent De Paul Home Visitation Program Project Name IDIS 2020 RptProgramYear PAGE: 4/4 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:55:03 PM 4/4 DEVELOPMENT 4036 PropUnits PR03c-Public Service Activities 00 ActualUnits 01 TotalH U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (PY20): OHRA is providing temporaryemergency non-congregate shelter forhomeless populations who meet the CDCguidelines for vulnerable to COVID-19infection. OHRA is also delivering preparedmeals to five different scattered sitelocations and to those in temporary non-congregate shelter to promote socialdistancing while providing basic foodresources to homeless populations.(PY18): St. Vincent De Paul served a total of13 families with rent and security depositassistance between July 2018 and March of2019. 900000000771044900000000700340 Accomplishment Narrative 5713 TotalRace 0101 AccompType $0.00$0.00 Balance $3,808.33$0.00 Draw InAmount $103,808.33$16,457.00 Draw ThruAmount IDIS $103,808.33$16,457.00 Funded $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00 PAGE: 1/3 Amount Drawn in $3,241.07 $13,288.43$26,107.30$18,026.01 Report Year DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:58:09 PM Draw $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00 Amount $2,283.93$9,277.70 Available to Year $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00 $3,241.07 $13,288.43$26,107.30$18,026.01 Thru Report Amount Drawn $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00 Amount $5,525.00 Commited $13,288.43$35,385.00$18,026.01 Project Estimate $5,525.00$5,525.00 $13,291.00$13,291.00$35,385.00$35,385.00$35,385.00$19,968.00 Metrics ProgramCDBGCDBGCDBGCDBGCDBGCDBGCDBGCDBG 1/3 Year DEVELOPMENT U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN PR06 - Summary of Consolidated Plan Projects for Report OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Emergency rent and security depositassistance. Options for Helping Residents ofAshland was awarded $13,291 in publicservice funding to assist qualified low-incomehouseholds and homeless families andindividuals to maintain and/or secureaffordable stable housing.Case management for homeless and at riskyouth enrolled in the Ashland School Districtrepairs and energy efficiency upgrade to afood storage facility for a food gleaning non-profit organization.General administration of the CDBG program.Remodel and upgrade of perishable foodsorting and storage facility. Work to includethe replacement of roof, the and the additionof two windows, and the installation of stairsto access a storage area above the mainsorting area.General Administration of the CDBG programGeneral Program AdministrationOHRA will operate its Laundry and ShowerTrailer for six months beginning July 14,2020. As part of the operation, OHRA willprovide two staff people to sign individuals upfor showers, monitor compliance with socialdistancing and provide navigation services toshower trailer patrons. OHRA will provideanother staff person for towel laundering andwill contract with a professional cleaningservice to clean the shower portion of theLaundry and Shower Trailer during and afteroperations. The trailer will operate two daysper week for four hours a day for a period ofsix months in the parking lot of the FirstUnited Methodist Church, 175 North MainStreet. Operations will begin on July 14, 2020and will run through the week of January 4,2021. The shower trailer is expected toprovide 20-25 showers to homelessindividuals each day of operation. Project Title and DescriptionAshland Housing Match ProgramMaslow ProjectAshland Food Angels Remodel 2Program AdministrationFood Angels-Facility Remodel 2Program AdministrationProgram AdministrationCDBG-CV OHRA Shower Program 2 IDISProject12345678 IDIS PlanYear2020 PAGE: 2/3 $25,080.00 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:58:09 PM $0.00 $25,080.00 $25,080.00 $25,080.00 CDBG 2/3 Year DEVELOPMENT U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN PR06 - Summary of Consolidated Plan Projects for Report OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT City staff has been coordinating with localand regional providers of homeless serviceson the issue of Emergency Cold WeatherShelter solutions. Due to the restrictionsplaced on congregate sheltering, the City hasbeen looking for options to provide shelterduring inclement weather events that will besafe for both shelter participants andvolunteers, while also alleviating the need toscramble to locate a space large enough toprovide shelter while maintaining socialdistancing. One option, which manycommunities throughout the state areutilizing, is the purchase and use of palletshelters. These shelters are relativelyinexpensive, and include heat and electricity.They have the capacity to provide shelter forup to 4 individuals (thought the City would notrecommend more than 2 individuals in ashelter unless they are a family unitcomprised of more than two individuals). Theshelters also have a locking door to promotesome measure of safety and security for theoccupants. The City is proposing thepurchase of a few of these shelters (3 to beexact) to help provide additional capacity forshorter term shelter that is Covid safe. TheCity is proposing that these shelters beplaced in the parking lot of the Unitarianchurch, which is the church that initiated theovernight parking program. The palletshelters would take the place of the threeparking spots that the overnight parkingprogram was already been approved to host.Through the overnight parking program, theUnitarian church established a registrationprocess with Options for Helping Residents ofAshland, and identified priority populations forplacement in the limited spaces. Thesesystems, which are already in place, willcontinue to be utilized for the Pallet ShelterPilot project. Lastly the Unitarian Church hasan existing agreement that participants signupon entering the program which will beadapted to suit the pallet shelter pilot projectas needed. The Unitarian Church hasalready gone through the City administrative Pallet Shelter Pilot Project 9 IDIS 2020 $0.00$0.00$0.00 PAGE: 3/3 DATE: 9/20/2021 TIME: 1:58:09 PM $0.00 $37,948.00$40,908.69 $0.00$0.00$0.00 $0.00 $37,948.00$40,908.69 $13,291.00$37,948.00$41,400.92 CDBGCDBGCDBG 3/3 Year DEVELOPMENT U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN PR06 - Summary of Consolidated Plan Projects for Report OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Case management for homeless and at-riskchildren and families enrolled in the Ashlandschool district.administration of CDBG-CV fundingCovid Related emergency winter shelterprogram, some of which was paid for withCity funding. Maslow Project-School Based ServicesCDBG-CV Program AdministrationOHRA-Winter Shelter Program 101112 IDIS 2020