HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-02-28 Housing & Human Services PACKET Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission Regular Meeting Agenda February 28, 2019: 4:30 6:30pm Siskiyou Room of the Community Development Building 51 Winburn Way 1. (4:30) Approval of Minutes (5 min) January 24, 2019 2. (4:35) Public Forum (5 min) 3. (4:40) Development Proposal with an Affordable Housing Component (20 min) 4. (5:00) CDBG Grant Review Process Discussion (20 min) 5. (5:20) Housing Strategies Workgroup Update (15 min) 6. (5:35) SS Strategic Plan Workgroup Update and Grant Review Schedule Discussion (15 min) 7. (5:50) Amendment to CDBG Action Plan (10 min) Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist 8. (6:00) Liaison Reports (20 min) Liaison Reports Council (Dennis Slattery) SOU Liaison (Unfilled) Staff (Linda Reid) General Announcements/Local Housing Updates 9. (6:20) March 28, 2019 Meeting Agenda Items Quorum Check Commissioners not available to attend upcoming regular meetings should declare their expected absence. 10. (6.25) Upcoming Events and Meetings Next Housing Commission Regular Meeting 4:30-6:30 PM; March 28, 2019 11. (6:30) Adjournment In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). Memo DATE: 2/25/2019 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: Affordable Housing Requirements for Annexation Below is the Ashland Land Use Ordinance (ALUO) sections which will pertain to this particular development proposal. The relevant information is taken from Chapter of 18 section 5.8.050 of the Ashland Land Use Ordinance. Sections not relevant to the affordable housing component have been removed. Approval Criteria and Standards An annexation may be approved if the proposed request for annexation conforms, or can be made to conform through the imposition of conditions, with all of the following approval criteria. (Sections A-F have been omitted as they do not pertain to the affordable housing requirement) G. Except as provided in, below, annexations with a density or potential density of four residential units or greater and involving residential zoned lands, or commercial, employment or industrial lands with a Residential Overlay (R-Overlay) shall meet the following requirements. 1. The total number of affordable units provided to qualifying buyers, or to qualifying renters, shall be equal to or exceed 25 percent of the base density as calculated using the unit equivalency values set forth herein. a. Ownership units restricted to households earning at or below 120 percent the area median income shall have an equivalency value of 0.75 unit. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us b. Ownership units restricted to households earning at or below 100 percent the area median income shall have an equivalency value of 1.0 unit. c. Ownership units restricted to households earning at or below 80 percent the area median income shall have an equivalency value of 1.25 unit. d. Ownership or rental units restricted to households earning at or below 60 percent the area median income shall have an equivalency value of 1.5 unit. 2. As alternative to providing affordable units per section, above, the applicant may provide title to a sufficient amount of buildable land for development complying with subsection, above, through transfer to a non-profit (IRC 501(3)(c) affordable housing developer or public corporation created under ORS 456.055to 456.235. a. The land to be transferred shall be located within the project meeting the standards set forth in18.5.8.050.G, subsections 4 - 6. b. All needed public facilities shall be extended to the area or areas proposed for transfer. c. Prior to commencement of the project, title to the land shall be transferred to the City, an affordable housing developer which must either be a unit of government, a nonprofit 501(C)(3) organization, or public corporation created under ORS 456.055 to 456.235. d. program requirements. 3. The affordable units shall be comparable in bedroom mix and housing type with the market rate units in the development. a. The number of bedrooms per dwelling unit in the affordable units within the residential development shall be in equal proportion to the number of bedrooms per dwelling unit in the market-rate units within the residential development. This provision is not intended to require the same floor area in affordable units as compared to market-rate units. The minimum square footage of each affordable unit shall comply with the minimum required floor based as set forth in Table DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Unit Type Minimum Required Unit Floor Area (Square Feet) Table Studio 350 1 Bedroom 500 2 Bedroom 800 3 Bedroom 1,000 4Bedroom 1,250 b. The required on-site affordable units shall be comprised of the different unit types in the same proportion as the market dwelling units within the development. 4. A development schedule shall be provided that demonstrates that that the affordable housing units per subsection shall be developed, and made available for occupancy, as follows. a. That 50 percent of the affordable units shall have been issued building permits prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the last of the first 50 percent of the market rate units. b. Prior to issuance of a building permit for the final ten percent of the market rate units, the final 50 percent of the affordable units shall have been issued certificates of occupancy. 5. That affordable housing units shall be distributed throughout the project 6. That affordable housing units shall be constructed using comparable building materials and include equivalent amenities as the market rate units. a. The exterior appearance of the affordable units in any residential development shall be visually compatible with the market-rate units in the development. External building materials and finishes shall be substantially the same in type and quality for affordable units as for market-rate units b. Affordable units may differ from market-rate units with regard to interior finishes and materials provided that the affordable housing units are provided with comparable features to the market rate units, and shall have generally comparable improvements related to energy efficiency, including plumbing, insulation, windows, appliances, and heating and cooling systems. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us 7. Exceptions to the requirements of, subsections G.2 G.5, above, may be approved by the City Council upon consideration of one or more of the following. a. That an alternative land dedication as proposed would accomplish additional benefits for the City, consistent with the purposes of this chapter, than would development meeting the on-site dedication requirement of subsection b. That an alternative mix of housing types not meeting the requirements of subsection would accomplish additional benefits to the City consistent with this chapter, than would the development providing a proportional mix of unit types. c. That the alternative phasing proposal not meeting subsection provided by the applicant provides adequate assurance that the affordable housing units will be provided in a timely fashion. d. That the distribution of affordable units within the development not meeting subsection is necessary for development of an affordable housing project that provides onsite staff with supportive services. e. That the distribution of affordable units within the development as proposed would accomplish additional benefits for the city, consistent with the purposes of this chapter, than would development meeting the distribution requirement of subsection f. That the materials and amenities applied to the affordable units within the development, that are not equivalent to the market rate units per subsection, are necessary due to local, State, or Federal Affordable Housing standards or financing limitations. 8. The total number of affordable units described in this section shall be determined by rounding down fractional answers to the nearest whole unit. A deed restriction or similar legal instrument shall be used to guarantee compliance with affordable criteria for a period of not less than 60 years. Properties providing affordable units as part of the annexation process shall qualify for a maximum density bonus of 25 percent. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Memo DATE: 2/25/2019 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: Grand Terrace Preliminary Site Plan Below is the conceptual site plan and affordable housing density calculations for the Grand Terrace development proposed. Attached is the pre-app that has been proposed previously. There are changes to the Site Plan since it was last proposed, and the number of units was modified. Attached is the revised conceptual site plan. The following is the density calculations: Lot area excluding areas of steep slope, wetlands, riparian drainages: 13.75 X 13.5 = 185.62 Base Density Annexations require a minimum density of 90 percent: 185.62 X .90 = 167 Minimum Density When units are proposed that are less than 500 SF = .75 of a unit: 185.62 / .75 = 247 units The base density of the property is 247 units when the unit is less than 500 square feet (exterior dimensions not the heated habitable floor area). 167 / .75 = 222 units The minimum density of the property is 222 units when the unit is less than 500 square feet. The proposal of 224 units is more than the minimum density requirement. The number of affordable housing units is 25% of the base density (46 units) Annexation Criteria (AMC requires that when rental units proposed, they are restricted to 60 % AMI. If the units are distributed throughout the project and have the same amenities, there is an equivalent value to 1.5 of a unit. The 46 units is reduced to 30 units. (46.4 / 1.5 = 30.9). DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us '001 '04 0 2. 0 0 + 0 2 S S E C C A . D. H. S. O ' 5 2 L / C S E W E R ' 0 8 '02 '04 ' 6 2 RE W ES " 4 ' 6 2 ' 0 8 ' 0 9 837 40 -7 6 . R.O SS EC CA ' 53 00 +9 2 E N IL R E W E S'02 ET A VI R P '04 ' 08 ' 09 T P 07. 63+ 03 A TS ' 05 '05 Memo DATE: 2/25/2019 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: 2019 CDBG Grant Review Discussion In preparation for 2019 CDBG Grant review process the Commission asked that time to discuss and generate clarifying questions, and to review the scoring matrix and discuss changes be scheduled. Attached you will find the CDBG scoring matrix. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us HGDA CB E F J I The budget and time The agency submitting the proposal has the capacity to carry out the projectduplicate service provided by another organizationThe project funds the higher the ranking the project shall be givenThe project has at least 10% of the total project in matching funds. The larger the amount of matching The project shall be given.larger percentage of jobs held by low and moderateare held by low and moderate51% of the jobs shall be held by low and moderate income people. The longer period of tIf the project is related to economic development for jobs for low and moderateperiod of time the units remain If the project is related to affordable housing, the project retains the units as affordable. The longer the The project is a proven effective strategy to improve conditions or solve an identified problem.to this requirement are projects targeted at helping people with special needs.those benefits are part of a program that will eventually help them obtain self sufficiency. Exceptions or services that meet basic needs sconditions. The proposed project must have or be part of a comprehensive approach that takes clients The project assists low and moderateCDBG Consolidated PlanThe Project provides benefit to a demographic group that has a need documented in the City of Ashland maximizes partnerships in the community utilizes already existing resources in effective and innovative ways. The project shall not line are well thought out and realistic Ratings: High=3, Medium=2, Low=1 - income persons, the higher the ranking the project shall be given. The affordable, the higher ranking the project shall be given hall only be funded if it can be demonstrated that clients receiving - income households in substantially improving - income persons the higher the ranking the project (10%=1, 20 - 50%=2, 50%+=3) - income people, at least ime the jobs their living M K L activity.The organization The project is ready for implementation within a year of a CDBG award notificationThe proposal demonstrates CDBG funds are the most appropriate funding source for the project proposing the project has the experience and capacity to undertake the proposed Memo DATE: 2/25/2019 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: Housing Strategies Workgroup Report The Housing and Human Services Commission created a workgroup to simplify and prioritize the Housing Strategies contained in the Ashland Housing Strategies document for recommendation to the Council. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Memo DATE: 2/25/2019 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Tom Gunderson RE: SS Grant Work Group Report ASHLAND SOCIAL SERICE GRANTS 2011-2018 Over the past four (two year cycles) Ashland has provided funding for 28 social service projects submitted by 24 organizations for a total of $1,033,944.04 in funding. Four organizations were funded for all four grant cycles; nine organizations for three cycles; six for two cycles and five for one cycle. Two organizations have been funded for multiple projects. Community Works has been funded for three projects over four grant cycles and one project for three cycles. Rogue Valley Manor Community Services has been funded for two projects for three grant cycles. Organizations that have received the most funding include: Community Works for a total of $223,265 for four grants over four funding cycles; Ashland Community Health Center for a total of $152,318 over three funding cycles; St. Vincent de Paul for a total of $142,163 over four funding cycles; Options For Helping Residents Of Ashland (OHRA) for a total of $124,740 over two funding cycles. Services provided have been in the following categories: Homeless/Housing & Food Assistance: Nine organizations: Access, Ashland Supportive Housing, Ashland First Presbyterian Church, Community Works, Southern Oregon Jobs for Justice, Maslow, OHRA, RVCOG, Saint Vincent de Paul. Mentoring/ Advocacy: Four organizations: Court-Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), The Center for Nonprofit Legal Services, Help Now and Rose Circle. Health: Three organizations: Ashland Community Health center, Child Dental Clinic, Planned Parenthood. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Sex Abuse: Community Works, Jackson County SART. Counseling/Support: Three organizations: Family Solutions, Hope Equestrian, and Winter Spring. Resource/Referral: One organizations: Community Works (Help Line). Senior Services: One organization: Rogue Valley Manor Community Services. Alcohol & Drug: One organization: OnTrack. Residential: One Organization, Community Works (Dunn House). Mediation: One organization: Mediation Works. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Total Funds WinterSpringSt Vincent de PaulRV Council of GovRVM Com SvsRVM Com SvsRose CirclePlanned ParentOHRAOn TrackMediation WksMaslowJobs for JusticeJackson Co SARTHelp Now AdvHope EquestrianFirst Presb ChurchFamily SolutionsAsh Com Health CtrCommunity WksCommunity WksCommunity WksCommunity WksChild Dent ClinicChild Adv CenterCtr for Legal SvCASAAsh Supp HousingAccess ASHLAND SOCIAL SERVICE GRANT AWARDS CounselingRent /util asstMeals on WheelsFoster GparentsRSVPMentoringAsh clientsOperations FundingAsh Sub abuseAsh clientsSupport Ash Clients Meals HomelessTrain Ash Volsup indiv in crisistherapyShelter costsCounselingBuildingStreet OutreachSex assalut victimsHelplineDunn HouseAsh ClientsAsh ClientsAsh ClientsTrain Ash volHousing AsstFood Bank Asst yr1 2011/12 120710 370001062516000 500015001500400035001000500028808250273040002605700021206000 yr2 123125 377401083816320 510015301530408035701020510029388415278540802657714021626120 yr1 2013/14 129088 160003070914760 1600120015004000350012006000400010002500600025848135400040006000350018004600 500 yr2 129088 160003070914760 1600120015004000350012006000400010002500600025848135400040006000350018004600 500 yr1 2015/16 130660 200003700011760 37003000150060008000800060001800470028503750500030004600 yr2 133273 204003774011995 37743060153061208160816061201836479429073825510030604692 yr1 2017/18 134000.02 29831.5814227.3711473.6810555.79 2294.741147.373442.115736.846654.741147.373442.116884.217343.164818.95 25000 yr2 134000.02 29831.5814227.3711473.6810555.79 2294.741147.373442.115736.846654.741147.373442.116884.217343.164818.95 25000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Funds 1,033,944.04 142,163.16124,740.00152,318.00100,281.32 35,928.7410,019.4813,944.2219,110.0026,190.0039,107.3611,473.6835,409.4810,818.0040,785.0021,203.2260,995.4221,837.0020,837.0057,351.5826,979.9030,612.00 3,200.008,324.744,420.008,000.002,000.002,294.743,600.00 Memo DATE: 2/25/2019 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: Amendment to the CDBG Action Plan The City receives approximately $175,425 in CDBG funds annually. Due to the HUD annual test for timely expenditure of CDBG funds the City cannot have more than $263,137 in our CDBG line of credit on the date of the next annual test, May 2, 2019. On that date the City anticipates we will have approximately $80,000 in CDBG funds that have yet to be expended by subrecipients that have been awarded funds in prior years as well as some unallocated funds. This amount would constitute 1.99 times the annual award allocation. As such, in additional to subrecipients expending their awards (see table below), the City will need to ensure an additional 20,000 in CDBG funds is expended by May 2, 2019. The Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG program has a stipulation that grant administrators plan for the timely expenditure of funds. This is called timeliness, timeliness refers to how quickly the grantee is able to commit and expend CDBG funding. The program rule for timeliness is that the grantee cannot have more than 1.5 times their annual allocation sitting in their line of credit at the U.S. treasury. The analysis for timeliness is th calculated 60 days prior to the end of the grantees program year (June 30 is the end of the program year for the City of Ashland.) If a grantee has more than 1.5 times their allocation in their line of credit they will be required to grantee that shows chronic timeliness issues is at risk of having HUD withhold future grants until the grantee can quickly than most grantees. Given the current formula allocation the City can have up to $238,089 in funding in the line ofcredit without triggering the timeliness rule. Previously allocated but yet unexpended grant funds count toward this total, as well as the amount of unallocated carry over funds. Last year, in May of 2018, the City was $15,359 over the 1.5 threshold for CDBG funding and therefore did not meet the HUD timeliness test. Consequently, the City was required to submit a workout plan to tell HUD how the City would expend the backlog of funds. Later that month the City did allocated $ $307,051 in CDBG funding to eligible projects. While the City did provide HUD with a reasonable plan for expending $200,000 of CDBG funds quickly on, two separate site acquisitions for affordable housing, and one fall prevention program totaling, the two property acquisitions, totaling $150,000, will not expend the funds prior to the timeliness test. Specifically, the City committed $100,000 in CDBG funding to Columbia Care to help that organization acquire a section of land on which to build a multifamily affordable housing complex. Columbia Care staff and City staff worked together to complete the HUD environmental assessment requirements. Through that process it became evident that the storm water plan required to meet National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) regulations would cost Columbia Care DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us more money to install and maintain than the amount of federal funding the City was providing. As Columbia Care was not required to meet the NEPA storm water standards if they did not utilize CDBG funding Columbia Care opted to decline the CDBG award so that that organization could move forward with their acquisition of the property in a timely manner. This $100,000 will be rewarded in the coming CDBG application process. Additionally, Habitat for Humanity was awarded $50,000 in CDBG funds to acquire property, but to date they have not yet executed a land purchase agreement for the site identified in their application. Due to these subrecipient projects being canceled or delayed the City was not able to expend adequate CDBG funds to meet the upcoming HUD timeliness test. Consequently, the City needs to commit $20,000 in unallocated funds to a new project which can expeditiously utilize the funds in order to nt of carryover allowable. If the City does not expend the funds necessary to drop below the 1.5 times the annual carryover threshold, the surplus amount is subject to recapture by HUD. an utilize $20,000 in CDBG funds to purchase audible signals to be placed in identified areas throughout the City. This activity would be an eligible use of funding and provide a community wide benefit for peoples with disabilities. The $20,000 award to the Public Works Department could be expended immediately. This expenditure, along with the other funding already committed to projects expected to be completed by May 2, 2019 would allow the City to meet the timeliness test prior to the close of the grant year and avoid any recapture of funds. If all of the grantees that have been awarded CDBG funds were to complete their projects by May 2, 2019, then the City could draw down the funding and meet the timeliness test. However, contracts for 2018 funding were executed at a much later date than in previous years due to a variety of circumstances including a HUD accounting issue which kept HUD from releasing funds to grantees, and the government shut down which delayed the availability and distribution of 2018 grant funds. Grantees have until December of 2019 to expend the funds nd entirely. Current grantees are expected to expend approximately $71,000 in grant funds prior to May 2. Allocating an additional $20,000 in grant funds to an eligible activity that can expend the funds quickly will help the City avoid losing funding. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us