HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-06-27 Housing & Human Services PACKET Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission Regular Meeting Agenda June 27, 2019: 4:00 – 6:00pm Siskiyou Room of the Community Development Building 51 Winburn Way 1. (4:00) Approval of Minutes (5 min) May 22, 2019 2. (4:05) Public Forum (5 min) 3.(4:10)Presentation:10 Year Plan to End Homelessness Update (25 min) Constance Wilkerson, CoC director 4. (4:35) CDBG Consolidated Planning Process Introduction/Overview(25 min) Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist 5.(5:00)SB 608 Forum Planning(20 min) 6. (5:20) SS Grant Application Changes Suggestions (15 min) 7.(5:35)Liaison Reports discussion (10 min) Liaison Reports Council(Dennis Slattery) SOU Liaison (vacant) Staff(Linda Reid) General Announcements 8.(5:45)July 25, 2019 MeetingAgenda Items Quorum Check – Commissioners not available to attend upcoming regular meetings should declare their expected absence. 9.(5:50)Upcoming Events and Meetings Next Housing Commission Regular Meeting 4:00-6:00 PM; July 25, 2019 in the Siskiyou Room of the Community Development Building 10. (6:00) Adjournment In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission Minutes May 23, 2019 Call to Order Commission Chair Rohde called the meeting to order at 4:32 pm in the Siskiyou Room at the Community Development and Engineering Offices located at 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon, 97520. Commissioners Present:Council Liaison Rich Rohde Dennis Slattery - Absent Joseph Tomlin Linda Reppond SOU Liaison Erin Crowley None appointed at this time Tom Gunderson Sarah Spansail Staff Present: Jackie Bachman Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist Liz Hamilton, Permit Technician Commissioners Not In Attendance: Gina Duquenne Heidi Parker Approval of Minutes Commissioners Jackie Bachman/ Erin Crowley m/s to approve the minutes of April 25, 2019. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed Public Forum –No attendees. Commissioner Sarah Spansail put forth changing meeting times to 4pm as she sits on another board same day, Commission agreed to 4pm next meeting and will vote on time change at that time. New Commissioner Welcome and Introductions Round the table introductions for everyone in attendance CDBG Action Plan Review and Approval Linda Reid gave a basic description of the annual CDBG grant process, HUD process, and the Continuum of Care Board for Jackson County. Jackie Bachman had a question as to meaning of the acronym used in the Action Plan which referred to ESG Funds. Linda Reid stated that ESG was the acronym for Emergency Shelter Grant, which is money given to a program direct thru ACCESS, not thru the City. Linda gave examples of what HUD is still funding in our communities. Erin Crowley noticed that Food angels is not listed in the Plan review, Linda will change how the form draws in the info at certain locations so that Food Angels is listed. Commissioners Jackie Bachman/ Linda Reppond m/s to approve CDBG Action Plan with corrections discussed. Show of hands Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed. Rich Rohde discussed a plan to be more aggressive with outreach in promoting the grant funds next year. This will be a discussion item in future meetings. Jackie Bachman made commission aware of the “Round Up” program thru the Ashland Low Income Energy Assistance Program. Wants Linda Reid to research the program and consider promoting that through the commission. SB 608 Forum Planning SB 608 is the new State of Oregon Rent Stabilization regulation for rentals. There is discussion about partnering with City of Medford or working with other partners to sponsor the event to help with the cost of renting a room at SOU as well as making it a larger event. Discussion about who to target, tenants or landlords. Want to target education of both tenants and landlords as well as promote open discussion between both groups. Possibly add a fair housing element to the Forum? A Work Group was formed to concentrate on where to hold event, what education items will be provided, and who to partner with. Work Group for SB 608 Forum: Joseph Tomlin, Sarah Spansail, and Gina Duquenne SS Grant Process Debrief and Strategic Plan Update Next Steps Rich Rohde felt the process with the commission and the council went well this year and the council understood the process the commission went through to make the recommendations. Discussion about having the additional meetings to go over applications before presentations next year as well as work groups. Discussion about changing the application form to be personalized to just Ashland. Discussion about publicizing tangible guidelines for the service priority of the city for each round of grant applications. It was decided that the Commission should form a work group to bring recommendation changes of the application form to the commission. Work Group for Application form changes: Tom Gunderson, Erin Crowley, and Heidi Parker Liaison Reports discussion Council (Dennis Slattery) – not present SOU Liaison (vacant) Staff (Linda Reid) – gave an update on Terrell Terrace Condominiums and the issue of a low income unit being rented at market rate. The matter is being handled by the Legal Dept of the city and they are in touch with the owner of the unit. A Compromise has been worked out until the city issues their amended resale restriction covenant. Also gave some update on the Grand Terrace complex proposal, that presented to the Commission at their regular meeting in February. The proposal is still in the early phases of the planning process, will first need to get the land annexed into the city. General Announcements: th Rich Rohde provided information on the Ashland Housing forum being held at the library on May 25. Erin Crowley asked for an update on the status of the Community Center. Staff stated that the building is not structurally sound and the city is working on a plan for renovation of the building. Jackie Backman gave update on the OHRA winter shelter. OHRA has hired a new Executive Director, they are currently searching for a shelter Program Manager and are continuing to work with the County on the planning approval for 2082 E Main as the permanent winter shelter location. Rohde and Backman provided an update on the Shower/laundry trailer. The shower trailer that is currently being used is on temporary loan from the forest service and as fire season is approaching it will have to be returned. OHRA bought a new shower/laundry trailer which was damaged prior to delivery. The Company that damaged the trailer is taking responsibility for repairing it, but the repairs are taking longer than anticipated. The trailer is currently in Eugene being repaired, may be 6-8 weeks before it will be ready. Upcoming Events and Meetings Next Housing Commission Regular Meeting 4:00-6:00 PM; June 27, 2019 in the Siskiyou Room of the Community Development Building ADJOURNMENT: Rich Rohde adjourned the meeting at 6:20p.m. Respectfully submitted by Liz Hamilton Memo DATE: June 27, 2019 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid RE: Consolidated Plan Introduction and Overview The City of Ashland is an entitlement jurisdiction, receiving an annual allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). As a recipient of CDBG funds, the City is required to prepare a five-year strategic plan that identifies housing and community needs, prioritizes these needs, identifies resources to address needs, and establishes annual goals and objectives to meet the identified needs The City of Ashland 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan is a five-year strategic plan to provide an outline of action for the community as it works toward meeting the housing and community development needs of its low- and moderate-income households. The plan’s development includes a profile of the community and its economy, an assessment of the housing, community development and public service needs of its residents, and sets out long-range strategies to meet those needs. The consolidated plan serves the following functions: A planning document for the jurisdiction, which builds on a participatory process among citizens, organizations, businesses, and other stakeholders; A submission for federal funds under HUD's formula grant programs for jurisdictions; A strategy to be followed in carrying out HUD programs; and A management tool for assessing performance and tracking results. The Department of Housing and Urban Development has set guidelines regarding the use of Community Development Block grant funds. The City’s plan will be compiled in accordance with federal regulations and will contain tables required by HUD. The stated goals and objectives for the use of CDBG funds must be in accordance with proscribed HUD performance and outcome reporting guidelines. The City is required to update the Consolidated Plan every five years in order to continue receiving CDBG funds and to modify the plan according to changing conditions if needed. The City’s first Consolidated Plan covered 1995-1999, and was adopted in June 1995. The current plan, the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan, was drafted in 2014, and expires on June 30, 2020. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Memo DATE: June 27, 2019 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid RE: SB 608 Forum Planning The planning workgroup has not had a chance to meet to discuss the items listed below: Things to do: What is the educational outcome desired? Identify Partners Format for the event? Identify Speakers/Panelist Brainstorm potential locations Potential dates: July or August Who to invite/Who is the intended Audience: Media Realtors Landlords Tenants Citizens Council ... DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Memo DATE: June 27, 2019 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: Social Service Grant application recommendations At a discussion on the 2019-2021 Social Service Grant process which took place during the last regular meeting. The Commission formed a work group to review the SS grant application and recommend changes to get specific information to better inform the commission’s award process prior to the next Cycle. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us