HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-06-28 Housing & Human Services PACKETAshland Housing and Human c it'r Y 0 -1-7-- Services Commission ASHLAND Regular Meeting Agenda June 28, 2018: 4:30 6:30pm Siskiyou Room of the Community Development Building 51 Winburn Way 1. (4:30) Approval of Minutes (s min) May 24, 2018 2, (4:35) Public Forum (s min) 3. (4:40) CDBG Proposal Review and Recommendation (Bo min) 4. (5:10) Social Service Grant Plan Update Process Discussion (35 min) 5. (5:45) CN.PLS Landlord -Tenant Training (30 min) 6. (6.-15) Liaison Reports (10 min) Liaison Reports Council (Jackie Bachman) Staff (Linda Reid) SOU Liaison (Unfilled) General Announcements/Local Housing Updates 7. (625) July 26, 2018 Meeting Agenda Items Quorum Check — Commissioners not available to attend upcoming regular meetings should declare their expected absence. 8. (6.25) Upcoming Events and Meetings Next Housing Commission Regular Meeting 4 :30-6:30 PM; July 26, 2018 9. (6:30) Adjournment Bring Mental Health services Work with City Council to Support the development of Promote alternative housing, to Ashland identify programmatic workforce housing. such as multi -family priorities to offer for Social housing, tiny house village, Seek ways to support Service applicants. Land Bank intentional communities, and overnight car camping Restructure_ grant process to focus on removing barriers to program. be data driven and based on their development. needs. Funding for a shelter Establish single location. Support Porta-Pottie project Sock to increase DHS child coordinator seven day a -week shelter. care providers and family - friendly childcare Ashland -Housing and Human Services Commission CALL TO ORDER Draft Minutes May 24, 2018 Commissioner Chair Rohde called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm in the Siskiyou Room at the Community Development and Engineering Offices located at 51 Winburn Way, Ashland OR 97520. Commissioners Present: Council Liaison Tom Gunderson Jackie Bachman Rich Rohde Sue Crader SOU Liaison Erica Franks Heidi Parker Linda Reppond Staff Present: Gina DuQuenne Linda Reid, Housing Specialist Carolyn Schwendener The Commissioners introduced themselves to potential new Commissioner, Erin Crowley. Ms. Crowley has recently moved here from Portland. She is a Pastor with plans to plant a new Church this coming year. Ms. Crowley has -been involved in affordable housing in both San Diego and Portland. She has a deep desire to help support others flourish in life with justice and equality. PUBLIC FORUM Audience member Rachel introduced herself. Rachel was attending this meeting because she is taking a US Government class at Rogue Community College and one of her assignments was to observe a Community meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Reppond/Crader m/s to approve the minutes of the April 26, 2018 regular Commission meeting with one minor correction. Voice Vote: All Ayes, motion passed with correction. H&HS COMMISSION GOAL REVIEW AND DISCUSSION The Commissioners reviewed the goals that were set at their annual goal setting retreat on December 13t' of last year. Goal: Bring Mental Health services to Ashland Reid commented she was interested to hear that Options is having a mental health provider come to the Ashland Community Resource Center on a regular basis. Its only fora short amount of time, three hours a week, but it's a start and perhaps those hours will increase -over time. Goai: Funding for a S-;meter Coordinator Parker explained there is Emergency Shelter Grant money earmarked from HUD to fund a shelter coordinator but it has not happened yet. A new development has occurred requiring the imputing of new information on each guest into a software program called Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). Parker- is hopeful they can start this summer to get the people who will need the shelter irrthe winter months pre -registered. The Car Camping Program is still moving forward. Rhode stated that the Quakers -have expressed their support behind the program but do not have a space available at this time. Rhode acknowledged there is community groups out there looking for other congregations that could be supportive as well. Gunderson reported that Rogue Retreat is gearing up to have a county wide shelter. The Executive Director of Rogue Retreat, Chad McComas, has identified a property located in the County owned by Jackson uolsslwwoo ay; 4;!m Xoeq;a6 pue sly; uo yojeasaj awos op ll!m sXuejd -awooul ejlxa a111!l e aleloaidde pue aoeds ay} anew ua140 fa41 'llem se lie;s of aoeld leap! ue aje sayojnyo;eyl palsa66ns seen 11 -}o;no aleiado of flgioel e aney l,uop fay;;nq pagsllge;sa sJap!nad aaeo pl!go aje ejayl pezlseydwe sXuead s;uewfed SHd aXel ueo fay! -uaJpl!yo 8141 aol pool ap!nojd of alge aq of 6uloueuy pool luawdolanap l-ejna lab ueo fay; os bulsueoll ayl y6nojy; wag! 6u!}}a6 sJap!noid ejeopl!yo ideal fay! 'VomlaN aojnosay ajeopl!yo aql g1!m bullie;s palsa66ns p!ay leo6 sly! 6ulpie6aa yl!m Meads ays pinoo woym pue liels_ol ooeld pooh e aq pinom aaatinn pailnbul sXuejd aJeopI!go AIpua:jl-fj!uael pue s op!noJd ejeo pl!ya SHO aseaaaul :1e0S -epua6e s,gluow lxau uo Ind o6e sjeaf to aldnoo e wnaod 6ulsnoH ay; le goods oym jadolanap ay 'sn;snr qoy fq u9nl6 uolleluasaid a aney pue aa:I1a601 way; 6uuq Jo_panlonu1 sjafeld ay; Ile y;lm aaeys of uol;ewJolu! to ;aced e jagla6ol }nd of pe;s966ns seen 11 fl!unwwoo ino of aouaja}llp e GXew flleei pinom ;! 6wsnoy aojogiom pue algepaolE- pl!nq o; pasn aq pinoo pue!;eyllo awos;I 'puelysylo fl!a ay; pueIouls!❑ loogoS puelusy ay i '/�!sJanlun uoBejo ujaylnoS sl puelysy u! spuel algepl!nq to saoald a6jel umo legq saggua au aaXred palels 'awoseme aq pinon;! ;lun 6ulsnoy algepjolle auo pllnq of alge wem am l! pue puel to aoald auo fll;uap! o; leob e 1! apew em ll -flunwwoo ino ul 6wsnoy elgepaolle pue 6ulsnog aojojXiom iol peau ayl pessnoslp JaXaed jgXjed pa}uawwoo `l! uo pl!nq flan!;oe pue apse puel;eyl 6ulllas;noge pa>{Ie; sey auo ON IoogoS aoosu8 pue laailS Xeo 'fliodad to saoald ON 6ulseyojnd fl;ua ino sl f;!o ayl -uaddey II!m ssaj6ad yonw;ou puel ayl lnoyl!m pue-6ulsnog algepiolle jol a111!1 os auop sey R;!o ay; paluawwoo JaXaed -sisnal puel pue sXueq puel uo aeulgam lied-onnl e 6ulop si suollnloS papunoao palleo dna6 y -slsna; puel pue buiXueq pue! aje yolynnlo oml 'suol;do follod to aagwnu e ls!I fay! -;y6luol suollnlos 6ulsnoy uo wniol ollgnd e 6ulney sl;ualel to fllo ayl leyj peounouue apgoy Nues pue-1 :leoE) -Xoeq:wodaa pue salllod eliod uo yojeasaj op of paJaalun;on auuanona aauosslwwoo -awll ulelaao e le p@Xool 6uuq mou age fay; os swoa;saJ asoy; o;u! 6ulnow palJe;s aney aldoad ssalawoy 'flaleun:polu fl ';aaa;S fasJaH uo paleool suapaeo f;lunwwoo Xaajo puelgsy le swooay;eg aolu flleei ale away; dnoj6-agl to uolluage aql o;g6nojq uewyoe8 6ulop ale salllunwwoo jay;o leym to seap! 6ulpnloul lsoo suolldo luajall!p leym_smoys leyj laodai e 1!ounoo ay; of Buuq pue ansind uolsslwwoo slid aas o; GX l pinom'GXJed -way! u! 6uldweo wal wayj l5gdaaX;aal s,eldoed aas of fl!l!ge ay; bu molle uado sl wolloq ayl asaym swoayleq sey puel}iod_lo f;!o a41 -lsed ay; w le pasi sans! 41!�^ dlay pinoo yolym swoay;eq ollgnd u su6lsep mau we ajayl ino pa;ulod aaXJed pue uaddeg ;eql aas of @X!l pinom saauolsslwwoo ayi sumo;umop aldoad ay; -ol swooilsai ollgnd eolu awos ul pa;sanul;,usey puelysy to f;!o ay; fym of se --pailnbul aH 1! punoje do ueelo of seg flluenbail ay pue way; w 1a6 !,ueo aldoad os paXool uallo si fgod eliod ay; paollou seg aH -dn ;as s! fltod e}�od ay;-yolym w fem ay; u;lm fddey ;ou st oym uewssaulsnq leool e 41!m pey ays uoilesJanuoo e ;noge aoods J@XJed -6u1189w s,yluow ;xau le Xoeq }Jodw _pue sly; u;!nn fempeay fue apew aney fayl l! aas of umoa8 elned IJoloailt] sXjoM ollgnd 41!m Xeads II!m plat ;aafoid AWd-el.rod Voddng :leoE) -sjeaf uanas ui lunoo ls9y6ly eql 1! 15UNew 'Jeaf lsel wal aseaJoul %g 9I, e 'aldoad 6610 aseaJou! ue sl sly! aoeld Tool lunoo agl;g6!u ayl pag!luapl aldoad ssalawoy Z£L punol lunoo awlj_ ul luiod a41 yolym u! sllnsai Beulwllajd aoaod Xsel ssaussalawoH flunoo uosXoer ay; of uogua}}e palled p!ay -salllunwwoo jlagl .ol enssi ue lou si ssausseIawoy pafanuoo;ulod leiluao pue lwod a16e3 y;o8 6ulpealslw seen aloll.e sly', leyl 1191 saauolsslwwoo -ap!nad fayj seowas ayl of anp si ssalawoy fuew OS aney pJolpaW pue puelysy uoseei ay; palldwi leyj fepo; siaded leool ayl g;oq ul alollie ue peas JaXJed 'walsfs SIWH a41 asn osle lsnw auoBaAA -p!ay pale;s 'fopod ley! }dope lsnw aieo to wnnulluoo aql u! sluedlol}Jed Ile pue uoseai fue jo; feme pawn} si auo ou 'Iaponl lsjld 6ulsnoH aql 6uole aq of sey 6ulsnoy leyj sa;els eua;uo m@N spun} ay; uo peoeld sey df1H eualuo ay; law ;ou aney am asneoaq 6ulpun4 6ulsol to f;!I!q!ssod ayl sey flunoo ayl leyj lno pa;ulod eqS -s6ugeaw ajeo to wnnulluoo ay; 6ulpua:4e uaaq sey play 'llnl 6ulaq aallayS AII@N ayl of anp 'slsan6 ui aseajou ue mes jellegS puelysy ayl pauado jella4s AIIGN eql aouo ley! pa}uawwoo JaXaed 'ssalawoy ay; aol allays ialulN; 6ulp!nad jellegs flle>i eql pauado leaf;ay an6oy Z LOZ to Benue[` ul -aldoad ssalawoy ajow uana alepoww000e of pjolpan jol;Inog!p aq lgblw;! leyj passejdxa swaouoo uaaq aney aray-L -flunoo Goal: Mental Health Services Gunderson asked the question, what is the population we are talking about serving? We have plenty of mental health therapist in private practice but we are not talking about the people they serve, remarked Gunderson. Reid is on the La Clinica board and she said the subcommittee brought up the possibility of utilizing the services of the medical van. They offer mental health counselling in the van. The problem with the use of the Van is that they never knout -who is going to show up and what their needs will be. Another issue is though the clients might have Oregon Health Plan coverage they don't necessarily fill out the paperwork in order to allow La Clinica to get reimbursed. WINTER SHELTER COMMITTEE UPDATE Reppond updated the Commissioners regarding finding a location for the emergency shelter. There is a fairly broad based group of people who are working on different fronts, explained Reppond. The groups are looking at all options, existing properties, tent structures, yurts, domes, warehouses, everything is on the table. A subcommittee is working on identifying the criteria of what they need the shelter to have. (being on a bus line, having adequate bathrooms, etc). A subcommittee is looking at the car camping possibility and working with faith based groups to develop more car camping options. A group is working on asking the Governor to create a State of Emergency state wide for housing which could open up some options. Also is a funding sub -committee and a food sub- committee. Reppond confirmed that in order to have the shelter open in Novernber a location will need to be identified by July. The next Committee meeting will take place on June 6, 2018 at 7:00 pm at the Library. See exhibit A at the end of the minutes with the Sub-Commiftee information. SOCIAL SERVICE GRANT PLAN REVIEW AND DISCUSSION Reid informed the Commissioners that the Social Service Grant process will take place again in January 2019. The Strategic Plan goals were intended to be reviewed periodically to make sure that the funding priorities were meeting the needs of the community. Reid received feedback from grant applicants, St. Vincent DePaul and Maslow, saying that the process is really difficult for small nonprofits to be asked to keep coming back for such small grants. Reid invited them to -come to the next month's meeting to provide the Commissioners some input from their point of view. Crader felt this is one of the easiest grant processes to apply for requiring very little reporting. If the process is to bothersome or too little funding don't bother to apply, commented Crader. The Commissioners reviewed the Strategic Plan to determine if the key priorities were still what needs to be funded. The Commissioners agreed with all the priorities but it suggested as a Commission to choose a couple priorities and communicate that to providers. At the next meeting Reid will provide a calendar showing the timeline of what needs to happen between now and January. The Commission .could like to hold a forum in late September or October to discuss the community needs and what the providers are seeing. An invite list needs to be generated and inviting the councilors is crucial. LAISION REPORTS - Council — Bachman emphasized the importance of connecting with the Council on the Social Service grant process. She asked the Commissioners for their ideas on how to do that. Bachman is able to have irout to the other Councilors with individual meetings. She explained that in order for a topic to get on the Agenda it must first be on the "look Ahead" and can take three or four months before getting on the actual agenda. The Commission had the idea of putting together a questionnaire for the Councilors and each Commission member would meet with a Councilor and interview therm. This would also give the Commissioners an opportunity to educate the Council on CDBG and the Housing Trust -Fund. The information would then be brought back to.the Commission for discussion. Reid will generate a list of all three programs with the priorities and-iet the Councilors prioritize them based on that list Staff— Reid, Rohde and others have been working on bringing a conference on manufactured housing to Southern Oregon. The conference will be held on Thursday October 4th at Ashland Hills Hotel. 8am-9am will be registration and breakfast, gam to 4pm will be the program followed by a reception from 4pm to 6pm. Rhode added the conference is focusing on preserving our mobile homes for affordable housing and how to stabilize them and make them sustainable and discuss the option of residence owned parks. lauapuanngog uAlo-jeO Aq papwgns Allnpoadsa& -w-d-OE:g;e pawnofpe seen 6ul;aaw aql 1N3WNNnOf ate -feM wnqulM �q;e '9I OZ 'gZ aunt 'Wd OC:g-oE:b — 6ui;aaW jelnba�j uoissiwwoo saowas uewnH pue 6wsnoH -6ugaaw;xau aq;;e aiaq aq pinogs auotiaA3 - �oago wnionO SJNI133W ®Md S1N3A3 ONIWOOdn •6wop aie (aq;;eqM aas pue a6ell!A adoH;o ino; a axle; o; uossslwwoo slq; uo auotiana pe6einooua uosiapunO puelgsy w sasnoq Aui; op o; s;jopa aq; o; lelol;auaq aq ll!M wej6ojd unrllem e Moq 6ulaes pue ul aldoad 6up@-O pro;paW ul a6epin adoH;!sin o; }}e;s A;l0 'joAew eq; 'sjollounoO 'sailed pa;saja;w jo; sa;ep;o aldnoo e 6ullnpegos si wepy puelgsy u! sasnoq Aw;;noge Mlle; o; Jauueld All0 e pue fawo;}y 40 aql 'JOAe1N aq; 'slueH wepy jo;ej;slulwpy R;lO wlaa;ul q;lM;ew sjaq;o;o aldnoo e pue;laswlq 'ue6o1 uajeyl;eq; pa4jodai uosjapunO -o; pio}}e Alleloueul;;ouueo;nq 6ulsnoq elgepjo};e op o; alp pinom way;;o AuelN -;l;o ajeMe;ou @jam Aaq; pajeedde;l -pund;snil 6ulsnoH ino uo uol;ewjo;ui way; q;lM pajegs ja�aed 6ulsnoq elgepjo}}e 6ul;onj;suoo uj f4lnol,14lp aq; ssnoslp o; saadolanap pue sjaumo puel jaq;a6o;;g6nojq 'a;e;s aq; wm s7jom oqM 'aa� eg uuy AjeW 6w;aaw aojo;else; ssaussalawoq A(unoO uos� oer aq;;e paaegs aaNied SlNgVY3ONnONNV ;UaAa awOSaMe ue sl sIq; se pua}}e o; auotiana pe5emooua plan pua;;e aldoad OOg o; do peq seq;uana eq;;sed aq; ul Ma; e aweu o;;snf'slinoo f4sauwe pue sa6pnf'6ulq;olo 'sueuw eJa;aA'GJeo q;leaq 'saaplAad aoimas;o suo;'gounl 'salgea ;uawulepa;ue sapnlouw;I •splogasnoq pue slenpinlpu! �lsu;e pue ssalawoq Jo; ne; step-auo a sl OOd -wd OO:b o; we 00 6 wog; loowJy pjo;pelN aq;;e i,L aunp Aepud;xeu play aq lllM;oeuuoO_Al!unwwoO;oefoid paounouue pail LX i-Sub-Committee Name Chaff Members Alternatives Phil J. Avram Budget, Fundraising & Sustainability Peter McB Peter, Linda R., John W., Joan, Mori, Ann, Cathy, Heidi Car Parking Options John W. John, Linda, Heidi Criteria for 1-Site Phil J. Kathy, Helga Food & Mea-Is Vanessa Cathy Governor Emergency Declaration Vanessa Vanessa, Mori, Joan i Government Planning Linda R. Linda, Phil, Heidi, Mori, Ron, Tom, Rich Listening Bob M. Cathy Phil Johncock:ph#:702-518-8756; CEO-(c-)-PhilJohncockNe+,-vork.com Peter McBennett: ph#: 541-951-0007; email: petermcb(c),jefPnet.org John Wieczorek:-ph#:541-482-8230; email: wiz ,mind.net Linda Reppond: ph#: 206-409-2440; email: lindareppond(a_gmail.com Vanessa Houk: ph#: 541-6902807; email: sunriver ,gmail.com Bob Morse: email: morse(dmind.net Heidi Parker: email: parkershamespgmail.com i DATE: 06/28/2018 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: CDBG Funding Proposal Review and Recommendation Summary: The Ashland Fire & Rescue Housing Safety Program for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities (Program), in collaboration with Age Friendly Innovators, Home Depot and with the Community Development Department, will assist eligible seniors and persons_ with disabilities to make safety and/or accessibility modifications to their residence. This program aims to help these residents improve conditions which enhance safety and mobility so they can remain safely in their homes. Funding for this program in the amount of $50,000 will be provided from available Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. Actions, Options, or Potential Motions: 1. Move to approve the Program utilizing $50,000 in available CDBG funds. 2. Move to approve ??? in CDBG funding to support this proposal 3. Move to deny the Program. 4. Move to delay the Program to a future date for additional consideration. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the approval of the Program utilizing $50,000 of available CDBG funds. Resource Requirements: The Program will utilize $50,000 of CDBG funding in fiscal year 2018/2019. Up to $5,000 per eligible project will be provided to complete identified safety and accommodation measures. Policies, Plans and Goals Supported: 5. Seek opportunities to enable all citizens to meet basic needs. 6. Develop supports to enable citizens to age in Ashland 23. Develop innovative programs that protect the community. Background and Additional —information: This Program seeks to achieve multiple City goals; allows seniors and persons with disabilities to remain safely in their homes, to reduce the incidents of falls and related calls for emergency services, DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-4U-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6006 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us IF WAS-3 sn 10 puelyse-aVVA 006Z-S£L-009 All on6 u06Wo'pue[ysy 9009-wttr g :xed aaaAs u!ew 3 OZ SO£S-8gv-1 S :lal 1N3WdTEAm]4 AlINnNhoo 3o'ld30 InopTTeH utszDozd I�Tg3uS Dulsnol=l uoiluogddV DgQ:) :s;uacugaul;V gnoosolo uzuzQozd lunuus pun 4gTquuFjsns pus ssazDozd `uoqunlsna amsua of s-'Ul oow palnpogos ' Injnfz u `sooznos aldtllntu TlaTiozgl gouazlno pus DuISTlzanpu apnloul IIlm lI quourliudaQ juaiudolanaQ nlnunuTuuoo oql moz�l lgDTszano gltm luauulzudaQ ai.i j oql ,�q paDnuutu `szolunouul X1puou3 of Xq paluauualduuT oq Illm tuszDozd oql -slistA do mollo3 I-enuuu pus `popaau sn sooznosa..:4lzunumoo zaglo of Iurta3az `luauuoDsuuuT loafozd pue uoTlonulsuoo'lu-auuamoozd louzluoo `Soluunlso Isoo `pouuodzad aq of �Izomdo odoos paltulap `uolluuuojLn f4oiL's Ilu3 puu onj `uoTloodsut njogs ails -e opnloui Ipm umj'oold oq,l, •2S1glglssaooe Qjepouzuu000e of zap -To Tut s-ium)llsm oI luauzaeozdun pus 'sduuez jmgojaoLyn `s.sumzoop zotzalxa zo zolzaluT JO Dunuaplm 'saouJms dtls-uou pus `sltuzpueq louoluT `szuq quzD `szamogs do-punis `slugs lopol postuz `szoloolop op>xououz uogmo `suuulu o)IoLus ''opnloul spzepuslS nitlsno Dutsnopl Q(1H aql zoj Isil loago oql uo Iou azu go>gm sallzadozd of suotluoclTOW •uwjzRozd aql zoj XjIlenb of zaumo Xlzadozd ogljo IsAozddu uallum o- q `Iuluaz u 3t `zo pofdn000 zaumo zagl>a oq Isnuu soilzadozd -000`SS <lo umutp{uuT s of Dutpunj loafold zoj algiDga oq pinom suolllpuoo auuoouT pagsllgslsa DuTlaauu saTlillgestp qI?m sTuoszad zo/puu zaplo zo Zq aDu sluoptsaZl •saAlloafgo put,sluatuazmbaz DgQD tpnozgl pagstigsisa sualuo oql Iaaut pinom papunj oq of sloafozd •souzoq ztagl uT saMAap XlaJus Duiluzodo :�lzadoid PABq salhlTgsszp gltm suoszad puu szom;Ds ingl amsua of pun A:SI;lt AND FIRE & RESCUE HOUSING SAI9'I':TY PROGRAM FOR SENIORS S AND Pi+ ttPf,i? S WITI-1 DISABILITIES — �"IAKAU Jc uu e 0Z gMcsceue uuouusaung L�arery y rogram? "the Ashland's Fire & Rescue Housing Safety Program assists eligible seniors and persons with disabilities in matting Safety/Accessibility modification to their residence to ensure a home has fire safety alarms, and helping the individual attain greater mobility and remain safely in their home. The program focuses on the person's most immediate needs as they relate to improving safety and accessibility. What is the Purpose of the Program? The Housing Safety program seeks to achieve multiple City goals; to allow seniors and peoples with disabilities to remain safely in their homes, to reduce the incidence of falls and related safety issue calls to emergency services, and last but not least, to ensure that senior and disabled households have updated and properly operating fire safety equipment in their homes. Who is Eligible? Residents age 62 or older and/or persons with disabilities, and have annual household incomes of 80% of the area median income or less. What Properties would be Eligible? Properties that are owner occupied and need to be modified for a person safety. Properties that need to be modified due to a person's physical mobility impairment, or modifications requested by a physician. if the property is a rental property, would need written approval of modifications proposed by the landlord or property owner. What types of modifications are eligible? Safety and mobility features that are not subject to the HUD Housing Quality Standards checklist; smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, raised toilet seats, stand-up showers, bathroom grab bars, interior handrails (replacement if unstable, or install as needed), Widening of interior and exterior doorways to accommodate accessibility, wheel chair ramps or accessibility improvements to walkways. What incentives does the City's Housing Safety Program offer? Up to $5,000 provided through the Housing Safety Program to complete identified safety and accommodation measures. The program will provide fire and fall safety information, property inspection, detailed scope of work, fire and fall safety devices and modification, cost estimating and contractor procurement, construction and project management, referral to other community resources as needed, annual follow up visits to replace smoke and carbon monoxide detector. (batteries may be provided upon request and as funding allows). Income Limits by Family Size: $lyear Mav 2018 — May 2019 Household Size 1 2 3 4 5 80% Area Median $33 000 $37 700 $42 400 $47 100 �$50 900 Ashland Fire Department Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax. 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY. 800-735-2900„ www.ashiand.ocus sn'jo,puelLISP, mmm v oa6K 'U'Dog All Z6 uobajo 'pupjqs WON99-4Wxpj Jo911S U!RA '3 V MG-Ml�q:lol luoutinda(] ox!j paplilsv sai,rr�iiqvsw naimb, SIA111do3d (INV SHOMUS1,10A l/vvZll90'dJ A 111,41divs 9N[1lSlflOF9 'Clas,3111, !Y'.qRt9H U Ndv,lHlS'v CITY OF ASHLAND Applicant Organization Name: Ashland Fire and Rescue Executive Director's Name(s)- Michael D'Orazi, Fire Chief Applicant Mailing Address: 20 E Main Street,Ashland, OR9752D Applicant Street Address: 455SiskiyouBlvd. Ashland, ORA7520 IRS Classification: Federal Tax ID#: Mission Statement: Ashland Fire & Rescue iadedicated toprotecting lives, property, and the environment. Bydelivering fire suppression, emergency medical, disaster management, fire prevention and public education services by professionally trained, dedicated personnel, we strive to achieve the highest quality of public service toour customers. Total Employees: ASHLAND FIRE & RESCUE 455 Siskiyou oow�m Ashland, OR 97520 Total Volunteers: 91 cg-e9V ( Os) X�j - OZLE-Eqb � I VO 079M do 'PUP110V PRA@1110a 110fi S!S 99'J7 3n3s3s v gvu UNVIHSV —TO 0 �09 qS03 logrold 18101 (191 -.sawnoS jeqlo woij spunA ---do —L$ :qojen jBUOIjezIue5jO — 006T,9—s :spund E)OC]o p;qjsanbG>A MZ aunt :ale(] uoil,91dwo0 pajoadX3 wejbOJd AjajeS bu!snOH anosGId R eii-] Puelqsv ;Dll!-L JO GWIBN 109fOJd mmmnS NOIIVMOzJNI 103rMJd '111 -e sn-j5-puajqse9�oojj K 1!wE�j :ssejppV I!ew-3 -.jeqwnN xe-I 02_LZ-Z917- 6'Vg :jeqwnN GuOqd ISAIeUV;DAIJeJISIUIWPV :914U �Oojjen AJ!W3 '.GweN (joefoid aqj ql!m jeil!we; si oqm uosiad joeluoo e eleubISET) NOSI:13d I OV I NOO '11 z 2) A project summary including a brief description, project background and a list of project objectives: The Ashland's Fire & Rescue Housing Safety Program inpartnership with Age Friendly Innovators will assist income eligible seniors and persons with disabilities in making safety modifications to ensure a home has operable fire safety alarms, and mcoaooibi|hy modifications to help individuals attain greater mobility and remain safely intheir home. The program focuses onthe p*mon'nmost immediate needs aothey relate to improving safety and accessibility. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, each year in America millions of older adults fall. One in three older adults falls each year but less than half tell their doctor —even though a single fall doubles your chance of failing again. These falls are can be serious and costly-, every 13 seconds an older adult is treated in an emergency room for ufall, every 20minutes anolder adult dies from efall. Falls are the leading cause offatal injury and the most common cause ofnonfatal trauma - related hospital admissions among older adults. Alarge percentage ofcalls received byAshland Fire and Rescue are due tofalls byolder and disabled residents. Many of the callers are repeat callers who have unaddressed ADA or home modification needs. Age -Friendly Innovators is a not -for -profit organization. Its purpose is to catalyze thinking about age -friendly living and pose creative solutions that enable older adults to live healthy and independent lives and to remain in their homes for as long as possible, Age Friendly Innovators inpartnership with Ashland Fire & Rescue ie proposing the Housing Safety program to achieve multiple City and community goals; to allow seniors and peoples with disabilities to remain safely in their homes, to reduce the incidence of falls and related safety issue calls to emergency services, and last but not least, to ensure that senior and disabled households have updated and properly operating fire safety equipment intheir homes. Ashland Fire & Rescue will work with Age Friendly Innovators to identify households in need, assess a household's safety and mobility needs and recommend improvement measures. Housing units will be assessed for safety and mobility features that are not subject to the HUD Housing Quality Standards checklist, including smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, raised toilet seats, stand-up ohovvers, bathroom grab bare. interior handrails (replacement if unstable, or install as needed), the widening of interior and exterior doorways to accommodate accessibility, wheel chair ramps or accessibility improvements towalkways. The Program will provide up to $5,000 per household to complete identified safety and accommodation measures. The program will also provide fire and fall safety ASHLAND FIRE & RESCUE wamskiyou Boulevard Ashland, ono,52o o���� 8msv8�(wgmu-m�F-�qV(wl�) A oS�uo'nmm� Nwn�o�m��em ������`����J GNVIHSV -mnDoideq ]ouoge|dmoouodnpeliodeupuopelamgeeoqUywpuapepeeueumpe4jouopaoippom jusedA;puajoqmnuoq�uopuedepU!ma|epojomoq!jo�unomepoUeuoxe| eql -slsoolo*kudeonpeupuaOu!pu/goOm*xo|d|oqo4e|apejomop!xmdoljode(] emoHmu4juem4mmoua|eije;emepeunoeoyeqenoaeH-Qeu!_,lpua|qeV ueo!monAoueD/em*c4y||eo}oeouap!nu!eq1 eonpeupue'siaoo |eo!poma|qeluexejdu914opunE)x!ouodxaulpeel ueoqn!qm'uo!pa|ndodleBjmjeq; 5uomeo||s4joeouep!ou!eqleonpeuolxjoedxemeJ5md A;e#eSOu!onoHGql aemoq i!eqju!A|ojnau!em*uop|uqesnoqpm|qee!ppuajo!ueyd|eqo�ud!qaieu4jod�!jmd-uou pun'ojnx!/d'o!|qnde4nmcudn;'A4unjioddojue.roidlo|!danb!unsaejookudpeaudoid o!qleeeosuo;axouu| A|puoud e5\/qj!xxuo!)ejoqe||oo ui enuseHR ei!j puo|qsV -omoUe Du!purgoe pualoenbeo uodn pep!xcudoqAamy*uello8 -euojo*j*p*p!xouomuoqjoopuee4nmuenn|deuolsl!o!xdn mo||o4|anuue'popeeuooeoo/nooeuAl!unmmon/eqjool|euje4ej'juempOaunmlueknd punuo!lon4euoo'�uomejnnoidjolou4uoupuaOu!lnmpoeI000'auu!jno!j!pum/oeo!xep /49;es ||c4 puo eu!j '�iom;o edooe po|!s4ep 'uo!loedau! Aliedoud 'uo!jamjc4u! 4) Briefly describe the services to be provided, if any, and describe the eligible target population receiving direct benefit from these services (Uow-incomme' homeless, special needo). Age Friendly Innovators staff will meet with residents who are referred by the Ashland Fire & Rescue to inform them about the Housing Safety program, to complete anassessment ofthe home, and toidentify modification recommendations, Housing units will beassessed for Safety and mobility features including smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, raised toilet seats, stand-up showers, bathroom grab bars, interior handrails, the widening of interior and exterior doorways to accommodate accessibility, wheel chair ramps or accessibility improvements to walkways. Income eligibility will be determined and the process for completing repairs will be detailed. Repairs will be completed and Ashland Fire and Rescue staff will request payments and provide follow-up at regular intervals with residents. The target population will be seniors, age 62 years old and older, and peoples with disability. Participants will bescreened for income eligibility using the HUD part income review method. Participants must earn |enn than 80Y& ofthe Area Median Income as defined by HUD, urmeet the HUD definition fora presumed benefit population. f) A work program and time line including a complete list of tasks with estimated start and completion of each task Timeline for implementation of the Ashland Fire and Rescue Housing Safety Program: June 28 th Housing and Human Services Commission Presentation JkdV 20>18 Policies and Procedures and Form Development August 7th City Council Meeting Final funding approval. Aug. 2018 CDBGAction Plan Amendment |ntragov*rnmenta| agreement/Contracts ASHLAND FIRE & RESCUE wou� �u/mm ��da�� Ashland, onm52o ���"� romm, %I M ,I F aj - 0217-7g( l' C,) US6 uo PUVINSV PRAOInaq nobpl , ggb inmm ",g ism GNVIHSV -suol;eolj!pow G5eJE)AB U8qj Jale9J5 peeu Aew sploq@snoq awos jeqj uoijejoadxe eqj ql!AA 'ploqesnoq jed s;soo ui 000'9$ jo wnwixew e 5uimolle si Welf)OJd ATE)IeS buisnOH GqJ- -ploqasnoq jed snld 000'C$ jo;soo qo.f e5ej9AE Ue S@;eWIJSG pue 'Alunoo uos�oer;noq5nojqj ainjeu pue adoos ui jepwis aje qoiqi\A s;oefojd buileldwoo ueaq E)Aeq SJO}8AOUUJ AlpUelJd GEV 'SJOIEAOUU] Ajpueijd 95V Aq PGP!Aoid seoiivas aqj buipnloui 'weiboid GLIJ 01 SISOO GAIJeJISIUIWpe JOJ pazign aq Ipm 000'g8 jo %0 b -weJ5OJd A;gles buisnOH eqj 101 bul .punl!DOC]o ui 000'09$ 5uijs@nbaj sianoscqj R aiij puelqsv -uoijeldwoo wei6oid uodn G5eJ9AGj se pei}!juapi eq ll!AA sjunowe'�uojj do Glewilsa of elq!ssodwi sl sleijE);ew eqj jo s�soo pulp{-uj eq_L -siseq papeeu se ue uo sloa.foid jol slepajew ap!Aoid ol lodc)C] ewOH WOJJ JUGWI!WWOO 2 P9AIE)39J seq anosad R acid puelqsv -34o 'seljddns pue slepolew jo uoileuop 'joqel joa}un[OA Isuoilnq!j;uoo pupl-ui 'suopeuop Ajejouow 'sueol pue slueiB opajS pue lejape=l joLljo apnl3ui pinoAA snil. -Buipunj jo (s)oojnos Ile pue Rue Al!luapl -sisoo popunjun pue spun} pafo.id (poin"39s) Ougsixe IMse; jed Isoo 'Isoo le4ol Buiqposep ja6pnq V :uoi;ewjolul lepueui.1 (9 poesoloweJOWd- 6t-oZaunr buq}odaj ;qwoojno/uoijenjL-A@ wei5oid - —6To--Z-/7e—n 5UIOU;DwwOO SlOerOid - j-d-a—S ubiedweo qoeajlno pue 6UISIIJGAPV - -Idas- lin pelno@x;q 7 7) Eligibility for Federal Funding: Will any of the following activities be part of the proposed project? Removal of Architectural Barriers Rehabilitation Costs ® Client Services ® Specification Preparation (Construction/Rehab) a) Is the proposed project within the Ashland City limits? If not, explain. Yes b) Specify the proposed tenant or client income level; state in terms of percentage below area median for the Medford -Ashland standard metropolitan statistical area (MSA). The current income guidelines are included on page 10 above. 80% of Area Median Income for the Medford -Ashland MSA c) Describe any financial or legal commitments made to the project. N/A 8) Briefly describe the agency's mission and service history. The City may request copies of the agency's financial audit or review for the last two years prior to contract signing in order to determine agency's capability to successfully complete the project. ASHLAND FIRE & RESCUE 455 Siskiyou Boulevard Ashland, OR 97520 (541) 482-2770 - Fax (541) 488-5318 IBM mm'moax (w�,) OZ9Z6 dO �LISV 'in3smi-vnij aNviHsv -yp|oqeenoqomoou!aneepom c4mo|poy!|onbemoou!g�ol0ueewqeqemesc4popedxem!meu5mdoql -ammou!wlejepumPuexxOUIuocJOd ° (e uotleinp ja6uol ajol pueAlejeoeouepuodepu!u!eju!mupuaomomap!sai juaiino iieql ui uiewej c4yeg|!qnop q4mee|doedpuomo!ueowmUec4pejoodxay!meu6oJd AIegnSOu!unoHeql 4ypeau |e!oeds m4!xxs|en9!xIPuI Jw 'mGH!mmaj GmmOou! -m4ejopom-mo| ^-molX|emmilxa jcl Aoua!ni4ins-lUese4mmmmmd joafoud oL14 ||!8& (6 'sGx!|juepuodepu!pua6qAaeqem!|oln4|npnjep|oe|qeuo lnqlsuo!;n|oo ex!lneJo esod puo 8u!x!| A|pue!4'e5e Inoqe 0u!4u!4lnzA|elao 01 yi eood/nd oA -(S6\/3) y�s!|n!o�d8 ooe|� u! 8u!8V pey!�jao owu6q pnqoune| uo!ppz!unfbu l!Juud-ju;-jou n a! oJolnxouu| A|pue!jj-oOV :o! suolexouu| A|pue!JJ e5V10 uo!es!IN eql aiemo;anoinooleo!meso!|qnd�o/l!|onb jnaq5!qeqloxe!qoe01ex!4nem'|auuoo/edpe4ao!pop'peu!m4A||euo!sye4cudAqoao!mey uo!laonpon!|qndpuauo!Ju*mudeuy'juamedauemje�aoe!p'|en!pemAoueOj*me 'uo!syeuddneeu!JOu!Jex!|epA8 'luemuo/!^ueeql pue 'Aliedmd 'oex!| Uu!l»oloid olPelao!pepo!enooe8)R*u!_�pue|qeV:a!onnaaH�Rej!-�pua|qaVJouu!ny!KVaql All households will bemeans tested for eligibility. All households will becomprised primarily ofelderly ordisabled residents who tend tubelow orextremely-low income. 11 is expected that the majority of the households will be low-income rather than moderate income. 12) Indicate if you expect the project to cause low and moderate -income housing trM be demolished or converted to another use (see attachment "Relocation Strate Guidance"). If so, explain. 13) Project Feasibility: Please describe your readiness to proceed concerning whether land use issues have been resolved and whether your organization has the administrative capacity to complete the project proposed. 2) Does the applicant have the experience and capacity to complete and or manage the project proposed? Briefly describe applicant's capacity and experience in providing, maintaining and managing housing, particularly low- income housing similar to the proposed project. Both Ashland Fire & Rescue and Age Friendly Innovators are ready toproceed with this program. Age Friendly Innovators ioalready engaged inasubstantially similar activity throughout the County. Ashland Fin* & Rescue staff have implemented a similar program inanother community. Both entities have the familiarity, experience, and capacity to undertake this program successfully. b) Are the ongoing operating expense and maintenance reserve estimates Yes, this project has very little administrative burden or costs, the bulk of the funding (00Y6)wiU be utilized tobenefit program participants directly. The majority of the funding will be used for mahaha|o and labor for modifications. ASHLAND FIRE & RESCUE msm��/Boulevard ����| m*/�*on��o ����� ­. Ozlz-nv t iv�) OZSM HO 'PLIPILISV PlEAP11109 IIOAIdS!S qgG 3n,3s3,a,,g 3um GNVIHSV -lesodoid.inoA jo MaIAGJ s4! ui A;!o aLIJ;SISSe Jp!M aAO[laq noA leija;ew JO'4;o jo lsawnos Buipunjieq;o wojj poddns jePueuij Jo BOUGP!A9 '.iosuods ay; jo a3u9ijefte olqeoildde ':poddns jo siallal 'e;ep leogsple;s jaLljo Aue Ljoage aseeld (9 sseooid AAGIAGJ JeJU9WUOJIAUG 01;ioads a;!s e of pafqns aq ll!m s;oefoid IIV 'IUOWSSeSSV le4UOWUOJIAU=l ue o6japun Isnw 'uoijoni4suoo mou "e,� 'ejeos uo Buipuedop spofoid uiu:po3 pue podaOJIAU:; ue o4 pepefqns aq ll!m spefoid IIV '4UOWUOJIAUO 041 uo sapter oid 4ueoiliuffis Ajjejn;3aj!qoje jo oijo4siq uo spedwi aAl4eBaU AUE OAeq ll!m joefoid aq4 jaLljoLlm aleoipul (Vl -lode(] GwOH WOJJ IUGWI!WWOO IEIJ@;eW e PE)AIGOeJ Seq anosa� -.R @jij puelqsV Elmm, 01 J DATE: 6/25/2018 TO: Housing and Human Services Commission FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist RE: 2019-SSGP Grantee Forum Planning and Schedule In preparation for the issuance of the 2019 Social Service Grant RFP, the Commission will be holding a forum to gain feedback from former, current, and potential grantees on the priorities, strategies, process, and changes that that they might like to see. June 2018 Planning: Identify date and potential locations July 2018 Finalize Invitation list and outreach materials August 2018 Finalize format for eventlidentify logistical needs Sept/Oct 2018 Forum November 2018 Review proposed changes Commission Approval Questions that were brought up at the May meeting: How will we generate our invitation list? Wnat do we want to get out of this event? Community Needs/YVhat-are the providers seeing? Review of materials from the last provider forum event for SSGP Attachments: Grantee Questionnaire Round Table Discussion Questions Grantee —Recipient History (Original) DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-488-6005 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us -ASHLAND !L1 The City of Ashland's Housing and Human Services Commission has been asked to undertake an evaluation of the City's Social Service Grant Program and would like your input! The Commission would like to gain feedback on the award process and solicit suggestions regarding potential changes, improvements. and goals for the program. Tour time and input is greatly appreciated! A. Respondent Information I represent: An Interested Citizen (skip to section C.) A Non -Profit Service Provider An Advocacy Group A Social Service Provider A Current Grantee (skip section C) An Elected/Appointed Official S. Application Process/Presentation 1.) How would you rate the these items oz a scale of 1 to 5 (1= easy and 5 = difficult) The application process 1 2 3 4 5 The Presentation Process 1 2 3 4 5 Grant reporting 1 2 3 4 5 2.) What is the application process like for yoa? What do you like/dislike about it? 3.) Do you find the current grant application process efficient and effective for your organization? 4.) What is the presentationprocesslike for you? What do you like/dislike about it? 5.) Is the process of awarding grants efficient and effective for your organization? suogsaMnS .,jo su-mmoj IsluatutuoD jeuotl►ppV •A ,�;nznunuoo mob ut sdup zo spaau aotnzas loutun-uo suotutdo mo,i jo Isq e gltm sn aplAozd oseald spaaK lauiun •a S t £ Z I :zagl0 S t £ Z I putulezZ SIMS aPli XOuaonpe/aauulslsse Ie2O'l S t £ Z I ojeo glleaq algepzojje of ssaood S t £ Z I gznon zoj saolAzas _S t £ Z I sioluos Jqj sool"u0s S t £ Z I ssaulII IUIUQW -qpm suoszad zoo saoiAzas S t £ Z I sallglqustH jmuautdolaAaQL[JIm suoszad zoJ saotnsaS C t £ Z I uOtIOIPPe fn3p/IOgOOfV gllm suoszad .IOJ SOOIAzaS S t £ Z I suotlelndod ssaiatuOH zoJ saaiAzOS S -t £ Z I Ielaua2 ul nutsnOH algepzo�lje/Isoo-mo-I paaN ieotluD=5 `Paa& T4'-?H=t `PaaN aluzaPON=£ `POON mOq =Z `PaaN mo7 ,CzaA=i • iuntumoa .ono ui spaau uaniojjoj aqa 3luu i asuajd- spa;)N iuntuiuc3 V �jou Xq.AA `luezO ootnzaS ie aoS a zoj pazldde lou aneq non ji ('Z ON saA i,PLmigsV jo sllD oql uzozj Iurio ooulaS lelooS u zoj pallddu zaAa uolleztueazo mo,�/no,� anuH ( I suot�san as;uu1f) IV( Iualo,l £ssaoozd pzeme pue uolleotiddu all} anozdull of moll Inoqu suollsaD5ns nue oAeq no.� Oct ( L ZnoX of ttuj utaas ssaoozd pzeme oql saoQ (•9 G. Organization/Agency Contact Information (Optional) Name of Organization/Agency: Contact -Person: Title: Phone: Email: Address: City: State: Zip: Fax: Website: Forum Evaluation (Optional) Your feedback will assist the Ashland Planning Department improve the quality and relevance of future public involvement efforts Please check the box for your response to -each ® T111 a statement. , T Q o' L R 0 c L Q Q fn Z � Q fn Z The forum covered what I expected -it to cover The forum's objective were clearly stated - The forum's discussion questions were interesting The level of interactivity was appropriate for this topic The forum's-format allowed for participant input The duration of the forum was right for me i The pace of the form was right for me Round Table Discussion Questions • How is the Ashland community benefitting from the gram, awards? • Are there efficiencies to be gained by awarding fewer organizations larger grants or are the smaller grants beneficial to organizations? ® What areas of service -are adequately being met? Are there any areas of service which are lacking? Are there any areas which the funding shou,d be targeted to? Should the criteria for award -target particular community needs? • If the City added a reporting requirement to determine how the funding is meeting priority needs and goals, what might that look like? Could this also help determine future priority needs over time? • Should there be funding restrictions? '> 0 y� w 7 d p�q co p w C50 ti py¢ C� p CD %� �. _ � CD O1 V F.y N ID CD Cr "7'.., �CC-• • !ry ~r CD IcWy O 2 ow GG- d co u vo' Nd G W O W d p ✓] F .'3 cp G' Cr J w cam➢ e� R OT,'ZD p < O d o • 12 (D O AD �' `cs CD O rD CD C • O CCD O go.. 10 CD G CD 0 CD fq rl r v° ° CDEro C m- C o ° C C y� o c v a o p Cs9 brp 0 v, A 00 Go N W N _A O Oo v- A J N ut v, A 00 N O\ cn _A W i-- N N in A _•P. O Ca 01 00 in -A 00 w N 00 vi O W v, C� ut A 00' �D A O v, Ut a to A to .l '.. J I W oo N to 1.0 110,0 J W N J cr A O T oo C Cn A A N N •P A A �l -- 00 N to, N _A N A_ O A V' A M•`y Cif N U� O w N V1 w Vt O� 00 �l O cr O N Go O� W x V1 N 0C O� V W J N �-• O Vt o0 O J 'G� �1 GD w J ut' O1 A Ut O O �] N �., R IW W -_- G CS O O O N N 00 Q, N r, 'd' m `D N N M m N .-+ m M v� V� Q, O �D d' 'O --� N M 01 O v1 v1 l � O .-• 0C Q. Qti m oo c N vi N d di �' N oo O� m o0 N � vl Vl I V1 Vi N Vl O O ct cq v' ❑ -� o' ❑, U ,171 IQ v O 'C D u O al U '. p p � O ct N ra• y, �" U °tz U jC,. -� y o iy .y bli bQ O U W "O O Housing and Human Commission Memo TITLE: Social Services Grant, CDBG, and AHTF Priorities Review DEPT: Community Development DATE: June 28, 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist The priorities for the CDBG program, the Social Service Grant Program and the Affordable Housing Trust Funds are detailed below. 2015-2019 CDBG Consolidated Plan Priorities Priority Needs Priority Activity Type Area Level Provision of High Rental Assistance Affordable Housing Production of new units Rehabilitation of existing units Acquisition of existing units Accessible/affordable housina(rehab for accessibili datring in lace Addressing issues of High Outreach homelessness Emergency Shelter and transitional housing Rapid Re -housing Prevention Non -housing Medium Public Facilities Community Development Public Improvements and Infrastructure Sidewalk improvements/ADA improvements Trans ortation for eligible populations Public Services High Services to: mentally ill, D&A addiction, peoples with disabilities, Homeless and at -risk and homeless youth, nail and elderly Economic Medium Micro-enterprise/job creation Deg elo mint Skills training and education Social Services Grant Program Strategic Priorities: (These strategic priorities were -identified through a process which included community outreach, grantee/stakeholder feedback, and key informant interviews. These priorities are :not in arty priority order.) Assistance to obtain and/or maintain housing • Supports to increase accessibility and availability of transportation options/services • Services for people with mental health issues • Services for people with drug and alcohol addiction • Services for at -risk youth Implementation Strategies (which may include, but is not limited to !hefollowing) • Allocate resources to activities which address an identified strategic priority -(-aja `panlonut suoTllpzTulpDxo PldijiTtiu `suoiTiigtxjuoo gsin `suoijngiijuoo puDl-tu `sioolunlon) 44xniiLUUIO3 atp UT SdigsJoulmd SPZTLIIixew loo fold Qu i Duisnoq Duilsixajo uoTleptltgegax tlAnoulj nouaiogja nDxaua xallpaxn sanaigoe xo `uoijaiulsuoa Mau uT saJuoiouu:,aj DuTplmq uaaxn jo uojjexDajut Pgj q'onoxgl uoilMuosuoo ,iDxaua sossaxppe loofoxd aqs •uantD og Mugs loafoxd oTij Dutluex xagDtq aijj `sjsoo loofoxd llnjaqi uj antlelax `pajsanbo.T spun] dIHFd3o aDeluaoxad agI.Tomol aq,L -joofoxd oijj ololduioa of Xxess000u junouze-utnuAma m aqj of pajiuig oq llegs spun-1 jsiu j Duisnopl algepzojjV •uanTD ag hugs ;oofozd aql Dtznlulpx Tagil-tq aqI `algepxojj-e uieuia* slTTztt oqj auiij jo potxad na 3uol aij L -olgtpzojju se shun Duisnoq algepxoj3e oqj suiejax joafoxd OUT _uBId PaleptlosuoD xo stslCluue spaal,,l Duisnopl puulilsy oqi ut pogtluapt se spaau Dutsnoq jaunm ailj sassomppe Ioafoxd PqL -oijstleax pue gnnoxogl axe out[ auttl pulp lonpnq out uoijdo osegoxnde Duiuiulgo axozaq suotlejTuitl pulp sjuauiaxmbax luauxaxnooxd mainax .�Iln3axeo pinogs XOT44 (gWpl-I xo sjuex9 �Ioolg juouidolanaQ ,CjtunuRUoD) Ouipun3 llpxapz)j xoj Dut Clddlp osle si lueat,dde ogl3l -xallas agl uioxj IsaxaluT io xajlal xo uoijdo aseq-axnd e nillta paxnoas sal jumildde all pulp uoilmnbm xoj algeliene ,jjuouno si--Slxodoxd pagtjuapt oqj `Xjxadoxd jo uotlismboe oqj sapnloui joa(oxd aql jI) uotjejuauialdurt xo3 Xpuax st loafoxd aqs •adoos .reliuTTs jo sloofoxd Duilolduioo sossaoons palexlsuoutap peq seq pulp joafoxd aql Ino ,Cxl-eo of 4iouduo aqj seq Iesodoxd oqj Dul4lwgns Xom'OB ;)-ql -uaniD aq Ilegs loofoxd agl Dunlm o xagDtq agl `paptnoxd sltunjo xaqumu agI xajeaxD ag l ,Sjt- oqj unljtm `Dutsnoq DuTlstxa 3o uotlejTitgegax xo uoilualax gDnoxgj `/,Itltgepxojj-e mau xo `nuisnoq Plgepxojje mau sapinoxd joafoxd aqj sa,ua.ia;a.ad punA Isn x j uesnoyq alqup iaj;v sjuauza.zmbax Outyiodax pulp ss000xd .ui4uw luexD uo 310egpaa3 jtotlo of sxean mod ixana UrrUOJ,iltunwwoo/,ue3tlddo/xaplogaVjs Isoq Iitm uotssuuuioD ail,I, (-aIa `aouejsisse goxeas qof pantaaax `Duiutexj Ilt)ls a3tl ui pa 1pdiotjxed `jxoddns DuTsnoq pantaaax 'oqM smuapisax Pu-eIgsV jo xaqumx :apduinxg) -xl4tw-aoijenlena pozipxepuels e Dutsn xea_K julpxn oql jo uoijalduioo aql le pulp ,illenuue souioolno poledioilue pagtjuopt lslueotldde axeduioo pulp matna21 sauzoolno umifoxd/,ijtnTloe algemsuow poledioilue xiagl Isil of sluatdiaax juexD aql Isanbag o juataaxnsuaw atuoa;no •sjuexn Ileuis of saoueleq DuTuteuiax ,due aleoolle of uotla.tostp aqj aneg lltnl XTID oqI -spUnj 3o aaueleq agl ajeoolle of suolllpoildde gDnoua antaoax jou i2 j Pill pinogs `Oo05s of do jo Isonbax .Cue apnlout sjuuB Items Isjuui2, lleuzs lxoddns of alglpltene opeui aq Iltm uopeaolle juexD llexano oql jo %OZ paaooxd of Xpeax axe Tlotgm sfesodoxd jxoddnS Sautoajno Ie0-LIDLLMU posodoxd jaow/sfeoD polels notp jno , imo of Xlioedeo UDAoxd e aneq gotgm slesodoxd jxoddns silTilsxa-amd leuoiDax Duijsixo xo 1jtunuuuoa aaumlua xo suoljexogelloo Kjt-uinuiuioo aDexanal jegj slesodoxd jxoddns slesodvxd anTlenouuT lioddnS a That relocation of existing residents will be minimized, an&when necessary the applicant has included accurate relocation assistance costs as part of the project pro forma. The -proposal demonstrates that Ashland Housing Trust Funds are the most appropriate funding source, and necessary, for the project. LJV