HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-09-28 Housing MIN ASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES September 28, 2011 CALL TO ORDER Chair Regina Ayars called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. at the Council Chambers located at 1175 East Main St. Ashland, OR 97520. Commissioners Present: Council Liaison Regina Ayars Mike Morris, absent Ben Scott Barb Barasa Staff Present: Richard Billin Brandon Goldman, Senior Planner James Dills Carolyn Schwendener, Admin Clerk Linda Reid, Housing Specialist, absent Commissioners Absent: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Billin/Dills m/s to approve the minutes of the June 22, 2011 regular Housing Commission meeting. Voice Vote: All Ayes, minutes were approved as presented. PUBLIC FORUM No one spoke BUILDABLE LANDS INVENTORY PRESENTATION Brandon Goldman, City of Ashland Senior Planner, gave an overview of the Buildable Lands Inventory. Goldman stated that the purpose of the Buildable Lands Inventory (BLI) is to quantify the amount vacant and underdeveloped land available within the political boundaries of the City of Ashland. It’s important to determine the inventory of land for a variety of uses.  Current Planning: Annexation/Zone Change application evaluation  Long Range Planning; Comprehensive Planning to address housing and commercial land needs.  Transportation System Plan; Modeling for future traffic and transit based on potential future development  Water Master Plan; future water demand by area (capacity and line sizing)  Fire Safety; weed abatement and hydrant testing prioritization  Parks Master Planning The BLI was an inventory both within the existing City Limits and within the Urban Growth Boundary by zoning and comprehensive plan designation. This report along with the maps is available on the City Website located at ashlandbli@ashland.or.us. The BLI has already had a public hearing before the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission made a unanimous recommendation to forward it to City Council for their review and approval. It is scheduled for the 1 th October 18 meeting. Once approved it becomes a technical document that is appended to the end of the Comprehensive Plan. An ordinance is currently being forwarded for that purpose. It will then become a Document for future reference for studies, one of which is the development of a Housing Needs Analysis which Reid is currently working on. This document will give Reid the information needed; how much land is available and what kind of housing is needed for our prospective population. PRESERVATION PROJECTS LETTER Put on next month’s agenda. TRUST FUND FINANCING Dills distributed information he had gathered regarding moving forward with the Housing Trust Fund financing. Some of his goals are  Reducing foreclosure rates by 30%  Retaining 90% of vulnerable properties  Acquisitions of properties designated for affordable housing  Public education through outreach and media events Resources could be used for  Home buyer assistance  Down payment and mortgage assistance  Subsidies rentals  Safety net housing, gap financing  Support of non profits that work on affordable housing developments  Secure land and assist with financial packaging Both Dills and Billin agree that a pool of various sources would be most beneficial and will continue to brainstorm ways for continuous means of money. A Rental Registry was discussed. Currently there is about $25,000 in the fund. Dills is a producer at Southern Oregon University Rogue Valley T.V. Dills with the help of others would be interested in producing some educational programs. The commissioners discussed putting together an educational forum informing the community about the Housing Commission highlighting what they are working on including information on the Housing Trust Fund. Barasa offered to help Dills with this project. At next month’s meeting Dills will bring back suggestions of topics which also might help generate some interest in joining the Housing Commission. CLAY STREET/CHITWOOD OPTIONS UPDATE Reid sent out an announcement to the Commissioners letting them know what happened at the City Council meeting. The Housing Trust Fund will receive any monies if the Parks Department decides to buy back the land that was allocated for Chitwood. Don Robertson, Parks Superintendent, said that the Parks Commission indicated they were interested in the Clay Street parcel. The Parks Commission may ask for an appraisal of the property prior to making an offer on it. The City Council tabled the Clay Street project until next year when the market may change before making a decision on whether to purchase it or not. CDBG CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORT (CAPER) Goldman gave a background of the CAPER. It is an annual document required of Community Development Block Grant entitlement communities by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The CAPER provided an opportunity to review and report on CDBG funded activities and Consolidated Plan goal accomplishments. The CDBG funded a number of projects during the 2010 program year.  St. Vincent DePaul - $29,275  Ashland Supportive Housing - $110,861 2  ADBG Administrative - $42,378 Projects completed in 2010-2011 which were CDBG funded in prior years included:  ACLT, two new rental units at 304-308 Bridge  HAJC, 60 units of affordable rental housing at 380 Clay Street  One project awarded CDBG funds in prior years which were not completed were audible signal installations in the downtown ($27,623) After Goldman’s presentation Commissioner Ayars opened the public hearing for comments. There being no comments from the audience regarding the CAPER the Chair closed the public hearing. REPORTS AND UPDATES No one was present for Liaison reports Dills received a Housing survey from Southern Oregon University asking questions about housing needs, monthly housing expense, food expenses, do you live on campus, etc. Dills will try and get the results from the survey when it has been completed. OCTOBER 26, 2011 MEETING AGENDA ITEMS Dills and Barasa will present a proposal regarding the educational program at RVTV Barasa will discuss preservation project letter Retreat Discussion UPCOMING EVENTS AND MEETINGS Homeless Task Force Meeting-October 18, 2011: 10:30-12:00 Housing Authority Conference Room 2231, Table Rock Road, Medford Next Housing Commission Regular Meeting 4:30-6:30 PM; October 26, 2011, Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Carolyn Schwendener 3