HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-03-28 Housing MIN ASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 28, 2007 CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Carol Voisin called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Other Commissioners: Richard Billin, Regina Ayars, Steve Hauck, and Aaron Benjamin. Alice Hardesty, Council Liaison was also present. MINUTES Hauck/Hardesty m/s to adopt the minutes of the January 24, 2007 meeting. CDBG The purpose is to receive input about the future development of an action plan. It is a ph for comments for a specific request for comments in general. City has rec’d a request for $32,000 to fund a Youth Build coordinator. Staff and the Commission need to make sure the request is eligible for funding under CDBG. Goldman discussed each category and it appears RVCDC meets the eligibility requirements. The entire CDBG funds for this year are $212,000 and $_____ carryover. Staff believes we can meet the CP goals for aff hsy bycoupleing with city funds for land acquisition and partner w/non-profit organization for affordable housing. Would like recommendation from Will be necessary for As in past years. Hardesty – do we have to spend it or commit the funds within a certain time frame? Gold- have to spend it within a timeframe. Can accumulate up to 1.5 times our award balance w/o violating HUD’s timeliness standard. Currently we have $13,800 in carryover. Benj Gina – cutoff for Goldman Apps due 2/22 Same funding round each year APPLICANT PRESENTATION FLOYD pawlowski, Pres. Of RVCDC BREANNA welburn, Resource Developer of RVCDC She explained Rogue Valley Youth Build. The local prog Joc , RCC and RVCDC Helps up to 20 high school dropouts Youth receive construction training and life skills along with employment. RVCDC will provide affordable housing, job training and economic opportunity. Will be increasing the availability of affordability in Ashland. Kids are required to be drug and alcohol free. Looking to recruit just from Ashland. They usually hire in August. NO PUBLIC COMMENT COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Staff rec. award of $31,190. Conditions of selection – staff would like that RVCDC provide to City the market plan in subrecipent agree that the maj shall be Ashland residents. That cost _____ be in place Gold – only 15% of an allocation is to be allowed to be used for administration. Staff would recommend an award of $31,190, 20% administration fee and the remaining to be used to acquire property. Hardesty – should be on page 2 - $31,190. $52,080 can go to land acquisition. Does it look hopeful to be able to spend? Goldman – allows the Commission to work with non-oprofits to identify properties that meet our Action Plan $152,___? Billin – He knows someone who has gone through the Youth Build program and received a lot of positive feedback. Hauck – given conditions we added, he would go along w/the recommendation. Gold noted that RVCDC has had a change in staff. They will be recruiting for a new director. Those who have worked with Youth Build are continuing. Recomm Hauck m to rec staff rec and alloc $31,190 to RVCDC w two conditions outlined by BG and setting aside the 20% for next year and thte 65% remang will be for land acquisition coupled with sale of Strawberry property. Voice Vote: Motion carried unanimously. Action Plan Development Cate Hartzell – one of priorities has to do w/housing for homeless. Wants the Comm to be thinking about housing for the homeless. She wondered if the Com would want to change the plan to bring it in as a priority. Vois – why would we want to add homeless to our mix, why wouldn’t we let JC work on it instead of Hart If it’s not in thepriority list, it can’t be competitive. Hard – is housing for mentally ill in there? Gold – CP – a five year plan Bel. Cate is referring the five year plan and the plan for the coming year (Action Plan) 14 goals – can’t address all 14 goals in year. UNFINISHED BUSINESS ANNEXATION ORDINANCE DEVELOPMENT Public comment Bill Smith, SOU, wondered how the annex. Ord would effect SOU and anything they might want to change in their zoning. Gold – doesn’t envision SOU changing from SOU zone. Cate Hartzell said she worked on annexations for 5 or 6 years. The question asked Last night Possibility of creating another zone – she will be asking legal about the feasibility of doing this. Voisin – Kendrick proposal – 84 rental units. Hartzell – “just give us land” – value Deliberations Timing – goes to PC next for a public hearing. No date has been set. If the Com wants to move ahead with Hartzell’s idea, should know now. Hauck – land dedication = would be in lieu of providing units. Hauck Hardesty – could be a mix of housing types. If owners wants to come into the city and is willing to give up a portion of the land, the City can decide what to do with it. Gold- the City would become an applicant. Ayars – assumed land dedication would be a different parcel. Exception Voisin – recommendation to Staff Ayars – if we went w/land dedication, we’d eliminate all the others. Gold – if that was the only way to dedicate land. Billin – it can be an option, but just to give a chunk of land for development property would never work. Goldman – the land could be dedicated to a non-profit Hardesty – a lot of improvements since the last time around. Question about % age of affordability. Gold – might want to only consider rentals at 60%. Voisin – can they put some kind of rent control? Gold – there is a state law that prohibits rent control. Hard – believes 80% is too high. Change c to 60%. Instead of 1.25 units, call it 0.9 units Change d to 50% and 1.0 units Don’t see why we need to keep it revenue neutral as long as it doesn’t stop development. We are giving the developer land and the City needs to get something in return. Annex and zone changes can be made if they are beneficial to the City. Gold – if you scratched “rental” from c, would that address her concern? Hard – we should not allow rentals at market rate when talking about this kind of benefit to the developer. Construction Standards Goldman – 0 net energy and architectural compatibility. Billin thought last night’s comment was worthwhile. Clustering Potential exception Construction Timing – 3 yr. term would be preferable – Construciton – why a range on the studio? Goldman took from HOME program. Voisin – closing comments Additional recommendations to Brandon Gold – HC Conservation will decide if they want to review Both rec. would go before PC for them review and make rec. to City Council. Does not know timeline. Benj. Happy to see PC concerned that we needed a matrix and justification for annexation before it’s done. Housing mix – Hard – still hung up on a-d If we take of “rental” in c that still leaves out of 100 units, 20 at 80% AMI for purchase. All the “for purchase:” amounts make a lot of sense. Rentals at 60% - only 17 units at 60% ami or $550/mo or $714/mo. HOME program – high home rent is = to 80%. FMR – Darcy will need to find out. Low for a 3-bed si $687 and a 2- br is $585. Hard – find out more from Darcy about what the HOME ranges then maybe we should consider 50% or some other option so we Darcy – make sure we have a clear idea of what our rents are in Ashland before tinkering with the numbers or limiting it to ownership. Just wait until we get the full Rental Needs Analysis report. Gold – maybe methodology is flawed. Could instead be correlated to rental needs. Does use of equivalency values have merit? Everyone said “yes.” Hartzell – when we say “workforce” housing, we’re talking about income – have a lot of transfer income. Could be targeting retirement folks or families. Voisin – Put on the agenda for the April meeting assuming we have the report or as soon as we have the report. REPORTS AND UPDATES Education – no meeting – believed tv program was highly successful Finance – met – got survey results and will get at next meeting and began going thru the work plan for the housing trust fund and working on the mission statement. Next will be working on the priorities. Land Use – Talked about condo conversions Liaison Education – Benj. – would like to gather the stakeholders altogether and see how they interact. Commission Day – Gold – well received. HC had a PP presentation. Gina – assumed most were commissioners. Confused about the purpose of the event. Are they trying to recruit? She got educated about other commissions. Voisin –Liaison – Tirpartite Housing committee report. Made up of Council, Parks, schools and planning. She handed out a list of rankings. Affordable housing is high on the list. 3 majr goals – to bring 200 new students to Ashland Bring additional people to Ashland - ACH Inventory all public lands and identify potential sites for workforce affordable housing Sub goals Facilitate housing for 20 Same for City & Parks Dept. Each member taking back to their group and each group identify a piece of land suitable for affordable housing. Surplus properties 2 other projects Awareness campaign (related to education). Development of a brochure has been put together. The idea is to hand them out to help them identify resources for aff. Hsg. Want to print a whole bunch if everyone approves. Notebook of success stories from other communities. This information has been in the Council packet. Bill Street, SOU and Carolyn Johnson, ACH have agreed to start coming to the meetings. Just letting the Commision know what is happening and to get a nod of approval. Voisin/Billin m/s to endorse the Tripartite committee. Benj. Bel. it is one of the most forward looking committees working at this time. Endorsement means we approve of what Hardesty has reported. Hard – Council developed a series of goals last year that were never adopted. Goal #2 – assist the development of workforce housing…200 units by 2010. Voice Vote: Everyone favored. Staff Update: Condo Conversion – the condo con ord. is still in development and consult w/legal dept. Looking to be 3 sep ordinances – before CC on 4/17. Condo conv. And tenant rights resolution. Since the last time – adequacy of fac for bike parking – that those standards had to be complied with. In order to give City the author by rent or ownership standard that it had to be entered into by contractual agreement – If 25% reserved for affordability, would have to be Most notably – it being a permitted use likely to come forward Will get copies of final drafts when available. One substantive change – taking out 25% of units ar afford is making it a permitted use instead of a CUP. That would be a voluntary path. thth He’ll send copies by April 5. Going to Council on the 17. OTHER BUSINESS FUTURE MEETING AGENDA ITEMS FOR APRIL – ADJOURNMENT – Hard/Bill m/s to adjourn – VV: Approved. 7:45 p.m