HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-04-24 Housing MIN ASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 24, 2002 CALL TO ORDER - Chair Nancy Richardson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Other Commissioners present were Aaron Benjamin, Richard Seidman, and Andy Dungan. Richardson introduced the newest member, Kim Blackwolf. Absent memberswere Diana Shavey, Larry Medinger, and Joan Legg. Staff present was Sue Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Dungan moved to approve the minutes of the April 4, 2002 meeting. If there are any changes, they will be forwarded to Yates. Benjamin seconded the motion and the minutes were approved. RETREAT - Hartzell wondered if we wanted to put some dates out. The possible dates were May 18th, June 8th and June 15th. Yates will e-mail these dates to the absent and new members. It is possible Stan Druben can facilitate that meeting. Dungan also offered. HOUSING TRUST FUND - Rich Rohde, Oregon Action, said he has been working with the Housing Trust Fund project which is a national clearinghouse for other communities developing Housing Trust Funds and providing technical assistance. They have asked Mary Brooks, a foremost leader in the development of the housing trust funds to come to Ashland on May 14th and 15th to do a workshop. They are hoping for a meeting in Medford and one in Ashland. She will be talking about how communities empower themselves and create a Housing Trust Fund. They are looking at being in Ashland on May 15th from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. or 10:00 a.m. to noon. Hartzell suggested asking the hospital staff. Rohde added ACLT, realtor(s), OSF, and suggested contacting the Tidings. Richardson thought this would be a good opportunity for the Education Outreach subcommittee to look at who to invite. Rohde said he could do the invitations. ZONE CHANGES - AFFORDABILITY REQUIREMENTS - Draft Ordinance Richardson said there was a subcommittee that put together some wording and the language in the packet is an amended draft to the original. The original wording included ten percent of all housing permanently available to households with incomes not over 60 percent and 20 percent for annual incomes not over 120 percent. Dungan said we should be talking about the same changes to the annexation as the zone changes. Richardson thought there was something in the law that we cannot change the annexation. Hartzell reiterated that we have annexations, zone changes and density bonus. Richardson said the annexation wording is already in place. No one is taking advantage of the density bonus because we have high density already and it is not advantageous. We could tie it to incentives. There is a systems development deferral. Hartzell thought annexation is where you get the most from the developer so 80 and 100 is not that much to ask. It’s not just the income and affordability we are talking about . The Housing Coalition is talking about the equivalent of open space where we ask for raw land. She is torn between lack of movement and working on other possible strategies. Those strategies could include making lot sizes smaller and create certain kinds of incentives so a developer can do a 900 square foot house. Richardson said she thought Molnar believes it would be a good idea to get some wording on the books. When a project such as the Croman property comes forward, there will be standards in place. Hartzell believes what will move this forward is to set up a committee with Planning Commissioners and Housing Commissioners together to come forward with some various proposals in May. Interested Housing Commissioners include Hartzell and Richardson. Everyone thought Shavey would also be interested. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATE Education and Outreach Seidman said they met on April 12th. They talked with Miranda of ACLT about their annual meeting scheduled for May 23rd. They agreed the Housing Commission wanted to have a presence there. Miranda said they would allot 10 to 15 minutes on their agenda. Richardson has agreed to represent them and talk about their Commission priorities and upcoming actions and opportunities for involvement. It would be good if we could identify those opportunities for involvement. The Housing Commission will also have an information table. They will provide copies of the Needs Analysis and some enlarged graphs. What other information do members want to see on the information table? In addition, Seidman said there have been some negative letters to the editor. They decided in response, they would ask each Commissioner to commit to writing a letter to the editor or an op ed piece each month beginning in May. Seidman will write a letter in May, Richardson in June, and Dungan in June. Carlus Harris wrote a letter just a few days ago. Hartzell said she would do one. It was noted the letters need to mention positive solutions and educational. Seidman said he will send an e-mail to the Commissioners not here and find out who would be willing. Richardson said ECONorthwest and Cogan and Cogan will be here for the ACLT meeting. She thought ECONorthwest was planning to have some graphs and charts. We should check. She said the city will pull some advertising funds for some nice display ads in the paper to advertise the meeting. Dungan thought we could provide a flyer that says: What Does the Housing Commission Do? It would be just a page that people could read later. The purpose of our table would be to communicate with the public. Hartzell was willing to work on this. She asked that someone else work with her on this. The next Education and Outreach meeting will be Thursday, May 16th at 10:00 a.m. at Common Grounds. ACTION PLAN KICK-OFF MEETING Richardson said they met with Cogan and Cogan. They came away feeling assured we will have a good action plan. They want to be able to talk to people in the community. Hartzell wondered if the Housing Commission could meet with them the day they are down for the ACLT meeting. Can Molnar talk to Cogan and Cogan about this? ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.