HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-09-26 Housing MIN ASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 26, 2001 CALL TO ORDER Chair Larry Medinger called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m. Other Commissioners present were Richard Siedman, Jan Vaughn, Diana Goodwin-Shavey, Aaron Benjamin, Joan Legg, and Nancy Richardson. Joe McKeever was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Shavey moved to approve the minutes of the August 22, 2001 meeting, Seidman seconded the motion and the minutes were approved. MOBILE HOME PARK ORDINANCE Rich Rohde is continuing to work on the ordinance. Sandy Burk, resident of The Pines said the tenants of the park have not been notified of the advertised $100 increase in rent. Their rent is still $150. She believes there are so many good things about the ordinance. She has a lot of stress about not knowing whether or not their rent is going up and whether or not they have time to make plans for the future. The ordinance would be a safety net for folks like her. Rohde said thanks to the Housing Commission, a task force was created that met over the summer to see what kind of rules and laws have worked in other communities. The task force came up with some really good models to work with and adapted them to Ashland. Paul Nolte, City Attorney has reviewed the ordinance. Rohde reviewed the draft ordinance with the Commission. Rohde asked if he could be on next month's agenda. Medinger suggested Rohde send the draft ordinance over e-mail. Rohde agreed. Hartzell felt the Notification section is confusing and needs to be cleaned up. Rohde will e-mail the draft to the Housing Commission members for their review. Molnar said the ordinance would go to the Planning Commission and then the Council. AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROPOSAL FOR CROMAN SITE Bill Barchet, applicant, handed out a letter regarding his proposed development. He said, because it is such a large site, they can create a whole community. They are proposing to provide 50 affordable housing units (200 total units). Barchet reviewed the items in his letter. Medinger urged Barchet to think along creative lines beyond the current guidelines with regard to affordable housing. Hartzell reminded Barchet, however, that our current guidelines are still the current guidelines. The Commission encouraged Barchet to have conversations with the Land Trust and Harvest Built Homes. Hartzell wanted Barchet to be sure and look at tax deductions to non-profits. Shavey believes it is paramount in discussing affordable housing, to discuss the land under the affordable residence. It gets the City away from checking things like residency. Shavey said Barchet has not said anything about price and how he would transfer ownership of the affordable housing. Barchet said he was interested in continued dialogue. Shavey, Benjamin and Richardson said they could meet Monday afternoon, 3:00 p.m. with Barchet in Molnar's office. Hartzell also suggested that the Ashland Community Land Trust be involved. Molnar was going to contact Harris. REPORT FROM SOU REPRESENTATIVE SOU Representative and Student Body President, Tamara Henderson, along with Sidney (?), Director of Communications said they have put together a list of strategies. They would like to work on their issues and other city issues as a whole. They want to help students find housing. They are working on the renter's certification class. They said they would like to focus on working with the Council and city to apply pressure where they can for housing. They are also trying to work with the property managers. Legg thought this could be appropriate for the Community Outreach subcommittee. Shavey suggested to Henderson that Fannie Mae has an excellent home buyer's training kit that has a lot of information in it regarding taking care of the unit one lives in. If they are looking for materials they could use as part of a training class for tenants, this might be useful information to include. NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND ACTION PLAN CONSULTANT Molnar said he has sent a letter extending the deadline for request for proposal submittals. He talked with th the City Administrator and Planning Director and they authorized extending the deadline until October 5. CROMAN PROPERTY PROJECT Molnar reported Staff has been dealing with the applicant for awhile. Under Oregon Land Use Law, from the time the city deems the application complete, if a decision is not made within 120 days, the application expires. That date is November 4, 2001. Staff has requested an extension from the applicant. The applicant has said he would not extend it. In order to protect the City's interest, Molnar has scheduled a meeting for the zone change to be heard on October 9, 2001. Staff will recommend denial of the application and request the applicant resubmit. The applicant was planning to submit a packet of information today which did not come in. Shavey suggested a study session with the Housing Commission and Planning Commission on this issue. Medinger expressed his belief that the Housing Commission would like to be more involved in these types of larger projects. NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA Draft recommendations for affordable housing in the event of annexations or zone changes. Update from SOU representatives ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. ASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION 2 MINUTES SEPTEMBER 26, 2001