HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-01-18 Housing MIN HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 18, 1996 CALL TO ORDER Steve Hauck called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m. INTRODUCTIONS The following Commissioners introduced themselves: Steve Hauck, Council Beverly Kenefick Gerry Sea Larry Medinger Glen Tiffany Madeline Hill Commissioners not present were: Jack Ware Erin Mahanay Jan Vaughn Staff introductions: Kelly Madding, Associate Planner Bill Molnar, Senior Planner Sue Yates, Secretary ORGANIZED STRUCTURE Election of Officers Hill nominated Ware for Chair. Kenefick seconded the motion and all favored. Kenefick nominated Sea for Vice Chair. Tiffany seconded the motion and all favored. Term Lottery The Commissioners agreed to do a random drawing to decide term limits. Hill - 3 year term Medinger - 3 year term Vaughn - 3 year term Sea - 2 year term Ware - 2 year term Tiffany - 2 year term Kenefick - 1 year term Mahanay - 1 year term HISTORIC OVERVIEW In 1990 an ad hoc affordable housing committee was created which formulated certain housing policies, some of which were adopted and have been implemented. In 1994-95 the ad hoc committee was resurrected to look at the policies adopted in 1990 and to assess the results of those policies. The committee realized almost everything that was adopted had been tried or was in process. The housing trust fund was created when two lots on Garfield were sold by the City to the Rogue Valley Community Development Corporation and subsequently developed. There is approximately $100,000 in the fund. As homes are sold that have been weatherized, the money loaned by the city will go into this fund. The Housing Commission wanted Madding to find out where the money is, how much there is, why is it in a trust fund, and has any money been allocated. Madding mentioned the three programs for allocation are: 1) first time home buyer/rental assistance ($40,000), 2) micro loan ($40,000), and 3) education ($5,000). It will be this Commission's function to discuss these programs again and get them moving. Madding explained how Ashland became an entitlement community in 1993, the smallest community in the United States to receive block grant money. The first year the City received $229,000 and last year $237,000. The allocation process for the block grant is coming up soon. The Housing Commission will be responsible for making recommendations to the Budget Committee as to who should receive the money. Requests for proposals will be sent out this month and will come back in mid-February. The Housing Commission will need to make their recommendations in March and it might require more than one meeting in March. FUTURE AREAS OF DISCUSSION Kenefick wondered why an affordable housing committee would be allocating money for Youthworks. Hauck explained the Housing Commission would be doing more than affordable housing, but also dealing with all the supportive services that go along with it. Hill asked if the Housing Commission could apply for CDBG funds. Madding said she would do some checking on this. After Commissioner discussion, Madding said she would find out how much of her time is spent on housing and how she is funded. Hill said lenders are having problems with figuring out how to deal with buyers of affordable housing. Further discussion ensued regarding affordable housing with Tiffany giving a short explanation of what he thought could be a workable affordable housing program. STRATEGIC PLAN Madding posed the question: where does this Commission want to go? She thought this could be discussed in more depth at the second meeting. Kenefick thought in order to have a strategic plan, it would be helpful to know what the City's philosophy is on housing. She would like to know what the Council would like to have the Housing Commission accomplish. Hill believed the Council is looking to the Housing Commission to sell their ideas to the Council. Kenefick wondered if the Housing Commission had a budget. Madding said there were some tasks outlined by the previous Affordable Housing Commission just waiting for a commission such as this one to give their programs some life. Sea agreed it would be good to see what's "on the plate", gather ideas and go from there. Tiffany wanted to be sure there was some focus. Hill mentioned she volunteered to help a single mom try to sell a house she purchased under Farmer's Homes Administration that the state subsidized by $10,000. Hill finally gave up because of the problems with the state and their lack of process after the original grant was given. This could be an issue for the Commission to investigate. Attendance at meetings is another item for discussion at the next meeting. Medinger proposed if members were absent (excused or not) for more than two meetings, a replacement would be considered. Madding said there are Commission rules in the Municipal Code. Medinger also asked if Madding could call and remind everyone of the meetings. MEETING TIME The members decided the fourth Wednesday of each month from 4:00 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. would be the best meeting time. The next meeting will be February 28th. In March, everyone was willing to have some different meeting times in order to review the applications for the block grant money. Madding will try and let everyone know as far in advance as possible the meeting times in March. Madding will provide the Commissioners with the RFP and what is used to rate each proposal. OTHER Hill would like, as a Commission, to thank the City Council, particularly Councilman Hauck, for creating and having the vision and forethought to create and make this a permanent commission. Hill moved to write a letter to each Councilor. Medinger seconded and everyone approved. Madding will write a letter and send a draft to the Commissioners along with RFP information. Hill amended her motion to send the letter to the Tidings after it went to the Council. The amended motion was seconded and approved. Sea wondered if the Tidings would be notified of the Housing Commission meetings and Madding said they would. Hauck said the Planning Commission would probably send some things to the Housing Commission for review. Medinger expressed an interest in reviewing the conditional use permit accessory unit ordinance and density bonuses. He felt the Housing Commission could lend the Planning Commission some strength. Madding handed out a proposal that will be coming before the Planning Commission on February 13th from ACCESS for annexation of approximately 11 acres on Tolman Creek Road and East Main Street for 96 rental units. Debbie Price from ACCESS sent a letter to be reviewed by this Commission. ACCESS is requesting the annexation based on a need for R-1-3.5 land in the City and affordable housing. Madding wanted to initiate discussion in the near future regarding annexation criteria connected to affordable housing. Medinger said when the annexation ordinance was enacted that the intention was to make affordable housing just one more requirement for annexation. Even though there are varying opinions, many in the community get upset because they don't think the need for affordable housing should be a criteria for annexation. There will always be a need for affordable housing. Madding announced there would be a joint study session between the Council and Planning Commission on January 30th to discuss vacant lands and annexations. Hill wanted this item on the Housing Commission's next agenda. She suggested bringing the existing ordinance to the meeting and pick it apart and work toward a suggested ordinance amendment. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. KELLY -- THINGS YOU NEED TO DO BEFORE NEXT HOUSING MEETING NEXT MEETING 2/28 AT 4:00. Housing Trust Fund - How much money, where is it, why is it in a trust fund, and has any money been allocted. Kelly's time - how much time is spent on housing and how are you funded. Make copies of rules governing commissions. (Sue will look for that.) Call everyone before the next meeting to remind of meeting. (Sue to do) Make copies of RFP for Commission and rating sheet. Letter to Council from Housing Commission thanking them for forming commission. Bring existing annexation ordinance to meeting. Notify of any meeting times in March.