HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-08-28 Housing MIN ASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 28, 1996 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Vice Chairperson Gerry Sea. Other members present were Hill, Medinger, Kenefick, and Hauck. Absent members were Tiffany, Mahanay, Vaughn, and Ware. Staff present were Madding and Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes were amended to include Hauck on the Funding subcommittee. REPORT ON OPTIONS FOR SOUTHERN OREGON Madding said Kim Miller, Executive Director of Options would like an opportunity to speak to the Commission about getting money for their low cost housing for the chronic mentally ill. They competed two years in a row for the block grant and were denied. The City Council gave Options a $6,000 forgivable loan to buy a piece of property on Siskiyou Boulevard. They are applying at this time for a HUD 811 grant which allows for building housing for those with very low income. Madding advised Miller there was no mechanism set up by the the Commission to request money. Kenefick said she would be interested in Miller speaking to the Commission as long as he understands there would not be money forthcoming. Medinger suggested if Options could find some funding maybe the Commission could find a source and the money might eventually be there. Hauck explained that the money for the Housing Commission to distribute is a line item in the budget and it clearly states it is for Housing Commission projects. Kenefick suggested putting out a request for proposal which would set parameters (repayment mechanism). There is an opportunity to be innovative. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Education subcommittee Madding said Ware and Tiffany faxed a report to her that she distributed to the Commissioners. Hauck reported that Debbie Price is a representative for the Oregon Department of Housing and Community Services. He is trying to get her to come to the next Housing Commission meeting and see if the Commission could use her help. Sea wondered if the Education subcommittee could come up with a list of their priorities. Medinger thought lenders are the most critical part of the whole piece. Kenefick suggested a round table discussion comprised of Planning Commission, Council, and Housing Commission members. Kenefick wondered how the Commission could focus on one thing and have a small success. Madding thought it could start with focusing on some programs. There has already been some direction given by the previous Affordable Housing Committee. Or, open the door, advertise the fact the Commission has $100,000, define some parameters, and see what is proposed. Gathering Data Subcommittee Kenefick said they met but had nothing to report. Funding Subcommittee Hauck got a book from Debbie Price listing all state programs for housing. He would like Price to tell the Commission what the City might be eligible for. Madding said the Funding subcommittee met. They discussed different funding sources, Community Development Block Grant, housing trust fund, grants, and private fund raising. The subcommittee felt the Commission should develop a proposal to get some block grant money for next year's funding cycle. The funding cycle starts in February which means the Commission would need to focus on something a couple of months prior. In addition, Madding said, a question arose as to whether or not the housing trust fund could be separated out of the budget. Jill Turner, Finance Director, explained the budget is an accounting mechanism for programs and since there are no programs, there is no reason for a separate page in the budget. Turner remembered a resolution outlining what the money from the housing trust fund could be used for. Madding will continue pursuing this. Turner also said it was not possible for the interest paid on the deferred Systems Development Charges be used for housing nor can the total SDC amount go into housing. Madding reported the Funding subcommittee had some steps they wanted to follow: 1) Identify the funding we currently have, 2) Implementation of the programs, 3) Principle of the funding; what it should be used for and that the fund should be self-sustaining. The Commissioners agreed that the Council should know that persons can be referred to the Housing Commission for certain requests. Medinger said he would like to see the fund set up like a money-making corporation. How can the Commission make $100,000 grow? He expressed an interest in Bridge Corp. in SanFrancisco. Madding said she was planning a trip to the bay area and could look into this. Kenefick suggested she stop in Sacramento and visit the state affordable housing office. Hill moved to have the Housing Commission request from the Community Development Director up to four business days of Madding's time be used to gather information on appropriate affordable housing sources. Kenefick seconded the motion and everyone approved. Hauck mentioned that Portland is in the process of developing programs too and Madding might want to explore alternatives that will work in Oregon. Madding said she would look at what the non-profits are doing. This may also help define the Commission's programs. Sea asked if the Commission wants to use all or part of the $100,000 now. It seems the Funding subcommittee's implementation idea should be in place in order to do any programs. Madding said she would check to make sure the Commission can take action without Council approval. Sea said she would like to be clear on the policies and procedures on allocating the money. Hauck, Hill, Madding and Turner will get together on policies and procedures for releasing money. Kenefick suggested the Commission set a goal for themselves. By the first quarter of 1997, a small project will be under way. In order to do this, they will need the information collected by Madding on her trip(s) by November. Kenefick so moved. Medinger seconded and everyone favored the motion. OTHER Medinger wondered if anything more had been done about density bonus. Madding said she would have to draft the language, have the Commission review, and send it along to the Planning Commission. The goal will be to have the draft by the November meeting. Sea said September and October will be used to look at more ideas and hear further reports from subcommittees. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.