HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-02-28 Housing MIN ASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 28, 1996 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jack Ware. Other Commissioners present were Mahanay, Kenefick, Hauck, Sea, Medinger, Hill, Tiffany, and Vaughn. Staff present were Madding and Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Hill moved to approve the minutes of the January 18, 1996 meeting with a correction to paragraph one, top of page two. The sentence should read: "The Housing Commission wanted Madding to find out where the money is, how much there is, and why it is 'not' in a trust fund". Vaughn seconded the motion and the minutes stand as corrected. THANK YOU MEMO The Commission told Madding the thank you memo to the Council looked fine and they reminded her to publish it in the Tidings also. MONEY IN THE TRUST FUND Madding spoke to Jill Turner, Finance Director and she said the Housing Trust Fund has $100,000. It is in the Capital Improvement Plan budget. Madding said the money earns interest as a separate line item where it is now. Kenefick said as long as it is a line item she is satisfied with the money staying where it is. Hauck assured the Commission that to change a line item budget would take an action by the City Council to move the money. MADDING'S TIME McLaughlin explained Madding's job duties include Associate Planner and Housing Officer. As Associate Planner she has general planning duties. As Housing Officer, she oversees the block grant operation, has support for this Commission, works on other housing related issues such as affordable housing, qualifying applicants, etc. Block grant fund monies are identified for supporting planning efforts and in this capacity Madding works on neighborhood planning, staff reports for current actions, checking building permits and being available to the public everyday. There has been no directive from the Council or Commission level saying Madding should be directing her work elsewhere. Medinger expressed his concerns and wishes that there be a clear understanding that a certain percentage of Madding's time be spent on housing. It will be hard for her to focus when she is being pulled in many directions. McLaughlin responded that after the Commission clearly identifies their goals, Madding can more easily work towards fulfilling those goals. In answer to Sea's question about how Madding's position is funded, McLaughlin said she is funded 75 percent from CDBG funds and 25 percent from the City's general fund. Medinger asked Hagen's opinion on the Council's attitude about affordable housing. Hagen said affordable housing is seen as a priority. The Council is looking to the Housing Commission for ideas on how to get there. How can housing in Ashland be kept at all income levels so it will not become an exclusive community. Hagen noted that Madding's job also includes administering block grant money for sidewalks. The discussion digressed and several areas of affordable housing were mentioned. Below are listed the ideas that surfaced: How many people use affordable housing now? How is affordable housing defined? (130% of median income) Are there any new families signing up for affordable housing? Madding said people are signing up for homes not yet built. There are enough people, just not additional units. Financing? Fannie Mae? Focus on lenders? Broader scope - look to communities that have successful programs. Get lenders together. First-time home buyers with debt and no sufficient down-payments. Individuals with income from $20,00 to $28,000 is the group now being missed. Guaranteed second. Affordable housing is more than putting a roof over someone's head. Would also include sidewalks, subsidized transit system--a lot of other costs borne day in and day out that relate to the "big picture". Providing assistance for renovating houses. Identify the market. BLOCK GRANT PROCESS The 1995 Affordable Housing Committee believed that one of the future Housing Commission's roles would be to listen to and recommend block grant allocations to some of the service agencies. Once the budget process got going about three weeks ago, a Councilor expressed a concern that the Housing Commission is very new with a narrow focus (housing). The block grant is not for housing per se, but for land acquisition that housing can be built on. The block grant money has mostly been allocated to social service providers that have not done housing but services for homeless and youth at risk. If the Budget Committee, subcommittee, and Housing Commission combined to make a decision, it would make a large committee and would be difficult for so many members to come together to make a decision. The City Administrator made a recommendation to Council that the process for now will be that the subcommittee for the Budget Committee would hear the proposals. The mayor strongly encouraged participation from the Housing Commission to come to the meetings to become familiar with the process and perhaps in a couple of years, the Housing Commission might be more ready to listen to proposals. Hill said she was watching the Council meeting on TV and they were discussing changes in duties for the Housing Commission and she was disappointed the Commission had not been consulted or notified beforehand. STRATEGIC PLAN McLaughlin thought it important to begin with a common base for the purpose of the Commission. What are the goals to be attained? Madding added that many of the members have expertise in various areas that overlap. It is important that the Commission starts from the same knowledge base. Mission Statement The Commission reviewed the mission statement. Kenefick was adamant about adding something about "maintaining the aesthetics of the community". The other Commissioners were satisfied with the present wording. Ware asked Kenefick to present a mission statement of her liking at the next meeting. Internal Conditions Ashland Housing Commission 2 Minutes February 28, 1996  Communicate to all Commissions -- City Council, Budget Committee, Systems Development Committee and Planning Commission  Role of Housing Commission in relationship to City functions/responsibilities  Monitor CDBG program  Commission's priorities for Housing Commission staff job External Conditions  State & federal housing programs and what they do - grant and funding opportunities  Private market -- Land prices -- Financing -- Land availability  LCDC - state land use laws  Demographics -- Population - age, occupation, where they work, commute  Service capacity -- Schools, public facilities, etc.  Character of the town  What housing stock available  Ashland's economy  Regional growth Opportunities  Lower interest rates  Changes in federal housing programs  ACCESS multi-family project  Timber initiative money  State Housing Trust Fund  Local Housing Trust Fund  Lobby the State Housing Trust Fund for additional money funded by interest on Real Estate Client Trust Account Upcoming Meetings McLaughlin suggested having a short presentation on current efforts on housing and what has been achieved. March 18th at 7:00 p.m. at the Council Chambers the Budget Committee will hear the block grant proposals. Madding will schedule another meeting before the regular March 27th meeting to complete the strategic planning. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Ashland Housing Commission 3 Minutes February 28, 1996 Ashland Housing Commission 4 Minutes February 28, 1996