HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-10-25 Housing PACKET Ashland Housing Commission Regular Meeting Agenda: October 25, 2007 5:30 Î 7:30 Community Development Building 51 Winburn Way 1. (5:30) Approval of Minutes August 30, 2007 September 27, 2007 2. (5:40) Welcome new Commissioner Graham Lewis 3. (5:50) Public Forum items not on the agenda 4. (6:00) Guest Speaker Larry Medinger, Chair, State Housing Council 5. (6:30) Reports and Updates Subcommittee Reports Liaison reports Education (Street) Council (see item 6) Land Use (no meeting) Parks Finance (Voisin) Schools Planning 6. (7:00) Project Updates Condominium Conversion Ordinance (5min) Clay Creek RFQ Issuance (5 min) Commission Chair appointment of members of RFQ Review Committee (date to be determined) Lithia Lot Housing Development (10 min) Council direction to establish an informal meeting(s) with participation from Council, Planning, and Housing Commission to discuss incentives and land use changes that would promote the development of rental housing (apartments). 7. (7:20) Meeting date change discussion The regularly scheduled November meeting falls on Thanksgiving. Suggested date change to Thursday November 29, 2007 8. (7:25) Upcoming Events and Meetings Housing Trust Fund Public Forum th October 30 7:00 - 9:00 (Ashland Springs Hotel) 8. (7:30) Adjournment ASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES August 30, 2007 CALL TO ORDER Chair Bill Street called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Development and Engineering Services Building, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, OR 97520. Commissioners Present: SOU Liaison: none Carol Voisin Steve Hauck Council Liaison: Alice Hardesty, Absent Regina Ayars Bill Smith Staff Present:: Aaron Benjamin Brandon Goldman, Housing Specialist Richard Billin Carolyn Schwendener, Account Clerk Bill Street, Chair APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the July 26, 2007 meeting were approved as presented. PUBLIC FORUM No one came forth to speak. REPORTS AND UPDATES Subcommittee Report Education Î No meeting/no report Finance Î No quorum It was decided that both subcommittees for Finance & Education will meet together to plan logistics regarding an upcoming th Community Workshop on Housing Trust Funds scheduled for October. The meetings will be held on September 5 at 6:00 th p.m. and September 19 at 5:30 p.m. in the Community Development Building. Goldman spoke with Oregon Action regarding inviting Mary Brooks to the meeting. Liaison Reports st Council Î No report. Street thanked Voisin, Smith & Benjamin for attending the August 21 Council meeting and going forward to recommend the condo conversion ordinance be passed. Voisin would like to suggest to the council that the meetings stop after 4 hours. Parks Î No report. Schools Î Street recently spoke with three different board members regarding housing. It appears unclear what if anything will be happening regarding housing on the school properties. Street commented that every new teacher he is aware of does not live in Ashland. Benjamin said this is definitely an opportunity to make the case of workforce housing. Planning Î Goldman reported that at the last Planning Commission meeting the Verde Village subdivision was reviewed. It will have 15 affordable units. The applicantÓs proposal would dedicate the land to RVCDC and they would then develop the affordable housing on it. Commissioner Marsh recommended that as a condition of approval if RVCDC did not develop the land within a five year period that it revert back to City ownership. Tripartite Î Goldman reported that the Tripartite Committee met and discussed the Housing notebook that is in development. Once Goldman has received their recommendations for changes he will forward it on to be published by the City as a th resource for different types of affordable housing. The time frame is feedback by Sept. 15 and then have it ready in October. Public Testimony - City Councilor Cate Hartzell spoke. She is the CouncilÓs representative to the County regarding the effort to create a 10 year plan to end chronic homelessness. The committee will be setting up sub committees to do work on data research, outcome identification, prevention, intervention and infrastructure. Hartzell would like to encourage the Housing Commission as well as the Council to look more strongly at a priority for homelessness. She would like to see some of the CDGB money used for this. ASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION 1 MINUTES August 30, 2007 Federal Appropriations Process Update Goldman stated that the City made a request for direct earmark funding in the amount of 2.2 million dollars to develop 56 new units on multiple sites. If the funds come through the City would then identify property for development and come back to the Housing Commission with money in hand looking to do a project. Similar requests have been made in the last two years and neither of those received the funding. Land Use Ordinance Changes The Commission discussed the following three proposed changes that have a direct impact on housing. Accessory Residential Units and Density-Currently ARUÓs are not permitted in multi-family zones. What this ordinance proposes to do is to allow for those units to be permitted in mufti family zones. The two options are: 1) Units can be up to 1000 square feet 2) Units can be up to 500 square feet maximum After discussing whether it is appropriate to have ARUÓs in multi family zones and if so which option would be best Street/Voisin m/s to recommend and approve the change of the first option of allowing a unit similar in size of ARUÓs up to 1000 square feet in multi family zones. Public Testimony Î Cate Harzell spoke on the proposal. She shared her concerns about allowing larger ARUÑS in multi-family zones. She felt it would be to high a density and distributes them around town instead of in a concentrated area making the buildings less desirable. She proposed the question. Would it be legal for the City to make this change but require that any of the new housing done under the change be affordable? The Commission voted on StreetÓs prior motion. The motion passed with a majority vote with Ayars descending. Voisin left the meeting at 7:00 p.m. because a notice of flash flood warning was announced. She lives on Wrights Creek. Maximum permitted floor area in mufti- family zones. Goldman explained that the option that has been forwarded says that if you have an Accessory Unit, provided the unit is less then 500 square feet, it need not meet the MPFA. At this time in the MPFA there is an exemption of things not included, basements, garages, detached accessory structures. What is recommended is a change that would say ÐorÑ a second residential unit on a lot, where the unit is less then 500 square feet in gross floor area. This changes the exemption from being just detached residential units to detached 500 square foot residential units. If they are exempted from the floor area it gives more of an incentive to build them because it doesnÓt count against the size of the primary home. Hauck/Street m/s to recommendation that the Commission look at making detached ARUÓs of 500 feet or less exempt from MPFA calculations, and to recommend that ARUÓs less than 500 sq.ft be an outright permitted use in single family zoning. Voice Vote: Approved Residential Ground Floor in C-1 and E-1Zones. The proposed standard is to either prohibit ground floor residential or to allow for 500 square foot units on the ground floor provided they are ADA assessable. The existing ordinance allows for up to 35% of the ground floor area to be residential and all of the second and third stories to be residential. The Commissioners discussed whether residential should be permitted on the ground floor of Commercial buildings. Street asked the Commissioners if they were comfortable with buildings in the Commercial district being less then 50% commercial, changing the nature of the Commercial District. Street felt that with residential in a Commercial zone youÓre expecting a very high price for the residential unit rather then being affordable. Benjamin pointed out the affordable units on Lithia Way. He felt the more residential you have in mixed use situations the healthier the community is going to be. People without children, older people and those who donÓt want to depend on cars will benefit from that situation. Street/Hauck m/s to recommend option two to allow 500 square foot units on the ground floor provided they are ADA accessible. Voice vote: Approved UPCOMING EVENTS AND MEETINGS th Regular meeting Î September 275:30-7:30. Ayars will not be present at the September meeting. th City Council: Second reading of the Condominium Conversion Ordinance: September 4 7:00-10:30. It was GoldmanÓs understanding that there will be no public impute at this second reading. ADJOURNMENT Î The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted by, Carolyn Schwendener, Account Clerk ASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION 2 MINUTES August 30, 2007 ASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES September 27, 2008 CALL TO ORDER Chair Bill Street called the meeting to order at 5:40 p.m. at the Community Development and Engineering Services Building, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, OR 97520. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent Carol Voisin Steve Hauck Bill Smith Regina Ayars Aaron Benjamin Richard Billin Council Liaison: Bill Street, Chair Alice Hardesty, Absent SOU Liaison: None Staff Present: Brandon Goldman, Housing Specialist Carolyn Schwendener, Account Clerk APPROVAL OF MINUTES There were no minutes available to approve. PUBLIC FORUM Ambuja Rosen Î Ms. Rosen made a presentation in support of the campaign for Tethering Ordinance. Ms. Rosen feels that the Housing Commission has a duty to advocate for safe and humane housing not just for AshlandÓs human animals but the non human animals as well. The proposed Ordinance would limit tethering, require that adult cats and dogs have at least a 97 square foot enclosure as their primary dwelling, require that domesticated animals have access to either free flowing water or a container that cannot be tipped over and when forced to sleep outside in an unheated shelter when the weather gets below 50 degrees it will be required to have dry clean bedding for the animal. Ms. Rosen feels it is appropriate for the Housing Commission to endorse their campaign and asked them as individuals (not Commissioners) to sign her petition. Smith asked how this Ordinance would be enforced. Ms. Rosen stated it would be on a complaint driven basis. Street asked about a website to review the public Ordinance as well as a list of Cities that have adopted an Ordinance similar to this one. She will send the information to Brandon who will then forward it to the Commissioners. REPORTS AND UPDATES Subcommittee Report Education & Finance ÎVoisin reported that they met and discussed the upcoming Housing Trust Funds meeting to be held on October 30, 2007 at Ashland Springs Hotel. Land Use Î No report Liaison Reports nd Council Î Council liaison was not present. Goldman reported that at the October 2 Council Meeting the second reading of the Condo Conversion process will continue as well as the review of Council authorization to issue a request for qualifications for the development of the Clay Creek property. This is a two acre parcel behind the Ashlander Apartments acquired by Parks in which they can do five affordable units on. Goldman noted that the Parks Department and the Council have discussed acquiring the 10 acre parcel adjacent to the YMCA ball fields for the purpose of creating a park and affordable housing. The original development was to put 120 Units on the entire property. They are now looking at using half of the property for a Park. Parks Î No report. ASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION 1 MINUTES September 27, 2007 Schools Î Street is continuing to work with School Board Members. The Board is in the process of setting their goals. Street commented that it is the intent of some members of the Board to place workforce housing on their list of goals though they do not have a consensus yet. Planning Î Benjamin reported that at the Planning Commission Study Session they didnÓt really touch on Housing. Mainly talked about the Riparian Ordinance and Arterial Setbacks. Goldman confirmed the Planning Commission did receive the Housing Commissions recommendations which will then be forwarded along to the Council. Benjamin said the Commission also talked about the Crowman Site project. Goldman anticipates they will start having meetings by the end of the year and that the consultant has probably been selected at this point. Tripartite Î No meeting/no report. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Goldman provided the annual CAPER report. Goldman announced that any audience member that would like to speak to AshlandÓs Performance in regards to the use of the $200,000 they received in CDBG funds could do so at this time. No one came forward. Goldman commented that the CDBG money can be applied to any of the fourteen goals but given the limited amount they get it is typically limited to just a few projects. One Social Service project and one Affordable Housing project is how they have typically awarded them. Goldman reviewed the expenditure of the CDGB money. Ashland Community Land Trust purchased property last year at 404 and 408 Bridge Street with $328,000 in CDGB funds of a $399,000 purchase price. They acquired an existing duplex. They also received a Planning Approval for a variance to reduce the driveway width to get to the back of the property allowing two more units. After they finish their project on Garfield Street they will then break ground on Bridge Street working with Habitat for Humanity as a development partner. The Social Service grant went to Inner Faith Care Community of Ashland. They hired someone late in the year instead of July which then limited the service they provided and the amount of the $32,000 they were awarded that they can draw down. Goldman noted that after looking at their income information that they paid to that individual they could be eligible to $23,000 worth of reimbursement out of the $32,000. The difficulty is that they have not provided any of the reporting for the clients that they served which is a CDBG requirement. Without the information they cannot make a disbursement of CDGB funds. Goldman is waiting on the reports from them. HUD has recommended to the legislature to stop entitlement to small communities. Taking all the small communities off the table and giving the funds to the State to disburse. Goldman acknowledged two programs that the City of Ashland provides. A Low income energy assistance program. Goldman stated that the City gave out $88,000 in direct subsidy to people of low incomes to help them with their electric bills. The City contributed during 2006 & 2007 a total of $290,000 directly to RVTD. LITHIA LOT DEVELOPMENT UPDATE Goldman gave the history of this project. He said that he started as the Housing Program Specialist for the City of Ashland in November of 2004 and at his first meeting this was a topic of discussion. The RFP went out in February of 2005 and it took about a year to select the applicant. Council gave a green light to the project in August 2006 and wanted to see a development agreement. That development came th back to them in December of 2006 and was approved on December 19. From the CityÓs perspective thatÓs the point at which they turned over the development to the development team. The Development Team was to come forward with a funding mechanism part which was incumbent upon receiving a $700,000 grant from the State Home program in order to develop the 10 affordable units. The Commercial and the market rate units would help subsidize the affordable units and the underground parking. Kendrick Enterprise, the Commercial Developer, did not submit an application for funds in February 2007. They then did not meet the July 2007 application deadline. Goldman stated that the bigger issue was that communication was always prompted by the City or the State. The development team was looking at each other not necessarily as partners but competing interests for the same development. There was a lack of coordination between the team members. Goldman stated that they could apply for funds in February 2008 but highly unlikely they could break ground in June of 2008. The Commissioners discussed the problems and why this project became difficult. ASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION 2 MINUTES September 27, 2007 nd Goldman said the next step will be defined by Council at their October 2 meeting. Goldman gave options for the Council to review. Resend the developer agreement Reissue the request Consider the sale of Lithia Lot and direct the proceeds for affordable housing Issue an RFP for an alternative parking lot or a combination of those two Voisin made a motion that they recommend to the Council that they take staff recommendation and resend the offer of the developer agreement. The Commissioners discussed this motion. Benjamin commended that conceptually this project could lead Ashland into the future. He would like to see this project go ahead. Voice Vote: approved by majority vote. Benjamin/Street m/s to issue a request for proposals for development for affordable Housing over the existing public parking lot. Voice Vote: unanimously approved. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS OHCS- Street said that he is hoping Larry Medinger will be able to come to the October meeting to report on his work at the State Housing Council. UPCOMING EVENTS AND MEETINGS Education Î October 3, 2007 @ 5:00 p.m. Finance Î October 9, 2007 @ 5:30 p.m. Land Use Committee Î October 10, 2007 @ 11:00 a.m. Regular Meeting Î October 25, 2007 @ 5:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Î The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted by, Carolyn Schwendener, Account Clerk ASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION 3 MINUTES September 27, 2007