HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-12-11 Housing PACKET Ashland Housing Commission Retreat December 11, 2010 Parks and Recreation Building 340 S. Pioneer (located in Lithia Park off of Granite) (9:00) Goal Review and Discussion (60 min) a. Review Housing Work Plan goals and accomplishments b. Review 2009 Council Goals & 2009 Housing Commission Goals c. Additions or deletions i. Education and Outreach Event ii. Homeless Issues (10:00) Brainstorm and Refine goals(20 minutes) (10:20) Break and Goal prioritization (dot exercise) (20 minutes) (10:40) Review Goal selections for recommendation to Council (20 min) (11:00)Housing Trust Fund Overview and Update (20 min) (11:20)Recruitment Discussion (10 min) (11:30)Mayor Stromberg-Feed back on Commission/Council goals (20 min) (11:50) Commissioner suggested agenda items for January Meeting (10 min) (12:00)Adjournment and Lunch Please bring your Housing Commission Binders and your copy of the Housing Work Plan 2009-2010 CITY COUNCIL GOALS OVERVIEW The City Council has set goals for the next 12 to 24 months to continue Ashland’s history as a community that focuses on sustaining itself and its people. To us, sustainability means using, developing and protecting resources at a rate and in a manner that enables people to meet their current needs and also provides that future generations can meet their own needs. The City of Ashland has a responsibility towards sustainability in six primary areas: o Economy o Environment o Social Equity o Municipal Organization o Public Facilities o Partnerships ECONOMY Goal Proposed for Adoption Estimated Staff and Budget Next Steps/ Actions Develop and implement a compre-1 FTE Overall Plan estimated to be formally hensive economic development $150,000 presented to Council in March/ April strategy for the purpose of: Included in Budget 2010. Tentative discussion with o Diversifying the economic base of the Council about proposed work plan in community July 2009 o Supporting creation and growth of businesses that use and provide local and Outstanding Issues: regional products o Increasing the number of family-wage jobs - Enterprise Zones in the community - Urban Renewal o Leveraging the strengths of Ashland’s tourism and repeat visitors Complete Croman Mill Master Plan Work on Croman assigned to staff in Croman land use code adoption and develop an implementing strategy Planning and Administration estimated completion is Nov. 2009 for funding and infrastructure for Croman Funds included in Comm. Dev. Croman infrastructure/ Budget for consulting services as implementation discussion begins neededAugust 2009 - Developer financing options - Grant Availability - Urban Renewal Increase the clarity, responsiveness, Project includes all departments that Estimated kick off after water and certainty of the development take part in the development approval resource ordinance complete: First process.process (Comm. Dev., PW, Fire, and step is to form interdept team. Electric). This will require each Second step is to identify key points Department to allocate staff time in the development review (from pre- accordingly.app.to final inspection) to accomplish coordinated, responsive multi- department actions Goals for City Council Adoption – June 16, 2009 Page1 2009-2010 CITY COUNCIL GOALS ENVIRONMENT Goal Proposed for AdoptionEstimated Staff and Budget Next Steps/ Actions Develop an integrated land use and No additional staff. Consulting Waiting on Grant Award transportation plan to increase the resources will be needed. viability of transit, bicycles, walking Project begins after beginning of and other alternative modes of Budgeted project cost of $350,000 Fiscal Year. transportation; reduce per capita automobile vehicle miles traveled; Use Transportation Commission and Estimated timeline of two years. provide safe walking and bicycling Planning Commission routes to home, work, shopping and Includes rate/ financing study. Also schools; implement environmentally includes amendments to responsible design standards, and comprehensive plan and land use minimize new automobile-related code. infrastructure. Adopt an integrated Water Master No additional staff. Extensive Project begins after beginning of Plan that addresses long-term water consulting resources will be needed. fiscal year. supply including climate change issues, security and redundancy, Total Budget is $440,000. Estimated timeline of 2 years. watershed health, conservation and Approximately 25% covered by reuse, and stream health. grant.Includes rate/ financing study. Implement specific capital projects Project involves staff in Project begins this summer. First step and operational programs to ensure Conservation, Public Works, and includes collection of usage and cost that City facilities and operations are Administration. Work in first fiscal of electricity, natural gas, fuel, water, a model of efficient use of water, year estimated to take about 320 garbage and hazmat. energy, land, and other key resources hours or a total of 8 weeks of FTE nd time.In 2 step, City will obtain carbon- calculator software to evaluate most Specific projects will need to be cost-effective methods to address estimated and scheduled after carbon footprint. assessment. Third step is evaluating possible improvements. Projects to be incorporated into CIP. Adopt land use codes, building codes, Staffing provided by long range Sustainable Development Guidelines and fee structures that creates strong planning section of Community will be evaluated as part of Croman incentives for new development that Development. Building inspection Mill Site Redevelopment Plan, with is energy, water, and land efficient and conservation staff will also be possible citywide application. The and supports a multi-modal involved. guidelines will likely address: transportation system Conservation of natural water Professional services monies will systems likely be allocated to assist with Green surface parking systems illustrations associated with the Storm-water Run-off (greens development of green development streets and parking areas) guidelinesLow impact building design Low impact site development Review Architecture 2030 Reduction of construction waste Standards? Work with the Oregon Building Codes Divisions to make Green “Building Code” alternatives available. Existing examples of pre- engineered, locally approved (by the Building Official) design alternatives include: rain water infiltration, catchments and harvesting systems Develop a strategy to use Requires three times more Will be considered in FY 2011 conservation and local renewable conservation in Ashland than already budget. sources to meet Tier 2 power in place. demands by 2014 Staff will continue to work on Likely will require 1 to 2 additional conservation and alternative energy FTE for conservation, and a total generation projects. budget increase of between $400,000 and $450,000 per year. Up to 40% this may be off-set by federal dollars and other conservation incentives Goals for City Council Adoption – June 16, 2009 Page2 2009-2010 CITY COUNCIL GOALS SOCIAL EQUITY Goal Proposed for AdoptionEstimated Staff and Budget Next Steps/ Actions Complete the development of Primary staffing will include the Phase One – HAJC Project affordable housing on the Clay Street Housing Program Specialist (.25 Complete sub-recipient property FTE) and participation from current agreements and monitoring of the and long range staff (.2 FTE). road improvements as required by Additionally, some professional CDBG. services monies could be allocated to Time line – July 2009 – Dec. 2010 site plan development for phase II (the remainder of the property not Phase Two – Remainder of the associated with the Housing Property Authority project). Develop the RFP for the build out of the 1.25 or 5 acre remainder (depends on Parks ) Work with the Housing Commission to determine housing needs for the site Get RFP reviewed and approved by Council, Issue, review, selection - public hearings for disposition of public property Contract negotiation / Developer agreement. Time line – July 2009 – July 2010 Conduct a comprehensive study of UnknownDevelop cost estimate and budget Ashland’s homeless proposal Will be estimated prior to FY 2011 budget process Coordinate with 2010 U.S. Census ORGANIZATION Estimated Staff and Budget Next Steps/ Actions Goal Proposed for Adoption Develop plan for fiscal stability, Staff was added to assist 1.Establish FY 2010-2011 budget manage costs, prioritize services, and Administrative Services in FY 2009. with existing target ending fund insure key revenue streams for the balances (August 2009) City and Parks & Recreation. No consulting resources were added.2.Schedule a study session on If outside evaluations are needed, revised target EFBs, debt levels, they will need to be discussed in FY tax-rate-fee implications, service 2011 budget. level alternatives and timeline (October – November 2009) 3.Report to Council on progress (January 2010) 4.Adoption of targets for FY 2010- 2011 budget (March 2010) 5.Annual report and desired adjustments (January-February each year). Address issues the stability of the No new staff will be added. Classification part of study will create organization including employee fair, justifiable classification system, recruitment and retention; succession Classification/ Compensation Study is to attempt to resolve issues related to planning; and effective and increased underway at cost of $55,000. specific classifications and to step use of citizen volunteers. system. Financial resources have not been identified for other pieces such as Compensation study will help the leadership dev. training, employee City determine how our package recognition or a volunteer use compares to the market and provide expansion plan. Some work can be data to analyze Personnel costs. The done with cross training and with time-line for the Study is 3-4 expansion of existing programs. months. Staff will work with Other improvements will be Council on an implementation plan considered with FY 2011 budget. Goals for City Council Adoption – June 16, 2009 Page3 2009-2010 CITY COUNCIL GOALS PUBLIC FACILITIES Goal Proposed for AdoptionStaff/ Budget Next Steps/ Actions Develop a plan to replace Fire Station No new staffing needed Currently working to ensure all #2required planning steps to build Fire No funds are currently available. Station #2 have been met in order to respond to “shovel ready” requirements for Federal Stimulus funds (Estimate Fall 2009) Staff proposes to apply for funds through Department of Homeland Security when guidelines are published (expected in Summer 2009). Refine a long term strategy for the No new staffing proposed Convene Council Committee Ashland Fiber Network that improves discussed when AFN business plan its financial viability, provides high was adopted by Council (July/ August quality services to residents, and 2009) promotes healthy economic development. Apply for stimulus funds for Wi-Max and network expansion PARTNERSHIPS Goal Proposed for AdoptionEstimated Staff and Budget Next Steps/Actions Foster strong collaboration of the No additional Staff needed. local community, City, State and Federal leaders in efforts to improve Requires extensive Mayor/Council the health of the Ashland watershed involvement through reducing fire hazards and restoring forest health Restore rail service to and through No additional staff needed 1.Meet with other partner Ashlandgovernments Need cost estimate on technical and 2.Meeting with current service legal framework for any solution. providers, 3.Continue to establish partnerships Council has requested budget with regional jurisdictions in both information. California and Oregon, 4.Keep Oregon legislators informed 5.Seek State and Federal financial assistance. Goals for City Council Adoption – June 16, 2009 Page4 Housing Commission Annual Goals 2009 The following goals and associated priority rankings were identified by the Housing Commission on March 28, 2009 in an effort to forward to the City Council specific items for consideration in establishing the Council goals for the coming year. Priority Goal points Examine the feasibility of incentives to create workforce housing 11 Develop an RFP for vertical housing above city owned site (demonstration “green” project) 10 Preservation of vulnerable properties 9 Student Fair Housing Ordinance-Create a student housing sub-committee 9 Given (must be completed) Complete 2010-2015 Consolidated Plan-Create ad-hoc sub-committee Complete Housing Trust Fund funding source(s) Develop RFP for 1.2 Acre parcel on Clay Street Areas of Interest Encourage the development of a Transfer of Development Rights program 7 Homeless support and prevention 6 Coordinate with other city entities to promote housing in Transportation Oriented Districts 5 (TOD) Create a Rental Registry Program 2 Identify land to be rezoned for multi-family housing 1 Create a greater incentive to develop workforce/affordable housing using density bonus. (no dots) The numerical value to the left of each identified goal above was derived through a selection process where commissioners had three colored dots to apply to their top three priority uses. Red: first priority = 3 pts Green: second priority = 2 pts Yellow: third priority = 1 pt. Goal Setting Housing Commission 12-11-2010 A goal is a general statement of what the Housing Commission intends to Accomplish. As the Commission receives direction from the City Council on broad policy issues this goal setting process will be useful in advance of the Councils Goal Setting to forward items to the City Council for their consideration in establishing the 2010-2011 Goals for the City as a whole. In developing annual goals it is important to ensure that the selected Goals provide an evaluation measure to determine what has been accomplished over the year. Goals should be: Short– A goal should be brief and to the point so that it can be committed to memory. If a goal is more than a short paragraph, it may actually be two separate goals. Achievable – Too often the reason we fail is because the initial goal was not realistic or attainable. Set goals that are realistic given available resources and time. They should be high but not so high that you can never attain them. Measurable– Don’t use vague or unclear terms in your goals. Make your goals quantifiable. Time sensitive – Your goal will be broad so you will need to create objectives that determine the exact action that will be taken to achieve the goals. The objectives will have a set starting time and a definitive completion date. This will help you stay focused and will lead to success as well as distinguish between long term (multi-year) and annual goals. Goal Setting Process I. What is the Commission’s purpose? (5 min) The mission of the Ashland Housing Commission is to encourage housing that is available and affordable to a wider range of city residents and preserves the diversity and character of the community by providing opportunities to enhance cooperation between the public and private sectors, encouragement of financial entities to support housing programs in the city, and coordination of housing and supportive services programs. II. Brainstorm (10 min) • Examining past goals and needs for relevance, which have been accomplished? Which are pressing? Which can be implemented in the short term? Which are long term goals? III. Refine brainstorming to create goals (10 min) •Suggest 2010-2011 Goals - list suggested goals on sheets IV. Refine Priorities (20 min) •Discuss suggested goals, their feasibility, resource needs, and urgency (10 min) •Of the suggested goals place three dots on the individual goals you prefer to forward to Council (5 min) Red dot = #1 Priority Green dot = # 2 Priority Yellow = #3 Priority •Tally dots and determine priority goals. (5 min) VI. Review Goal selections for recommendation to Council (20 min) •The Chair will be responsible to articulate the priority goals for inclusion in a letter to the City Council identifying the full Commissions priority goals. Housing Trust Fund Account Number 110.480.123 CDBG REHAB LOAN DATELOANS PAYOFFSRECEIVEDOUTSTANDING AMOUNT Fitch6/30/2009$19,652.00 Susich$3,424.00 Allen$7,330.00 Bell$3,016.00 Chisholm$10,335.50 Colemena$4,800.00 Duval$2,776.48 Everett$934.50 Hoskinson$4,800.00 Kroman$3,589.00 Peters$6,820.00 Powel/Wayburn$4,800.00 Schaffer$4,800.00 Shannon$4,800.00 Terril$2,215.00 Tobiasson$4,800.00 Wood$4,775.00 $4,000.00 SUBTOTAL$23,076.00$74,591.48 AARONAARONBENJAMINBENJAMIN MEMORIAL FUND Riley9/13/2010$200.00 Rust7/9/2010$30.00 Moss7/9/2010$10.00 Cifuentes9/17/2010$50.00 Total$23,366.00