HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-09-28 Housing PACKET Ashland Housing Commission Regular Meeting Agenda th Wednesday, September 28 2011: 4:30 – 6:30pm Council Chambers – 1175 East Main Street 1. (4:30) Approval of Minutes (5 min) nd June 22 2011 2. (4:35) Public Forum (5 min) 3.(4:40)Buildable Lands Inventory Presentation (30 min) Brandon Goldman-Long Range Planner 4. (5.10) Preservation Projects Letter (15 min) Barbara Barassa 5.(5:25)Trust Fund Financing (15 min) James Dills 6.(5:40) Clay Street/Chitwood Options update (15 min) Regina Ayars 7. (5:55) CDBG Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report(CAPER)(15 Min) Review and approval 8.(6:10)Liaison Reports discussion (10 min) Liaison Reports Council (Mike Morris) Staff(Linda Reid) General Announcements th 9.(6:20)October 26, 2011 MeetingAgenda Items (5 min) CDBG Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report Presentation Commissioner items suggested(5 min) Quorum Check – Commissioners not available to attend upcoming regular meetings should declare their expected absence. 10.(6.25)Upcoming Events and Meetings Homeless Task Force Meeting- October 18, 2011: 10:30-12:00: Housing Authority Conference Room 2231 Table Rock Road, Medford Homeless Ad-Hoc committee update October 4, 2011-7PM Council Chambers Next Housing Commission Regular Meeting 4:30-6:30 PM; October 26, 2011 11. (6:30) Adjournment In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting(28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). ASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION DRAFT MINUTES June 22, 2011 CALL TO ORDER Vice ChairRichard Billin called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. at the Council Chambers located at 1175 East Main St. Ashland, OR 97520. Commissioners Present:Council Liaison Nikki PonsMike Morris Ben Scott Barb Barasa Staff Present: Richard BillinLinda Reid, Housing Specialist James Dills Carolyn Schwendener, Account Clerk Commissioners Absent: Jody Waters Regina Ayars, excused APPROVAL OF MINUTES th Barasa/Pons m/s to approve the minutes of the April 27, 2011 regular Housing Commission meeting. Voice Vote: All Ayes, minutes were approved as presented. th, Dills/Barasa m/s to approve the minutes of the May 25 2011 Housing Commission meeting. Voice Vote: All Ayes, minutes were approved as presented. PUBLIC FORUM No one spoke PEDESTRIAN PLACES PROJECT Brandon Goldman, City Senior Planner, gave a presentation of the Transportation System Plan that Pubic Works is currently working on. Goldman wanted to update the Housing Commission on how this project could impact Housing. The overall objectives of the project is to promote higher transit use as well as provide alternative means of transportation looking at specific projects for enhancing the Transportation System City wide. Goldman explained that a Pedestrian Place is defined as a location in which you can live and work, where there is a concentration of pedestrian activity and where people generally congregate. These places are generally located at areas where transit is available allowing people to get around without a car. The three pedestrian connections the Transportation Commission is looking at are; Walker Avenue and Ashland Street Tolman Creek Road and Ashland Street N. Mountain Avenue and E. Main Street The Planning Department is looking at this plan in a broader way. How can these parcels be developed and how will this fit into Housing. 1 MANUFACTURED DWELLINGS AND PARKS Goldman was available as a resource to answer any Planning questions that the Commissioners might have regarding the current Land Use Code for Manufactured Homes. There are two different areas to look at regarding Manufactured Dwellings. Manufactured homes that sit on individual lots in an R-2 and R-3 Multi-family Zone are permitted though subject to some criteria such as size, materials, skirting around the base, potential for dormers, pitch of roof, garage etc. The Ordinance also discusses putting the homes on property that is in relatively level zones and compatible with neighborhood Single Family Homes. Manufactured Homes are not permitted in Historic Districts and must meet State Building Codes. The other land use Code pertaining to Manufactured Homes addresses the creation of new Manufactured Home Parks. A subdivision where multiple units are constructed on one parent parcel are required to go through an outline plan review approval that eventually gets reviewed by the Planning Commission. The Commissioners wondered if it would be feasible to use the remaining Clay Street property for affordable Manufactured Homes. The main issue with this is density. It would make more sense to build two story units which would accomplish more units per acre then Manufactured Homes could. CLAY STREET OPTIONS AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE COUNCIL Reid said the staff is looking for a recommendation from the Housing Commission from the list below or a new one that the Commission would like to make. Land bank, keep it until such time that the market turns around and the City could sell it. Sell the land for Market Value Solicit a proposal for an affordable/mixed-income development. Goldman acknowledged at the last Planning Commission meeting Groundworks, formerly RVCDC, withdrew their application for the development of the 14,000 square foot property at the end of Chitwood Lane. The project was going to be five affordable Housing units in which the Housing Commission initially recommended through a Request for Qualification process (RFQ). The decision to not move forward was due to a number of reasons; contentious planning application process with the surrounding neighborhood and appraisal value just to name two. Basically the price Groundworks would pay to build the units is higher then the appraised value of the finished units. Groundworks Board Members made the decision to focus on existing developments to make sure they go forward with those projects. They did not want the responsibility of the Chitwood property along with the current projects which have already exceeded budget. The Commissioners discussed the process of issuing an RFP. Since there are a limited number of affordable Housing providers it was suggested to contact each possible applicant before issuing an RFP to confirm they are not too busy to take on another project. Barasa/Pons m/s to issue a Request for Proposal to City Council for the Chitwood property. After a discussion the Commissioners made an amendment to the motion. Billin/Barasa m/s that the Commission issue a Request for Proposal for the Chitwood Property with the perimeters that they be ownership or rental units at 120 and below AMI. Voice Vote: All Ayes, motion passed unanimously. Scott/Dill m/s that the Commission issue a RFP for the Clay Street Property with the same parameters as the Chitwood proposal. Voice Vote: All Ayes, motion passed unanimously. REPORTS AND UPDATES Liaison Reports Council – Morris reported that Council is still working on the Budget and Land Use appeals. 2 Parks– No report School Board –No reports Planning – The next Planning Commission meeting will be a joint meeting with the Transportation Commission and RVTD to discuss different modes of transportation, shuttles, express routes, rail, cable cars, etc. Transportation – No report SOU- No report Staff – Reid reported that today was Project Homeless Connect. Though quite a few less attended then last year it was considered successful. About 270 people were served. Reid said all went well and expected television news coverage this evening as well as an article in today’s paper. The organizers did purchase bus passes to give out but pets are not allowed on RVTD busses which may have created a problem for some attendees. Ashland Community Land Trust will be having their ribbon cutting ceremony for the Bridge Street project next week and everyone is invited to attend. It was suggested to add a section on the agenda for Commissioner announcements. Scott made an announcement about a project called Clean Energy Works Oregon. It was started in the Portland area as a low cost loan program to help people with energy efficiency upgrades such as windows and insulation. The program offers cash rebates ahead of time with no fees, closing costs or deposits. In our area it is financed through Southern Oregon Credit Union. JUNE 22, 2011 MEETING AGENDA ITEMS Barasa will bring the letter she wrote regarding vulnerable properties to the next meeting for review and approval. Dills has prepared a rough draft for the Housing Trust Fund and will email it to the Commissioners Goldman might be available to speak about the Buildable Lands Inventory preliminary draft. Quorum Check – Billin will be gone UPCOMING EVENTS AND MEETINGS Homeless Task Force Meeting – July 19, 2011: 10:30-12:00 Housing Authority Conference Room 2231, Table Rock Rd, Medford Next Housing Commission Regular Meeting 4:30-6:30 PM; July 27, 2011, Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Carolyn Schwendener 3 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORT (CAPER) Program year 2010 (July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011) Date of Report August 19, 2011 Prepared for: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development By: The City of Ashland Department of Community Development Planning Division Ashland, Oregon One Year Use of Funds CAPER for CDBG Funds 2010-2011 Program Year City of Ashland 2010 Program Year Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) Executive Summary The City of Ashland is an entitlement jurisdiction, receiving an annual allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). As a recipient of CDBG funds, the City is required to prepare a five-year strategic plan that identifies housing and community needs, prioritizes these needs, identifies resources to address the needs, and establishes annual goals and objectives to meet the identified needs. This five year plan is known as the Consolidated Plan. The purpose of the Consolidated Plan is to outline a strategy for the City to follow in using CDBG funding to achieve the goals of the CDBG program, “to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities principally for low- and moderate-income persons.” This Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) Addresses the goals identified in the 2010-2014 Consolidated Plan which was approved in April of 2010. Each year the City is required to provide the public and HUD with an assessment of its accomplishments toward meeting the priority goals outlined in the Five Year Consolidated Plan. This annual assessment is known as the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). This document provides a review and evaluation of the City of Ashland’s progress toward meeting the annual goals and outcomes as outlined in the Action Plan for the Fiscal Year 2010- 2011 as well as the larger five year goals of the 2010-2014 Consolidated Plan. The CDBG fiscal stth year begins July 1 and ends on June 30, this report will summarize the City’s accomplishments for that time period. During FY 2010 the City of Ashland continued working toward meeting its homeless, at-risk and special needs priorities for supportive services through activities such as the rehabilitation of a single family housing units for use as a respite care center for peoples with developmental disabilities and emergency rent and utility funding for low-income households at risk of homelessness. During FY 2010 the City continued to work toward affirmatively furthering fair housing through by partnering with the City of Medford in support of the Fair Housing Council of Oregon to provide education and outreach to Ashland residents and to Social Service organizations that provide services to low and moderate income households. The tables that follow provide a comprehensive overview of the Consolidated Plans 5 year goals and the City’s progress toward attaining those goals. City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 2 Priority Housing Needs/Investment Plan Table (Table 2A) 5-Yr.Yr. 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3 Yr. 4 Yr. 5 Priority Need GoalGoalGoalGoalGoalGoal Plan/ActPlan/Act Plan/ActPlan/ActPlan/ActPlan/Act Renters 0 - 30 of MFI 10 2/0 31 - 50% of MFI 10 2/2 51 - 80% of MFI 30 6/0 Owners 0 - 30 of MFI 0 0/0 31 - 50 of MFI 5 1/0 51 - 80% of MFI 12 1/0 Homeless* 100 20/0 Individuals 50 10/0 Families Non-Homeless Special Needs 5 1/0 Elderly 5 1/0 Frail Elderly 2 1/0 Severe Mental Illness 1 1/0 Physical Disability 1 1/0 Developmental Disability 0 0/0 Alcohol or Drug Abuse 0 0/0 HIV/AIDS 0 0/0 Victims of Domestic Violence 14 5 Total (Sec. 215 and other) Total Sec. 215 50 10/2 215 Renter 17 3/0 215 Owner * Homeless individuals and families assisted with transitional and permanent housing City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 3 Priority Housing Activities/Investment Plan Table (Table 2A) 5-Yr.Yr. 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3 Yr. 4 Yr. 5 Priority Need GoalGoalGoalGoalGoalGoal Plan/ActPlan/ActPlan/ActPlan/ActPlan/Act Plan/Act CDBG Acquisition of existing rental units 40 10/2 Production of new rental units 10 2/0 Rehabilitation of existing rental units 2 2/2 Rental assistance 0 0/0 Acquisition of existing owner units 0 0/0 Production of new owner units 14 4/0 Rehabilitation of existing owner units 3 1/2 Homeownership assistance 15 0/0 Other Condo-0 0/0 Conversion/Other ARU (Accessory 0 0/0 Residential Unit) General Fund (SDC & 0 0/0 Comm. Dev. fee Waiver Production of new 0 0/0 rental units HOME/LIHTC 0 0/0 Affordable Homeownership or Rental Total 0/0 Rental Only Total City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 4 Annual Housing Completion Goals (Table 3B) Grantee Name: City of Ashland Expected Annual Actual Annual Resources used during the period Number of Units Number of Units Program Year: 2008 To Be Completed Completed CDBG HOME ESGHOPWA BENEFICIARY GOALS (Sec. 215 Only) Homeless households 0 0 Non-homeless households 22 6 X Special needs households 0 0 22 6 Total Sec. 215 Beneficiaries* RENTAL GOALS (Sec. 215 Only) Acquisition of existing units 0 0 Production of new units 14 0 Rehabilitation of existing units 0 0 Rental Assistance 0 0 14 0 Total Sec. 215 Affordable Rental HOME OWNER GOALS (Sec. 215 Only) Acquisition of existing units 0 0 Production of new units 8 6 X Rehabilitation of existing units 0 2 X Homebuyer Assistance 0 0 8 8 X Total Sec. 215 Affordable Owner COMBINED RENTAL AND OWNER GOALS (Sec. 215 Only) Acquisition of existing units 0 0 Production of new units 22 6 X Rehabilitation of existing units 0 2 Rental Assistance 0 0 Homebuyer Assistance 0 0 Combined Total Sec. 215 Goals* 22 8 X OVERALL HOUSING GOALS (Sec. 215 + Other Affordable Housing) Annual Rental Housing Goal 14 0 Annual Owner Housing Goal 8 8 X Total Overall Housing Goal 22 8 X * The total amounts for "Combined Total Sec. 215 Goals" and "Total Sec. 215 Beneficiary Goals" should be the same number. City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 5 Priority Community Development Activities (Table 2B) 5-Yr.Yr. 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3 Yr. 4 Yr. 5 Priority Need GoalGoalGoalGoalGoalGoal Plan/ActPlan/Act Plan/ActPlan/ActPlan/ActPlan/Act Acquisition of Real Property 0 Disposition 0 Clearance and Demolition 0 Clearance of Contaminated Sites 0 Code Enforcement 0 Public Facility (General) 0 Senior Centers 0 Handicapped Centers 0 Homeless Facilities 0 Youth Centers 0 Neighborhood Facilities 0 Child Care Centers 0 Health Facilities 0 Mental Health Facilities 0 Parks and/or Recreation Facilities 0 Parking Facilities 0 Tree Planting 0 Fire Stations/Equipment 0 Abused/Neglected Children Facilities 0 Asbestos Removal 0 Non-Residential Historic Preservation 0 Other Public Facility Needs 0 Infrastructure (General) 0 Water/Sewer Improvements 0 Street Improvements 10,000 2,000/0 Sidewalks 10,000 2,000/0 Solid Waste Disposal Improvements 0 Flood Drainage Improvements 0 Other Infrastructure 0 Public Services (General) 0 Senior Services 10 2 Handicapped Services 4 0 Legal Services 0 Youth Services 10 0 Child Care Services 0 Transportation Services 0 Substance Abuse Services 0 Employment/Training Services 0 Health Services 0 Lead Hazard Screening 0 Crime Awareness 0 Fair Housing Activities 10 0 Tenant Landlord Counseling 0 Other Services 0 Economic Development (General) 0 C/I Land Acquisition/Disposition 0 C/I Infrastructure Development 0 C/I Building Acq/Const/Rehab 0 Other C/I 0 City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 6 ED Assistance to For-Profit ED Technical Assistance Micro-enterprise Assistance Other City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 7 OUTCOME PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS (Table 1C, 2C, 3A) Availability/Accessibility of Decent Housing (DH-1) Specific Objective Source of Year Performance Expected Actual Percent Funds Indicators Number Number Achieved CDBG/Other 1 Number of DH Provide assistance to non- / 0200% CDBG2010 400 homeless, or 1.1 profit organizations that 150 General 2011 households at risk assist the homeless and Individual Fund2012 that have received those at risk of becoming Private2013 s and services to homeless, provide 2014 persons improve health, transition assistance to the per year* safety, provide homeless and help prevent counseling, or homelessness. (*These goals improve are established for the Medford- conditions and Ashland & Jackson County assistance to Continuum of Care region.) homeless populations that enable them to be self sufficient. MULTI-750 400 YEAR GOAL Number of DH Encourage development of CDBG 2010 500 % individuals with 1.2 transitional and supportive General 2011 3 special needs housing for extremely low Fund 2012 2 that have and low-income special Private 2013 2 received services needs populations. 2014 2 designed to improve health safety, general welfare, and self reliance. MULTI-14 0 0% YEAR GOAL Number of DH Provide assistance to non-CDBG2010 000% group homes or 1.3 profit organizations that General 2011 0 other supportive provide support services Fund2012 1 housing for extremely low and low-Private2013 0 developed for income special needs 2014 0 the elderly, populations. individuals with special needs. MULTI-1 0 100% YEAR GOAL Affordability of Decent Housing (DH-2) 1 This number reflects the combined total of homeless and at-risk individuals served through the one day Project homeless connect event as well as through the CDBG funded St. Vincent De Paul Home Visitation Program. City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 8 2 Number of new DH Encourage the acquisition 2 / 0100 % CDBG2010 2 rental units 2.1 and construction of 2 General 2011 affordable to, and affordable rental housing. Fund2012 2 occupied by, Private2013 2 lower-income 2014 2 households MULTI- 10 2 0% YEAR GOAL DH Encourage the acquisition CDBG2010 Number of new 20 / 0 100 % 2.2 and construction of General 2011 for purchase 2 affordable housing by Fund2012 housing units 2 private developers. Private2013 created by 2 2014private 2 developers that are affordable to, and occupied by lower-income households. MULTI- 10 YEAR GOAL Sustainability of Decent Housing (DH-3) 3 DH 52 / 040 % Support the acquisition CDBG 2010 Number of 3.1 and development of General 2011 existing or new 50 / 00 % affordable rental housing Fund 2012 housing units 50 / 0 0 % units through a sustainable Private 2013 that have been 50 / 00 % program, which retains the Federal 2014 secured as 50 / 00 % units as affordable in affordable perpetuity, such as a land through deed trust. restrictions recorded on the property MULTI-25 2 0% YEAR GOAL 4 DH Support Acquisition and CDBG 2010 Number of 40/7100 % 3.2 2011 existing or new 2 development of affordable 2012 housing units 5 ownership housing units through a sustainable 2013 that have been 2 program which retains the 2014 secured as 1 units as affordable in affordable perpetuity, such as a land through deed trust restrictions recorded on the property 2 ACLT completed the development of 2 new rental units on Bridge Street during program year 2010. 3 See footnote #1 above. 4 Groundworks completed 7 of the 15 proposed new ownership units in the Rice Park development in the 2010 program year. These units were developed to meet a City planning requirement and have no CDBG funding in them. City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 9 MULTI- 14 7 100% YEAR GOAL 5 Number of DH Retain existing affordable CDBG2010 13100 % housing units 3.3 housing, rental and General 2011 1 occupied by low ownership, by supporting Fund 2012 1 income rehabilitation programs State 2013 0 households that which recapture the Federal 2014 0 have been rehabilitation costs for Private rehabilitated further use in Ashland. Fund MULTI-3 3 100% YEAR GOAL Number of existing DH Retain existing affordable CDBG2010 10 housing units that 3.4 housing, rental and General 2011 10 have been ownership, by supporting Fund 2012 10 rehabilitated and rehabilitation programs 2013 5 retained as using a sustainable 2014 5 affordable through program which retains the deed restrictions units as affordable in recorded on the perpetuity. property. MULTI-2 0% YEAR GOAL Availability/Accessibility of Suitable Living Environment (SL-1) 6 SL Accessibility-Availability CDBG2010 Number of 20 60/1171100% 7 1.1 of improved public General 2011 households 20 infrastructure serving low-Fund2012 benefiting from 20 moderate income persons 2013 new or enhanced 20 2014 city sidewalks. 20 MULTI-100 1230 100 % YEAR GOAL Affordability of Suitable Living Environment (SL-2) 8 SL Construct new sidewalks 2010 Linear feet of 2,000 0/2065 100% 2.1 on existing streets in 2011 sidewalk 2,000 extremely low-, low- and 2012 completed in 2,000 moderate income 2013 qualified low-2,000 neighborhoods. 2014 income Census 2,000 block groups. MULTI-10,000 2065 100% YEAR GOAL Sustainability of Suitable Living Environment (SL-3) 5 Three homeowner rehab projects were completed in PY 2010 utilizing revolving loan fund repayments. 6 Residents of Snowberry brook who will benefit from the CDBG funded sidewalk improvements. 7 # of residents of census block groups 001900-1,002000-1, and 001800-1 divided by the average household size (2.14). These improvements were funded through the City’s general fund. 8 Linear feet of sidewalk improved or installed in low-income census block groups funded by the City’s general fund. City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 10 9 SL Install Wheel chair ramps 2010 Number of wheel 11/23 3.1 in existing sidewalks. 2011 chair ramps 1 2012 installed in 1 2013 existing 1 2014 sidewalks. 1 MULTI-5 YEAR GOAL 9 City General Funds paid for the installation or upgrade of 11- wheelchair ramps in census track 1900 blockgoup 1, 8- wheelchair ramps in tract 2100 blockgroup 2, and 5 in tract 2000 blockgroup 1 all of which qualify as low income census block groups City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 11 Availability/Accessibility of Economic Opportunity (EO-1) Actual Specific Objective Source Year Performance Expected Percent Number of Funds Indicators Number Achieved CDBG/ Other EO No goals identified 2010 1.1 2011 2012 2013 2014 MULTI- YEAR GOAL Affordability of Economic Opportunity (EO-2) EO No goals identified 2010 % 2.1 2011 % 2012 % 2013 % 2014 % MULTI- % YEAR GOAL Sustainability of Economic Opportunity (EO-3) EO No goals identified 2010 % 3.1 2011 % 2012 % 2013 % 2014 % MULTI- % YEAR GOAL Neighborhood Revitalization (NR-1) NR No goals identified 2010 % 1.1 2011 % 2012 % 2013 % 2014 % MULTI- % YEAR GOAL Other (O-1) O No goals identified 2010 % 1.1 2011 % 2012 % 2013 % 2014 % MULTI- % YEAR GOAL Other (O-2) City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 12 O No goals identified 2010 % 2.1 2011 % 2012 % 2013 % 2014 % MULTI- % YEAR GOAL City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 13 OUTCOME PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS Table 1C Summary of Specific Homeless/Special Needs Objectives # Specific Objectives Sources of Performance Expected Actual Outcome/ Funds Indicators Number Number Objective* Homeless Objectives Special Needs Objectives Other Objectives City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 14 *Outcome/Objective Codes Availability/Accessibility Affordability Sustainability Decent Housing DH-1 DH-2 DH-3 Suitable Living Environment SL-1 SL-2 SL-3 Economic Opportunity EO-1 EO-2 EO-3 City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 15 OUTCOME PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS Table 2C Summary of Specific Housing/Community Development Objectives # Specific Objectives Sources of Performance Expected Actual Outcome/ Funds Indicators Number Number Objective* Rental Housing Owner Housing Community Development Infrastructure Public Facilities Public Services Economic Development Neighborhood Revitalization/Other *Outcome/Objective Codes Availability/Accessibility Affordability Sustainability DH-1 DH-2 DH-3 Decent Housing SL-1 SL-2 SL-3 Suitable Living Environment EO-1 EO-2 EO-3 Economic Opportunity Table 3A -- Summary of Specific Annual Objectives City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 16 # Specific Annual Objectives Sources of Performance Expected Actual Outcome/ Funds Indicators Number Number Objective* Rental Housing Owner Housing Homeless Special Needs Community Development Infrastructure Public Facilities Public Services Economic Development Neighborhood Revitalization/Other City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 17 *Outcome/Objective Codes Availability/Accessibility Affordability Sustainability DH-1 DH-2 DH-3 Decent Housing SL-1 SL-2 SL-3 Suitable Living Environment EO-1 EO-2 EO-3 Economic Opportunity City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 18 I. Summary of Resources and Distribution of Funds The City of Ashland utilized Community Development Block Grant funds to assist in furthering the goals and objectives identified in the Consolidated Plan. For Fiscal Year 2010 the City received $224,545 in CDBG funding. The City also utilized carryover funds in the amount of $2,370 in unallocated CDBG funds from the 2009 program year. Lastly, the City has a revolving loan fund balance of $96.21 in Housing Rehabilitation loan repayments. See table 1.1 below. In the 2010 program year the City of Ashland awarded funds to; Ashland Supportive Housing $110,861 in CDBG funds for to rehabilitate a housing unit to be used as a respite home for peoples with disabilities, $30,000 to St. Vincent De Paul home Visitation Program provide emergency rent and energy assistance to avoid homelessness, and lastly $27,623 to provide audible signals added to existing cross walks to assist the sight impaired. In Program Year 2010, the City drew down $424,683, in Community Development Block Grant Funds. Table 1.1 Agency/Organization Funds Program Income Funds Expended Funds Expended Remaining CommittedFY 2009in FY 2009in FY 2010Balance 2009 HAJC Award $165,367.00 $122,427.13$42,939.87$0 Ashland Supportive Housing $110,861.00 $110,861.00$0 St. Vincent De Paul $30,000 $29,275.26$724.74 Public Works-ADA $27,623 $27,623.00 City of Ashland (Admin 2010) $44,909.00 $42,378.55$2,530.45* CDBG Fund total $378,760.00 $122,427.13$225,454.68$30,878.19 Revolving Loan Fund $32,801.00 $13,944.20$200.00$46,448.99$96.21 CDBG-Recovery Act $55,622.00 $7,108.00$39,539.21$8,974.79 Total $411,561.00 $13,944.20$122,627.13$271,903.67$30,974.40 *Funds returned to HUD, due to General Fund discrepancy A) Geographic Distribution of Expenditures The City of Ashland is a relatively small community both in population and incorporated area. Ashland is 4.4 miles long and 1.7 miles wide and comprises seven census tracks and 20 block groups. Of those 20 block groups 8 qualify as Low- to Moderate- Income area benefit block groups. There are no areas that fall under HUD’s definition of racial or minority concentrations within the City. The 2000 Census estimated that the 92% of Ashland’s populations is White alone. The City of Ashland does not have any designated Revitalization Neighborhoods nor does the City have any areas that qualify as being affected by slum or blight conditions. The city did not target any CDBG funds to a designated area. II. Narrative Statement A) Assessment of Three to Five Year Goals and Objectives In April of 2010, the City of Ashland adopted the Five-Year Consolidated Plan (2010-2014). Fourteen priorities (goals) are identified in the Five-Year Consolidated Plan. The priorities are City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 19 not ranked in order of importance.Each project/activity, which was undertaken during Fiscal Year 2010-2014, is listed and discussed under the relevant priority. This assessment provided in this CAPER covers the 2010 Program year (July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011). For the 2010 Program year the City had very little progress to report on the three to five year Consolidated Plan Goals. Two projects, one of which will provide a total of 15 homeownership units and 60 rental units for low to moderate income households were completed in the 2010 Program year. One of these projects, the 60 unit rental development utilized CDBG funding for public facilities improvements. This project will require reporting in the 2011 program year with regard to beneficiary information before being closed out in IDIS. Please see tables 2A, 1C, 2C, and 3A for details. B) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing a. In the 2010 Program year the City undertook several activities to affirmatively Further Fair Housing. The City continued its support to the Fair Housing Council of Oregon (FHCO), working with that organization in partnership with the City of Medford to provide education and outreach through trainings targeted to real estate professionals, and social service providers. b. In the 2008 Program year, the City of Ashland Contracted with the Fair Housing Council of Oregon to undertake an update of the City’s Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI). The final draft of the AI was completed in September of 2009. In the updated City of Ashland AI the Fair Housing Council of Oregon identified several impediments to fair housing choice. Many of the recommendations were in line with activities that the city was currently undertaking, and some of the recommendations the City has begun to work toward implementing. The City of Ashland Housing Commission has completed a review and recommended revisions to the City’s local Fair Housing Ordinance which will be presented to the City Council for adoption during the 2011 program year. The Fair Housing Council identified 15 impediments to Fair Housing Choice in the City of Ashland’s Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. In Program year 2009 the City initiated action on nine of those impediments. In Program Year 2010 the City continued its work on those activities as well as ongoing education and outreach efforts through targeted trainings. Though the City is far from accomplishing the goals laid out in the AI, the City is committed to affirmatively furthering fair housing and continuing to work with community partners, citizens, and other jurisdictions on implementing the recommendations included in the AI. The City will report further activities and accomplishments on the goals noted above as well as the remaining unaddressed goals in successive CAPER’s. C) Affordable Housing Progress on the Consolidated Plan goals 1.1 and 1.2, the development of affordable rental and homeownership housing; had throughout the period covered by the 2005-2009 Consolidated Plan been hampered by the high cost of land in the City of Ashland. Though this has been a considerable barrier to providers of affordable housing in the Jackson County area, the recent economic downturn has served to slow the pace of market rate development in Ashland allowing opportunities for more affordable housing development. The City met its Consolidated Plan goals for affordable ownership housing and for the development of rental housing for the City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 20 previous five year period. For the current five year period beginning in program year 2010, the City is on track with the goals for affordable rental, ownership and long term deed restricted units. In the 2008 and 2009 program years the City of Ashland partnered with the Housing Authority of Jackson County to jointly acquire a 10 acre property. The City traded 1.7 million in land, and $720,000 in cash, the Housing Authority paid 1.2 million for a total purchase price of 3.6 million. The direct contribution from the city toward the land purchased for the Housing Authority development was $160,000. The development was completed in the spring of 2010 and fully leased at that time as well. The completion of this project allowed the City to meet the goal of developing 55 new affordable rental units which was identified in the previous five year consolidated plan. However since the activity was not completed until PY 2010, the accomplishment data for that activity will be counted in this CAPER. The City has also met and exceeded Decent Housing goal 3.3 for ownership housing rehabilitation primarily utilizing CDBG program income and CDBG-Recovery act funds. During the 2010 Program year the City continued to work with Rogue Valley Community Development Corporation on the completion of seven of the self help homeownership units. Each of these units is deed restricted to remain affordable through the SDC deferral program for a period of 30 years, through the annexation ordinance for a period of 60 years, and through the Rogue Valley Community Development Corporation’s (RVCDC) land lease for a period of 99 years. These first seven units received their certificates of occupancy in units are not expected to be completed until fall of 2010, at that time, the construction of 8 more mutual self help homeownership units will begin construction. The City of Ashland does not directly develop or manage affordable housing. The City of Ashland has prioritized the provision of affordable housing to be the highest priority need in the Consolidated Plan. Over the years the City of Ashland has developed a number of programs, incentives, and regulations in an effort to promote the development of affordable housing. Specifically; the City provides a density bonus to developers who construct affordable rental and ownership units, the City defers the System Development Charges (SDCs) for affordable rental and single family homes so long as they remain “affordable” for a period of 30 years. The maximum rent limit set by HUD can not be exceeded, nor can the housing units be sold outside the program during this period, (a change in the SDC waiver program instituted in 2005 was to eliminate the ability to “buy-out” of the program by paying off past SDCs), lastly, the City added language to the zone change, annexation, and condominium conversion ordinances that provides for a percentage of affordability under certain circumstances. The funding source for these activities is the City of Ashland’s General fund for administration of the City sponsored affordable housing program and foregoing collection of System Development Charges and applicable Community Development and Engineering fees. The City continues to examine and initiate new and innovated programs to promote, develop, and retain affordable housing. Worst Case Needs The City of Ashland has undertaken many steps to try and meet the needs of low-income renters with severe cost burden, to address substandard housing and to lessen or alleviate instances of involuntary displacement. Specifically, the City has worked with the Housing Authority of City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 21 Jackson County on the completion of a large scale affordable rental housing project. The Housing Authority currently provides approximately 100 housing choice vouchers to residents in the City of Ashland, these vouchers help to alleviate severe cost burden to some Ashland renters. The City of Ashland Housing Commission has listed as one ofthat body’s top priorities the preservation of expiring use HUD subsidized rental complexes. In an effort to reduce the number of households living in substandard housing, the City awarded homeowner rehabilitation program funds to the Housing Authority of Jackson County over three grant years, 1997, 1998, and 2000. Loan repayment proceeds from prior year’s home owner rehabilitation projects are put into a revolving loan fund to complete more homeowner rehabilitation projects. In program year 2010 loan repayments proceeds from prior year’s payoff in the amount of $46,448.99, were utilized to complete repairs on three more owner occupied units. Two of the projects leveraged funds from the City’s energy efficiency program funded with CDBG recovery act dollars. In 2009 the City was the recipient of $55,622 in Community Development Block Grant Recovery Act (CDBG-R) funds. The City council allocated these funds to complete weatherization and energy efficiency upgrades on housing units occupied by low-income homeowners. These funds were leveraged with other available funds on a case by case basis to help further the grant funds and complete needed repairs, weatherization, and energy efficiency upgrades. There are four programs which could be used to leverage funds with the CDBG-R funds; USDA’s Rural Development Department offers low interest loans of up to $20,000 to complete needed repairs to owner occupied homes, and up to $7,500 in grant funds to repair the homes of owner occupants who are 62 years old and older, the City of Ashland Homeowner repair program that is detailed in the paragraph above, Access, Inc.’s low-income weatherization program, which provides weatherization measures such as insulation, window replacement and roof repairs on mobile homes, manufactured homes and single family residences,( this program has senior and disabled preference) and the City of Ashland’s Conservation program which offers a zero percent interest 60 month loan of up to $7,500 for owner occupied units repaid through utility bill or a City incentives. The City makes referrals to Rural Development or the Housing Authority for homeowner repair needs or to ACCESS, Inc. in an effort to leverage CDBG-R funds and assist those populations within the City with the least ability to pay for needed repairs and energy efficiency upgrades. Although the intent of the CDBG-R program is to promote energy efficiency measures, lower utility expenses for low income residents and work toward community wide energy conservation allowing the City to meet the tier two energy goals of reducing the City’s overall energy use as well as, the larger goal of preserving affordable housing units and making health and safety improvements is also being met. Detailed outcomes for this program are reported in section F, Leveraged resources. The city passed a tenants rights ordinance in 2007 in an effort to protect the basic rights of tenants living in multi-family residential units who may be displaced or affected by the conversion of existing multi-family rental housing into for purchase housing. The ordinance requires property owners to notice tenants about the conversion and of the tenant’s right to relocation assistance if certain conditions are not met. The City of Ashland follows all federal regulations regarding relocation when carrying out CDBG activities. The City recognizes the continued need for affordable housing for city residents, and will continue to seek out and prioritize opportunities to develop, maintain, and preserve affordable rental and ownership housing to meet the needs of very low, low, and moderate income households. City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 22 During the 2008 and 2009 Program year the City’s CDBG funding went toward assisting the Jackson County Housing Authority in completing a large scale affordable housing development, the first multifamily housing development built by the Housing Authority in Ashland ever, and the first new affordable multifamily development in the past 20 years. This 60 unit development known as Snowberry Brook was completed and leased in the spring of 2011. The new development includes three fully accessible units that meet the section 504 building code for ADA accessibility, and one hearing impaired unit. All 14 of the ground floor flats were designed and built to be ADA adaptable. And 43 of the units were designed and built to be “visitable” units for people in wheelchairs providing 36” exterior and restroom doors. Similarly, a portion of the funding awarded to the Housing Authority for public facilities improvements provided for the installation of 3,250 linear feet of new sidewalk on newly developed interior streets and on previously unimproved public right of way along a major collector roadway completing the connection between two existing sidewalks between two arterial transportation routes. Lastly, the grant funds paid for the installation of 13 new wheel chair ramps further increasing ADA accessibility. D) Continuum of Care Consolidated Plan goals aimed at serving homeless and special needs populations are currently on track primarily due to the efforts of the Jackson County Homeless Task Force’s (HTF) annual Project Homeless Connect event as well activities undertaken by the Society of St. Vincent De Paul to keep people in their homes. City staff is an active member of the Homeless Task Force, a subcommittee of the Continuum Care, and continues to work toward creating more resources for local and regional homeless and at-risk populations. Program year 2010 was the third year that the HTF organized a Project Homeless Connect Event. In the 2009 program year the City of Ashland in partnership with the many other individual members and organizations of the Homeless Task Force put on the second annual nd Project Homeless Connect Event. The one day event took place on Wednesday, June 22, at the Medford Armory. The purpose of the event was to connect the homeless population of the Rogue Valley to service providers, government agencies and community resources. The Project Homeless Connect event serves as an opportunity for individual community members to welcome those experiencing homelessness back into the community through volunteerism and recognition. The event provided a hot meal and resources for approximately 325 people. Many of the agencies who participated reported that they have had follow ups from the event. Services ranged from free haircuts, dental, mental and medical health services, veterinary services, to hygiene kits, food baskets and hot lunch. Attendance at this year’s event was down when compared with the attendance from the two previous years, from a high of 547 in 2010 to 325 in 2011. Despite the low turnout participants, volunteers, and service providers felt that the event was very successful. Jackson County’s Ten Year Plan to end Homelessness was adopted by the Jackson County rd Commissioners on June 3 2009. Paul Carlson, HUD Region X, Regional Coordinator of the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness, Robert Franco from the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness, and Karen Clearwater, from Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) spoke at the event in support of the Ten Year Plan. The Jackson County Ten Year Plan to end homelessness is available on the Jackson County Website at: http://www.co.jackson.or.us/files/10-Year_Plan_to_End_Homelessness.pdf The City of Ashland City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 23 continues to contribute to a coordinated effort to serve the Homeless populations and those at risk of homelessness As mentioned the City is on track to meet the Consolidated Plan Goals of assisting 150 persons annually by providing assistance to non-profit organizations that assist the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless, by providing transition assistance to the homeless and helping to prevent homelessness.However, due to the Housing Program Specialist’s continued involvement in the Homeless Task Force in general and more specifically the time spent on the planning and participation in the Project Homeless Connect Events, the number of persons benefiting from this activity will be counted as contributing toward this goal during the 2010 Program Year and in subsequent years. The activities undertaken by the Housing Program Specialist to this end will be divided between CDBG administrative costs and City General Fund as part of the City’s Housing Program. For all other activities undertaken in the 2010 program year to assist homeless and special needs populations the City primarily looked to the general fund and non-CDBG funds to fulfill these goals. Please see Outcome and Performance Measures table for details. The City directs over $100,000 in general fund dollars to safety net services each year. Awards to selected service providers are made on a two year cycle, with recipients receiving the full st award amount on July 1, of each year. Therefore the award indicated in the table below is an annual allocation and the recipient ultimately receives twice the amount listed. Several homeless service providers, low income health care, and essential continuum of care services are funded each year. In the 2010 program year the “Social Service Grants awarded totaled $120,342. Given the relatively small size of the award requests, the use of the City’s General Fund grant awards enables these non-profits to direct the award to services with a minimal amount of grant administration costs. The City has not directed funds specifically toward addressing the needs of persons with special needs that may require supportive housing (such as persons with HIV/AIDs) preferring instead to target funding and staff time to serving the needs of all populations experiencing or at risk of homelessness. If an affordable housing provider applied for CDBG funds to support the development of permanent supportive or transitional housing for those experiencing homelessness, at risk of homelessness, or living with a disease that necessitated supportive housing that application would meet several of the City’s priority goals for CDBG. Currently providers of affordable housing and services that target such populations express concerns about ongoing funding for staffing and other operational costs that the City alone could not provide. City staff and members of the Jackson County Homeless Task Force continue to monitor new and existing funding sources to better serve this population. However staff and the task force have yet to identify any suitable new resources. City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 24 Table 1.2 Ashland Social Service Grants FY 2010, FY 2011 Awarded Annual allocation Organization (2 year disbursement = award below x 2) ACCESS, Inc. 5,700 CASA of Jackson County, Inc. 2,000 Center for Non-Profit Legal services 6,039 Children’s Dental Clinic 3,285 Community Health Center 35,000 Community Works-Dunn House 15,270 Community Works-Sexual Assault Victims Services 2,600 Community Works-Helpline 10,250 Community Works-Street Outreach 8,000 Help Now! (low income legal assistance) 1,133 Jackson County Children’s Advocacy Center 4,000 Jackson County S.A.R.T. 2,480 Mediation Works 2,100 Ontrack, Inc. 3,000 Pathway Enterprises, Inc. 3,120 Planned Parenthood of South West 4,000 RV Manor-Senior Volunteer Program 2,000 RV Manor-Foster Grandparent Program 1,500 SOASTC 1,200 S. Ore. Child Study and Treatment Center 2,815 Southern Oregon Drug Awareness 1,500 WinterSpring Center for living with grief and loss 1,350 $ 120,342 Total Awarded ($240,682 over two years) E) Other Actions a. Actions to Address Obstacles to meeting Underserved Needs No specific actions were taken during 2010 that are not identified elsewhere in the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report. The 2010-2014 Consolidated Plan does not identify specific underserved populations, however, since the loss of Interfaith Care Community of Ashland, the only local service provider for the homeless population, the Ashland Housing Commission has made it a goal to explore opportunities to be more proactive in assisting the Homeless Community. In 2009 the City of Ashland City Council articulated goals relating to homelessness; “facilitate efforts to address homelessness by; replacing services previously provided by ICCA, Developing and emergency shelter for minors, better connection services available in Jackson County to Ashland’s homeless, and ensuring \[that\] Jackson County’s 10 Year Plan addresses the specific issues faced in Ashland. To that end the City Council has appointed a 10 person ad hoc advisory committee to explore community oriented solutions to the homeless issue and to advise the council on what the City can do to reduce homelessness locally and regionally. Lastly, in the 2010 Program year the City of Ashland awarded funds to St. Vincent De Paul’s home visitation program to support their ongoing efforts to prevent City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 25 homelessness. These activities are reported elsewhere in this document. The City’s continued involvement in the Jackson County Homeless Task Force is also instrumental in assessing the needs and resources of homeless populations. Similarly, the City’s support for local providers of services to low income, at risk, disabled, homeless, and elderly populations through the Social Service grant program funded out of the City’s general fund helps to offset the lack of resources and helps to support local providers of services to those populations. See table 1.2 above for details. b. Foster and Maintain Affordable Housing As mentioned previously the City of Ashland worked with the Housing Authority of Jackson County to complete a 60 unit affordable rental housing development. The City is also working with Rogue Valley Community Development Corporation on a project that will create 15 new affordable homeownership units though no city funds have contributed to that project thus far. In the 2010 program year the City also saw the completion of a new two unit complex built on land originally purchased with CDBG funds. An Affordable Housing Committee was formed in 1990 and reconvened in 1994 to search for ways to provide economical housing in Ashland. In 1995 a formal Housing Commission was formed. The Housing Commission has endeavored to create policies that will allow additional housing opportunities for low- and moderate- income Ashland households. The City of Ashland Housing Commission continues to explore opportunities to promote the protection of the City’s HUD expiring use units, researching funding sources for the newly established City of Ashland Affordable Housing Trust Fund, as well as working toward finding new resources to serve the City’s homeless populations. c. Eliminate barriers to affordable housing Goal 4 of the 2010-2014 Consolidated Plan looks at examining and taking steps toward eliminating barriers to affordable housing, to that end the Housing Commission, the Planning Commission, and the City Council held a joint meeting to open a dialog between city officials, community members, and developers of affordable housing. The joint meeting took place in September 2008. Barriers to affordable housing and what steps can be taken to overcome such barriers and promote the development of affordable and multi-family housing within the City were examined and discussed. Several viable ideas came out of that joint meeting and continue to be explored by the City. The City continues to consider the potential impacts to affordable housing that changes in the Ashland Land Use Ordinance may have, as well as to look at ways that the ALUO need to be updated in order to promote affordable housing and housing types. One such issue is the ALUO’s requirements for manufactured housing in single family zones. Staff is looking at updating the requirements to make it easier for landowners to place manufacture home units on single family lots by removing outdated language that does not account for the changes and energy efficiency measure that manufactured housing has undergone since the code was originally adopted. Changing this ordinance will better allow low- and moderate income individual’s better access to USDA loan programs for manufactured homes. d. Overcome gaps in institutional structure and enhance coordination. City of Ashland Staff will continue to provide staff support to the City of Ashland Housing Commission including a Housing Program Specialist, which will help provide institutional structure as well as to examine and implement opportunities for intergovernmental cooperation. City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 26 The City will also continue to be an active participant with the Southern Oregon Housing Resource Center to maintain and promote further regional coordination and partnership in housing and community development related activities. Ashland will continue to work with the Jackson County Continuum of Care’s Homeless Task force to address the development of affordable housing and resources for homeless and at risk populations at a regional level. Staff will further outreach efforts with those entities and organizations that offer resources to Ashland residents. e. Improve Public housing and resident initiatives The Housing Authority of Jackson County operates all Public Housing Units in Jackson County. In 2006 HAJC filed for disposition of all of their public housing units, three of which were in the City of Ashland. Consequently there are no Public Housing Units within the City of Ashland. f. Evaluate and reduce lead-based Paint hazards. Outside of Staff time, the City did not use CDBG funds for this activity during PY 2010. The City will ensure that lead testing and clearance is completed on any federally funded project involving a structure built prior to 1979. g. Ensure compliance with program and comprehensive planning requirements. HUD has established specific requirements for implementation of the Consolidated Plan. The City of Ashland has made every effort to ensure that it is in compliance with these comprehensive planning requirements. Requirements include holding public hearings, allowing for adequate periods to receive public comments, and ensuring proper public notification of these and other actions. The City continues to make every effort to comply with all regulations that govern the CDBG program. h. Reduce the number of persons living below the poverty level. The Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 requires communities to include in their Consolidated Plan a description of an anti-poverty strategy. The City of Ashland has limited resources for addressing the issues involved in reducing poverty and improving the self- sufficiency of low-income residents. Affordable housing is one of the factors directly related to poverty that the City of Ashland does have some ability to influence, and the related goals are covered in the Housing Goals section. In addition, the City supports housing, social service, and economic development programs targeted at the continuum of care needs of the homeless. In another effort to address poverty within Ashland, during 2001-2002 the City of Ashland passed a Living Wage Ordinance. This ordinance requires that employees of the City, or employers receiving financial assistance or business from the City in excess of approximately $15,000 (adjusts annually) must pay a minimum of $12.96 per hour (adjusted annually) to employees engaged in work related to the City project or service contract. The City of Ashland operates a variety of funding and other assistance programs which, together, strategically address the goals of reducing poverty and improving the self-sufficiency of low-income residents. The activities undertaken in conjunction with this anti-poverty strategy can be separated into two primary areas of effort: human services programs targeted at the continuum of care needs; and affordable housing programs. The City of Ashland provides funding to agencies that address the needs of low income and homeless residents through a Social Service Grant program. The goal of this program is to improve living conditions and self sufficiency for residents by meeting such basic needs as food, shelter, clothing, counseling and basic health care. The goal is carried out by City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 27 providing funds in excess of $100,000 every year to various area agencies whose focus meets one or more of these targeted needs. The Social Service Grant program is funded entirely with general fund dollars from the City of Ashland budget. The award process is coordinated with the City of Medford and the United Way of Jackson County. Local agencies and organizations providing continuum of care activities in the Rogue Valley coordinate their applications through a Community Services Consortium. The coordination of services and related funding requests through the consortium attempts to insure that the broad range of needs is met without overlap or duplication of service. The second element of the City’s anti-poverty strategy targets the development and retention of affordable housing. The City of Ashland has made a serious effort to address the issues of housing affordability. In 2009-10 the Mayor and City Council identified the goal of creating and implementing and Economic Development Strategy that would incorporate the four objectives: o Diversifying the economic base of the community o Supporting the creation and growth of businesses that use and provide local and regional products. o Increasing the number of family wage jobs in the community o Leveraging the strengths of Ashland’s tourism and repeat visitors. In July 2011 the Council adopted the economic development strategy in an effort to provide higher wage jobs and economic stability to the Ashland area. F) Leveraging Resources While the City itself did not use CDBG funds to leverage other public and private resources, local non-profits have reported the CDBG funds to be essential in obtaining private donations and other public and private grants. With regard to projects funded in PY 2010 the total amount leveraged totals $116,052.49. Ashland Supportive Housing’s Respite home project provided $30,194 in organizational matching funds and leveraged $2,700 in funding from other sources. The Society of St. Vincent De Pau’s Home Visitation Program provided $31,000 in organizational matching funds and leveraged $6,000 funding from other sources. Lastly, Recovery Act funds received by the City through the Community Development Block Grant program which the City used to provide energy efficiency upgrades for low-income homeowners in conjunction with the City’s Conservation loan and rebate program leveraged $36,715 from other funding sources. Specifically, $20,758 in CDBG funding from the Homeowner repair program repayments, $7,500 in Senior Grant home repair funds from USDA Rural Development, $2,550 in participant contributions, and $5,907 in City of Ashland Conservation loan funds. G) Citizen Comments The availability of the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) for the th use of 2010 CDBG funds was advertised in the September 192011, edition of the Ashland Daily Tidings (advertisement enclosed) and was posted continuously on the City of Ashland web thth site from September 15, 2011 through September 30, 2011 for public comment. Additionally th the Housing Commission reviewed the CAPER at their September 28 Regular meeting to hold a public hearing and obtain comments. No comments had been received as of 3:00 PM City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 28 th September 27 2011. The 2010 CAPER document remains archived on the City website. (www.ashland.or.us/cdbgcaper2010) H) Self Evaluation a. Impact of Activities on Identified Needs The City of Ashland Five-Year Consolidated Plan for 2010-2014 includes a list of 14 “Goals” of the community. These goals demonstrate that the highest priority need is the provision of affordable housing. To this end, 65% of the yearly CDBG allocation is directed to this highest priority need. Homelessness and the provision of social services to low and extremely low income households were also identified as a critical need and thus the City maintains a 15% set aside for such activities. Administration of the program utilizes the remaining 20%. Outside of the CDBG Program the City allocates over $100,000 per year of general funds to address social services, $250,000-300,000 per year to support alternative transportation (goal 11), and over $100,000 annually to economic development although only a limited percentage (approximately $2,000-5,000) of this program can clearly be seen to increase economic opportunities to low income residents. Ashland is a small-city with limited resources; it is unlikely that each of the fourteen identified goals can be addressed in any single program year. Furthermore, while Ashland experiences a broad range of needs similar to larger communities, the resources and services available to assist low- to moderate-income people in the Rogue Valley is limited and comparable to rural areas. In recent years the City of Ashland has been very proactive in its approach to tackling the problem of providing affordable rental housing and home-ownership opportunities for low-income households. Through the elimination of regulatory barriers to affordable housing, the imposition of new regulations that promote affordable housing (see Goal 4), and the establishment of an Affordable Housing Trust Fund. The City continues to look to new and innovative ways to promote, protect and support affordable housing. The City of Ashland continues to offer System Development Charge deferrals for new units affordable to low-moderate income households thereby reducing development costs for affordable housing projects. The City of Ashland is the only city in Jackson County to offer this kind of incentive. Another priority need which the City has had difficulties addressing is assisting individuals in the transition from homelessness to permanent housing situations. Local non-profit agencies, which provide assistance and homeless prevention services, report that the population of homeless individuals in Ashland and in the Rogue Valley is rapidly increasing. Since the loss of the City’s only organization providing direct services to homeless populations in 2007, the Ashland City Council adopted an Emergency Shelter Resolution in an attempt to provide a resource for the City’s homeless population in extreme weather (see goal # 6). The City will assist in endeavors to develop transitional housing within the city, and would entertain using CDBG funds in supporting an organization that offered emergency and transitional housing. Currently an Ad Hoc Subcommittee appointed by the Council in 2010 is exploring proposals submitted by community members and organizations that serve homeless or at risk populations to propose options to the City Council on programs (which will include shelter options) that the City could support. These proposals are scheduled to go before the Council in September 2011. The outcomes of these efforts will be reported more thoroughly in the 2011 CAPER. City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 29 In comparing the outcomes proposed in the 2010-2014 Consolidated plan with the actual outcomes for this program year, staff sees that the majority of the outcomes have been met, such as the number of new rental units, services to homeless populations, and rehabilitation projects b. Barriers to Fulfilling Strategies The most obvious barriers to addressing the Priority Needs of the Five-Year Consolidated Plan are a lack of resources and the high cost of housing in the Ashland Community. Due to the current economic climate housing prices have declined throughout the country. This is true of Ashland as well, though the decrease in property values in the Ashland market has been nominal by comparison. The situation has, however, allowed more opportunities for local and regional developers of affordable housing. The median home price in Ashland in June of 2011 was $272,000, which is still quite high when compared with Jackson County at $166,000. Property values in Ashland increased more rapidly than the in rest of the state and Jackson County during the housing boom (increasing on an average of over 20% over the past 5 years) and have maintained their values despite the economic downturn. Ashland’s CDBG allocation has decreased annually in recent years, though Recovery Act funds and the Obama Administration’s commitment to fully fund the CDBG program has bucked this trend. Future projections imply that further reductions are possible or even the elimination of entitlement community status. The loss of Federal support for affordable housing places an increasing burden on small communities to address the goals established in the Consolidated Plan with local regulatory controls or local commitment of funding. Although Ashland continues to promote affordable housing through direct financial support and the establishment of regulatory incentives and controls, limited resources and limitations on the extent of regulation allowable under state law reduce options for the City. c. Improvements The City of Ashland ranked the Priority Needs of the Five-Year Consolidated Plan for 2010-2014 to help address identified needs with the limited resources available for social services and Capital Improvement in the Rogue Valley. Specifically this ranking directs the majority of available CDBG funds to the highest priority need, the provision of affordable housing. I) Monitoring Each Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Year the City reviews each CDBG activity that was underway and ranks the sub-recipient’s risk factors by assigning points for each of the rating criteria on the form provided. The designated points on the rating form are established to prove a means of quantifying a Risk Factor and are useful as tools in determining the extent of monitoring for a given activity. Other factors, as deemed relevant by the City of Ashland, can be used in establishing a higher or lower risk factor than the numerical rating system. A CDBG monitoring visit may consist of an on-site monitoring or a desk monitoring. All CDBG grantees will be monitored once prior to a contract being administratively closed. The areas monitored may include: The CDBG staff objectives for monitoring are to determine if grantees are: Carrying out their CDBG-funded activities as described in their contracts (as modified or amended); Carrying out the program or project in a timely manner in accordance with the scheduled included in the CDBG contract; City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 30 Charging costs to the program or project which are eligible under applicable regulations; Complying with other applicable laws, regulations and terms of the CDBG contract; Conducting the program in a manner which minimizes the opportunity for fraud, waste and mismanagement; and Have a continuing capacity to carry out the approved program or project. Overall management system, record keeping and progress in activities. When a grantee is found to be out of compliance, CDBG staff will identify a specific period of time in which compliance should be achieved. Usually the grantee will have 30 days to correct deficiencies. Copies of supporting documentation demonstrating that corrective action has been taken will be required. Additional time for corrective action may be allowed on a case by case basis. Failure by the grantee to correct deficiencies may result in funds being withheld and possible restrictions on future grants. For the 2010 Program year CDBG staff completed the risk analysis worksheet for the three sub- recipients with open activities. A summary of the monitoring and the cumulative numeric ranking based on the CDBG program risk analysis worksheet is provided for each recipient. As part of the City's annual CDBG Monitoring Program a Risk Analysis was completed in September of 2011 in which the CDBG programs exposure, effectiveness and efficiency was evaluated. None of the sub-recipients of CDBG funds were categorized as 'High Risk' through this analysis. The City elected to conduct monitoring visits with three recipients that had active CDBG funded projects as part of our monitoring strategy for this program year as is outlined more fully below. 1.)Housing Authority of Jackson County (HAJC): Staff conducted a risk analysis of in July of 2009. The Housing Authority of Jackson County was found to be “Low Risk” receiving a score of 29. City staff will conduct an on-site monitoring during the 2011 Program Year prior to closeout of both the 2008 and 2009 grant agreements. 2.)Ashland Supportive Housing (ASH): Staff is scheduled to conduct an on-site monitoring of this project in the 2011 Program Year. 3.)St. Vincent De Paul-Home Visitation Program: Staff is scheduled to conduct an on- site monitoring of this project in the 2011 Program Year. City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 31 III CDBG Program Narrative The activities undertaken as described in the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) were consistent with the 2010-2014 Consolidated Plan and the 2010 Action Plan. The table below shows the projects awarded CDBG funds in Program Year 2010: CDBG Funded Projects for Program Year 2009 Project ID Recipient Activity Name Location CDBG Households Organization Funds or Persons Assisted Annually $44,909 CDBGcity wide city wide 2010-1 City of AshlandAdministration (Consolidated Plan Goal 14) 2010-2 $110,861 416 Special AshlandRehabilitation of a 1016 Clark Street Needs Clients (Consolidated Supportivehousing unit to be Annually Plan Goal 8.1 Housingused as a respite and8.2) home for peoples with disabilities 2010-3 $30,000 620 Low- St. Vincent Home Visitation City wide (Consolidated Income De Paul Program Plan Goal Households 6.1) 2010-4 $27,623 2,379 peoples City of ADADowntown on (Consolidatedwith disabilities AshlandImprovements-East Main and Plan Goal #7) reside in Public Works Audible signals Lithia Way Ashland (2000 Department added to existing between Hellman rd Census) cross walks to and 3 Street. assist the sight impaired Unallocated $13,522 To be rolled Grant over into the 2011 program year Assessment of Relationship of CDBG funds to Goals and Objectives Goal 1: To increase the supply of affordable rental housing for extremely low-, low- and moderate-income families. Where possible, give funding priority to those projects that will provide benefits to residents with the lowest incomes. Action to meet priority and time-line st The City issued an RFP on January 1 2010. The City received two applications in response to th this RFP. At a public hearing held on April 20, 2010, the Ashland City Council directed the City to award $110,861 in Capital improvement funds to Ashland Supportive Housing to rehabilitate a City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 32 housing unit to be used as a respite home for peoples with disabilities, $30,000 to St. Vincent De Paul to provide emergency rental and utility assistance to low-income families facing eviction or shut offs, and $27,623 to the City’s Public Works Department for the installation of ADA crosswalk signals to aid the sight impaired. These projects will assist the city in meeting several of the goals and outcomes identified in the 2010-2014 Consolidated Plan. Specifically Goals 8.1 and 8.2; Encourage the development of transitional and supportive housing for extremely low- and low-income special needs populations and to provide assistance to non-profit organizations that provide support services for extremely low- and low-income special needs populations. Goal 6.1 to provide assistance to non-profit organizations that assist the homeless and those at risk of homelessness, provide transition assistance to the homeless and help prevent homelessness. Goal7; to provide safe and convenient access to alternative transportation routes,and Outcomes;Decent Housing 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 SL 1.1: Accessibility-Availability of improved public infrastructure serving low-moderate income persons. Housing Authority of Jackson County (HAJC) Established in 1969, the Housing Authority of Jackson County is the regional provider of HUD Housing Choice Voucher Program, as well as a variety of other state and federally funded rental programs that serve low to moderate income families. Currently the Housing Authority provides housing and related services to 2,243 households in Jackson County. Their mission is:To provide, develop and preserve decent, safe and affordable housing to families and individuals while coordinating efforts toward self-sufficiency. HAJC Snowberry Brook The Housing Authority of Jackson County was awarded $345,000 in CDBG funds in Program Year 2008 and $165,367 in Program Year 2009 to complete public facilities improvements in support of an affordable housing development. The Snowberry Brook project is was completed in spring of 2011. The 60 unit development is affordable to households earning 60% of the Area Median Income and below. It is the first Earth Advantage certified multi-family project completed in the City of Ashland. Snowberry Brook is also the first new large scale affordable rental housing development built in the City in over two decades is the first multi-family property built by the Housing Authority in Ashland. The Housing Authority was awarded over 11 Million in Consolidated Funding Cycle (CFC) grant funds from Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) to build Snowberry Brook. These funds had a direct economic impact on employment. City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 33 Ashland Community Land Trust (ACLT) Ashland Community Land Trust was established in 1998 in an effort to help address Ashland’s growing affordable housing crisis.The purpose of the land trust is to create and sustain long- term affordable housing in the city limits of Ashland for low and moderate-income families. The land trust acquires and holds land, while the improvements are sold or rented to the low-income residents. ACLT consists of a six member volunteer board that works to create new affordable housing units that are deed restricted through a land trust model to insure long term affordability. In the 13 years that the land trust has been in existence they have been able to create and maintain 16 units of affordable deed restricted housing. Their housing portfolio consists of a variety of housing types, from single family ownership units to multifamily rental apartment units. ACLT Bridge Street ACLT purchased the property located at 404 and 408 Bridge Street with $328,800 in CDBG funds during the 2006 program year. The purchase of the property was completed on October 12, 2006. Originally the development of the two ownership units was City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 34 planned to be collaboration between ACLT and Rogue Valley Habitat for Humanity, however, Habitat was unable to undertake the project at this time, so ACLT decided to move forward with the project on their own. Utilizing the expertise of the all volunteer board ACLT was able to finance, design, and complete the two units without the assistance of a partner agency as all of their other projects had utilized in the past. Through the planning and financing process staff worked with ACLT to facilitate the completion of the project. ACLT hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony on the completed unit in June at that time both new units had been leased. Currently all four units were being utilized as rental units due to the economic pressures of the currently housing market, though ACLT would like to offer them for sale in the future. Goal 2: To increase the homeownership opportunities for extremely low-, low- and moderate-income households. Where possible, give funding priority to those projects that will provide benefits to residents with the lowest incomes. The development of affordable home ownership opportunities for low- and extremely low- income households is a high priority for the City of Ashland. In 2007 the City sold surplus City owned property, the proceeds from the sale of this property was applied to the goal of addressing Ashland’s Housing needs. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of surplus City property have been applied to the purchase of a .32 acre portion of a 2 acre property owned by the Ashland Parks Department located on upper Clay street at the terminus of Chitwood Lane. In late 2007 the City of Ashland issued a Request for Qualifications for a qualified affordable housing developer to develop five affordable housing units for homeownership. Rogue Valley Community Development Corporation (RVCDC) was chosen. RVCDC worked on developing a plan for the Chitwood property until June of 2010 when that agency decided to withdraw their application citing lack of qualified homeowner’s for the project and high construction cost. The City of Ashland City Council voted to transfer the property back to the parks department to be used for park purposes in exchange for the original purchase price to be dedicated to the Affordable Housing Trust fund to further future affordable housing development. Groundworks formerly Rogue Valley Community Development Corporation (RVCDC) Groundworks formerly RVCDC received two prior CDBG awards which resulted in the acquisition of Property during the 2004 CDBG Program Year. Combined the two properties allowed RVCDC to development 15 affordable ownership units in cooperation with the USDA Rural Development Mutual Self Help Program. Through the Mutual Self-help homeownership program homebuyers contributed a significant amount of “sweat equity” to the project in order to lower the purchase price to below $120,000 per unit. Groundworks – Rice Park. Most recently Groundworks was gifted an acre of land located off of Nevada Street in association with an annexation to develop a “green” net zero energy subdivision. The donation of land to RVCDC was completed in order to comply with a condition of approval of the annexation that land sufficient to accommodate 25% of the units as affordable housing be dedicated to an City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 35 affordable housing provider. Though no CDBG funds were contributed to this project, considerable staff time assisted in compiling an environmental Assessment and in working with that organization to execute deed restrictions to maintain long term affordability. The City deferred $53,923.36 in SDC’s for the seven units currently under construction and will defer approximately $61,626 in SDC’s for the next eight units to be constructed for an approximate total of $115,549 in System Development deferrals for all 15 units, further the City council authorized an additional $38,295.00 in Community Development and Engineering fee waivers, for a cumulative city contribution of approximately $153,844 in non-collected fees to assist in buying down the overall cost of development. This contribution allowed Groundworks to further reduce the purchase price of each unit by approximately $10,000. As with the two previously completed projects within the City, (2001 Siskiyou Blvd in 2005, and 795 Park Street in 2008) Groundworks has partnered with USDA’s Self-Help Program to obtain low-interest construction loans for the home-owner/builders to develop the six units intended for this site. All units were made affordable to households earning less than 80% Area median income. Homebuyers also utilized USDA low interest home loans to further reduce the housing cost burden. Affordable Housing Program The City of Ashland continues to offer incentives to non-profit and for-profit developers, community development corporations, and public housing authorities to encourage the development of new affordable housing options. The City also continues to look for ways to create new regulations or amend existing regulations that serve to promote, protect, and maintain the City’s affordable housing stock. These incentives and regulations are detailed below. In 2005-2006 the City passed a resolution (res 2006-13) that established Ashland’s Affordable Housing Guidelines as well as the thresholds for a waiver of Community Development fees, and Engineering Services fees for eligible affordable units that are voluntarily provided. These fees amount to 1.85% of a projects valuation. T he automatic waiver of these fees for voluntarily provided affordable unit’s amounts to a direct subsidy from the City in the average amount of approximately $1500 - $2500 per unit. This program allows the deferral of SDCs for any affordable unit targeted to ownership households earning less than 80% the Area Median Income (AMI), or rental households earning 60% AMI or less. A total of 70 households are currently participating in the program. During the 2010 program year one project received SDC deferrals. ACLT’s two unit development on Bridge Street received $13,100 in deferred system development costs and an additional $4,625 in deferred Community Development and Engineering fees. Density Bonus Program City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 36 The City of Ashland offers a density bonus for the voluntary inclusion of affordable housing within a subdivision or multifamily development. No new developments have been applied for which utilized this incentive during the 2010-2011 Program year. Condominium Conversions The City allows for the conversion of rental units to saleable units on a sliding scale, where the larger the complex the more rental units must be retained. In cases where an owner wishes to exceed this limitation to create more market rate ownership units the City then requires the provision of affordable housing. The City considers units that are required to be affordable to be added to our inventory only upon the recording of deed restrictions on the property. The Affordable Housing Program parameters under resolution 2006-13 establish that rental units required to be affordable following a condominium conversion shall be available to households earning 80% AMI for a minimum of 30 years. The land use ordinance regulating the conversion of apartments to condominiums was amended in 2007 and was primarily intended to preserve a decreasing supply of rental apartments. The time period between the initial approval for conversion of an apartment complex into condominiums, and the actual recording of a condominium survey can be lengthy. The corresponding resale restriction covenants (deed restriction) are not imposed until such time as the condominium survey is completed thus this CAPER will distinguish between those approved and those considered complete. Total Conversions In the 2010 CDBG program year no new condominium units were added to the city’s affordable housing stock through condo conversions. Currently there are no planning applications pending approval for conversion of existing apartments. Although 71 total units completed or initiated conversion to condominiums in 2006-2007, only 3 units converted in 2007-2008, and only 6 in 2008-2009. The rate of condominium conversions has decreased considerably since 2006. This marked reduction in conversions may be attributed to the recent economic downturn in the housing market as well as City initiated ordinance changes instituted to addressing the adverse impacts of such conversions on tenants and on the City’s rental housing stock. Total Affordable Units Added to the Cities Inventory from July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011 During the 2010 CDBG program year 7 of the Rice Park self help homeownership units were completed and granted Certificates of occupancy, 2 rental units on Bridge Street developed by ACLT were issued Certificates of occupancy and 60 rental units on Clay Street developed by the Housing Authority of Jackson County were issued Certificates of Occupancy. Goal 3: To maintain the existing affordable housing supply.Where possible, give funding priority to those projects that will provide benefits to residents with the lowest incomes. Also, give funding priority to those programs which retain the units as affordable in perpetuity, or recapture the rehabilitation costs for further use in Ashland. City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 37 Technical Assistance The City provided technical assistance to nonprofit organizations whose mission includes providing affordable housing. This technical assistance includes; providing information on the CDBG program, City zoning regulations, educating agencies on the planning process and providing information on the City's affordable housing programs including deferred systems development charges and density bonuses. The City also aims to direct potential affordable housing developers to other resources such as Rural Development programs and Oregon Housing and Community Services. The City of Ashland has provided technical assistance through the Planning Division as requested and has supported applications consistent with the Consolidated Plan. The City provided assistance to ACCESS, Inc., Groundworks, Rogue Valley Habitat for Humanity, Ashland Community Land Trust, and the Housing Authority of Jackson County in both their search for available property for CDBG funded projects, as well as in preparing applications for proposed developments during the 2010 CDBG program year. CDBG-R Through the CDBG-R program the City was able to assist 13 low-income homeowners with energy efficiency and conservation upgrades. In conjunction with this program many of the homeowners received necessary home repairs that served to maintain the integrity of the structure while reducing the energy cost burden. Goal 4: Encourage the development of emergency and transitional housing for homeless families with children and/or individuals. In 2007, the Ashland City Council approved a resolution setting forth policies and conditions under which the city will provide emergency housing for homeless and other individuals during sever weather conditions. In the event of the need for an emergency shelter during extreme weather, the use of Pioneer Hall or other available city-owned buildings may be used. The temporary shelters are staffed by CERT volunteers organized and trained by the City’s CERT Coordinator. Ashland experiences “extreme weather” conditions primarily during the winter months where temperatures can drop below 20 degrees, and exposure to the elements can be hazardous to persons without adequate shelter. The provision of such emergency housing in City buildings is a relatively new activity for the City and was initiated because of the loss of ICC the City of Ashland’s emergency services provider. In 2009, the City turned over the responsibility of initiating, staffing, and running the emergency cold weather shelters to the local churches who previously volunteered their space and resources to that purpose. The first shelter night of the thth season began on December 5, and its last was on March 12. The Presbyterian Church hall served as the primary site for shelter and was open on 21 nights. Expanding beyond previous years severe forecast parameters, the Presbyterians committed to opening as well every Sunday from December through February. The choice of Sunday night was made to dovetail with the Presbyterian Church’s Monday “Bread Together” breakfast and shower offering. This winter the shelters averaged 9 guests each night with 50 different guests. Five different women and one child were among those served. 10 new sleeping bags good for deep cold and as many used bags were distributed. Participating in hosting were 26 volunteers. The City continues in its endeavors to develop transitional housing by working regionally with the Jackson County Homeless Task Force, and locally through the Housing Commission and providers of food and meals to homeless populations. The City of Ashland’s CDBG program City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 38 would entertain supporting an organization that offered emergency and transitional housing in the former ICCA location or in a yet to be identified property but has not directed resources directly for its development. No CDBG funded actions were undertaken or completed during the 2010 program year that specifically applied CDBG funds toward the development of emergency or transitional housing. Goal 5: Support services for homelessness prevention and transition. Where possible, give funding priority to services that are part of a comprehensive approach that improves the living conditions of clients. Safety net services or services that meet basic needs shall only be funded with CDBG dollars if it can be demonstrated that clients receiving those benefits are part of a program that will eventually help them obtain self-sufficiency. Aside from the CDBG Planning and Administrative funding allocated to provide support for the Housing Program Specialist position in general, and specifically to time spent planning and participating in the 2010 Project Homeless Connect Event, the City funded one CDBG project during the 2010 program year that specifically applied CDBG funds toward the support services for homelessness prevention that focus on better maintaining self sufficiency. The City allocated $30,000 in social service funds to support the St. Vincent De Paul Home visitation program which provides emergency rent and utility assistance to low-income households in an effort to avoid homelessness. The City does allocate over $100,000 of general fund dollars each year in Social Service grants from the City General Fund. These Social Service grant allocations are listed under the Continuum of Care Narrative, as table 1.2. Goal 6: To support housing and supportive services for people with special needs. People with special needs include the elderly, the frail elderly, persons with developmental disabilities, persons with physical disabilities, persons with severe mental illness, persons with alcohol or other drug dependencies and persons with HIV/AID or related illnesses. For the 2010 program year the City funded two activities in support of this goal. The City awarded $110,861 to Ashland Supportive Housing (AHS), a local provider of housing and other services to special needs populations, to undertake the rehabilitation of a single family housing unit in order to utilize it as a respite center for peoples with disabilities. The City also awarded $27,623 in funding to The City’s Public Works department to install audible beacons on crosswalks in the downtown area to assist the sight impaired. The City will continue to support the development of housing and supportive services for individual with special needs. The City allocates “Social Service Grants” out of the City’s General Fund to address these needs. Through this City Grant Program an annual allocation of $120,342 was awarded to 20 agencies of which the majority specifically addresses supportive services for people with special needs. This allocation was provided for FY 2010 and FY 2011 for cumulative doubling of the award amounts listed. In total the City contributes $240,682 over a two year period to the agencies listed in Table 1.2. City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 39 Of these awards most notably the Community Health Center was provided $35,000 annually to provide health care services, Community Works was given a combined total annual award of $36,120 to provide services including rape crisis counseling as well as temporary shelter for victims of domestic violence. Additionally an annual grant of $3,000 was provided to OnTrack Inc. to assist in the operating expenses for their drug abuse treatment programs. The City did not use CDBG funds for these activities in the 2010 program year they are entirely funded out of the City General Fund. Goal 7: To provide safe and convenient access to alternative transportation routes in extremely low-, low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. In previous years the City had made a CDBG commitment to sidewalk improvements in moderate- and low-income neighborhoods by allocating ten percent of the total federal funding for sidewalk improvement and new construction annually in prior years. However the Ashland Consolidated Plan was revised to eliminate this 10% set-aside beginning with the 2002-2003 program year. This limitation on the allocation of CDBG was continued in the 2005-2009 Consolidated Plan and the 2010-2014 Consolidated plan further eliminating the potential to apply CDBG funds to sidewalk improvements exclusively based on qualified low-income neighborhood status. In the 2008 program year CDBG funds in the amount of $345,000 were awarded to the Housing Authority of Jackson County to complete public facilities improvements along Clay Street and in program year 2009 the City awarded HAJC $165,367 to complete public facilities improvements along two new interior streets including sidewalks, and street lighting. To this end the Housing Authority has spent $510,367 of their combined 2008 and 2009 CDBG awards to complete those improvements. During the 2010-2011 program year the City of Ashland provided the Rogue Valley Transportation District (RVTD) with $272,000.00 to underwrite the cost of public transportation by providing reduced bus fares City wide. As the RVTD bus routes transect each of Ashland’s low income neighborhoods (Census block groups 0018, 0019, 0020) the reduced fares benefited extremely-low, low- and moderate-income households be lessening the cost of public transportation. The fare reduction was a 50% reduction from fares elsewhere in the Transportation district. This reduction meant fares in Ashland were only $1.00 verses $2.00 elsewhere in the valley. Further the City’s contribution to RVTD also reduced the fare from $4.00 to $2.00 for the Valley Lift program which provides door to door transportation for the disabled and mobility impaired residents of Ashland. Lastly the City purchases $10,000 in bus passes to be provided to qualified low income senior citizens and Ashland High School students. In the 2010 program year the City of Ashland Senior center distributed $9,640 in bus passes, valley lift vouchers and multi month punch cards to qualified low income seniors and students. The City did not utilize CDBG funds toward this goal in the 2010-2011 program year. The full $272,000 contribution to RVTD for reduced fares was provided by the City’s General Fund. Goal 8: To make city facilities easier and safer to use for people with disabilities. The City committed to providing accessibility improvements to City-owned buildings through an agreement with the Department of Justice (DOJ) to improve access to City facilities. The City City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 40 has completed all improvements outlined in the Department of Justice Agreement to be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act and received an acknowledgement of compliance in FY 2006 from the DOJ, thereby ensuring those identified City facilities are accessible to people with disabilities. As new facilities are designed and developed, or new standards for accessibility are established, the City will ensure that the accessibility needs of Ashland’s residents are addressed. In the 2010 program year the City completed sidewalk installations and improvements on 2,665 linear feet of sidewalk throughout the City, 2,065 of which were in qualified low-income census tracks. Along with the sidewalk improvements the City installed or upgraded a total of 36 wheelchair ramps throughout the City, 23 of which were in qualified low-income census tracks. In the 2010 program year the City awarded $27,623 in CDBG funding to the Public Works Department to make ADA improvements to crosswalks in the downtown area by installing audible beacons. Goal 9: To affirmatively further fair housing. Fair Housing Council of Oregon (FHCO) The Fair Housing Council of Oregon has been an invaluable partner to the City of Ashland in affirmatively furthering fair housing. During fiscal year 2010 the City of Ashland supported FHCO in its outreach and education activities by partnering with the City of Medford to bring three fair housing trainings to Southern Oregon. A Fair housing Basics, training was held on the Rogue Community College Campus in Medford, Fair Housing Training for Rental owners was held at the Southern Oregon Rental Owner’s Association office in Central Point, and a Fair Housing Jeopardy Game training was held at the ACCESS, Inc. Olsrud Center, and hosted over 100 participants from the affordable housing field. In the spring the Cities of Medford and Ashland partnered once again to host the Fair Housing Display in the Medford Branch of the Jackson County Public Library and in the lobby of the City of Ashland Community Development building. The City continues its efforts to enact the changes suggested by the updated Analysis of Impediments to fair housing choice completed by the FHCO in 2008. City of Ashland general funds and CDBG funds (Planning and Administration allocation) were utilized for staff support as well. For details regarding the impediments to fair housing choice that were identified in the AI and what steps the City has initiated to remove those impediments please see pages 21 through 26, Section B, entitled Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing. Legal Services and CASA The City of Ashland provided the Center for Non-Profit Legal Services a general fund grant in the amount of $6,039 explicitly to provide legal assistance for low income Ashland households facing housing discrimination or harassment.Low-income Ashland households facing housing discrimination were able to obtain legal services through the Center for Non-Profit Legal Services that may not otherwise be in a position to pursue legal action. During the 2010-2011 program year the City also provided CASA with a $2,000 grant to assist them in providing minority residents with an advocate and a resource for housing assistance. These activities attempt to address the enforcement side of Fair Housing in addition to the educational trainings that work preemptively to reduce discrimination before it occurs. The City did not utilize CDBG funds toward the $8,000 in grants noted above. City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 41 Goal 10: Assure activities assisted by the City are conducted in compliance with state and federal laws that apply to lead-based paint hazards, and the information distributed about lead-based paint is in compliance with current state and federal laws. Revolving Loan funds from the City’s CDBG funded Housing Rehabilitation program were not utilized to complete repairs on residences occupied by low- to moderate- income homeowners in the 2009 Program Year. Consequently, the City did not contribute any revolving loan funds or other CDBG program funds for an activity addressing this goal during 2009. The City did complete energy efficiency and weatherization upgrade to homes occupied by low- to moderate- income homeowners utilizing CDBG-R funds. All projects undertaken were reviewed for environmental review compliance as well as the potential for lead based paint. In all projects with had the potential for containing lead based paint hazards pre and post testing were conducted to insure compliance with federal and state regulations. The City will continue to ensure that when the potential of lead based paint hazards exists on any activity funded by the City funded all or in part by CDBG funds that any and all effected parties will be provided with appropriate information and that proper interim measures or abatement will take place. Goal 11: To reduce the number of people living in poverty in the City of Ashland. The City did not use CDBG funds for a specific activity addressing this goal during the 2010 Program year. As outlined below the ALIEAP program provides financial assistance to impoverished households and thus improves their living conditions and may function to assist individuals in moving out of poverty. Ashland Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (ALIEAP) As the City of Ashland owns and operates the Electric Utility, the City is in the unique position to assist very-low income households in meeting their energy needs, specifically during the winter months when energy costs and use are highest.To this end the City targets assistance to Low- income Ashland utility customers who need help to pay their heating bills over the course of each winter. Applicants must have an active electric utility account with the City and the Applicant’s household income may not exceed 125% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Over the course of the CDBG program year (July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011) the City of Ashland provided $91,947.62 in direct assistance to a total of 442 extremely-low or low-income households, seniors and peoples with disabilities to assist with electric utility bills. The City provided $28,380.53 to assist 275 extremely-low or low-income households with heating assistance. The City of Ashland also provided a senior discount totaling $27,005.22 to 45 residents and Disabled Discounts to 122 residents totaling $26,561.87. Goal 12: Promote and support activities in the community that improve or provide access to economic opportunities for extremely low- and low-income residents of Ashland. Although no CDBG funds were directed to address this goal, the City of Ashland granted numerous Economic Development Grants during the 2010 CDBG program year. Twenty different organizations received awards, however the majority were granted to organizations supporting the arts (Ballet, theater, singers, etc.). City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 42 Home Occupations Ashland also recognizes the increasing opportunities for low income residents to participate in home businesses, either as a proprietor of services, manufacturer of goods, or through employment at such small home occupations. Between July 1 2009 and June 30, 2010 the City issued 78 Home Occupation permits for new businesses within residences. Home Occupation Permits allow incubator businesses, home based services, and internet based businesses and other such small, residentially compatible, business opportunities for Ashland residents. Given the ability to work out of ones home, expenses typically required for securing commercial property are eliminated. No data is collected on the incomes of applicants for Home Occupation Permits so it can not be determined how effective this is at providing opportunities for low- or extremely-low income households. Goal 13: Remain aware of the barriers to affordable housing in Ashland, and where it is within the City’s ability; take steps to overcome such barriers. Education and Outreach is a significant role of the Housing Commission and such activities often have the benefit of not just disseminating information, but collecting information as well. Such a dialogue within the City facilitates an awareness of the barriers to affordable housing and highlights mechanisms available to address such barriers. A coordinated effort between the Housing Commission, the Planning Commission, and the City Council took place September 2008 to discuss barriers to affordable housing and what steps can be taken to overcome such barriers and promote the development of affordable and multi-family housing within the City. Several viable ideas came out of that joint meeting and are being explored by the City.In program year 2008 the City also reviewed and completed the Questionnaire for HUD’s Initiative on Removal of Regulatory Barriers. The Housing Commission will continue to implement the actions outlined in the adopted Affordable Housing Action Plan, http://www.ashland.or.us/Page.asp?NavID=1350specifically; identification of funding methods to support the Trust Fund is a primary goal of the City for the 2010 fiscal year. No new activities were initiated in the 2010-2011 program year to address this goal and no CDBG public service or CIP funds were expended on related activities. However, the City is planning on undertaking an update of the Housing Needs Analysis to inform the City of current housing needs and provide for future planning. This undertaking will take place in the 2011 Program year and will be funded out of the City’s Housing program budget. The Housing Commission will participate in this process. Administrative CDBG funds have contributed to the support of activities that address the development of affordable housing units funded in whole or in part with CDBG awards. The City General Fund has provided the funding for addressing the Council goals of establishing a Housing Trust Fund. Further the Land Use modifications that assist in the removal of barriers to affordable housing will be undertaken utilizing Staff funded through the City General Fund. Goal 14: To provide institutional structure and intergovernmental cooperation. The City of Ashland employs a Housing Program Specialist, which assists in providing institutional structure as well as examining and implementing opportunities for intergovernmental cooperation. City of Ashland Staff continues to provide staff support to the City of Ashland Housing Commission. Together the City of Ashland’s Housing Commission and the Housing City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 43 Program Specialist monitor the accomplishments of the City’s housing programs, make recommendations to the City Council on housing policy and serves as an advocate for affordable housing in the City’s political process. The Commission also provides coordination and continuity to programs to meet housing and community development needs. The Ashland Housing Commission oversees specific affordable housing projects undertaken by the City in partnership with private groups. The Commission promotes cooperation between local non-profit organizations, private interests and governmental agencies for projects in Ashland to insure that the resources are used as efficiently as possible and that there is not duplication of efforts. The Housing Commission has included in their regular meetings a regular update from all affordable housing projects that are underway within the City. This allows affordable housing providers an opportunity to express to the commission progress on or obstacles to their developments. This communication will function to assist in educating the Commission as well as provide a further opportunity for cooperation between the City and organizations working to address our housing goals. The Housing Program Specialist sits on the Board of the Southern Oregon Housing Resource Center to assist in regional coordination of that organization’s efforts. Ashland continues to work with the Jackson County Housing Coalition, and the Jackson County Continuum of Care Homeless Task force to address affordable housing and homeless issues on a regional level. For the 2010 Program Year the city utilized $44,909 in Federal CDBG funds for administration of the CDBG Program. Administration of the CDBG program includes staff support of programs and projects that further the goals outlined in the Consolidated Plan, provision of technical assistance, and the monitoring of the activities of sub-recipients. City of Ashland general funds are also utilized to contribute toward CDBG program administration as well as staff support of non-profit organizations and intergovernmental cooperation. Changes in Program Objectives There were no changes in program objectives in 2010. City of Ashland CDBG CAPER 2009-2010 Page 44