HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-07-24 Housing PACKET Ashland Housing Commission Regular Meeting Agenda July 24, 2013 4:00 – 5:45pm Council Chambers-1175 East Main Street 1. (4:00) Approval of Minutes (5 min) June 26,, 2013 2. (4:05) Public Forum (5 min) 3.(4:10)Liaison Reports discussion (15 min) Liaison Reports Council(Pam Marsh) Staff(Linda Reid) SOU (Andrew Ensslin) General Announcements 4.(4:25) Fair Housing Presentation(25 min) Louise Dix, Fair Housing Council of Oregon 5.(4:50) Housing and Human Services Commission Ordinance Review and Discussion (25 min) Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist 6. (5:15) Housing and Human Services Ordinance Recommendations (15 min) Housing Commission/Homelessness Steering Committee 7.(5:30) Housing and Human Services Commission Ordinance Next Steps (10 min) Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist th 8.(5:40) July 24 2013 MeetingAgenda Items Commissioner items suggested(5 min) Quorum Check – Commissioners not available to attend upcoming regular meetings should declare their expected absence. 9. (5:45) Upcoming Events and Meetings Next Housing Commission Regular Meeting 4:00-5:45 PM; August 28, 2013-Council Chambers Next Homelessness Steering Committee Regular Meeting 4:00-6:00 PM; August 14, 2013-Ashland Library In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting(28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). ASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION DRAFT MINUTES June 26, 2013 CALL TO ORDER ChairRegina Ayars called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. at Council Chambers located at 1175 East Main St. Ashland, OR 97520. Commissioners Present: Council Liaison Regina Ayars Pam Marsh Michael Gutman Barb Barasa SOU Liaison Gina DuQuenne Andrew Ensslin Staff Present: Linda Reid, Housing Specialist Commissioners Absent: Carolyn Schwendener, Admin Clerk APPROVAL OF MINUTES Gutman/DuQuenne m/s to approve the minutes of the May 22, 2013 regular Housing Commission meeting. Voice Vote: All Ayes; minutes were approved as presented. LIAISON REPORTS DISCUSSION Marsh – Marsh explained that the Council is still working on the development of the joint Housing Commission and Homelessness Steering Committee. Marsh stressed that as soon as the two commissions have a proposal they are comfortable with the new ordinance the Commission should be able to move forward. This item is tentatively on the August 20, 2013 Council agenda. In the next few weeks the Council will have made the changes to the business license standards in regard to Bed and Breakfast (B & B) and Tourist Accommodations (TA). The ordinance will be explicit that operators of either B & B’s or TA’s must obtain a business license. At that time City staff is bringing forward the requirement of registering rental housing if a property owner has two units or more. Every person that owns two or more rental units will be required to register though it was not clear if this includes units on one property or two or more properties. Marsh is an employee of the Ashland Community Emergency Food Bank and reported they have raised approximately $422,000 towards the purchase of their building located at 560 Clover Lane. Their goal is to purchase the property on or before August 31, 2013 to meet their lease agreement deadline. Reid – Reid briefly updated the Commission on the changes to the Vacation Rentals by Owner (VRBO) ordinance. The Ordinance went back to the Planning Commission on June 11, 2013 at which time they reviewed it and made a couple of recommendations. The Planning Commission is requesting that the owner shall provide written notice to the neighbors within two hundred feet for the first three years and whenever the local contact person changes the City needs to be notified. The Planning Commission is also asking for the modification that VRBOs be allowed not only 200 feet of an arterial street but also within the boundaries of the Historic District. The Commission also would like to explore the idea of allowing seasonal short term rentals in the single family zone. A concern is the potential impact this might have on the long term rental housing stock. Reid said that the project “Community Connect” held on May 31, 2013 went very well. They served approximately 526 people which was 100 less than the previous year. They didn’t have as many children as they hoped which might have been due to the fact that the event took place during school hours. Twenty percent of those surveyed said they had participated in a Project Connect before and seventy percent had not. The majority of people said their needs were met. A barbecue lunch was provided, legal services, haircuts, bicycles were given away and many other services were offered. A very positive outcome was that Devon Shea from the Veterans Administration reported that from her contacts that day she was able to house two families. Louise Dix will be coming next month to our joint meeting to discuss Fair Housing. General Announcements – Hyde Park, an affordable housing project located at 2272 Dollarhide will be having an open house on July 25, 2013. They will be sending out an invitation with the time on it. Ayars received a survey request from Portland State University regarding Accessory Residential Units. She did complete the survey. PUBLIC FORUM No one spoke STUDENT FAIR HOUSING SURVEY Evan Lasley and Andrew Ensslin compiled a report from the Student Fair Housing Survey. The survey was available for students to take for a two week period with the majority of responses coming in within the first couple of days. Lasley and Enssliln were pleased with the results from the survey and reviewed the report with the Commissioners. See the attached survey. After a discussion the Commissioners agreed that more information needs to be obtained from landlords and property owners. There is a certain amount of issues that can arise from renting to students such as lack of income verification and no long term commitment. Reid suggested working with Louise Dix and incorporating a public forum inviting the property management community and students for a discussion. Marsh suggested working on community perceptions about student tenants. Reid reiterated that fair housing law requires that whatever screening criteria the property owner/landlord/management company utilizes is applied to everyone and that assumptions about individuals are not the used as the primary basis for tenant selection. Having clear and objective procedures for client screening and selection protects both the landlord and the tenant from violating any regulations. Reid will speak to Louise Dix regarding her thoughts on how to educate and offer outreach to the community. Marsh stated that the Council would want to see that the Housing Commission did its due diligence in reaching out to the landlord/property management community to get feedback on the proposal of adding students as a protected class in the City’s fair housing ordinance. Put on next month’s agenda. The Commissioners thanked both Lasley and Ensslin for their work on this project. LANDLORD TENANT RESOURCE UPDATE AND RECOMMENDATION Reid explained that she added the Landlord/Tenant Resources link to the City of Ashland website’s Housing page www.ashland.or.us. When you click on this link there is a list of available resource information to help assist with questions tenants may have. The referrals listed are; Oregon State Bar Website: Landlord and Tenant law Center for Non-Profit Legal Services Help Now Advocacy Center Community Alliance of Tenants Fair Housing Council of Oregon The Commissioners discussed ways in which to get this information out to those who would most need it. Reid agreed to add a little blurb beside each of the referrals to give citizens a little better understanding of what types of information the referrals include. HOMELESSNESS STEERING AND HOUSING COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATE AND TIMELINE Reid distributed an updated copy of the draft Ordinance creating the Housing and Human Services Commission. Some minor changes were made to the Ordinance based on recommendations from the ordinance review sub- committee and the community development department. Reid also gave the disclaimer that the provision regarding the social services grants is not set in stone, since those funds are currently granted through the finance department and the decision to remove them from the purview of the budget committee and give that responsibility to another commission is a decision which is outside of the powers of the community development department. This Ordinance is on the agenda for the August 20, 2013 City Council meeting. This Ordinance will be reviewed at the Joint Housing and Homelessness Steering Committee meeting scheduled for July 24, 2013. At that meeting both committees will have the ability to make recommendations or changes before it goes to Council. Reid informed the Commissioners that each committee will need to vote separately on their recommendations. The Ordinance is set to be enacted by October 3, 2013. The Mayor will have to accept applications for members and then appoint people and bring those names to the Council for approval during the month of September in order to have members by an October meeting. The Homeless steering committee will have to be dissolved by resolution since it has been continued for a period of twelve months by resolution. CDBG ALLOCATION UPDATE AND ACTION PLAN REVISION Reid acknowledged that she received a letter from HUD on March 7, 2013 explaining that due to sequestration the City could expect a five percent reduction in the CDBG funds. The City of Ashland awarded funds to four applicants for 2013 reducing all but one of the award requests according to the expected availability of funding. When the allocations did get distributed the City ended up receiving $13,336.00 more than was anticipated. The Action Plan had already been completed and sent to HUD which they could not approve since the allocation was larger than what was originally anticipated. Staff is recommending that Council award the full amount of funds available accordingly: St.Vincent DePaul - $17,808 Maslow Project - $7,632 Living Opportunities - $23,438 DuQuenne/Gutman m/s to move forward with staff’s recommendation. Voice Vote; All Ayes, motion passed unanimously. TH JULY 24 2013 MEETING AGENDA ITEMS Quorum check; all members confirmed they will be here Discussion regarding new Housing and Human Services Commission Update on Clay Street Update on business license Invite Louise Dix for a discussion on Fair Housing UPCOMING EVENTS AND MEETINGS Next Housing Commission Regular Meeting 4:00-5:45 PM; July 24, 2013 ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Carolyn Schwendener Draft Minutes July 10, 2013 Ad-Hoc Homelessness Steering Committee Rescheduled Meeting Ashland Library 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Attendance Ayars, Hopkins-Powell, O’Bryon, Parker, Sohl, Marsh (Council liaison), Reid (Staff) Absent Saldana, Parker, Lewis, Rohde Guests None Agenda Item #1: Call to Order Hopkins-Powell called the meeting to order at 4:25 p.m. Agenda Item #2: Approval of Minutes Ayars/O’Bryon m/s to approve the minutes as presented, Voice Vote-Motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item #3: Timeline for Merger and Subcommittee update: Parker had a question about membership number and timeline with regard to the fate of the current work, experience, and knowledge that the Homelessness Steering Committee members have worked to amass. Parker stated that she preferred the idea of having the Housing and Human Services Commission consist of nine members rather than seven to make sure that there are enough seats to accommodate all who are interested in serving. Parker also had concerns about the timeline for adoption of the ordinance, and whether the HSC would be able to finish the work that they have undertaken in the short amount of time they have left. Ayars did not share Parker’s concerns stating that the most of the work that this body has undertaken has been on hold until the merger is completed, Ayars stated that the sooner the merger is completed the better. Reid pointed out that the HSC must be dissolved by resolution and that the date that the HSC dissolves can be set beyond the date that the new commission goes into effect should the current HSC members feel the need for more time to accomplish its work. O’Bryon provided an update on the Housing and Human Services ordinance sub-committee’s recommendations on the draft ordinance. O’Bryon read from the draft ordinance and summarized the recommend additions to the subcommittee: The main additions included changing the membership number from seven to nine, and adding a power and duty to section 2.19.030 which was included in the original Housing Commission list of powers and duties, “To enhance cooperation between the public and private sectors in support of community development.” Reid stated that she received further input from community development staff on the sub-committee recommendations and the draft ordinance to also add a power and duty to section 2.19.030 “To evaluate and propose innovative land use strategies targeted at promoting a broad variety of housing types.” And to further define the term “community development” thereby changing the sub-committee addition from the quotation above to “ To enhance cooperation between the public and private sectors by promoting integrated approaches that provide decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expanded economic opportunities for low-and moderate-income persons”. Hopkins-Powell asked the committee members if they had any other suggested changes. Parker and O’Bryon stated that they were in favor of recommending that the membership of the new Commission include nine seated members. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #4 Subcommittee Reports: a.Winter Shelter: Parker spoke about hosting a volunteer training earlier in the year and asked members for input as to potential dates. As the shelters will be starting on Thanksgiving week it was suggested that Parker organize a training for Sept. or Oct. b.Vet’s Court: O’Bryon updated the group on the vet court-Paul Skinner from the VA is keeping the sub-committee updated and would still like to host a visit to the K-falls vet court. No date has been set for a visit at this time. As work is on hold while the Homelessness Steering Committee and the Housing Commission in transition, O’Bryon stated that she would let Skinner know that the new Housing and Human Services Commission, should they adopt the Vet. Court as a priority would be taking up where the HSC has left off on this issue. Item not on the agenda Day Center/Help Center Application Update: O’Bryon provided the committee with an update on the Help center application; the council asked Access and OHRA to work together and come back with a new proposal and a future date. Adjourn-5:50 Next meeting: July 24, 2013 4:00-6:00 P.M. Council Chambers Respectfully Submitted by Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist Page 2 of 2 Joint Housing Commission and Homelessness Steering Committee Memo Title:Housing and Human Services Commission Ordinance Review and Recommendation Date: July 24, 2013 Submitted By: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist Attached are three drafts of the Housing and Human Services Ordinance. Staff prepared and initial draft in May, this draft was reviewed by a sub-committee made up of two members from the Housing Commission and two members from the Homelessness Steering Committee in June. The changes recommended by the sub-committee were added, a third draft was created in response to further input on the sub-committee recommendations from Community Development staff. After review and discussion each body, the Homelessness Steering Committee and the Housing Commission, will need to vote on and forward individual recommendations to the council. Each body’s recommendations will be delineated in the council communication along with legal staff’s recommendations if any. The Council is scheduled to review the draft ordinance and committee/commission and staff’s recommendations at their regular meeting on August 20, 2013 Draft #1 5/31/2013 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2.19 OF THE ASHLAND MUNICIPAL CODE DISSOLVING THE HOUSING COMMISSION AND CREATING THE HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION. Annotated to show deletions and additions to the code sections being modified. Deletions are bold lined through and additions are bold underlined. WHEREAS, Article 2. Section 1 of the Ashland City Charter provides: Powers of the City. The City shall have all powers which the constitutions, statutes, and common law of the United States and of this State expressly or impliedly grant or allow municipalities, as fully as though this Charter specifically enumerated each of those powers, as well as all powers not inconsistent with the foregoing; and, in addition thereto, shall possess all powers hereinafter specifically granted. All the authority thereof shall have perpetual succession. WHEREAS, The City of Ashland is committed to housing that is available, accessible and affordable to the full spectrum of the housing continuum; from those who lack adequate housing to those looking to purchase housing, to those looking to maintain housing; and WHEREAS, The City of Ashland is committed to improving the Human Services needs of our community to protect and enhance the welfare of its citizens, including its most vulnerable populations; and; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the City of Ashland will benefit from a joint process that brings together expertise in both housing and human services to identify and recommend coordinated strategies aimed at providing needed housing, reducing poverty and addressing the human service needs of the community. WHEREAS, The City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the City of Ashland to dissolve the Housing Commission and establish a Housing and Human Services Commission; and ; and THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ASHLAND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Repeal. Ashland Municipal Code 2.19 \[Housing Commission\] is hereby repealed in its entirety. SECTION 2. New Section. Section 2.19 \[Housing and Human Services Commission\] is hereby added to the Ashland Municipal Code to read as Follows: Ordinance No. ____ Page 1 of 3 2.19 Housing and Human Services Commission 2.19.010 Purpose and Mission. The Housing and Human Services Commission is charged with addressing the continuum of housing issues, including affordable housing, transitional housing and homelessness, in addition to other poverty-driven issues facing families in the community. 2.19.020 Established Membership The Housing and Human Services Commission is established and shall consist of seven (7) voting members and one (1) non voting ex-officio member who shall be the City Housing Program Specialist. 2.19.030 Powers and Duties. The powers and duties of the commission shall be as follows: A. To develop and recommend coordinated housing and human service programs; B.To review and make recommendations to the City Council on Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) related allocations; C.To review and make recommendations to the City Council on City of Ashland Social Service Grant related allocations; D.To review and make recommendations to the City Council on the Housing Trust Fund and related allocations; E.To monitor projects funded with the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), City of Ashland Social Service Grants, and the Housing Trust Fund; F.To investigate federal, state, county and private funding for implementation of city housing and human services programs; G.To foster public knowledge and support of official city housing and human service programs; H. To monitor and assess the housing and human services needs of the community, and utilize this information to act in an advisory capacity to provide guidance to the City Council regarding policy and funding strategies relating to housing and human services. SECTION 3. Severability. The sections, subsections, paragraphs and clauses of this ordinance are severable. The invalidity of one section, subsection, paragraph, or clause shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, subsections, paragraphs and clauses. SECTION 4. Codification. Provisions of this Ordinance shall be incorporated in the City Code and the word “ordinance” may be changed to “code”, “article”, “section”, “chapter” or another word, and the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered, or re-lettered, provided however that any Whereas clauses and boilerplate provisions (i.e. Sections 2-3) need not be codified and the City Recorder is authorized to correct any cross-references and any typographical errors. The foregoing ordinance was first read by title only in accordance with Article X, Section 2(C) of the City Charter on the _____day of ______________, 2013, Ordinance No. ____ Page 2 of 3 and duly PASSED and ADOPTED this _____ day of ________________, 2013. _______________________________ Barbara M. Christensen, City Recorder SIGNED and APPROVED this day of, 2013. ________________________ John Stromberg, Mayor Reviewed as to form: _______________________________ David H. Lohman, City Attorney Ordinance No. ____ Page 3 of 3 Draft #2 06/25/2013 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2.19 OF THE ASHLAND MUNICIPAL CODE DISSOLVING THE HOUSING COMMISSION AND CREATING THE HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION. Annotated to show deletions and additions to the code sections being modified. Deletions are bold lined through and additions are bold underlined. WHEREAS, Article 2. Section 1 of the Ashland City Charter provides: Powers of the City. The City shall have all powers which the constitutions, statutes, and common law of the United States and of this State expressly or impliedly grant or allow municipalities, as fully as though this Charter specifically enumerated each of those powers, as well as all powers not inconsistent with the foregoing; and, in addition thereto, shall possess all powers hereinafter specifically granted. All the authority thereof shall have perpetual succession. WHEREAS, The City of Ashland is committed to housing that is available, accessible and affordable to the full spectrum of the housing continuum; from those who lack adequate housing to those looking to purchase housing, to those looking to maintain housing; and WHEREAS, The City of Ashland is committed to improving the Human Services needs of our community to protect and enhance the welfare of its citizens, including its most vulnerable populations; and; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the City of Ashland will benefit from a joint process that brings together expertise in both housing and human services to identify and recommend coordinated strategies aimed at providing needed housing, reducing poverty and addressing the human service needs of the community. WHEREAS, The City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the City of Ashland to dissolve the Housing Commission and establish a Housing and Human Services Commission; and ; and THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ASHLAND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Repeal. Ashland Municipal Code 2.19 \[Housing Commission\] is hereby repealed in its entirety. SECTION 2. New Section. Section 2.19 \[Housing and Human Services Commission\] is hereby added to the Ashland Municipal Code to read as Follows: Ordinance No. ____ Page 1 of 3 2.19 Housing and Human Services Commission 2.19.010 Purpose and Mission. The Housing and Human Services Commission is charged with addressing the continuum of housing issues, including affordable housing, transitional housing and homelessness, in addition to other poverty-driven issues facing families and individuals in the community. 2.19.020 Established Membership The Housing and Human Services Commission is established and shall consist of seven (7 9) voting members, one (1) non-voting student liaison from Southern Oregon University, and one (1) non voting ex-officio member who shall be the City Housing Program Specialist. 2.19.030 Powers and Duties. The powers and duties of the commission shall be as follows: A. To develop and recommend coordinated housing and human service programs; B.To review and make recommendations to the City Council on Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) related allocations; C.To review and make recommendations to the City Council on City of Ashland Social Service Grant related allocations; D.To review and make recommendations to the City Council on the Housing Trust Fund and related allocations; E.To monitor projects funded with the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), City of Ashland Social Service Grants, and the Housing Trust Fund; F.To investigate federal, state, county and private funding for implementation of city housing and human services programs; G.To foster public knowledge and support of official city housing and human service programs; G.H.To Enhance cooperation between the public and private sectors in support of community development. I. To monitor and assess the housing and human services needs of the community, and utilize this information to act in an advisory capacity to provide guidance to the City Council regarding policy and funding strategies relating to housing and human services. SECTION 3. Severability. The sections, subsections, paragraphs and clauses of this ordinance are severable. The invalidity of one section, subsection, paragraph, or clause shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, subsections, paragraphs and clauses. SECTION 4. Codification. Provisions of this Ordinance shall be incorporated in the City Code and the word “ordinance” may be changed to “code”, “article”, “section”, “chapter” or another word, and the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered, or re-lettered, provided however that any Whereas clauses and boilerplate provisions (i.e. Sections 2-3) need not be codified and the City Recorder is authorized to correct any cross-references and any typographical errors. Ordinance No. ____ Page 2 of 3 The foregoing ordinance was first read by title only in accordance with Article X, Section 2(C) of the City Charter on the _____day of ______________, 2013, and duly PASSED and ADOPTED this _____ day of ________________, 2013. _______________________________ Barbara M. Christensen, City Recorder SIGNED and APPROVED this day of, 2013. ________________________ John Stromberg, Mayor Reviewed as to form: _______________________________ David H. Lohman, City Attorney Ordinance No. ____ Page 3 of 3 Draft #3 07/15/2013 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2.19 OF THE ASHLAND MUNICIPAL CODE DISSOLVING THE HOUSING COMMISSION AND CREATING THE HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION. Annotated to show deletions and additions to the code sections being modified. Deletions are bold lined through and additions are bold underlined. WHEREAS, Article 2. Section 1 of the Ashland City Charter provides: Powers of the City. The City shall have all powers which the constitutions, statutes, and common law of the United States and of this State expressly or impliedly grant or allow municipalities, as fully as though this Charter specifically enumerated each of those powers, as well as all powers not inconsistent with the foregoing; and, in addition thereto, shall possess all powers hereinafter specifically granted. All the authority thereof shall have perpetual succession. WHEREAS, The City of Ashland is committed to housing that is available, accessible and affordable to the full spectrum of the housing continuum; from those who lack adequate housing to those looking to purchase housing, to those looking to maintain housing; and WHEREAS, The City of Ashland is committed to improving the Human Services needs of our community to protect and enhance the welfare of its citizens, including its most vulnerable populations; and; WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the City of Ashland will benefit from a joint process that brings together expertise in both housing and human services to identify and recommend coordinated strategies aimed at providing needed housing, reducing poverty and addressing the human service needs of the community; and WHEREAS, The City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the City of Ashland to dissolve the Housing Commission and establish a Housing and Human Services Commission; and ; THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ASHLAND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Repeal. Ashland Municipal Code 2.19 \[Housing Commission\] is hereby repealed in its entirety. SECTION 2. New Section. Section 2.19 \[Housing and Human Services Commission\] is hereby added to the Ashland Municipal Code to read as Follows: Ordinance No. ____ Page 1 of 3 2.19 Housing and Human Services Commission 2.19.010 Purpose and Mission. The Housing and Human Services Commission is charged with addressing the continuum of housing issues, including affordable housing, transitional housing and homelessness, in addition to other poverty-driven issues facing families and individuals in the community. 2.19.020 Established Membership The Housing and Human Services Commission is established and shall consist of seven ( 7) voting members, one (1) non-voting student liaison from Southern Oregon University, and one (1) non voting ex-officio member who shall be the City Housing Program Specialist. 2.19.030 Powers and Duties. The powers and duties of the commission shall be as follows: A. To develop and recommend housing and human service programs; B.To review and make recommendations to the City Council on Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) related allocations; C.To review and make recommendations to the City Council on City of Ashland Social Service Grant related allocations; D.To review and make recommendations to the City Council on the Housing Trust Fund and related allocations; E.To monitor projects funded with the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), City of Ashland Social Service Grants, and the Housing Trust Fund; F.To investigate federal, state, county and private funding for implementation of housing and human services programs; G.To foster public knowledge and support of official city housing and human service programs; H.To enhance cooperation between the public and private sectors by promoting integrated approaches that provide decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expanded economic opportunities for low- and moderate-income persons. I.To monitor and assess the housing andhuman services needs of the community, and utilize this information to act in an advisory capacity to provide guidance to the City Council regarding policy and funding strategies relating to housing and human services. J.To evaluate, review, and recommend to the Planning Commission and City Council innovative land use strategies targeted at promoting a broad variety of housing types SECTION 3. Severability. The sections, subsections, paragraphs and clauses of this ordinance are severable. The invalidity of one section, subsection, paragraph, or clause shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, subsections, paragraphs and clauses. SECTION 4. Codification. Provisions of this Ordinance shall be incorporated in the City Code and the word “ordinance” may be changed to “code”, “article”, “section”, “chapter” or another Ordinance No. ____ Page 2 of 3 word, and the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered, or re-lettered, provided however that any Whereas clauses and boilerplate provisions (i.e. Sections 2-3) need not be codified and the City Recorder is authorized to correct any cross-references and any typographical errors. The foregoing ordinance was first read by title only in accordance with Article X, Section 2(C) of the City Charter on the _____day of ______________, 2013, and duly PASSED and ADOPTED this _____ day of ________________, 2013. _______________________________ Barbara M. Christensen, City Recorder SIGNED and APPROVED this day of, 2013. ________________________ John Stromberg, Mayor Reviewed as to form: _______________________________ David H. Lohman, City Attorney Ordinance No. ____ Page 3 of 3 Joint Housing Commission and Homelessness Steering Committee Memo Title:Housing and Human Services Commission Timeline Update Date: July 24, 2013 Submitted By: Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist Proposed Timeline for Housing and Human Services Commission Ordinance review and adoption 7/10/2013-Legal Review (current) 7/24/2013-Review and Recommendations at Joint Housing and Homelessness Steering Committee meeting 7/24/2013-Housing Commission and Homelessness Steering Committee independently make recommendations and vote on the draft ordinance. st 8/20/2013-1 reading before the City Council 8/21/2013-Ordinance Revisions 8/22/2013-Legal Review nd 9/03/2013-2 Reading before the City Council 10/03/2013-Ordinance Codified by City Recorder (Enacted)