HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-05-21 Public Arts PACKET PUBLIC ARTCOMMISSION REGULAR MEETING May21, 2021 AGENDA I.CALL TO ORDER 8:30 a.m.via zoom II.ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA III.APPROVAL OF MINUTES Public Arts Commission regular meeting of April16, 2021 IV.PUBLIC FORUM V.ELECTION OF OFFICERS At its first meeting following the appointment or reappointment of members each year, the advisory commission or board shall elect a chair and a vice-chair who shall hold office at the pleasure of the VI.LIAISON REPORTSAND WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Council Liaison Stephen Jensen Community Development Liaison Aaron Anderson APRC Liaison Jim Lewis VII.OTHER BUSINESS VIII.PAC WORKPLAN a.Hub Artwork status update IX.PROJECT UPDATES a.Masterworks Plaques Status Update b.The Power of Public Art Presentation i.Need to establish date, time, and review logistics X.DISCUSS FUTURE GOALSAND ACTION ITEMS a.Review the Powers and Duties of the PAC XI.ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting:June18, 2021 XII.ATTACHMENTS Minutes from April16, 2021 meeting Goals and Action Items In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, pleasecontact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enablethe City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES - Draft April 16, 2021 I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Andy Stallman called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m. via Zoom. Commissioners Present: Staff Present: Andy Stallman Aaron Anderson, Associate Planner Laura Bloom Michael Black, Director of Parks and Recreation Sandra Friend Sean Sullivan, Executive Assistant, Parks and Recreation Jennifer Longshore Stanley Smith APRC Liaison: Destiny Young Jim Lewis Absent Members: Council Liaison: Stephen Jensen Members of the Public: Tim Bewley Tia Laida Fé Jennifer Corio Carol Fellows Gina DuQuenne Jessica Freedman Precious Edmonds Cassie Preskenis Kendal Engelund John Richards II. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA None III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Public Arts Commission regular meeting of March 19, 2021 Chair Stallman noted four corrections to the minutes. Commissioner Friend/Smith m/s to approve the minutes as corrected. Vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. IV. PUBLIC FORUM - None V. OTHER BUSINESS Jessica Freedman, Precious Edmonds, Tia Laida Fé provided a presentation requesting support for a permanent memorial celebrating black lives: Say Their Names Healing Art in Ashland Our Past Say Their Names Memorial Community Impact Testimonials Photo August 22, 2020 when the art installation was vandalized and taken down Photo August 23, 2020 when the community rebuilt the art installation Resolution 2021-01 excerpt Ashland Public Arts Commission April 16, 2021 Page 1 of 3 Aidan Ellison The Importance of Now A Chance to Heal Collaboratively Driven and Supported Artist Proposals Financial Support Next Steps Ms. Freedman explained the artist selection process. Mr. Anderson shared the artist selection process. Parks and Recreation Director Michael Black explained the fence and path was on Ashland Parks and Recreation property, but the Railroad company might have ownership rights to half the fence. Ms. Preskenis addressed whether the installation could remain on the fence. The art had been installed without permission and there was a discussion with City staff on creating a permanent piece. In January, they were told by the City that the installation needed to be taken down. The long-term maintenance of the installation on the fence was problematic and due to potential vandalism, weather, and community inattention, not viable. Mr. Black explained the installation would go through the Parks and Recreation CommissionSigns, Plaques & Memorials Subcommittee. Chair Stallman thought the process might be similar to the process used for the Japanese lantern memorial in Lithia Park. Mr. Anderson added it would go under the donations section in the code. Chair Stallman thought the Coalition should determine which proposal they wanted and get information about the artist, their references, public art experience, etc. The PAC could assist in that process and provide submission examples. Ms. Freedman addressed artist selection. The Coalition wanted the public to select the art piece by voting. Commissioner Friend and Longshore suggested the Coalition have the artists meet with the PAC to ensure each project was viable then create a citizen selection panel who would set parameters for the project and decide. Commissioner Longshore stressed the importance of due diligence on all aspects of the art piece and only putting forth a project they knew would be successful. Mr. Black agreed and added location, size, massing, electricity, pedestrian, and traffic all needed to be considered. He invited the Coalition to attend the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting and give the presentation they provided at this meeting at their meeting on May 5, 2021. Commissioner Friend asked if they had considered other locations other than Railroad Park. Ms. Freedman explained that Railroad Park was where the installation was born and had accumulated so much meaning for the community that it was their first choice. They were open to having it in another location if it had a comparable amount of traffic and visibility. VI. PAC WORKPLAN HUB Artwork Jennifer Corio and David Frei provided a presentation on . They described the design and materials. It celebrated the transformation the railroad brought to Ashland and honored the Chinese men who built it. The sculpture connected the past with the present. The proposal also included stones around the sculpture engraved with Chinese sayings. They would sit off to the side of the sculpture. However, due to the budget, they may not be included. Commissioner Friend commented on the lettering on the spike and suggested doing Ashland in caps and slightly larger than Portland and San Francisco. The Parks and Recreation Commission discussed planting four-foot high shrubbery at the site. Commissioner Lewis asked the proposal to request that the landscaping not interfere with the sculpture. Commissioner Jensen would pull the item from the consent agenda so Ms. Corio and Chair Stallman could speak to the sculpture. Commission. They were thanked for their service and their efforts were recognized. Ashland Public Arts Commission April 16, 2021 Page 2 of 3 VII. PROJECT UPDATES Masterworks Plaques VIII. LIAISON REPORTS Council Liaison Councilor Jensen Community Development Liaison Aaron Anderson APRC Liaison Jim Lewis IX. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned 10:30 a.m. Next Meeting: May 21, 2021 Ashland Public Arts Commission April 16, 2021 Page 3 of 3 WHAT ARE OUR GOALS AND ACTION ITEMS FOR THE YEAR? (OPEN DISCUSSION) Strategic Goal Review: (review and perhaps set goals or start a whole new Strategic Plan) Below are Goals from past plan... a. GOAL 1 = develop relationship with Oregon Historical Society 1. Send PR and information about recent HUB work and installation b. GOAL 2 = Create a Plaque Template i. Discussion and plan how can plaques be made more appropriate for project and site? (need to relate to materials and aesthetics of pieces ii. Design and material could work with Eric Warren or Jennifer Andrews (Masterworks) c. GOAL 3 = Presentations d. e. GOAL 5 = Investigate public and private partnerships f. GOAL 6 = Identify Sites and Strategies Review PAC Powers and Duties The Public Arts Commission shall be specifically responsible for, but not limited to, the following: 1. The commission shall ensure the arts continue to be of value as an integral part of Ashland. 2. The commission shall promote the arts in Ashland to enrich the lives of its citizens through education and demonstration. 3. The commission may assist the city council, the Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission, historic commission and the planning commission in using public art to enhance existing development in public parks and other public lands and in public structures. 4. The commission shall advise the planning commission, the Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission, other city commissions and committees and city departments regarding artistic components of all municipal government projects under consideration by the city. The commission may also serve as a resource for artistic components of land use developments. 5. The commission shall develop and recommend to the city council policies and programs that would enhance and encourage the planning, placement and maintenance of public displays of art in locations open to the public within the community. 6. The commission shall encourage connections with other local, regional and national organizations working for the benefit of art and preservation of artistic values, and other similar activities. 7. The commission shall recognize and encourage groups and organizations that enrich Ashland life by bringing cultural and artistic values and artifacts to the city. 8. The commission shall pursue gifts and grants for support of arts programs and activities and the procurement of public art.