HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-06-18 Public Arts PACKET PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING June 18, 2021 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER 8:30 a.m. via zoom II. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Public Arts Commission regular meeting of May 21, 2021 IV. PUBLIC FORUM V. LIAISON REPORTS Council Liaison Stephen Jensen Community Development Liaison Aaron Anderson APRC Liaison Jim Lewis Recruitment Update VI. NEW BUSINESS Truth to Power Mural presentation VII. OTHER BUSINESS Say Their Names Coalition - update VIII.PAC WORKPLAN a. Hub Artwork status update IX. PROJECT UPDATES a. Masterworks Plaques Status Update X. GOALS AND ACTION ITEMS a. The Power of Public Art Presentation Complete! (Reflection and plans moving forward) b. Descriptions of 9 Public Art Works These descriptions are to add to the Story Map (see attachment by Peter Finkle) c. Public Art List (creation of a new platform) Status Update d. Brainstorm: Promoting Art in Ashland and Connecting with Community i. What Are Ways to Bring Public Art into a Community Dialogue? ii. How do we: Get People Excited About Art, Connect with Communities, and Promote and Educate? XI. ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting: July 16, 2021 XII. ATTACHMENTS Minutes from May 21, 2021 meeting Truth To Power presentation Peter Finkle art descriptions In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES - Draft May 21, 2021 I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Jennifer Longshore called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. via Zoom. Commissioners Present: Staff Present: Laura Bloom Aaron Anderson, Associate Planner Jennifer Longshore Cassie Preskenis APRC Liaison: Stanley Smith Jim Lewis, absent Destiny Young Council Liaison: Absent Members: Stephen Jensen Members of the Public: Peter Finkle Joel Frank Ken Engelund II. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA Chair Longshore added Other Public Art identified by Peter Finkle to the agenda under DISCUSS FUTURE GOALS AND ACTION ITEMS. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Public Arts Commission regular meeting of April 16, 2021 rd Chair Longshore made a correction to page 2, the third paragraph, 3 sentence, to now read, and Longshore suggested the Coalition have the artists meet with the PAC to ensure each project was viable then create a citizen selection pa to, thought the Coalition could meet informally with commission members to discuss and review the code, AMC 2.29.130 Guidelines for recommendation by the Commission and 2.29.140 Standards for the Ashland Public Art Commissioner Bloom/Preskenis m/s to approve the minutes as corrected. Vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. IV. PUBLIC FORUM Joel Frank/Explained he was interested in joining the Commission. He introduced himself and shared his experience with public art. Ken Engelund/Also was interested in joining the Commission. He introduced himself and shared his experience with public art. V. ELECTION OF OFFICERS At its first meeting following the appointment or reappointment of members each year, the advisory commission or board shall elect a chair and a vice-chair who shall hold office at the pleasure Ashland Public Arts Commission May 21, 2021 Page 1 of 3 Commissioner Smith/Bloom m/s to nominate Commissioner Longshore as Chair. Vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. Commissioner Smith/Longshore m/s to nominate Commissioner Smith as Vice Chair. Vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. VI. LIAISON REPORTS AND WELCOME NEW MEMBERS The new commissioners were introduced. Each summarized their background and experience. Council Liaison Stephen Jensen Councilor Jensen provided a brief update about council items including codifying the advisory commission appointment process. Community Development Liaison Aaron Anderson VII. OTHER BUSINESS - None VIII. PAC WORKPLAN Hub Artwork status update. Mr. Anderson explained the contract was in process and expected to be completed in a few weeks. Chair Longshore added that Jennifer Corio had engaged the services of an engineer. She clarified where the sculpture would go in Railroad Park. She went on to provide additional detail on the development of the Chinese script and wording. IX. PROJECT UPDATES Masterworks Plaques Status Update. Mr. Anderson explained Masterworks received payment and the project was now progressing to the next phase. He did not expect a significant update for several months. Installation would be complete by spring of 2022. The Power of Public Art Presentation i. Need to establish date, time, and review logistics Chair Longshore proposed having a special meeting on the Power of Public Art presentation. The Commission agreed to have the meeting June 17, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. Commissioner Preskenis/Young m/s to have a presentation of the Power of Public Art at 4:00 p.m. on June 17, 2021. Vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. X. DISCUSS FUTURE GOALS AND ACTION ITEMS Other Public Art identified by Peter Finkle Chair Longshore listed art pieces not on the GIS story map. The Commission had a general discussion and noted the lack of a comprehensive inventory of all City art. Commissioner Longshore/Smith m/s to include the two art pieces and the three Ashland signs into the City GIS story map. Vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. Commissioner Smith and Bloom volunteered to create an inventory of public art. Review the Powers and Duties of the PAC Chair Longshore provided an overview of the primary goals as listed in the current strategic plan and the overall duties of the Public Arts commission. Chair Longshore and Vice Chair Smith provided a summary and background on the MAP project. The Commission discussed the funding implications of other public arts projects if the MAP project continued to the other three historic Ashland Public Arts Commission May 21, 2021 Page 2 of 3 districts. They also discussed how long it may take to complete the project. The Commission was looking forward to working with the Coalition when they brought their final project forward. Chair Longshore noted the celebrations around the final installation of the HUB sculpture would be a great opportunity for public engagement. The Commission had a brief discussion about orientation and onboarding for new commissioners. XI. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned 9:41 a.m. Next Meeting: June 18, 2021 Ashland Public Arts Commission May 21, 2021 Page 3 of 3 Verbal Presentation: In addition to transforming a long, empty wall intoa beautiful display of color, images, and words for AHS and the larger Ashland community, thismural’s main contribution will come from its content and meaning. This mural will honorand celebrate the life of Aidan Ellison; highlight the many contributions of Black, Indigenous,and People of Color (BIPOC) in our Valley; remind Ashland of its antiracist responsibilities;and create a more inviting, inclusive space for BIPOC. We aim not only to remind our communityof the senseless death of Aidan Ellison and encourage ourselves to do better, butalso to honor the work of influential BIPOC community members and educate Ashland about theirlegacies. Contributors to the mural have included white andBIPOC people, teenagers and adults, and when possible, the subjects of the mural themselves.Weare implementing this mural through a committee of both teens and adults, white and BIPOCfolk, to design, paint, and communicate the intent of the mural. We hope to help the Ashlandcommunity shift from passive, superficial understandings of racism to actively antiracist valuesystems and behaviors. We want to educate the community, stimulate conversation, catalyze energeticcompassion, and showcase the importance of our subjects’ work. The mural itself will be multi-faceted. 1)The BIPOC Celebration Mural will apply many differenttextures, arts, and styles. The mural will hold many different textures, arts, andstyles. It will not only portray a vibrant visual, with colorful frames surrounding the portraitsof the individuals pictured, and a brightly colored background, but also a collage ofwords in the form of quotes written in the mural and plaques (describing the individualsportrayed in the mural) to educate individuals passing by and to further the impact ofthe art. The mural design is composed of seven portraits ofBIPOC individuals whose legacies hold importance to the local community. These portraitsinclude (from left to right): Winona LaDuke - Indigenous environmentalist, economist,activist and author from the Ojibwe Nation of Minnesota. FirstGreen Party candidate to receive an electoral vote Wilida Imarisha - African Americanwriter, activist,educator and spoken word artist Tehlor Kay Mejia - First Gen. Mexican-American andLGBTQ author who grew up in Ashland Agnes Baker Pilgrim (Grandma Aggie) - Indigenous spiritualleader from the Takelma and Siletz Tribes in Grants Pass Michelle Alexander -African American author of The New Jim Crow and AHS alum Gina DuQuenne - Ashland City Council member, Co-founderof SO Equity Lawson Fusao Inada - Japanese American poet, 5th poetlaureate of the state of Oregon Aidan Ellison - Former AHS student whose life andmemory this mural seeks to honor. Aidan’s portrait has an oval shape surrounding itand the rest have frames around them. These shapes help create distinction between eachsubject and their individual accomplishments. Draping around the surrounding walland weaving between the portraits are large colored swirls and swoops. Thesebright lines give the mural a colorful and bright tone that symbolizes the celebration ofthe subject’s lives as well as act as a way to tie the whole design together. 2)The objective of this mural also extends the influenceon the high school's community, not only by creating a safe space for BIPOC in accompanimentwith the workshops and lessons we've done this year, but also within thesocial dynamics of the majority white student and staff population. We see it as imperativeto initiate discussions of antiracism within our student body, and this mural encouragespeople to continue those conversations. Hopefully, it will also signal to prospectivenew hires who identify as BIPOC that the Ashland School District is seriousabout our EDI mission. 3)Its location would not only be visible to the Ashlandhigh school community, but to the Ashland community at large. Everyone sees this wallfor one reason or another because it is next to Ashland High School’s trophy wall, bandroom, gym, as well as facing mountain avenue. The geographical location of thewall allows a wide variety of people to view the mural. This location demonstrates thatour generation can make a more beautiful world, and that we must begin our work inconfronting bias, learning about race, and creating a more equitable environment. Atthe same time, the location reminds the broader community that it is not our responsibilityalone; the conversations and change the mural seeks to inspire are a collectiveeffort. This mural will help bring these conversations tothe surface and make clear that both Ashland and Ashland High School are places to honor the necessityfor inclusivity for students of every marginalized group, and emphasize that we are strongertogether.The communal effort to make this mural will produce an outcome that reflects thevalues that AHS is working to embody - while pushing the school to continue its efforts withrenewed vigor and reflection. 05",)# !243 #/--)33)/. ²³®±¸ ¬ ¯ --- $2!&4 ±¤µ¨²¤£ descripti®­² ¥®± ­¨­¤  ±³¶®±ª² ¡¸ 0¤³¤± &¨­ª«¤Ǿ - ¸ ΑΔǾ ΑΏΑΐ 7¤ !±¤ (¤±¤ ȨΑΏΐΒȩ ¡¸ * ¢ª , ­¦¥®±£ȁ )­®±¦ ­¨¢ #®¬¯®´­£ ȨΑΏΏΘȩ ¡¸ +¤µ¨­ #§±¨²³¬ ­ȁ 2¨® !¬¨²³ £ ȨΑΏΏΔȩ ¡¸ 3´¤ 3¯±¨­¦¤± ¶¨³§ + ±¤­ Rycheck ȁ .®´±¨²§¨­¦ /´± #®¬¬´­¨³¸ ȨΑΏΏΕȩ ¡¸ ,®­­¨¤ &¤ ³§¤± 3³±¤¤³ 3¢¤­¤ ȨΐΘΘΒȩ ¡¸ - ±¨®­ 9®´­¦ȁ !²§« ­£ 3³±¤¤³²¢ ¯¤  ­£ (¨««² ȨΑΏΐΑȩ ¡¸ .¨¢®«¤ Ȩ.¨¢ªȩ 3§´«³¤±² , ² # ««¤² £¤ '´ ­ ©´ ³® ȨΑΏΐΕȩ ¡¸ ,®±¤³  Ȩ, ´±  2 ­¦¤« 6¨«« ²¤­®±ȩ 7 ³¤± ¨² ,¨¥¤ ȨΑΏΐΖȩ ¡¸ + ±¤­ 2¸¢§¤¢ªȁ %«¤µ ³¨®­ ȨΑΏΐΗȩ ¡¸ #§¤±¸« ' ±¢¨ ȁ 7¤ 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