HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-09-18 Public Arts PACKET PUBLIC ART COMMISSION - REGULAR MEETING September18, 2020 AGENDA I.CALL TO ORDER 8:30 a.m.via zoom II.APPROVAL OF MINUTES Public ArtsCommission regular meeting of February 21, 2020 III.PUBLIC FORUM Request from Peter Finkle IV.LIAISON REPORTS Council Liaison Parks & Recreation Liaison Community Development Liaison V.PROJECT UPDATES Power of Art o Power point presentationFuhrmark/Jensen o Voice-Over RFQ-Fuhrmark MAP Phase 1updateStallman o Medallion designs MAP Phase 2 o RFQ for Hub artwork: calendar dates/sign off by PAC Friend o Plan for release of RFQ Fuhrmark/Phillips VI.PAC WORKPLAN VII.OTHER BUSINESS Update on Ashland sign re-location VIII.ELECTION OF OFFICERS At its first meeting following the appointment or reappointment of members each year, the advisory commission or board shall elect a chair and a vice-chair who IX.ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting:October16, 2020 ATTACHMENTS; Feb. 21,2020Commission Minutes Voice-Over Artist RFQ Hub artwork RFQ DraftSteps and Calendar for Hub artwork RFQ process In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING February 21, 2020 MINUTES - Draft I. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Sandra Friend called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Siskiyou Room, 51 Winburn Way. Commissioners Present: Staff Present: Sandra Friend Aaron Anderson, Assistant Planner Thomas Fuhrmark Richard Newman APRC Liaison: Jeff Phillips Joel Heller (absent) Allison Renwick Stanley Smith Council Liaison: Andy Stallman Stephen Jensen Absent Members: Additions to the Agenda under Other Business o Review the release of the RFQ for the Hub sculpture Stallman o Friend o Mail Chimp Friend II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Public Arts Commission regular meeting of November 15, 2019 Commissioner Renwick made a correction to the motion under Liaison Reports changing to Commissioner Stallman/Newman m/s to approve the minutes as corrected. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed. Public Arts Commission regular meeting of December 20, 2019 Commissioner Stallman/Newman m/s to approve the minutes as presented. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed. III. PUBLIC FORUM Jane Kenworthy/Explained she was the business manager of Anima Mundi Productions. She described a three concert series with the final event occurring April 2, 2020. They were asking the Commission to endorse a request to hang a banner over Main Street. Commissioner Renwick/Smith m/s to endorse the concert series and recommend that a banner advertising the series be placed on Main Street. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed. IV. LIAISON REPORTS Council Liaison - Councilor Jensen Councilor Jensen explained the Commission would now receive 5% of Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) funds. Chair Friend spoke to the 2% increase. Staff Liaison - Staff Liaison Anderson Ashland Public Arts Commission February 21, 2020 Page 1 of 2 Mr. Anderson explained the RFQ was still in the Legal Department for review. V. NEW PROJECTS PROPOSAL - None VI. PROJECT UPDATES MAP project, Phase 1 - Stallman o The initial meeting occurred January 21, 2019 regarding design. o o Installation was targeted for Fall 2020. VII. PAC WORKPLAN Review and adopt 2020 Workplan Friend The Commission reviewed and updated the document. They discussed the legal review of the RFQ for the Hub sculpture. The of Public Artwould be ready for review in March. Commissioner Phillips/Smith m/s to approve the 2020 Work Plan as amended. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed. Calendar items for 2020 Workplan The PAC assigned quarterly goals and completion dates to the document. Chair Friend would contact Assistant City Administrator Adam Hanks on attending the April commission meeting. VIII. OTHER BUSINESS Review the release of the RFQ for the Hub sculpture Stallman Friend Mail Chimp Friend The three items listed above under OTHER BUSINESS were moved to the next meeting in March. IX. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:31 a.m. Calendar next meeting March 20, 2020 Ashland Public Arts Commission February 21, 2020 Page 2 of 2 Memo TO: Commission Staff Liaisons FROM: Adam Hanks, Interim City Administrator DATE: June 29, 2020 RE: Electronic Meeting Protocols During Pendency of the COVID-19 Pandemic As we begin holding Commission meetings online, below are instructions to be shared with Commissioners to help keep meetings on track without interruptions. Using Zoom: When the agenda is released, a Zoom link for the meeting will be emailed to Commission members. Before the meeting time starts, you will login with the link or meeting ID and password. Once logged in you will wait in the waiting room until accepted in by the host. Please make sure you are logged in before the meeting to help prevent any late starts, as quorum requirements still apply. A staff person will be designated as the host and the Chair will be the moderator. Participation: The moderator will run the meeting and call on individuals to speak. help the moderator keep track of those interested in speaking. The host will also unmute participants when it is their turn to speak. When a participant is finished speaking, the participant will be placed back on mute to avoid any interruptions and background noise. Interruptions cause video and audio delays that can negatively affect participants and viewers. Video participation is encouraged to help with the flow of the meeting. If a Commissioner is unable to use video because of technology reasons, an exception can be made by the Chair, who with consent of the majority of voting commission members presentmay amend the following rules on speaking and voting for the duration of the then-current meeting. A member who would like to speak should physically raise their hand so it can be seen on video by the other participants. If there is a presentation, members should hold their questions and comments until the end to avoid interruptions of the presentation. All conversation must happen through the video and audio format. Members may not use the chat function for communication in order to maintain compliance with Public Meetings Law. However, the host may use the chat function to share a document link that is already a part of the public record. Roll call voting or physical hand raising will be used to count those in favor of and those opposed to a proposed action. The Chair will need to call for anyone abstaining for voting first followed by those in favor and those opposed. Those who choose to abstain from voting will be called upon to state their reasons. General Meeting Reminders: Meeting agendas will be sent out by staff a week before a scheduled meeting. Any public forum testimony is to be submitted in writing by members of the public by 10 AM the day before the scheduled meeting. This will be listed on the agenda and sent to members via email the day before the meeting. CITY OF ASHLAND 20 East Main Street Tel: 541-488-6002 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541-488-5311 www.ashland.or.us TTY: 800-735-2900 Because of the new public forum format, adhering to the noticed meeting agenda is important to ensure all participants (Commissioners, staff, and the general public) are up-to-date on what will occur at the meeting. There is often a learning curve when conducting and participating in online meetings, but starting and ending the meetings on time is still expected. Even if you are familiar with online meetings, please give yourself and others time to account for adjustment in the meeting format and delays in technology that might occur. Please follow these instructions to ensure that the electronic meetings run as smoothly as possible. CITY OF ASHLAND 20 East Main Street Tel: 541-488-6002 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541-488-5311 www.ashland.or.us TTY: 800-735-2900 DRAFT Call for Voice-Over Actor CITY OF ASHLAND REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR A PUBLIC ART PROJECT The City of Ashland (hereinafter the City) is seeking qualifications from Voice-Over actors to record a narrative to a power-point presentation entitled the Power of Public Art (hereinafter the Project). SECTION 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW The City of Ashland, by and through its Public Arts Commission, seeks to commission a Voice-Over actor to record a descriptive narrative to be synched with a 75-slide power-point enabling a stand-alone presentation. SECTION 2. ELIGIBILITY Thiscompetition is open to all individuals with voice-over recording experience in Southern Oregon. SECTION 3: ARTIST SELECTION PROCESS The Commission will review all applications, selecting finalists who will be invited to record a work sample of the Project narrative. Finalists will receive a 15-slide power point and the written narrative that describes each slide. Finalists will prepare a voice-over recording \[audio file\] of the narrative. The audio file will need to be synched to the animated slides in a file format that is supported by PowerPoint (.wav, .mp3., .wma, .midi, .aiff) The Commission will award to the winning applicant based on narrative style, pacing, clarity and natural articulation as evidenced in the work sample. SECTION 4. HOW TO APPLY Individuals interested in this project must prepare and submit the following: Letter of interest. A letter outlining your interest in the Project. The letter must include address, cell phone, and email. Resume. A current resume describing experience that would qualify for work as a Voice-Over actor. Fee: Project fee to record narration to the 75-slide project power point in the file format described above. All applications must be submitted electronically in digital format as a single PDF attachment to an email. The deadline for online submittal is xxx . Incomplete, late, hand-delivered or mailed submission will not be accepted. Email submission to: aaron.anderson@ashland.or.us For aaron.anderson@ashland.or.us. Voice-over Artist selection is anticipated to result in the award of a contract for professional services. The City of Ashland Public Arts Commission reserves the right to revise this RFQ by addendum and is bound only by what is expressly stated in the RFQ and any authorized written addenda thereto. Addenda will be te. Beyond formal notification, the City will not enter into any correspondence regarding their decision. The City of Ashland reserves the right to cancel this procurement or reject any and all submissions in accordance with ORS279B.100. Bill Molnar, Community Development Director DATE Ğ OT DWG NO: DRAWN BY: GENERAL NOTES: TEL (718) 283-4109 CAST BRONZE MEDALLION 591 WARBURTON AVENUE #482 INFO@MASTERWORKPLAQUES.COM PROJECT SPECS24FOR IN-GROUND INSTALLATION HASTINGS ON HUDSON, NY 10706-1530 NO:REVISION/ISSUECUSTOMER:CITY OF ASHLAND, OR JOB NAME:MAP MEDALLIONS DWG NAME:MAP CONCEPT DRAWINGS DATE:08/13/2020 JOB NO: ALL ELEMENTS OF MEDALLION RENDERED IN LAYERED, FLAT RELIEF = 1 SCALE: 0.75 DATE ğ OT DWG NO: DRAWN BY: GENERAL NOTES: TEL (718) 283-4109 CAST BRONZE MEDALLION 591 WARBURTON AVENUE #482 INFO@MASTERWORKPLAQUES.COM PROJECT SPECS24FOR IN-GROUND INSTALLATION HASTINGS ON HUDSON, NY 10706-1530 NO:REVISION/ISSUECUSTOMER:CITY OF ASHLAND, OR JOB NAME:MAP MEDALLIONS DWG NAME:MAP CONCEPT DRAWINGS DATE:08/13/2020 JOB NO: LAYERED FLAT RELIEFPHOTO-RENDERED RELIEF HAND-CARVED BAS RELIEF = 1 SCALE: 0.75 DATE Ġ OT DWG NO: DRAWN BY: GENERAL NOTES: TEL (718) 283-4109 CAST BRONZE MEDALLION 591 WARBURTON AVENUE #482 INFO@MASTERWORKPLAQUES.COM PROJECT SPECS24FOR IN-GROUND INSTALLATION HASTINGS ON HUDSON, NY 10706-1530 NO:REVISION/ISSUECUSTOMER:CITY OF ASHLAND, OR JOB NAME:MAP MEDALLIONS DWG NAME:MAP CONCEPT DRAWINGS DATE:08/13/2020 JOB NO: COMBINATION OFPHOTO-RENDERED RELIEFAND FLAT RELIEF = 1 SCALE: 0.75 DATE Ģ OT DWG NO: DRAWN BY: GENERAL NOTES: TEL (718) 283-4109 CAST BRONZE MEDALLION 591 WARBURTON AVENUE #482 INFO@MASTERWORKPLAQUES.COM PROJECT SPECS24FOR IN-GROUND INSTALLATION HASTINGS ON HUDSON, NY 10706-1530 NO:REVISION/ISSUECUSTOMER:CITY OF ASHLAND, OR JOB NAME:MAP MEDALLIONS DWG NAME:MAP CONCEPT DRAWINGS DATE:08/13/2020 JOB NO: PHOTO-RENDERED RELIEF FLAT RELIEF Wa Chung family Mfuu~ Sj| ^jfw boe!b!Dijoftf!mbvoesz/! pxofe!sfoubm!qspqfsuz-!b!sftubvsbou-! e i mbcps!dpousbdups!gps!53!zfbst-!Ns/!Xpoh! n n e J ijt!qsjnbsz!kpc!bt!Tpvuifso!Qbdjgjd!sbjmspbe(t!mpdbm! , y xbt!uif!dfoufs!pg!Btimboe(t!tnbmm!Dijobupxo/!Jo!beejujpo!up! m hspdfsz!tupsf!ifsf!bu!uif!dpsofs!pg!B!Tusffu!boe!3oe!Tusffu-!xijdi! m a Btimboe!dpnnvojuz/!Ns/!Xpoh(t!gbnjmz!ibe!uifjs!ipnf!boe!Dijoftf! 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PHOTO-RENDERED RELIEF = 1 SCALE: 0.75 DATE ģ OT DWG NO: DRAWN BY: GENERAL NOTES: TEL (718) 283-4109 CAST BRONZE MEDALLION 591 WARBURTON AVENUE #482 INFO@MASTERWORKPLAQUES.COM PROJECT SPECS24FOR IN-GROUND INSTALLATION HASTINGS ON HUDSON, NY 10706-1530 NO:REVISION/ISSUECUSTOMER:CITY OF ASHLAND, OR JOB NAME:MAP MEDALLIONS DWG NAME:MAP CONCEPT DRAWINGS DATE:08/13/2020 JOB NO: LAYERED FLAT RELIEF PHOTO-RENDERED RELIEF PHOTO-RENDERED RELIEF = 1 SCALE: 0.75 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR A SITE-SPECIFIC PUBLIC ART INSTALLATION PROJECT NO: 2020-01 PROJECT TYPE: Site-Specific Public Art Installation November 9. 2020, not later than 5:00 SUBMISSIONS DUE: PM PST by email to: SUBMIT SUBMISSIONS: aaron.anderson@ashland.or.us CITY PROJECT MANAGER: Aaron Anderson COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 20 EAST MAIN STREET ASHLAND, OREGON 97520 ADVERTISEMENT CALL FOR ARTISTS CITY OF ASHLAND REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR A SITE-SPECIFIC PUBLIC ART INSTALLATION The City of Ashland (hereinafter the City) is seeking qualifications from professional artists or artist-led teams to design, fabricate/have fabricated and install contemporary free-standing, site- specific artwork (hereinafter the Project) within Railroad District. The selection process includes two phases: Phase 1, Submission of Qualifications and Artist Selection; Phase 2, Commissioning of Artwork. SECTION 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW: The City of Ashland, by and through its Public Arts Commission, seeks to commission an artist/artist-led team to design, fabricate, deliver and install contemporary, free-standing, site- specific artwork to serve as a focal point anchoring numerous historic sites located within the Historic Railroad District. This artwork will represent the second phase of multi-phase project entitled Marking Ashland Placesor the MAP projectwhich is intended to provide a connection to the history of Ashland on . A full description of the multi-phase MAP Project is attached as Addendum A. SECTION 2. ARTIST ELIGIBILITY: All professional artists/artist-led teams with reviewable portfolios and that meet the following criteria are eligible to present qualifications for this Project: 2.1 Artists/artist-led teams must have experience working within the public process in public settings as well as the proven ability to fabricate their own work or to work with fabricators and installers; 2.2 The artwork for this Project must be original, demonstrate artistic excellence, and be designed with consideration to public safety and security; and 2.3 Artists/artist-led teams will be required to provide evidence of appropriate general liability insurance covering bodily injury, death, and property damage, and evidence of workers compensation insurance. SECTION 3. PROJECT INTENT; The artist or artist-led team chosen as a result of this qualification process, will work with City staff to design, fabricate, deliver, and install permanent site-specific artwork for an outdoor installation. Such artwork shall be provided within the established budget and project timeline. This site-specific artwork should: 3.1 be designed to be sited within a flat (or possibly lightly mounded), un-landscaped oval area which is approximately ; 3.2 not , and should -; 3.3 be visually stimulating, perhaps whimsical and colorful, and responsive to the site in terms of scale, material, and form; 3.4 reflect the historic significance of the Ashland Railroad District; and 3.5 be vandal resistant, safely displayed and secured, and require minimal conservation and maintenance. SECTION 4. SELECTION PROCESS: 4.1 Phase I: Selection of Artist/Artist-led Team 4.1.1 The Public Arts Commission will review only timely and complete submissions utilizing the criteria set forth below, selecting three (3) artists/artist-led teams (hereinafter Finalists). Artist Selection Criteria Professional qualifications Proven artistic merit and excellence of prior relevant work Placemaking experience with original artistic vision Experience fabricating/contracting with fabricator and installing permanent artwork suitable for the outdoor environment Experience working in a collaborative process in a public setting Proven project management experience working within a contract and communicating in a timely, consistent manner. References provided as part of this application will be contacted. 4.1.2 Each Finalist will be awarded a contract for $1,500 (fifteen hundred dollars) to develop a conceptual design for the Project which shall include digital drawings in sufficient detail to communicate the artist concept, preliminary specifications for the artwork related to colors, materials, size, maintenance requirements, and a narrative describing the intent of the conceptual design. 4.1.3 Following selection, an informational conference call with each selected Finalist, Public Arts Commission will be scheduled. 4.2 Selection of Artist for Design Commission An independent Selection Panel will review the conceptual design submissions of all three Finalists based on the criteria set forth in the Project Intent and recommend one (1) artist/artist-led team Selected Artist for a commission to complete the Project. The recommendation of the Selection Panel will be approved by the Ashland City Council. 4.3 Phase II: Commission of Artwork The Selected Artist will be awarded $25,000 (twenty-five thousand dollars) which shall cover all costs for all remaining elements of the Project: detailed design and installation documents including final specifications for colors and materials, artwork fabrication, insurance, delivery, installation and an allowance for one revision. SECTION 5. INTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSIONS: Artists interested in this Project must prepare and submit the following: Letter of interest. A letter outlining your interest and qualifications for this Project. The letter must include business address, business phone, and email address. (1-page maximum) Artist Statement. A written description of your body of work. (1-page maximum) Professional Resume. A current resume with emphasis on public art projects completed during the past 5-10 years. If submitting as a team, include project resumes of team members, highlighting projects in which you collaborated as a team. Professional References. A list of three (3) references of individuals with whom you have worked on public art projects with contact information (name, title, organization, email address and phone), the name and location of the project and a brief description of volvement with the project. Images. A maximum of ten (10) digital images in JPEG format of original relevant completed artwork. Include an annotated image list with a description of each image (media, size, title, location, date of completion and budget). All submissions must be submitted electronically in digital format as a single PDF attachment to an email. Applicants are encouraged to apply early to reduce risk of technical difficulties The deadline for online submittal of qualifications is 2020. Incomplete, late, hand-delivered, or mailed submissions will not be accepted. Email submission to: aaron.anderson@ashland.or.us SECTION 6. PROJECT SCHEDULE: xxx Deadline for artists/artist teams to submit qualifications xxx Selection of Finalists/notification to all applicants xxx Conceptual design submissions due from Finalists xxx Notification to Selected Artist xxx Approval of Selected Artist/design concept by City Council xxx PAC review and approval of final design documents xxx Review of artwork at 80% and 100% completion and prior to shipping xxx Installation of artwork SECTION 7. ADDENDA: A. Complete description of MAP Project B. Site photos and information about the site C. Contract/City of Ashland Personal Services Agreement Aaron Anderson at: 541-552-2052 or by email at: aaron.anderson@ashland.or.us. Artist selection is anticipated to result in the award of a contract for professional services in a form substantially similar to the one provided in this solicitation document. The City of Ashland Public Arts Commission reserves the right to revise this RFQ by addendum and is bound only by what is expressly stated in this RFQ and any authorized written addenda responsibility to check the website. Beyond formal notification, the City will not enter into any correspondence regarding their decision. The City of Ashland reserves the right to cancel this procurement or reject any and all submissions in accordance with ORS279B.100. _________________________________________ Bill Molnar, Community Development Director First date of solicitation: November 9, 2020 draft Calendar for Hub Sculpture Process date who action 11/9/20 PAC Call for Artists RFQ issued 12/7/20 4 wks. Applicants Qualification submittals due 1/4/21 4 wks. PAC Selection of Finalists/Notification to all Applicants TBD PAC Pre-contract informational conversation with Finalists 1/15/21 9 days City Preliminary Design Contract issued to Finalists to create Design Concepts 3/1/21 6 wks Finalists Design Concept submittals due 3/1- 10 days Selection Panel Review Design Concepts from Finalists/ 3/12/21 recommend Selected Artist/Design Concept 3/16/21 City Council Approval of the Selected Artist/Design Concept March City Contract awarded to Selected Artist April PAC Review and approval of final design documents/ Conference call with Selected Artist, if required TBD PAC Review of artwork at 80% and 100% project completion prior to shipping TBD Installation