HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-10-16 Public Arts PACKET PUBLIC ARTCOMMISSION-REGULAR MEETING October16, 2020 AGENDA I.CALL TO ORDER 8:30 a.m.via zoom II.APPROVAL OF MINUTES Public ArtsCommission regular meeting of September18, 2020 III.ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA IV.PUBLIC FORUM V.LIAISON REPORTS Council Liaison Parks & Recreation Liaison Community Development Liaison VI.PROJECT UPDATES Power of Art o Voice-Over -Fuhrmark / Jensen MAP Phase 1update–Stallman o Medallion designs MAP Phase 2 o Plan for release of RFQ – Friend/ Fuhrmark VII.PAC WORKPLAN A. Goal 3: expand the awarenessof public art o Collaboration with Peter Finkle B. Selection Panel Criteria C. Strategic Planning Review VIII.OTHER BUSINESS Brochure Reprinting Commissioner Vacancy IX.ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting:November20, 2020 X.ATTACHMENTS 2020-2021 Strategic Planning Goals Public Art Walking Tour Brochure Selection Panel Criteria In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enablethe City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). ASHLAND PUBLIC ARTSCOMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES -Draft September18, 2020 I.CALL TO ORDER Chair Sandra Friend called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.via Zoom. Commissioners Present:Staff Present: Sandra FriendAaron Anderson, Assistant Planner Thomas Fuhrmark Jennifer LongshoreAPRC Liaison: Jeff PhillipsJoel Heller (absent) Stanley Smith Andy Stallman Council Liaison: Stephen Jensen Absent Members: Chair Friend explained Commissioner Allison Renwick had resigned and was no longer on the Commission. Chair Friend’s term had been extended to April 30, 2021as a commissioner only. II.APPROVAL OF MINUTES Public ArtsCommission regular meeting of February 21, 2020 Commissioner Fuhrmark/Smith m/sto accept the minutes as written.Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed. III.PUBLIC FORUM Peter Finkle/Ashland/Explained his plan to write individual articles on every piece of public art in Ashland. It fit the Commission’s goalof promoting public art. He suggested a brainstorming session. He discussed ideas for his articles that could tie into the Commission’sstrategy. The Commission agreed to have Mr. Finkle attend a future Commission meetingfor a brainstorming session. IV.LIAISON REPORTS Council Liaison Councilor Jenson provided an update on discussions regardingthe Black Lives Matter art installation at the Railroad Parkand the Public Arts Commission’s possible involvement. Parks & Recreation Liaison-None Community Development Liaison Staff Liaison Aaron Anderson clarified the electronic meeting document included in the packet. He welcomed Jennifer Longshore to the Commission.There were vacancies on the Public Arts Commission and Tree Commission. V.PROJECT UPDATES Power of Art Councilor Jenson provided apresentationcalled “The Power of Public Art.” Ashland Public Arts Commission September 18, 2020 Page 1of 2 o Voice-Over RFQ–Fuhrmark The Commission discussed hourly rates for the voice-over. Councilor Jenson was in contact with a local actor who may do the voice-over for the presentation. MAP Phase 1 update–Stallman o Medallion designs Commissioner Stallman discussed the design processand revisions. The Subcommittee had not met yet but were reviewing the revisions. The Commission liked thedesigns. MAP Phase 2 o RFQ for Hub artwork: calendar dates/sign off by PAC –Friend Chair Friendreported that the RFQ was approved for release.It was scheduled to go out November 9, 2020 with a four-week response time. The Commission discussed the four-week turnaround. o Plan for release of RFQ –Fuhrmark/Phillips Commissioner Fuhrmark explained what Eblastwas and how it worked. It would have a link to the online RFQ. Commissioner Friend discussed the artist distribution list. Mr. Anderson explained the webpage would be created once there was materialto post. The Commission discussed the timeline. Finalistswould be selected January 15, 2021. The contract would be issued January 22, 2021.The Commission decided to give the finalists six weeks to create their design concepts and submit them. The selection panel would be determinedearly 2021. Thepanelwould review the three finalists’ concepts. The Commission would set an installation date later. VI.PAC WORKPLAN VII.OTHER BUSINESS Update on Ashland sign re-location The Ashland sign at Exit 14 was damaged by a car accident the year before. A replacement sign was madeand would be installed in another area on Ashland Street.The Commissiondecided to relocateitto the third island on Ashland Street just after the railroad overpass. VII. ELECTION OF OFFICERS - Pursuant to AMC 2.10.050 “At its first meeting following the appointment or reappointment of members each year, the advisory commission or board shall elect a chair and a vice-chair who shall hold office at the pleasure of the advisory body.” The Commission supported Commissioner Stallman as the new Chair. Commissioner Fuhrmark nominated Commissioner Longshore to serve as Vice Chair. Both voteswere finalized with a show of hands and passed unanimously. VIII.ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:43a.m. Ashland Public Arts Commission September 18, 2020 Page 2of 2 B. Selection Panel. A selection panel, separate from the Public Art Commission, consisting of art professionals and enthusiasts, residents near the proposed site, community members, and city administrators will be chosen to evaluate the proposals received from artists. A different selection panel shall be chosen for each project by the Commission after the following notifications have been made: 1. An ad is placed in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, 2. Postcards are sent out to all property owners located within 300 feet of the proposed site, and 3. The Commission shall pick the Selection Panel by examining applications received from interested parties.