HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-11-16 Public Arts PACKET PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING November 16, 2018 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER: 8:00 AM, Siskiyou Room, 51 Winburn Way II. INTRODUCTIONS III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Public Arts Commission regular meeting of October 19, 2018 IV.PUBLIC FORUM Business from the audience not included on the agenda. V. AD-HOC COMMITTEE UPDATES A. Public Arts Commission-Historic Commission meeting of October 17, 2018 B. Public Arts Commission-Historic Commission meeting of October 31, 2018 VI.COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT Councilor Jensen VII. PROJECT UPDATES Historic Markers Project - or Marking Ashland Places (MAP) - Update VIII. PAC WORKPLAN IX. DISCUSSION X. ADJOURNMENT Calendar th November 30 Strategic Planning Meeting st December 21 next meeting In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). B ASHLAND PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES - DRAFT October 19, 2018 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Friend called the meeting to order at 8:02 a.m. in the Siskiyou Room, 51 Winburn Way. Commissioners Present: Staff Present: Dana Bussell Fotini Kaufman, Assistant Planner Sandra Friend Thomas Fuhrmark Richard Newman Allison Renwick Andy Stallman Absent Members: Council Liaison: Stanley Smith Stephen Jensen APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Public Arts Commission regular meeting of September 21, 2018 Commissioners Stallman/Newman m/s to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting September 21, 2018. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed. INTRODUCTIONS Mike Morrison Lighting settings for Velocity Public Works Superintendent Mike Morrison presented a video of the lighting settings for Velocity. The sculpture was sturdy and would withstand vandalism. The Commission opted for a smooth transition when the lights changed. They would leave the lighting on 24-hours a day for six months then reevaluate timing. PUBLIC FORUM - None COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT Councilor Jensen reported on the on the City by visiting various households. He went on to provide an overview of the recent City Council Meeting. PROJECT UPDATES Allison Historic Markers Project Commissioner Renwick updated the Commission on potential funding options. She spoke to the Andrew-Lefevre design firm who may create the markers. There was potential to utilize local artists and foundries. She clarified the hub sculpture would be contemporary, site specific and historically themed. The plaques would represent the location where they were installed. Sandy - Financial commitment for HM project The Beautification project allocated $11,000 to the Historic Commission that possibly were no longer available. Chair Friend intended on whether Public Arts Commission funds could be used to match Ashland Public Arts Commission October 19, 2018 Page 1 of 2 funds from the Historic Commission. The City Council would have to approve utilizing the funds for the Historic Markers Project. She thought the funds from both Commissions should cover the markers and the hub sculpture for more flexibility. Commissioners Friend/Stallman m/s to agree to partner with the Historic Commission on the Historic Markers Project and to recommend matching Public Arts Commission funds this year not more than $15,000 contingent on Historic Commission matching that amount. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed. PAC WORK PLAN New date for Strategic Planning meeting The Commission agreed to meet November 30, 2018 at 8:00 a.m. the Siskiyou Room. DISCUSSION ITEMS - None ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:52 a.m. ANNOUNCEMENTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Velocity Dedication: November 7, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. Next meeting: November 16, 2018, at 8:00 a.m. Strategic Planning Meeting: November 30, 2018 at 8:00 a.m. Submitted by, Fotini Kaufman Assistant Planner Ashland Public Arts Commission October 19, 2018 Page 2 of 2 PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION / HISTORIC COMMISSION JOINT COMMITTEE MEETING October 17, 2018 MINUTES PAC Commissioners Present:Staff Present: Sandra FriendFotini Kaufman, Assistant Planner Allison Renwick Stanley Smith Andy Stallman HC Commissioners Present: Piper Von Chamier Keith Swink Bill Emery I.INTRODUCTIONS II.APPROVAL OF MINUTES-None Business from the audience not included on the agenda. III.PUBLIC FORUM PROJECT UPDATES IV. DISCUSSION V. Review of Historic Marker Masterplan–Allison Review project description/ modify as needed need to finalize “The Project” & “Project Intent” so RFP work can commence need to decide & describe how closely the hub should relate to the spokes (info & visually) Spokes should focus more on historic significance/ HUB on contemporary sculpture? RFQ versus RFP: plaques probably an RFP … sculptures TBD Discussion of project goals Collaboration with commissions very positive –need to set good examplefor others Need to get this on the fast track so RFP’s can go outand take advantage of funds available Need to then get competitive pricing fromAndrews/ LaFevre &local artists Start with 4 plaques (sites TBD) before Hub to take advantage of budget cycle Are there other options besides plaques? (bike rack, bench) need to consider other options besides QR codes Discussion of Funding Victoria Law (Ashland Recycled Furniture) was receptive to funding plaque idea Ray Kistler should be approached on same topic(B St./ Water St.) PAC matching funds with HC on portions of the .3% TOT for spokes Hub sculptures to come from PAC funding& not dependent on budget cycle Need to identify cost per plaque and budget for 4 plaques initially ($1.5 –$2.5K?) Budget cycle ends 6/30/19 so we need to spend allotment prior or we lose it Year 2 would be handled differently –submit into the budget proposal Possibility of an ArtAuction for funding? Grants? Short term assignments for all (before next meeting) We need a project name visit all spoke sites/ get a feel for what could go there and how/ historic content Long term jobs needing assignment: Site design (Piper?) Gather historic info on sites (Terry?) Research property sites –what can legally be installed Talk withspoke site property owners & Public Works with ideas Research Sculpture costs (e.g. Fire Station 2 sculpture was $15K) Web site development Research grant writing and other ways to finance Once RFP complete –take it to local artists (Andy?) Determine “who” will install spoke pieces Set regular meeting times–bi-weekly suggested Next meeting Weds. 10/31/18 9:00 am VI.ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION / HISTORIC COMMISSION JOINT COMMITTEE MEETING October 31, 2018 MINUTES PAC Commissioners Present: Staff Present: Allison Renwick Fotini Kaufman, Assistant Planner Stanley Smith Andy Stallman HC Commissioners Present: Beverly Hovenkamp Terry Skibby I.CALL TO ORDER: 9:00 AM, Lithia Room, 51 Winburn Way II. INTRODUCTIONS Designate minute-taker for meetings III. PUBLIC FORUM Business from the audience not included on the agenda. IV.DISCUSSION Project name ideas Marking Ashland Places (MAP) Plaza as primary hub Map to spokes? History on a stick? Web site developed to present history walks RF ID Chip active/passive? Stanley will research tech RR hub site possibilities Relationship of hub to spokes Same or separate designers for markers? Plaques by same studio/artist in each district for continuity? HC take responsibility for the historic theme of plaques PAC take responsibility for art Both commissions weigh in on elements RFP v. RFQ Budget HC needs to put in budget request for markers Need to Include installation costs 11-15K set aside for HC designation RR district: sites and their marker types plaques should be conceptualized before artist works on the sculpture so they can include historical elements into the theme and included in the RFP Consider public sidewalks primarily (avoiding property issues) Sites selected: Haskins Old Depot Site stnd Chinatown (A St. between 1 & 2) Twin Plunges Cemetery V. ASSIGNMENTS Need to research other cities and costs Installation estimates Other studios/foundries? VI. ADJOURNMENT